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View Full Version : Take heed before it gets too late - desist from Riba

06-10-2016, 11:20 AM
"Living in a society riddled with riba (interest), it's hard to avoid it at times, but if we knew the extent of damage it has on us, our lives and the lives of those closest to us, we would flee from it like prey in the wilderness. Deeds have an effect, and that includes sins too. Riba is just one of many, but it carries la'nah (a curse) which makes it that much more dangerous because a la'nah has the power to cripple us and its effects can seep through generations. The Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) cursed the consumer of riba, the payer of riba, the writer of riba, and the witnesses of riba and said, "All are equal (in sin).” [Muslim]

The scary thing is when we try to understand what la'nah is and how it exhibits. There is a whole world of the Unseen out there, where intangible things have meaning and a reality, where everything is intertwined and nothing is a coincidence. Sins and divine curses can manifest themselves in our lives through all sorts of things. Most of the time, the barakah is removed from our provisions, but it may also be expressed in hardships or bad health, persistent obstacles and failures, or weakness of faith and a dead heart. If we go about feeding our children and our families from income riddled with interest or haram, we risk jeopardising the success of their lives down to even the strength of their du'as.

Remember the man who comes looking rough and scruffy from an arduous journey and at the *time of need*, he raises his hands and cries out 'O Lord! O Lord!' But the response to his call is blocked by the unlawfulness of his food, drink, and clothing. He is nourished from haram sources, so there is little acceptance. We ought be wary of how we are feeding ourselves and our families, what we are putting into their bodies, and what we are nourishing them with, lest we become the ones to create unnecessary obstacles for them.

The consumer of riba is like a person at war with Allah and His Messenger - and scholars have said that this is war with all its damaging affects on the mind, the soul, and physical body, as well as its damage on society - the poor are deprived, the rich corrupted, and everyone oppresses one another.

But it's not all doom and gloom even though it's a very serious topic, because alhamdulillah for every disease there is a cure. And for the disease of sin and la'nah, there is istighfar (forgiveness) and repentance. There is the boldness of halting and stopping yourself from the sins, and there is the power of sadaqah (charity) which averts calamities and all sorts of evil.

May Allah protect us from the evil of our deeds and protect us from the coercion of society which can push even the best of us into dark places. O Allah make it easy for the believers to stay away from riba and all that displeases You, ameen."
- Fajr Literary

How many people might be suffering endlessly, with no relief despite countless supplications, without realising why. How many people might have been driven by unrelenting, merciless affliction to the point of utter depression and despair, and not realise why. How many hopes, ambitions and dreams might have been crushed, hearts broken and lives ruined without those afflicted realising why. Will those who might be responsible for all of this pain and suffering not take heed?

Source: https://www.facebook.com/ozzy8491/po...57024197695224

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06-10-2016, 11:03 PM

May Allah swt help us all to stay away from interest Ameen.

Riba (which means adding something extra to certain products, like selling gold for gold, or by not receiving something when a contract is signed, or paying extra in return for extension of a loan) is haraam because Allaah - who rules as He wills - has forbidden it. No one can ask Him about what He does; He is the One Who will ask people about what they did, on the Day of Resurrection. Allaah has explained that riba is haraam, and warned those who do not give it up, in the aayaat (interpretation of the meaning):

"O you who believe! Be afraid of Allaah and give up what remains (due to you) from riba (usury) (from now onward), if you are (really) believers.
And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allaah and His Messenger . . ."

[al-Baqarah 2:278-279]


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