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View Full Version : Why aren't religious innovations repented from???

11-26-2012, 07:36 PM
What was intended by the Ulema [Scholars] when they said,"that the innovation is not repented from'?
The hadeeth of Anas [radhiya Allahu anhu] that he said that Messenger of Allah [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam] said, "indeed Allah placed a barrier between the taubah of every companion of innovation." [This is the expression found in Tabraani and Bayhaqi and the hadeeth is Thaabit and authenticated by Shaykh Albaani in his Saheehah]. Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah said: "and the meaning of their statement: the bid'ah is not repented from and the Innovator is he who took his deen from what Allah NEVER legislated NOR His Messenger [sallallahu alayhi wa sallam] and his evil actions[based on innovations] have been adorned for him so he sees it as something good so he never repents as long as he sees it as [something] good and that is because THE BEGINNING OF TAUBAH IS KNOWLEDGE THAT HIS ACTION IS INDEED EVIL WHICH NECESSITATES THAT IT IS REPENTED FROM so as long as he sees his actions [of innovations] are good [but] in reality it is an evil affair then he wont repent" [Majmoo Fatawa 11/685] And Imaam Ahmad Bin Hanbal was asked about the meaning of the hadeeth of Anas [radhiya Allahu Anhu]: "Indeed Allah has placed a barrier between the Taubah..." so he said, "He will not stop nor will it be easy for him to make taubah"

[the orgin of what was mentioned above is found in the fatawa of ibn taymiyyah [rahimahullah] and the hadeeth with the wording was from Tabraani and Bayhaqi which Shaykh Albaani [rahimahullah] authenticated in his saheehah on the authority of Anas [radhiya Allahu anhu], it was extracted from a small risaalah entitled Naqhul Kalaam Al-Muqni'ee Fee Sifati Taubah Al-Mubtadi'ee prepared by Abee Sufyaan Az-Zaylaa'ee Az-Zubayree pg.28]

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