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01-18-2016, 04:19 PM
Tears of repentance..

For every tear drop that I've shed,
For every ayah that I've read,
For every battle that I've fought,
For every lesson that You've taught,

I know there is some benefit for me,
And always with me I'll find You to be,
Guiding through life's difficulty,
Showing me what is right and what is faulty.

Yet, tears are made from pain,
They may rise from everything vain,
Because we trespass forbidden lane,
Forgetting what is it that is main.

I've shed tears of blood and tears of gold,
As I've been pretending on the outside to be bold,
But on the inside I'm all shriveled and cold,
Ya Rabb use this pain to have me mould,
In becoming the person that You love and Hold.

- Mashura Azad (May 21, 2014)

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01-20-2016, 01:56 PM
One day amidst The Lush Green Garden
Next to the endless flowing streams
There will be an unknown strange maiden
Awaiting you, whose beauty will be beyond your dreams
As you will spend a million years mesmerized
Completely taken aback; who is she?
Your mind captured and heart pulverized
Wondering how beautiful can anyone ever be
As you lose yourself in her dark wide eyes
Trying to recall her, from your days of old
Your memory will fail you, even after a thousand tries
For you've never met her, and never been told
So, you ask around if she is a special Hoor
But deep down you know she is nothing like any other
As you keep staring at her along your Jannah tour
Holding her hands, you realize that there is nothing smoother
Finally you ask her, "Who are you?"
Shyly she gives you the ethereal smile
Softly telling you, "you are my dream come true!"
"Days and nights I've prayed for this very while."
"My dearest you don't know me, and I've never met you."
"Yet in a thousand prayers, I've only wished for you."
"Of all the people with whom I could ever be, I always chose you."
"Today, here you are next to me, and it's all real and true."

by Mashura Azad (July 22, 2014)

01-20-2016, 02:14 PM
NICE :thumbsup:

..you know I used to write rhymes.. before... I used to be a lyricist... Rhymes, poems, songs et cetera.. Both in English and Urdu... Lool :)

:thumbsup: ​ONCE AGAIN !

01-20-2016, 02:25 PM
jazak Allaahu khairan... I love urdu poetry... But I don't read urdu script too well. I'm bangladeshi. I can if I try really hard, as I do read arabic. But a lot of times it doesn't make sense. So, I generally read those that are written in English.
Thank you...

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01-20-2016, 02:28 PM
It's OK :) and no problem.. Really liked your poem :)

01-20-2016, 02:33 PM
Aww thank you... that's encouraging... in.shaa.Allaah will post more then... I've over 200 waiting for people to admire

01-20-2016, 02:36 PM
what did you say- over two hundred??? Wow :o...

01-20-2016, 02:44 PM
:nervous: yup! don't worry I've enough to bore everyone to death :happy:

01-20-2016, 02:47 PM
​Haha! Lol.. No I'd love to read more of your content.. :)

01-20-2016, 02:48 PM

01-20-2016, 02:48 PM
​Those smileys are super cute BY TEH WAY.

01-24-2016, 04:58 PM
Cries Rising From A Sinful Heart...
Ya Rabb! the scholars and the great worshipers speak of their love for You,
While I silently listen and grief, for all I do is doubt if my dedication is really true,
They write verses, couplets and hymns of their sacrifices, perseverance and devotion,
While all I can recall are my sins, weaknesses, flaws and a heart in serious corrosion,
I see others, listen to them and read of them, and my heart aches more and more,
I haven’t prepared for my afterlife and not done much to gain Your Pleasure from before,
While all of your obedient servants are doing endless good deeds, to gain nearness to You,
I'm busy trying to settle my intentions over and over again so I can at least stay true,
The lives and passion of many are written in their great words and obedience,
And, mine may only be written in my struggle with worship and attaining patience,
While most of them are ready and prepared to go straight to Paradise by pleasing You,
Where will sinners like me go to hide, and what deeds and acts can we really do,
All Your loved ones spend their days and nights in Your remembrance and doing good deeds,
While I try to remind myself to seek Your forgiveness, to heal my heart which bleeds,
For the fear of Your Anger and Your Wrath envelopes my soul, leaving me terrified,
All I have is Your Mercy to hold on to, as in this life of misguidance I’ve endlessly defied.
- Mashura Azad (February 3, 2015)

01-26-2016, 06:26 AM
Desires And Pain …
Broken, shattered and in unbelievable pain,
Are you surprised, although Islaam is in your vein?
It seems complicated and really hard to explain,
He tests you by desires which lead to inevitable disdain,
He wants to see if you will for His sake refrain,
Are you going to leave the forbidden lane?
The bravest in this path have become insane,
Because sins are intoxicating like sweet champagne,
But they only bring destruction and nothing to gain,
As you start giving into them, in your heart they leave stain,
Sin after sin these stains cover the heart’s domain,
The fight is endless and it leaves a terribly confused brain,
But all He is interested to know is how you regain,
Your self-worth as His slave, in His Path you remain,
Fighting your heart and soul to break from the chain,
Of the devil that pulls you towards everything profane,
Struggle to overcome base desires is life’s main,
It’s achieved in extreme anguish, not just mere sprain,
These forbidden desires; they come in endless train,
Victory can only be granted by Him, as you begin to retrain,
Your heart to leave everything that is so inane,
And walk the hardest Path without any complain,
Renew intention everyday lest your struggle becomes mundane,
Try your best to remain steadfast and you will surely attain,
His help, and His forgiveness but remember to be humane,
For every other soul is in the struggle of fighting the vain,
You may never win the battle, as it’s a vast field of sinful plane,
He only wants your dedication, even if you never really abstain,
As long as you try and fight your soul, His Mercy will remain…
By Mashura Azad© (May 20, 2015)

Umm Malik
01-27-2016, 01:24 PM
may allah guide us ameen

Finding Peace
01-28-2016, 04:02 AM
Beautiful sister and remeber "One Drop Of Tear has lots of power. That One Drop Of Tear, shed in the fear of ALLAH the most-powerful, has the power to put of the hell-fire.

01-28-2016, 04:22 AM
Masha Allah Your Poem is Poweful and overflowing with Emotions.

01-28-2016, 08:14 AM
Barak Allaahu feekum
Jazakum Allaahu Khairan

01-28-2016, 08:16 AM
Finding YOU Again…
For days, months, and years on end I’ve heard them praise You,
They sing hymns in Your name, and profess their love so true,
It irritated me, I felt uneasy, could there be some love similar to this,
That makes people find joy in their grief, as if they are in absolute bliss,
For how could “I”, so sinful, understand such genuine feelings?
My life spent running after my desires, not the best of dealings,
I couldn’t feel it like they felt, although many a things I knew,
And, this lack of depth in my heart turned my life black and blue,
Dark shadows covered me from every side, and I felt completely lost,
Year after year I looked for tranquility and salvation at every cost,
As I continued my journey struggling, and seeking the true light,
My life became an endless toil from every single morning to every night,
Tears became my only true friend, and pain my eternal companion,
As if my shattered heart searched for some strange kind of union,
Then one day, I began to sense that strange feeling that I once had,
In the path of my sinful life, I had lost that yearning like yesterday’s fad,
Today as I sit back in peace with my pain, and I think of You again and again,
I realize what my heart was missing; I wish I had some words to explain,
The sweetness of the pain and the ache is indescribably calming,
The anguish and losses have become soothing and embalming,
The strange peace I experience today, I’ve not felt for years on end,
I wish You’ld forgive me now, and I would happily die if You become my friend,
Oh my Lord, I hope to die in peace, with Your Love and Joy upon me,
Oh The Merciful One, free me of my own shackles for once and all completely…
By Mashura Azad© (May 20, 2015)

01-31-2016, 04:02 PM
Finally Awakened...
As those reverberating words fell on her now deaf ears,
She remembered how things were just before a few years,
How once her heart desired to live and die for Him alone,
And then how it all seemed to have been completely blown,
How from a wounded tigress she turned into a statue of fear,
Sins have turned a strong sound heart to run behind the rear,
As if she had completely forgotten the strength of her heart,
How she turned into a coward always afraid of living apart,
Now a dead hard heart untouched by any kind of worship,
It badly needed to be ripped, and it's blood to drain and drip,
Wound after wound, endless pain turned her to be numb,
At that point He sent her light before she completely succumb,
Raised again from the ashes of her own blood and soul,
She has promised to make herself again complete and whole,
From the very wounds which once spilled blood now emerges light,
Now she knows what she should be doing every morning and night,
To overcome years of sins and a blackened heart she must fight,
But she knows as long as He is by her side, everything will be alright...
by Mashura Azad© (May 27, 2015)

02-01-2016, 12:17 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mashura
To overcome years of sins and a blackened heart she must fight,
But she knows as long as He is by her side, everything will be alright...
Profound words.

:ma: Beautiful Poem, keep it up :).

02-01-2016, 08:25 AM
Letting Go...
If we have to have our hearts my dear as His Domain,
Then how can any other and Him in the same place remain,
I knew the hand I was holding on so tightly was in absolute vain,
A day had to come when I would have to let go of it in pain,
In fear I fervently prayed and I wished to hold on and retain,
Deep down we all know that this world is short and we must refrain,
From being attached to it and give up on it without any complain,
With a heavy heart I let go of you as we both strive to attain,
His closeness, after all it is up to Him to decide our lane,
Although I hope that by His Mercy He will reunite us some time again,
To be together forever in jannah for eternity we will remain,
He is not The One Who breaks a promise to leave us in disdain,
I know I'll be with my loved ones in heaven, it has been in ordain...
Mashura Azad© (May 25, 2015)

02-02-2016, 01:34 PM
The Invisible Embrace...
If only I could take away all the pain from your heart,
I would've never let you seen a day of sorrow from the start,
Yet, I am just a weak human, even weaker than the pain you feel,
All I can do is pray for you to be happy forever and your heart to heal,
But I am always reassured by The One Who ensures your safety,
That you will always be protected from the miseries of the world so crafty,
In trepidation and fear I release my prayers to embrace you,
Only hoping that you will feel real love and be no more blue,
Know that His is The Only Promise which will forever come true,
As for me, all I can do is with sincerity and devotion love and pray for you.
- Mashura Azad© (September 22, 2014)

02-06-2016, 04:09 PM
Oh people of the world, wake up, wake up,
If not now, then when, after a shake up?
Everywhere shattered bleeding hearts,
No one cares as soul after soul departs,
So many people suffering, no one sees,
Yes, it is their fate, because God Decrees,
But are we not meant to help each other?
Leading our lives without any kind of bother,
Do you feel secure from all tests and trials?
When you'll walk in pain miles after miles,
Would you not want someone to hold?
"Be ****ed and Suffer Alone!", rather be told?
We are all part of a single body, a single nation,
The faster we understand, closer is liberation,
We feel secure in our beds, games and play,
While someone dies just a few steps away,
Rest assured that it will all come back one day,
When you need help, while they also will just play,
Wake up now and try to give a helping hand,
If not anything, at least a prayer, don't just stand!
Help stop the hearts in the world bleeding away,
Don't let love just fray, strengthen unity today!
By Mashura Azad© (April 24, 2015)

Eric H
02-07-2016, 10:39 PM
Greetings and peace be with you Mashura;

We long for unity and peace, thanks for sharing.

In the spirit of praying for a greater interfaith relationships


02-09-2016, 04:42 PM
Hi Eric, Thank you so much. We are all united in brotherhood.

02-09-2016, 04:48 PM
Numero Uno....
He is distinct, easily noticed in a large crowd of millions,
That strange aura of manhood you haven't seen in trillions,
As you look back at him again, and flicker your lashes,
For a second he notices, and looks away avoiding the flashes,
You are amazed for this has never happened before,
For a heart you were meant to capture, left yours saying amore,
So, you go close enough to let the wind brush your hair against his face,
To your surprise he moves away, there is no interest, not even a trace,
He graciously apologizes for your silliness, and moves on his way,
As he looks away, goes your heart along with him in dismay,
You follow him again, and decide to flash your killer smile,
Again he sees you, and looks away in his strange queer style,
That rough muscular look with a long beard, yet well groomed,
With the smell of musk emanating, which left your heart bloomed,
You decide to just hold a straight forward conversation,
"Hey you! why is it so hard to grab and get your attention?"
Gracefully he glances down replying to you, as he looks away
"Is it something you need sister, then I can wait and stay?"
You shrug off in embarrassment, asking a covered lady besides you,
"Who is he? so different and extraordinary, so simple, yet so true?"
From behind her veil, with a twinkle in her eyes, she replies,
"He is a real man, a Muslim, the heart of ordinary woman under his feet lies,
While he is the only king of my heart, yet he is my biggest ever fan,
Every other woman runs after him, while he only admires me, he is my man."
by Mashura Azad (September 16, 2014)

02-14-2016, 08:51 AM
Can't you really see,
It was never meant to be,
How it got entangled slowly,
Then, it all fizzled leisurely,
Came in unbelievably,
Left equally quietly,
As if nothing happened,
Just left visions sharpened,
A small scar to be seen,
Who knows how deep within,
No one will ever know,
What really changed the flow,
How castles got built and broken,
After all no one left any token,
Never meant to be spoken,
Of feelings once awoken,
What happened to whom,
It's that some flowers seasonally bloom.
by Mashura Azad (October 13, 2014)

02-14-2016, 11:23 AM
Nice. :)

02-14-2016, 03:41 PM
thank you

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