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06-18-2012, 04:41 PM
Syria....from what i see that the people are trapped there, its full known that saudi backs its wahhabi groups to go into syria, with armed support from qatar, KSA, turkey, jordan and israel. Not all oppostion groups have this tough, they're not all the same as we see clearly that there are divisions. Syria assad forces are brutal as well, when syria occupied libanon they oppressed the libanese and this is a fact, but i dont think they're behind all massacres, USA is just power hungry and wants to wage another war for their zionist brothers, so syria will be alot weakened also. This will immediately spark iran's anger, hence the british and american ships in the persian gulf, now waiting for the USS enterprise.

I see a major war coming up in the middle east and only time will tell if it ends up good or bad.

King Abdullah from Saudi arabia is already in intensive care, also he hasnt much longer anymore, i think turmoil is about to happen soon there.

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06-18-2012, 04:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Mindset
Syria....from what i see that the people are trapped there, its full known that saudi backs its wahhabi groups to go into syria, with armed support from qatar, KSA, turkey, jordan and israe
Actually you've it all wrong. Assad is backed by Russia and China against his people and he has Alwaites in the air force shooting down so I don't see where you're coming up with the wahabbis going here and there. No one is going here and there except those exterminating the sunnis of Syria period!

06-18-2012, 05:02 PM
here's two war ships from Russia to Asad:

روسيا ترسل سفينتين حربيتين لسوريا

حاملة طائرات روسية في ميناء طرطوس مطلع العام الجاري (الأوروبية)

قالت وكالة إنترفاكس الروسية للأنباء اليوم الاثنين إن روسيا تستعد لإرسال سفينتين حربيتين وقوات من مشاة البحرية إلى سوريا لحماية رعاياها ونقل معدات من ميناء طرطوس حيث القاعدة الروسية البحرية الوحيدة في البحر الأبيض المتوسط.

ونقلت إنترفاكس عن مسؤول -طلب عدم الكشف عن هويته- في هيئة أركان البحرية أن "سفينتي إنزال كبيرتين هما نيكولاي فلتشنكوف وتسيزار كونيكوف تستعدان للتحرك إلى طرطوس خارج إطار برنامجهما".
وأضافت الوكالة أن سفينة تسيزار كونيكوف يمكن أن تنقل 150 عنصرا من قوات الإنزال ومعدات أخرى من بينها دبابات، بينما تستطيع نيكولاي فلتشنكوف أن تنقل حتى 1500 طن من الحمولة والمعدات".

ولم يصدر أي تاكيد رسمي من البحرية أو من وزارة الدفاع الروسية، لكن الوكالة نقلت تقريرها عن مسؤول لم تسمه في قيادة القوات البحرية.
وهذه هي المرة الأولى التي ترسل فيها روسيا قوات إضافية إلى سوريا منذ بدء الثورة المطالبة بإسقاط النظام ومحاكمة الرئيس بشار الأسد.
وكانت روسيا قد أكدت أكثر من مرة أنها لن توقف شحنات الأسلحة إلى سوريا، كما أبدت واشنطن قلقها من تقارير تشير إلى أن موسكو ترسل مروحيات هجومية إلى دمشق واتهمتها بالكذب بشأن شحنات الأسلحة.
يذكر أن روسيا مع الصين عطلتا قرارين من مجلس الأمن بشأن سوريا، كما أن روسيا لا تزال تسبغ حمايتها على النظام في سوريا بمواجهة أي تدخل دولي لوقف العنف الذي حصد حسب عدة مصادر 14 ألف قتيل منذ بدء الاحتجاجات.


so again, no 'wahabis' involved.. All that will happen is that he will and wants to exterminate Muslims and the west wants that for him too and China and Russia are helping him meet that goal and if his rebel army gets strong enough to take down their air force I guarantee that's when those nations not making their true intentions known will then send in their NATO forces to save the day, i.e save it from falling to 'Islamists' I think you've been watching the arrivals and believe that tid bit about Syria being the only place that stood against Israel. It is Persian Safavid B.S.. I hope you can filter through the crap I know you're a recent convert and it is difficult to at times especially when something seems so openly convincing and the words are pretty.. Who argues against AhmadineJad's words to the U.N assembly who wouldn't buy into it? Persians share a very similar agenda to Israelis .. and if you see that Israel is more troubled by an ailing country like Egypt than a big one like Iran should really clue you in as to why...


06-18-2012, 05:40 PM

USA has willing to invade syria for a long time, for what? for full spectrum dominance. i am well aware of the iranian hypocrites along with hezbollah. But dont choose one side, rather take a look at both sides. Search the tactics of ''divide and conquer'' and other such tactics.

The leader of the SNC was reportedly at the bilderberg conference of 2012, also meeting with nato allies in istanbul. Look at libya, has it become worse or better? 2 weeks ago there were 23 killed by militia groups fighting each other, and now the NTC is raped by the rothchild banking system. The ''benghazi bank'' is indeed a rothchild backed one.

After 9/11, USA wanted to invade libya, iraq, afghanistan, Sudan, Iran and Syria. Be aware of the chessboards game played here, this is shaytaan winning more souls into hellfire.

Al-assad is bad a secular pig, but what about the wahhabi groups, they're not mujahideen, they're a disgrace for the ummah. I don't say every oppostion group is like that, but truth is recieving arms from zionst-backed governments and israel those groups have lost my trust and i can only wait for the end if the results are bad or good. Verily, Allah changes the condition of the people only when they change themselves.

My vision isnt narrow when it comes to these matters, really. I know Iran is bad, 70,000 jews out of isfahan will follow dajjal, hezbollah is a hypocrite and only attacks when they're attacked, even though they get attacked all the time lol. This the destabilization of governments sis, supporting both sides, let them fight out and invade like you are the ''superhero aka the US'' The same tactic was used in libya, yugoslavia and yemen.

Look who accepted them: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syrian_National_Council

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06-18-2012, 05:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Mindset


And they didn't deny that they support the FSA with arms, infact its coming from the horse's mouth:


Are you against arming the rebels when Russia and China not to mention iran is providing the regime with nuclear style weaponry to be used against civilians? Are you actually pro the regime killing sunnis? I don't understand? furthermore are you comparing a lousy speech and a few men with beaten weapons to three super powers arming a kaffir regime against civilians?

06-18-2012, 06:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال

Are you against arming the rebels when Russia and China not to mention iran is providing the regime with nuclear style weaponry to be used against civilians? Are you actually pro the regime killing sunnis? I don't understand? furthermore are you comparing a lousy speech and a few men with beaten weapons to three super powers arming a kaffir regime against civilians?
Oh no way i'm not denying that and i think thats horrible. But i'm just worried that the free syrian army wants to seek alliance iwth NATO while the qu'ran strictly forbade that. i dont say all jews or christians but the jewish- christan alliance

this is really what bothers me you know, and i can really understand borthers and sisters that they dont support the jihad against the syrian gov. I really hope, that when the west invades that they will get the same treatment as in iraq Insha'Allah...And yes i'm against the arming of those rebels by the same ones who devastated somalia, palestine, yemen, iraq, afghanistan, vietnam, and the last khilafah.

(3) O you who believe! take not the jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers), they are but Auliya' of each other. And if any amongst you takes them (as Auliya'), then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong-doers and unjust).
( سورة المائدة , Al-Maeda, Chapter #5, Verse #51)


06-18-2012, 06:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Mindset
Oh no way i'm not denying that and i think thats horrible. But i'm just worried that the free syrian army wants to seek alliance iwth NATO while the qu'ran strictly forbade that. i dont say all jews or christians but the jewish- christan alliance
They're not seeking such a thing I assure you.. and the Muslims have forgotten of them completely.. As they chant lana Allah while we watch on like it is some horror flick.. the least we can do is offer our du3a if nothing else not criticize what we fear. What we should fear is their complete extermination which is what's actually happening.


06-18-2012, 06:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال
They're not seeking such a thing I assure you.. and the Muslims have forgotten of them completely.. As they chant lana Allah while we watch on like it is some horror flick.. the least we can do is offer our du3a if nothing else not criticize what we fear. What we should fear is their complete extermination which is what's actually happening.

It could be also that the west lies about the arming of the mujahids, so they can invade themselves. That they have allies there, i remember a vid when opposition groups chanted ''death to israel, death to israel''. Thats what made me have a bit hopefull. but i fear the syrians will be more killed when the United snakes of america invades. But you and i can't deny that there are dirty hands enflaming this conflict to pave the way for an invasion. Russia is sending helicopters, turkey is arming anti-tank rockets. 15,000 syrians have died already, when a war unleashes there its gonna be very ugly. Al-assad has Scud rockets and such, he will launch it everywhere as possible.

06-18-2012, 06:18 PM
btw those Africans you were upset about before being kicked out of Libya are now being employed by NATO to fight against the mujahidin there. They simply said they don't want an Islamic up-rise so we have to collectively know that the tyrant regimes everywhere are supported by a more tyrant regime we're in for a thick and heavy fight ahead because the despots are/were mere puppets there's a huge grip behind that which needs to be removed still and probably the more painful and difficult one to remove. The one which will take more sweat blood and tears unfortunately.
They say you want a revolution a 'free and democratic' election.. sure have it.. it is all about new faces but the same system. The same way it works in their world. Where they live under the delusion that they have a choice, when they want to police the world to the benefit of a handful few.. Even the current economic crisis everywhere they're behind it a few Zionist schmucks puppeteer the entire world. And there's only one thing standing in their way and it is an ideological fight.
It has been since the fall of communism. Islam is the only thing standing in the way. You must look at it from every corner and collectively. The way Malaysia for instance was trying to employ an Islamic banking system and it was going to work and involve regional nations and it was going to be a contender so they send their George Soros to play with the stock Market to bring the whole thing under.. They plan and plan and have very intricate designs on their grip over the world. What they'd like to have, how they'd like to control it and we're busy looking at such small things that are meaningless.. Completely meaningless in face of this huge, massive war launched against Islam!

06-18-2012, 06:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Mindset
It could be also that the west lies about the arming of the mujahids, so they can invade themselves. That they have allies there, i remember a vid when opposition groups chanted ''death to israel, death to israel''. Thats what made me have a bit hopefull. but i fear the syrians will be more killed when the United snakes of america invades. But you and i can't deny that there are dirty hands enflaming this conflict to pave the way for an invasion. Russia is sending helicopters, turkey is arming anti-tank rockets. 15,000 syrians have died already, when a war unleashes there its gonna be very ugly. Al-assad has Scud rockets and such, he will launch it everywhere as possible.
They'll wait until it is another Bosnia once the people are thoroughly exterminated and a handful gains control they'll enter to make sure they take the credit as the good guy and ensure no Islamic revival..
Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War)[8:30]

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Waith yamkuru bika allatheena kafaroo liyuthbitooka aw yaqtulooka aw yukhrijooka wayamkuroona wayamkuru Allahu waAllahu khayru almakireena
8:30 Remember how the Unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds, or slay thee, or get thee out (of thy home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans; but the best of planners is Allah.

we the Sunni Muslims of the Arab world aren't stupid though.. we're weak and largely ineffectual but we actually get the game being played.. So their best bet is to imprison us some, bribe some, kill some etc. and through the rest into civil unrest and division because they're idiots and don't get it!

06-18-2012, 06:33 PM
Yes we are and we can only pray for these times of turmoil and corruption to dissappear. It might even become worse and i think it will. There is a reason they want to create the WW3 right there in the middle east, to destroy islam. Israel has been put there for the trigger. Look what albert pike a 33 degree mason has to say:


The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. ''

although he was right about the first wars, i've something to say that Allah is the best of planners and that those masons and zionists will be destroyed Insha'Allah . But its gonna get bloody. israel's ally, india might go in attack modus also. Everything for dajjal right?

We're about to see times coming of very great hardships and after that victories. It will be made in such a way that israel needs ''justification''to launch these wars, to dont appear as the aggressor in the eyes of the westerners, secularists and so forth. They cant fool the muslims with that. But with other tactics like divide and conquer they can

06-30-2012, 12:15 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال
Actually you've it all wrong. Assad is backed by Russia and China against his people and he has Alwaites in the air force shooting down so I don't see where you're coming up with the wahabbis going here and there. No one is going here and there except those exterminating the sunnis of Syria period!

The Syrian army is composed of all sects !

The zionists also used that same lie - ghdaffi was booming his people from the air ( later too be proven lies again )

The whaBBi sect which has been arguably created by the west as they have funded , armed and backed the Saudis are indeed fuelling this violence ,

06-30-2012, 12:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال
here's two war ships from Russia to Asad:


so again, no 'wahabis' involved..
Cough !!! Errmmm. Apart from the 160 million put up too pay for the mercenaries ( errm I mean so called freedom fighters )fighting against the Syrian army ?

Or how Saudi have said they will arm the opposition ?

? Which part did you miss that Saudi is possibly the biggest outside funder of the rebels/aqueda ?

format_quote Originally Posted by منوة الخيال
I think you've been watching the arrivals and believe that tid bit about Syria being the only place that stood against Israel. It is Persian Safavid B.S..

It's a fact that the only Muslim opposition apart from the palastians has been Syria , Iran and Hezbollah

It may not always be military opposition but these 3 groups have refused to bow down too Zionist satanic pressure!

Can the same be said with your Saudi friends ? Who think its fine building kfcs , mcdonalds on the door step of masjid Harram ???

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