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View Full Version : Hating on Islam

07-14-2014, 01:09 AM
Why do many non-Muslims hate Islam? I'm only 14 years old, yet I have received so much hate just for being a Muslim. People told me that Islam is a religion of hate and violence, and that the Qur'an was written by Muhammad (SAW), who is a "paedophile and murderer". :astagfiru

I was watching a Youtube video and in the comments section people were debating about how "evolution is slowly stopping". I said that evolution isn't stopping, because it never even happened. You have no idea how many hateful comments I received. They told me that I was an idiot for believing in God and that I'm just blindly following my parents, who are blindly following their parents and so on.

Everyone has this picture of Islam where all non-believers are evil and will burn in Hell for eternity, and that Muhammad (SAW) ordered us to kill any non-believer we see and strike fear and terror into their hearts. This is not true at all! Here is verse 190 from Surah Al-Baqara:

وَقَاتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ الَّذِينَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ وَلَا تَعْتَدُوا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُعْتَدِينَ
Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.

Allah tells us to fight those who fought us, not any disbeliever we see. Not even that, but He orders us not to transgress, not to go overboard.
Honestly, what is there to hate about Islam?

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07-14-2014, 03:24 AM
This is why it is important for muslims to learn about their religion (other than to be closer to God), especially through proper mediums. Even then, it is not wise to be spending time reading the comments of ignorant/hateful people.

07-14-2014, 03:54 AM
There will always be 'muslim bashers' around despite what we do. It does not take very much for people to feel threatened by islam especially if it is about the lies.

Sometimes I wonder which is worse, people who obviously hate islam and say totally inaccurate things about the deen or people who are muslims but are liberal in their thoughts and disguise their ignorance by half truths..


07-14-2014, 06:05 AM
Salaam Mango,

Unfortunately, nobody is perfect. We all have our own views about religion, god, morals, etc. The problem sets in when people choose to voice their opinions aloud. Ever since 9/11, Muslims began to come under attack by almost everyone due to the actions of one Islamic Extremist group (Al Qaeda). Hate has got to go somewhere. So when the family of victims of 9/11 and other people saw what this Islamic group had done to innocent people, they used their hate to fight against Muslims. They use words, videos, and even our own Hadith and Quran verses to manipulate others to hate Islam and Muslims.

This is why it is really really important to teach Muslims the truth about our religion. We need our Imams, friends, and family to learn the truth of Islam and share it with the youth. Because if we don't, the youth will go onto sites like Reddit, YouTube, Yahoo etc. which are 95% full of non-believers and ask them questions or voice their opinion about Islam. You have done it:

format_quote Originally Posted by Mango
I was watching a Youtube video and in the comments section people were debating about how "evolution is slowly stopping". I said that evolution isn't stopping, because it never even happened. You have no idea how many hateful comments I received. They told me that I was an idiot for believing in God and that I'm just blindly following my parents, who are blindly following their parents and so on.
Try to avoid sites like these to voice your opinion. It won't work and will probably cause you more harm as you will get lots of hateful comments, messages, and down-votes or dislikes. These people are already convinced that their opinion is correct and yours is not. They want to argue with you, and they have back-up because they are the majority on these types of sites.

People need someone to blame. The easiest type of people they will blame are Muslims (those people with the hats, those people that pray in mosques, those people that are terrorists). If you want to argue with someone about our religion, ask them to register for an account on this site (or any Islamic forum). That way, WE are the majority. We have back-up. We have power. Let them come to us, not go to them.


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07-16-2014, 12:47 AM
There are many reasons. Here are a few.

Case 1: A Muslim man sells illegal drugs. This is againstthe teaching of EVERYBODY! He goes to jail. It turns out the food in the jail includes pork. He complains “discrimination about his religion” and sues for $250,000.00 !

Other Muslims support him! Thereby giving Islam a bad name.

Case 2: A Muslim man gets a job in the UK as a cook. He cooks bacon and then complains about this. Again he says “discrimination about his religion”. He is offered a position cooking other food. He says no and sues for a large sum of money. So it is clear he does not care about the job. Instead he wants the company to stop using bacon.

Other Muslims supporthim! Thereby giving Islam a bad name.

Case 3: In Iraq in 2003some of Saddam’s supporters were in a mosque. They fired at US troops. US troops fired back. Muslims complained that US troops “targeted a mosque”. Last week in northern Iraq, ISIS destroyed 3 Mosques .

Muslims did not complain about the destroyed Mosques!

Case 4: In the US a new mosque was built. A local woman has walked her dog most days for the last 20 years. At about 300 yards from the mosque, a Muslim man screamed at the woman “to keep her filthy dog away for the mosque”.

Muslims are not tolerant towards non-muslims

Case 5: Catholics fast during Lent and Muslims fast during Ramadan. Last week in Lebanon non-Muslims were at a cafe during the day having a meal. Muslims exploded a bomb at the cafe to stop the non-muslims eating.

Muslims are not tolerant towards non Muslims.

07-16-2014, 07:12 AM
Thank you logikon for demonstrating how prone you are to hasty generalisations.

07-16-2014, 05:38 PM
I think it's time you had something of a wake-up call:

1. Mr Cameron, the Prime Minister of Britain, complemented the Muslim community for its charitable work and acknowledged that it is the most charitable community in the UK. “Here in Britain, Muslims are our biggest donors – they give more to charity than any other faith group.”

However, Muslim-run charities are among the most targeted and victimised by his government.

2. Since Israel’s war on Gaza (Operation Cast Lead) ENDED on 19 January 2009, 490 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli military strikes in Gaza. 3 Israelis were killed in the same period.

These statistics reflect the gravity of Israel’s ceaseless violence against Palestinians and puts some perspective on the claim that Israel’s latest round of disproportionate military strikes are in ‘response’ to rocket fire from Gaza.

3. Just last weekend in Paris, a group of vigilantes brandishing iron bars and cans of pepper spray went through the streets attacking pro-Palestinian demonstrators, chanting racist slogans as they went on the rampage. No attempt was made by the police to arrest any of them. In contrast, pro-Palestinian demonstrators were later accused of trying to break into Synagogues and six were arrested.

Alexis Bachelay, a Paris MP for the ruling Socialist party said, "There has evidently been a media manipulation about who really got assaulted. These are extremely serious facts that need to be investigated thoroughly by the police. It is not the first time that young French people of Muslim origin are stigmatised by the media."

4. A Muslim police cadet who died helping World Trade Center victims on 9/11 was honored Monday (28 Apr 2014) at a Queens street renaming — 13 years after being accused of involvement in the attacks.

5. Visitors from different faiths attended an Iftar meal at a Florida Mosque last week, which welcome non-Muslims to get a closer look at the Muslim community and fasting lessons.

6. A Muslim-run organization has emerged as a model of multi-faith charity that has been benefiting hundreds of low income citizens monthly in the Northern Virginia area for years.
“The thing is we are here, and everybody here is our neighbor and we live together, and that’s the teaching of Islam, to serve everyone who is in need and who is your neighbor,” Tanveer Mirza, one of the founders of FAITH, told Voice of America on Monday, July 7. “So that’s where we took our inspiration from.”

07-16-2014, 08:12 PM
I don't think Islam is flawed at all. It's the ambassadors of Islam that are flawed (not all of them may I add).

My Mom always teaches me to show non Muslims how wonderful Muslims are by being a good person including opening doors / allowing the elderly to get on the bus first /etc etc etc. During this month of Ramadhan, I took some pakoras and bhajis into work. The team I work in are all non Muslims and none of them really knew what Ramadhan was. So by means of taking the food in, it opened dialogue and a lot of them have been engaging with me about Islam and what it entails. I doubt any of them are going to become Muslims in the near future, but they have a better understanding of Islam now. I explained Zakat to them, praying, going on pilgrimage, manners and etiquettes we follow etc. One of my colleagues clearly said "I never knew you were a Muslim, you are lovely. I thought Muslims locked all their women up at home and beat them up or dealt drugs". (Most of our client base are Muslims who do drugs / daughters that are beaten up by their parents for having boyfriends or dressing like tramps). She apologised that she had thought this was and thanked me for telling her about Islam. Each time I see her now, she asks me more and more about it.

Unfortunately, a lot of the younger Muslims these days are messed up. When you look in the newspaper at the court section, 90% of the people in the photos are Muslims, either burgling places / dealing drugs and you name it. If non Muslims look at this, they are going to think "Oh err, they are all druggies and convicts". The media are more than happy to say "Muslim caught doing this or that" to try and stigmatise people more. Also, some Muslims parents give their children far too much freedom they become uncontrollable and have to resort to violence to bring them back in line. Once word of this gets out to the Police / media, it's down hill from there.

Also, with the media constantly alienating people as well, it doesn't really help.

That is why I feel it is our duty to show our manners and etiquette's and show non Muslims we are not all nut jobs. Thankfully in my part of the UK, a lot of Muslims are going out of their way to show non Muslims we are a good faith and we care for others. They have a stall in the market each week giving out information about Islam and they also give out free drinks and food. A lot of Muslims haters go there and spew abuse but they only do that because they believe genuinely that Islam is for weirdos and freaks. When they are approached and are talked to properly, their views on Islam change. It's actually a turning point for a lot of haters because they are basing their opinions on fake facts on the internet or through word of mouth.

1) My local Masjid raised a lot of money for the non Muslim flood victims this year. It showed non Muslims that Muslims actually cared and it did a lot of good for Islam.

2) Some of the local Masjids collected food and then visited the homeless during the month of Ramadhan to show they cared. This also helped open dialogue about Islam with them.

3) A representative of the local Masjid collected interest money from non Muslims to donate to the town cemetery as it was being regenerated. This went in the newspaper and it showed that Muslims cared.

Oh and Mango, DON'T ever comment on YouTube. The people that comment on there are normally warped anyway.

muslim brother
05-16-2017, 12:17 PM

i call the haters ..non muslim grand muftis..
or faux expert validators
you have to differentiate between a grievance with some muslims which is justified , and islam the faith, which is not to blame.
of course most dont.

these n.m.g.m,s are everywhere
talk show,debate programme
roadshow,street preach

they claim to know the Quran
it's depth,its intricacies,its nuances
they claim to know context,verse,purpose

they know more than the scholar who sat at the feet of scholars
more than the mufti who still today considers himself a learner

these non Muslim grand muftis in the media
cannot truly claim to know Islam indepth
if they did
we,d be having a different conversation

05-19-2017, 05:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mango
Why do many non-Muslims hate Islam? I'm only 14 years old, yet I have received so much hate just for being a Muslim. People told me that Islam is a religion of hate and violence, and that the Qur'an was written by Muhammad (SAW), who is a "paedophile and murderer". :astagfiru

I was watching a Youtube video and in the comments section people were debating about how "evolution is slowly stopping". I said that evolution isn't stopping, because it never even happened. You have no idea how many hateful comments I received. They told me that I was an idiot for believing in God and that I'm just blindly following my parents, who are blindly following their parents and so on.

Everyone has this picture of Islam where all non-believers are evil and will burn in Hell for eternity, and that Muhammad (SAW) ordered us to kill any non-believer we see and strike fear and terror into their hearts. This is not true at all! Here is verse 190 from Surah Al-Baqara:

وَقَاتِلُوا فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ الَّذِينَ يُقَاتِلُونَكُمْ وَلَا تَعْتَدُوا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُعْتَدِينَ
Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.

Allah tells us to fight those who fought us, not any disbeliever we see. Not even that, but He orders us not to transgress, not to go overboard.
Honestly, what is there to hate about Islam?
When you don't give a reaction and debate them in a way that is better then them like how allah told us to do you won't get these type of things if you think about it evolution can't happen without life being placed on earth because a rock without any life DNA or genes it can't evolve this is only one of the biggest flaws with the theory I find it very useful to use to get darwnists to actually use their brain

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