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View Full Version : Jewish maids & the killing of young infants in KSA

12-23-2012, 06:22 PM
سر الخادمات اليهوديات وعلاقتهن بجرائم القتل في السعودية
الأحد 23 ديسمبر 2012

مفكرة الاسلام: فجَّرت الخادمة الإثيوبية المتهمة بالشروع بقتل الفتاة وئام وأمها بمدينة ينبع مفاجأة عندما اعترفت بأنها من مدينة تدعى "كوتاجا" وأن 90% من سكان هذه المدينة يهود، وأن مكاتب الاستقدام هناك تغيِّر الديانة من اليهودية إلى الإسلام حتى يتاح للخادمات القدوم إلى السعودية.
وروت الخادمة خلال لقاء معها أجراه برنامج الثامنة أمس على قناة MBC تفاصيل محاولتها قتل وئام ووالدتها مستخدمة السلاح الأبيض.
وقالت الخادمة الإثيوبية: "الأب والأم ووئام كانوا يجلسون سويًّا، وكنت أجهز الغداء وطلب مني تسخين الخبز، ولكن وئام قالت لي: اسكتي أنا أسخن الخبز واصمتي لا تتحدثين معي".
وأضافت: "أخذت هذا الموقف في نفسي، وبعد أن تناولوا طعام الغداء ثم ناموا، وبينما كنت أغسل دورة المياه كنت أفكر بما جرى، آلمني الموقف كثيرًا، فأخذت السكينة وحاولت قطع رقبة "وئام"، وأثناء صراخها جاءت الأم فدفعتها أرضًا".
وأشارت إلى أن أم وئام عرضت عليها نقودًا فقالت: "لا أريد نقودًا ولكن لماذا تتعاملون معي هكذا؟، ماذا صنعت بكم؟ حينها ضربت الأم بالسكين، وبعد ذلك وصلت الشرطة".
وكانت أم وئام قد قصت خلال الحلقة نفسها أنها انتبهت على استغاثة ابنتها، وعندما دخلت دفعت الخادمة عن ابنتها والتي انقضت عليها بالسكين وطعنتها عدة طعنات قبل أن تخرج وئام وهي تنزف من رقبتها وتستنجد بجار لهم تمكن من السيطرة على الخادمة، وطلب الشرطة


After the killing of a Saudi woman & her infant child it was discovered that the maid is is Ethiopian where the office changes the religion from Jewish to Muslim to gain entry into KSA. She killed the baby with a knife to her neck and did the same with her mother..
I must admit I am appalled at the need for maids by the rich, and I unfortunately have members of my family who do the same and in the end discover the maids aren't at all what they say they're in the application. My cousin hired a maid who said she was single and Muslim, turns out she was christian and widowed & with a child, he felt bad for her condition so they kept her, and I find that wrong on many levels from both parties. But if you're going to let Jews in the country who obviously intend you harm, who in this case can be blamed but the person himself?



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12-29-2012, 04:13 AM
الإثيوبية قاتلة كفيلها: كانوا يتلون القرآن كثيرًا وكنت أتضايق بشدة
الجمعة 28 ديسمبر 2012

مفكرة الاسلام: كشفت زيارة قام بها وفد نسائي من "هيئة حقوق الإنسان" بمنطقة مكة المكرمة للإثيوبية قاتلة كفيلها السعودي في سجن بريمان بجدة، عن سر إقدامها على ارتكاب هذه الجريمة.
وأخبرت العاملة المنزلية الإثيوبية واسمها "سعادة" الوفدَ النسائي من هيئة حقوق الإنسان بمنطقة مكة المكرمة بتفاصيل مثيرة عن حياتها الشخصية وأسباب ارتكابها جريمتها، مؤكدة أن كثرة تلاوة أفراد الأسرة للقرآن في المنزل كانت تثير ضجرها وهي أحد أسباب ارتكابها للجريمة.
وقالت "سعادة" للوفد في سجن "بريمان" بجدة إنهم: "كانوا يقرأون القرآن كثيراً خصوصا سور تبارك والكهف والبقرة، وكنت أتضايق بشدة من سماع صوت هذا القرآن يتلى في المنزل".
ورفضت الإجابة عن سؤال وفد الهيئة إن كانت مسلمة كما هو مسجل في جواز سفرها والتزمت الصمت.
وحول تفاصي الجريمة، روت "سعادة" أن "الرجل كان نائما ودخلت عليه وضربت رأسه بكرسي، ثم انهلت عليه مرات عدة بميزان قياس الوزن حتى تهشم فأخذت مكواة وضربته بمقدمتها، ثم أحضرت سكيناً وطعنته 20 مرة".
وأضافت: "عندما خرجت من غرفته رحت أكسر محتويات المنزل، ففوجئت بالطفلين، فأخذت المكواة مجدداً وهممت بضربهما فاحتمى أحدهما بغرفته وأغلق الباب، فيما تمكنت من ضرب الآخر الذي راح يصرخ (مجنونة)، ثم أفلت وهرب إلى بيت عمه المجاور".
هذا وقد غادر أمس الطفل "عبدالهادي" المستشفى الخاص الذي كان يتلقى فيه العلاج جراء الإصابات التي لحقته نتيجة اعتداء العاملة الإثيوبية عليه بعد تحسن حالته، ليكمل علاجه تحت الملاحظة المنزلية والأدوية المنومة في منزل عمه.


The Jewish maid told human rights groups that went to visit her that the frequent recitations of the Quran in the house is what drove her crazy, she killed the father in a most vile way by smashing a chair on his head while he was sleeping, then using the sharp edge of an iron, then stabbed him 20 times with a knife she proceeded with the children and mother the same way but one wounded child Abdulwahaab managed to escape to his uncle's house..

sob7an Allah..


12-29-2012, 06:17 PM
Assalamu Alaikum

Unfortunately, this is something that's becoming very common. Another recent report was about a young girl getting beheaded by the maid while both of her parents were out at work. I also hear stories about black magic being used on the host family. I agree with you about rich people having maids around, it's just not right... A few weeks ago at the mall, I saw a maid pushing a baby stroller while the couple walked behind her... I was just thinking seriously?? You can't even push your own child's stroller?? It's really sad. I also believe some maids are mistreated due to language barriers or simply because they are seen as inferior. Allahu a'lem.

fi aman allah

12-29-2012, 06:48 PM
Some indeed are mistreated and some are taken in as charity.. I think it is an individual thing. But I find it most absurd when the mother isn't a working mother and isn't sick or disabled in anyway and yet has a maid. I see it here in the U.S too although they're not live in but baby sitters- if the mother isn't working why does she need a drop your daughter from school pick her up play with her sitter? What is so important in their lives really? I say this and have members in my family with maids and I totally don't agree with it, it is like a status thing.

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12-29-2012, 09:17 PM
It's highly possible the maid was mistreated. If I was a servant and mistreated, I would probably go crazy too and give my employer a good thrashing.

Has there been any trial?

12-29-2012, 09:38 PM
Assalamu Alaikum,

It is possible, but sometimes the maid is treated very nicely and she will still do something crazy. Maybe some of these maids suffer from some kind of psychological issues that were never taken care of back home, and therefore these issues manifest into something violent and sadistic. It's a little scary.

That's not to say all maids are like this, of course, but there are cases!

fi aman allah

12-29-2012, 10:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by GuestFellow
It's highly possible the maid was mistreated. If I was a servant and mistreated, I would probably go crazy too and give my employer a good thrashing.

Has there been any trial?
she wasn't.. she plain said, she didn't like listening to the Quran and that they'd it in the house all the time..
Sr. Charisma is probably right, she had a psychological disorder, since I refuse to believe that it is frank malicious hatred toward Muslims which in all likelihood is what it is!


12-30-2012, 12:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by شَادِنُ

she wasn't.. she plain said, she didn't like listening to the Quran and that they'd it in the house all the time..


I'm skeptical. She may have been told to say that. Until there has been a fair trial, I'm not entirely sure what to believe.

I'm still open to the fact that her extreme hatred towards Islam might have driven her to kill the Muslim family, the trigger being the recitation of the Qur'an. She does not necessarily have to suffer from a mental illness. Hatred can be sufficient to commit murder.

Hmmm I wonder why she was given access to human rights groups...sounds unusual.

12-30-2012, 12:37 AM
what is this happeningggg :heated:

12-30-2012, 12:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by GuestFellow
I'm skeptical. She may have been told to say that. Until there has been a fair trial, I'm not entirely sure what to believe.
she said that to human rights watch per article not to the court system.
And 'Human rights' are everywhere to wreak havoc on Muslims and make others the victim so it isn't unusual that they'd go there make a sob story out of her life!

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