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View Full Version : Christians wishing to talk about "kindness"

09-20-2014, 09:38 PM
The issue that I have with Christians coming on to Muslim forums is that they come to discuss about being kind. Firstly I do and agree with treating people respectfully, and helping each other.
But I don't agree with Christians and their hollow kindness.

They disregard the teachings of the Prophets and say anything that is baseless. For example;-

At the time of the Prophet Noah peace be upon him, no Muslim is ever saying that people at that time, didn't like someone, weren't in relationships, didn't love their children.

The Prophet Noah peace be upon him did not say that OK, they don't want to repent and worship the one God, so I'm going to pray to my God, and they can pray to their idols, and we are just going to get along and live happily ever after.

Prophet Salih peace be upon him did not say that OK, they aren't being good and slew the camel, so I can't help them to be religious, so what I'm going to do is pray to God and we are going to live as friends.

Prophet Lut peace be upon him told the homosexuals to repent, they refused, he didn't stop telling them until he left on the night they were destroyed. He didn't say I'm going to pray to God so we can have a good life in this world.

Even the Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him rejected the idol worshippers telling him that we alternate and pray to your God and you pray to our idols.

The difference between Christians and Muslims are;-

1. Belief in the one God, to believe in the one God, you cannot say he has a son, or he is one of three (trinity). Christians say that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will be judging people and he will be their salvation, when Prophet Jesus peace be upon him is NOT all seeing or all hearing, he does not raise the heavens and create life. The Christians are acting no differently to other idol worshippers, where people where told just to worship this idol, just ""accept" it that's all you need to do even though it doesn't make any sense. God has provided understanding and sense.

The one God does not share his rulership with anyone. He is the King of the Heavens and the Earth.

God does not have any children (he is ONE). How can there be another God? When another God could not keep their thoughts hidden from the Allah (as Allah is All Knowing), how can another God keep his actions hidden, when Allah is All-Seeing, why would a God need to be created?

2. The next difference is how the Christians and the Muslims treat themselves. which the next huge difference is that;-

-the Christians say that they are "children" of God
-the Muslims, however say that they are "servants" of God.

This is no trivial matter, the angels don't even say that they are "children" of God, neither do they see themselves as such.

The Christians act as if the are doing God's work and are the centre of attention -when it is God who is the centre of attention. But with Muslims and angels they bow down and God is the centre of attention, no matter what we do and how much good we do, it is God that all his creation should be looking towards.

Now you have different groups of Christians but basically its bizarre what they come up with;-

-they say that they will be ruling in Heaven and even in Jehovah's witnesses say there is a limited number of people who will be ruling with Prophet Jesus peace be upon him in Heaven over those who will now be living on Earth.

The points are why would you need to rule over people??? (You say you are kind, but you want to go in to the next world to rule over others?) Is that what you want salvation for? If your living in Paradise, why do you need to rule-what are you going to tell people to do? What to eat, how to live? What trees to have in their gardens, and what kind of mansions they should have?? Only Allah is able to create and give life and food. In Islam we acknowledge the best people such as the Prophets and that people will be looking up to them, but that doesn't mean that they will be taking over the Creator's position.

They wish to treat themselves as if they are doing God's work by being missionaries and acting as this is what they have from the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, when all they are doing is telling people that they are kind and good, and then they expect people to besotted and view them as kind, good people to such an extent that people may wish to become a Christian. No one does the Prophets work, accept the Prophets themselves, in Islam we are only privileged to give onto others, and enjoy telling each other about God.

-we Muslims are servants, and acknowledge that it is only with Allah's permission that we have to be able to help other people, we acknowledge that God does not need us, and that we are created, just as the angels to worship and be thankful that we are in existence to know that he exists, to enjoy so much in the gardens of Paradise of his love.

3. Going back I dislike the Christians for treating people as if they are dumb, they like to avoid certain things and tell us it doesn't matter, typical idol worshippers behaviour of telling people to worship their idols. For example;-

All the Prophets told people to worship the one God, believe in the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell. The Christians themselves acknowledge that this is what was taught prior to the arrival of Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, they agree that;-

- Prophet Noah peace be upon him told people to worship the one God, remember the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell.

- Prophet Job peace be upon him told people to worship the one God, remember the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell.

So how can it be a sin for the Muslims doing what Prophet Ibrahim, Noah, Job, Salih peace be upon him taught us to worship the one God, remember the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell?

How can the Muslims go to Hell for something for doing what good people did prior to the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him to the Christians??? When the Christians say that in their Kingdom forever, what will be happening to those good people at the time of of following King Solomon, Ibrahim peace be upon him? What are their positions in this when they don't accept Prophet Jesus peace be upon him as a son of God, they would never in this world and they will never in death?

What are they saying that the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him when he comes back is actually going to tell the Muslims to stop worshipping the Creator of the Universe??

4. In Islam we accept that Prophet Jesus peace be upon him being allowed to with Allah's permission to do certain things such as Prophet Moses peace be upon him did with his staff.

Prophet Jesus peace be upon him had the table spreadth of food from Heaven and he created a bird out of clay and with Allah's permission became alive.

What the people at the time had the same test as people do today, they feared the authorities rather then God All-Mighty, which is why they act of crucification happened (but Prophet Jesus peace be upon him was not killed). As if evil people want to live by their evil, they think to fool other people with their evil acts, then let them be fooled and they thought they had killed the Prophet. The people at the time feared the authorities more then God.

Prophet Jesus peace be upon him did NOT return back in this world as this is not what the people deserved after fearing the authorities. God took him to Heaven and just like Prophet Adam peace be upon him his body was in Paradise when God created him and where he lived for a while (note the Christians say that flesh cannot be in Heaven), Prophet Jesus peace be upon him was taken to Heaven in his body, and thus he did not die. He will be returning with the help of angels bringing him back down to Earth, where there is reference that this will be in Damascus.

If the Muslims were alive at the time of the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, we would not have allowed him to be harmed. This is also why it can be said why the Muslims have done so well, as we listened to the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, which is where the Jews did not and were left wandering around the desert.

The Christians like to claim that it was because the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him told them not to fight, so why did they fight later?? If you couldn't fight for the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him, what right do you have to send Crusaders to Jerusalem? What right do you have to fight for anything???

5. It's rather that the Christians wish to view themselves as good, righteous people always need other people's confirmation that they are being kind-as they are after attention, for who could divert people's attention from the LORD, Creator of the Universe to themselves??

How can you speak to people of what you are doing for then more then what the Creator of the Universe is doing for them (when he provides food and gives life)?

6. Even they use the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him as an image, and treat him with disrespect, for example would they have the nerve to go up to him when he comes back and say in front of his face that he loves them?? There is reference that he will be getting married, does that mean that they will be praying to his wife and perhaps children too???

Will they be holding nativity plays in his honour? Will they be showing the "best" statues they have made of his Mother??

The Prophet Jesus peace be upon him is a Man, the best when he comes back in this world. The Muslims respect him and would never wish to upset him.

29:25 (Asad) And [abraham] said: “You have chosen to worship idols instead of God for no other reason than to have a bond of love in the life of this world, between yourselves [and your forebears]: but then, on Resurrection Day, you shall disown one another and curse one another - for the goal of you all will be the fire, and you will have none to succour you.

7. This is not hard to see were Christianity has influenced of the desire to be valued by others and be seen as compassionate people, ie-

- when people give organ donations, they wish to say they have given the "gift" of life. Muslims are in disagreement about organ donations, and I am one of those that don't agree, as you are only hear to pass your test and you don't need the organs of another to do so. But going back, here are they uttering something which is arrogant, and they have no right to say, no one gives life expect Allah, and no one can stay here without his permission.

-how they sit there, with a besotted look when they do surrogacy , see themselves as valued and loved individual, the centre of people's attention (we do not accept surrogacy and they use the story of Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him-Hager did not give up her child, she raised him up).

- when they wish to be sing songs, they say they wish to "effect" and "move" people .

8. Muslims do not and never ask for others to look at us, as when we help others, we acknowledge and treat it as a blessing and a privilege that Allah is allowing us to be able to pray, and help others. We do not rule and run over Paradise, where people are provided for by the creator.

9. How can you say that you are kind and compassionate people when you are basically telling people to;-

-ignore the Creator of the Universe, the King of Mankind, the Master of the Day of Judgement???
-how can you tell people to ignore the God of the Worlds and to look at you instead, just because you wish to be loved and appreciated??

10. This is where they treat people as if they are dumb, going back to the time of the Prophet Noah peace be upon him (where the Christians are happy to make money from story books but basically to ignore the teachings that they were not worshipping the one God and so where drowned in the flood).

11, How can people who claim that they were so full of kindness, actually, deeply and accepted racism??? How could and why Christians accept that the whites were better then blacks-going back to be treated as better, being valued, seeking attention.

12. We cannot pray with idol worshippers, we can pray at Synagogues, were Jews do not accept idol worship. When the Christians say they wish to pray together, again, what are they praying for?? For us to be Christians, for us to get along (when largely the Muslim have, and when Muslims help more with looking after their elderly relatives).

13. When we get along with people, its because we know that everyone will be brought forward on the Day of Judgement. They all will be judged personally on the Day of Judgement by the Creator of the Universe (he will not be delegating this judging to anyone). So it is living a lie and as idol worshippers they are willing to accept it for the attention of others. A God fearing individual would not be telling his creation to look at someone/something else. Everyone has the same test that they need to pass to accept the teachings of the one God. Why do they think they are better and they are doing "God's work" when they are treating themselves above others-for self attention.

We never say to others, that you need us to help you in life, when it is God who helps and provides all the food and water, and other creatures such as ants, birds worship him. (Even the ant acknowledged the presence of King Solomon peace be upon him as stated in the Quran.

14. Which is were Christians are also happy to accept the made up sins of the Prophets, ie by saying that Prophet Lut peace be upon him got drunk and inappropriate relations with his daughters. This is typical evil doers behaviour, were it is commonplace, if they see someone who without faults, they wish to know some bad things about someone, so they won't be jealous or upset. Is this not what evil people do??

15. The Christians are not respecting the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him;-

-would they say that its acceptable for a wife of the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him to show her legs?? Would it be OK for her to be swimming in the sea with other males???

- he didn't eat pork or drank alcohol, are they saying that they would be eating pork when he comes back and that they will be pressing wine together and that the Prophet Jesus peace be upon him will be giving the best tips on how to make the best wine??

16. This is where the Christians are hypocrites, how can people who say they are religious, join the atheists in their attacks against the Muslims? When the Muslims are simply worshipping the one God, believing in the Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell? How can they simply side with people who accept lewd behaviour, homosexuality and go against the Muslims, (not that we needed their help), but whenever has it been acceptable for religious people to side with people who go against the commandments of God? They are no different then those who sided with the evil doers at the time of the Prophet Noah, Lut and Ibrahim peace be upon them, when the people knew that they were good people (no one accused the Prophets of being evil, lewd, violent, tyrannical individuals), but they even were willing to side with the homosexuals.

17. They say all that matters is being nice, well Satan can be nice, does that mean that we be nice to him, as long as he is nice to us?? Shall we make plans to think of what to say to the anti-christ so we can have an easier existence???

This is where God, the Creator of the Universe does not accept idol worshippers, he will never accept any Christian who says that God has taken himself a son, or that he is one of three, no matter what they do in life, as they do it for the attention of others, and to build relationships with others.

To be kind isn't to tell people to ignore the important facts in religion and just accept idol worship. To be kind is to help people who are in distress, give to charity (as everything is from Allah), do not be abusive to others, and beat others up. But we can never accept Christianity idol worship, that itself goes against our senses as well as the commandments of God.

If you wish to talk about Islam talk about Islam, if you wish to talk about being kind then use the teachings of God. If you wish to talk about Christianity then stop fobbing people off, by saying such and such a thing is not important anymore. Also stop talking to us like we don't show kindness to our non-Muslim neighbours and don't give to charity, and don't look after our relatives more.

Basically I don't accept your "kindness" as kindness, but rather wishing to treat people as if they are dumb by asking them to accept idol worship.

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.muslim girl.
09-20-2014, 10:41 PM
they want to persuade us that god is one of three !!!

أَعُوْذُ بِالله مِنْ ذَلِكْ !

i'm so sorry but this is really ridiculous

anyway , thanks for this thread

09-21-2014, 12:18 AM
Assalaamu alaikum h-n,

You obviously are feeling very passionate about a variety of issues. However, I am puzzled as to what upset you in the first place. You are not responding to something a Christian has been saying on this Forum...or are you? Something triggered this passion. But what was it?

Secondly, while I understand a lot of your points, I don't think it is appropriate to lump all Christians together. You know, not only do different groups of Christians have different beliefs (you know, the Unitarians reject the idea of thetrinity, for example), but individual Christians can be very different one from the other.

For example, you can have Christians who are very serious about Pleasing God, and they sincerely try to do good in this world. But there are others who are hypocrites, and are looking for the gains of this world. It is not fair to lump them all together and speak angrily to them (at least, this is how your post feels to me).

Allah has instructed us:

Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of who is[rightly] guided. 16:125 Sahih International translation.

Your points have a lot of validity to them h-n, but I would suggest that we speak in calm and respectful ways. Even if some Christians behave badly, we should behave well. And even more importantly, there are many Christians who read the posts on this Forum out of a sincere desire to understand Islam. Please let us not make them feel unwelcome.

May Allah Guide us to ways that are most Pleasing to Him.

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