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View Full Version : World War One sowed the seeds of today’s Middle East

سيف الله
08-21-2014, 10:33 AM

Interesting prospective on current events

The present day misery of Gaza, Syria and Iraq began in that war

As most people know, 2014 is the centenary of the start of World War One. A few people in Britain have attempted rewriting history to present a justification for this war. They are those who generally supported the costly military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq in this present century. Others have embarked on a critical reflection about the horrors of a war that saw tens of millions killed and injured and question – looking at Gaza and Syria – whether the world has learnt any lessons at all.

It isn’t right to disrespect those who died in that war or their families’ recollections of individual acts of valor. But at the same time it isn’t wrong to disrespect the likes of Lloyd George, Kitchener, Curzon and Balfour who sent millions to die in a war that had little to do with ‘national security’; instead everything was to do with securing Britain’s position in Europe and interests across the world. The memories of the dead and injured are certainly not served by selective omission or rewriting of history.

So, it is worth reflecting on the legacies of this war that still resonates today. Namely that World War One shaped the chaos, oppression and conflict of the modern Middle East; and laid the seeds for the Zionist occupation of Palestine.

Sowing the seeds of misery – Sykes-Picot, Client-Regimes and the Abolition of the Caliphate

The modern Middle East is rife with wars, oppression and injustice. It is a series of nation states artificially constructed in the aftermath of World War One. They are ruled by client regimes, initially installed at that time, that serve themselves as well as a narrow elite and foreign interests – instead of serving the people of the region. These rulers are widely hated by the people they preside over. They use their armed forces for two main purposes. Firstly, to suppress their own populations – particularly when they see a flicker of political criticism or Islamic sentiments; and secondly to serve any Western military interests that are asked of them.

The most enduring of these client-regimes are the Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Saudi Arabia was conceived in Britain’s foreign office around a century ago and has since then squandered huge amounts of material wealth. Its ruling family has enjoyed close ties with Britain and the United States ever since. Jordan is a similar family business, installed by the British after World War One. Britain installed members of the same family, widely seen as traitors to Islam and Muslims, to rule Iraq and briefly Syria – only to see their dynasty toppled in these places by coups and counter-coups variously sponsored by the Britain and the US.

It is worth reflecting that people living under the Ottoman state – even in its era of decline – enjoyed more stable and less oppressive lives than people living in the Middle East over the past century. For several centuries prior to that, under the Caliphate, the region was the home of a great civilization that presented a unique society in which communities of different racial and religious backgrounds lived peacefully and in harmony.

In his 2009 essay, ‘Islam and its Discontents’, Brenden Clifford of the Bevin Society wrote:

Islam, one of the major cultures of the world, has been without a state to uphold its position in the world-order for close on 90 years. The Islamic state was destroyed by Britain in the course of the war, which it declared on Germany in 1914. It has been argued that the destruction of the Islamic state was one of the purposes for which Britain declared war on Germany. And the destruction of the Islamic state appears to me to be the ultimate cause of the condition of the world which the USA and Britain call the War on Terror.

He reminds the reader that:

‘A little over a century ago the German Kaiser paid a state visit to the Ottoman Empire, met the Sultan, and declared that a strong Muslim state was a necessary part of any stable order in the world’.

German policy as set out by Count Von Moltke (later a Field Marshal of the German state) in his Essays, Speeches, And Memoirs, 1893 (Vol 1, p272) argued that it was possible to regenerate the Ottoman Empire as such from Islamic roots.

The British fear the impact of this in relation to its colonies – in particular in India – so pursued a policy of expansion of their Empire from India to Egypt. Indeed, once the Ottomans did enter the war, declaring it to be a Jihad, Kitchener had real fears this call would spread to India, Egypt and Sudan.

But at the outset of the war, the Ottoman policy was neutrality. It was in no financial or political position to engage in a war. However, Britain refused to accept this position and refused to accept any overtures of alliance with it – and set about provocation of the Ottoman state, particularly through allying with a hostile Russia.

By 5th November 1914, Britain declared war, in conjunction with Russia, by alleging an Ottoman attack on Russia in the Black Sea. Clifford writes scathingly that it was ‘an allegation made so obscurely and furtively that there is reason to suspect that it was comparable to Hitler’s allegation of a Polish attack on Germany in September 1939’!

Failing to see the expected rapid collapse of the Ottoman defences, Britain found allies in the form of Sharif Hussein – the ancestor of the Jordanian dynasty and Ibn Saud – the founder of modern day Saudi Arabia.

In 1916, under the Sykes Picot accord, the British and French governments agreed to a division of the spoils of the Middle East between the two states, drawing ‘a line in the sand’ between Acre and Kirkuk – the British to take what was south of the line, and the French what was north of it.

After much wheeling, dealing and double crossing between the two, the regions of Syria and Lebanon fell to France, whilst Transjordan, Iraq and the Hejaz went to Britain. The original agreements were meant to share Palestine. Britain managed to secure a mandate over the region, but was later forced by America and France to share the newly discovered oil revenues from Mosul shortly after the war.

The events of the war and the subsequent ‘peace conferences’ afterwards not only carved up the Ottoman state, it precipitated a collapse internally, ending with the abolition of the Caliphate in 1924.

The following 90 years have seen wars between these artificially constructed states; repressive regimes tyrannising their people; the material wealth of the region haemorrhaging away from the people who had a right over it; and various periods of occupation.

From pre-Balfour Declaration to the Zionist Occupation of Palestine

Before World War One, British imperial strategists took account of the implications of potential scenarios within the Middle East. Addressing the 1907 Imperial Conference in London, Britain’s Prime Minister Henry Campbell Bannerman expressed these fears and called for a commission to look at the question of how to prevent the fall of their empire. The report recommended:

1) To promote disintegration, division and separation in the region.

2) To establish artificial political entities that would be under the authority of the imperialist countries.

3) To fight any kind of unity – whether intellectual, religious or historical – and taking practical measures to divide the region’s inhabitants.

4) To achieve this, it was proposed that a “buffer state” be established in Palestine, populated by a strong, foreign presence which would be hostile to its neighbors and friendly to European countries and their interests.

Retrospectively, this would appear to have become British Imperial policy from this time – prior to World War One – for several decades thereafter.

Within this context, Arthur Balfour’s letter to Lord Rothschild in 1917, expressing Britain’s support for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, becomes easy to understand.

There has been much debate over the years as to what extent the British government of the time really meant this expression of support.

Writing many years later, Sir Anthony Nutting believed that Balfour and others were complicit with the Zionist agenda to evict the Palestinian Arabs from the region – fitting very much with the pre-war policy recommendation to Bannerman to establish the ‘buffer state…populated by a strong, foreign presence’.

But other historians like Jonathan Schneer have viewed the promise to the Zionists as one of a complex series of bargaining moves that sought to variously ‘play’ Zionist Jews and the leaders of the Arab revolt, all in order to maintain British control over Palestine.

Schneer recognizes overlapping interests in that the Zionist movement wanted the Ottomans out of Palestine, whilst the British government wanted the Ottomans out of the whole Middle East – whilst conceding as little influence as possible to France.

His argument is that part of this bargaining process was that Balfour’s promise would tantalize American Jewry into lobbying for the United States to enter the war on Britain’s side against the Ottomans. Yet simultaneously, Britain was secretly negotiating a peace with the Ottomans, ready to ditch Balfour’s promise, in case they did not get support from the United States.

So in effect, at some stage or other between 1916 and 1918, Britain had offered Palestine to different interested parties at different times. As well as offering it to the Zionist lobby there was a dialogue to hand it to the Ottomans had Britain decided to settle for peace prior to American entry in the war. There had been a verbal promise to Sharif Hussein that it would be part of his territory, as well as having agreed to share with the French under the original terms of the Sykes Picot agreement.

According to historian James Barr the trust between the ‘allies’ of Britain, France and the Zionists was so poor – because of the feeling they had been made too many broken promises – that by 1945 the French were financing Zionist terrorists to attack British troops in Palestine (whilst British soldiers were helping to liberate France from the Nazis).

However, the client Arab regimes accepted humiliation and broken promises with servitude – and showed no real interest in defending or liberating Palestine. From the very first until today they have been the first line of support and defence for ‘Israel’.

One prime example was illustrated in Chaim Weizmann’s diary, where it is recorded that St John Philby, a former British intelligence officer and advisor to Ibn Saud, made a proposal that Ibn Saud should be offered a financial incentive of £20,000,000 in return for his support for a Zionist state. It seems the only reason this didn’t happen was because Weizmann didn’t want to proceed.


So much of the politics of today’s Middle East can be understood from the political intrigues surrounding World War One.

It is imperative that Muslims know the history of that disastrous era and learn real lessons from it in order to understand the neo-colonial games that are played today – that continue to wreak havoc over large parts of the world.


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08-21-2014, 03:05 PM
Assalamu'alaikum brother, a well written enlightening article, mashaAllah - haven't finished it yet -
Islam, one of the major cultures of the world, has been without a state to uphold its position in the world-order for close on 90 years. The Islamic state was destroyed by Britain in the course of the war, which it declared on Germany in 1914. It has been argued that the destruction of the Islamic state was one of the purposes for which Britain declared war on Germany. And the destruction of the Islamic state appears to me to be the ultimate cause of the condition of the world which the USA and Britain call the War on Terror.
just wanted to add that those zionists who worked behind the scenes have had it in the works for centuries - through the crusades too (a little delve into the connection between templars, kabbalistic rituals, masonry, and current figureheads should make that clear), however the blueprint of the coldly orchestrated events of the last century seems to have been formed around the time the protocols of zion were written, some indication that it was a slow running continuous process can be seen from the way the idea was carefully but certainly introduced in britain with the following statement describing the position of and strong prospects for Muslims, injection of zionists, internal strife and easy spoil.

“There are people who control spacious territories teeming with manifest and hidden resources.
They dominate the intersections of world routes.
Their lands were the cradles of human civilizations and religions.
These people have one faith, one language, one history and the same aspirations. No natural barriers can isolate these people from one another
… if, per chance, this nation were to be unified into one state; it would then take the fate of the world into its hands and would separate Europe from the rest of the world.
Taking these considerations seriously, a foreign body should be planted in the heart of this nation to prevent the convergence of its wings in such a way that it could exhaust its powers in never-ending wars.
It could also serve as a springboard for the West to gain its coveted objects.”

British Prime Minister Henry Campbell Bannerman, 1906.
Next step, they raised orchestrated arab rebellions against what remained of the khilafah and got their sellout pieces in the region to declare nation states and fill leadership vacuums while keeping the rest of the world occupied in their own problems (as now with russia).

The second world war seems to have hinged around the fact that they didn't have enough political capital (sympathy) to officially give away palestinian land while appearing justified in the expenduture and human cost that was sure to be sparked by such a move in the region and they also didn't have enough jews migrating to justify such a large boundary (the zionist financiers set up a system of getting hitler to pay jews who moved to mandate palestine, this was done through adolf eichmann who was Assigned to a section dealing with Zionist activities, Eichmann negotiated with Zionist functionaries and made an inspection tour of Palestine in 1937; his efforts to promote a "Zionist emigration of Jews from Germany by all [available] means" served him well in preparing him for his future activities.
This program was started before the war and was even continued afterwards by zionists via mossad who went as far as bombing synagogues even after the second world war to terrorize jews and get them to migrate to settlements in occupied territories which had been built but empty for too long).

Thirdly, most leaders and intellectuals around the world were careful of being tarnished with an "anti-semitic" / pro-nazi" image and anyone criticizing jews regardless of everything was obviously "one of the baddies" and it was suddenly also easily to be heavy fisted against them without much to-do.
People went through the transformation as if in a haze, even if they could see through it.

08-23-2014, 02:26 AM

Interesting that.

For me, there were two main agenda of the happenings of 100 years ago that has tremendous consequences on the 'landscape' of what we are going through today, the first being the formation of 'new nations' but the other area not mentioned above, the abolishment of barter trading and the introduction of the Bretton-Woods Agreement (and the absolute silence from the muslim world with regards to the provision of an alternative system). We now also suffer as a result.


سيف الله
09-13-2014, 09:42 PM


Letter to Community Leaders Regarding the National Series of Khilafah Conferences

Dear Brother in Islam

Asalaamu alaikum wa Rahmatulallahi wa Barakatuhu

I pray that you are in the best of health and Imaan.

Dear respected Imams, Khateebs and Community Leaders,

In recent weeks the media has launched a fully-fledged campaign attacking the concept of an Islamic State following the false declaration by an Iraqi militia.

Politicians across the world, particularly those in the UK, have attempted to tarnish the noble idea of the Khilafah through constant association with non Islamic acts such as the killing of the U.S. journalist James Foley. Thus the media discusses the Khilafah as a state that lacks mercy, kills minorities and is filled with sectarianism and injustice. Such a state, far from providing stability to the region, would only cause chaos and killings.

This false description must be challenged with the true vision of what the Khilafah represents.

For it is a state full of justice and mercy – exemplified by our beloved Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) and the Rightly-Guided Khulafaah through the application of Islam.

The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) explained that leadership was a responsibility and guardianship for its citizens (Muslims and non Muslims), like a shepherd.

It is a state where no one, not even the Khaleefah, is above the law. The Prophet (saw) stated, “…By Allah, even if Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad committed theft, Muhammad will cut off her hand!” (Bukhari/Muslim)

The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) informed us of the seriousness in having a scrupulous justice system that assumes the accused is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law; “The burden of proof is upon the plaintiff, and the oath is upon the one who is accused.” (Tirmidhi)

He (salallahu alaihi wasallam) further taught that we should only apply the hudood after the high burden of proof has been established otherwise, “Avert the hudud from Muslims as much as you can. So if there is a way out for him, let him off. For verily, it is better for the Imam to error in pardon than to error in punishment.” [Al-Bayhaqi]

The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) taught us that the Khilafah guarantees rights to all its citizens whether Muslim or non Muslim. With regards to Non-Muslim citizens (Ahl al Dhimma) of the Islamic State he (salallahu alaihi wasallam) stated, “He who kills a covenanted person (Ahl al Dhimma) enjoying the oath of Allah and the oath of His Messenger, then he has betrayed the oath of Allah so he shall not smell the scent of Heaven; its scent is found the distance of a seventy year march.” (Tirmidhi)

This narration makes it clear that the Muslims are obliged to give the Ahl al Dhimma the same protection as they do towards themselves. The Islamic State does not interfere in matters specific to the beliefs of the Ahl-Dhimma. The Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) after making peace with the people of Najran on certain conditions and agreed “that their churches would not be destroyed, and that no priest of theirs is banished, and that they would also not be coerced away from their faith provided they did not innovate any matter and they did not deal in usury” (Abu Dawud)

This is a practical manifestation of the Qur’anic words that “there is no compulsion in religion.”

Indeed it is not for the Khilafah to dictate a particular madhab for its citizens. Rather matters related to individual ibadah, like salah and siyam, and branch matters of faith are not determined by the Khaleefah but are left to the adoption of the individual. The State would only adopt on the basis of Iman (the six pillars of faith) and those Islamic laws necessary for societal cohesion (e.g. revenues, administration, political system etc).

Indeed the Khilafah ordained in the Islamic texts and demonstrated by the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wasallam) is a system that would provide stability in a region that has been ravaged by secular dictatorships and failed democracies imposed by Western governments to serve its interests.

Dear Imams, Khateebs and Community Leaders, it is our duty to extol the virtues of Islam and respond to the lies that we are witnessing about the Khilafah. This is the time for us to present the true vision of the Islamic Khilafah and present, in detail, the systems of Islam that will take mankind from the darkness of ignorance to the light of Islam

To help aid the work of counteracting the lies and build the correct vision of the Khilafah Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain has organised a series of Khilafah Conferences across the UK. The conferences will address the following issues amongst others:

1. How the Khilafah would deal with sectarianism, national divisions, the Gaza massacre and minorities.

2. The Khilafah on the Prophetic model – understanding the Madinan model.

3. The Prophetic method in establishing the Islamic State – as opposed to violent struggle or failed reformist politics.

4. Our role in reshaping the Ummah’s future.

We look forward to joining our hands to address the vital issues confronting the Ummah today.


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09-14-2014, 01:19 AM
Points I like to state;-

1. Its not our goal to discuss the evil deeds of politicians to teach the masses about religion-when frankly none of them would say that their leaders are righteous people.

2. Those who talk of building an Islamic state, are forgetting that even when Prophet Jesus peace be upon him comes back, it is about casual living not about state building, certainly not when the Gog and Magog will be coming.

The message of Allah was to tell people to be Muslims, after Muslims wished to live under an Islamic state, its not that you create a state first and then be Muslims later.

3. Heeding the signs of the Day of Judgement, you have people in parts of the world who accept lewd behaviour, homosexuality-so what we know is that God destroys them, so what makes you think you can just build a brand new state, when other places are being destroyed and the Dajjal is coming?

4. Be under no illusion, and spread no false pretences, there are plenty of people ie living in Pakistan and other muslim majority states, who don't actually care for leading a religious lifestyle. I have been to Pakistan and there are plenty of people who want from others, what they wouldn't give themselves, generations of people who don't actually care about farming, don't care for their animals, but just want the western lifestyle, and just jobs perhaps depicted on TV shows of people using laptops.

People who ask for mobiles, when they don't even have an education, or a real use for them. You have kids asking about mobiles. But if they had a mobile, and someone asked to have it, they would reply that they aren't stupid to give such a thing to others-so asking something from others, that they aren't willing to do themselves.

People who delve in doing black magic (funny how the media after all the criticism of Muslims, haven't actually researched and video-taped many so called Muslims doing such practises-as it is widespread in many countries). Well with all the conspiracy of politicians being in league with Satan probably not a surprise.

What I'm basically saying that everything as per written in the Quran, and the teachings of the Prophet, if I believe for one moment that God is going to protect Pakistan, Iran etc from the non-Muslims when (yes there are stories of one good believer, where God wouldn't want to destroy a place, but when even children are being raped etc, don't think that any believer would ever pray to God to protect a nation of sinners) they aren't even respecting, caring about others as Muslims should be doing. I am not impressed with those who talk about Islamic state, when they can't even sort out the basics ie
- why don't they stop people from taking drugs?
- why don't they sort out the behaviours of Males who taunt women just for walking modestly down the street ie in Egypt
-why don't they sort out people who ask for mobile phones when they haven't even got a toilet.
-people wanted to have strife because they wanted money, ie like in Egypt (were they didn't look starved), but were complaining instead of being patient and trying to make do).

What is more likely as above, is that if an outright war does happen, which I don't want, there is nothing that we can do about it, but be steadfast in Islam and don't let the acts of the evil divert people from remembering Allah and the Day of Judgement and what is truly happening is that these nations will cease to continue (whatever method of their ending isn't an issue, and if the Muslims think that its a time to celebrate and build a state and carry on when the Major signs of the Day of Judgement is upon them-then they are being foolish), and that the Dajjal is coming. The Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will not be appearing on a TV show, giving interviews, there will be poverty before and at the time of the Dajjal. The Prophet Jesus peace be upon him won't be building state buildings and court houses, only a fool would wish to build a state when knowing full well that the Prophet will only be here for 40 years and that the Day of Judgement is upon us and its not about children growing up to become engineers etc. People will have a bit of peace after the Dajjal, and they deserve it after poverty but during after this initial time with the Prophet the Gog and Magog will be arriving.

It is not a problem to look at what is happening in this world, as we are witnesses, and will be mentioned on the Day of Judgement. We should be getting on with our lives as much as possible, and remember Allah and the Day of Judgement. There is plenty of material, and people are only picking and choosing and quoting things out of context-well we already had a Muslim state (and people will listen to the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him in every household, and if you think you need to do anything to shape what will be happening in how people live at the time of the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him you are wrong-as they have him and the good Muslims at that time. Spend much in prayer and give the poor their due when there will be a time when you will not be able to do so. If you do not agree with the above, then I say onto you your way, and onto me mine and I am happy to leave it to that.

Remember Allah and the Day of Judgement much.

09-20-2014, 10:45 AM
Here's an interesting timeline:

After the death of*James Jacob de Rothschild*in 1868, his eldest son*Alphonse Rothschild*took over the management of the family bank and was the most active in support for*Eretz Israel.[37]

*The Rothschild family archives show that during the 1870s the family contributed nearly 500,000 francs per year on behalf of Eastern Jewry to the*Alliance Israélite Universelle

*Baron*Edmond James de Rothschild, youngest son of*James Jacob de Rothschild, was a patron of the
first settlement in Palestine at*Rishon-LeZion,
and bought from Ottoman landlords parts of the land which now makes up present-day Israel.

In 1924, he established the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association

(PICA), which acquired more than 125,000 acres (50,586*ha) of land and set up business ventures.[39]*

1920-1947: The British Mandate Period

Excerpted from Palestine and the Palestinians (Boulder, Co: Westview Press, 1997), by Samih K. Farsoun with Christina Zacharia, pp. 72-86.

The terms of the British Mandate over Palestine set up irreconcilable and contradictory goals of self-rule for the native Palestinians and a national home not specifically defined by Britain for European Jews.

For the Zionists Jews, the national home meant quite simply a “Palestine that was as Jewish as England is English or Canada is Canadian,� as the Jewish Chronicle wrote on 20 May 1921.

Britain provided for the establishment of a Jewish agency to be, in its official language, “recognized as a public body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the Administration of Palestine in such economic, social, and other matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish population in Palestine.�

The facilitation of the immigration of Jews to Palestine, and “the close settlement by Jews on the Land.�

The Mandate agreement was thus framed largely with clauses that favored the Zionist cause over Palestinian self-determination.

The Zionist project was fraught with discontinuities, contradictions, and conflicts with the Palestinian natives and occasionally the British Mandate administration, but in the final analysis its implementation was quite successful.

Factors that led to this success include:In-Migration and Demographic Transformation*Land Acquisition*Separate Jewish Economy*Jewish Labor*Separate Social and Political Institutions*Creation of a Jewish State within a StateIn-Migration and

Demographic Transformation: Palestine in 1882 had a small, native, and migrant religious Jewish community of roughly 24,000 among a Palestinian population of nearly 500,000.

There were several waves of politically inspired immigration into the country.
The first occurred between 1882 and 1903 and totaled about 25,000.
The second, between 1904 and 1914, brought in around 35,000 immigrants, which resulted in a total Jewish population of 85,000.
The third wave between 1919 and 1923 brought another 85,000 immigrants, mostly Polish and middle class.
The December 1931 British census of the country showed that of the 1.04 million people, 84 percent were Arab and 16 percent were Jewish. While the increase in the Jewish population was due largely to in-migration, the Palestinian population increased naturally at 2.7 percent per year.
Because of the rise of Nazism, 174,000 Jews migrated to Palestine between 1932 and 1936. Suddenly the Jewish population in Palestine rose to an estimated 28 percent of the total inhabitants. This radical change, occurring in a brief span of only five years, must certainly be recognized as an important cause of the Palestinian Arab rebellion of 1936 against British Mandate authorities. Both legal and illegal Jewish immigration (according to Mandate authorities) into Palestine increased during World War II and its aftermath. By the end of 1947, Palestine Mandate government estimates indicate that of a total population of 1.9 million, Jews made up only 31 percent. Thus, only a year before the state of Israel was unilaterally declared, the Jewish population constituted less than one-third the total inhabitants. Nevertheless, the Jewish minority in Palestine became a powerful community.

The banking systems operated by the "father of the settlements" (rothschild) obviously required a lot of hard (solid) cash to be able to relocate millions of people across the planet
So what better way than to start milking via rothschild reared agents?
bearing in mind that winston churchill and fdr were both interconnected via the Brooklyn family network and this relationship was cemented through churchills's marriage with jeanette.
The Jerome*Mansion*on*Madison*Avenue, New York City.

In 1917*Walter Rothschild, 2nd Baron Rothschild*was the addressee of the*Balfour Declaration*to the*Zionist Federation,[36]*which committed the British government to the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.


Executive Order 6102

Executive Order 6102 required all persons to deliver on or before May 1, 1933, all but a small amount of*gold coin, gold*bullion, and*gold certificatesowned by them to the*Federal Reserve, in exchange for $20.67 (equivalent to $376.58 today[4]) per*troy ounce. Under the*Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the recently passed*Emergency Banking Act*of March 9, 1933, violation of the order was punishable by fine up to $10,000 (equivalent to $182,185 today[4]) or up to ten years in prison, or both. Most citizens who owned large amounts of gold had it transferred to countries such as Switzerland.

The*Haavara Agreement*(Hebrew:*הסכם העברה*Translit.:*heskem haavara*Translated:*"transfer agreement") was signed on 25 August 1933 after three months of talks by the*Zionist Federation of Germany, the*Anglo-Palestine Bank*(under the directive of the*Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of*Nazi Germany. The agreement was designed to help facilitate the emigration of German Jews to*Palestine. While it helped Jews emigrate, it forced them to temporarily give up possessions to Germany before departing. Those possessions could later be re-obtained by transferring them to Palestine as German export goods.[1][2]

Hitler's support of the Haavara Agreement varied throughout the thirties. Initially, Hitler criticized the agreement, but shortly reversed his opinion, and continued to support it, in the face of opposition, through 1939 (he was a kafir dependent on the rothschild banking cartel).[6]After the invasion of Poland and the onset of World War II in 1939, the practical continuation of the Haavara agreement became impossible.[B] In 1940, representatives of the underground Zionist group*Lehi*met with von Hentig to propose direct military cooperation with the Nazis for the continuation of the transfer of European Jews to Palestine.

Juden Raus!*(1936)

Juden Raus*(“Jews out") is a*Cross and Circle-style game published in*Germanyby Günther & Co. in 1936, just one year after the*Nuremberg Laws*were put into effect. The game was advertised as "entertaining, instructive and solidly constructed."[2]*The game's equipment includes a pair of dice, a game board, and several game piece figurines with large*pointed hats*meant to represent*Jews.Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their "Jews" across the map toward "collection points" outside the city walls for deportation to*Mandate Palestine.*Written on the game board, it says “If you manage to see off 6 Jews, you’ve won a clear victory!”[3]

1950–1951 Baghdad bombings*refers to the bombing of Jewish targets in*Baghdad, Iraq, between April 1950 and June 1951.

Two confirmed activists in the Zionist underground were found guilty by an Iraqi court for the bombing, and were sentenced to death. Another was sentenced to life imprisonment and seventeen more were given long prison sentences.[1]However, the question of who was to blame for the attacks has drawn considerable disagreement.

Whilst the allegations against Israeli agents had "wide consensus" amongst Iraqi Jews,[2][3][4][5][6]*there was a tendency to blame their ills and misfortunes on the Zionist emissaries.[citation needed]*However, the allegations against the Zionist agents were viewed as "more plausible than most" by the British Foreign Office.[7][8][9][6][3][4]

Such involvement has been consistently denied by the Israeli government, including by a Mossad-led internal inquiry,[10]*even following the 2005 admission of the*Lavon affair.

[B]Historians who assign responsibility for the bombings to an Israeli or Iraqi Zionist underground movement suggest the motive was to encourage*Iraqi Jews*to*immigrate*to*Israel,
*as part of the ongoing*Operation Ezra and Nehemiah.[\B].

1950–51 Baghdad bombings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The*Lavon Affair*refers to a failed*Israelicovert operation, code named*Operation Susannah, conducted in*Egypt*in the Summer of 1954. As part of the*false flag*operation,[1]*a group of*Egyptian Jews*were recruited by*Israeli military intelligence*to plant bombs inside Egyptian,*American*and*British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The attacks were to be blamed on the*Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian*Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's*Suez Canal*zone.[2]The operation caused no casualties, except for those members of the cell who committed suicide after being captured.

The secret cell

The top-secret cell,*Unit 131,[5]*which was to carry out the operation, had existed since 1948 and under Aman since 1950. At the time of Operation Susannah, Unit 131 was the subject of a bitter dispute between*Aman*(military intelligence) and*Mossad*(national intelligence agency) over who should control it.
Unit 131 operatives had been recruited several years before, when the Israeli intelligence officer*Avram Dar*arrived in*Cairo*under the cover of a British citizen from Gibraltar named John Darling. He had recruited several Egyptian Jews who had previously been active in illegal emigration activities and trained them for*covert operations.

Again we are reminded of the fact that oil in the middle east was Publicly admitted in 1908 besides the fact that a satanic network of kabbalistic masons, templars and other satanists have been operating from babylonian times to "free" mankind from the laws of God.

When looking into the dark links between babylonian captivity, masonry (every kind of builder and diver subjected to sulaiman (as) ) the crusades, the money changing bankers (knights templar, propaganda du (p2), black friars, the zionist movement (in the name of the Messiah lol), the vatican, skull and bones, bullingdon club, rothschild et al, we find that this network is being utilized to firstly leech dry, then bankrupt, then enslave mankind with all schools, hospitals, prison complexes and land management repossessed from host nations, working towards the accomplishment of what has been proposed in the protocols.
Dajjal (the Antichrist) has friends in many high places.

09-20-2014, 11:29 AM
George H. W. Bush's father, Prescott, was a board member of Union Banking and a senior partner in a Union Banking affiliate,Äîthe investment firm Brown Brothers, Harriman. The U. S. government investigated both Bert Walker and Prescott Bush, and under the Trading with the Enemy Act seized all shares of Union Banking, including shares held by Prescott Bush. The government held that "huge sections of Prescott Bush's empire had been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and had greatly assisted the German war effort."

Nazis And Bush Family History: Government Investigated Bush family's Financing Of Hitler

In 1865, Rockefeller bought out his partners in the kerosene business for $72,500.
In 1870, he and a few others, organized The Standard Oil Company, with capital of $1 million. He built his company by buying out competitors, price cutting and controlling secondary businesses related to pipelines, trains, oil terminals and barrel making.
By 1880, his monopoly controlled the refining of 95% of America’s oil

By 1926 though, Standard Oil’s near global monopoly had been broken up.
In 1911, the U.S. Supreme Court decided it was violating anti-trust laws and dissolved it into about three dozen companies.
Many of these are now household names like Chevron (Standard Oil California), Amoco (Standard Oil Indiana), Mobil (Standard Oil New Jersey) and Exxon, previously called Esso (Standard Oil New Jersey).
Throughout the 1920s and 1930s, while the persecution of leftists continued, corporate leaders on the extreme right, continued their criminal rampages in pursuit of profit. Although Rockefeller’s many links to Nazism are too numerous to list here, a few examples are worth noting. In the 1920s, Exxon entered into partnerships with Germany’s top chemical cartel members, BASF and I.G. Farben.

The Bank for International Settlements, which helped fund the Nazis before and during WWII, was created in 1930 by the world’s central banks, including the Federal Reserve Bank of NY.

Its creation was inspired by the Nazi government and its bankers. Its first president was Gates McGarrah, a Rockefeller banker formerly of Chase National Bank and the “Fed.”In 1932, Chevron struck oil in Bahrain and was soon operating in Saudi Arabia. In 1933, when Hitler seized power, Standard Oil New Jersey supplied Germany with the patents it required for tetraethyl lead aviation fuel. In 1936, the company Schroder, Rockefeller Investment Bankers, included board directors linked to the Gestapo and several European, Nazi-linked banks. It’s lawyers were John Foster Dulles and Allan Dulles, leading Wall Street fascists who drummed up American investments in Germany and elsewhere. The Dulles law firm represented I.G. Farben and Fritz Thyssen. Thyssen was Hitler’s biggest German financier. The Dulles brothers later became Secretary of State and CIA Director, respectively.

In 1943, Roosevelt’s government took control of Rockefeller’s Aramco. It also seized assets of the Union Banking Corp., which Harriman, Bush and Walker had built up by collaborating with Nazi companies that used slave labour. This money was later returned and it launched the Bushes in oil and politics.

Rockefeller - Facing the Corporate Roots of American Fascism

The United Nations Headquarters complex was constructed in stages with the core complex completed between 1948 and 1952.

The Headquarters occupies a site beside the East River, on 17 acres (69,000*m2) of land purchased from the foremost New York real estate developer of the time,*William Zeckendorf,
Sr.*Nelson Rockefellerarranged this purchase, after an initial offer to locate it on the*Rockefeller family*estate of*Kykuit*was rejected as being too isolated from Manhattan.
The US$8.5 million (adjusted by inflation US$83.4*million) purchase was then funded by his father,*John D. Rockefeller, Jr., who donated it to the city.[6]*Wallace Harrison, the personal architectural adviser for the Rockefeller family, and a prominent corporate architect, served as the Director of Planning for the United Nations Headquarters. His firm, Harrison and Abramovitz, oversaw the execution of the design.[7]

Headquarters of the United Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

(wonder why people around the planet were pacified during the partition and massacres and why all those wiretaps of un diplomats during war preparations are never discovered?)

The first 5 minutes of this Video explain how rothschild took over the financial system of the British empire (which controlled the major resource points of the planet at the time). Though i would caution viewers of the negative, glum and defeatist outlook of the presentatiin since a Muslim does not forget that all power bwlongs to Allah and His promise of victory is true.


Further research will enlighten readers into how rothschild and co. controlled the bank of England and the printing of the British pound (which had defaulted on it's promise to pay bearers the gold and silver they had deposited in trust to the king's financiers).

In*Tel Aviv, there is a road,*Rothschild Boulevard, named after him as well as various localities throughout Israel which he assisted in founding including*Metulla,*Zikhron Ya'akov, Rishon Lezion, and*Rosh Pina. A park in*Boulogne-Billancourt, Paris, the*Parc Edmond de Rothschild*(Edmond de Rothschild Park), is also named after its founder

.[40]*The Rothschilds also played a significant part in the funding of Israel's governmental infrastructure.

*James A. de Rothschild*financed the*Knesset*building as a gift to the State of Israel[41]*

the*Supreme Court of Israel building was donated to Israel by*Dorothy de Rothschild

09-20-2014, 11:59 AM
Emblem of "Gladio", Italian branch of the NATO "stay-behind" paramilitary organizations. The motto, "Silendo Libertatem Servo", means
"In being silent, I save freedom".

The role of the*Central Intelligence Agency*(CIA) in sponsoring Gladio and the extent of its activities during the*Cold War*era, and its relationship to*right-wing*terrorist attacks*perpetrated in Italy during the "Years of Lead" (late 1960s to early 1980s) and other similar*clandestine operations, is the subject of ongoing debate and investigation. Switzerland and Belgium have had parliamentary inquiries into the matter.

On 30 January 2010, we learn that NATO generals devised Operation Cage (Cage probe deepens with Poyrazköy indictment)which included the idea of detonating explosives during school field trips to military museums in Turkey. The intention was to kill lots of kids for political capital.
The UK’s General Frank Kitson reportedly developed the idea of the ‘pseudo gang’.*(General Frank Kitson: Trail Blazing Fake Terrorism)
The pseudo gang works for the military but pretends to be a bunch of terrorists.
The idea of the ‘pseudo gang’ is to murder innocent civilians and then blame the murders on the people that the military wants to discredit.
Pseudo gangs have been used in Vietnam, Italy, Turkey, Belgium, the Philippines, Kenya, Malaya, Northern Ireland, Iraq, London, Madrid, New York and many other places.

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