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View Full Version : The Basis of Shi’ah-Sunni Discord

05-12-2013, 03:32 PM
Assalamu Alaikum

Sectarianism is generally hated and discouraged in Islam but its a reality which everyone of us needs to understand.Prophecized by The Messenger (SalAllahu alaihi wasallam) ; “The Jews were divided among themselves into seventy one or seventy two sects, and the Christians were divided among themselves into seventy one or seventy two sects. And My Ummah will be divided among itself into seventy three sects.” Abu Dawood, at-Tirmidhi, al-Hakim and Ahmad among several others, reported this Hadith. At-Tirmidhi said; “Hadeethun Hassanun Sahih”.

And Mentioned in Quran:Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects (all kinds of religious sects), you (O Muhammad -- Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) have no concern in them in the least. Their affair is only with Allâh, Who then will tell them what they used to do.(al-An`am 6:159).I am posting this with intention of clarifying this issue for reverts or born muslims in order to provide a balanced approach towards this subject.

The Basis of Shi’ah-Sunni Discord

By: Dr. Israr Ahmad

The following paragraphs about Shi’ah-Sunni differences are written from a Sunni perspective; Shi’ah Muslims may not agree with all of it.

The history of the Shi’ah-Sunni Conflict is almost as old as that of the Muslim Ummah. Only 25 years after the death of the Prophet (saw), internal discord and a series of civil wars started. This has been referred to in the history books as the “Al-Fitnatul Kubra” or the Great Discord. What was the cause of this internal conflict?

Every revolution is followed by counter-revolutionary movements, which seek to overthrow the new order and to revert back to the previous system. Many of these counter-revolutionary movements were dealt with by the first Caliph, Abu Bakr (raa). However, there were still two groups who openly resented both Islam and the Prophet of Islam, and these were the Jews of Arabia and the Persians. The Jews were angry because they were expecting the final prophet to be one of the Israelites, and they could never accept and reconcile themselves with the fact that he turned out to be someone from the Gentiles. (The envy of the Jews of Madinah is mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah. It is also mentioned there that they refuse to believe in the Prophet even after recognizing him as the promised one, only because of their jealousy and arrogance). The other group that never accepted the ascendancy of Islam were the Persians, who developed a special hatred towards the second Caliph, Umar (raa), under whose era Iran was conquered. Indeed, it was a Persian man who killed Umar (raa).

During the later years of the Caliphate of Uthman (raa) an underground conspiracy was hatched, led by Abdullah Ibn Saba, a Jew who had outwardly converted to Islam, in order to produce political unrest. The conspiracy succeeded, mainly because a lack of proper communication facilities in those days made the spread of rumors against the Khalifah rather easy. This resulted in a rebellion against Uthman (raa) on various fabricated charges of nepotism, and he was martyred in the course of the rebellion. In this chaotic situation, Ali (raa) became the next Caliph. A disagreement arose among the Muslims about the killers of Uthman (raa). Some demanded that the killers, who were hiding among the supporters of Ali (raa), must be punished immediately. Ali (raa) was of the opinion that we need some sort of order and peace to return before we can do this. These two groups were known as the “Shi’ah of Uthman” and the “Shi’ah of Ali” meaning the pro-Uthman and the pro-Ali parties. As you can see, this was a purely political disagreement, not a religious one. The “Shi’ah of Uthman” later became known as the “Sunni” and the “Shi’ah of Ali” became just “Shi’ah.”

The Shi’ah community has four points of distinction as compared to the Sunni Muslims. The first is the school of jurisprudence they follow, which is Fiqh Jafari, and it is just like Fiqh Hanafi, or Maliki etc., except that “Muta’h” or temporary marriage is considered lawful by the Fiqh Jafari, whereas it is prohibited in all the Sunni schools. The second is the Shi’ah belief in the “infallible Immamate,” which means that only a genuine “Imam” who will be a direct descendent of Ali (raa) and Fatima (raa), can authentically lead the Muslims. The Sunnis believe, on the other hand, that the trait of “infallibility” no longer exists after the termination of Prophethood. There are a number of divisions among the Shi’ah, e.g., the “Twelvers” believe that the 12th Imam disappeared and went into seclusion somewhere 870 A.D., and that he will reappear to lead the Muslims (the promised “Mahdi”). The Sunni Muslims, on the other hand, believe that the promised “Mahdi” will be a normal human being, an Arab Muslim who will lead the struggle for the domination of Islam sometime in the future. Thirdly, whereas the Shi’ah community believes that the first three Caliphs, Abu Bakr (raa) and Umar (raa) and Uthman (raa), were usurpers, and that only Ali (raa) was the rightful successor of the Prophet, the Sunnis believe that all four of the “Khulafa” were rightfully chosen by the Muslims and none of them was a usurper. Fourthly, the Shi’ahs accept only those Ahadith (traditions of the Prophet (saw)) which are transmitted by the household of the Prophet (Ahl Al-Baiyt) by which they mean Ali (raa), Fatima (raa), and their two sons, Hasan (raa) and Husain (raa) and their descendants; they refuse to accept the traditions which are transmitted by most of the other Companions (Sahaba) of the Prophet (saw).

It may be noted that Sunni scholars have criticized the beliefs of the Shi’ahs for hundreds of years, and have written a very large number of books to refute the Shi’ah beliefs. Some scholars have even declared the Shi’ahs to be kafirs. However, there has been no consensus on this, i.e., there has been no collective verdict of apostasy (Kufr) against the Shi’ahs (as was given in the case of the Qadiyani community), and therefore the Shi’ahs too are considered Muslims, despite their having beliefs which are against those of mainstream Sunni Islam.

Finally, note that during the early centuries of Islam, Shi’ism was synonymous with an attitude of uprightness on the part of the descendants of Ali (raa) and Fatima (raa), and their courage to speak out against the rulers and to resist their unjust actions even in the face of oppression. The present sectarian version of Shi’ism is a later development which took shape especially during the rule of the Safavid dynasty in Iran (1501-1732). The Safavids wanted to foster a distinct religious identity in Iran so as to maintain the population’s loyalty in the conflict against the powerful Sunni Ottoman Empire, and for this purpose they had imported Shi’ah Ulama from Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon and provided them with wealth and power. This distinction between the Alavid and the Safavid versions of Shi’ism was emphasized by Dr. Ali Shari’ati. According to some analysts, the Iranian revolution has revived the Alavid Shi’ism, and the Safavid Shi’ism is on the decline. According to them, the stress is now gradually shifting towards the dynamic teachings of Islam and the Muslim Ummah’s unity, rather than hairsplitting on historical, doctrinal, or juristic matters. If this happens, it would be very beneficial for the Muslim Ummah.


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05-12-2013, 03:57 PM
I wish I can share with you things here that will make people think twice about accepting shiites as anything but full fledged kaffirs..
but let's just start with this one:

Where's the Qiblah friends?

Urban Turban
05-12-2013, 04:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Signor
However, there has been no consensus on this, i.e., there has been no collective verdict of apostasy (Kufr) against the Shi’ahs (as was given in the case of the Qadiyani community), and therefore the Shi’ahs too are considered Muslims, despite their having beliefs which are against those of mainstream Sunni Islam.
Speaking about the Rawaafidh, Imaam-e-A`zam, Imaam Abu Haneefah (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi) said: “Whoever doubts their Kufr is himself a Kaafir.”

A person once mentioned in the presence of Imaamu Daaril Hijrah, Imaam Maalik ibn Anas (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi), that the Shi`as curse the Sahaabah-e-Kiraam (Ridwaanullaahi `Alayhim Ajma`een). So Imaam Maalik (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi) recited the Aayah of the Qur'aan:

{Muhammadur Rasoolullaah, walladheena ma`ahu Ashiddaa'u `alal Kuffaari Ruhamaa'u baynahum taraahum Rukka`an Sujjadayy yabtaghoona Fadlam minallaahi wa Ridwaanaa. Seemaahum fee wujoohihim min atharis sujood. Dhaalika mathaluhum fit Towraati wa mathaluhum fil Injeel, kazar`in akhraja shat'ahu fa aazarahu fastaghlazha fastawaa `alaa sooqihee yu`jibuz zurraa`a liyagheezha bihumul Kuffaar. Wa`adallaahulladheena aamanoo wa `amilus Saalihaati minhum Maghfirataw wa Ajran `Azheemaa.}

“Muhammad (Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam) is the Rasool of Allaah, and those who are with him are hard on the Kuffaar and merciful amongst themselves.
You will see them performing Rukoo` and Sujood to Allaah, seeking thereby His Fadl (Bounty) and Ridwaan (Pleasure). Their distinguishing feature is upon their faces from the effects of Sajdah.

This is their description in the Towraah and the Injeel, like a sown crop which brings forth it's shoot, then makes it strong, then it grows thick and stands on it's stem looking good to the farmers, so that He (Allaah) may enrage the Kuffaar through them.

Allaah has promised those who have Imaan and do A`maal-e-Saalihah Maghfirat (Forgiveness) from Himself and a Great Reward.” (Soorah al-Fath, Aayah number twenty-nine.)

Then he (Imaam Maalik) said, “Whoever becomes enraged when the Sahaabah are mentioned is the one whom this Aayah refers to.” Meaning that the Shi`a become enraged when the Sahaabah-e-Kiraam are mentioned, so they are amongst the Kuffaar whom Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aalaa is speaking about in this Aayah.

Imaam ash-Shaafi`ee (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi) said on one occasion: “I have not seen amongst the Kuffaar any people more famous for lies and falsehood than the Rawaafidhi Shi`a.”

On another occasion he said: “Narrate `Ilm from everyone you meet except the Rawaafidhi Shi`a, because they invent Ahaadeeth and adopt them as their religion.” [Narrated in Minhaaj-us-Sunnah an-Nabawiyyah.]

The great Imaam, Abu Zur`ah ar-Raazi (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi) said: “If you see a person degrading any of the Sahaabah of Rasoolullaah (Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam), then know that he is a Kaafir.”

Imaam ash-Sha`bee (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi) said: "I warn you of those who lead astray from amongst the Ahl-e-Bid`ah.

The worst among them is the Rawaafidh. They did not enter Islaam seeking the Haqq, nor out of the fear of Allaah, but because of their hatred towards the Muslims."

`Allaamah ibn Hazm azh-Zhaahiri (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi) said: "The Shi`a is a group which has treaded the same path as the Yahood and the Nasaaraa. The Shi`as are definitely not Muslims."

`Allaamah Qaadi `Iyyaad (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi) said: "We certainly regard that person as a Kaafir who considers the entire Ummah to be astray and the Sahaabah to be Kuffaar."

Imaam Sarakhsi (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi) said: "Whoever defames the Sahaabah is a Kaafir. He has cast aside the sheet of Islaam. If he does not make Tawbah, the treatment for him is the sword."

Imaam Fakhr-ud-Deen Raazi (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi) said: "The claim of the Shi`as that additions, subtractions, alterations and interpolations took place in the Qur'aan is a belief which renders their Islaam null and void."

Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahmatullahi `Alayhi) said: "There is no doubt in the Kufr of the opinion that all the Sahaabah except a few whose number does not even reach ten had become Murtaddeen or that the general massses had all become Faasiq.The reason for this is that such a person is rejecting that part of the Qur'aan in which they (The Sahaabah-e-Kiraam) have been praised. Infact, Kufr has found a place in the heart of the one who doubts the Kufr of such Kuffaar.”

`Allaamah Aloosi (Rahmatullaahi `Alayhi) was asked about the claim of the Shi`as, that they are following the Ahl-e-Bayt, so he said: “No, they are the followers of Shaytaan. The Ahl-e-Bayt are free of them.”

In Fataawaa `Aalamgiri, volume one page number ninety-two, it is stated: “To declare the Shi`a Rawaafidh as Kuffaar is binding on the basis of their Kufr beliefs. These people are outside the pale of Islaam. They fall into the same category as the Murtaddeen, and should be dealt with accordingly. Anyone who does not call them Kuffaar is an irreligious person and a Kaafir like them.”

05-12-2013, 04:11 PM

For one to understand Shia beliefs one has to understand the death Of imam Hussien (ra) and the treatment of ahul bayt throughout history.

furthermore one cant make a blanket "kufr" remark on anyone anywhere. I bet most of us here dont even know that many shia muslims. Only what we have read and seen on the media. I bet they say the same thing about us - then you end up like Iraq.


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05-12-2013, 04:15 PM
It isn't blanket believe me. I can prove it if the mods would let me and this is by consensus of Muslims scholars.
They lie about the companions, they don't pray toward Makkah, they aid the kaffirs against Muslims, they do mut3a marriages basically prostitution and that's just a few of their traits... I happen to know alot shias not just from iran but from Saudi Arabia, yeah they're there too!


Urban Turban
05-12-2013, 04:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zafran

For one to understand Shia beliefs one has to understand the death Of imam Hussien (ra) and the treatment of ahul bayt throughout history.

furthermore one cant make a blanket "kufr" remark on anyone anywhere. I bet most of us here dont even know that many shia muslims. Only what we have read and seen on the media. I bet they say the same thing about us - then you end up like Iraq.


That's why I have posted the opinions of some of the greatest Scholars of Islam. We don't know - True but they knew about the Shia's fitnah like nobody else.


05-12-2013, 04:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by العنود
It isn't blanket believe me. I can prove it if the mods would let me and this is by consensus of Muslims scholars.
They lie about the companions, they don't pray toward Makkah, they aid the kaffirs against Muslims, they do mut3a marriages basically prostitution and that's just a few of their traits... I happen to know alot shias not just from iran but from Saudi Arabia, yeah they're there too!

Shiism is also split in different sects including alewites, rafidih et cetera. There are exactly some shia's who dont hate the sahabah(Ra) but they being deviant is nothing but the truth.

A King of Iran had summoned all the Ulama's of Sunnah and Shi'ah, aiming to find out the difference between them.

All the Ulama's of Shi'ah presented themselves, but one Ulama' of Sunnah arrived a bit late compared to other Ulama's of Sunnah. That Ulama' of Sunnah was walking while clutching his shoes to his body with his arm... The Ulama's of Shi'ah looked in astonishment while saying, "Why are you clutching your shoes like that?"

That Ulama' of Sunnah answered, "I have heard that during the time of Rasulullah (SAW), the Shi'ahs like to steal shoes!"

The Ulama's of Shi'ah answered, "There was no Shi'ah during the time of Rasulullah (SAW)."

The Ulama' of Sunnah said, "So, our debate has ended. The bottom line is, where does your religion come from?" Sheikh Ahmed Deedat ( May Allah have mercy upon him)

Urban Turban
05-12-2013, 04:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by العنود
I wish I can share with you things here that will make people think twice about accepting shiites as anything but full fledged kaffirs..
but let's just start with this one:

Where's the Qiblah friends?
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Wa Raji'oon. May Allah grant them guidance or save us from their fitnah. Ameen.

05-12-2013, 04:21 PM

I know they are there - they are nearly in every muslim country on earth. 1/3 of pakistan, half of Iraq. Do you actually know them in real life? talked them about there beliefs.

Urban Turban
05-12-2013, 04:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zafran

I know they are there - they are nearly in every muslim country on earth. 1/3 of pakistan, half of Iraq. Do you actually know them in real life? talked them about there beliefs.
Brother, I'm sorry to say this attitude doesn't work in such matters, if they DO NOT have such beliefs that we accuse them of - then they are Muslims, normal Muslims.

But they have such beliefs and that is the reason why we are talking about it.


Urban Turban
05-12-2013, 04:30 PM
Plus my workmate was a Shi'aa, some neighbors are Shia'aa, former neighbor was Shia'aa - I have grown up with non-Muslim friends but I'm glad to say Allah I have no Shia'aa friends. JazakAllah khair.

Back to topic please.

05-12-2013, 04:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Urban Turban
Brother, I'm sorry to say this attitude doesn't work in such matters, if they DO NOT have such beliefs that we accuse them of - then they are Muslims, normal Muslims.

But they have such beliefs and that is the reason why we are talking about it.

I am only a bit afraid of the takfir spreading which is not our job to do so. I know they are deviants, but is labeling them as kafir not too much?

Faqih and Sufi – be neither one nor the other
So I with the right of Allah to you give this advice

That one (the faqih) is harsh, his heart did not taste taqwa
And this (the sufi) is an ignorant, how can a person of ignorance reform”

Imam Shafi’i (Ra)

So dont be harsh in your judgement. :)

05-12-2013, 04:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Mindset
I am only a bit afraid of the takfir spreading which is not our job to do so. I know they are deviants, but is labeling them as kafir not too much?

So dont be harsh in your judgement.

I agree with you.


05-12-2013, 04:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Urban Turban
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilayhi Wa Raji'oon. May Allah grant them guidance or save us from their fitnah. Ameen.
I blame Muslims for not giving them da3wa but with them especially the Iranian ones- it is the pride of the Persians.. I can't understand or figure out why people from the land of the prophet who speak Arabic would subscribe to such insanities. It pains me walhi wala 7wala wla qiwta illa billah!

05-12-2013, 04:51 PM
i have no idea honestly.

i lived with two shia's.. out of nine of us in total. (all muslim)

for six years.

nobody ever made an issue of it.

fasting was the same.

prayer was different, but they did pray in the same direction.

it was a non-issue, not because issues didnt exist.. but because the need to want to be together was greater.

it would seem nobody will change the two groups until it is time for change and imo there are more important issues to waste our lives on.

i mean try convincing yourself you are wrong.. with all your ingrained views and infallability.

and every time you bring it up your stuck at the original division.

05-12-2013, 05:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by M.I.A.
i have no idea honestly.

i lived with two shia's.. out of nine of us in total. (all muslim)

for six years.

nobody ever made an issue of it.

fasting was the same.

prayer was different, but they did pray in the same direction.

it was a non-issue, not because issues didnt exist.. but because the need to want to be together was greater.

it would seem nobody will change the two groups until it is time for change and imo there are more important issues to waste our lives on.

i mean try convincing yourself you are wrong.. with all your ingrained views and infallability.

and every time you bring it up your stuck at the original division.

awesome post a lot of posters wouldn't be able to say the same thing.


05-12-2013, 05:20 PM
imo a lot of posters dont want to say the same thing,

gods will will always be done.

im horrified to think i struggle against it.

Urban Turban
05-12-2013, 05:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jedi_Mindset
I am only a bit afraid of the takfir spreading which is not our job to do so. I know they are deviants, but is labeling them as kafir not too much?

Faqih and Sufi – be neither one nor the other
So I with the right of Allah to you give this advice

That one (the faqih) is harsh, his heart did not taste taqwa
And this (the sufi) is an ignorant, how can a person of ignorance reform”

Imam Shafi’i (Ra)
So dont be harsh in your judgement. :)
In the words of Maulana Sa'eed Ahmed Khan Saheb Makki [rh]:

There are many things based on analogous deductions unfathomable by a narrow-minded person. Hence the criticism that follows.

Brother, I have posted Imam Shafi'ee [rh] views too. We are laymen, there's only so little we know and much we are ignorant about.


05-12-2013, 05:33 PM
Assalamu Alaikum

I was expecting more or less the same response about the sentiments regarding shias.This is why I categorically made this statement:

format_quote Originally Posted by Signor
I am posting this with intention of clarifying this issue for reverts or born muslims in order to provide a balanced approach towards this subject.
My Purpose

format_quote Originally Posted by Signor
the stress is now gradually shifting towards the dynamic teachings of Islam and the Muslim Ummah’s unity, rather than hairsplitting on historical, doctrinal, or juristic matters. If this happens, it would be very beneficial for the Muslim Ummah.
Ask yourself a question,When our Brother and Sisters were tortured,raped,kidnapped,facing firing squads and other brutal crimes in Iraq,Afghanistan,Palestine and Kashmir....You feel the same hatred towards them while considering them as animals.Is it the right way?Is this what your heart say?

Brother,The man from whom I quoted this article has compiled a tafseer,Been among the Ulemas of Deobund,Braelvis and others,has given 50 years of his life to this deen and serving to establish it.where you stand you better know yourself?

Try to understand the purpose,I am not here telling you to FOLLOW or commend them what they do them but to Understand From Where split begin.


Urban Turban
05-12-2013, 05:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by العنود
I blame Muslims for not giving them da3wa but with them especially the Iranian ones- it is the pride of the Persians.. I can't understand or figure out why people from the land of the prophet who speak Arabic would subscribe to such insanities. It pains me walhi wala 7wala wla qiwta illa billah!
I completely agree sis. Even though guidance isn't in our hands, for sure Dawah is our duty.

05-12-2013, 05:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by العنود
I wish I can share with you things here that will make people think twice about accepting shiites as anything but full fledged kaffirs..
but let's just start with this one:

Where's the Qiblah friends?

That pic though...:skeleton:

Ahmad H
05-12-2013, 05:59 PM
Muslims will not unite when scholars are still making Takfir against those who call themselves Muslims. The true scholars have died and the ignorant ones are left behind it seems.

05-12-2013, 06:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmad H
Muslims will not unite when scholars are still making Takfir against those who call themselves Muslims. The true scholars have died and the ignorant ones are left behind it seems.
Don't say like this again,We never knew who is capable in doing what.Don't measure all of them with the same yardstick.

Ahmad H
05-12-2013, 06:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Signor
Don't say like this again,We never knew who is capable in doing what.Don't measure all of them with the same yardstick.
The Holy Prophet (saw) prophesied that this would happen.

05-12-2013, 06:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmad H
Muslims will not unite when scholars are still making Takfir against those who call themselves Muslims. The true scholars have died and the ignorant ones are left behind it seems.
Are you qualified enough to criticize a scholar? Are you a scholar yourself?

Ahmad H
05-12-2013, 06:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Allah<3
Are you qualified enough to criticize a scholar? Are you a scholar yourself?
It's pretty obvious I am not, since I am criticizing them. I don't like Takfirs. Plain and simple. Any scholar who makes it their life duty to create disharmony amongst Muslims doesn't seem very wise to me. Just because I am not a scholar, doesn't mean I can't criticize any of them. A regular Muslim can criticize a scholar if he finds they are doubtful in their ways. I have a choice in whom I can follow or not. Not every Sheikh is reliable you know.

05-12-2013, 06:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmad H
It's pretty obvious I am not, since I am criticizing them. I don't like Takfirs. Plain and simple. Any scholar who makes it their life duty to create disharmony amongst Muslims doesn't seem very wise to me. Just because I am not a scholar, doesn't mean I can't criticize any of them. A regular Muslim can criticize a scholar if he finds they are doubtful in their ways. I have a choice in whom I can follow or not. Not every Sheikh is reliable you know.
I agree most of what you said, but you should be very careful by claiming that ALL of the muslims scholar today are ignorant.

Ahmad H
05-12-2013, 06:21 PM
^I should clarify above by what I said in that scholars are ignorant. I meant that most modern scholars are ignorant these days. That is because there is a focus on Takfir. Yes, the ability to do so is there. But it seems as if it is creating more rifts than ever. I disagree with this behavior, and it is creating disunity amongst Muslims.

Ahmad H
05-12-2013, 06:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Allah<3
I agree most of what you said, but you should be very careful by claiming that ALL of the muslims scholar today are ignorant.
You're right. I meant a large number of sheikhs are ignorant. Anyone who knows how serious it is to call a Muslim non-Muslim from the Traditions will understand this.

05-12-2013, 06:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmad H
^I should clarify above by what I said in that scholars are ignorant. I meant that most modern scholars are ignorant these days. That is because there is a focus on Takfir. Yes, the ability to do so is there. But it seems as if it is creating more rifts than ever. I disagree with this behavior, and it is creating disunity amongst Muslims.
If that was what you meant, then I do agree with you. I find it wrong as well.

05-12-2013, 06:26 PM

We should be cautious about saying that all Shi'a are kuffaar. You can find some fatwas online where scholars divide the Shi'a according to what their beliefs are, because not all of them are the same. There are those about whom it is certain that they negate the principles of Islam, and those who do not negate any principles of Islam but are mistaken in some aspects. So that is why we should leave this discussion to those who know and not get involved in case we say something that is incorrect and earn Allaah's :swt: displeasure. Let us close the thread here :ia:.

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