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05-22-2016, 06:39 PM
Assalamu Alaikum

Here's a game to test your writing abilities, hopefully we can learn to be more eloquent in our writing!

Simple rules, a few pictures will be posted (no humans/faces) and you must select one of the picture as an inspiration to write a paragraph or two (don't go crazy) about anything you like, but it must connect with something in the picture...the point is to draw in the audience and see what we can come up with using the same pics. Anyone who wants to join in has to give reps (not just likes) to the posts they like the most so that there's an incentive to participate and participants can give it to their all (reps from me as well inshallah). Make sure to clarify which picture you selected in your post. I will change the pictures regularly. If anyone wants to submit a pic as a suggestion, send it to me through PM and I'll take it into consideration.

Here's an example of what I mean

It was one of the coldest days of the year for two reasons. The first was that, well, it really was cold, but the second reason was because this was the first day of her first heart-break, and to her, that made the world seem colder than it ever was. She went to the park and checked the wooden bench which clearly looked damp from the melted snow. Lucky for her, it was dry to the touch and was in perfect view of the sun which was about to set at any moment. It was the perfect time of day—the time between late afternoon and early evening, when most people are rushing to get home from work, families are finishing their supper, and the next shift at the workplace was to begin, but she was away from the hustle and bustle of the town and nothing mattered except the glisten of the sun on the partially melted snow.


ok so here's the pics, choose one:




----Added the images here in OP to make it easier to follow-------






















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05-22-2016, 06:50 PM
Picture B

The road lighted up in my eyes, it was just me and her together on a road trip. The dark clouds rumbled, she held my hand tighter...

sister herb
05-22-2016, 07:12 PM
Sounds interesting. Picture C looks suitable to me...

*goes to looking for a pen*

05-22-2016, 07:24 PM
@sister herb Can't wait to see what you come up with :D

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05-22-2016, 07:47 PM
Picture C (sorry if this is too long)

The bench was hard and cold, and it groaned in pain as I sat down, as if the weight of the sorrow heavy on my soul was too much for it to bear. I stared at the featureless landscape, covered in a blanket of white snow, the gnarled trees pointing accusing fingers at the grey sky. And in my mind's eye, I could see two sets of footprints leading away from me, slowly parting ways. And I wished how those footsteps had not parted, how those bitter misunderstandings had not created such a huge ravine, now I would not be here, eyes stinging with guilt.

As I sat there, snow drifted from the sky, hiding the earth and its secrets and scars. As I got up and walked away, the snowflakes already burying my footprints and all memories of me being there, I thought to myself how long would it take for time to bury the footprints of pain embedded deep onto my heart....

05-22-2016, 07:56 PM

Not long at all, i thought it was just perfect! I only mentioned length cuz I don't want people writing novels because it will take too much time to read and can get boring really quickly.

Mashallah LOVED your post!

05-23-2016, 01:23 PM

05-23-2016, 01:42 PM
The members here write such eloquent posts ma'sha'Allah. I'm sure even if you don't usually write you'd be surprised at how easy it is to express yourself in words once you channel your thoughts :D especially with the pics sis Charisma has provided.

05-23-2016, 04:33 PM
(picture A)

it was the hottest day of the year during ramadan, with the temperatures scorching beyond anything recorded in history, she covered completely for the sake of Allah head to toe, with not an inch of flesh ever to be seen, the day was long carrying out her daily duties, with no breeze to be felt or little give in the weather, she had no choice but to step outside and complete her tasks, she made it back in time before magrib and was exhausted from the heat, she made dua to Allah to give her strength to cover for his sake to bare the scorching temperature with patience, some time had passed and she heard thunder clouds rumble and the sudden tumble of the rain she had been longing for all day, she stepped out into the garden looked up at the stars in the sky and rolled her sleeves up, catching the rain in her hands splashing her face with the beautiful mercy that Allah had provided, she was so overjoyed tears began falling from her eyes, which the rain wiped away she decided to stand in the rain and praise Allah for answering her duas with such a lovely warm temperature to bare the rain which gushed forth, down from he sky.

(sorry if its too long

05-23-2016, 04:56 PM
sorry i know this is off topic

but how do you give reputation points or even get rep power, and what is it for :hiding: (i just realised this lol it doesn't show up on tap talk :o)

sister herb
05-23-2016, 05:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by noraina
The members here write such eloquent posts ma'sha'Allah. I'm sure even if you don't usually write you'd be surprised at how easy it is to express yourself in words once you channel your thoughts :D especially with the pics sis Charisma has provided.
And surely it´s much easier if your own language is English... If not, it might be harder. :phew

05-23-2016, 05:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by muslimah_B
sorry i know this is off topic

but how do you give reputation points or even get rep power, and what is it for :hiding: (i just realised this lol it doesn't show up on tap talk :o)
I don't know about tap talk but in the bottom left-hand corner of everyone's posts there's a star icon (for positive reps) and a triangle/caution sign icon(for negative reps)..you click on those to give reps. You get reps for your activity on the forum in general, but anyone else can add to your reputation. It's basically feedback on how you're doing on the forum. You can read more about it here to get the gist of it..but this is a little outdated..http://www.islamicboard.com/faq.php?...utation_system

05-23-2016, 05:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
And surely it´s much easier if your own language is English... If not, it might be harder. :phew
Don't feel discouraged sis, I'd love to read something you wrote. I think your English is great, and trust me, even those who have grown up speaking and writing in English do not have great English skills. give it a try if you're inspired :D IF anything, it's great practice!

05-23-2016, 05:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma*
I don't know about tap talk but in the bottom left-hand corner of everyone's posts there's a star icon (for positive reps) and a triangle/caution sign icon(for negative reps)..you click on those to give reps. You get reps for your activity on the forum in general, but anyone else can add to your reputation. It's basically feedback on how you're doing on the forum. You can read more about it here to get the gist of it..but this is a little outdated..http://www.islamicboard.com/faq.php?...utation_system

thank you so much sis,

i read it but the pictures didn't load so had no clue what it meant or what to click lol, all this time i thought it was the likes that helped reputation, how silly of me :hiding:
(once again sorry to hijack your wonderfull thread :embarrass )

05-23-2016, 05:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
And surely it´s much easier if your own language is English... If not, it might be harder.

Sis, I think your English is wonderful ma'sha'Allah. And besides, tbh writing is all about the emotions and images which are conveyed, it is the ideas which are important, and that transcends any language barriers. :)

05-23-2016, 05:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
And surely it´s much easier if your own language is English... If not, it might be harder. :phew
sis i can perfectly understand/read your english, and if i can anyone can :D
just try your best and I'm sure we will love it :shade:

05-23-2016, 06:05 PM
Picture A.
Summer had finally come again.It was going to be a very hot season this year around.As much as the scorching heat of the sun had came in she knew that a vacation was needed.Later that day when she was making little plans in her mind,she felt a cool breeze blowing outside her lawn.The sound of leaves dancing with the wind was enough to raise her spirits.She knew it was going to rain now as she glanced at the clouds above.Then suddenly a tiny drop fell upon her forehead then her shoes.Then another on the roses in her garden.She couldn't be any happier at this naturalistic sight of Mother Nature.So holding her hands up Sarah felt the magnificence of summer rain ,her heart beating for the joy that is in being alive .(just random effort on my part)

sister herb
05-23-2016, 06:18 PM
Picture C

Two men sat on the bench. They didn´t know each others but for the short time the younger one had felt like he had found the kindred spirit and opened his heart to the older man. A lot had happened in his short life and all had been just only bad. Mistakes after mistakes, broken relationships, loosing friends, bad lifestyle and now he felt like he was on the edge of a precipice.

- Everything has gone. Everything what was important to me, everything I really believed. What I can do now except end this misery...

An old man was quiet, looked to the sky where the bright winter sun came just between the clouds and created a golden beam on the snow right in front of them.

- It´s never too late to repent, my young fellow, said the old man. - I can give you an excellent guide for the better life.

- What´s that? Does it give me back to life, said the young man in disbelief.

- You can´t get any better guide to your life. Believe me, I have followed it all my life, now nearly 80 years. You aren´t the only young man in this world who has sometime mess all your life.

The old man handed to younger one the Quran.

- Take this and follow the golden beam of the light of Islam.

- But I have sinned so much, said the young man. - Can anyone ever forgive me?

- Yes, said the old man. - Allah can. But now it´s already late and I need to go. If you like to talk another time, this is my favourite bench. You are always welcome here to the new talks.

- Thanks. I will come, said the young man who felt like a heavy stone would just fell from his heart...

sister herb
05-23-2016, 06:38 PM
^ I had to shorten my story quite much. Maybe I will write the longer one and post it to other thread later.

05-23-2016, 06:49 PM
Assalamu Alaikum

Can I just say that we have some talented writers here on IB Mashaallah, I can't wait to post more pics and see what else you all come up with..it's so entertaining to read! Even without the pics I can imagine everything through your words...

@Arfa A Khan your post made me miss the thundershowers in my town..

@sister herb Such a beautiful story of hope, and here you felt so discouraged earlier :D i think you were just pulling our legs ;D I think even if you chose to put the longer version it would have been fine..as long as it's not like 3 pages long its fine for the thread :) but wonderful story mashallah

@muslimah_B I loved your descriptions! even I felt relieved that she got to shower in the rain after such a hot day lol

05-23-2016, 07:06 PM
Thankyou for appreciating @charizma.this is a cool initiative by you looking forward :)for more pictures

05-23-2016, 07:33 PM
Jazaki allahu khair sis <3

Here's the next set of pics:

(Feel free to still use pics A-C as well if you like, and participants don't forget to rep your favorites! :) )





Qurratul Ayn
05-23-2016, 09:13 PM

This is such an awesome idea, nice one my lovely Sister *charisma*! *BIG HUG*

I've chosen picture D, here it goes... *GULP*

Qurratul Ayn
05-23-2016, 09:14 PM

Picture D


Such a powerful little word, don't you think? Everyone has one, yes they do. Many people have multiple fears. Children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. Fearing something, anything. It is not a minor thing to them. Mine definitely isn't to me.

I hate that cellar. That door. That frame. Those stairs. I say hate, what I should say is I'm terrified, frightened, scared and yes I fear it. I hear things. Sounds. Noises. They can't be absorbed by the ancient wood on the door, the door frame can't prevent the sounds from coming out. Screaming. Crying. Wailing. Snarling. Screeching. Oh, so many horrid sounds. So disturbing. So haunting. So... Fearful. For me.

But never any banging, rattling, knocking on that door. The cellar door. Mum says that the cellar has never been entered into, the door has never opened, it cannot open, it will not open. The former owner told her this. So, why can I hear these sounds, sounds that I feel in my bones, cut through to the heart and make my blood run cold? Why me?

IT IS NOT MY IMAGINATION. It's the truth. No one believes me. You have to believe me...

You believe me, don't you?

05-23-2016, 10:16 PM
(picture f)

it was a cold windy day, but nether the less, she had to take her daily stroll in her favourite park and connect back with nature, helping her connection to Allah, everyday she would walk the same path and graciously meet those who walked their dogs, the old couple who always walked hand in hand smiling and joking with each other as if they where newly-weds, even those who didn't find her presence too comforting, but she didn't let it phase her, she loved animals, loved nature and loved life but always felt there was just something missing, but could never figure out what it was
she would always bring bread for the ducks and swans and happily feed them from her hands, which gave her utter joy, but today something was off, she felt in her heart to change her usual pattern, she came across the dirt path and there she felt in her heart she had to be, she followed the path through the woods, although she was scared, she knew Allah was with her, she took a deep breath and said
She bravely carried on through the woods going deeper, as the dirt road stopped, she began to hear faint whelps for help, she couldn't pinpoint where the noise was coming from so went further, into the woods, the whelps became closer and closer, she then came upon a black plastic bag covered in cellotape wriggling around, at first she was stunned and thought it was just the wind moving the bag, but the whelping was definitely coming from inside the bag, she threw herself onto the muddy floor and ripped open the bag, there it was a poor tiny helpless kitten soaking wet, shivering covered in mud, she immediately grabbed the kitten and tucked it under her niqab close to her chest for warmth, she ran home, repeatedly saying to herself
"how could anyone do this to such a beautiful creation of Allah, SubhanAllah"
she threw the door open, not time to change, she immediately got the shower on and washed the kitten, there emerged the most beautiful white kitten she had ever laid her eyes on with such wonderfull blue beaming eyes, she dried the kitten off, she franticly rummaged around her cupboards looking for something to feed it, right at the back behind all her jars she found the last can of tuna
"Alhamdulilah" she cried with sheer excitement
feeling such relief to have found the kitten, she dropped onto her couch and looked to her right, and there the kitten was, just looking at her with utter love, gratitude and attachment
"don't worry little kitty, i will never do what those people done to you, Alhamdulilah Allah guided me to save you and bring back happiness to my life, filling in that gap i was missing" she softly uttered to the kitten, looking back at it with sheer love and devotion.
she had finally found something to love and fill in her missing gap, after loosing her beloved husband who before he had passed wanted cats to fill the empty house of their children leaving.

05-24-2016, 08:01 AM
Picture F

Shouts,screaches and howls were picked up by the little kitty sitting on the living room couch outside.Kittys bright blue eyes were wide open,pupils dilated in broad daylight conveying pain.So much pain was gathered up by little pet on discovering its owner was fighting with her beloved!Kittys head tilted to side of couch waited upon her owner to relax and be at ease.Murmerings ,bouts of uncontrollable cries were being heard now.Can it stop?The accusations,the anguish and agony,the despair and desolation of her owner could it stop?Could her lovely owner feel gleeful now?little kitty could make out from the distressing noises that it's owner was angst!So little Turkish Angolan had a forlorn expression on its face.Why does my lovely owner feel distressed?Why?

05-24-2016, 12:36 PM

“So, what’s been bothering you?” She poured me a cup of tea, but I still didn’t want to raise my head up to answer.

“..Hmm??” She inquired again with an inviting smile.

“I don’t know.”

“You know what’s special about tea? Buddhists would drink it for self-cultivation. It made them calm so they’d be able to meditate. What about you? Do you like tea?”

I looked her straight in the eyes.


“Well do you prefer something else? Maybe a glass of water?”

“I’m not thirsty.”

“Look, I know you’ve been through a lot, but I can help.”

“Heh. Are you new at this?” I felt really smug now. She was really pushing it.

“Please, let me help you. It helps to talk about it.”

“It helps to talk about it? No, it helps your career. It doesn’t help me.”

“Ok how about we talk about something else? What do you do like to do after work? Do you have any hobbies?” She’s done it now. “Or…you know there’s this restaurant down the road which I LOVE, it has THE best crostin—“

“Let me ask you something…are you married?”

“Me??” She blushed and laughed “Noooo…me and marriage?? you know, marriage is just not for—"

“Oh ok, so you won’t know how I feel."

"What?" Her smile faded away and was replaced with a nervous gulp.

"You won’t know what it’s like to look at your phone a hundred times a day wishing it wasn’t real. You won’t know what it’s like to keep track of the time at work wondering when it’ll be time to go home, except this time you just don’t have anyone to come home to. And it sets in really hard when you’re in your car and you don’t even remember how your tank got full or how you suddenly got to your driveway because you’re just a moving shell that’s doing the minimal to keep surviving.

I go home and she’s everywhere I look. I sit at the table ALONE wishing she was there to ask me how my day went, or why I came home late, or even if I want dessert because dammit, nothing sweet even tastes the same anymore. She can even yell at me, I don’t care, I just want to feel her presence around me again. I want to be able to reach out and touch her hand, but you know what? It’s not there. And when I still think that’s the worst feeling of all, I go to bed. Do you know what it feels like to not be able to sleep and know you have 9 hours ahead of you? Do you know what it’s like to be laying down next to a form of duvet covers and pillows that were never made because it would actually mean she’s gone forever? Even her scent is fading. How does the most comfortable bed you once bought together suddenly feel like a coffin? I’m here because I thought you’d be a professional and that you’d have all the answers, but you’re over here pouring me cups of tea, laughing, and asking me what’s wrong?”

“I’m really, omg..I'm so—“

because she’s dead for real."

I said it. I let it out, and it burrowed a hole deeper in my heart.

"She’s dead. She's dead...and no one can fix that.

Not you, and not your damn tea.”

sister herb
05-24-2016, 03:22 PM

When I was a child, I spent my summers on the countryside. My family has a summer cottage, and at that time there were smaller cottage where my grandpa lived. At every mornings I wanted to wake up as early as possible and go to surprise my grandpa that I had been up so early (of course that wasn´t really very early and he had woked up earlier than I). I remember how I walked around the garden, grass was still wet with the morning dew after the night, flowers smelled and birds... there were thousands of singing birds in my memories.

When I came to my grandpa´s cottage, he was already waiting me. I still can feel the smell of the smoke what came out from the chimney.

- Did you have any breakfast, he always asked and I said no, not yet. So he asked me to his tiny kitchen, put a cup on the table and poured boiled water into it.

- What kind of tea you would like... oh, of course, a "Princess"- tea to my little princess, he said and put a teabag to my cup. Then he made me sandwhiches: dark rye bread, butter and sausage. There I sat on the table with him, drank tea and ate sandwiches and never any meal hasn´t taste the same like it. The kitchen´s window was open and there was a huge jasmin bush in front of it. In my memories it always was flowering and it´s exotic fragrance comes to my mind every times when I drink a cup of "Princess"- tea, where ever I am.

05-24-2016, 04:02 PM
Picture F,

I was finally here. I couldn't quite believe it. Within sight was the door I had been striving to open for so long it seemed my whole life's purpose had been to reach it. And now there was less then thirty steps between us. This was what I had been waiting for, what I had been dreaming and hoping for since I had first gazed out of that window all those years ago and known I had to found out who I was.

I was almost frightened - it seemed I had been searching for this door for so long my life would no longer have any purpose once I had found it. I tentatively placed a foot on the first step and began to climb.

The silence was strange, so physical it was like a companion by my side. And the distance between me and the door became smaller and smaller, and my breath caught in my throat, and my heart began to thunder, my fingers became cold and tingly and I felt the most astonishing euphoria as I reached out a shaking hand and -

The door didn't open. I frowned and shook it hard. It refused to budge. Tears prickled my eyes. No! It couldn't be, I had searched so long and so hard, this had to open, my whole life depended on it.

And then the silent companion by my side, with a touch as warm as the sunset's rays, gently held my shoulders, and guided me back - back down the stairs. And with each step it seemed to find me lighter and lighter, until I was almost weightless under the guiding fingers, like a leaf twirling in the wind. And I recognised myself for the first time - as a stranger and traveller, searching for something higher.

I smiled, 'It wasn't my door'. I said aloud, and the sound of my voice shattered the silence and its doubts, and shattered the illusion I had been living in, like the smallest of drops rippling an entire ocean.

And it wasn't. I didn't need a door to find who I am, to fulfil the purpose of my life. I was a complete person within and of myself, and what was important had been the journey, and the realisation that life is a journey. What would be the point if life if we was to find the door to completion on this lowly earth? My door was elsewhere, in a higher place, and the purpose of my life was in reaching it.


05-24-2016, 11:34 PM

Picture C,

I was waiting for a friend at the bench as I imagine the scene to be very vivid full of life and wonders. Then I realized, I had no friends as the footsteps shown they had left me alone on my bench for far too long. Parted our ways, not to be seen together anymore, such is life we must go on and strive! Be strong and don't break apart, maybe once again we shall be reunited on this bench or maybe another companion would sit by my side on this bench, to quench the thirst of having companionship and heal the lonely heart. As the sun sets, once again!

05-26-2016, 03:37 PM

In the darkness, he groped the crumbling wall. The only sound echoing around him was that of his own weary footsteps and the tired heaving from an endless journey. As he climbed higher, he could see a glimmer of light in the distance. It was becoming clearer now. A lamp hanging somewhere up above. A door at the top of the steps. He stared at it in awe. Could this be the one? Somersal's words came back to him as though in a dream. How many others had tried in vain to find it? Was he the only one to get this far? He stopped for a moment to catch his breath. His head was swimming with images of all the chambers below, all the horrors he had faced, all the enemies he had slain. As he wiped the sweat from his brow, still gazing at the door, he could vividly picture that moment when he had first entered this wretched tower. But that was such a long time ago.

Somersal's voice was stronger now, as though the old man were standing right beside him. 'My son, there is one thing you must remember before you enter the last room...' What had he said? What was that one thing? Think! he told himself, but it was no use. He no longer knew what was real and imaginary anymore. The place was not what he had expected. None of this was. What if Somersal was wrong? 'They're all depending on me now, I have to keep going,' he whispered to himself. 'I will die if I have to.'

He stepped closer, hardly daring to believe the stairs he'd been climbing for so long were finally coming to an end. He was hoping for a clue of what was beyond. A sound perhaps. But all was eerily silent. He drew a deep breath, then, with blood-stained fingers, he gripped his scimitar tighter and turned the handle...

(Picture D)

05-26-2016, 08:51 PM






05-26-2016, 09:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Qurratul Ayn
This is such an awesome idea, nice one my lovely Sister *charisma*! *BIG HUG*

I've chosen picture D, here it goes... *GULP*
Jazaki Allahu khair sweet stuff :wub:

format_quote Originally Posted by Qurratul Ayn
But never any banging, rattling, knocking on that door. The cellar door. Mum says that the cellar has never been entered into, the door has never opened, it cannot open, it will not open. The former owner told her this. So, why can I hear these sounds, sounds that I feel in my bones, cut through to the heart and make my blood run cold? Why me?
Mannn, I used to live in a apt/flat that made me feel like that.. I swear it was haunted :ermm: Alhemdulilah we moved..I suggest your character finds a new house too :phew

format_quote Originally Posted by muslimah_B
it was a cold windy day, but nether the less, she had to take her daily stroll in her favourite park and connect back with nature, helping her connection to Allah, everyday she would walk the same path and graciously meet those who walked their dogs, the old couple who always walked hand in hand smiling and joking with each other as if they where newly-weds, even those who didn't find her presence too comforting, but she didn't let it phase her, she loved animals, loved nature and loved life but always felt there was just something missing, but could never figure out what it was
Great scenery :) mashallah

format_quote Originally Posted by Arfa A Khan
So little Turkish Angolan had a forlorn expression on its face.Why does my lovely owner feel distressed?Why?
Awww poor kitty imsad

format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
- What kind of tea you would like... oh, of course, a "Princess"- tea to my little princess, he said and put a teabag to my cup. Then he made me sandwhiches: dark rye bread, butter and sausage. There I sat on the table with him, drank tea and ate sandwiches and never any meal hasn´t taste the same like it. The kitchen´s window was open and there was a huge jasmin bush in front of it. In my memories it always was flowering and it´s exotic fragrance comes to my mind every times when I drink a cup of "Princess"- tea, where ever I am.
Sis herb I loved your story, it was so sweet..it reminds me of my relationship with my grampa..i miss him so much right now imsad

format_quote Originally Posted by Samiun
I was waiting for a friend at the bench as I imagine the scene to be very vivid full of life and wonders. Then I realized, I had no friends as the footsteps shown they had left me alone on my bench for far too long. Parted our ways, not to be seen together anymore, such is life we must go on and strive! Be strong and don't break apart, maybe once again we shall be reunited on this bench or maybe another companion would sit by my side on this bench, to quench the thirst of having companionship and heal the lonely heart. As the sun sets, once again!
Sad when we part from our friends and only left with memories...but yes life must go on and we must strive.

format_quote Originally Posted by Muhammad
He stepped closer, hardly daring to believe the stairs he'd been climbing for so long were finally coming to an end. He was hoping for a clue of what was beyond. A sound perhaps. But all was eerily silent. He drew a deep breath, then, with blood-stained fingers, he gripped his scimitar tighter and turned the handle...
Wonderful cliffhanger mashallah...interesting use of words and names :D please write more!

I'm loving everyone's posts so far..I posted extra pics this time, so feel free to write twice if you're feeling it :)

05-27-2016, 11:53 AM
Picture B

The road seemed straight enough, simple enough to navigate even on the darkest of nights. But the darkness holds secrets and teaches painful lessons to weary travellers. On this occasion it was you and I, tentatively reaching out to one another and attempting to carve ourselves a path, a future, something to look back on. But the lights in the distance remained where they were. We enjoyed many a moonlit walk but the light of day never did shine on our dreams and allow them to continue into the soft sunlight of the day. We gave up too soon. We weren't brave enough to pick our own path. We stuck to what was safe and allowed ourselves to part ways. But hearts have a beautiful way of staying connected. You and I.

05-27-2016, 12:01 PM

he got a message from his father telling him to come home to do his homework, he scratches his head in hatred.. and fussed. made a deep sigh, and slumbered through the seemingly scorching heat.. only for a basketball to hit the right side of the face. "ey! look out, are you deaf?!" the words sounded more like bleaked sounds.. unrecognizable.

the crumbling grief and hatred coupled with intense heat made his heart stop. he died. a homeless man came in the middle of the night to see a corpse in the scorching cold. The body seemed slimed and stickied to the road. the homeless man laughed!

Weeks passed and none seemed to care, only when his little sister recognized his almost unrecognizeable body. she called her father, and her father said "what?!" and rushed to the scene "finally! I am free! haaaahahaha, he is dead! I am finally free!"

silence pierced through the sister's heart, and emminent hatred fueled her heart. In a burst of rage, she killed her father in a fit of rage.

she made war on the school, principles, and teachers. all in a pool of blood. she said "this is it!" and she killed a mother's child, who just sent her schoolkid to school. she became infamous as the "harbringer of war and destruction".

The mother enraged tried to kill the girl, but the girl evaded her puny punched only to face a kick to face, and there she went out the window.

the police tried to shoot bullets but the mother was quite skilled, she had grenades, etc.

Off topic: I am laughing at my story! soo hilarious!

sister herb
05-27-2016, 12:13 PM
More pictures... You really keep our pens busy.

Picture k) looks interesting...

sister herb
05-27-2016, 12:47 PM
Picture k)

There were two boys, walking on the beach. Bill and Steven had been friends as long they can remember and now they were both 9 years old. Bill was serious young man but Steven found everytimes something new and inspirational, told wonderful stories and made everybody laugh. Sun was shining and the sea was calm. Suddenly Steven noticed something on the sand.

- Hey, look. Here is a pearl. It must be missing from the crown of the king!
- What? What king, asked Bill.
- A king of Arabia! Don´t you think he is very worry because the pearl is missing from his crown? We must bring this back to him.

Bill was stunning. How an earth they could find the king.

- Stop talking nonsense, he said. This is again one of your stories. Grown up man. There isn´t kings at all.

But Steven knew in his heart that this really was important matter. He brought the pearl to his home in his pocket and didn´t tell anyone about it. All the evening he sat in his bed pearl on his hand and thinking how misery the king was when his the most important treasure, the pearl, was missing. Later he put pearl on his nightstand and felt himself tired.

At the night, when Steven was already asleep, he suddenly woke up and realised that he was in the middle of the desert. Everywhere was just sand, nothing than sand. How it was possible he was there? Then he saw a camel coming. It´s rider was unknown man, wearing with pure, green silky robe. Steven knew this was the king he was looking for.

- Your majesty, he said, I was looking for you.
- Who you are, little boy and why you are in my land?
- My name is... is Steve. I found your pearl from the beach at this afternoon.
- From the beach? The nearest beach is more than 500 kilometers from here. But did you say you found my pearl?
- Yes, and I wanted to give it back to you. You must have been very worried as it´s missing.

Steven gave the pearl to king. The king smiled and put it to his pocket.

- I thank you, young prince, as only a real prince could find this pearl. You will get great reward from this...

Steven opened his eyes and realised he was on his own bed. It was morning. The desert and the camel and the king were gone. He looked to his nightstand and... the pearl was disappeared.

05-27-2016, 03:24 PM

There were 2 boys, they met when they were children, they smiled to eachother, one happy, the other sad. Days passed and the sad kid got jealous of the happy guy's success and talents. The sad kid's name was Steel, the happy Kid's was Doc. Steel felt competitive so one day he challenged in a training session Doc to fight him. The teacher got angry and reprimanded, but Doc affectionely allowed Steel to fight, and said to the teacher "don't worry".

So they fought, and as always, Doc won, over and over again. Steel got angry, so he trained day and night, kicking and hitting a doll whom he imagined to be Doc.

Days passed, and they became rivals, Steel went from sad to happy, and such went the days for 3 years.

In a silent night, Doc witnessed his parents die before his eyes, as he saw his loving brother shedding the blood of his own kin. Confused, Doc sought for an answer, and became insane, only to go unconscious from trauma. Doc tried to fight his brother, but felt very very weak and saddened by what happened, as if his heart was trampled, as if he lived 7 years in delusion.

Doc's brother told him words of hatred, despair, and vengeance. How this world is dark and full of hypocrites.

Next morning at school, the silence breaking in seemed to take hold of Doc, and Steel very much noticed the drastic, immense, terrifying change in Doc. Steel wondered why. Then the teacher came in and ordered the students to take their seat and prepare for mock up exams.

Steel's curiosity got the better of him, and he stood very tense in his exam wondering about Doc. Steel couldn't concentrate, and was not only nervous but curious, and a little sad.

When it was just about 5:19 PM, Steel walked with a saddened face far behind, and then Doc and Steel's destiny clashed. Steel could sense the sadness and sorrow in the once happy Doc. It was too drastic, and way more terrifying than his. It was about then Steel started to shed a tear.. Steel called him "hey, what are you doing soo late?" Doc turned his head, and frowned. Steel smiled, and said "hey!" while walking. They didn't have to exchange many words, their bond strengthen to the point, they knew eachother as if they were brothers.

Years passed and things got intense, they got their own teacher and their long forgotten memories was stored in the garbage can.

They both grew happy and started to like eachother. but the intense rivalry and manhood made them angry. It reached to the point that if their teacher didn't stop them, they'd kill eachother.

The hatred and jealousy grew, and they became very distant to each other. Only for Doc's brother to reappear to remind him of his despair. Doc reminsciented into the past and felt huge regret and hatred.. How could he waste soo much time? How?!

he became very fierce and angry. But none knew about that, and the Teacher named, Tab, assembled them for a lecture on how to fight..
They went on missions, Doc and Steel became good mates, their intense rivalry made them ever so strong.

One day Doc had enough and set out and abandoned his comrades in search for revenge, hatred, and power. Doc wanted to cut off all bonds, and friendships, he fostered his hatred. Steel very naive and ignorant didn't know of this, only to be reminded of the principle, reminscing in confusion.

Doc grew very hateful, founding himself in a flood of tears overshadowed by his overambitious attitude riding him of any empathy or sympathy - all in the conquest for power.

It ate him up, and it did make him stronger.

Steel very saddened, weak and frail demanded a team of 8 to set out for him. After a lot of debate and mindblowing talk, they set out.

they split the 8 person up in 4 teams - 2 man teams. So it went for 3 weeks, and finally, 5 died, and 3 remained.. For security reasons Steel ordered them with empathic speak to remain behind.. With a lot of quarreling, it settled with Steel poisoning them, leaving them lifeless.

It hurt Steel so much, but it had to be done, so he thought. Only to face a completely different Doc. Steel very surprised and angry "what are you doing? What happened?!" Doc replied emotionless "you don't need to know, and why did you come.. For you will die by my hands.. brother." Steel suprised with a happy and confused tone "why?! Why?!!" It tore him soo much..

But little did Steel know that Doc sought power, even if it meant killing his own loving friend, so close, he feels like a brother.

So it went with a silent atmosphere, almost deadly.. Only for Doc to tear the silence by drawing his sword. Steel feeling hesitant tried to defend himself, and Doc, not trying to kill Doc or hurt him. Steel loved Doc so much. Doc knew what this friendship meant for Steel, and he knew, and understood, and was himself very sad. But Doc reasoned that by cutting his ties and relationships with people he'd grow stronger, and more cold and fierce.

With a long spirited long emotion-loaded fight, it ended with Doc and Steel clashing with their best attempt, in a rageful scream.

Doc thought he killed Steel, so he went to the darkness of the road, not knowing that Steel followed him, Steel wanted Doc to change, to return back to the light. Hurt by Doc, he cough up blood, to which Doc noticed, filled with sadness and reminscing thoughts, he turned those feelings into his strength, sadness into his shield, sorrow and from love to hatred into his vision, and turned cold-blooded to Steel in an attempt to kill his only loving friend, brother.

Doc's heart screamed and teared up. Painfully pierced. There Doc remained, hollow. Void of love, empty. A tearful painful cry erupted from Doc.. in silence, no sound at all.

05-27-2016, 03:31 PM
Please read my post, I hope it is emotion filled. Probably terrible. but read it! you will enjoy it, In shaa' Allah.

05-27-2016, 04:51 PM
Gulp Here it goes..Picture H

sister herb
05-27-2016, 05:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Serinity
Please read my post, I hope it is emotion filled. Probably terrible. but read it! you will enjoy it, In shaa' Allah.
I felt your story was sad.

05-27-2016, 05:13 PM
"hold the door, hold the door, hold the door... hodor hodor hodor" :D (guess the pic lol new game)

05-27-2016, 05:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
I felt your story was sad.
Nothing sadder than 2 people being very good friends, coming from 2 different families, finding similarities and liking eachother, feeling sympathetic, only for 1 of them to become corrupted (but not entirely so - you have to keep that touch of understanding)

And then there is that friend who still fights to keep you on the path, and the one who strays is very kind but has become corrupted.. he understands, and knows very well.

I find the part where Doc knows etc. but still wants to cut ties, while Steel wants to keep ties, they both want to, but Doc has this mentality of seeking power. I find that quite emotion-filled.

And Allah SWT knows best.

05-27-2016, 07:46 PM
Picture H

In the middle of night Mr Saad drove recklessly in the outskirts of the city.Heedlessly he stopped his car in corner of a water pump.Distraught Mr Saad came out of his car and started walking inside the roadside forest in dead of night.Humanity becomes lost in a dark forest and so was Saads devastated soul!His steps became heavier in the darkness.Only single thought racing in his mind was what if I had stopped her??What if He had believed her beloved!What if he hadn't accused her of infidelity and truly hurt her feelings!!Oh Why couldn't he just put an end to his jealous thoughts???How could he just let her life walk out of his life?A light pole gleamed on his footsteps ,creating a silhouette in gloom and oppressiveness of night.On and on he walked with mind clouded with only one vision.Tearful eyes of his love and her frantic attempts at accounting herself.Why does one become so despondent?Crestfallen Saad continued walking in dark of night knowing deeply that his heedlessness had resulted in his biggest loss of life.

05-27-2016, 09:39 PM

To be continued............

Doc walked lonely in the shade of the trees, shading him from the blazing heat. Doc thought he'd take a nap and eat some apples. Doc then fell asleep.. peacefully.

A crow made itself to Doc, scaring him awake. Doc wondered "what is this crow, bothering me like this?" only to hear a voice echoing "you did not kill your best friend" reminding him of Steel, and his fight.. Doc fussed and a bit agitated "don't remind me of that brother!" the unknown voice replied "why don't you hate more? " Doc having had enough said "I ain't listening to you, and I am not playing into your game."

Brother Tap formed the crow in the shape of Doc's best friend, Steel. Doc not interested fell asleep.. Peacefully. LOL.


05-29-2016, 03:08 AM

The road ahead goes on for miles, the skies above grow dark.
A little light shines here and there - even in times stark.

Who knows the destination, true? Worry not, don't be blue.
Our Lord, above, knows all the things that we never knew.

Worry not on what has been, it's over now, no longer seen.
Keep your gaze ahead and straight, you'll keep a mind that's clean.
But only if you hold on tight, to what we call The Deen.

Love the Lord, your Rabb, Allah, subhano wa Ta'ala.
Hold to that rope for all your life, especially during strife.

Trust HIM alone, then you'll see. We just might earn true Victory

05-29-2016, 01:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma*
Sorry to be a pest... Maybe i'm too 'noob' but I can't seem to rep any submissions :(

05-29-2016, 01:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by 'abd al-Hakim
Sorry to be a pest... Maybe i'm too 'noob' but I can't seem to rep any submissions :(
I think you have to be a full member to give reps bro. You need 25 posts to be a full member.

05-29-2016, 03:32 PM

On the Path of revenge

Doc woke up and started his plans and set forth on his path of revenge. Doc wanted to kill his brother who killed his parents. Doc sought revenge on behalf of his parents. So he deceitfully let an evil man train him only for Doc to kill his trainer 5 years later.

So it went, from person to person, forming a gang and sacrificed love in place of Revenge and hatred. he became a man enslaved by revenge. Clinging on to the burning coal, eating him away. But he had his reasons which kept him alive.

Self-deluded by his ambitions and goals, he marched ahead, striving on his path to kill his brother, Tap. he never killed a person, but his hatred grew, his vision grew more fixed.

And so for a while it went, and then an unknown person setup a plan for Doc and Tap to meet.. And they met, Doc fueled with hate, while Tap sitting like a king.

Doc hurtful and but with a hateful voice said "why did you do this?!" with a moment of silence, Doc with a thrust of hatred replied "It doesn't matter anymore, I will end this, here!" Tap not surprised said, "Doc, don't you think this is a perfect place to die?" Doc not understanding "what you on about!"

Doc not patient drew his long forgotten sword, and with his new powers, started the battle. Doc arrogantly with hatred embedded in his soul, striked Tap from the back with a piercing sword. "This is it, brother" Doc arrogantly said. Tap replied "you are not even worth killing, foolish little brother" in a moment of silence, Tap disappeared.

Tap then blazingly fast kicked Doc in the stomach, and thrusting him to the wall, gasping for air. "you are weak, brother, you know why? Because you lack hatred." In that moment of silence, blind, Doc thought for himself, and made himself appear from behind, only to find himself entrapped in Tap's game of hide and seek.

They fought till the sun set. Doc becoming sick of this, not knowing why. Doc moved by his hatred to kill his evil brother who mercilessly took away his parents, powered up, trying to attack his brother.. Doc’s eyes widdened at the power of his brother, while trying to save himself from his evil, got drawn to a wall, an abyss. Only a moment, entrapped like rat in a cage, so close to death.. In the end Tap said “well done, little brother, you’ve become like I wanted you to be!! Dread in fear!!” Doc fearful, tried to escape only for a pain to strike him down to the ground. Tap shed an affectionate smile "forgive me brother", and died from blood loss.
Doc who lost his path, was confused and easily mislead.. Not knowing what to hunt for next.

May Allah :swt: forgive me if I said anything wrong. Ameen. And Allah SWT knows best.

05-29-2016, 04:06 PM
Picture H)

The wind was cold and relentless, it howled mournfully, ripped through my fraying jacket, and tore at my ice-cold fingers, gripped in a tight-fisted clench. 'That's all you can do?" I shouted in defiance, "That's all you've got?"

My voice sound so small, so insignificant, so fragile. The screaming gale plucked my words the moment they tumbled from my lips and scattered them into the yawning darkness. The night was creeping forwards, I could see it lurking on the outskirts of the road, its cold tendrils winding around my ankles.

I pressed on. The wind snatched my breath away, so strong it was a physical force pushing me back into the darkness. Away from the light - glimmering dimly ahead. Tears were forced from my eyes, the wind was deafening, a haunting cacophony of shrieks. With a burst of strength I didn't believe I had, I stretched out my hands, like a drowning man reaching for a raft in the deepest of oceans, and tore through the blackness and fell gasping to my knees into the light.

With fumbling fingers I jerked open the car door and climbed inside. The storm hammered in frustration at the windows. I was safe at last.

05-29-2016, 06:20 PM
such a good use of vocabulary and word choice. SubhanAllah.

Qurratul Ayn
05-29-2016, 10:02 PM

Picture K

The desert is expanding. It can't be stopped. It won't be stopped...

It is beautiful, is it not? Such savage nature yet so pleasing to the eye. Those were my first thoughts when I first laid my eyes on a desert. Now here I am again.

Sand, upon sand, upon sand, as far as my eyes strain to see. I take tentative steps forward, each step being devoured by the sand beneath my feet. I crouch down, pick up a handful of sand and let it sift through my fingers. I watch each grain, each speck fly with the mild breeze, away from me. I pick up... "ARGH!" I throw the sand as far away from me as I can. It burns. It stings. It hurts. The sun is blazing down upon me making my hand burn even more. I forgot. The desert can be a killer.

Wrong time, wrong place, no amenities, no necessities all can lead to death. The unforgiving desert will claim the helpless human. I stand up and look at this ever growing, harsh, stunning, captivating beast of nature and I ponder. I ponder about what the desert has seen, touched, taken, covered, buried, yielded and yes, killed. What part it played in the many civilisations that rose and fell, kingdoms born and brought down, in the times of peace and in the times of war...

I turn away and walk to back to the world of concrete, to greenery, to steel landscapes and I bid the desert farewell... For now...

sister herb
05-31-2016, 05:16 PM
Is more pictures coming soon? My pen is lonely.


05-31-2016, 09:32 PM






Qurratul Ayn
05-31-2016, 09:38 PM
There you go my dear sister herb, more pictures... Now get writing!!!

I want to read!!! :haha:

05-31-2016, 10:36 PM

05-31-2016, 11:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Re.TiReD
Picture B

The road seemed straight enough, simple enough to navigate even on the darkest of nights. But the darkness holds secrets and teaches painful lessons to weary travellers. On this occasion it was you and I, tentatively reaching out to one another and attempting to carve ourselves a path, a future, something to look back on. But the lights in the distance remained where they were. We enjoyed many a moonlit walk but the light of day never did shine on our dreams and allow them to continue into the soft sunlight of the day. We gave up too soon. We weren't brave enough to pick our own path. We stuck to what was safe and allowed ourselves to part ways. But hearts have a beautiful way of staying connected. You and I.
How poetic :wub:

format_quote Originally Posted by Serinity
Off topic: I am laughing at my story! soo hilarious!
loool that was one weirddd story :D

format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
At the night, when Steven was already asleep, he suddenly woke up and realised that he was in the middle of the desert. Everywhere was just sand, nothing than sand. How it was possible he was there? Then he saw a camel coming. It´s rider was unknown man, wearing with pure, green silky robe. Steven knew this was the king he was looking for.
Lovely story mashallah, reminds me of a bedtime story :D

format_quote Originally Posted by Serinity
With a lot of quarreling, it settled with Steel poisoning them, leaving them lifeless.
So much killing and death :x

format_quote Originally Posted by Timi Scar
"hold the door, hold the door, hold the door... hodor hodor hodor" (guess the pic lol new game)
;D ;D ;D

format_quote Originally Posted by Arfa A Khan
In the middle of night Mr Saad drove recklessly in the outskirts of the city.Heedlessly he stopped his car in corner of a water pump.Distraught Mr Saad came out of his car and started walking inside the roadside forest in dead of night.Humanity becomes lost in a dark forest and so was Saads devastated soul!His steps became heavier in the darkness.Only single thought racing in his mind was what if I had stopped her??What if He had believed her beloved!What if he hadn't accused her of infidelity and truly hurt her feelings!!Oh Why couldn't he just put an end to his jealous thoughts???How could he just let her life walk out of his life?A light pole gleamed on his footsteps ,creating a silhouette in gloom and oppressiveness of night.On and on he walked with mind clouded with only one vision.Tearful eyes of his love and her frantic attempts at accounting herself.Why does one become so despondent?Crestfallen Saad continued walking in dark of night knowing deeply that his heedlessness had resulted in his biggest loss of life.
You captured the feelings of regret very well :)

format_quote Originally Posted by 'abd al-Hakim
Love the Lord, your Rabb, Allah, subhano wa Ta'ala.
Hold to that rope for all your life, especially during strife.

Trust HIM alone, then you'll see. We just might earn true Victory
Words to live by :Emoji43:

format_quote Originally Posted by noraina
The wind was cold and relentless, it howled mournfully, ripped through my fraying jacket, and tore at my ice-cold fingers, gripped in a tight-fisted clench. 'That's all you can do?" I shouted in defiance, "That's all you've got?"

My voice sound so small, so insignificant, so fragile. The screaming gale plucked my words the moment they tumbled from my lips and scattered them into the yawning darkness. The night was creeping forwards, I could see it lurking on the outskirts of the road, its cold tendrils winding around my ankles.

I pressed on. The wind snatched my breath away, so strong it was a physical force pushing me back into the darkness. Away from the light - glimmering dimly ahead. Tears were forced from my eyes, the wind was deafening, a haunting cacophony of shrieks. With a burst of strength I didn't believe I had, I stretched out my hands, like a drowning man reaching for a raft in the deepest of oceans, and tore through the blackness and fell gasping to my knees into the light.

With fumbling fingers I jerked open the car door and climbed inside. The storm hammered in frustration at the windows. I was safe at last.
Mashallah beautiful imagery :wub:

format_quote Originally Posted by Qurratul Ayn
Picture K

The desert is expanding. It can't be stopped. It won't be stopped...

It is beautiful, is it not? Such savage nature yet so pleasing to the eye. Those were my first thoughts when I first laid my eyes on a desert. Now here I am again.

Sand, upon sand, upon sand, as far as my eyes strain to see. I take tentative steps forward, each step being devoured by the sand beneath my feet. I crouch down, pick up a handful of sand and let it sift through my fingers. I watch each grain, each speck fly with the mild breeze, away from me. I pick up... "ARGH!" I throw the sand as far away from me as I can. It burns. It stings. It hurts. The sun is blazing down upon me making my hand burn even more. I forgot. The desert can be a killer.

Wrong time, wrong place, no amenities, no necessities all can lead to death. The unforgiving desert will claim the helpless human. I stand up and look at this ever growing, harsh, stunning, captivating beast of nature and I ponder. I ponder about what the desert has seen, touched, taken, covered, buried, yielded and yes, killed. What part it played in the many civilisations that rose and fell, kingdoms born and brought down, in the times of peace and in the times of war...

I turn away and walk to back to the world of concrete, to greenery, to steel landscapes and I bid the desert farewell... For now...
You make the desert sound so scary to be around :exhausted

06-01-2016, 07:16 AM

06-01-2016, 07:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by 'abd al-Hakim
I'm becoming quite fond of this writing challenge. Baraakallahu feek *charisma*.
As am I, alhamdulillah. I hadn't written anything for so long, this challenge has kind of motivated me to start writing again. :)

Umm Abed
06-01-2016, 07:52 AM
F). Kitty knew she had done something naughty but knowing the person that is me, she leant forward with the feeling that anyone would succumb to her beauty that showed only immense innocence on her part. She knew how to win over hearts with the fact that she is after all, just a kitty, herself:)

06-01-2016, 02:06 PM

sister herb
06-01-2016, 02:23 PM
^ Real short stories.

06-01-2016, 02:36 PM
Lol, I did enjoy reading those :D

sister herb
06-01-2016, 03:00 PM

Dear Allah,

I write to you now at the first time. I´d like to thank You for all those years You have guarded me and my fumbling steps in this worldly life. I am grateful for every moments but as You know, I have forgot many times to thank You.

I have to admit that being Muslim hasn´t always be so easy than I though it will be when I said shahada. Many times other people have told me nasty jokes about my hijab and about my faith. They have laughted at me but I have tried to remember how lucky I am when I can follow Your path. I still remember the moment when I found You. It took years to understand what Islam really means but I haven´t regretted any single moment. Thanks again that You choosed me to become Your servant.

But You know my feelings already as You are all-knowing.

I am so sorry about all my sins, the moments when I have forgot Your endless love. You created us humans incomplete and when I remember this it makes me to thank You because You are always there to protect me. Many times I have wanted those worldly luxuries which aren´t good for me. I have looked down on some, being jealous for some whose seem to be more lucky than I and forgot that this world and all it´s treasures are only a pale reflection of Jannah. If I am lucky enough, I can imagine the day when I can see ít. It means a lot of work I know and I try my best.

It´s soon Ramadan again. I am here again asking from You same like I ask every year; please give me patience, tolerance and wisdom to make my Ramadan beneficial. And if it´s Your will, I also wish that days wouldn´t be too hot here.

Your humble servant,

Sister Herb

06-01-2016, 07:55 PM

Two crows

Sam looked at frank with a beady eye, it didn't go unnoticed.

"what's that look for Sam?, don't tell me you're still offended about the parrot jokes." Frank ruffled his feathers to show his annoyance at Sam's touchiness.
"yeah I'm sick and tired of your lame humour Frank. I ain't no clown bird, and I have feelings you know."
"that's why you eat dead animals squawk"
"there you go making fun of me again dammit, Frank don't you ever consider my feelings? I thought we were pals."
"Pals?... Pals? heck I trained you, you dumb ox"
"I think I prefer it when you call me parrot"

a quiet moment of uneasiness passed between them. Best of buddies, they didn't like to feel sq-awkward with each other.

"what do you mean by 'clown bird' Sam?"
"well it's obvious isn't it. You clearly lack imagination"
"indulge me" frank lifted on talon off the wire, in a gesture reminiscent of an invitation to indulge him.
"Well, it's simple. Those humans dress up with make up on their faces and big shoes with baggy trousers and fall over themselves like idiots, repeating the same jokes Frank. If anything, by that description, I'd say you was the parrot. You're jokes are painfully repetitive."
"hah, very clever Sam. I see what you did there. If I'm the clown - what does that make you?"
"You really wanna know?"
"Yeah let's have it Sam" a challenge.
"Ok, well, unlike you Frank, I always have my morning bath in the pond, I fly for a full ten minutes to shake off the water and look prim. My black feathers shine majestic. I'm the equivalent of a businessman in black suit in comparison to you buddy."

This time round, it was Franks turn to look at Sam with a beady eye. Sam felt smug, and let laid one on the car passing below. "bank deposit"



06-02-2016, 10:48 AM
Sis Charizma

This writing challenge is really motivational and great for self expression.i love it

06-02-2016, 12:09 PM
It was a very cold December night.Howling wind was heard outside her windows which she had firmly shut.Maha was pacing back and forth in her corridor,clasping and un clasping her cold hands.Her mind was anxious ,unconsciously she wishes to get rid of the cold in her hands.Or was it the coldness of her heart??Suddenly a pungent feeling swept through her soul as sadness heavily set inside her room.Overwhelmed with the fact that she was standing alone in her corridor now she was consumed with guilt,engrossed in desolation!Just then she mustered up some courage and ventured forth in to her study.So she took out a paper from her writing pad and then hold a pen.

Dear sweetheart,
I hope my words find you in good health and spirits.As I write to you im whispering prayers for your safe return.I understand you fled from my oscillating moods and my temper.I know my fluctuating disposition hurt you but also know that my intensions for you always remained the same .Always in my mind I appreciated your consoling presence and strength.Come back as I feel very lonesome today as tears fall down my eyes I pray for your return.You are more remote today than ever,remoter in mind perhaps than in distance.Longing for your gracious and compelling company.Hopefully you would come to know me now as I am and was.
Yours Beloved.

Picture N

sister herb
06-02-2016, 03:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Arfa
Sis Charizma

This writing challenge is really motivational and great for self expression.i love it
I agree. It´s interesting to see what kind of ideas pop up from people´s mind with those pictures.

06-02-2016, 09:02 PM

She froze not knowing what to do. If she ran, he'd chase her and inevitably catch her; and if she stayed he'd be able to sink his sharp incisors into her flesh, devouring her without mercy. As he stood over her, she felt her heart stop and race all at the same time. Her right ankle was so close to his left paw that she could feel the slight brush of his fur tantalizing her. She wanted to scream. She wanted to fly. She wanted to be any where else that allowed her to tremble freely. He dug his claws into the dirt and she closed her eyes.

sister herb
06-03-2016, 12:24 PM
^ Scaring...


sister herb
06-05-2016, 01:45 PM
Isn´t it already time for some new pictures?

06-05-2016, 04:17 PM
It is :D I had some yesterday and then I got so busy and totally forgot to post them :facepalm: I will post them soon inshallah :D

sister herb
06-05-2016, 06:02 PM
^ Thanks. I will have then some moments for training...


06-06-2016, 05:28 PM
Assalamu Alaikum

Sorry for the long wait, I've been really busy :D






sister herb
06-06-2016, 05:40 PM
Picture S) looks perfect...

sister herb
06-06-2016, 06:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma*

One night I had a dream:

I sat by the sea shore and looking up in front of the open sea. There was no sign of people, no boats, nor even birds. Only a large golden sun, which started to fall into the sea and dyed in all its colors. It was purple as the most beautiful roses, blue as the sky, green as moss, turquoise, yellow ... and finally it became a golden.

On the horizon was something, which came closer and closer. Soon, I saw the boat and the man who stood on it. He was looking lonely. It was hard to tell whether he was young or old, it was like he did not have age at all. The boat came close to the shore.

- Where are you going, a traveler, a man yelled at me.
- I just came to admire the sunset, I replied. - How about you? Where do you sail?
- I am sailing at the sea of the life, I'm not going anywhere and I am not coming from anywhere too. I am always on the way.
- That's strange. What does it mean?
- I carry dreams with me. People everywhere put their the deepest wishes to the waves of the sea and I pick them up, then carry them to the bottom of the sea. Some dreams are too selfish, and they change there as rocks. Some, the most beautiful and pure which come from the pious heart settle to the mussels. They be there for years and slowly they will change as the most beautiful pearls. When someone's dream has grown in a bright pearl, I picked it by this long stick, lift up to the surface and place it on the sea foam. Waves carry it to the beach and this dream comes true.

The man began to punt away with his boat.

- Remember me then, when in your heart is a desire for getting something beautiful, when you have a dream you wish to become true, said the man, before his boat had disappeared to the skyline.

06-07-2016, 04:22 PM
:thumbsup:I had been waiting for these pictures ....hm looks interesting


06-09-2016, 11:52 AM
Picture S

Sunset a time for reflection and cognizance.The solo traveller was gazing at magnificence of the golden sea at the uninhabited place of perfect solitude and peace.Its your road and yours alone others may walk with you but no one can walk it for you.Such a place,such hours of deep seclusion and freedom to be at peace from all the chaotic noise of life's fastidious pace.O solo traveller!how deep do you ponder now?Your soul is free as it speaks with the Almighty and finds an inner strength.Solitude is power for you,when you dig deeper into your soul and find the inner blemishes and dis figuration of ones soul.Solo Traveller was looking at the Orange sky how strange a soul I possess was the thought in mind.What a mess I am!How torn I feel inside?Im alive that's a sign...of life.From all the distractions of the world here is the real distraction to embrace my soul with all its messy and torturous feelings and to love it even more in all its glory.Thanking Creator for this bountiful abundant life and blessed state of accepting my soul as it is as it comes and grows ....spiritually and mentally.Such soul lifting hours are these when one dives into sea of seclusion to embrace ones soul.Knowing fully your spirit belongs to the Highest One above all universe.Thanking again for the gift of acceptance and bounties in ones journey .O solo Traveller may your heart and soul be illuminated with the light of Deen and straight path of contentment and peace.

sister herb
06-11-2016, 08:01 AM
Pictures... we wanna more!

06-13-2016, 03:49 PM
We are nearing end of alphabets!OMG so excited!

06-14-2016, 08:11 PM
Here are the next images! Thanks for your patience :phew:phew

@sister herb I chose U for you ;)






Qurratul Ayn
06-14-2016, 08:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
Pictures... we wanna more!
Oh. My. Days.

My dear sweet, loving, sister herb, who is an amazing writer :alhamd: at least give us mere amateur writers a chance to create, perfect and post their stories!!!

Write more stories! Of every single picture! I have laid down the gauntlet... :shade:


Qurratul Ayn
06-14-2016, 08:17 PM
Okay, my bad. I was too slow, Sister *charisma* is too fast

You are much loved and cared for sister herb, to have your commands answered quickly :D :wub:


06-14-2016, 08:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
I carry dreams with me. People everywhere put their the deepest wishes to the waves of the sea and I pick them up, then carry them to the bottom of the sea. Some dreams are too selfish, and they change there as rocks. Some, the most beautiful and pure which come from the pious heart settle to the mussels. They be there for years and slowly they will change as the most beautiful pearls. When someone's dream has grown in a bright pearl, I picked it by this long stick, lift up to the surface and place it on the sea foam. Waves carry it to the beach and this dream comes true.
Mashallah sis, you have a way with words :wub: Love it, I truly do!

format_quote Originally Posted by Arfa
O solo Traveller may your heart and soul be illuminated with the light of Deen and straight path of contentment and peace.
Such a serene, hopeful, and beautiful story <3

sister herb
06-15-2016, 03:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma*
Here are the next images! Thanks for your patience :phew:phew

@sister herb I chose U for you ;)





Thanks dear sister. I love them all... Seems I need to write 4 stories, not only one.


06-15-2016, 03:43 PM
Salaam, awesome thread! But slightly confused, do I just pick one of those images for my writing?

sister herb
06-15-2016, 04:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by L V
Salaam, awesome thread! But slightly confused, do I just pick one of those images for my writing?
Yes. One image for one story.

sister herb
06-15-2016, 05:36 PM

Grandma´s Chocolate Cake

A young woman had came to meet hers grandmother. She was just got married and life didn´t go as she was planned. Hers grandmother asked her to come to the kitchen as she was going to start to bake.

- ...and I was thinking it´s easier but many times I lost my nervers. Tim doesn´t understand me neither listen to me. We just yell to each others almost every day. I am wondering why I married with him at all. We are like from two planets. Tell me grandma, what I should do? I am unhappy every day with him. He is kind yes but... it´s like something is missing.

Grandmother listened patiently and started to put sugar and butter to the bowl. She whipped incredients fast but carefully. Then she added flour and cocoa powder, without using any measuring cup as years had gave to her confidence and skills.

-...but of course I wanted to marry him. But why, grandma, everything looks now so different than the day we still just dating each others? How I can find the way to continue or should I just give up?

Grandmother put the cake to the oven and sat down.

- I can give you a recipe how everything in your life will goes well, she said and smiled. - It´s like making the chocolate cake. You have to be careful with those ingredients you add to your bowl. Don´t put anything what is rotten or doesn´t fit to it. No bitter words, they are those which spoil any cake. Be patient when you whip the dough. Don´t hurry, everything you add to your common dough must be added with patience. Give enough warmness to your cake. A lot of kisses and hugs, sweet like the chocolate chips. It takes time before your cake is ready - mutual trust can grows only in the mild temperatures. If you put your cake to the freezer, instead of the oven, it doesn´t cook at all. Same is with your marriage. Also, don´t turn the oven to too hot - it burns everything and nobody likes a burnt cake.

When you decorate your cake, be generous with the chocolate frosting. Sweet moments can´t never be too much in your life. And if some corners of the cake are burnt, don´t worry. A little mistakes just belong to the path called life. Don´t give up. Smile and try again. Years will make you an excellent baker and you both will enjoy your cakes.

06-15-2016, 06:42 PM
A www thankyou sis Charizma
love im overwhelmed by your appreciation:)

06-19-2016, 07:21 PM
Picture V

Mrs Salma had been living in Luberon a small village in Provence ,France for two decades.It was a quiet village although it was small but it was the most beautiful place on earth,partly because of its appeal and partly because it had scenic beauty.It was a place worth seeing due to the character and naturalistic appeal of its inhabitants.A traditional barn was there which included horses too.Life was so serene calm and slow here.Mrs Salma and her family had been promoting tourism and sightseeing in their land for years.What tourists enjoyed particularly was the vibrant colours of nature and true spirit of owners.Truly a sight worth seeing and living for.

06-19-2016, 11:33 PM
Gosh that was hard to read, some advice - two spaces after a full stop - and one after a comma... don't forget, paragraphs help to make reading easier to digest, it shouldn't be painful for the eyes to read, ok?


06-19-2016, 11:44 PM
:nervous::facepalm: Well thankyou for the criticism I wasn't feeling truly inspired to write lengthier paragraphs.But I guess one para does justice if you have conveyed your message fully.Anyhow I have considered your appraisal.

06-20-2016, 12:55 AM
W - Untitled

It was never meant to be like this, she thought to herself as she clambered into a corner, leaning against the uneven bricked wall as her legs struggled to hold her weight any longer. Succumbing to gravity, she breathed out a huge sigh of relief, watching the vapours of her breath dissipate amongst the rain. Her vision tried to reach as far as it could above her, but no star could be seen as the perpetual night seemed to linger with her tiredness.

She was thankful she could finally close her eyes even for a few minutes. Those few minutes were glorious, her heart rate slowing down and her body temperature returning to normal. She felt the cold starting to set in as shivers ran down her spine and goosebumps presented themselves.

“Where am I?” she whispered as her eyes gradually refocused, not realising she was sitting in a pool of mud. The coolness of the water provided relief for the cuts and injuries on her hands. As she glanced down at her wretched state, her sight fixed upon her boots. They were no longer recognisable from the once bohemian inspired pair she bought at a market many years ago; now covered in dirt and rips which were providing a root for the water to seep in.

“Great, now I can't feel my feet.”

She wasn't afraid, only confused as to where she had ended up. Surrounded by a constant noise of bells, singing, rhythmic drumming and music, and explosions that shook her until she realised they were fireworks. A huge cluster of sparks covered the night sky, triggering adolescent memories of her and her brother chewing on toffee, huddled together under a blanket, gazing in amazement at the colours which filled the sky, in no knowledge of how drastically their lives would change.

In the distance she spotted some lanterns, swiftly moving back and forth like pendulums in harmony with the wind. She winced at her injured arm but continued to feel hypnotised by these beautiful balls of red.

As the adrenaline settled, loss suddenly overwhelmed her as she could no longer bear the thought of being without him... Too many reminders of him surrounded her as she lay there in this cold, dark, alley. Feeling completely wrecked and broken. She just couldn't run anymore.

Too much had happened too soon. She knew there was no safety for her anywhere, they will not stop until she was found. Her beloved brother, however, had always drilled it into her that no matter how heavily they will try and bring them down, their ultimate comfort is with the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. She had always admired his undeniable will and struggle.

He embraced his death. She knew she couldn't give up now. He always believed in her strength and now it was time to honour him for the sake of their Lord.

Her thoughts became distracted by distant footsteps which were moving in a familiar pattern.

Clutching onto her sword like her lifeline, laughter filled the atmosphere amongst the distant celebrations. A smile appeared from beneath the blood and dirt on her face, her heart filled with satisfaction and tears streamed down her cheeks, comforted by the raindrops which were caressing her weary soul.

The footsteps again. Coming closer.

It's not so bad, she thought, it's really not so bad.


06-20-2016, 01:45 AM
@Arfa, you're welcome,

But I wasn't asking you to make a lengthier story, nope. What I did advise you was to space your post/story/writing appropriately - it's basic English. Not a writing class for you.

I'll show you what I mean. This is your last post I am quoting. I'm doing so to point out to you what you did wrong.

format_quote Originally Posted by Arfa
:nervous::facepalm: Well thankyou for the criticism I wasn't feeling truly inspired to write lengthier paragraphs.But I guess one para does justice if you have conveyed your message fully.Anyhow I have considered your appraisal.
Here is how it should look.
format_quote Originally Posted by Arfa
:nervous::facepalm: Well thank you for the criticism.

I wasn't feeling truly inspired to write lengthier paragraphs. But I guess one paragraph does justice if you have conveyed your message fully.

Anyhow I have considered your appraisal.
There you go, fixed. Consider my "appraisal" again.



EDIT: LV, that was absolutely bad ass !!!

06-20-2016, 04:14 PM
Yes I can figure out it now, It's my cellphone that I use from which Its easier for me to type in that closed space :) way.

06-20-2016, 04:24 PM
JazakAllah Khair Scimi :)

06-22-2016, 05:02 PM
Sis Charizma we are waiting for the last set of pictures??:))

sister herb
06-22-2016, 05:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Arfa
Sis Charizma we are waiting for the last set of pictures??:))
The last? Do we then stop this? imsad

06-22-2016, 05:24 PM
:facepalm::statisfie Oh really sis herb??I was referring to end of alphabets therefore last technically.Hopefully and on. positive note I would recommend a poetry competition afterwards:)) Or mere poetry recitals of sharing most inspiring and note worthy poems that members would like to share:) im just dropping suggestions here

07-14-2016, 01:45 AM

Philippe leaned in close and whispered into Jeanne Pierre's ear, "It is clear, to me, tomorrow is when they will start." Jeanne Pierre looked doubtful and brushed Philippe's hand away in annoyance, his friend was too pessimistic. "War doesn't owe itself to the position of moons, Philippe. Rather, it owes itself to the whimsical fancies of men." Philippe was about to reply back, but a movement in the bush halted him. A twig snapped, less than ten meters away and both heard it. "be quiet" Philippe nudged. Jeanne Pierre knew better than to object, their lives depended on it.

Alban crouched behind the tree, and kept still. He couldn't be sure who the two men were and wanted a closer look but feared he'd given his position away. The enemy camp was just over that hill the two men were facing, their shapes almost silhouetted against the new moon. He chanced a look and saw the men appearing to glance away from him, but they had turned around and he realised he could be spotted. Taking a quick glance at his surroundings, he thought it best to crouch low and slowly back away to the nearby bush, which was shrouded in shadows.

"Stay alert Philippe, friend or foe, we do not know as yet, but keep your gun at the ready."
"Yes, old friend..." then as an after thought "stay close behind me," and with that, he stepped in front of Jeanne Pierre. "Actually Philippe, the gun would do us no good, we're less than fifty yards from the enemy camp. If you fire the gun, you won't have time to reload before the enemy is upon us"
"What do I do then?" shrugged Philippe, a cautious yet fearless soul. "Trust in God",

trust in God... these words provided a comfort at first but the feeling of being watched was also quite present. "I'm trying but someone is watching us." he whispered back.

"and God, is watching us all" returned Jeanne Pierre. Philippe smiled, and holstered his gun. "Ok, stay here Jean Pierre, I'm going to the tree" and with that, he moved forward towards the tree where they both heard the twig snap. It was probably nothing, he thought, and starting praying aloud, loud enough for anyone within ear shot to hear him. "Our Father, who art in heaven, halo'd be thy name, til Kingdom come..." another twig snapped.

"...thy will be done, Oh Lord, it's only you Philippe," Albon stood up and stepped out of the dark shadows, "I thought it was enemy scouts" he cajoled.
"Albon?" asked Philippe, "yes - it's me." answered Albon. Feeling a breath of relief, Philippe turned to find Jean Pierre exactly as he had left him, almost ten meters away, the wind was picking up. "IT'S ONLY ALBON, JEANNE PIERRE" he shouted... then a horn was blown from the enemy camp and rustling could be heard. "Oh darnit, you alerted the enemy you idiot, RUNNNN"

sister herb
07-18-2016, 04:45 PM
I miss this game. Any more pictures? Please.

sister herb
07-29-2016, 02:52 PM
Ok, as no pics, I have to post them by myself then. Be free to select your one and write what ever pops up to your mind. And keep it short.





07-29-2016, 03:15 PM
InshAallah I'll have the strength to participate in this, seems fun :)

sister herb
07-30-2016, 10:18 AM
Let me start.

Number 1)

Forgotten toy

At one day I was walking on the sea shore. It was a lonely beach, nobody there. Then I suddenly saw something, like an old sack at the middle of beach. I walked near of it and I saw it was an old toy, like a big panda bear.

It sat on the sand and suddenly I hear like a sigh. I was looking around but there wasn´t anyone, just me and panda. Then I saw that panda moved a little. Was it real?

- Please sit beside me, said a toy, don´t be afraid, I don´t bite you. I haven´t teeth.

I sat down and panda touched my hand. - Thanks, it said. - Have you ever been so lonely like me? Like all alone in this world?

- Me? No. What do you mean?

- This is the beach of forgotten toys and broken dreams, it said. - They are toys which have been the most loved at once but then their child has grown up and forgot them. They gather in here, wait if there still would have someone who misses them. If nobody wants them anymore, they go to the sea of the tears. I came here too, I sat and watched how all others went and soon it´s my turn to go.

- It sounds sad, I said and tears came to my eyes.

- Yes, it is. I spent years in the dark closet, just waiting if someone would opens the door and hugs me and plays with me but... My child became too old, she didn´t need toys any more and she forgot me. Now my heart is broken and I am too miserable to wait any more.

I was thinking mine 2 years old. - Listen, I said, if you haven´t anyone... my little girl is lonely and she needs something to hug at the evenings. Would you mind...

Panda looked at me and I saw how it´s eyes shine. - Really? I would love it. Are you serious? Can I come?

- Sure. I know she loves you more than anything in this world.

So then we stood up from the sand and hand by hand we walked away from the beach of the forgotten toys and broken dreams. My daughter became very happy about hers new toy and it got huge hugs every evenings. When sometimes I looked at it, I could swear, it smiled at me and gave me a happy wink.

07-30-2016, 03:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
Let me start.

Number 1)

Forgotten toy

At one day I was walking on the sea shore. It was a lonely beach, nobody there. Then I suddenly saw something, like an old sack at the middle of beach. I walked near of it and I saw it was an old toy, like a big panda bear.

It sat on the sand and suddenly I hear like a sigh. I was looking around but there wasn´t anyone, just me and panda. Then I saw that panda moved a little. Was it real?

- Please sit beside me, said a toy, don´t be afraid, I don´t bite you. I haven´t teeth.

I sat down and panda touched my hand. - Thanks, it said. - Have you ever been so lonely like me? Like all alone in this world?

- Me? No. What do you mean?

- This is the beach of forgotten toys and broken dreams, it said. - They are toys which have been the most loved at once but then their child has grown up and forgot them. They gather in here, wait if there still would have someone who misses them. If nobody wants them anymore, they go to the sea of the tears. I came here too, I sat and watched how all others went and soon it´s my turn to go.

- It sounds sad, I said and tears came to my eyes.

- Yes, it is. I spent years in the dark closet, just waiting if someone would opens the door and hugs me and plays with me but... My child became too old, she didn´t need toys any more and she forgot me. Now my heart is broken and I am too miserable to wait any more.

I was thinking mine 2 years old. - Listen, I said, if you haven´t anyone... my little girl is lonely and she needs something to hug at the evenings. Would you mind...

Panda looked at me and I saw how it´s eyes shine. - Really? I would love it. Are you serious? Can I come?

- Sure. I know she loves you more than anything in this world.

So then we stood up from the sand and hand by hand we walked away from the beach of the forgotten toys and broken dreams. My dauhgter became very happy about hers new toy and it got huge hugs every evenings. When sometimes I looked at it, I could swear, it smiled at me and gave me a happy wink.

Awww :) we sister herb btw that panda is adorable I feel like adopting, also lonesome. Hatts off to you interesting story and set of pictures.

08-22-2016, 03:11 PM

"Reading.. reading is boring. Reading is complex reading is just... UGHH" Said a young teenager called Statislas. Yes indeed, he was being burdened by too many text books that he has to read, revise and memorise. If that isn't enough his grades have been dropping continuously making him more tense. How does he continue to find books interesting then? Would he give up and continue on to work on his priority, the gaming world? That was it. That was his routine. He would 'read' the books before the exams started and would enter a virtual world hidden in his bedroom for countless of hours and would only leave it to eat food. That was the life, or so he thought. He, like his other friends would play countless of hours of the particular computer game. The difference was, he was getting bad grades an they didn't. It was puzzling to him, it stumped him and it got him thinking, "How do I be like them? I can beat them in that world, why not in real life?". Being a prideful fellow, he was very reluctant to ask any of his friends that were gaming. He had to resort to ask his childhood friend, still reluctant he mustered enough courage to ask her for some advise. He knew he was going to get it, and so it was true! He got nagged for the first few minutes then eventually received the answer. He told himself, "Argh, if its her, I'll just have to go through with it. It's better than asking those guys". She lend him a self-help book. Again, Statislas reluctantly accepted it and went back to his home to read this book. Hoping he would be motivated to find enough strength to read books again because the text book had completely decimated his mind. As usual he would bring a cup of tea on his study desk and read the book on an early evening on a weekend. When he began reading the book, it was nothing amazing at first and his mind was still numb. But as he move on this particular page, where the author was explaining how every little thing he has experience so far in life was a blessing, he got very emotional. It's as if something switched on in his mind. He understood right away, though he didn't know why they were flower petals and a picture of a random boat was there. A few weeks went by after he had gone through another exam. He didn't get to improve his results massively but at least he took measures to go for it. Statislas got his passion for books again!

sister herb
08-22-2016, 04:33 PM
Nice story. Thanks for sharing it. :statisfie

sister herb
10-01-2016, 10:06 PM
Anyone interesting to continue?





10-02-2016, 05:47 AM
I would love to write on picture number 4-but right now I would have to prioritise and study[emoji425] [emoji2]

sister herb
10-02-2016, 07:05 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by زهراء
I would love to write on picture number 4-but right now I would have to prioritise and study[emoji425] [emoji2]
Take your time. Work first, then pleasure. ;D

sister herb
10-02-2016, 11:11 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb

A postcard

It was a hard afternoon to me. A lot of work all day, I had missed one important meeting and my boss wasn´t satisfied at all. I had to run to the buss what was full of tired people. No seat to sit and heavy shopping bags on my hands. Oh boy, how tired and frustrated I was when I finally returned to my home.
Ok, this is the life, I said to myself, put groceries to the fridge, made a cup of coffee and took a look for the pile of letters. Only bills of course.
But then, a pink envelope was between of the other letters. Paper of it looked old-fashioned, fragile and there was an old stamp on it. I took it to my hand.
It looked old one, squiggly handwriting and strange stamp. Is this from some other country? I took my paper knife and opened it carefully. There was a post card with only few lines of text on it.

"Hi Missy" was the head line. Missy? Who is she? It´s not my name. "I put the packet to the place as we talked. You will find it easily, just look behind of the books. I know it´s very important to you."

What´s that? Who is Missy? What packet?

"Remember me on your prayers, dear. May God always walk with you. Your sister, Claire."

Wait a second, I said to myself. My grandmother´s name was Claire. But she had died 20 years ago.

I checked the sender of the letter: Claire Hopkins. It was my grandmothers name before she married. Could this letter gone missing in the post and come to me after almost 80 years? But Missy? Maybe some hers friend. Is she still alive? She might love to get this letter but how I can find an old lady who I don´t know at all? As became more and more curious, I took a call to my mother...

Few weeks later I stepped in to the care home. Nurse had warned me at the phone that miss Missy (as they called this fragile old lady) didn´t hear very well and hers memory had almost gone already. I saw very old lady sitting in the chair and as soon she saw me she smiled. "Is it you, Claire?" she said and tears came to hers eyes. "I have waited you all day, my dear friend." Then she smiled and added: "Don´t look so shy, of course I know you aren´t. I am not senile, yet." And she winked to me.

I took a packet from my bag and put it to hers hands. Then I sat down and told her the whole story; how I got a letter and post card, how my mother started to find miss Missy and looking for this old packet and how it finally was found behind of the old books from my grandmother´s old home and the whole story.

She listened me carefully. "And you finally found it? What a surprise. Thanks a lot dear, you have made me so happy. I am delighted I finally got it back. Maybe 80 years later but anyways. Wanna know what there is?"

Yes sure I wanted. Me and my whole family had made a lot of work for this little packet. There must to be something very special for this old lady.

She opened the packet slowly and... there was an old dolly.

"I missed this dolly so much when I had to move when I was young. Your grandmother found it from hers home and sended me a note. I am glad I have again my own dolly back home with me."

Did I made all this search only for an old, handmade dolly? My disappointing must have seen on my face as miss Missy touched to my hand. "It´s very important to me, dear. My own mother made it to me and just after it she became very ill and died. I was only 10 years old and it was like my world crushed into pieces. It´s the only thing I have from her. You made a lot of work to find it and made me very happy. Now it feels like my dear mommy would be with me again and all those sweet memories from my childhood. One day you will understand me better than now, when you are old and all alone and miss those sweet days which have gone."

She smiled like a little girl who has just became back to home from a long, very long journey.

10-02-2016, 01:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
Take your time. Work first, then pleasure. ;D
That would mean I will only write after the 27 November[emoji2]

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