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07-06-2016, 06:51 PM
Asalaam O alaikum....

I thought this is the most important topic right now, especially as we have experienced an attack in one of Islams holiest city where our blessed Rasool Allah (sAllallahu alaihi wassallam) is buried. Most of us are aware that there was a bombing outside of Madinah Masjid 2 days ago as we approached the end of Ramadaan.

We as Muslims need to point out and I have pointed out in the past at this forum that we need to realize as to where is this ideology stemming from. Where is this intolerance being generated from within this Ummah. Who are those people who thing they are the only ones who are Ahlal Haqq (people of the truth) while others who have difference with them are all Ahlal Biddah (people of innovation) and then the extreme among them go to such length that it leads them to form groups like ISIS in our age or in the past like the take over of the Grand Mosque of Makkah in 1979 and declare that spilling of innocent Muslim blood is okay as long as the aim is to achieve their objective which is 'Pure Islam' free from all kinds of innovations....

Whether it is to declare Shias as Kuffaar or the Sufis as Kuffaar or the taking over of Masjid Al Haraam in 1979 or the recent bombing in Madinah Munawarra (City of the Prophet), we Muslims need to understand where does this fault lie in us so we can counter it...

The aim for this thread is NOT TO HAVE LONG DISCUSSIONS AND DEBATES as generally happens with threads. I am just sharing this information so you may read, understand and then accept or reject is up to you.

Hope this benefits and Eid Mubarak to all of you and your families. :)

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07-06-2016, 06:55 PM
Spending money on militarism- by Muslim or Non Muslim countries - to counter violent attacks done in the name of Islam will do no good as long as the ideology that nourishes such intolerant interpretation will continue to exist. This is exactly what Shaykh Hakim Murad explains below.

Recapturing Islam From the Terrorists

By Sh. Abdal Hakim Murad

As New York turns its gap-toothed face to the sky, wondering if the worst is yet to come, Muslims, largely unheeded by the wider world, are counting the cost of the suicide bombings. The backlash against mosques and hijabs has been met by statements from Muslim communities around the globe, some stilted, but others which have clearly found an articulate and passionate voice for the first time. In comparison with the pathetic near-silence that hovered around mosques and major organisations during the Rushdie and Gulf War debacles, the communities now seem alert to their cultural situation and its potential precariousness. Many of the condemnations have been more impressive than those of the American President, who seems unable to rise above clichés.

The motives are twofold. Firstly, and most patently, Sunni Muslims have been brought up in a universe of faith that renders the taking of innocent lives unimaginable. By condemning the attacks, we know that we defend the indispensable essence of Islam. Secondly, Muslims as well as others have died in large numbers. The Friday Prayers in the World Trade Centre always attracted more than 1,500 worshippers from the office community, many of whom have now surely died. The tourists, who spent their last moments choking on the observation deck, waiting for the helicopters that never came, no doubt included many Muslim parents and their children.

But the Western powers and their fearful Muslim minorities, both battered so grievously by recent events, now need to think beyond press-releases and ritual cursings. We need to recognise, firstly, that there has been a steady ‘mission-creep’ in terrorist attacks over the past twenty years. Hijackings for ransom money gave way to parcel bombs, then to suicide bombs, and now to kiloton-range urban mayhem. It is not at all clear that this escalation will be terminated by further anti-terrorist legislation, further billions for the FBI, or retina scans at Terminal Three. America’s tendency to assume that money can buy or destroy any possible obstacle to its will now stands under a dark shadow. Far from being a climax and the catalyst for a hi-tech military solution, the attacks may be of more historical significance as an announcement to the militant subculture that a Star-Wars superpower is utterly vulnerable to a handful of lightly-armed young men. There could well be more and worse to come.

Sobered by this, the State Department is likely to come under pressure from business interests to ask the question it never seems to notice. Why is there so much hatred of the United States, and so much yearning to poke it in the eye? Are the architects of policy sane in their certainty that America can enrage large numbers of people, but contain that rage forever through satellite technology and intrepid double-agents? Businessmen and bankers will now start to read carefully enough to discern that it is not US national interest, but the power of the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, that tends to drive Washington’s policy in the world’s greatest troublespot. Threatened with disaster, corporate America may just prove powerful enough to face AIPAC down, and suggest, firmly, that the next time Israel asks Washington to veto the UN’s desire to send observers to Hebron, it pauses to consider where its own interests might lie.

Among Muslims, the longer-term aftershock will surely take the form of a crisis among ‘moderate Wahhabis’. Even if a Middle-Eastern connection is somehow disproved, they cannot deny forever that doctrinal extremism can lead to political extremism. They must realise that it is traditional Islam, the only possible alternative to their position, which owns rich resources for the respectful acknowledgement of difference within itself, and with unbelievers. The lava-stream that flows from Ibn Taymiyya, whose fierce xenophobia mirrored his sense of the imminent Mongol threat to Islam, has a habit of closing minds and hardening hearts. It is true that not every committed Wahhabi is willing to kill civilians to make a political point. However it is also true that no orthodox Sunni has ever been willing to do so. One of the unseen, unsung triumphs of true Islam in the modern world is its complete freedom from any terroristic involvement. Maliki ulama do not become suicide-bombers. No-one has ever heard of Sufi terrorism. Everyone, enemies included, knows that the very idea is absurd.

Two years ago, Shaykh Hisham Kabbani of the Islamic Supreme Council of America, warned of the dangers of mass terrorism to American cities; and he was brushed aside as a dangerous alarmist. Muslim organisations are no doubt beginning to regret their treatment of him. The movement for traditional Islam will, we hope, become enormously strengthened in the aftermath of the recent events, accompanied by a mass exodus from Wahhabism, leaving behind only a merciless hardcore of well-financed zealots. Those who have tried to take over the controls of Islam, after reading books from we-know-where, will have to relinquish them, because we now know their destination.

When that happens, or perhaps even sooner, mainstream Islam will be able to make the loud declaration in public that it already feels in its heart: that terrorists are not Muslims. Targeting civilians is a negation of every possible school of Sunni Islam. Suicide bombing is so foreign to the Quranic ethos that the Prophet Samson is entirely absent from our scriptures. Islam is a great world religion that has produced much of the world’s most sensitive art, architecture and literature, and has a rich life of ethics, missionary work, and spirituality. Such are the real, and historically-successful, weapons of Islam, because they are the instruments that make friends of our neighbours, instead of enemies fit for burning alive. Those that refuse them, out of cultural impotence or impatience, will in the longer term be perceived as so radical in their denial of what is necessarily known to be part of Islam, that the authorities of the religion are likely to declare them to be beyond its reach. If that takes place, then future catastrophes by Wahhabi ultras will have little impact on the image of communities, whose spokesmen can simply say that Muslims were not implicated. This is the approach taken by Christian churches when confronted by, say, the Reverend Jim Jones’s suicide cult, or the Branch Davidians at Waco. Only a radical amputation of this kind will save Islam’s name, and the physical safety of Muslims, particularly women, as they live and work in Western cities.

To conclude: there is much despair, but there are also grounds for hope. The controls of two great vehicles, the State Department, and Islam, need to be reclaimed in the name of sanity and humanity. It is always hard to accept that good might come out of evil; but perhaps only a catastrophe on this scale, so desolating, and so seemingly hopeless, could provide the motive and the space for such a reclamation.


Although the response from Muslims in the UK seems to have been very favourable to my essay, with one or two requests that it be sent to national newspapers for reprinting on their pages, it is inevitable that under pressure from real or potential rioters and cross-burners, some Muslims consider premature any attempt to begin a debate among ourselves about the cultural and doctrinal foundations of extremism.

It is true that no convictions have been secured, and that in the Shari’a suspects are innocent until proven guilty. However it is also regrettably the case that these suspects will not be tried under Shari’a law, and that we need, in the absence of a traditional framework of accusation and assessment, to hold our own discussions. This is particularly urgent in this case, since the damage to the honour of Islam, and the physical safety of innocent Muslims, in the West and in Central Asia and elsewhere, is very considerable. We Muslims are now at ‘ground zero’. As such, we cannot simply ignore the duty to ask each other what has caused the attitudes that probably, but not indisputably, lie at the root of these events.

My essay, which endeavoured to kick-start this debate, takes its cue primarily from the UK situation, which is no doubt less intense than in the US, but is nonetheless serious. In particular I am concerned to insist that Muslims distance themselves from, for instance, the janaza prayer for the hijackers that was held two days ago at a London Wahhabi mosque (the term Wahhabi is more useful, since ‘Salafi’ can also refer to the Abduh-Rida reformism and is hence confusing). Having spoken to the editor of one of this country’s major Muslim magazines, it is clear that the small minority of voices which have been raised in support of the terrorist act were in every case of the Wahhabi persuasion. Clearly, we cannot simply ignore this on grounds of ‘Muslim unity’, since those people appear so determined to destroy Muslim unity, and endanger the security of our community.

I hope that the recent events will spur Muslims to consider the implications for the wider ethos in which we understand our religion of the shift which we have witnessed over the past twenty years or so away from accommodationist and tolerant forms of Islam, and towards narrowmindedness. Al-Ghazali recommends a tolerant view of non-Muslims, and is prepared to grant that many of them may be saved in the next world; Ibn Taymiya, as Muhammad Memon has shown in his book on him, is vehement and adversarial. In our communities in the West, and indeed worldwide, we surely need the Ghazalian approach, not the rigorism of Ibn Taymiya. Not just because we need to reassure our neighbours, but also because we need to reassure those very many born Muslims who are made unsure about their attachment to Islam by events such as this that they can belong to the religion without being harsh and narrow-minded. Extremism can drive people right out of Islam. In 1999 the Conference of French Catholic bishops announced that 300 Algerians were among the year’s Easter baptisms. Noting that ten years earlier Muslims never converted at all, they reported that the change was the result of the spread of extreme forms of Islam in Algeria.

In Afghanistan, too, there are now Christians for the first time ever, and I have heard from one ex-Taliban member that this is because of the extremism with which Islam is imposed on the people. The shift away from traditional Islam, and towards Ibn Taymiya’s position, has been widely documented, for instance by Ahmad Rashid, in his chapter ‘Challenging Islam’, in his book on the Taliban. The Saudi-Wahhabi connection has been very conspicuous.

We must ask Allah to open the hearts of the Muslims everywhere to recognise that narrow mindedness and mutual anathema will lead us nowhere, and that only through spirituality, toleration and wisdom will we be granted success.

The most appropriate du’a’ for our situation would seem to be: ‘Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, bi-rahmatika astaghiith’, which is recommended in a hadith in cases of fear and misfortune. It means: ‘O Living, O Self-Subsistent; by Your mercy I seek help.’


07-06-2016, 08:13 PM
"ISIS is a true product of Salafism, and we must deal with it with full transparency." says Sheikh 'Aadel Al-Kalbani, former Imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca

"ISIS is a true product of Salafism, and we must deal with it with full transparency." This statement was made not by liberal Muslim elements, who regularly criticize Salafism, but by Sheikh 'Aadel Al-Kalbani, former imam of the Grand Mosque in Mecca and a Salafi himself, hence its importance. Al-Kalbani is not the first Salafi to come out against ISIS – other Saudis have condemned the organization's conduct and operations – but Al-Kalbani has gone farther in his criticism: he has come out against the principles of the Salafi perception from which ISIS and its ilk draw, and has called for a rationalistic approach to Islam's distant past and what it means for Islam today instead of a blind reenactment of it.

In two articles in the Saudi government daily Al-Riyadh, Al-Kalbani criticized elements in the Salafi stream for appropriating the truth and Islam and for permitting the killing of their opponents, and likewise criticized clerics and society that dared not come out against them. He stated that the call to blindly reenact the path of the Prophet Muhammad and of the forefathers of Islam stems from a faulty grasp of the essence of this path, and that Muhammad himself had rejected blind adoption of the perceptions of the past and blind following of the path of his predecessors, choosing instead a rationalistic approach appropriate for a changing reality. Al-Kalbani stated that clerics must take their heads out of the sand and move with the spirit of the times instead of rejecting and condemning any new idea.

This is not the first time that Al-Kalbani has challenged the mainstream Saudi clerics. He has harshly attacked suicide bombings, [1] published a fatwa permitting poetry,[2] and called for allowing women to drive cars.[3]
The following are translated excerpts from his two recent articles in Al-Riyadh:

Sheikh 'Aadel Al-Kalbani (source: Assabile.com)

"ISIS Is A True Product Of Salafism And We Must Deal With It With Full Transparency"

On August 15, 2014, Sheikh Al-Kalbani tweeted (@abuabdelelah): "ISIS is a true product of Salafism and we must deal with it with full transparency."

This statement sparked reactions across the social networks, and 10 days later, on August 24, Al-Kalbani wrote in an Al-Riyadh article titled "Is Terrorism A Salafi Product?": "Every time we see the fitna network sweeping up young people from among our sons... [and pitching them into]to a very deep abyss from which they will emerge only by means of idioms that drip blood, our conscience torments us and we wonder: From whence has this come upon us? How have they fallen into this? As if we could not do a thing before then.

"But the opposite is true: The main reason for their deviation is our neglect – and by 'our' neglectI mean the [neglect of the]generation of the parents, and of the honorable members of society among the clerics, teachers, preachers, jurisprudents, and sociologists who are linked directly to that society. The words, the books, the sermons, the dramas, and all the artistic creativity and the essential link [to the audience] that these people present in all the media, whether print, radio, or television, [allow them] to monitorthe ideas of the young people and to participate in balancing them. I exclude [of course] that tiniest of minorities whose throat is parched from warning about the extremismof theSalafis.

"Yes, this is the plant that has sprouted in the garbage dump of those who excessively pass judgment on others and pretend to represent Salafism. How gravely they have accused others of apostasy, of deviating from the right path, of heresy, and of licentiousness – as if the arena lies openbefore them and there is nobody to condemn them and no judge to punish them. Furthermore, they are received with feigned respect and admiration, and opportunities have been opened to them to plant in the minds of our young people that this one has gone astray and that one is an infidel and the other one is lax in religion. Even the greatest of clerics, past and present, are not spared their arrows. They spread the principles of Islam in a twisted manner that makes them incomprehensible or distorted, and preserve things that negate Islam. They measure the judge, the educated, and the student, and even the simple folk by what they [i.e. these extremists] have learned by heart [but] do not understand, and think that they are entitled to rule that the above mentioned are apostates and to call down upon themthe punishments of Allah that are no longer implemented and [by so doing, they think that they will] restore the glory and splendor of monotheism.

"This group thinks that no one but itself and its supporters are the source of good and the defenders of monotheism – because [its members] imbibed with their mothers' milk [the view] that all Muslims worldwide do not understand [monotheism] and that they are not worshipping only Allah but are polytheists whoworship graves... and that there are no just clerics besides their own clerics and their disciples. [They think that] only a cleric whom they love, whom they heed and obey, and on whose say they reject or validate [others] – only he holds the truth and acts in accordance with the ways of [Islam's]just forefathers... They spread out and multiply, andpublicly call for following in the footsteps of some sheikh and for accepting his words in full. They have begun to classify people, preachers, and clerics – [for example,] this sheikh shouldn't be listened to because he is more loathsome than the Jews and the Christians, and that fatwa deviates [from the right path], so it is forbidden topray behind anyone who adopts it, or to sit with him, eat with him or respect him. They have begun... to separate the young people from the clerics who understand the result of [this activity by them] and what difficulties they are going to cause the nation.

"Actually, there is no connection between the path of these extremists and the [true] path of the Salafis – which is tolerance, compassion, and gentleness, and in which there is no place for extremism and [religious] fanaticism. [Salafism] is a path that spreads love, brotherhood, and acceptance of the other among Muslims and coexistence with non-Muslims. But the thing is to understand it and to implement it – and not [just to] pretend [to do so] – in a way that is compatible with the deep roots of the past and with the demands of the present.

"[However,] what is needed is a perception for reforming ideas, not admonitions, reproof, reactions and word-sparing that deal with the symptom and ignore the disease! There is still enough time to rehabilitate [these ideas], ideologically and practically, and to prevent society from splitting into sects and groups that throng after dignitaries who are enveloped in an aura of immunity [to sin and error] and sanctity, with each group thinking that it has the right to guide the nation and recruit its young people.

"A plant is always like its roots. If we want a good, fruitful plant, it is incumbent upon everyoneto care forits roots, its water sources, the spread of its branches, and the fertility of the earth[from which it grows], and to protect it from ideas and viruses that turn its fruit and seeds to poison from which the generations sip and on which the young people grow up; from [these seeds] sprouts a plant that has in it no place for compassion and to whom love and friendship are totally alien."

"We Remain Trapped In The Dungeons Of The Very Distant Past"; We Should "Rely On The Past As A Foundation" For Building The Present And Future, Not Destroying Them

On August 31, 2014, Al-Kalbani published another article, "The Chains of the Past," in which he criticized the Salafism that advocates uncritical reliance on Islam's past, and called for a rationalistic critical approach. He wrote: "We never stop elevating the past at any cost, so much so that it has taken over our lives and thwarted our management of our present, and I do not know what it will do to our future. We claim that the past is the perception, the deeds, and the outlook of the forefathers [of Islam], to the point where if a catastrophe happens to one of us, he hastens to seek a solution for his catastrophe in a book written hundreds of years ago! And then we shout loudly, 'Islam is compatible with every time and every place[!]'

"What is very strange is that we remain trapped in the dungeons of the very distant past, chewing over the words of Malik [bin Anas[4]], may the peace of Allah be upon him,'The last of this ummah will not be successful unless they followthe same [pattern] that was successful in the hands of its first ones,' and think that what it means is that we must remain in the first century of the era of the mission [of the Prophet Muhammad], in the same style of life, and in the same patterns and knowledge that he had.

"From these words [of Malik bin Anas] I do not understand that our past [must] control our present and constrain our future; rather, I understand that [the past] is what caused the Prophet's honorable Companions to change their perception, and brought about their wonderful transition from the caves of darkness and straying into the light of truth... What improved the situation of the first generation [of Islam] was not preserving the heritage of the forefathers and the ideas of the previous generations, but the complete opposite. The first generation [of Islam] abandoned the [pattern] of blind imitation, and with the descent [ofKoran 96:1] 'Recite in the name of your Lord,' the use of the mindbegan, after it was neglected for many centuries; the wagon of change began to move and to shift the bitter reality full of oppression, backwardness, and idolatry with lofty and clear rational truths. They [the members of the first generation] opened their eyes to what had [always] been in front of them, but which the fog of imitating what their forefathers did had prevented them from seeing... until the honored Koran arrived and removed this fog and enabled them to see what they had been blind to, and to distinguish what they had not noticed [before].

"In the same spirit, I want the past to free us from the yoke of the backwards present – not drag us towards it. I want our past to make us see reality as it is, and for us to rely on it in the areas of development and culture, and for us to emerge from it with momentum towards the horizons of the future and with an enlightened perception. This [should be done] under the direction ofthe two revelations [the Koran and the Sunna] – and not by means of the opinions of people who have invested most of their efforts in studying that era [of early Islam].

"We should rely on the past as a foundation from which we head out to the future and to the building of the present; this is better than turning the past into [something] that binds our hands and arouses among us rivalry, conflict, and opinions for which we fight and as a result of which we weaken and splinter. Had we done this [from the outset],we would be sitting on the throne of the pinnacle of culture.

"We must acknowledge that our past contains things that are not compatible with our present. The religious collapse of the West happened only after it becamefully aware of the depth of the yawning chasm between the scientific knowledge that serves the culture that the human mind has attained and the religious beliefs and laws set out by the church, which included beliefs that had been distorted or misunderstood, or were not appropriate for every time.

"From among those who call for absolute adherence to the past there has emerged a young generation that defends and fights for opinions and ways that are devoid of the [the correct] Islamic concepts and religious views that can guide the ummah in the right direction. This gang, that has granted itself the right to banish minds, has not grasped the situation of the ummah, and has not managed to adapt to [today's reality]; therefore its path is to subdue the other or to accuse him of apostasy and of deviating from the right path. [These people] can be found in all walks of life,preventing men of insight from advancing and catching up to the present, and anyone who criticizes them and points out their mistakes is accused of being Khawarij[5] – an accusation tailored for such [critics]. Anyone who talks about women's rights is deviating from the right path andis loathsome and is lax in religion. Anyone who expresses a wise opinion that has been covered upand ignoredbecause it contradicts their Salafism, is going against the vast majority of the people... and so on...

"What is strange is that these radical extremists who accuse their opponents of heresy and of apostasy acknowledge neitherthe stagnation of their own perception and ideas northe worthlessness of their religious law, and thus do not recognize that they have left seeds that are today inflicting suffering and torment on the ummah."


[1] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 3728, Saudi Sheikh: One Who Kills Himself and Others in Order to Win the Virgins of Paradise Is Not a Martyr but a Suicide; Only the Truly Virtuous Will Gain Paradise, April 1, 2011.

[2] See MEMRI Special Dispatch No. 4215, Political Poem By Saudi Prince Triggers Public Debate In Kingdom, March 5, 2013.

[3] See MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 1029, Saudi Activists Renew Campaign For Women's Driving, October 23, 2013.

[4] Cleric (d. 795) and the founder of the Maliki school of thought, one of the four in Sunni Islam.

[5] Derogatory term referring to a rebel cult in early Islam that split off from the army of Ali ibn Abi Talib at the Battle of Siffin in 657.


07-06-2016, 08:21 PM

We must acknowledge that our past contains things that are not compatible with our present. The religious collapse of the West happened only after it becamefully aware of the depth of the yawning chasm between the scientific knowledge that serves the culture that the human mind has attained and the religious beliefs and laws set out by the church, which included beliefs that had been distorted or misunderstood, or were not appropriate for every time.
This sounds like reforming talk to me. This is one of the first times I've heard a Muslim talk like this, and I think it's a very good thing, even though it may prove controversial.


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07-06-2016, 08:28 PM
reformation is nothing new bro :)

Science, is still a baby that is learning Qur'an.


07-07-2016, 05:05 AM
:bism: (In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

format_quote Originally Posted by czgibson

This sounds like reforming talk to me. This is one of the first times I've heard a Muslim talk like this, and I think it's a very good thing, even though it may prove controversial.

I really admire and respect Sheikh Abdal Hakim Murad and I have benefited from some of his lectures available online. To be honest, I don't think it is reform talk; it is merely doing what Muslims are already permitted within shariah but to which certain conservative segments of the Muslim population have shown sharp resistance due to the tunnel vision that mistakenly equates any taking of action in that direction to changing God's laws as previous nations (Jews and Christians) without seeing the larger picture that that permitting societal norms to dictate some specific understandings within shariah is about (a) making the rational choice permitted in the Quran, and (b) is about governing peoples with both justice and mercy which is the purpose of shariah, and (c) having the wider people's unique needs met as the honored creation of Allah, all without compromising the integrity of Islamic law or understanding of immutability of shariah as the body of divine law that guides a God-conscious Muslims's choices throughout his/her life. The aforesaid character of societal norm informing legal understanding is not to be confused with making the haram (forbidden) halal (sanctioned) in shariah or vice versa, which falls under the category of impermissible divinely cursed behavior such as suddenly saying that Islam permits sexual behaviors associated with and in homosexuality or lesbianism when it clearly does not. Also, the article, "Viewpoint: Door of Ijtihad is Open" that Shaykh Hisham Kabbani authored explains the concept of Islamic law allowing adaptation and change within the Islamic heritage of interpretation. To understand the context of how Islamic law allows societal norm to dictate some specific understandings in shariah, I'd like to also quote an excerpted portion of the text, "Understanding Islamic Law":

Adaptation to Societal Norms

Khalid Muhammad writes:
Muslim jurists in the past were quite aware of the constant need to reconcile contradictions between social and legal norms. They continuously adjusted laws to bring them in line with the customs and norms of the people. The normative basis of the institutions and concepts such as family, property, rights, responsibility, criminality, civil obedience, social order, religiosity, international relations, war, peace, and citizenship have changed significantly over the last two centuries.[63]

Iman Shāfiī, the founder of one of the four schools of thought, he was living in Bagdhad when he put forth his school of thought as Imām Abū Ħanīfa and Imām Mālik before him. Imām Shāfiī came in the 2nd century of hijri and established his school of thought in Baghdad 1250 years ago Hijri. When he moved from Baghdad to Egypt in the last years of his life, he changed his school of thought. He said, “I saw people more corrupted in Egypt then from Baghdad. So what I wrote previously and explained is insufficient to treat these corrupted people because I was more lenient. Now I have to be more strict. So I have to change [my rulings].”

Shah Waliullah expounded the theory of evolution of society in four stages and found that social norms played a central role in the evolution of laws.[64]
Ibn Abidin is a well-known Syrian Ħanafī jurist from the late Ottoman period. He wrote a short treatise on urf [custom] and its position in Islamic law” (Ibn Abidin 1884), explaining the validity of urf as a source of Shariah laws. He distinguished between two types of texts: Shariah and jurist law (fiqh). In case of conflict between a custom or usage and the Shariah text, Ibn Abidin rejected only those customs which were absolutely contradictory. In case of conflict with a jurist law text, the custom prevailed as a principle.[65]

One can see this principle employed extensively today. Kamali mentions that “…jurists have gone on record in recent years to issue a verdict (fatwā) to declare photography permissible in this light. This is because photography has now become a ubiquitous practice among Muslims everywhere.”[66]

In another paper, Kamali writes:

Mālik is the chief source of the two important doctrines of public interest (maslaħa) and blocking the means (šad aļ-ļarā’i), both of which are eminently rational and rely mainly on personal reasoning. Maliki jurisprudence also attempted to forge a closer link with the practicalities of life in Medina and attached greater weight to social customs than other jurists did. [67]

Eric H
07-07-2016, 06:57 AM
Greetings and peace be with you syed,

So much injustice has already happened, an eye for an eye and a death for a death is allowable. Instead of one blind person, there are now two, instead of one dead person, there are now two, but where does this end?

The only solution is mercy, forgiveness, and letting go the right to justice, this is the most extreme form of any religion.

We are not in a position to make judgements on terrorists, 150,000 deaths and a million refugees from Iraq, that is too much suffering. Can anyone here truthfully say that if they saw themselves, or their family as innocent victims in Iraq, that they would not take justice into their own hands, if no justice was available.

They need as a leader, someone who has suffered a great loss, someone who is willing to lead by example and talk mercy, forgiveness and the need to rebuild a country, another Mandela or Ghandi. We pray that our God will forgive us our sins, so too, there is the need to forgive others, we should strive to be like God.

We can only pray for them and send aid.

In the spirit of praying for mercy and forgiveness.


07-07-2016, 03:09 PM
My first question after reading the long posts. And having to read again the question after trying to remember what was said.

Epic failure!

Do you think islam is terrorism?

Why do we need to recapture it back? I could pay some white people and have them say they are white supremists and plant these people around the world and just be a general menace to society and have the media painting something totally radical.

Why would islam want to kill each other off if it wasn't for Syaitaan's work. I would not say which group of people are.responsible for this. We have been manipulated to the point of believing that we vause this.

It is the outside interferences, planned from millenia past to derail Allah's message.

It is the MEDIA that paints the two words side by side. We do not have to accede to that. They know the facts. But they remain shouting the same thing where we start to talk like them. That's what everybody believes only because that is what they keep saying.

We don't have to take anything back from them. Just have to make a stand against them. But individually, what can we do?

So if the media can have their way, soon it will be ISIS is Islam. .

Would we have to take islam back from ISIS?

Long winded way of saying that i find something a bit off with the OP


07-07-2016, 11:24 PM
This is an incredibly interesting thread, and at least half of my reason for posting this is so I will get updates in my feed when people continue posting to it. I'm going to read back over everything and continue to see what else everyone has to say, for now I have just one thing to point out as a Protestant Christian looking in from the outside.

I look back on the Peace of Westphalia, and a good century-plus of gradual progression from there, as a crucial turning point in the way that Christianity and government existed alongside each other. As far as I've been able to gather so far (and perhaps my opinions will change or develop from this starting point), Islam needs to have a major Westphalian kind of situation, not universally or everywhere but in MENA and central Asia. It won't happen overnight, this type of thing never does, but there does need to be a comparable watershed event that leads down a similar sort of path when it comes to the relationship between religion and government. This is not to say that these regions need to adopt Western philosophy and government practices in toto or exactly as they are here- I will point out, however, that much of the philosophy that underpins the present situation in the West was inspired by thinkers and writers who were not exactly from the West, and then something else took off from there. These are some regions that need to develop something that is their own, but of course there are some general outcomes that the rest of the world hopes will result from that work.

With that being said, here is what I want to point out. As the Peace of Westphalia was being discussed, hammered out, and agreed to, the main people responsible for creating and implementing the thing were not churchmen, they were rulers. Kings, princes, heads of state. The purpose of their work was to bring about a cessation of hostilities and change their situation so that the Wars of Religion could come to an end, and so people wouldn't keep dying in an endless struggle. As of that moment, it was pretty much just Catholic and Protestant rulers who were coming to this agreement.

What a lot of people don't realize- and this is something that I think is incredibly important- is that the churchmen at that time were not all on board with this. Pope Innocent X, the leader of the Catholic Church, held to be a leader acting in the place of Christ and with his authority, a person in a position of power that could and up until recently had raised up and deposed rulers according to the wishes of the Catholic Church, someone accustomed to being in a position where rulers needed to get in line or else risk being removed from power and having their line of succession cut off to their descendants....this guy did not like the Peace of Westphalia. He issued a papal bull (albeit one that is not doctrinally binding and is also not a definitive statement on what the Catholic Church believes as a whole for all time or for any time) stating exactly that. In this bull, he directly addressed the rulers who were bringing the agreement into existence. The bull is called Zelo Domus Dei, and in it he called the Peace of Westphalia "null, void, invalid, iniquitous, unjust, damnable, reprobate, inane, empty of meaning and effect for all time." I will pause here for a moment to remind everyone that he's talking about something that ended the Wars of Religion and allowed Catholics and Protestants to live in relative peace, and not only that, it also gave rise to the modern Westphalian nation-state which continues to essentially constitute the underpinning of exactly what a country is in this world and how it ought to relate to other countries. That is the thing he was condemning with every hateful bone in his body.

The rulers of Europe ignored him. They were all well aware of Zelo Domus Dei, they were also well aware of how it strictly forbade them from going forward with it. It literally said I, the pope, forbid you, yes you, from doing this thing. But for the first time in the history of Christian Europe, all these rulers ignored him, including and most notably the Catholic ones. They were no less Catholic for doing so (although they easily could have been disciplined), but they ignored their supreme leader in the interest of preserving life and securing peace for their people. The result? The Catholic Church has chosen to forget about this and acts as if it had never happened. It was the good sense of these rulers that put this world-changing thing into practice, and it took the Catholic Church about 300 years to put anything of their own into writing that even tangentially agrees with the substance of this Westphalian doctrine.

I wish to remind you all of this for one very simple reason. Solutions to this issue might come from high level religious leaders in Islam. Really, they might, it is a lot different from the Catholic Church, after all. But real, workable solutions might also come from people who are not religious leaders, which is not to say they're non-Muslims, only to say they are rulers and not religious leaders at all. Those people might have the answers that you need, and they might need to go ahead and implement them over the objections of those who are the religious leaders, perhaps not all your religious leaders but potentially some very notable ones, possibly ones that have something to do with you. I don't know exactly how likely that is, but it could happen and it's something that has happened.

Everyone see what I'm saying? This is the main point that I want to get across at this time. I'm not sure how everyone here feels about the Westphalian outcome in general, but I may be finding out in just a minute.

07-07-2016, 11:52 PM
yes, lets do this. Blame one group of individuals under the bus and redeem ourselves.

07-08-2016, 12:14 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by greenhill
My first question after reading the long posts. And having to read again the question after trying to remember what was said.

Epic failure!

Do you think islam is terrorism?

Why do we need to recapture it back? I could pay some white people and have them say they are white supremists and plant these people around the world and just be a general menace to society and have the media painting something totally radical.

Why would islam want to kill each other off if it wasn't for Syaitaan's work. I would not say which group of people are.responsible for this. We have been manipulated to the point of believing that we vause this.

It is the outside interferences, planned from millenia past to derail Allah's message.

It is the MEDIA that paints the two words side by side. We do not have to accede to that. They know the facts. But they remain shouting the same thing where we start to talk like them. That's what everybody believes only because that is what they keep saying.

We don't have to take anything back from them. Just have to make a stand against them. But individually, what can we do?

So if the media can have their way, soon it will be ISIS is Islam. .

Would we have to take islam back from ISIS?

Long winded way of saying that i find something a bit off with the OP

I think the leaders in the mid east need to do something about Isis - It falls on there shoulders - Its ultimately a political issue that is going to engulf the entire region unless the leaders in the mid east wake up.

Eric H
07-08-2016, 03:33 AM
Greetings and peace be with you Zafran;
I think the leaders in the mid east need to do something about Isis - It falls on there shoulders - Its ultimately a political issue that is going to engulf the entire region unless the leaders in the mid east wake up.
Ultimately, the solution comes from God, possibly millions of people would need to be merciful and forgive their neighbours, in order to find some kind of peace and reconciliation. The following is a story from the forgiveness project, a Palestinian and an Israeli..............

Ghazi Briegeith, a Palestinian electrician living in Hebron, and Rami Elhanan, an Israeli graphic designer from Jerusalem, met through The Parents Circle – a group of bereaved families supporting reconciliation and peace. Ghazi’s brother was killed at a checkpoint in 2000. Rami’s 14-year-old daughter was the victim of a suicide bombing in Jerusalem in 1997.


I was on my way to the airport when my wife called and told me Smadar was missing. When something like this happens a cold hand grabs your heart. You rush between friends’ houses and hospitals, then eventually you find yourself in the morgue and you see a sight you’ll never forget for the rest of your life. From that moment you are a new person. Everything is different.

At first I was tormented with anger and grief; I wanted revenge, to get even. But we are people – not animals! I asked myself, “Will killing someone else release my pain?” Of course not. It was clear to my wife and I that the blame rests with the occupation. The suicide bomber was a victim just like my daughter, grown crazy out of anger and shame.

I don’t forgive and I don’t forget, but when this happened to my daughter I had to ask myself whether I’d contributed in any way. The answer was that I had – my people had, for ruling, dominating and oppressing three-and-a-half million Palestinians for 35 years. It is a sin and you pay for sins.

At first I foolishly thought I could just go back to work and resume my life, but the pain was unbearable. Then, a year later, I met Ytzhak Frankenthal, the founder of the Parents’ Circle. He was wearing a ‘kippah’ on his head, and immediately I stereotyped him as an ‘Arab eater’. Even when he told me his personal story, and about the reconciliation work of Parents’ Circle, I was very cynical.

He invited me to a meeting, and reluctantly I went along, just to take a look. I saw buses full of people, among them legends – parents who had lost kids in wars and who still wanted peace. I saw an Arab lady in a long black dress. On her chest was a picture of a six-year-old kid. A singer sang in Hebrew and Arabic, and suddenly I was hit by lightening. I can’t explain it, but from that moment I had a reason to get up in the morning again.

Since then my work with the Parents’ Circle has become the centre of my life, a sacred mission. If we – Ghazi and I – can talk and stand together after paying the highest price possible, then anyone can. There is a high wall between our two nations, a wall of hate and fear. Someone needs to put cracks in the wall in order for it to fall down.


You need a ticket to belong to the Parents’ Circle – the ticket is to have lost a member of your close family. This means Rami and I are brothers of pain.

My own brother was killed in 2000 at the beginning of the Intifada. I’d been with him just minutes before he died. As I was walking home I heard a shot. I found out later he’d been stopped and searched at the checkpoint. When he protested, the soldier shouted, “Shut your mouth, or I’ll shoot you, you son of a *****,” to which my brother replied: “YOU son of a *****!” So the soldier shot him. It was a machine gun in a kid’s hand. Sometimes the power makes them mad.

At first I was completely out of my mind – crazy with grief. There should be no forgiveness for the killers of innocents, and yet even then I saw the soldier as a victim of the occupation just as my brother was, just as I am still. But forgiveness is a very personal thing. Even if I choose to forgive the person who killed my brother, I can’t force my brother’s kids to forgive. But I can show them that far more valuable than a violent response, is opening your heart to reconciliation and peace. I can show them that opening a new page is their only hope of living a better life than ours.

The Palestinians have nothing left to lose, so the Israelis must realise that they are destroying their own nation by causing so much suffering. You don’t need to love each other to build a bridge between the two nations: you need respect. If I can stand with my Jewish brother Rami, respecting him as he respects me, then there is hope.


If you found these stories interesting, click on the link for more, there are pictures of real people with more stories of forgiveness.

In the spirit of praying for a merciful and forgiving world.


07-08-2016, 06:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H
We are not in a position to make judgements on terrorists, 150,000 deaths and a million refugees from Iraq, that is too much suffering. Can anyone here truthfully say that if they saw themselves, or their family as innocent victims in Iraq, that they would not take justice into their own hands, if no justice was available.
Greeting Eric,

I very much agree what you're saying and where you're coming from.

The purpose of creating this thread is to mention what is the cause of religious fanaticism that exists in the Muslim World. Unless we don't understand and determine the cause we cannot fix it, or at least try to fix it.

I'm not only who says that, but the leading scholars of the Muslims world are saying this and even those who adhere to the Salafi thought like Sheikh Adel Kalbanis (Please refer to the 2nd post). Even they have been forced to come out and speak against those who are causing this ruckus for the sake of implementing 'Pure Islam'.

Their actions are leading us towards a dead end. The 150,000 deaths that you mention and much more that have taken place across Muslim world were not all done by Western Military intervention. Majority of those are committed by Muslim hands. The question is what is causing that Muslim hand to commit such acts?

The recent bomber in Madinah or the 1979 take over of Makkah, the suicide bombings across the Muslim world and the extermination of those who do not adhere to the point of view of a particular group, were not done by individuals whose families were being tortured. They were and continue to be done in the name of 'Striving for Pure Islam' by confused minds who think they are doing True Jihad (Struggle in the way of God to bring goodness)

The Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) said 'A time will come when the tongue will be sharper than a sword.'

All it does is to give a religious ruling (Fatwa) by a religious authority to confuse enough the people's minds that results in extreme actions.

It is a very defeatest mentality when we Muslims say that 'West or Israel is responsible for our destruction' ...while completely turning a blind eye towards destructive elements within the Muslim world.

Religion is a very powerful and emotional tool. It can be used as a tool to manipulate the minds of individuals, especially young ones and make them believe what they are doing is completely inline with what Allah (swt) and His Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) has taught.

ISIS and groups like AL Qaida or TTP in Pakistan, were not formed overnight. It is a thought process that has its roots back in the 18th century in the province of Najd. A part about which the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) himself warned that from there will appear the Horn of Satan.

The Prophet (s.w.s.) mentioned: “O Allah, give us baraka in our Syria, O Allah, give us baraka in our Yemen.” They said: “And in our Najd?” and he said: “O Allah, give us baraka in our Syria, O Allah, give us baraka in our Yemen.” They said: “And in our Najd?” and I believe that he said the third time: “In that place are earthquakes, and seditions, and in that place shall rise the devil’s horn [qarn al-shaytan].”’

Qarn also means an Age or Time. Meaning an age in which Muslims coming from that part of the land (Najd) will be adhering to something which will be more harmful than beneficial and which they will not realize.

I want to ask my Muslim brothers and sisters, how many times have you heard about a Maliki Suicide bomber or a Sha'afi Suicidal attacker or Al Qaida or ISIS adhering to the concept of Sufis and the Imams of the past? How many times have we heard that the extremists have emerged from the Sufis of the Qadiri Order?
The traditional Sunni Islam or Sufis never propagate such interpretation which is bound to produce extremist mindset, a mindset that produces hatred towards any one who opposes them.

It is plain and clear as to which Ideology almost all of these individuals adhere to and as a Muslim we need to point them out and counter in whatever way we can. Thats what the scholars are doing in the first 2 posts I made. If we all don't do our part, in whatever way we can, then it is us Muslims to be blamed for the reemergence of these ideas and as a result such individuals who accept such ideas.

Shaykh Abdullah Bin Bayyah - a leading Islamic Scholar of North Africa - says ........"The problem is that even if you defeat these ideas militarily by killing the people, if you don't defeat the ideas intellectually, then the ideas will re-emerge." Bin Bayyah, for his part, said he has no illusions that a fatwa will stop the violence overnight. "These people won't suddenly lay down their weapons and come to the peace table," he said. "But in the middle range and the long range, if enough scholars come on board and really begin to address these issues at this level, the level of ideas, it will have an impact, lessening the effects of the radicalization of the youth. But it is going to take time."


Eric H
07-08-2016, 07:23 AM
Greetings and peace be with you syed_z;

Thank you for a thoughtful response.

Shaykh Abdullah Bin Bayyah - a leading Islamic Scholar of North Africa - says ........"The problem is that even if you defeat these ideas militarily by killing the people, if you don't defeat the ideas intellectually, then the ideas will re-emerge." Bin Bayyah, for his part, said he has no illusions that a fatwa will stop the violence overnight. "These people won't suddenly lay down their weapons and come to the peace table," he said. "But in the middle range and the long range, if enough scholars come on board and really begin to address these issues at this level, the level of ideas, it will have an impact, lessening the effects of the radicalization of the youth. But it is going to take time."
I believe it would need some very special scholars to issue fatwas leading to peace and reconciliation. If these scholars and their families had been innocent victims in conflict; and had suffered loss themselves, then they would have to obey the fatwas of peace and reconciliation they are issuing. This would be a powerful witness to their faith.

I think some of the most powerful messages from the prophet pbuh, were the stories about how he reacted to events in his life.

If the scholars who were issuing fatwas, were living comfortable lives and had not been affected by the horrors of war, they would simply be preaching. Anything positive is a help, but maybe fatwas issued from a place of comfort, might not be such a powerful witness for peace.

In the spirit of praying for mercy, forgiveness, peace and reconciliation.


07-08-2016, 01:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by syed_z
Asalaam O alaikum....

I thought this is the most important topic right now, especially as we have experienced an attack in one of Islams holiest city where our blessed Rasool Allah (sAllallahu alaihi wassallam) is buried. Most of us are aware that there was a bombing outside of Madinah Masjid 2 days ago as we approached the end of Ramadaan.

We as Muslims need to point out and I have pointed out in the past at this forum that we need to realize as to where is this ideology stemming from. Where is this intolerance being generated from within this Ummah. Who are those people who thing they are the only ones who are Ahlal Haqq (people of the truth) while others who have difference with them are all Ahlal Biddah (people of innovation) and then the extreme among them go to such length that it leads them to form groups like ISIS in our age or in the past like the take over of the Grand Mosque of Makkah in 1979 and declare that spilling of innocent Muslim blood is okay as long as the aim is to achieve their objective which is 'Pure Islam' free from all kinds of innovations....
Wa alaykum salam. Eid Mubarak.

It's not know who carried out the attacks in Madina. Some analysts also assume that it was done by pro-iranian shiites.
And there are also groups, which are considered terrorists by some governments, who also comdemned this attack.

I wish to remind you all of this for one very simple reason. Solutions to this issue might come from high level religious leaders in Islam. Really, they might, it is a lot different from the Catholic Church, after all. But real, workable solutions might also come from people who are not religious leaders, which is not to say they're non-Muslims, only to say they are rulers and not religious leaders at all. Those people might have the answers that you need, and they might need to go ahead and implement them over the objections of those who are the religious leaders, perhaps not all your religious leaders but potentially some very notable ones, possibly ones that have something to do with you. I don't know exactly how likely that is, but it could happen and it's something that has happened.
This can't happen, and didn't ever happened in modern history, or can you give an example? The leaders of the muslim countries today follow the instructions of the West. In many muslim countries the presidents use the money of the country for their own, having bank accounts abroad with other names or in the name of their sons etc. (like in Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya, Egypt) So they don't even consider their nation. And if a ruler (a president or a king) wants to make a radical change in goverment, they are confronted by the West, like it happened in Algeria in the 90s and in Egypt recently. Do you have an example from modern history in which a muslim ruler could make serious changes, following notable or any scholars?

07-08-2016, 01:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by syed_z
I want to ask my Muslim brothers and sisters, how many times have you heard about a Maliki Suicide bomber or a Sha'afi Suicidal attacker or Al Qaida or ISIS adhering to the concept of Sufis and the Imams of the past? How many times have we heard that the extremists have emerged from the Sufis of the Qadiri Order?
The traditional Sunni Islam or Sufis never propagate such interpretation which is bound to produce extremist mindset, a mindset that produces hatred towards any one who opposes them.
Hamas in Palestine also used suicide bombings for a long time, aren't they following the madhab of Imam Shafii (rahimahullah)?

Huzaifah ibn Adam
07-08-2016, 04:21 PM
From syed_z:I want to ask my Muslim brothers and sisters, how many times have you heard about a Maliki Suicide bomber or a Sha'afi Suicidal attacker or Al Qaida or ISIS adhering to the concept of Sufis and the Imams of the past? How many times have we heard that the extremists have emerged from the Sufis of the Qadiri Order?
The traditional Sunni Islam or Sufis never propagate such interpretation which is bound to produce extremist mindset, a mindset that produces hatred towards any one who opposes them.
Sipah-e-Sahaabah (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Banned in Pakistan. Regarded as a terrorist organisation.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

Tahreek-e-Taalibaan Pakistan (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

Jaysh-e-Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

The Haqqani Network (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

The Islaamic Movement of Uzbekistan (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

Sayyid Qutb, regarded as the "Father of al-Qaa`idah", was a Shaafi`ee, Ash`ari, Sufi. He even believed in Wahdat-ul-Wujood.

Barelvis (Hanafi, Sufi) have carried out numerous attacks on Deobandi Masaajid, Madaaris over the years. Anyone who has an iota of knowledge of Indo-Pak history knows about the feudal wars between Deoband and Barelvi. In addition to that, there have been - from the Barelvis - those who have killed the Kuffaar who insult Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم. Example: Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadiri (yes, a Sufi from the "Qadiri Order") killing Salman Taseer. He was locked up, and the Barelvis put up posters in the street, saying "Mumtaz Qadri Is Our Hero", "Taseer got what he deserved", "Malik Mumtaz is the king of Islaam", "gulami e rasool main mout bhi qabool hai", etc. When he was brought in to court, hundreds of lawyers showered him with rose petals. Example #2: Asad Shah, killed on the 24th of March 2016 by Tanveer Ahmed, a member of Dawat-e-Islami (Hanafi, Sufi, Barelvi), due to Asad Shah being a Qadiyani and even claiming to be a "prophet" himself.



Any attempt or desire to alter/"rationalise"/"improve"/"re-think", etc. the Deen of Islaam, is Kufr. Allaah Ta`aalaa says in the Qur'aan:

اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم

{"On this day, I have perfected for you your Deen."}

When something is perfect, there is no room for alteration. If something can be made "better", then it was not perfect. Anyone intending to change Islaam believes that Islaam is not perfect. Listen: The Islaam which was brought by Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم was for all time. It was not only for the 600s and 700s CE. The Qur'aan was not only for the time of Sahaabah. Very often these days you hear this Kufr belief being thrown around, that Aayaat of Jihaad, etc. were "only for that time. They're abrogated. They don't apply to the 21st century." Such people are Kaafir. Their claims are baseless. They base their religion on licking the backsides of the Kuffaar; America in particular. Whatever America is not pleased with, to them, must be thrown out of Islaam. Let them understand this clearly: Islaam is the Deen of Allaah Ta`aalaa; neither America, nor Britain, nor France, nor Russia, nor Egypt, nor Saudi, nor any other country in the world, or any Kaafir in the world, has the right to meddle with Islaam and twist it to suit the impure and satanic desires of his Kuffaar masters whom he worships.

"Blindly re-enacting the path of Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم", in Shar`i terms, is called Ittibaa`-us-Sunnah (Following the Sunnah), and is a command of the Qur'aan.

These days, people have become "Moslems for the sake of the Kuffaar". The entirety of their religion is based on pleasing the Kuffaar. They believe in whatever America tells them to believe in, and reject whatever America tells them to reject. On the Day of Qiyaamah, they must not come to Allaah Ta`aalaa seeking reward or Jannah, or protection from Jahannam. They must go to their American masters they worship in this Dunyaa, and see if they can give them Jannah or save them from Jahannam.

الله أرنا الحق حقاً وارزقنا إتباعه وأرنا الباطل باطلاً وارزقنا إجتنابه


07-08-2016, 07:21 PM
Jazakallahu Khayran for this information, but do you have a source of Sayyid Qutb believing in Wahdatul Wujood?

Huzaifah ibn Adam
07-08-2016, 08:39 PM

Yes. Read his Tafseer of Soorah al-Ikhlaas in "Fee Zhilaal-il-Qur'aan". He has a lengthy discussion on it.

07-09-2016, 12:48 AM

@syed_z, those are sweeping generalizations about "Wahhabis" or Salafis. It is typical of western media to associate extremism with Wahhabism. Those type of comments reek sectarianism.

It is a different matter that we differ with them on academic grounds in Fiqh issues, but to say they are extremists is an accusation with no basis.

We have been constantly reminded by scholars of all backgrounds that there is no place in Islam for terrorism against innocent civilians.

Imam Ibn Taymiyyah :rh:, whom they associate with as the most influential figure of "wahhabism", says:

“I am one of those most severe in forbidding that a person in particular should be declared as an unbeliever, an open sinner or a sinful transgressor until it is known that the proof of the Messenger is established upon him, the like of which, if it is opposed one becomes an unbeliever or a sinner or a transgressor. And I affirm that Allāh has forgiven the mistakes of this Nation (Ummah) – and that is general for affairs of belief, sayings and actions.” [1]

He also stated clearly that there are legitimate barriers to the declaration of takfīr upon the person who apparently denies the texts:

“It is possible that a man has not heard these revealed texts, or that he heard them but they are not established as being authentic with him, or as far as he sees they contradict other texts necessitating interpretation, even if it is incorrect.” [2]

Ibn Al-Qayyim :rh:, another scholar of the 8th century says:
“The Prophet (salallaahu ‘alaihi wassallam) legislated for this nation the obligation of rejecting the evil so that by its rejection, the goodness that Allāh and His Messenger love is obtained. And when rejecting evil leads to what is more evil and more hated by Allāh and His Messenger then it is not allowed to reject it – even if Allāh hates the evil and detests those who perform it. And this is like censuring [the transgressions] of the kings and the ones in authority by coming out to fight against them for verily that is the basis and foundation of every evil and every tribulation till the end of time. And the Companions asked permission from Allāh’s Messenger to kill the leaders who delay the prayer from its correct time saying, ‘Shall we not kill them?’ He replied, ‘No, so long as they establish the prayer.’ And he also said, ‘Whoever sees something from his Ruler that he dislikes, then let him be patient and let him not remove his hand from the Ruler’s obedience.’

And whoever reflects upon the greatest and smallest trials that have befallen Islām, then he will see that that they are due to the negligence and wastage of this principle and the lack of patience when witnessing evil. So one seeks to bring about an end to evil and as a result of this, instead a greater evil is brought about. And the Messenger saw the greatest of evils in Mecca and yet he was not able to change them. In fact even when Allāh opened up Mecca for the Muslims and it became a land of Islām, he was resolved to changing the Kaʿbah and returning it to the foundations that Ibrāhīm had built it upon, but even though he had the capacity to do that, he was prevented from it by the fear that something greater would occur due to the lack of tolerance of the [tribe of] Quraish, since they were new to Islām and had recently left unbelief.

For this reason he did not grant permission for rebelling against the leaders with the use of one’s hand due to the greatness of what results afterwards on account of it.” [3]

“A group of Muslims came to al-Hasan al-Basrī :rh: seeking a verdict to rebel against al-Hajjāj [4] (a tyrannical and despotic general). So they said, “O Abu Saʿīd! What do you say about fighting this oppressor who has unlawfully spilt blood and unlawfully taken wealth and has done this and done that?”
So al-Hasan said, “I hold that he should not be fought. If this is a punishment from Allāh, then you will not be able to remove it with your swords. If this is a trial from Allāh, then be patient until Allāh’s judgement comes, and He is the best of judges.”
So they left al-Hasan, disagreed with him and rebelled against al-Hajjāj – so al-Hajjāj killed them all. Al-Hasan used to say, “If the people had patience when they are being tested by their unjust ruler, it will not be long before Allāh will give them a way out. However, they always rush for their swords, so they are left with their swords. By Allāh! Not even for a single day did they bring about any good.” [5]

Shaikh Nasiruddin Al-Albani :rh: was asked, “Is that which is known nowadays as a military coup against the ruler mentioned in the Religion or is it an innovation?” So the Shaikh answered:

“There is no basis for these acts in Islām. And it is in opposition to the Islamic manhaj (methodology) with respect to the daʿwah (Islamic call) and creating the right atmosphere for it. Rather it is an innovation introduced by the innovators which has affected some Muslims. This is what I have stated and explained in my notes to al-Aqeedah at-Tahāwiyyah [6].” [7]

As you can see from all this, there is no relation between "wahhabism" or Salafism and Kharjism. Those who carry out the terrorist acts are Kharjites and they are not upon the way of the Salaf.

[1] Majmūʿ al-Fatāwā, 3/229.
[2] Majmūʿ al-Fatāwā of Ibn Taymiyyah 3/231.
[3] Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyah, Iʿlām al-Muwaqqiʿīn ʿan Rabb il-ʿĀlameem.
[4] Hajjāj bin Yūsuf was responsible for widespread oppression and killing towards the end of the time of the Companions. He besieged Makkah and bombarded the Kaʿbah. He killed the Companion ʿAbdullāh bin Zubair and crucified him in Makkah. See as-Siyar of Adh-Dhahabī.
[5] Tabaqāt al-Kubrā (7/163-165)
[6] A famous book of creed from the fourth century authored by Imām Abu Jaʿfar Ahmad ibn Muhammad At-Tahāwī (died 321H).
[7] Al-Asālah magazine, issue 10.

07-09-2016, 12:55 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
Sipah-e-Sahaabah (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Banned in Pakistan. Regarded as a terrorist organisation.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

Tahreek-e-Taalibaan Pakistan (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

Jaysh-e-Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

The Haqqani Network (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

The Islaamic Movement of Uzbekistan (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

Sayyid Qutb, regarded as the "Father of al-Qaa`idah", was a Shaafi`ee, Ash`ari, Sufi. He even believed in Wahdat-ul-Wujood.

Barelvis (Hanafi, Sufi) have carried out numerous attacks on Deobandi Masaajid, Madaaris over the years. Anyone who has an iota of knowledge of Indo-Pak history knows about the feudal wars between Deoband and Barelvi. In addition to that, there have been - from the Barelvis - those who have killed the Kuffaar who insult Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم. Example: Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadiri (yes, a Sufi from the "Qadiri Order") killing Salman Taseer. He was locked up, and the Barelvis put up posters in the street, saying "Mumtaz Qadri Is Our Hero", "Taseer got what he deserved", "Malik Mumtaz is the king of Islaam", "gulami e rasool main mout bhi qabool hai", etc. When he was brought in to court, hundreds of lawyers showered him with rose petals. Example #2: Asad Shah, killed on the 24th of March 2016 by Tanveer Ahmed, a member of Dawat-e-Islami (Hanafi, Sufi, Barelvi), due to Asad Shah being a Qadiyani and even claiming to be a "prophet" himself.



Any attempt or desire to alter/"rationalise"/"improve"/"re-think", etc. the Deen of Islaam, is Kufr. Allaah Ta`aalaa says in the Qur'aan:

اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم

{"On this day, I have perfected for you your Deen."}

When something is perfect, there is no room for alteration. If something can be made "better", then it was not perfect. Anyone intending to change Islaam believes that Islaam is not perfect. Listen: The Islaam which was brought by Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم was for all time. It was not only for the 600s and 700s CE. The Qur'aan was not only for the time of Sahaabah. Very often these days you hear this Kufr belief being thrown around, that Aayaat of Jihaad, etc. were "only for that time. They're abrogated. They don't apply to the 21st century." Such people are Kaafir. Their claims are baseless. They base their religion on licking the backsides of the Kuffaar; America in particular. Whatever America is not pleased with, to them, must be thrown out of Islaam. Let them understand this clearly: Islaam is the Deen of Allaah Ta`aalaa; neither America, nor Britain, nor France, nor Russia, nor Egypt, nor Saudi, nor any other country in the world, or any Kaafir in the world, has the right to meddle with Islaam and twist it to suit the impure and satanic desires of his Kuffaar masters whom he worships.

"Blindly re-enacting the path of Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم", in Shar`i terms, is called Ittibaa`-us-Sunnah (Following the Sunnah), and is a command of the Qur'aan.

These days, people have become "Moslems for the sake of the Kuffaar". The entirety of their religion is based on pleasing the Kuffaar. They believe in whatever America tells them to believe in, and reject whatever America tells them to reject. On the Day of Qiyaamah, they must not come to Allaah Ta`aalaa seeking reward or Jannah, or protection from Jahannam. They must go to their American masters they worship in this Dunyaa, and see if they can give them Jannah or save them from Jahannam.

الله أرنا الحق حقاً وارزقنا إتباعه وأرنا الباطل باطلاً وارزقنا إجتنابه


Jazakallah for the info which i never knew untill now. A lot has to be done uniting the Ummah , which seems an Impossible task but we still must try our best that which is in our capacity for the sake of pleasing Allah , seeing these verses of the Noble Quran Noble Quran 3:103

''And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah (i.e. this Quran), and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah's Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren (in Islamic Faith), and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it.Thus Allah makes His Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.,) clear to you, that you may be guided.''

Noble Quran 23:52-55 ''And verily this Brotherhood of yours is a single Brotherhood,and I am your Lord and Cherisher: therefore fear Me (and no other). But people have cut off their affair (of unity), between them, into sects: each party rejoices in that which is with itself. But leave them in their confused ignorance for a time.
Do they think that because We have granted them abundance of wealth and sons.We would hasten them on in every good? Nay, they do not understand.''

and more 3:105, 3:19 , 45:17, 17:53 etc

This below thread was also aimed to clear out our fanatic muslim brother's minds and to make them understand what Islam (salam) is all about even when dealing with the Kuffar with real proofs from the seerah and hadith and the The Noble Quran .


07-09-2016, 01:42 AM
The big problem here is that these terrorists just call themselves Muslims. How do we know they are telling the truth when they behave like Zealot nut jobs and crazy Bolsheviks?

07-09-2016, 05:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
Sipah-e-Sahaabah (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Banned in Pakistan. Regarded as a terrorist organisation.

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

Tahreek-e-Taalibaan Pakistan (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

Jaysh-e-Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

The Haqqani Network (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

The Islaamic Movement of Uzbekistan (Hanafi, Deobandi, Sufi). Same.

Sayyid Qutb, regarded as the "Father of al-Qaa`idah", was a Shaafi`ee, Ash`ari, Sufi. He even believed in Wahdat-ul-Wujood.

Barelvis (Hanafi, Sufi) have carried out numerous attacks on Deobandi Masaajid, Madaaris over the years. Anyone who has an iota of knowledge of Indo-Pak history knows about the feudal wars between Deoband and Barelvi. In addition to that, there have been - from the Barelvis - those who have killed the Kuffaar who insult Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم. Example: Malik Mumtaz Hussain Qadiri (yes, a Sufi from the "Qadiri Order") killing Salman Taseer. He was locked up, and the Barelvis put up posters in the street, saying "Mumtaz Qadri Is Our Hero", "Taseer got what he deserved", "Malik Mumtaz is the king of Islaam", "gulami e rasool main mout bhi qabool hai", etc. When he was brought in to court, hundreds of lawyers showered him with rose petals. Example #2: Asad Shah, killed on the 24th of March 2016 by Tanveer Ahmed, a member of Dawat-e-Islami (Hanafi, Sufi, Barelvi), due to Asad Shah being a Qadiyani and even claiming to be a "prophet" himself.
Asalaam O Alaikum... I Appreciate your comments and thank you for sharing your thoughts.

When I asked my Muslim brothers/sisters how many times have you heard suicidal and rigid and intolerance interpretation coming from the Qadiri Sufis or Chisti Sufis - the Hanafis , Sha'afis and Malikis - I did not mean for them to point out elements that have sprung up in the last few decades like the groups you have mentioned above. I meant for them to point out for me an intolerant and literalist approach and thought process which is found rooted in the teachings of the 4 Imams and generally any Sufis of the past like Abdul Qadir Gilani or Imam Ghazzali or Junayd Baghdadi. Which obviously has never been the case. I meant to point towards the source of their schools and its teachings, not towards some ignorant youth that has sprung up after almost a millennium of passing away of these luminaries.

Now when you compare these great personalities with a person and his followers who appeared from Najd, who himself taught a literalist interpretation, who himself did not accept anyone elses interpretation and was not tolerant towards anyone else who differed with him. Such person's prevalent thought is bound to almost always produce individuals that are prone to committing acts of extremism. I hope this is clarified.

format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
Any attempt or desire to alter/"rationalise"/"improve"/"re-think", etc. the Deen of Islaam, is Kufr. Allaah Ta`aalaa says in the Qur'aan:

اليوم أكملت لكم دينكم

{"On this day, I have perfected for you your Deen."}

When something is perfect, there is no room for alteration. If something can be made "better", then it was not perfect. Anyone intending to change Islaam believes that Islaam is not perfect. Listen: The Islaam which was brought by Rasoolullaah صلى الله عليه وسلم was for all time. It was not only for the 600s and 700s CE. The Qur'aan was not only for the time of Sahaabah. Very often these days you hear this Kufr belief being thrown around, that Aayaat of Jihaad, etc. were "only for that time. They're abrogated. They don't apply to the 21st century." Such people are Kaafir. Their claims are baseless. They base their religion on licking the backsides of the Kuffaar; America in particular. Whatever America is not pleased with, to them, must be thrown out of Islaam. Let them understand this clearly: Islaam is the Deen of Allaah Ta`aalaa; neither America, nor Britain, nor France, nor Russia, nor Egypt, nor Saudi, nor any other country in the world, or any Kaafir in the world, has the right to meddle with Islaam and twist it to suit the impure and satanic desires of his Kuffaar masters whom he worships.

Thank you. I never said that Jihad is the concept of the past. Niether did I say that Islam is imperfect. The point I'm trying to make in this thread is that Jihad is being misinterpreted and that is what these scholars in the posts are saying and other posts that InshA'Allah I will be sharing in the near future.

The groups who claim to be fighting Jihad (Which means struggle in the way of God) do not themselves understand the concept of Jihad, instead they think fighting Muslims and killing them is Jihad. They even think that fighting non-muslims who are innocent and do not fight against them should also be killed in the name of Jihad - which to me is disgusting.....and so I ask where is this concept that entire Muslim world is Dar Al Harb (abode of disbelief) and only where Salafi thought exists are Dar Al Islam (abode of peace) coming from? Where are its roots? Did the Rasool Allah (sAllAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) warned us about these people and their ideology? (Please refer to the Hadith of Najd in my previous post)

It is very important to mention here that it would be lack of knowledge and ignorance that concept of Jihad is only limited to fighting. Since you mentioned Jihad then I would like to mention facts about Jihad in the Quran as factually explained by Sheikh Irshad of the Chistiyya order:

Concept of Jihad

There is a completely wrong perception of Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ in this modern age. The wrong actions of Muslims and it exploitation by the western media is responsible for this misrepresentation. The layman in the Muslim world and the non-Muslims when they hear the word Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩit brings a picture of merciless killing, fighting against non-Muslims, acts of brutality and Muslims fighting to spread Islam.

Prophet the word Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ literally means ‘exerting, struggling, striving’ it is from the root (ﺝ ﻩ ﺩ ja’had) or (ﺝ ﻩ ﺩ ju’hud). Thus it means putting an extreme effort to counter evil. All dictionaries of Arabic describe it so. It is an extreme effort to better the lot of mankind by struggling against the devil and the lower self to promote the dignity of man and mankind. Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ is thus a defensive struggle against the enemy, the lower self ( ِﺇﱠﻥ ﺍﻟﻨﹾﻔﺲ َﻷﻣﺎﺭﹲﺓ an-nafs al-ammara) and wrong desires; like lust, greed, arrogance, hatred, corruption and immorality. It can have a social, political, religious or secular dimension to eradicate evil. It is a struggle to preserve life not to kill.

Quranic Fact about Jihad
(please read carefully before making comments in haste)

There are 35 verses of the Holy Qur’aan which contain the word Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ or its derivatives. Our fellow Muslims who are misled and misguided to declare their violent, brutal, criminal activities to be Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ or Holy War are contributing to this negative portrayal of Islam. Holy war is a wrong translation of Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ. Holy war is ﺍﳊﺮﺏ ﺍﳌﻘﺪﺳﺔ al-Harb al-Muqaddas. Of the 35 verses of the Holy Qur’aan which contain the word Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ or its derivatives, not a single verse contain Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ as suggesting aggressive fighting and killing. The actions of misguided, ignorant people are giving the noble concept of Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ a bad name. Not a single verse combines the word Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ with qitaal ِﻗﺘﺎﻝ (killing) fighting or warfare. This is with regard to the text of the Holy Qur’aan. Putting the 35 verses which deals with Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ into context. 30+ verses have no context or connection with fighting or warfare. There are only few verses which possess the context of lawful defensive warfare and they all appear in one chapter (Sura). They are in the 9th Sura, at-Tawbah (Repentance) ﺍﻟﺘﻮﺑﺔ and they refer to a lawful defensive war.

The command of a lawful defensive war was revealed after the Holy Prophet Muhammad migrated to Madinah. In the thirteen years of the Makkan period no verse of qitaal ِﻗﺘﺎﻝ (killing), warfare to preserve life, even in self defense, was revealed. Five verses on Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ were revealed in the Makkan period before migration when defensive war was totally prohibited. The following was revealed in Makkah e.g.:

The 25th Sura, al-Furqaan (the Criterion) in verse 52:
So, (O men of faith,) do not follow the disbelievers and launch a large-scale struggle against them by means of (logic and preaching of the Qur’aan)

The word Allah (swt) uses for the propagation of the message of the Quran through learning and beautiful preaching is called Jihad E Kabeera (Large scale struggle). The Great Struggle is not referred to fighting.

The 29th Sura, al-‘Ankabūt (the Spider) verse 6:
Whoever strives hard (for the cause of Truth) strives for his own (benefit). Surely Allah is independent of (the obedience, submission, toils and struggles) of all the worlds.

The 29th Sura, al-‘Ankabūt (the Spider) verse 69:
And those who toil hard (and fight the lower self vehemently) for Our cause We certainly guide them in Our Ways, and verily Allah blesses the men of spiritual excellence with His companionship.

These verses containing the derivatives from the word Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ explain the broad based concept of Jihad . ﺟﻬﺎﺩ

Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ can be a physical, moral, educational or charitable struggle to uplift mankind. Even the word reasoning or Ijtihad ﺍﺟﺘﻬﺎﺩ comes from the same root. So it’s not even confined to lawful warfare. Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ has five dimensions; spiritual, academic, social, political and defensive. We are neglecting four dimensions and we are emphasizing just a single dimension.

The Sufia and Awliya have being doing this throughout the history of Islam. This is known as the al-jihad al-akbar (the greatest jihad). It is narrated in the Sahih Hadith by Imam Tirmidhi29 (209 AH - 279 AH) that when the Holy Prophet Muhammad was asked who is a Mujahid ﳎﺎﻫﺪ he replied:
A Mujahid ﳎﺎﻫﺪ is one who fights against his lower self and protects his human, moral, ethical and spiritual qualities in his life through the process of self purification.
The hadith master Mullah Ali Qari ﻋﻠﻲ ﺑﻦ ﺳﻠﻄﺎﻥ ﳏﻤﺪ ﺍﻟﻘﻮﺍﺭﻱ (d.1014 A.H./1605 C.E.)30 relates in his book al-Mawdu`at al-kubra, also known as al-Asrar al-marfu’a Suyuti said: al-Khatib al-Baghdadi relates in his "History" on the authority of Jaabir: The Holy Prophet returned from one of his campaigns saying:

‘You have come forth in the best way of coming forth: you have come from the smaller jihad to the greater jihad." They said: "And what is the greater jihad?" He replied: "The striving of Allah 's servants against their lower desires.’

The Holy Prophet Muhammad also said the best Jihad is to say:

A word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler!
[Sunan Al-Nasa’i, No. 4209]

He (sallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) allowed to say a word of truth and never said to overthrow Muslim governments and kill their armies and spread chaos in Syria, Pakistan, Libya, Iraq etc.

Who can order a defensive war

The Sheikh Irshad says ....
"The authority to declare a defensive war is in the hands of the Islamic State authority. Not a single person, scholar, leader or group of individuals, no organisation has an authority to declare Jihad ﺟﻬﺎﺩ in the absence of the Islamic State authority. Even in a lawful armed struggle the Holy Prophet Muhammad gave specific rules of engagement. One cannot kill women, children, priests or people worshipping in churches or synagogues. Do not burn trees, people or mutilate people. Islam does not allow the killing of non-combatants, civilians and innocent people. The essence of jihad is ‘to strive’ for peace." Hope this helps InshA'Allah.

07-09-2016, 06:34 AM

Dawud :: Book 14 : Hadith 2498
Narrated Anas ibn Malik: The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: Use your property, your persons any your tongues in striving against the polytheists.

07-09-2016, 06:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ibn-Adam
@syed_z, those are sweeping generalizations about "Wahhabis" or Salafis. It is typical of western media to associate extremism with Wahhabism. Those type of comments reek sectarianism.

It is a different matter that we differ with them on academic grounds in Fiqh issues, but to say they are extremists is an accusation with no basis.

format_quote Originally Posted by ibn-Adam
As you can see from all this, there is no relation between "wahhabism" or Salafism and Kharjism. Those who carry out the terrorist acts are Kharjites and they are not upon the way of the Salaf.
Salaam brother Ibn Adam. I never said that they were on the way of Salaf (The Companions and their successors). Rather I have reasons to believe that the name of Salaf has been hijacked by these individuals. What I wanted to point out is what has been explained by the 2 Sheikhs (one of them who himself is a Salafi) as to where are the roots of the modern Kharjism that is being spread in the Muslim world. At this moment it points towards that movement that claims itself to be following the Salaf.

Ofcourse modern Kharjism it has its roots somewhere. We cannot claim that it comes out of nowhere. If you claim that Kharjis have nothing to do with those who claim Salafism then please share with me information on how did these modern day kharjis emerged? If you prove that the Kharjis of today like ISIS and Al Qaida and similar groups have come from a thought different from Salafism then I am willing to follow that with you.

You refute me, which is okay, I was expecting refutation. But atleast I am able to connect the dots of how Muslim Fanatics have emerged from recent past through similar movements in the Muslim world. But I ask you where is your proof that the Kharjis have not come from Salafis, infact they have come from somewhere else.

I suggest a good analysis by Dr. Yasir Qadhi who himself has been associated with the modern Salafi Movement for a while should InshA'Allah suffice to explain what are the inherent faults within the Najdi Dawah and their modern day successors. The below points are listed under the subtopic of Criticism of the The Movement. The complete article is called 'On Salafi Islam: Dr. Yasir Qadhi' it can be access in the below link:


Dr. Qadhi says:

I must also state that of the primary reasons in listing these criticisms is so that Salafīs themselves may reflect on them, and eventually work to minimize them. I pray that a time comes when these generalized criticisms become the exceptions to the rule; however, as I write these lines, these criticisms are prevalent and symptomatic of most strands of the movement.
The most significant 'problems' that the Salafī movement suffers from are:

Salafīs will regularly categorize other Muslims at the cost of far more important issues. The goal of the Atharī creed is to develop a strong relationship with Allah. Tawḥīd of Allah's Names and Attributes should not primarily be about debating whether Allah has a yador what the nature of theThrone is – it is about increasing in our remembrance of Allah, glorifying Him more, worshiping Him correctly and sincerely, and focusing on the actions these beautiful Names and Attributes should inspire in us. Mere affirmation of the propertheoretical doctrine does not necessarily imply a more righteous Muslim. We would do well to remember that Allah will not question the lay-Muslim about abstract issues of theology, but He will take him to task for the obligatory actions of religiosity and levels of spirituality.

2) An unfounded hesitation in embracing tazkiya al-nafs and little interest in spiritual development. It is an undeniable reality that, as a whole, the Salafī movement has failed to emphasize proper spirituality, or tazkiya al-nafs. Yet, this is a Qur'anic concept, one that has unanimously consensus over – for what exactly is iḥsān in the famous ḥadīth of Jibrīl except tazkiya al-nafs? The Salafī preoccupation with advanced sciences such as jarḥ wa-l-tadīl over the basic need of spiritual purification explains the phenomenon of 'Salafī-burnout', an observable trend of Salafīs forsaking Salafism and either adopting another Islamic trend (typically Sufism, which shows what they were 'missing' from Salafism), or leaving practicing Islam altogether.

3) A characteristic harshness evidenced in its treatment of other, non-Salafī, Muslims.Salafīs believe in their salvific exclusivity.[17] Such an attitude clearly breeds a level of arrogance and conceit amongst lay-Salafīs, and is reminiscent of (but not identical to) religious conceit manifested in the Khārijīs.This also explains the disproportionate focus on identifying deviants and deviation, which has lead to an absurd result of some Salafī laymen knowing more about deviant beliefs than correct ones. The Madkhalīs are the quintessential example of this: any recent convert to Islam from amongst them will be able to recite a list of names of scholars 'on' or 'off' the Salafī manhaj, but will be hard-pressed to mention as many names of Companions; they will know the 'ruling on greeting a deviant' but remain ignorant of the adhkār for the morning and evening. Unfortunately this is not exclusive to the Madkhalī-Salafīs. The question the movement needs to ask itself is: Is Islam about obsessively investigating the errors of others, or is it about becoming a role model for the promotion of good? “Fortunate is the one who is busy with his own defects,rather than those of others” (Musnad al-Bazzar).

4) Many Salafī trends adopt an extremist position regarding bidʿa and mubtadʿis. This has led to them being mocked by other Muslims – even lay-Muslims recognize that it is ultra-literalistic to consider carpets with prayer lines in the mosque a religious heresy!Another issue is the treatment of a 'person of deviation'. Salafīs take statements of the salaf regarding treatment of heretical groups as they would the Qur'an and Sunnah. Yet, the treatment of innovators that some of the salaf exhibited is something that must be understood in light of the Sacred Texts, and in the context of their times. The rights of Islamic brotherhood, as outlined by our Prophet

, trump the statement of any one particular scholar, and the treatment of those opposed to the truth varies according to time, place, individual, precise deviation, and context. The religion of Islam does not in and of itself preach guilt by association. The salaf's verdicts need to be understood as their ijtihād, applicable and valid in their circumstances. Modern Salafīs need to understand that 21st century America (or England – and yes, this includes Birmingham as well!) is not 7th century Baghdad, and it is unwise, and un-Islamic, to misapply fatāwa of the salaf in preference to the explicit text of the Qur'an and Sunnah urging Islamic brotherhood. It is an unfortunate fact that Salafīs have a reputation of dividing many communities, making blanket takfīr on specific sects, and dissociating from any who disagree with them.

5) Mistaken priorities. The Prophet Muḥammad

said, “Focus on that which benefits you!” For some Salafīs, success is tantamount to refuting 'deviants'. They revel in writing lots of refutations against people, warning people from associating with 'deviants' and using aggressively harsh language to correct people.The challenges facing the Ummah are no longer about the misinterpretation of Allah's Names and Attributes or the validity of celebrating the mawlid.

But these are not the problems of our time, nor do they present major challenges to the faith of our young men and women.

Islam is witnessing unprecedented ideological attacks from radical secularism; these attacks seek to render Islam in particular – and religiosity in general – anathema to modern society. New atheism and scientism are increasingly in vogue amongst public intellectuals. Modern culture reeks of materialism, hedonism, pornography, and sexual exploitation. Extreme ideologies, including radical-feminism, abound. Quite frankly, rare is it to find a Salafī scholar who is even qualified to discuss these issues, much less refute them; and when one does find such a scholar, it is not because of his Salafī training but in spite of such training that he is able to take on such challenges.

Age-old social ills that Islam came to eradicate continue to plague the 'Muslim world'. Societal problems are rampant, domestic andsexual abuse, violation of worker's rights, racism, bribery, and so forth are becoming increasing prevalent, yet, almost all of these issues are sidelined. It is inexcusable for jurists to passionately propagate their personal opinions on the prohibition of women driving, or incessantly criticize the celebration of the mawlid, for instance, all the while sidelining the widespread and endemic mistreatment of foreign laborers, sexual exploitation of female servants, the problems of bribery and wāsiṭa (having a 'friend' in an appropriate place to help you), and other well-known trends in their own societies.[19]Any Islam that does not concern itself with the rights of the oppressed and downtrodden is far from the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet

whose very last words urged us to fulfill the rights of the weakest members of society.

The treatment of women is not just manifested in, say, prohibiting Saudi women from driving (which, unbelievably, most Saudi Salafī clerics still prohibit as a part of the religion to this day). Sadly, some segments of Western Salafism became infamous for serial marriages and divorces, single-mothers were taken advantage of, children were sired and abandoned, and fornication itself became rampant. To be clear, this was in a small strand, within particular demographics of American and British Salafism, and manifested a reality that no cleric would ever justify Islamically. Nonetheless, these symptoms were so common that they could not be ignored, and illustrated an underlying problem about Salafī views on women, and a general lack of proper tarbiyya.

7) Unquestioning allegiance to a group of 'senior scholars' that serve as final arbiters on all matters. For a movement that claims to champion free-thinking and eschew blind-following, it is sad that most Salafīs are sectarian and narrow-minded about following the 'Kibar' (senior scholars). The fact that the 'Kibar' are all typically of one particular nationality, and government appointed, is rarely brought up in polite conversation. The religion of Islam, and even the Atharī creed, does not have specific human guardians whom Allah has appointed as Divine Representatives of His will on earth. Disagreeing with a group of scholars, no matter how 'senior', is not tantamount to disagreeing with Allah and His Messenger.Our Prophet

said, “Scholars are the inheritors of the prophets.” I am not, God-forbid, disputing the importance and need of Islamic scholarship itself. Nor am I claiming that minor students of knowledge are allowed to unconditionally trump scholars who are more learned. What is being disputed is limiting scholars to a particular, like-minded, homogenous group of one nationality. Scholars of Islam are plentiful, and are found from all ethnicities, and Salafīs should be broad minded enough to take from each scholar his specialty.Salafīs would do well to remember that amongst the most vocal critics of Ibn Taymiyya himself during his time were his fellow Ḥanbalites (i.e., the 'kibār' of eighth century Damascus), who could not understand why he would want to change the style of writing and method of teaching they were accustomed to.

8) A severely handicapped understanding of the modern political arena. One wonders how anyone who claims to follow Ibn Taymiyya, and reads first-hand how frequently he challenged the rulers publicly, can then adopt such a quietist servile obsequious attitude towards rulers whose crimes far exceed anything the rulers during Ibn Taymiyya's times did.I am not arguing for these scholars to call for civil war, but I am saying that a middle ground needs to be demonstrated, where public violations from the rulers are publicly criticized. Islam demands that scholars keep the rulers in check, not the other way around. As it is, the mainstream position of most Saudi Salafīs is that any criticism of the current rulers is tantamount to a theological deviation. As I write these lines, specific policies enacted by the ruling family of that region towards the Muslim Brotherhood and its supporters, and the silence of the scholars in the face of this blatant injustice, is deafening. As for the stance of a mainstream faction of Egyptian Salafīs, as represented in the Noor Party of Egypt and its support of the Sisi regime, it is too pathetic to even warrant refutation. And the list of such stances goes on and on.


I could not find any better words than Yasir Qadhi's that explain some serious faults that he has mentioned above. And I pray that InshA'Allah these faults of their should not be over looked by Muslims. These faults at times have resulted in extreme forms which we today see it in the shape of Modern Kharjism.


07-10-2016, 07:53 PM
Asalaam O Alaikum. A sincere advice by one of the leading scholars of Islam of the 20th century to the people who emerged from Najd and think that only they are Ahlal Haqq (People of the truth) while entire Muslim world has deviated and are deviants. The below article is as clear as a day light as to why the Raool (SallAllahu Alaihi Wassallam) warned us about Najd and rejected to pray for blessings upon them!

May Allah (swt) protect us from saying and thinking such about our brothers and sisters in Islam. It is this type of mindset that leads to acts of extremes and leads individuals to commit acts which are complete unislamic in the name of Islam. No doubt it is this ideology that has given rise to groups like ISIS in the past and present.



By Sheikh Yusuf ibn al-Sayyid Hashim al-Rifa`i

Yusuf ibn al-Sayyid Hashim al-Rifa`i, born in Kuwait in 1351/1932. A Shafi`i scholar, former minister of state, educator, Sufi, and author, he was given his primary education in the Holy Qur'an by Shaykh Ahmad al-`Aqil in Kuwait, and studied Islamic Law in Damascus and Shafi`i jurisprudence under Shaykh Muhammad Salih of Kuwait and others. His father, al-Sayyid Hashim al-Rifa`i, was the captain of a pearl-harvesting sailing ship then a state official and finally an advocate in the Shari`a court of Kuwait. Shaykh Yusuf is a descendent of the Prophet - Allah bless and greet him - through the Friend (walî) of Allah Most High, Shaykh Ahmad al-Rifa`i. He was made a member of Parliament in Kuwait in 1963, minister of telecommunications and postage in 1964, and he served as the minister of state from 1965 to 1970. He is also a Shaykh of the Rifa`i Tariqa founded by his ancestor, having been authorized by Shaykh Makki al-Kattani of Damascus, whose teacher Ibrahim al-Rawi was the student of Shaykh Abu al-Huda al-Sayyadi, one of the outstanding recent figures in the Rifa`i way.


It is not permitted to change Muslims- believers in monotheism who pray with you, fast, pay zakat, and perform pilgrimage shouting over and over, "Ever at Your call, O Allah! Ever at your call, there is no partner with you, ever at Your call! Truly all glory and praise, all favor and grace belong to you, and all sovereignty and dominion! No-one can be a partner to You!" - It is not permitted, by Law, to charge them with idolatry (al-shirk) the way your books and publications are filled with such charges; the way your preacher clamors on the day of the Major Hajj in the mosque of al-Khayf in Mina, in the eve of the Feast of the pilgrims and all Muslims; and the way his fellow preachers frighten the people of Makka and those in the Holy Mosque on the Day ofId al-Fitr through all their verbal assaults and false accusations. Stop this, and may Allah guide you! To frighten a Muslim is prohibited, especially the dwellers of the Two Sanctuaries. There are many sound sacred texts to that effect.

Calling the Muslims "Apostates"

You have declared the Sufis disbelievers then the Ash'aris. You have denied and denounced imitation of and adherence to the Four Imams, Abu Hanifa, Malik, al-Shafi'i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Whereas their imitators formed and continue to form the vastest mass (al-sawad al-a'zam) of the Muslims, just as the King 'Abdal-Aziz - may Allah have mercy on him! - textually stipulates reliance upon, and due consideration of the Four Madhahib. Therefore, stop this and may All guide you!
Whoever turns disbeliever after his Islam has the status of an apostate (murtadd) whose killing becomes licit. Therefore, remember the narration of your Prophet the Elect One - Allah bless and greet him and his Family, "Do not revert after me and turn disbelievers again, striking at one another's neck." 6

Calling the Muslims "Deviants"

After you finished doing the above, you let loose certain hirelings you had nurtured, so that they began to throw accusations of misguidance and deviance at the Islamic groups and organizations that work in the field of calling to Islam (da'wa) and are active raising up the Word of Allah and commanding good and forbidding evil. I mean organizations such as Jama'at al-Tabligh; al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin; the Deobandi group that represents the brightest Ulema of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh; and the Barelwi group that represents the vastest mass of the common muslims in those countries. In so doing they have made use of books, tapes, and the like. Then you went and translated those books into various languages, distributing them free through your numerous outlets. Likewise, you published a book that contains the declaration that the people of Abu Dhabii and Dubai are disbelievers, together with the Ibdis, 7 your colleagues on the board of Majlis al-Ta'awun. As for your attacks on the renowned Al-Azhar University and its scholars, they are too numerous to count!

Calling the Muslims:"Innovators"

You keep repeating the phrase of the noble hadith, "Every innovation is misguidance" 8 without discernment, only to criticize and condemn others, yet approving certain actions that contradict the Prophetic Sunna without condemning them nor counting them as innovations. We shall list some of them.

Monopolizing Teaching in Hijaz

You forbid teaching and admonition in the Two Sanctuaries even if the teacher is one of the great Muslim scholars and even if he comes from the Hijaz or al-Ahsa' as long as he does not follow your school of thought or carry an explicit permit written and sealed by you. Anyone other than yourselves is thus barred, were it the Rector of the distinguished al-Azhar! Therefore, fear Allah and do not go to excess in promoting your madhhab but keep a good opinion of your brothers among the scholars of Islam.

Obstructing and Scolding Women in Madina

You forbid women from reaching the Place of the Noble Meeting al-Muwajaha al Sharifa at the grave of the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him, and greeting him just as men do. If you could, you would prevent women from circumambulating the Holy House with their lawful relatives, all contrary to the practice of the pious Predecessors and the Muslims! You despise the believing women who protect their honor and worship their Lord. You rebuke them harshly, block them from seeing the [original] Mosque and the imam with multiple barriers, and stare at them with suspicion and distrust. All this is an ugly innovation for it is the start of something that did not take place in the time of the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him, nor that of the pious Predecessors. For the rows of the men used to stand behind the imam, then those of the boys, then those of the women, all praying together without barrier behind the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him.

Posting Hoodlums at the Noble Grave

You have brought hirelings and ignoramuses whose only skill is frowning and placed them at al-Muwajaha al Sharifa with their backs turned to the Elect Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him. They turn their backs and rear ends to him, facing his visitors and all Muslims with sour faces full of spite, giving them sinister looks and taunting them with charges of idolatry and innovation, almost attacking them physically. They rebuke this one, bark at that one, hit the [supplicating] hands of the third, raising their voices to censor and blame, ignoring and forgetting the saying of Allah,
"O you who believe! Raise not your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor shout when speaking to him as you shout to one another, lest your works be rendered vain while you perceive not. Lo! They who subdue their voices in the presence of the Messenger of Allah, those are they whose heart Allah has proven unto righteousness. Theirs will be forgiveness and immense reward. Lo! Those who call you from behind the private apartment, most of them have no sense." [49:2-4].
All this behavior is compounded with arrogance and persistence in humiliating the lovers and beloved of al-Mustafa, peace and greetings be upon him, and his visitors among the Believers in his noble presence and right before his noble sleeping-ground which the Shaykh of the Hanbalis Abu al-Wafa' Ibn 'Aqil considered the most sublime spot in all the universe as related by Shaykh Ibn al-Qayyim in his book Bada'I al-Fawa'id." 11

Grave Destruction and Desecration

You destroyed the sign-posts by which we knew the graves of the Companions, the Mothers or the Believers, and the members of the noble Family of Prophet. You left them a vacant lot, the grave posts stones were scattered so that we no longer know whose grave is where. Gasoline was even poured on one of them. 13 Truly there is no change nor power except with Allah Most High, Most Great. Leave stone superstructures intact that they are allowed! Leave the hand-span elevation for it is allowed, together with the two grave -posts! It is established that the Prophet placed a rock on top of 'Uthman ibn Maz'un's grave saying, "With it I shall designate the grave of my [milk-] brother and later bury in it whoever dies among my relatives." 14 Kharija ibn Zayd said, "I can see myself when we were young men in the time of "Uthman [ibn 'Affan]. The Strongest one of us in high jump was he who could jump over the grave of 'Uthman ibn Maz'un and clear it.

Police Interrogation Centers

You created an inquest and trial center in the corner of the Prophetic Sanctuary previously, now next to al-Baqi'. There, you sentence those you observe to use intermediaries (tawassul), or visit frequently, or act humbly, weep or supplicate to Allah Most High in front of the most noble grave, seeking the Prophet as a means of approach to Allah Most High. You shower them with a hail of questions prepared in advance pertaining to the validity of visitation, using intermediaries, and [celebrating] the noble Birth. Whoever you deem in violation in the above you imprison, cancel his residency permit, and banish him from the land. All this when these are, in fact, matters that turn between the status of desirability (istihbab) and that of indifference (ibaha) among the scholars, including the Hanbalis, so that it is impermissible to declare apostate a Muslim on their basis or pursue him in justice. I was told by a trustworthy former detainee that his hands remained chained all the while of his month-long incarceration so that he performed ablution and prayed in chains. He was even prevented from reading the Holy Qur'an. Fear Allah! Injustice shall reap multilayered darkness on the Day of Resurrection! Can such evil take place in the Mosque of the Prophet who said, "I am only a means offered" 16 Allah sent him as a mercy to all the worlds: what about the Muslims you treat so harshly in close vicinity to him in his own Mosque? Remember he said, "Prophets are alive in their grave, praying"
"Truly Allah forbade the earth to consume the bodies of Prophets." 17
Baqi' al-Gharqad; Ibrahim, the Prophet's, peace and greetings be upon him, son, was buried next to him.[T]

Razing of the Mosque of Abu Bakr As Siddique

You allowed a generous donor from Madina to raze and rebuild the mosque of Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may Allah be well pleased with him, in Jabal al-Khandaq at his expense. Once the building was razed, you canceled the rebuilding permit for you consider it an innovation to visit the seven Mosques at the site of the Battle of the Trench, concerning which was revealed Surat al-Ahzab! In fact, you wish to destroy them all. 18

Interdiction of "Dala'il al-Khayrat"

You forbid people to bring in and read Dala'il al-Khayrat fi al-Salawat 'ala al-Nabi ("Guide to all Good things in the Invocation of Blessings upon the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him") 19 by the knower of Allah Most High and descendant of al-Hasan, May Allah be well pleased with him, Shaykh Muhammad Sulayman al-Jazuli and other books. Yet you know of the books and magazines that enter the land and are put on display, all sorts of publications deemed abominable and reprehensible by the Law. Fear Allah.

Forbidding Mawlid Gatherings

You spy on, harass, arrest, and punish whoever holds gatherings of celebration and commemoration of the Prophetic birth that are devoid of any lawfully reprehensible activity. Yet you do not object to gatherings of entertainment, musical instruments, singing, and all such displays. Since when is it allowed to use a double standard, humiliating the loving faithful while cajoling the mindless dissolute?

Destruction of Our Historical Vestiges

You have wreaked destruction on the historical vestiges of the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him, and those of his most honorable Companions, may Allah be pleased with them, in Madina al-Munawwara especially, of the two Sanctuaries. Nothing seems to remain of these vestiges anymore except the Prophetic Mosque itself. Yet, in our time, the nations of the world pride themselves in and preserve their historical vestiges as a memento, a lesson, a meaningful sign of their time-honored past. But you consider that every vestige that is stopped at for perusal or visit, is a partner [worshiped] together with Allah Most Sublime. But Allah Most High Himself ordered us to travel the earth to see the vestiges of the idolaters and derive lessons from them, such as 'Ad and Thamud, found at Diyar Salih, al-'Ala', near Madina al-Munawwara, which are still visited sites, as Allah Most High said,
"System have passed away before you. Do but travel in the land and see the nature of the consequence for those who did deny (the messengers)" [3:137].
"Have they not traveled in the land to see the nature of the consequence for those who disbelieved before them? They were mightier than these in power and (in the) traces (which they left behind them) in the earth. Yet Allah seized them for their sins, and they had no protector from Allah. That was because their messengers kept bringing them clear proofs (of Divine sovereignty) but they disbelieved; so Allah seized them. Lo! He is Strong, Serve in punishment" [40:21-22].
"Has not the history of those before you reached you: the folk of Noah and (the tribes of) 'Ad and Thamud and those after them? None but Allah knows them. Their messengers came unto them with clear proofs, but they thrust their hands into their mouths, and said: Lo! We disbelieve in that wherewith you have been sent, and lo! We are in grave doubt concerning that to which you call us" [14:9].
Why then do you deprive the Muslims from witnessing the sign-posts and vestiges of the battles of Badr, Uhud, Hudaybiya, Hunayn, al-Ahzab and others of the Days of Allah in which He gave victory to His Messenger and righteous servants, routing idolatry and the polytheists? Fear Allah, and be among those endowed with hearts so that, perhaps, you will be granted mercy!

Aiding the Arch-Innovator, al-Albani

You have provided a haven to Nasir Albani 21 and abetted him, allowing him to publish his book Ahkam al-Jana'iz wa Bida'uha in which he openly asks for the removal of the grave of the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him, from the most noble Mosque! 22 You appointed him a member in the upper board of the Islamic University in Madina al-Munawwara and a teacher in it. After the late King Faysal barred him and expelled him from the country with some of his followers you returned him to that position. You still liberally propagate and recommend his deviant books but have interdicted and forbidden some of the books of Hujjat al-Islam al- Ghazzali, Abu al-Hasan al-Nadwi, 'Abd al-Fattah Abu Ghudda, al-Maliki, Sa'id Hawwa, al-Buti and others of the Ulema of the Muslims. Where is justice and equity?

Aiding Another Rabid Extremist

You nurtured al-Albani's student and deputy in Kuwait, 'Abd al-Rahman 'Abd al-Khaliq, directing your followers to him, lavishly supporting him with every means. He assailed the host of the Friends of Allah in his Fada'ih al-Sufiyya ("The Disgraces of the Sufis") in which he deems all Sufis misguided, free-thinking heretics (zanadiq) and lawless esoteric (batiniyyin) even they count those eulogized by Ibn Taymiyya, Ibn Rajab, al-Dhahabi, and the rest of your putative authorities! Remember a rigorously authentic hadith qudsi states: "Whoever shows enmity to a single friend of Mine, I declare war on him."

Erasing Poetry in Praise of the Prophet,
peace and greetings be upon him

You take advantage, every year, of the opportunity of maintaining, polishing, and refurbishing the Prophetic Mosque in order to eliminate many of the emblems of islam [still] found in the inner hall of the Mosque such as historical vestiges and praises of the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him. You painted over many of the verses of al-Busayri's poem on the Prophetic Mantle (al-Budra 24 you have also tried to cover up the famous two verses-- inscribed on the windows of the Mosque- quoted in the Story of al-'Utbi as mentioned by Ibn Kathir in his Tasfir:
"O best of those whose bones are buried in the deep earth,
and from whose fragrance the depth and height have become sweet!
May I be the ransom for a grave in which you dwell,
where one finds purity, bounty and munificence! 25
If the custodian of the Two Sanctuaries- King Fahd - had not stopped you when the news reached him then ordered you to restore them as they were…! But what is the reason for this disrespect and obstruction of your most noble Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him, the means of access between you and your Lord? What has transpired between you and him? You seem to have forgotten His saying,
"Those who vex the messenger of Allah, for them there is a painful doom" [9:61]
"Lo! Those who malign Allah and His messenger, Allah has cursed them in the world and the Hereafter, and has prepared for them the doom of the disdained" [33:57]

Asking to Demolish The Green Dome

You allowed a man by the name of Muqbil ibn Hadi al-Wadi'I- known through his books and tapes for his propensity to insult and disparage those of the Ulema who disagree with him, those who call unto Allah, and the pious of this Community of Islam - to produce some research at the end of his studies at the Islamic University of Madina titled "About the Dome Built over the Grave of the Messenger, peace and greetings be upon him" sponsored by Shaykh Hammad al-Ansari. In this paper he demands openly and without shame that the Noble Grave be brought out of the Mosque, deems the presence of the Grave and Noble Dome there major innovation, and asks that they both be destroyed! On top of this you granted him high marks na da passing grade!
Do you honor those who challenge the Messenger of Islam, the Beloved of Allah, the Mercy to the Universes and His Intimate Friend? Then this man directed hundreds of his followers, imitators, and their kind among those influenced by your School, bearing arms, to destroy and unearth the graves of the pious Muslims in Aden, Yemen, a few years ago 26 . They roamed the land spreading corruption and ruin, digging up the graves of the dead with picks and spades until they brought out the bones of some of the dead and blind dissension. We heard they even used dynamite in some places! All this is a part of the record of your deeds.

Terrorizing Muslims inside the Haram

You do not object to those who terrorize the Muslims who are in the Meccan Sanctuary and investigate them, arresting them if they do not produce residency papers, in violation of the saying of Allah Most High, "and whosoever enters it is safe" [3:97]. In addition, these doings create commotions and spoil the climate of purity, peace, quiet, and dignity for "those who meditate therein and those who bow down and prostrate themselves" [2:125].

Eradicating the House of his Mawlid

You tried and continue to try - as if it were your goal in life- to destroy the last remnant of the historical vestiges of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, namely the noble place where he was born. This house was razed then changed into a cattle market, then some pious people used ruse to transform it into a library which became "Maktabat Makka al-Mukarrama." You began to pray at that place with evil stares and vengeful threats, trying to entrap it with the official departments. You openly requested that it be destroyed and have shown hostility to the authorities pressing them hard to effect such destruction after the decision taken to that effect by the organization of your major scholars a few years ago. I have an explicit taped recording of this decision. But the Custodian of the Two Sanctuaries, King Fahd -- the prudent and wise man who is a aware of next worldy consequences-- ignored your request and froze it indefinitely. Alas, for shame! Such disrespect and disloyalty against this noble Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him, by whom Allah Most High brought us out and yourselves and your ancestors into light! What a shamelessness in his presence the Day we come to drink form his blessed Basin! Alas, woe and misery for a Sect that hates its Prophet whether in word or in deed, holding him in contempt and trying its best to eradicate his traces! Yet Allah Most High says to us,
"Take as your place of worship the place where Ibrahim stood (to pray)" [2:125].
And he said, bestowing on the Israelites the gifts of Talut, Musa, and Harun,
"And their Prophet said unto them: Lo! The token of his kingdom is that there shall come to you the ark wherein is peace of reassurance from your Lord, and a remnant of that which the house of Musa and the house of Harun left behind, the angles bearing it. Lo! Herein shall be a token for you if (in truth) you are believers" [2:248].
The Ulema of Quranic commentary said that these vestiges consisted in the staff of Musa peace be upon him, his sandals, etc.35 Read also, if you like, the sound and authentic hadiths that pertain to the physical and personal relics of the Prophet, peace and greetings be upon him, and the true concern of the Companions, may Allah be well pleased with them, over them as mentioned in the pages of sahih al-Bukhari. There is enough evidence "for him who has a heart or gives ear with full intelligence" [50:37] and ample provision for those who think and reflect.

Brain-Washing Young Activists

You brain-washed gullible young men with your School and rigid opinions such as Juhayman al-'Utaybi, executed for seizing the Meccan Sanctuary with his cohort. Your teacher was his teacher and spiritual master. They used to return and refer to him as well as act upon his and al-Jaza'oro's opinions. They would roam under your sights, harassing the Muslims in the Two Sanctuaries, commanding and forbidding and strutting until their force increased, their claws grew long, and they did what they did, so they were surrounded and killed, or wounded and taken prisoner. Then you announced that you had nothing to do with them and were innocent of their misdeeds! But their books and the publications they left behind are the best witnesses and to the facts. For they stated themselves fully with your extremist views and became completely intoxicated with them. Still you continue on your way, without the least shame - all in the name of the Qur'an and Sunna! Therefore, fear Allah to Whom you shall return.

Declaring Everybody Apostate

You have declared as disbelievers the Sufis, then the Ash'aris and the Maturidis- then you turned to the Ikhwan, then the Tablighis, then the rest of those who make da'wa and the thinkers of Islam.. what have you left for the Muslims besides yourselves?
Suppressing Sessions of Fiqh and Dhikr

You forbade and stopped all lessons except yours; all madhahib except your madhhab, all admonitions except your admonitions. As a result, there are no more gatherings of knowledge, no more sessions of admonition, no more circles of Qur'anic readings, no more gatherings of dhikr. What will you say tomorrow to your Lord? When it shall be said, "And stop them, for they must be questioned" [37;24]
Apostatizing the Awliya' and Shuhad'

You declared Ibn 'Arabi 48 a disbeliever then Hujjat al-Islam Al-Ghazzali. Then you declared that Hasan al-Banna' did not die as a martyr, neither the martyrs of Afghanistan as "their creed was not correct as a whole, indeed, they were followers of the Hanafi School, erring, and bound for destruction." You left none but yourselves as those who are saved, forgetting the Prophet's, peace and greetings be upon him, saying, "If anyone says, 'The people have perished,' then he perished the most."

The Sham(e) of Madina University

You built a university in al-Madina al-Munawwara and named it the Islamic University, near the Master of Prophets, peace and greetings be upon him. People and scholars then flocked to it with their cherished children and sons, rejoicing at the chance of drinking form this spring, thinking it would increase them in love and followership of their Beloved, peace and greetings be upon him, his dear Family, his Companions, and the Successors. But there you were teaching them how to deprecate him and all of them! You also had the students spy on and surveil one another so as to report to you the names and activities of those you named grave-lovers (al-quburiy-yun)! Namely, those who made frequent visits and salutations upon the Master of Messengers and the Mercy of Allah to the worlds so that you might wage war against them, ostracize them and expel them! You would only keep whoever became your client and obeyed you- for those alone are truthful and trusted according to you.
Whoever graduated successfully at your hands, having drunk in the gamut of your beliefs, you sent back to their countries as your representatives to sound out your warnings and announce your glad tidings that their misguided fathers and way ward nations must renew their Islam. Such graduates you pampered with lavish salaries, opening offices for them and every conceivable opportunity. As a result, dissensions and enmity flared up between them and the Ulema and pious Muslims of the generations of their fathers and past Shaykhs. Such graduates resemble the time bombs you manufactured and filled with all kinds of bad opinions of others and deep-seated contempt. This has transformed Muslim countries, especially Africa and Asia, into battle-fields of perpetual dissensions among Muslims. This condition has even spread to the Muslim countries that gained their independence from Russia only recently, all the way to Muslim minorities and communities in Europe, America, Australia and elsewhere! To Allah is our complaint.

Exporting Fitna to the US and Europe

Your deep-seated illness has contaminated America and Europe. As a result, disagreement flared up in the mosques and schools of the Muslims, this one following Ibn Baz and 'Uthaymin, declaring apostasy to the Sufis and those who make dhikr, that one Ash'ari or Maturidi; the third one, Deobandi or Barelwi, etc. Each is fighting the other and forbidding salat behind the other as well as marriage or brotherly relations, severing the ties of Religion. I have witnessed this myself and was present when a Muslim preacher was prevented from giving khutba in an American mosque on the grounds that he was a Sufi, following which, a quarrel flared up among the worshippers… Repent, and repent now to Allah the Lord of the worlds who said, "Repent unto Allah all, O believers, so that you may succeed" [24:31].

Waging War on Islam and the Muslims

The slaughters and terrible events presently taking place damage the reputation of Islam and play havoc with the Muslims. For example, what happened in Algeria and Egypt or in the Meccan Sanctuary is nothing but the fruit of your graduates and beliefs, and the reading of your publications, all of them built on apostatizing (takfir), calling monotheists idolaters (tashrik), hurling accusations of innovations (tabdi') and holding the worst opinions of the Muslims. If you want to see this clearly and so that all people can see this plainly, it suffices to sift through those extremists, is there any Sufi among them, any Azhari, or Ash'ari, or follower of one of the Four Madhahib? And after you set them loose you kept silent and mute, sitting back and watching instead of firmly condemning their acts. You were not of those who gave them sincere, faithful advice. I truly wonder, after this, who is the manifest corrupter?

Reviving Kharijism

You adopted the practices of the Khawarij. Whenever one of the Muslims comes to you-- especially students of Islamic knowledge --you begin by checking his doctrine: is it correct in your view or not?
"What do you say about this? and about that? and where is Allah?" etc. This is exactly what the khawarij would do in the past whenever a Muslim monotheist met him. If he differed with them they killed him. As for the polytheists and the disbelievers, they showed them kindness, reciting the verse,
"And if anyone of the idolaters seeks your protection, then protect him so that he may hear the word of Allah; and afterward convey him to his place of safety. That is because they are a folk who know not" [9:6].
"Shall We then treat those who have surrendered as We treat the guilty? What ails you? How foolishly you judge!" [35-36].


The above points that I have listed are some of the many others that I personally have observed during my experience of Hajj and Umrahs done in Saudi Arabia and its effects in the Muslim world including this Islamic Board. There are others which the Sheikh has listed which he has more knowledge than all of us.

May Allah (swt) help us see the truth!

07-10-2016, 10:07 PM
Brother syed_z, the article above and others are exaggerating against the scholars of the kingdom. Most of what is written therein is either not accurate, or taken out of context without understanding the ground realities.

Allah :swt: says,

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُونُوا قَوَّامِينَ لِلَّهِ شُهَدَاءَ بِالْقِسْطِ ۖ وَلَا يَجْرِمَنَّكُمْ شَنَآنُ قَوْمٍ عَلَىٰ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا ۚ اعْدِلُوا هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَىٰ ۖ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِيرٌ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ
O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah , witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do. [5:8]

Such articles are unjust against some of the highly learned scholars and their followers. It is taking a preconceived skewed view towards them.

07-11-2016, 06:03 AM
Brother Ibn Adam. Thank you for sharing your comments.

What the Muslim Ummah is facing today and what scholars like Sheikh Yusuf ibn al-Sayyid Hashim al-Rifa`i, Shaikh Hakim Murad, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf and even Salafi inclining scholars like Dr. Yasir Qadhi and Former Imam E Kabah are saying and warning about is not exaggerations I believe. These are folks who have first hand experience are not someone like you and me who are away from the ground realities. I don't think they are just giving opinions, as you can see how they have expressed their concern in the light of Quran and Hadith.

Not to forget the zeal that I myself have noticed and experienced at the hand of the young fools brainwashed by the Najdi Dawah teachings, and their cohorts in Pakistan, every time I have been to Umrah and my Hajj.

Let me make one thing clear with you. I have not open this thread for hatred. In fact the only reason that I have started this is so we can focus on the most pressing issue of this Ummah and not just try to hide our faces and make ourselves believe that it doesn't exist, or lets play the old game 'Blame it on the West'. Lets face the reality and only then we all will know how to deal with it, with the advice of the scholars who are actually following the way of the Salaf.

I like your verse of justice which you shared thinking that I might be doing this for hatred. But there is also another Justice Verse which should've come to your mind:

(4:135) Believers! Be upholders of justice, and bearers of witness to truth for the sake of Allah, even though it may either be against yourselves or against your parents and kinsmen, or the rich or the poor: for Allah is more concerned with their well-being than you are. Do not, then, follow your own desires lest you keep away from justice. If you twist or turn away from (the truth), know that Allah is well aware of all that you do.

As I said in the beginning, whatever I share you don't have to accept. But if you say I am wrong and so are these scholars, then you have to point out the causes and the solution to the problem of religious fanaticism in this Ummah which usually leads towards terrorist acts. By calling those unjust who are making the effort to stand up for justice and truth doesn't solve the problem. At this point I am just spreading the word of truth.

07-11-2016, 11:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Karl
The big problem here is that these terrorists just call themselves Muslims. How do we know they are telling the truth when they behave like Zealot nut jobs and crazy Bolsheviks?
I'll start by acknowledging that these people are crazy zealot nut jobs acting like crazy people. But I will ask you this.

How do they get themselves into Mecca? From what I hear, there's a screening process that's supposed to ensure that only Muslims ever go to Mecca. And to the best of my understanding, the screening process pretty well works.

So how do these specific people get themselves into Mecca? It seems like that's a task that requires just a bit more than saying "I am a Muslim." It requires demonstrating a deeper understanding, and quite a bit more than just checking a box and telling a lie.

We do know that just about any of these people can pretty well get themselves into Mecca, there are even some Saudi people already living in or near Mecca who also happen to sympathize pretty strongly with these people. So it seems like it comes down to one of two things.

One- perhaps they tell really detailed lies about a religion that they don't actually practice while genuinely believing in something completely different. Or two, they actually are Muslims, according to all the core doctrines that define Islamic belief, but they also add some crazy to that and some violence to that, which unfortunately includes killing other Muslims if they're not sufficiently devout.

One way or the other, these people are capable of getting themselves into Mecca at any time, including during Ramadan, and they are capable of killing Muslims once they are there. I don't know why any more Muslims would ever travel to this region and join this terror group now that killing Muslims in Mecca during Ramadan is one of the things they're signing themselves up for, and hopefully this will be something that hurts their ability to recruit.

If you'd like to inform me of some of the specifics pertaining to the Mecca screening process, that's something I'd like to know about.

10-07-2017, 09:21 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by syed_z
Asalaam O alaikum....

I thought this is the most important topic right now, especially as we have experienced an attack in one of Islams holiest city where our blessed Rasool Allah (sAllallahu alaihi wassallam) is buried. Most of us are aware that there was a bombing outside of Madinah Masjid 2 days ago as we approached the end of Ramadaan.

We as Muslims need to point out and I have pointed out in the past at this forum that we need to realize as to where is this ideology stemming from. Where is this intolerance being generated from within this Ummah. Who are those people who thing they are the only ones who are Ahlal Haqq (people of the truth) while others who have difference with them are all Ahlal Biddah (people of innovation) and then the extreme among them go to such length that it leads them to form groups like ISIS in our age or in the past like the take over of the Grand Mosque of Makkah in 1979 and declare that spilling of innocent Muslim blood is okay as long as the aim is to achieve their objective which is 'Pure Islam' free from all kinds of innovations....

Whether it is to declare Shias as Kuffaar or the Sufis as Kuffaar or the taking over of Masjid Al Haraam in 1979 or the recent bombing in Madinah Munawarra (City of the Prophet), we Muslims need to understand where does this fault lie in us so we can counter it...

The aim for this thread is NOT TO HAVE LONG DISCUSSIONS AND DEBATES as generally happens with threads. I am just sharing this information so you may read, understand and then accept or reject is up to you.

Hope this benefits and Eid Mubarak to all of you and your families. :)

Good thread

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