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View Full Version : New anti-islam ads in NY subways, now its to evident...

02-03-2013, 01:45 PM
War on terror? What a joke, i think this is evident that this is a war on islam when you look at this ads being permitted because its 'freedom of speech'

Anti-Islam Subway Ads By Pamela Geller Feature Exploding World Trade Center, Quote From The Quran (PHOTO)

New York City's resident Islamophobe is back with yet another anti-Islam subway ad. Pamela Geller's latest features a photo of the World Trade Center exploding in flames next to a quote from the Quran that reads, “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers.”

When Geller last bought ad space in he NYC underground, New Yorkers didn't react too kindly. Nearly all of the signs-- which read "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad"-- were vandalized.

As a result, The Observer reports Geller doubled her ad buy this time, and that "the new ads will be plastered across at least 50 different locations."

"I refuse to abridge my free speech so as to appease savages," she said.

Additionally, Geller's latest bout of vitriol will come with a MTA disclaimer:


"A cost of opening our ad space to a variety of viewpoints on matters of public concern is that we cannot readily close that space to certain advertisements on account of their expression of divisive or even venomous messages,” the MTA stated at the time of the "savages" ad. “The answer to distasteful and uncivil speech is more, and more civilized, speech.”

he MTA had previously rejected Geller's "savages" ad, saying that signs, according to the Associated Press, "should not demean individuals or groups based on race, religion or other protected categories."

Geller sued over the rejection and a judge ruled that the MTA standards violated the First Amendment.

Geller's ads are paid for by American Freedom Defense Initiative, the umbrella organization for the Stop Islamization of America, which has been designated by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.

(You may also remember Geller from her role in the "Ground Zero Mosque" non-controversy.)

Check out some of her other signs below. Also, check out a sign made in response to Geller's. (to view them you should click the link)

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/1 ... 95864.html



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02-04-2013, 03:56 AM
I have given up on trying to help anyone see what Islam truly is...if people want to believe it is a religion of evil woman beating savages and such, then let them...Can't fix ignorance and certainly cannot win against the machine known as media/political propaganda.

02-04-2013, 04:11 AM

Like they say "any press is good press." Allah works in mysterious ways, and no amount of conspiracies of the kuffar can block His plan. What she's doing is only creating free publicity of Islam. As the Qur'an itself mentions, the wise seek knowledge. Similarly, people who are wise to separate right from wrong will only be interested in knowing even more about this "barbaric" religion. They will buy the Qur'an, and inshaAllah Allah will shower his guidance upon the blessed ones, upon those whom He chooses. The crap against Islam doesn't bother me anymore. The people who just believe what they see on hoardings or BBC/CNN are just too miserable by themselves, and their opinion about Islam is as irrelevant as it gets.

Whenever there has been open expression of hatred towards Islam, the number of reverts have seen a rise. I had seen an article a few months ago when that movie insulting Rasoolullah :saws: was creating a stir in the Muslim world. According to that article, ever since that incident, the sales in Islamic book stores in the UK multiplied by 6 times.

These things shouldn't bother us anymore. Fear has always been used as a weapon against the rise of Islam. Even the Quraysh used it during Rasoolullah's :saws: time to evade people from adding to Islam's strength.

وَمَكَرُوا وَمَكَرَ اللَّهُ ۖ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ
And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah.
Surah # 3 - Surah Ale' Imran - Verse 54

Fee Amanillah

02-10-2013, 07:14 AM
Good topic here.

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02-10-2013, 08:03 AM
The correct and complete translation of Ali Imran: 151

"We will enter into the hearts of the unbelievers fear, because they associate God with something that God Himself did not lose the information about it. Place them back is hell, and that's the worst of residence of people who do wrong"

(We in this verse is Allah)

Compare with the quoted verse in the billboard. Look, how they cut and change this verse to make Islam look bad.

02-10-2013, 10:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
The correct and complete translation of Ali Imran: 151

"We will enter into the hearts of the unbelievers fear, because they associate God with something that God Himself did not lose the information about it. Place them back is hell, and that's the worst of residence of people who do wrong"

(We in this verse is Allah)

Compare with the quoted verse in the billboard. Look, how they cut and change this verse to make Islaam look bad.

It's not just the translation that is incomplete but they are quoting it in the wrong context.

How evil these people are to attribute to Islaam a crime they themselves perpertrated.

It's not enough for them to have been responsible for that atrocity.

But to continue to use that event to try to damage the name of Islaam and brainwash the public into hating Islaam.

Evil Shayateen!

May the curse of Allaah be upon them.

02-11-2013, 01:18 AM
This is not the first time I found some people 'twist' Qur'an to make Islam look bad.

02-11-2013, 01:39 AM
i think the way america works is literally if your not with them your against them.

and they will do anything to get you with them.

even if its not in your best interests.

dont we all?

incidentally iv not read a single thread about the drone applications in america, a lot of people seem worried on other non religious boards.


the world turns.
maybe the next lot will do better.


the world is what you make it.

although most people just jump into anything.

02-11-2013, 09:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ali_008

Like they say "any press is good press." Allah works in mysterious ways, and no amount of conspiracies of the kuffar can block His plan. What she's doing is only creating free publicity of Islam. As the Qur'an itself mentions, the wise seek knowledge. Similarly, people who are wise to separate right from wrong will only be interested in knowing even more about this "barbaric" religion. They will buy the Qur'an, and inshaAllah Allah will shower his guidance upon the blessed ones, upon those whom He chooses. The crap against Islam doesn't bother me anymore. The people who just believe what they see on hoardings or BBC/CNN are just too miserable by themselves, and their opinion about Islam is as irrelevant as it gets.

Whenever there has been open expression of hatred towards Islam, the number of reverts have seen a rise. I had seen an article a few months ago when that movie insulting Rasoolullah :saws: was creating a stir in the Muslim world. According to that article, ever since that incident, the sales in Islamic book stores in the UK multiplied by 6 times.

These things shouldn't bother us anymore. Fear has always been used as a weapon against the rise of Islam. Even the Quraysh used it during Rasoolullah's :saws: time to evade people from adding to Islam's strength.

وَمَكَرُوا وَمَكَرَ اللَّهُ ۖ وَاللَّهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ
And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and Allah too planned, and the best of planners is Allah.
Surah # 3 - Surah Ale' Imran - Verse 54

Fee Amanillah

I disagree with some of what you've said.

Even though there might have been an increase in sales of Islamic books as you say, after that event, we shouldn't take use that as a concession to sit back and let people spread lies about our religion.

If we see blatant attempts like this to mislead the public and stir up religious hatred, we should complain to the relevant authorities.

This is a clear incitement of hatred against Islam by using an event which is very questionable.

There is no credible evidence to suggest that Muslims were behind that event.

While there is plenty of evidence to suggest it was orchestrated by the Zionists.

This is brainwashing.

I wonder if non Muslims would sit back and just ignore it if Muslims or people from any other faith released inflammatory propaganda like this?

If Muslims don't do something about it, very soon you'll start to see it get physical.

Maybe then people will wake up and realize the true extent of ad campaigns like this.

It's very easy to sit back and say that Allaah will deal with them. Of course, Allaah will deal with them.

But Allaah sent down this Deen and decreed that His help comes about through effort.

There's a lesson in that somewhere.

Urban Turban
02-11-2013, 10:19 AM

I for one agree with Ali_008, wasn't it Mufti Menk who rightly said to the people [paraphrasing] who say How could've Islam spread by the sword, as in the last decade there have been more number of reverts the ever in history and where have Muslims used the sword?

Just think post 9/11...

But fundoo thread man, its good to see they are breaking apart bit by bit :D its good to know they haven't learnt a thing since post 9/11 :p

02-12-2013, 12:29 AM
People seem to have skipped over a few parts of the article. Let me repeat one of them:

When Geller last bought ad space in he NYC underground, New Yorkers didn't react too kindly. Nearly all of the signs-- which read "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad"-- were vandalized.

Also, the board tried to not allow the ads, but legally they had to let them. The group doing this is in the minority of thought, and that is why the signs were vandalized and that is why they initially tried to stop this group from posting the ads.

There is no credible evidence to suggest that Muslims were behind that event.
If you believe this then you obviously have not read enough about it. You shouldn't get your news from internet conspiracy websites.

Don't fight ignorance by spreading more ignorance. What should happen is that another group should put up similar signs near these that are pro-Islam. If you think people are ignorant then teach them.

02-12-2013, 01:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mustafa2012
There is no credible evidence to suggest that Muslims were behind that event.
The hijackers in 9/11 event are Muslims.

02-12-2013, 01:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by titus
People seem to have skipped over a few parts of the article. Let me repeat one of them:

When Geller last bought ad space in he NYC underground, New Yorkers didn't react too kindly. Nearly all of the signs-- which read "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad"-- were vandalized.

Also, the board tried to not allow the ads, but legally they had to let them. The group doing this is in the minority of thought, and that is why the signs were vandalized and that is why they initially tried to stop this group from posting the ads.

If you believe this then you obviously have not read enough about it. You shouldn't get your news from internet conspiracy websites.

Don't fight ignorance by spreading more ignorance. What should happen is that another group should put up similar signs near these that are pro-Islam. If you think people are ignorant then teach them.
Ok thanks for pointing that out.

But the ad company that are allowing those ads to be posted are just as guilty as the publisher.

If Muslims dealt in interest and had the ability to create money at will as much as Jews do, they would have the big budgets that Jews do to advertise but since we don't we cannot afford to compete with them on that level.

As for 911, I've read enough about it to know that many experts in foreign policy and some major US intellectuals have all said that Mossad was behind it.

Search for "War by Deception", blog and video and "By Way of Deception" the book by Ostrovsky.

Read, watch, enjoy.

02-12-2013, 01:49 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
The hijackers in 9/11 event are Muslims.

Is that why some of the "dead" hijackers are still alive and well, living in the Middle East?

Honestly, some of you brothers need to stop believing everything you're fed by the Zionist media and start thinking for yourselves.

Please see the previous post.

02-12-2013, 03:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mustafa2012
If Muslims don't do something about it, very soon you'll start to see it get physical.

Maybe then people will wake up and realize the true extent of ad campaigns like this.

It's very easy to sit back and say that Allaah will deal with them. Of course, Allaah will deal with them.

But Allaah sent down this Deen and decreed that His help comes about through effort.
Nowhere did I suggest that we shouldn't take any action. My post was only implying that it was a stupid move by that person, because it will only create publicity. And if anyone is so dumb to believe anything written on a hoarding on a subway then they should be suing AXE for making false promises of magnetization of girls upon usage.

Muslims, regardless of propaganda against them, have to stand against deception and injustice. Muslims shouldn't tolerate such hatred towards any other religion either. Complaints should be made to the rightful authorities, and the culprit should be brought to trial as to how they dared to execute such an act in a "secular" country.

02-12-2013, 09:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ali_008

Nowhere did I suggest that we shouldn't take any action. My post was only implying that it was a stupid move by that person, because it will only create publicity. And if anyone is so dumb to believe anything written on a hoarding on a subway then they should be suing AXE for making false promises of magnetization of girls upon usage.

Muslims, regardless of propaganda against them, have to stand against deception and injustice. Muslims shouldn't tolerate such hatred towards any other religion either. Complaints should be made to the rightful authorities, and the culprit should be brought to trial as to how they dared to execute such an act in a "secular" country.
I'm sorry if I mis-understood you.

It's not about being dumb enough to believe anything written in a hoarding on a subway.

There are many innocent and simple minded people out there.

When an ad is published, it is usually accepted as a fact by the public, unless it is a clear humorous type of ad. This is the norm.

What these Zionists are doing here is clear manipulation and brainwashing of the public based on using incomplete ayaat of the Qur'aan in the wrong context.

The verse is displayed next to an image of a catastrophe (which has no connection to the verse they are using) which they themselves orchestrated and now are trying to use to turn the world against us to add insult to injury.

Most people are not aware of who was really behind it.

That doesn't make them stupid.

It just means that those that were involved in the big lie did a good job of fooling the masses.

02-14-2013, 01:05 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mustafa2012

If Muslims dealt in interest and had the ability to create money at will as much as Jews do, they would have the big budgets that Jews do to advertise but since we don't we cannot afford to compete with them on that level.

As for 911, I've read enough about it to know that many experts in foreign policy and some major US intellectuals have all said that Mossad was behind it.
From what I gather the ads were in about 50 locations, and run about $100. I am pretty sure there are Muslims in New York with about $5000 to spend to combat these posters. It doesn't take a "rich Jew" to be able to afford it.

And does anyone else see the irony of someone railing against religious bigotry by blaming everything on Jews?

And what major US intellectuals are you referring to when it comes to saying that Mossad was behind it?

02-14-2013, 01:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by titus
From what I gather the ads were in about 50 locations, and run about $100. I am pretty sure there are Muslims in New York with about $5000 to spend to combat these posters. It doesn't take a "rich Jew" to be able to afford it.

And does anyone else see the irony of someone railing against religious bigotry by blaming everything on Jews?

And what major US intellectuals are you referring to when it comes to saying that Mossad was behind it?
I would have thought it cost a lot more than what you're quoting and yes, maybe Muslims should spend money to counter them.

I don't see where I've blamed everything on Jews, even though there are many other evil things they have been behind and still are like the occupation of Palestine for e.g.

I don't have anything against Jews in general because there are many Jews that don't have extremist Zionist type views like some orthodox Jews.

However the Zionist's hatred against us goes back to when our Prophet was chosen for Prophet hood.

The Jews wanted to be the ones to receive the Prophet hood.

Since then they've had this jealousy and hatred for Muslims and even tried many times to assassinate The Prophet Muhammad in his lifetime.

He died partly due to the after effects of them poisoning his food.

So when we see them still trying to harm us even to this day, it does stir up some emotions as I'm sure you can imagine.

Watch the video and search for the blog with the name I referred to earlier. That explains who the intellectuals are.

02-14-2013, 04:50 AM
If she keeps advertising like this, we'll have to have Jumah outside or get a bigger building. The new reverts are taking up all the space in the mosque.

02-15-2013, 05:42 PM
the "We" in the cited Verse refers to God. Have the unbelievers become aware of the terror that God is putting in their hearts through "works of God" such as http://news.yahoo.com/meteorite-not-...144416162.html and other recent incidents?

02-15-2013, 06:17 PM
Pamela Geller is a walking/talking corpse that does not know its dead.

These ads are promoting hate to me.

02-15-2013, 08:05 PM
Ms. Geller is promoting hate and is known for it in the US. She is not unlike Westboro Baptist Church, which is also identified as being a hate group (albeit for different reasons.)

Muslims and non-Muslims, ran ads to counter her messages of hate. One that I remember said, “Hate speech is not civilized. Support peace in word and deed.” I think Methodists put that up.

Currently, Muslims are spending money to run their own ads about Jihad. I can't post a link, but Google #myJihad and you should get a link to a Washington Post story about a campaign that it on the DC Metro, San Francisco, and Chicago. Insha'Allah, they will be able to bring that campaign to New York and other cities.

Ms. Geller already has her own unpleasant myJihad response ads ready to go, but we can't stop that.

02-16-2013, 01:16 AM
sometimes i feel that the muslim community cant see two feet past its own hand.



if you think that the women is the enemy then its a thicker fog than i first imagined.

i mean generation upon generation its the little things that become harder.

you will always have people wanting to oppress you and you will always have the silent majority that dont participate because they think its nuts.

on both sides.

common sense and god keep most things in check.

but where most people look at jews and think there is a conspiracy or dominance in media or infrastructure or government.

all i see is people that work for the betterment of there own kind.

...its what the muslim ummah lacks.

i mean every populace leaves behind remnants of its great age.

they were too busy building to realise what they actually needed.

much the same as you ignore the crazy man with the billboard although a hundred people walk past him, you should ignore the people that oppose you in such an ill advised way.

tit for tat just wastes your life.

and tomorrow when you dont have any say or control or... peace of mind.

in the little things,

how will your children grow?

im a euro person and the horse meat scandal just rocked me into seeing how blind we actually are.

nobody took notice because money was being spent elsewhere..

maybe its not an important issue who feeds you, as long as your biting at everything.

maybe your childrens education is important.

maybe having a halal farming and dairy industry is of benefit.

...i feel the jews probably dont have these sorts of problems.

and i think they are better for it,

although misrepresented by those claiming to be them.

dont buy into it.

you have to remember what your fighting for... and against.

you have to understand the root causes and what exactly is being used against you.

and even if we all end up dead.

there is a tomorrow.

does it get worse until judgement day?

because thats not saying much for muslims.

i could be wrong,

maybe its allah swt's will.

..keeping it relevant.

i hope you get what im trying to say, those that hasten towards a judgement day are specifically mentioned in the quran.

you'll have to look it up.

last point,

the last time i mentioned a halal poultry farm to someone..
they said it was not feasible.

...it doesnt have the backing.

apparently its too expensive.

there will always be one problem or another.

i mean i could always move to a place where all the food is halal, but those places have there own problems.

anyway its just my skewed perception of the world.

im sure each person has there own.

02-18-2013, 11:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
The hijackers in 9/11 event are Muslims.
I can understand why they hate Muslim

02-18-2013, 02:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by iRock
I can understand why they hate Muslim
I cant understand, 9/11 was done by the zionists in power of the US government. A little plane cant take down 2 iron-steel framed buildings enforced with strong concrete. Building 7 anyone? Or is that removed from your mind?

Atleast many muslims have woken up to the fact that 9/11 was a fraud, a black ops. look at the history of USA its full of it. The tonkin incident (Which never happened) was their excuse to bomb north vietnam, killings thousands of innocents.

And if indeed 9/11 happened to be done by muslims, then you should blame the US for it, the US killed 500,000 iraqi children through severe sanctions, supports israel, supports the arab dictators. But 9/11 isnt, it is a fraud and many americans start to doubt the official story.

02-18-2013, 02:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Mindset
I cant understand, 9/11 was done by the zionists in power of the US government. A little plane cant take down 2 iron-steel framed buildings enforced with strong concrete. Building 7 anyone? Or is that removed from your mind?

Atleast many muslims have woken up to the fact that 9/11 was a fraud, a black ops. look at the history of USA its full of it. The tonkin incident (Which never happened) was their excuse to bomb north vietnam, killings thousands of innocents.

And if indeed 9/11 happened to be done by muslims, then you should blame the US for it, the US killed 500,000 iraqi children through severe sanctions, supports israel, supports the arab dictators. But 9/11 isnt, it is a fraud and many americans start to doubt the official story.
I can understand your opinion , if this world don't have conflict , it's a perfect world , and all of us believe that the perfect world is not a world we live , right ? :embarrass

02-20-2013, 12:26 PM
Has anyone heard of http://myjihad.org/ ? They have a bus and train ad campaign.

03-27-2013, 12:39 PM
These people can do what they want on earth,but after that its game over :hiding:

Ahmad H
03-29-2013, 02:54 AM
This kind of hatred towards Islam is the trait of those who are part of the Dajjal in this age. I say keep countering their evil by arguing back against them. Should we Muslims let these people run all over us and use their propaganda to instill hatred against us? No. We should always write back against them and keep flooding them with the truth. The answers to these allegations should always remain available to them, and we should advertise slogans against these in large writing back at them.

Seriously, anyone who thinks we should just let anyone say this has lost it. Keep writing back at these haters and show the world how ignorant they are. People respect Muslims who speak up and show them the truth. if we stay silent, then that means we agree with what they say because everyone else will wonder, "Why don't the Muslims speak up against this? Are they agreeing to it by letting it slide?" I have seen people appreciate my going out and speaking up for Islam in the streets. So go and shout out the name of Allah and proclaim His Word and destroy Shaytan's devices. Never sit idle. If you are on your computer, write comments against the negative comments against Islam.

03-29-2013, 02:57 AM
I cannot believe this!

04-01-2013, 06:35 PM
I actually think Pamela Geller is shooting herself in the foot with this one. Anyone with a glimmer of sense and who isn't already convinced will see it for the dishonest act of quote-mining it is.

04-05-2013, 04:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmad H
Seriously, anyone who thinks we should just let anyone say this has lost it. Keep writing back at these haters and show the world how ignorant they are. People respect Muslims who speak up and show them the truth. if we stay silent, then that means we agree with what they say because everyone else will wonder, "Why don't the Muslims speak up against this? Are they agreeing to it by letting it slide?" I have seen people appreciate my going out and speaking up for Islam in the streets. So go and shout out the name of Allah and proclaim His Word and destroy Shaytan's devices. Never sit idle. If you are on your computer, write comments against the negative comments against Islam.
I absolutely agree. Get out there and dispel the myths and show the hate for what it is. So long as you keep the reaction peaceful yet strong and clear, I can only see you doing good with that outlook.

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