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View Full Version : Help! Very Confused About the Islamic Ruling On Cannabis & Psychedelic Use!

07-12-2016, 09:01 AM
Asalamualikum everyone, I am in need for some guidance and help on a topic which has thoroughly confused me. Before I go any further, here is some background about me: although I do not practice Islam in my everyday life as much as I like, I am a Muslim and so is everyone in my family. I am currently 20 years old and a student in University of Toronto, Canada.

Now that I have gotten that out of the way, here is my question and argument. I have been using Cannabis for quite some time now and also started using psychedelics in the last few of months - in specific "psilocybin mushrooms", "lysergic acid diethylamide 25 (LSD-25)". Both psilocybin mushrooms (shrooms) and LSD are psychedelic or hallucinogenic substances. I am also trying to obtain “Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)” which is the most powerful psychedelic chemical known to man because my views on psychedelics and cannabis do not align with Islamic teachings and thus I am looking for answers and want to argue my case to someone with enough knowledge to help me.
Currently my religious half and my logical/scientific half are in great conflict with each other and it is causing me too much discomfort and dissatisfaction with life in general. According to Islam, my lifestyle of this substance use is Haram and will lead to punishment in this world and the hereafter. But as a person, I am not simply strong enough to believe and practice something without it actually making sense. As a result I am stuck between what people called “The devil and the deep blue sea”. So, is anyone here knowledgeable enough on the topic to help me? When I mean help, I mean to talk to me and debate with me on this topic to come to a conclusion?

I’d like to thank everyone in advance - Thankyou and Asalamualikum.

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07-12-2016, 12:45 PM
Wa'alaikum Assalam @mateenah95 and welcome to the forum

You already know that they're not allowed, so what is it you're looking for? An excuse??

An alcoholic will defend his alcoholism. A drug user will defend his use of drugs..and so on and so forth.

You don't need hallucinogenics. They're simply recreational. Yes, some do use them for "medicinal purposes", but anyone can say they're in pain and need a hit of MJ in order to justify using it. The pain or illness should be so severe that it comes to the point that your only remedy is this substance, as in you don't have a choice and your life depends on it. Though I'm sure you're not in such a state, and even if you were, the remedy would not be in a haram substance. You need to find better ways to use your time instead of sitting around smoking pot and doing drugs. Your dissatisfaction with life should not and will not be remedied with these drugs. This is obviously a gateway drug for you unfortunately. Whether you want to look at it from the religious angle or the logical angle, both perspectives aren't contradictory.

07-12-2016, 01:08 PM
Thankyou for your reply charisma! I appreciate you taking time out of your day to answer. I have had time to formulate my own opinion on the subject and have put my thoughts down in writing. Here they are:

I have done a lot of research on religion (Islam mainly, but the ruling on drugs is similar in most other religions too), the Quran and psychedelic substances. From my research, I have been able to form a clearer picture of these substances and I’d like to argue my case for these psychedelic substances. I would, however, like to point out that this is just my opinion, formed from my life experiences, understandings and the research I have conducted. I also do not in any shape or form support or oppose the use of these substances. If anyone chooses to use them, for whatever purpose, I believe they should educate themselves well enough beforehand. Furthermore, I am still not sure about their true place in Islam, and am still trying to find concrete answers. Thus, if you do choose to use these substances, do them at your own risk.

Hallucinogens (DMT, LSD-25 and Psilocybin Mushrooms) are all non-addictive, non-toxic. Since they have been made illegal in today’s societies, research into them has been limited and as a result we do not fully understand them. Recently, with the adoption of a more open minded approach, both scientific and medical research has proven that they are in fact even safer and less addictive than coffee (caffeine). One simply cannot "trip" on them every day like heroin, cocaine and MDMA as they are not party drugs or substances. Furthermore, I can also vouch for this. One cannot abuse these substances even if they wanted to. In fact these substances have been the proven to help addicts (alcoholics, smokers and other harmful drug addicts) quit their addictions. Just Googling the “John Hopkins School of Medicine and Magic Mushrooms” will present you with concrete proof of this. Furthermore, there have been 0 documented deaths in human history attributed to the direct consumption of the above substances (in their unadulterated form). Most people, stereotype psychedelics with other hard drugs such as cocaine, heroine, meth, etc. One cannot be more ignorant. One would have to eat close to their bodyweight of these substances to reach the LD-50 of the substances. The LD-50 of a substance is the amount of substance if consumed will kill 50% of the consumers. If you consume “laced” LSD or DMT, then there is a high risk factor of overdosing, but in their pure form these substances simply cannot kill you.

I compared these psychedelic substances to tobacco and alcohol, which are freely available drugs which cause 6 million and 2.5 million deaths per year (according to WHO), globally and yet they are freely available and people consume them, including Muslims. With respect to tobacco, I often hear people saying it falls under a grey under Islam which is called “Makruh”. This does not make any logical sense. Tobacco kills 6 million people and is “Makruh” but psychedelics cause 0 deaths but are haram? This alone makes me question why such double standards exist. Any substance if abused will be harmful to the body - including food as well as halal consumables like salt (sodium), coffee/energy drinks (caffeine), soft drinks (sugar), etc.

The Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) has said: That which intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities. (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and others, with a sound chain of narrators). According to this, even regular foods such as coffee should be haram because if you do some research you will find that even coffee is a hallucinogen, with the capability to alter ones mental state just like drugs and alcohol, once its consumed in large enough quantities. Caffeine also has the capability to produce sensory responses without any physical stimuli just like hallucinogens. It has even been shown to produce hallucinations of dead people or animals. There is a long list of edibles which are not haram, yet alter ones mental state and cause hallucinations. For example: chocolate (in large enough quantities), hot chilies, nutmeg, etc. If we are to follow the Prophet’s (PBUH) hadith by the dot, without any subjective interpretation, then all of these substances should have been made haram too.

I am not arguing that the above substance should be made haram. But instead, I am trying to argue that double standards exist in the interpretation of Islam and one should be given the ability, after enough education and evidence to make the choice for themselves, rather than blindly following something which has been preached by people. What makes one interpretation of Islam better than my interpretation? Most people I ask about the topic get uncomfortable discussing it, and those that do respond first come to the argument that these psychedelics will end up killing me by overdose.
I would also like to argue that under the influence of psychedelics, I have had some of the most meaningful experiences EVER. I have actually felt the existence of the all-knowing presence, experiencing satori/religious type knowledge/enlightenment, universal love, etc. Even the so called “bad trips” with these substances, have taught me some of the greatest lessons most about myself, life and in general have helped expand my mind. But I am firstly questioning what even qualifies as a drug or intoxicant in Islam or in general. According to Islam, anything that "intoxicates" is haram. In the Quran, Khamr (alcohol) is explicitly mentioned, which is understandable because I strongly believe that alcohol is evil. However, just because psychedelics cause a mental state similar to that of alcohol, is it right to brand them under the same category of intoxicants? Furthermore, these substances did not exist in the time Islam was revealed so we have to use. Thus the interpretation of the Quran in today's context which can be subjective.

According to Islam, drugs will harm my life in this world and in the hereafter. But in fact these substances have bought me closer to Islam never before. I used to be an occasional consumer of alcohol, however, after consuming these psychedelics, I have developed a hatred for alcohol and my belief in Allah has been solidified to a whole new level. You could potentially argue that this is all a hallucination but what just for a second consider the other side of the argument. What if these substances are in fact not drugs but some form of spiritual tools or means to reach higher levels of consciousness and connect with God. There is also concrete proof of these magic mushrooms and DMT being used in religious ceremonies for centuries – by the Amazonians, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, etc.

In conclusion, what message do I want to get across from this? I believe the human mind is a remarkable asset as it is, however its power is increased multifold once a person keeps it open – to new ideas, change and the ability to consider and evaluate other sides of the argument. I strongly believe one should have an open mind – even with Islam and religion in general – not just in relation to psychedelic substances but everything. I don’t believe in following a faith blindly, just because it is fed to us from a young age. I believe God has made the human mind curious in nature for a reason – to seek knowledge and truth or “true knowledge”. Furthermore, I believe that the human instinct is one of the greatest gifts of God and one should use logic, reasoning and understanding of the world to interpret faith/religion in a manner which feels right to us/our instincts as human being.
According to the Quran, Allah stresses the importance for people to think, to reason and to use their mind and intellect. The word “mind” or “reasoning” is mentioned 49 times in the Quran (in Arabic - Taqiloon 24 times, Yaqiloon 22 times, and Aqal, Naqil and Yaqil one time each). Also Allah refers to people of understanding 16 times in the Quran (in Arabic Ulu Al-AlBab or Uli Al-Albab). The Quran also, in tens of verses, strongly calls and emphasizes the need to contemplate and to give thought (in Arabic Fikr or Tafakkor).

Last but not least, Allah says in the Quran: “And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying (out of ignorance, conjecture and assumption.” (Quran, 6:116).

Huzaifah ibn Adam
07-12-2016, 01:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
one should use logic, reasoning and understanding of the world to interpret faith/religion in a manner which feels right to us/our instincts as human being.
What feels right to a pedophile is to sleep with underage children. He sees nothing wrong with it. It feels right to him and his "instincts as a human being". He can also use his "logic, reasoning and understanding of the world" to interpret religion in a manner that makes his sleeping with underage children 100% permissible.

When mental patients run out and shoot people dead in the street at random, it feels right to them and to their instincts as a human being. They have applied their logic, reasoning and understanding of the human world, and came to the conclusion that the best course of action is to run in the street and shoot people dead at random.

Every sin, every kind of shameless deed, every kind of immorality, every kind of sick, perverted action can be justified and legalised using this mindset, including incest, bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia, and all other kinds of satanism.

You yourself know that it is wrong. You are at pains to convince yourself otherwise, but it isn't working. Every time you take those drugs, you yourself know that it's wrong, in the end. 100 years of debating and 21 volumes of books filled with proof will not change a person who doesn't want to believe. You know that it is wrong, but at the same time, you are intent on doing it, so you are looking for any kind of "proof" - however farfetched and ludicrous it may be - to substantiate getting high on drugs.

format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
What makes one interpretation of Islam better than my interpretation?
What makes your interpretation that pedophilia is wrong better than the interpretation of the pedophiles who feel it is fine? They're being "open-minded and liberal". Why are you so closed-minded with them? They too feel that religion is subjective and that they can interpret it however they feel like.

بل الإنسان على نفسه بصيرة ولو ألقى معاذيره

{"Nay, mankind is a witness against his own self, though he may put forward his excuses (for his perpetration of Kufr, Fisq and Fujoor)."} [Soorah al-Qiyaamah, 75:14]

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا إِنَّمَا الْخَمْرُ وَالْمَيْسِرُ وَالْأَنْصَابُ وَالْأَزْلَامُ رِجْسٌ مِنْ عَمَلِ الشَّيْطَانِ فَاجْتَنِبُوهُ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ

{"O you who have Imaan! Verily, al-Khamr (intoxicants), al-Maysir (gambling), al-Ansaab (animals sacrificed for false gods) and al-Azlaam (divining arrows) are filth from the handiwork of Shaytaan, so avoid all of that so that you may be successful."} [Soorah al-Maa'idah, 5:19]


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07-12-2016, 01:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
Hallucinogens (DMT, LSD-25 and Psilocybin Mushrooms) are all non-addictive, non-toxic. Since they have been made illegal in today’s societies, research into them has been limited and as a result we do not fully understand them. Recently, with the adoption of a more open minded approach, both scientific and medical research has proven that they are in fact even safer and less addictive than coffee (caffeine). One simply cannot "trip" on them every day like heroin, cocaine and MDMA as they are not party drugs or substances. Furthermore, I can also vouch for this. One cannot abuse these substances even if they wanted to. In fact these substances have been the proven to help addicts (alcoholics, smokers and other harmful drug addicts) quit their addictions. Just Googling the “John Hopkins School of Medicine and Magic Mushrooms” will present you with concrete proof of this. Furthermore, there have been 0 documented deaths in human history attributed to the direct consumption of the above substances (in their unadulterated form). Most people, stereotype psychedelics with other hard drugs such as cocaine, heroine, meth, etc. One cannot be more ignorant. One would have to eat close to their bodyweight of these substances to reach the LD-50 of the substances. The LD-50 of a substance is the amount of substance if consumed will kill 50% of the consumers. If you consume “laced” LSD or DMT, then there is a high risk factor of overdosing, but in their pure form these substances simply cannot kill you.
There's not enough research on marijuana to really know it's complete negative effects. Marijuana research is inconclusive and with the available research it does have bad effects. Hallucinating is not a positive effect even if you perceive it as one. Lowering sperm count is also a negative effect. It affects brain cells, it affects the lungs...can a pregnant woman safely take these drugs?? Nope.

format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
The Prophet (Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) has said: That which intoxicates in large quantities is prohibited in small quantities. (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, and others, with a sound chain of narrators). According to this, even regular foods such as coffee should be haram because if you do some research you will find that even coffee is a hallucinogen, with the capability to alter ones mental state just like drugs and alcohol, once its consumed in large enough quantities. Caffeine also has the capability to produce sensory responses without any physical stimuli just like hallucinogens. It has even been shown to produce hallucinations of dead people or animals. There is a long list of edibles which are not haram, yet alter ones mental state and cause hallucinations. For example: chocolate (in large enough quantities), hot chilies, nutmeg, etc. If we are to follow the Prophet’s (PBUH) hadith by the dot, without any subjective interpretation, then all of these substances should have been made haram too.
These drug substances have no purpose. They don't feed you. They don't quench your thirst. You have no valid reason for using them, even if you perceive them harmless. Allah says in the Quran: They ask you (O Muhammad SAW) concerning alcoholic drink and gambling. Say: "In them is a great sin, and (some) benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than their benefit." And they ask you what they ought to spend. Say: "That which is beyond your needs." Thus Allah makes clear to you His Laws in order that you may give thought."

Whatever benefit you find in them the sin in them is greater. So you can make an argument to use them, but essentially what are you using them for??

The prophet pbuh taught us to take things in moderation. Even water in excess will kill you. So to take water to the point that it will harm you is haram, and this goes for all regular food and drink as well. However these foods are not haram as they are not naturally intoxicating. And you can't tell me that if you smoke your brains out with MJ nothing bad will happen.

format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
I compared these psychedelic substances to tobacco and alcohol, which are freely available drugs which cause 6 million and 2.5 million deaths per year (according to WHO), globally and yet they are freely available and people consume them, including Muslims. With respect to tobacco, I often hear people saying it falls under a grey under Islam which is called “Makruh”. This does not make any logical sense. Tobacco kills 6 million people and is “Makruh” but psychedelics cause 0 deaths but are haram? This alone makes me question why such double standards exist. Any substance if abused will be harmful to the body - including food as well as halal consumables like salt (sodium), coffee/energy drinks (caffeine), soft drinks (sugar), etc.
Tobacco is haram too.

format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
According to Islam, drugs will harm my life in this world and in the hereafter. But in fact these substances have bought me closer to Islam never before. I used to be an occasional consumer of alcohol, however, after consuming these psychedelics, I have developed a hatred for alcohol and my belief in Allah has been solidified to a whole new level. You could potentially argue that this is all a hallucination but what just for a second consider the other side of the argument. What if these substances are in fact not drugs but some form of spiritual tools or means to reach higher levels of consciousness and connect with God. There is also concrete proof of these magic mushrooms and DMT being used in religious ceremonies for centuries – by the Amazonians, the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, etc.
Nope, they're drugs. People get high on opium to do crazy things like killing sprees. People drink to forget their problems instead of deal with them. People get high to "relax" and waste time. Instead of facing one's problems, increasing patience, being a stronger minded individual, putting that same headstrong attitude in being a better version of themselves without drugs, people like to just make arguments to use them.

You attribute your faith to drugs?? Wow.

So if you stopped taking drugs you no longer believe in God and will go back to alcohol?

I'm sure if you had put in some effort, all you would need in your life is Allah. You don't get closer to Allah through sin. Sinning is the farthest away you could be, and to find comfort in your sins is even worse.

07-12-2016, 02:17 PM
Welcome to the forum.

I think enough said already.

That is the idea of waswas.. to have that 'feeling' that something is wrong.

Only thing I can add would be that you are 20. These drugs, as you mention get 'harder' and do major stuff to your physical self. At worst, it can be addictive and once on it you WILL become anti social in a way that you would start to hang out with people likeminded or become reclusive. Hanging around people who don't will be a restless time for you. As I said, at worst. (If you don't do reckless stuff).

It will be damaging to your social and family life in the long run.
I can only hope this is just a passing phase, exploration, go crazy and left as experience before too long. Let it never become part of life. Or you WILL waste your life.

Wishing you a great stay.


07-12-2016, 02:46 PM
Read between the lines here but when I was away "studying" most people got absolutely hammered most nights and still managed to pass exams..

On the other hand, Alcoholism is considered a deteremental characteristic once people become productive members of society.


You live and learn, you are your own test subject...

To be at peace in life is apparently harder than not thinking about it..

Glad you didn't try the lucid dreaming.

07-12-2016, 05:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
thus I am looking for answers and want to argue my case to someone with enough knowledge to help me.
Wa'alaikumsalam. Welcome to the forum.

I was a drug user and cannabis smoker. So, what can I do to help you?


07-12-2016, 05:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
Wa'alaikumsalam. Welcome to the forum.

I was a drug user and cannabis smoker. So, what can I do to help you?

I think I have made a decent argument for my case in the thread post and am putting into consideration several of answers I have received. Since you mention that you yourself are a "drug user & cannabis smoker", I'd like to hear your side too in order to contrast the other answers I have received. If you have read it my reply (3rd post) could you please shed some light on if psychedelics are haram in Islam. If so, why are they haram despite having little to no harmful side effects physically and being spiritually and mentally beneficial (this is a hypothetical scenario - just because they have helped me personally does not mean its the same for everyone and I acknowledge I have no right to say they are spiritually or mentally beneficial without concrete proof so just consider this as a hypothetical situation for the sake of discussion). If you believe they are not beneficial and in fact do cause harm, physical or mental please discuss them (the harms/dangers) with me.

Once again thankyou for your time.

Eric H
07-12-2016, 08:44 PM
Greetings and peace be with you mateenah95;

I think I have made a decent argument for my case
You won the argument before you came to this forum, you justified what you want to do, and you do it, that much is plain.

Drug dealers are crooks, so they do not have to be honest about what they are selling you, they do not conduct any research into the safety of the product they sell, they break the law. If they want to make the weight up, they can put anything in the packet that looks the same. Police in the UK, say they have often found dried up dogs poo in with cannabis. You can scrape that off the road for free; instead of paying dealer prices, just a thought.

07-13-2016, 08:34 AM
Asalamualikum everyone. Thank you for everyone contributing to debate with me. I see the point that some of you are trying to make. Now you may question in the first place why I'm standing for psychedelics so strongly. It is because this is an issue which is very real and in the present to me. I have heard the messages psychedelics have to offer - if you have not experienced the state psychedelics put you in, I believe it is impossible to fully comprehend it. Language as a means of communication does not do the experience justice. Please don't wrongly think I'm promoting others to do them. I DO NOT PROMOTE THEIR USE. That is not my aim here. If anyone chooses to do them it should be of their own free will. I have done them in the past and whether this is wrong or right is between my creator and me and I believe he alone has the right to judge me or punish me for whatever reason they are haram.
Some of you have made the logical argument that psychedelics may harm me by making me addicted, by causing me to do harder drugs, etc. But in fact psychedelics have had the exact opposite effect. And yes, some of you may be surprised how something called a "drug" can have any good, and how it can bring someone closer to Islam. The matter of fact is that I have lived this - this is my reality. Like I mentioned, I have developed a hatred for alcohol and tobacco after coming in contact with psychedelics. I used to drink and smoke a decent amount but now I am very close to giving up both habits. Furthermore, I have realized that so many things that I took pleasure in before I experienced psychedelics are very materialistic to this dunya. Before I did psychedelics, I never gave my actions much though. But now, I always relate my thoughts and actions back to Allah. I appreciate the beauty of Allah and his creations like nature, plants, animals, human beings, etc. much more than before. The overall thoughts and feelings I have are more spiritual too.

One could be an exploratory stage which is just passing or it could just be me trying to justify my psychedelic use because I'm feeling guilty about using them. Yes, I am feeling guilty to some extent for using them because I have grown up learning that drugs are haram and bad. Now that I have reached an age where I am able to judge for myself I am finding that this is not the case for psychedelics (notice how I am not mentioning weed here cause I am still not convinced weed is beneficial in the long run. I am also not arguing the same for tobacco or alcohol even though I have did them to much greater extents in the past.)

Can anyone provide me medical or scientific proof of why psychedelics are haram. These substances are non toxic, non addictive (they are mentally very challenging to handle, thus it is impossible to abuse them). Furthermore they have only had a positive spiritual (and other) benefits, at least for me. Please don't say that psychedelics are intoxicants so they are haram. Language is a human tool which is not perfect or comprehensive. There are language barriers which can cause certain things to be interpreted differently by different people. If Islam does actually make psychedelics haram, then I believe Allah will have made them haram for a reason - our benefit (i.e. they mush be harmful to us in some way). Please show me what ways psychedelics are haram.

As a final thought, I'd once again like to say that I'm once again debating for the sake of answers. I am not saying my opinion is right although I wish with all my heart that the experience they have to offer are not just hallucinations but are meaningful in some religious way.

I'd also like to thank each one of you who have taken the time to offer me their thoughts. It means a lot me and I greatly appreciate it.

Asalamulikum everyone.

سيف الله
07-13-2016, 09:37 PM

A contribution to this discussion.

War on Drugs - Peter Hitchens' moral argument against drugs.


07-14-2016, 01:13 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95

I have done a lot of research ... the Quran and psychedelic substances. From my research, I have been able to form a clearer picture of these substances and I’d like to argue my case for these psychedelic substances
You can argue with Allah, and it will avail you no end.

The contextual understanding of what is a toxin in Islam is different to what a toxin is according to western science.

Your research was found to be contradictory, and totally compromised... but that's what happens when you research to feed a bias. That's known as dishonest methodology, hope you can understand what you entertain.


07-14-2016, 01:24 AM
Any intoxicants are haram, even small amounts. For example: A certain amount of alcohol gets you drunk, therefore even a sip will be haram even if that sip alone doesn't intoxicate you.

07-14-2016, 02:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Snel
Any intoxicants are haram, even small amounts. For example: A certain amount of alcohol gets you drunk, therefore even a sip will be haram even if that sip alone doesn't intoxicate you.
Is paracetamol haraam? :D that is also a toxin, in case you didn't know.

Snel, it's not as simple as "all toxins" when the commonly understood meaning of that word differs in understanding from what Islam teaches.


07-15-2016, 06:25 AM

07-15-2016, 07:05 AM
mateenah95, sinning lowers your iman in Allah, that's the opposite of being closer to Islam. You may think something is good for you while it is harmful for you, and vice versa.

format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
Can anyone provide me medical or scientific proof of why psychedelics are haram.
We don't consider something haram based on science. We submit to Allah's will by following the message of his prophet Muhammad. Let's say for argument's sake that if science of today doesn't prove that a drug is harmful, do you still consider it permissible to take it despite what Islam says? If the answer is no, then you should look at what Islam says rather than what science considers harmful or not. If the answer is yes, then that is not Islam, that is Scientism.

07-15-2016, 03:00 PM
it does ruin your Spiritual state now , does it ? So , Al Diin Al Islam forbade dat .

07-15-2016, 04:04 PM
It is pretty arguable, as a far as I know.
Islam forbids what clouds your mind, but caffeine clouds your mind not too far from what Cannabis does - just differently.
It is all a gray area.

Here is an interesting graph about the different types

They have their pros and cons, but I think people look at Cannabis through their reefer madness goggles.

07-15-2016, 07:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Snow
It is pretty arguable, as a far as I know.
Islam forbids what clouds your mind, but caffeine clouds your mind not too far from what Cannabis does - just differently.
It is all a gray area.

Here is an interesting graph about the different types

They have their pros and cons, but I think people look at Cannabis through their reefer madness goggles.
Thanks for the chart snow! This is one of the factors I have based my argument on. If cannabis is haram, why isnt coffee haram by the same standards?

Eric H
07-16-2016, 07:59 AM
Greetings and peace be with you czgibson;

It's a bit like the situation with music. It's one of humanity's great artforms, and the benefits of music are obvious to almost everyone, yet it is forbidden in Islam. There's no point looking for a reason for this, because there is no good reason other than "Allah says so".
On the one hand, I enjoy a couple of beers, or a couple of glasses of wine, so far in life I have been able to control my intake of alcohol. If you have no real emotional problems, alcohol can be enjoyable. On the other hand, I have been a Street Pastor for eight years, I am often out until 3 - 4 am, and I see the horrible things alcohol leads to. It seems to bring out the worst in people, real anger, fights, depression and stupidness. When girls have had a few drinks, they will say yes to things; that they would not say yes to when they are sober, alcohol seems to cloud rational thinking, my dad died an alcoholic. Loud music and alcohol combined, can bring on a state of euphoria, it can cloud the mind, I've been there and done it.

Should I give up my enjoyable and possibly responsible drinking habits, just because some people cannot control theirs, should alcohol become illegal?

God sees the bigger picture, he sees all of mankind, generation after generation, and he sees how some people suffer, he sees how alcohol controls people who are depressed in some way. I believe it is God's intention to try and prevent suffering, so I can see the sense in making addictive mind altering stimulants illegal.

In the spirit of searching for God.


sister herb
07-16-2016, 10:03 AM
Is it harm to smoke weed (Marijuana) occasionally especially when stressed out?.

Published Date: 2008-09-01

Praise be to Allaah.

Hasheesh of all types is haraam, whether it is marijuana or any other type.

Al-‘Allaamah Ibn Hajar al-Haythami said in al-Fataawa al-Fiqhiyyah (4/233), speaking of hasheeh:

The evidence for its being forbidden is the report narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad and by Abu Dawood in his Sunan with a saheeh isnaad from Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade all kinds of intoxicants and relaxants. The scholars said that relaxants are things that cause drowsiness and languor in the limbs. This hadeeth indicates that hasheesh in particular is haraam, because it intoxicates and relaxes, which is why those who consume it sleep a great deal. Al-Qaraafi and Ibn Taymiyah narrated that there is scholarly consensus that it is haraam and said: The one who regards it as permissible is a kaafir. He said: The only reason why the four imams (may Allaah have mercy on them) did not speak of it is that it was not known at their time, rather it only appeared at the end of the sixth century AH and the beginning of the seventh century when the Tatar state emerged. End quote.

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in al-Fataawa al-Kubra (3/425): Consuming this hasheesh in solid form is haraam, and it is one of the most evil of haraam plants, whether a little of it is consumed or a lot. End quote.

Consuming intoxicants is haraam regardless of the way in which they are consumed.

Al-‘Allaamah Ibn Qaasim al-Shaafa’i said: What is meant by the drinker is the consumer, whether it is drunk or consumed otherwise, whether there is consensus on its being forbidden or there is a difference of opinion concerning that, and whether it is solid or liquid, cooked or raw. End quote.

Sharee’ah only forbids the consumption of drugs and intoxicants because of the great harm that they cause to the mind, soul, family and society. We have discussed some of these harmful effects in the answer to question no. 66227.

As for stress and anxiety, you may rest assured that the remedy for them is not to be found in smoking hasheesh or any other haraam thing. Allaah has not put the remedy of this ummah in that which He has forbidden to it. In Saheeh Muslim (3670) it says that asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) about alcohol and he forbade him or told him not to make it. He said: “But I make it as a remedy.” He said: “It is not a remedy, it is a disease.”

If you want to rid yourself of anxiety, then we advise you to do several things, including the following:

1- Pray a great deal for forgiveness with proper presence of mind.

2- Do wudoo’ and pray, for these are the greatest means of helping oneself to be patient in dealing with hardship and dispelling worry.

3- Remember Allaah a great deal (dhikr), because this is a sure way to attain peace of mind and tranquillity.

4- Send a great deal of blessings upon the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). In Sunan al-Tirmidhi (2381) it is narrated that Ubayy (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: I said: O Messenger of Allaah, I send a great deal of blessings upon you. How much of my du’aa’ should I make for you? He said: “Whatever you wish.” I said: One-quarter? He said: “Whatever you wish, but if you do more it will be better for you.” I said: One half? He said: “Whatever you wish, but if you do more it will be better for you.” I said: Two-thirds? He said: “Whatever you wish, but if you do more it will be better for you.” I said: I will make all my du’aa’ for you. He said: “Then your worries will be taken care of and your sins will be forgiven.” Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Sunan al-Tirmidhi.

This is in addition to avoiding the causes of stress and anxiety as much as possible. If the source of this anxiety and stress is worry about the future, such as how you will learn a living and so on, then you must think in positive terms of Allaah and sincerely put your trust in Him. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And whosoever puts his trust in Allaah, then He will suffice him. Verily, Allaah will accomplish his purpose. Indeed Allaah has set a measure for all things”

[al-Talaaq 65:3]

May Allaah help us and you to do all good.

sister herb
07-16-2016, 10:10 AM
Can caffeine be considered as Haram(not allowed for Muslims) · since it is considered alkaloid and it is in the same group as Nicotine, Cocaine, Morphine, LSD.....? Also excessive intake of caffeine can cause restlessness, insomnia, heart irregularities and delirium.

Published Date: 2001-05-02

Praise be to Allaah.

Undoubtedly anything that is harmful is haraam. Hence Allaah forbade alcohol because it affects the mind, and smoking is forbidden because it causes widespread harm and diseases. It is also known that there are permissible drinks which do not cause harm, such as coffee and tea, which usually do not cause harm and are usually drunk for relaxation, so there is nothing wrong with drinking them. And there are other good drinks such as milk and fruit juices. If some of those things which are nowadays known as refreshments cause harm, then they should be considered an extravagance.

Shaykh ‘Abd –Allaah ibn Jibreen.



Coffee, tea and sugar can be harmful; are they haraam like cigarettes?

Some friends and I had a disagreement when we were discussing the prohibition on things that are harmful. The topic of the discussion was smoking, and I quoted as evidence the verse in which Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “and prohibits them as unlawful Al-Khabaa’ith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.)” [al-A ‘raaf 7:157]. I said: Everything that is harmful is haraam. They said: Then tea, coffee, cola, sugar and water are all haraam, because drinking too much water may cause death by suffocation, and consuming sugar in very large amounts may elevate blood sugar levels, which leads to shock and causes death. Everything that may be consumed in large amounts and is undoubtedly halaal could still cause harm. What is the guideline on the prohibition on consuming things that may cause harm?.

Published Date: 2012-06-19

Praise be to Allaah.


We have previously discussed the prohibition on smoking and the reasons for this prohibition in the answers to questions no. 9083 and 10922

No one should argue about tobacco being evil and haraam. It has a foul odour and has a bad effect on the smoker and the people around him. There is no difference of opinion among doctors concerning the fact that smoking is harmful to the body. Whatever is like this comes under the heading of al-khabaa’ith (that which is evil and unlawful). One of the characteristics of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is that he came to permit what is good and forbid what is evil.

Shaykh ‘Abd ar-Rahmaan as-Sa‘di (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

Allah, may He be exalted, says to His Prophet Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): “They ask you (O Muhammad SAW) what is lawful for them (as food)” [al-Maa’idah 5:4].

“Say: Lawful unto you are At-Tayyibat (all kind of Halal (lawful and good) foods)” – this refers to everything in which there is benefit or pleasure without it being harmful to the body or mind. That includes all grains and fruits that may be found on farms and in the wilderness. It also includes all sea animals and all land animals apart from those excluded by the Lawgiver, such as carnivores and vermin. Hence the verse implies that khabaa’ith (whatever is bad and unlawful) are haraam, as is clearly stated in the verse (interpretation of the meaning): “he allows them as lawful At-Taiyibat ((i.e. all good and lawful) as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.), and prohibits them as unlawful Al-Khabaith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.),” [al-A‘raaf 7:157].

End quote.

Tafseer as-Sa‘di, p. 221

Numerous fatwas have been issued by the scholars concerning the prohibition on smoking.

The scholars of the Standing Committee for Issuing Fatwas said:

Smoking is haraam because it has been proven that it is damaging to one’s health, and because it comes under the heading of al-khabaa’ith (that which is evil and unlawful), and because it is extravagance (a waste of money). And Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning): “and prohibits them as unlawful Al-Khabaith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.)” [al-A‘raaf 7:157].

Shaykh Ibraaheem ibn Muhammad Aal ash-Shaykh, Shaykh ‘Abd ar-Razzaaq ‘Afeefi, Shaykh ‘Abdullah Ghadyaan.

Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah, 22/178-179

They also said:

Smoking is haraam because it comes under the heading of al-khabaa’ith (that which is evil and unlawful), and Allah and His Messenger have forbidden al-khabaa’ith (that which is evil and unlawful). Allah says, describing the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him): “he allows them as lawful At-Taiyibat ((i.e. all good and lawful) as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.), and prohibits them as unlawful Al-Khabaith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.),” [al-A‘raaf 7:157].

End quote.

Shaykh ‘Abd ar-Razzaaq ‘Afeefi, Shaykh ‘Abdullah ibn Ghadyaan. Shaykh ‘Abdullah ibn Munayyi‘

Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah, 22/179, 180

Thus it becomes clear that quoting the verse “and prohibits them as unlawful Al-Khabaith (i.e. all evil and unlawful as regards things, deeds, beliefs, persons, foods, etc.)” [al-A ‘raaf 7:157] as evidence for the prohibition on smoking is correct.

There is no disagreement concerning the fact that smoking is something that causes harm to the smoker; indeed it also causes harm to the people around him who inhale the smoke that comes from the cigarette. The basic Islamic principle is that everything that is proven to be harmful is haraam.

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

The evidence for the prohibition of that which is harmful is to be found in the Qur’aan and the Sunnah.

From the Qur’aan:

“and do not throw yourselves into destruction”

[al-Baqarah 2:195]

“And do not kill yourselves (nor kill one another)”

[an-Nisa’ 4:29]

The prohibition on killing oneself is also a prohibition on the means of doing so. Whatever causes harm is haraam.

The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm.” We might also quote as evidence the verse in which Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“But if you are ill or on a journey or any of you comes from answering the call of nature, or you have been in contact with women (i.e. sexual intercourse) and you find no water, then perform Tayammum with clean earth”

[al-Maa’idah 5:6].

The point here is that Allah enjoined tayammum for the one who is sick so as to protect him from harm and to offer him an alternative to water, which may harm him if he uses it when it is cold and he is sick and so on. End quote.

Ash-Sharh al-Mumti‘, 15/12, 13

Nowadays there is no disagreement that smoking is harmful.

Shaykh al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

The same applies to smoking, which is harmful in and of itself. The fact that it is harmful is a matter on which doctors are unanimously agreed nowadays, and there is no difference of opinion among them on that score, because tobacco contains toxic substances that damage the blood. End quote.

Ash-Sharh al-Mumti‘, 15/10


As for your friend’s comparing tobacco to permissible food and drinks which may be harmful if consumed in large quantities, this is an invalid argument, because these foods are permissible and beneficial in principle, and are only harmful in certain cases, such as if one consumes too much of them.

The principle mentioned above, that everything that is harmful is forbidden, also applies in this case. It is not permissible for anyone to drink so much water or eat so many dates – for example – that he will be harmed thereby.

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

In the case of that which is harmful in conjunction with something else, such as if this food is not compatible with that food, in the sense that if you eat the two foods together it will result in harm, but if you eat them separately that will not result in harm, and the doctor has advised this dietary restriction for one who is sick and has told him, “If you eat it, it will harm you,” then it becomes haraam for him.

Shaykh al-Islam (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If a person feels that some kind of food will cause him harm or give him indigestion, then it becomes haraam for him.

If a person says: If I fill my belly with this food, I will need water, and if I add water to it I will hardly be able to walk and it will bother me; and if I sit it will bother me, and if I bow it will bother me, and if I lie on my back it will bother me, and if I lie on my stomach it will bother me. In this case Shaykh al-Islam says:

If he fears that it will harm him, then it becomes haraam for him to eat it. And what he said is correct, because it is not permissible for a person to eat that which will harm him or to wear that which will harm him or to sit on that which will harm him. Even the Sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them), with regard to prostration, if the heat would harm them, they would spread out their garments and prostrate on them, lest they be harmed and so that they might be at ease in prayer.

What Shaykh al-Islam mentioned comes under the heading of fear of harm and indigestion, meaning that it is not as a result of the food itself, rather it is the result of consuming too much of it, and even if there is someone who would not be harmed by that, but based on the medical advice that he will be harmed, because if the stomach is filled it will bother him and cause some discomfort…

It was said that one of the harmful things is to eat food on top of other food. If that is correct then it is also haraam, because Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And do not kill or murder your own persons. Surely, Allah is, towards you, continuously Merciful” [an-Nisa’ 4:29].

It is not far fetched to say that this is correct. As it is something that it tried and tested. End quote.

Ash-Sharh al-Mumti‘, 15/9-11

And he said:

If it is said to a man who has diabetes: Do not eat dates or sweets, then dates and sweets become haraam for him, because they are harmful for him and he has to avoid them, but they are halaal for others. End quote.

Liqaa’aat al-Baab al-Maftooh, 229, question no. 2

Thus it becomes clear that your friend’s drawing an analogy between permissible food and drink, and tobacco, which is haraam, was incorrect.

And Allah knows best.


07-16-2016, 01:16 PM
Can sugar be considered haram?

It has proven health implications.. although fruit is naturally occurring in most places.

...how bout the corn syrup?

Who pursues the high blood sugar?

..or low in some cases.. to get back on topic.

*Insert Jesus badly paraphrased popular quote here* pbuh..

About stunned chicken or something.

Matthew 15:11 Google version..

Although take it with a pinch of salt, don't forget what you already know.

Quran 5:75

The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth. They both used to eat food. Look how We make clear to them the signs; then look how they are deluded.

07-23-2016, 09:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
Thanks for the chart snow! This is one of the factors I have based my argument on. If cannabis is haram, why isnt coffee haram by the same standards?
No problem.
A few posters in this thread have mentioned that it is harmful - without backing that claim up.
You can easily overdose on coffee. Not the case with Cannabis.
I smoke a little.
Not to get totally stoned. Just to get the relaxed feeling (I only smoke Indica).
Sometimes not for months. At other times, a couple of times a week.
Nothing major.

09-15-2016, 07:15 PM
I'm glad that most of the posts here have said, categorically, the cannabis is haram. It most certainly is. As is any other drug that changes ones state of mind, their behaviour and causes harm. Comparisons to coffee are a bit of a joke and with a medical background, I can tell you coffee does not have the same effect as cannabis, alcohol etc.

I won't go into the science too much as people who make excuse for their on haram behaviour will continue to do so.

If you want to listen to the truth, read the Quran, study the sunnah and read what the scholars have to say on this issue. If you still don't get off the drugs (I know, it is very difficult, from my own personal experience of having dealt with addicts) then it's your problem. Not Islams or the use of this forum to find some legitimacy with your use...or an excuse.

09-15-2016, 07:26 PM
...I guess the badly phrased quote was something to do with..

it's not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man..

because it's not clear sometimes.. in my clearly clear posts..

that rather worryingly were missing the edit button.

...for people that pride themselves on reading you don't need any help making mistakes.

09-15-2016, 08:14 PM
Sure is not allowed cus it changes ur mind state etc etc.. but for medical purposes i wouldnt avoid it for the reason its 'Harram' even alcohol is used in Clinics etc for medical purposes etc etc and its not harram when it comes to that, why would canna be harram then? it depends on how you use it and with which intention!

09-15-2016, 10:38 PM
who is spartakos?

I'm kidding I know who Spartakos is..

I guess your right, but self medication is a no no..

my post was mostly for the spartakos quip. hope ya settle into the forum.

09-17-2016, 09:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by M.I.A.
who is spartakos?

I'm kidding I know who Spartakos is..

I guess your right, but self medication is a no no..

my post was mostly for the spartakos quip. hope ya settle into the forum.
Well brother i am Spartakos !
Not Spartacus though!

01-02-2017, 08:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
Asalamualikum everyone, I am in need for some guidance and help on a topic which has thoroughly confused me. Before I go any further, here is some background about me: although I do not practice Islam in my everyday life as much as I like, I am a Muslim and so is everyone in my family. I am currently 20 years old and a student in University of Toronto, Canada.

Now that I have gotten that out of the way, here is my question and argument. I have been using Cannabis for quite some time now and also started using psychedelics in the last few of months - in specific "psilocybin mushrooms", "lysergic acid diethylamide 25 (LSD-25)". Both psilocybin mushrooms (shrooms) and LSD are psychedelic or hallucinogenic substances. I am also trying to obtain “Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)” which is the most powerful psychedelic chemical known to man because my views on psychedelics and cannabis do not align with Islamic teachings and thus I am looking for answers and want to argue my case to someone with enough knowledge to help me.
Currently my religious half and my logical/scientific half are in great conflict with each other and it is causing me too much discomfort and dissatisfaction with life in general. According to Islam, my lifestyle of this substance use is Haram and will lead to punishment in this world and the hereafter. But as a person, I am not simply strong enough to believe and practice something without it actually making sense. As a result I am stuck between what people called “The devil and the deep blue sea”. So, is anyone here knowledgeable enough on the topic to help me? When I mean help, I mean to talk to me and debate with me on this topic to come to a conclusion?

I’d like to thank everyone in advance - Thankyou and Asalamualikum.
Yo your question exemplifies the exact knowledge I'm trying to seek. I'm also 20yr old student, and it is a difficult to question to find an answer to at the present moment. I have conducted similar research, but still, I wondered if you reached an answer that could also benefit?

02-10-2017, 01:14 AM
Interesting thread,

One of the most confusing things for me with Islam is the prohibition of Cannabis, I am not a Muslim but have faith in one God and recently read the Quoran which i believe deals with the issue of intoxicants perfectly..
I have traveled a good bit in Muslim countries and came to know a good few practicing Muslims , who told me they and their God have no problem with Cannabis..I have never understood why it is classed as haram.

From my understanding the Quran deals with the issue of intoxicants in the table spread? The first passage that introduces the issue is 87
O ye who believe!
Make not unlawful
The good things which God
Hath made lawful for you,
But commit no excess:
For God loveth not
Those given to excess.


O you who believe! Make not unlawful the Taiyibat (all that is good as regards foods, things, deeds, beliefs, persons, etc.) which Allah has made lawful to you, and transgress not. Verily, Allah does not like the transgressors.

Are people not aware of the benefits of this good plant?
This is the oldest known medicine in the world, it can be used in industry, construction, makes paper, clothing, rope, food, it has many many more uses, it absorbs much CO2 and releases lots of oxygen, it grows everywhere..This plant can heal humanity, it is surely a gift from God.
And it is not Toxic..Aspirin is more toxic.
Neither are most hallucinogens..there is no overdose limit..Its one of the worlds safest medicines.
The direct translation for the word 'intoxicant' (please correct me if wrong) is to cover , if something covers the mind , makes it cloudy then yep its not good, hallucinogens dont do this they open the mind...

Now i am not saying constant use is good , too much of anything is bad, drinking Coffee all day is bad, but to prohibit this plant and consumption of it imho is a greater crime than consuming it.

I could write much more on this subject but urge the Muslim community to reassess their position on this subject..

02-10-2017, 04:12 AM

Did Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (#1 human ever born) use or recommend cannabis & psychedelics?

sister herb
02-10-2017, 09:51 AM

Is it harm to smoke weed (Marijuana) occasionally especially when stressed out?.

Published Date: 2008-09-01

Praise be to Allaah.

Hasheesh of all types is haraam, whether it is marijuana or any other type.

Al-‘Allaamah Ibn Hajar al-Haythami said in al-Fataawa al-Fiqhiyyah (4/233), speaking of hasheeh:

The evidence for its being forbidden is the report narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad and by Abu Dawood in his Sunan with a saheeh isnaad from Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade all kinds of intoxicants and relaxants. The scholars said that relaxants are things that cause drowsiness and languor in the limbs. This hadeeth indicates that hasheesh in particular is haraam, because it intoxicates and relaxes, which is why those who consume it sleep a great deal. Al-Qaraafi and Ibn Taymiyah narrated that there is scholarly consensus that it is haraam and said: The one who regards it as permissible is a kaafir. He said: The only reason why the four imams (may Allaah have mercy on them) did not speak of it is that it was not known at their time, rather it only appeared at the end of the sixth century AH and the beginning of the seventh century when the Tatar state emerged. End quote.



Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah verses 90-91:

90 O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination of the Shaytaan's handiwork; Eschew such (abomination) that ye may prosper.

91 The Shaytaan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?

Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 3679 Narrated by Aisha

I heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say: Every intoxicant is haraam; if a quantity of anything causes intoxication, a handful of it is (also) haraam.

02-10-2017, 10:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb

Is it harm to smoke weed (Marijuana) occasionally especially when stressed out?.

Published Date: 2008-09-01

Praise be to Allaah.

Hasheesh of all types is haraam, whether it is marijuana or any other type.

Al-‘Allaamah Ibn Hajar al-Haythami said in al-Fataawa al-Fiqhiyyah (4/233), speaking of hasheeh:

The evidence for its being forbidden is the report narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad and by Abu Dawood in his Sunan with a saheeh isnaad from Umm Salamah (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade all kinds of intoxicants and relaxants. The scholars said that relaxants are things that cause drowsiness and languor in the limbs. This hadeeth indicates that hasheesh in particular is haraam, because it intoxicates and relaxes, which is why those who consume it sleep a great deal. Al-Qaraafi and Ibn Taymiyah narrated that there is scholarly consensus that it is haraam and said: The one who regards it as permissible is a kaafir. He said: The only reason why the four imams (may Allaah have mercy on them) did not speak of it is that it was not known at their time, rather it only appeared at the end of the sixth century AH and the beginning of the seventh century when the Tatar state emerged. End quote.



Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 5 Surah Maidah verses 90-91:

90 O ye who believe! Intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination of the Shaytaan's handiwork; Eschew such (abomination) that ye may prosper.

91 The Shaytaan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?

Sunan of Abu-Dawood Hadith 3679 Narrated by Aisha

I heard the Messenger of Allah (saws) say: Every intoxicant is haraam; if a quantity of anything causes intoxication, a handful of it is (also) haraam.
Those verse from Quran are preceded with and in the context of , its is regression to outlaw what is good and what God made law full as i quoted previously...There is no reference to outlawing this herb, so how can it be so?
Its a scientific fact that Cannabis is very not Toxic , recent studies prove its has the opposite effect of a Toxin..It enhances the brain and body functions with out depleting chemical reserves like most drugs and even Caffeine does..It protects the mind from neurological degradation.

What is the original Arabic word used to describe intoxicant in the Quran? what is the direct translation, i dont even think it is intoxicant?

What scholars and other humans say is surely irrelevant, if as we are commanded by God in the Quran to listen to God which is Truth and understand, he has no partner, no one can speak for him, and we focus on Truth and what God tells us directly..Then we need to actually study what the Truth is regarding this amazing plant and correct the error of our ways..
I urge every one to study this, only the last decade really have scientists been able to study the effects of Cannabis, please look at these studies, with an open mind.

I completely respect and understand why Islam promotes purity and agree its the best way, but for me as some one who was raised an atheist, i am certain i would not of led me to the great place where i am today, where i am a firm believer that does worship God (in my own way), if i hadn't consumed Cannabis in the past.
I have asked myself and God the question for years , whether its really good or Bad, and have had it confirmed that it does protect and is good, thats my personal experience that i cant expect anyone else to believe, but inst that how God works? he doesn't want us to blindly follow others in case they err, or seek to deliberately lead astray from the Truth that is God?

I dont mean to offend traditional Islamic Values or imply you are mislead, i just urge people to search for the Truth, and welcome respectful dialogue on this subject..As i know unjust prohibition turns people away from your great religion..

02-10-2017, 10:51 AM
Every toxicant is haraam, no matter how small the amount you take or even if it may have *some* benefits. Islam aims to create a society based on morals and values, and we all know that if used in even a small excess Cannabis can become a very harmful substance, and we all know it has been abused by many, many people.

Some studies say that drinking some red wine is actually good for your health, and fine that may be true. But, still, the harms vastly outweigh it's benefits.

The Qur'an acknowledges this in the verse: They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, “In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit.” And they ask you what they should spend. Say, “The excess [beyond needs].” Thus Allah makes clear to you the verses [of revelation] that you might give thought.[Surah Baqarah -2:219]

Drugs such as these are addictive - perhaps you take a little when stressed. The next time you're stressed you'll take some more, and then some more, and then some and you'll become trapped in the vicious cycle of drug addiction. It may have worked for you, for a small minority of people, but how many people's lives have been destroyed just by using this substance? Isn't it so much more better, for the good of the majority of society, to prohibit this altogether?

The Arabic word used for intoxicant is 'khamr', and I'm no expert on Arabic but it's root meaning is something which 'covers' or 'conceals' In this case the intellect of man. And Cannabis *does* intoxicate people, just read through this Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cannabis_(drug)

I understand you were raised in an atheist family, so it may be you have to step outside of your cultural viewpoint and look at it from another perspective. It often happens when we try to use the 'ifs' and 'buys' we can become embroiled in a confusing and circular debate about the benefits and disadvantages cannabis may have. If we, however, just literally take on the Quranic commandments concerning intoxicants, it's quite clear they are prohibited.

02-10-2017, 11:08 AM
Assalamu alaikum,

All intoxicants have been made haram, largely because they make you talk nonsense. This leads to backbiting then false accusation, which is a very serious sin in Islam and even has a prescribed punishment.

02-10-2017, 11:36 AM
btw, your point about coffee - true caffeine does have a form of 'suppressant' or 'clouding' effect on the mind, and I think way back (like centuries ago) there was a heated debate amongst scholars about whether it is indeed an 'intoxicant'.

And yes some may say you can easily get a 'high' from paracetamols or ibuprofen if you're so inclined, perhaps even chocolate, lol. The definition of 'khamr' into intoxicant is a very simplified definition from Arabic into English, and there is a difference between the Islamic and Western interpretations of 'intoxicant'. There is, however, a general consensus that cannabis in prohibited - and I've never heard otherwise. So this should be enough of an answer.

A few years ago, we once had neighbours who would take drugs for recreational reasons, nothing too hard, but still drugs. They were infamous in the neighbourhood and neighbours would warn each other to avoid them. The police received so many complaints about them there were eventually forced to leave the house (being council tenants). But I remember looking at one of the girls, in her late teens, pretty, intelligent, stuck with this 'boyfriend' when she deserved a much better person, thinking what an utter waste she had made of her life so far. She should have been at school, studying, living with her parents....I remember that scared me from any form on intoxicant for life.

sister herb
02-10-2017, 11:46 AM
I see it very alarming how some people try to find excuses how they could justify their interest to use drugs. Usual ways is claiming that drugs aren´t very toxican or harmless "because of the newest scientific researches". Then they naturally read only those researches which support their believes about those drugs. If nothing else helps them, they claim that this and that drug hasn´t mentioned in the Quran (and deny the truth that some drugs have been invented or named centuries later). I am wondering when someone claims that for example cocaine or LSD must to be halal because it´s not mentioned by name in the Quran or in the hadiths.

Many scientific researches still show that cannabis is toxicant and very harmful to the human body. Since it can not scientifically prove that it would not be a toxic substance, we shouldn´t take a risk to poison our body or - what´s more serious - make a sin when using it, why we should take this risk? I see it´s similar matter when we think is some food halal or haram to eat. The common advice is then: don´t eat it if you aren´t 100% sure it is halal. Why with those stimulants we should to be less careful?

02-10-2017, 03:28 PM
walakum salaam mateenah

After reading what you wrote - It's like I'm reading a Muslim looking to leave the deen.

I'll debate you.

Bro, I know more about cannabis than the herb itself does lol.

Come, let us talk.

format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
Asalamualikum everyone, I am in need for some guidance and help on a topic which has thoroughly confused me. Before I go any further, here is some background about me: although I do not practice Islam in my everyday life as much as I like, I am a Muslim and so is everyone in my family. I am currently 20 years old and a student in University of Toronto, Canada.
So admittedly you're not practising the religion, and instead you are looking to "experiment" because its fun.

Following the crowd much? Even if they lead you over the cliff?

format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
Now that I have gotten that out of the way, here is my question and argument. I have been using Cannabis for quite some time now and also started using psychedelics in the last few of months - in specific "psilocybin mushrooms", "lysergic acid diethylamide 25 (LSD-25)". Both psilocybin mushrooms (shrooms) and LSD are psychedelic or hallucinogenic substances. I am also trying to obtain “Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)” which is the most powerful psychedelic chemical known to man because my views on psychedelics and cannabis do not align with Islamic teachings and thus I am looking for answers and want to argue my case to someone with enough knowledge to help me.
I've experimented a lot in my life with trips, DMT and cannabis - I fail to see the attraction now. There is nothing insightful about doing psychadelic drugs except for the following - you will mess up your mind.

My experience with DMT was so many years ago that the memory is vague now. Smoked it in a pipe and bloody heck, it felt like I was about to die. When I opened my eyes, the sheer spectrum of colour noise was overwhelming and I saw vibrant shapes which were refractions of light my brain was trying to make sense out of.

I wasn't actually seeing those things - but my mind was trying to show me those things which did not exist... I prefer sci fi movies now because its safer.

The trip itself lasted about 15 minutes and afterwards I felt violated in some spiritual way - from that point on, I entered some sort of paranoia which was closeted and not talked about with anyone - in fact, I was talking to myself in my mind and realised I was having waswasa - satanic whispers.

DMT as you know is known as the Dream Molecule - because it activates your Pineal Gland while you are awake - what you see is not real, but you will excuse it to have some sort of importance to your life because you're an idiot.

Thank Allah I didn't attach any importance to my life with it. I was never a crowd follower - and when I did DMT - no one here knew what it was...You are following your peers - and you are conflicted because on one side is Islam - total submission to Allah.

And on the other side is your nafs - total submission to your desires.

There is NO WAY you can justify your usage of drugs in Islam - NONE.

format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
Currently my religious half and my logical/scientific half are in great conflict with each other and it is causing me too much discomfort and dissatisfaction with life in general.

Islam is the most logical and scientific way forward for mankind. Have you never heard of Imam al Ghazali? he was known "The Proof of Islam" - logic, was his strongpoint.

When it comes to science - it was Ibn Al Haythm who formulated the Scientific Method which is taught today - and he formulated that centuries ago.

Your logic is non existent - you argue from a position of ignorance and emotion, because you want to pursue your drug culture whilst seeking to have your guilt absolved by us here... guess what, not happening.

No one here will tell you - it's ok to take drugs. No one. This is Islam, we are Muslims... what are you?

format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
According to Islam, my lifestyle of this substance use is Haram and will lead to punishment in this world and the hereafter. But as a person, I am not simply strong enough to believe and practice something without it actually making sense. As a result I am stuck between what people called “The devil and the deep blue sea”. So, is anyone here knowledgeable enough on the topic to help me? When I mean help, I mean to talk to me and debate with me on this topic to come to a conclusion?

I’d like to thank everyone in advance - Thankyou and Asalamualikum.
SO you are simply not strong enough to practice something like Islam?

No offence bro, but Islam came to a people who were subjugated to the tyranny of the Qureish leaders - they often had no food to eat or shelter, or even the good will of their neighbour - but they held fast to Islam because Islam was their only hope...


Islam provides all the answers, not your trips, LSD and DMT - heck I've even done GHB back in the days.

But if you want to make your life - leave your crowd and join the Muslims.

Now... for the weed.

What exactly do you want to know about the herb?

I can tell you everything you want to know.


02-10-2017, 03:39 PM
Dont you ever know...cannabis cause addiction...recent scientific studies are a Joke bro...some people just use quran to market the cannabis... Today this addiction caused destruction of so many families. Those who use cannabis and cigarettes ....i see muslim women with hijab smoking...today people misuse and misunderstand..No matter this is no new subject.Cannabis or any toxic is haraam..Final

02-10-2017, 04:43 PM

Any kind of drug, be it hash, heroine, esctasy. Any drug is haram. None here will tell you it is OK to take drugs except those who don't know about the Quraan.

And Allah :swt: knows best.

02-10-2017, 06:19 PM
im not so sure anymore..

some of the most dangerous people i know use drugs.

everytime they turn up you know its not good news or glad tidings.

but they are made use of.. are they not?

haram holds a position of strength in todays world.

i have no idea about tomorrow.

although i could most definitely be wrong.

..does this constitute backbiting? because that would just be the iceing on the cake.

i hope its not a confusing answer.

everybody turns up for somebody.

Several centuries ago, the Pope decreed that all Muslims had to convert to Catholicism or leave Italy. There was a huge outcry from the Muslim community, so the Pope offered a deal.He'd have a religious debate with the leader of the Muslim community. If the Muslims won, they could stay in Italy; and if the Pope won, they'd have to convert or leave. The Muslim people met and picked an aged and wise Mufti to represent them in the debate.However, as the Mufti spoke no Italian, and the Pope spoke no Arabic, they agreed that it would be a "silent" debate.On the chosen day the Pope and Mufti sat opposite each other.The Pope raised his hand and showed three fingers.The Mufti looked back and raised one finger.Next, the Pope waved his finger around his head.The Mufti pointed to the ground where he sat.The Pope brought out a communion wafer and a chalice of wine.The Mufti pulled out an apple.With that, the Pope stood up and declared himself beaten and said that the Moulana was too clever.The Muslims could stay in Italy.Later the cardinals met with the Pope and asked him what had happened.The Pope said, "First I held up three fingers to represent the Trinity."He responded by holding up a single finger to remind me there is still only one God!"Then, I waved my finger around my head to show him that God was all around us."He responded by pointing to the ground to show that God was also right here with us."I pulled out the wine and wafer to show that God absolves us of all our sins."He pulled out an apple to remind me of the original sin."He beat me at every move and I could not continue!"Meanwhile, the Muslim community gathered to ask the Mufti how he'd won."I haven't a clue," the Mufti said."First, he told me that we had three days to get out of Italy, so I gave him the finger."Then he tells me that the whole country would be cleared of Muslims and I told him that we were staying right here!""And then what?" asked a woman."Who knows?" said the Mufti. "He took out his lunch so I took out mine."

02-10-2017, 06:26 PM
I respect and thank you for your replies, but the fact is Cannabis is non Toxic, i can see why most people associate recreational drugs with bad people as the fact they are illegal attracts criminals and makes it a gateway drug due to the fact it is illegal , nothing else..There are very few pot heads i ever met that dont drink and do other drugs, cannabis actually helps people get over much worst addictions and keeps many people away from real bad drugs like alcohol and heroin..
Also its very not addictive, only very slight, much less than caffeine..Like drinking coffee every day, why would people choose to stop something they enjoy, its purely psychological and much less a physical addiction than even caffeine.
And the health dangers are virtually non existent only when smoked with tobacco..Its impossible to overdose on Cannabis, no one in history has died from consuming Cannabis..

"The Arabic word used for intoxicant is 'khamr', and I'm no expert on Arabic but it's root meaning is something which 'covers' or 'conceals' In this case the intellect of man."

This is why i love what the Quran says regarding drugs.. once we realize most drugs like alcohol are downers or antipshycotics and they do without doubt cover or cloud the mind, Cannabis is psychoactive, it opens the mind, its complete opposite effect..The OP of the thread is confused too and rightfully uses the word 'psychedelics' with cannabis as psychedelics open the mind, they dont cause actual hallucinations as such but open ones mind..
Surely God wouldn't have a problem with open minded and happy people? Open minded happy people are much more likely to discover the truth about God and do good works and ward of evil than someone with a closed depressed mind?
Cannabis and the consumption of it, it can be reasonably argued is the oldest continually religious practice in known history..
And the notion that psychedelics destroys intellect is false or at best very questionable, the OP is by a university student, i have known many people that flew through university and got their degree that consumed Cannabis..
The Wikipedia cannabis page i find misleading going on outdated science and peddling the same half truth and lies put out by big pharma and such corporate interests that have so much to loose when the truth about the medicinal and industrial uses of cannabis and hemp sees the light, big pharma and their co-existence with petrochemicals and other such corporate interests, their monopolies would be greatly reduced, and what does God say about monopolies?
There is good reason there is so little well financed scientific study on Cannabis and so much disinformation..Imagine if people could grow their own cure for most common and complex aliments?

As i have said, i have traveled a good bit and had a good few deep meaning fulls with Muslims while smoking my joint and never got the impression it was haram, in fact most people said it's not , its just illegal..Its been consumed in these Arab speaking and predominantly Muslim countries countries for 1000+ years..

I would like to hear more about the history of prohibition of Cannabis in Islam, i believe it first happened in Egypt, but i read the ruling dynasty of the time were very oppressive and wanted to crush dissent?
I find it a little sad Islamic community in general is so against it, as doesn't God say? me to my religion and you to yours? And doesn't religion translate in Arabic as 'way of life'?
Though i want to stress i can understand the best way to be close to God is pure and natural and consuming cannabis on a daily basis for years, never knowing ones natural sate of mind is indeed a sin, for me its something i like on occasion that i know does help me spiritually, and who else can make judgement on that but God?
If i cause no harm or loss to another , is it anyone else Business? Is it not haram to deny someone that suffers effective medicine while indirectly supporting an evil monopoly ? Or deny a viable food crop to farmers that struggle to afford herbicides and pesticides in this world where many go hungry? Or deny therapy from a lost soul living in a world that no longer cares?

I leave you all to ponder this, why would God create us with an Endocannabinoid System? What other use is it?
A few links for the inquiring mind..Just a few random ones, the first link though is an introduction into the Endocannabinoid System..








02-10-2017, 06:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
I respect and thank you for your replies, but the fact is Cannabis is non Toxic,
STOP right here.

The Islamic understadning of the word "toxic" differs from the Modern Wests understanding.

The west take an altogether scientific view of the word toxic - whereas in Islam, the word "khamr" is used to describe something which takes you out of your "natural state".

When you smoke weed, you get high - that's taking you away from your natural state.

Intoxication means two very different things, dependant on where you get your definition from.

If you side with the wests definition - you are opposing the Arabic definition within Islam.

If you adopt the Islamic understanding of the word "Khamr" (ie: intoxication) you will be at odds with the western definition of the word.

So when you apply your unilingual use of the word to cannabis - you are doing your Muslim mind no favours.

Cannabis is Haraam. Full stop.

Choice is now yours - which version of "INTOXICATION" do you side with?


02-10-2017, 06:44 PM
...it would probably sort my back pain..

but its been at least 11 years since i was even able to think about doing such a thing..

im sure if i did so today even the walls would speak about it lol.

its far from as simple as beleiver makes it out to be...

but what a person does in ignorance he cannot do once he is aware..

stay asleep.

its far from me to say who is the pope and who is the mufti.

do or do not do, there is no try.

02-10-2017, 07:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
STOP right here.

The Islamic understadning of the word "toxic" differs from the Modern Wests understanding.

The west take an altogether scientific view of the word toxic - whereas in Islam, the word "khamr" is used to describe something which takes you out of your "natural state".

When you smoke weed, you get high - that's taking you away from your natural state.

Intoxication means two very different things, dependant on where you get your definition from.

If you side with the wests definition - you are opposing the Arabic definition within Islam.

If you adopt the Islamic understanding of the word "Khamr" (ie: intoxication) you will be at odds with the western definition of the word.

So when you apply your unilingual use of the word to cannabis - you are doing your Muslim mind no favours.

Cannabis is Haraam. Full stop.

Choice is now yours - which version of "INTOXICATION" do you side with?

Well that would change every thing, do you have a link?

A trusted friend whose first language is Arabic said it meant to cover which fits ant research i have done it is the same word used in Quran were it says for women to cover their breasts, if it meant natural state then someone is doing it wrong:D

02-10-2017, 07:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by M.I.A.
...it would probably sort my back pain..

but its been at least 11 years since i was even able to think about doing such a thing..

im sure if i did so today even the walls would speak about it lol.

its far from as simple as beleiver makes it out to be...

but what a person does in ignorance he cannot do once he is aware..

stay asleep.

its far from me to say who is the pope and who is the mufti.

do or do not do, there is no try.
I dont understand why a perfectly natural virtually non toxic plant God gave us is not permissible, do you take anything for your pain? is all medicine and pain killer haram?

Isnt God perfect? and doesnt it say for every ailment, God gave us a natural cure?

Huzaifah ibn Adam
02-10-2017, 07:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
I dont understand why a perfectly natural virtually non toxic plant God gave us is not permissible
Pig is perfectly natural, too. Non-toxic as well. Why is it not permissible?

02-10-2017, 07:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
Well that would change every thing, do you have a link?
No. I read this in books years ago.

But I'm sure google can help - however I'd prefer to listen to Huzaifah ibn Adam, as he is a student of knowledge within Islam.

Your premise - Weed is natural... vs Huzaifah's rebuttal with "so is a pig" shows you that your logic is flawed.

It's enough for us to realize that not all things natural are halal. Like weed. Like pig. Like stabbing yourself in the eye with a miswak. You understand? :)


sister herb
02-10-2017, 07:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
I dont understand why a perfectly natural virtually non toxic plant God gave us is not permissible, do you take anything for your pain? is all medicine and pain killer haram?

Isnt God perfect? and doesnt it say for every ailment, God gave us a natural cure?
Natural cure for what? Some people may use cannabis and other drugs because they feel themselves unhappy, empty or "want to expand their minds" or what ever. For those problems studing and following Islam gives much better natural cure. Islam is not toxic. It´s free cure to all your problems and totally safe.

But about cannabis:


Studies have shown that cannabis increases the risk of acute psychosis and may cause long-term consequences, such as schizophrenia. The risk is increased especially at a young age began their users and the risks are increased with increasing use. Cannabis use also increases the risk of depression, anxiety and mood disorders. [1] [17]

Smoking cannabis cause damage to the respiratory tract. Oral, laryngeal and pharyngeal cancer risk is increased cannabis smokers. Respiratory arrest and marijuana smoke deep Pulling increase the migration and accumulation of respiratory particles and tar. Users found in the mucous membrane infections, chronic bronchitis, cough, and emphysema. Young cannabis users have been found in regions of tumors in the mouth, which is not normally present in their age group. [3] [15] [17]

Cannabis use raises the pulse and blood pressure, which is exposed to cardiovascular disorders and stroke, especially among older users [3] [17]

Cannabis use is likely to negatively influence the fertility ability of men and women and sexual desire, especially in men [3] [17]

Cannabis learning ability and can impair the educational success of young people and adults from doing tasks that require mental performance [3]. Cannabis use could worsen the already established diseases (cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse).

Risks and disadvantages of the fetus: cannabis during pregnancy, mothers burned children have been found in a lower birth weight and stunting. Use during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth. used by burning cannabis effects on the fetus are probably similar to tobacco, among others. impair fetal nutrient intakes. Cannabis use during pregnancy may cause a child to leukemia and deterioration of cognitive abilities and school performance in later life. an increase in birth defects is not conclusive evidence, but the possibility can not be completely ruled out. Cannabis influential substance THC is excreted in human breast milk and sucked the baby.

Source (translated from): http://www.paihdelinkki.fi/fi/tietop...tieto/kannabis

02-10-2017, 08:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
I dont understand why a perfectly natural virtually non toxic plant God gave us is not permissible, do you take anything for your pain? is all medicine and pain killer haram?

Isnt God perfect? and doesnt it say for every ailment, God gave us a natural cure?
bad seating posture is the bane of my life...

no pun intended.

i just need to find the will to get my butt of this chair..

i may just remove the chair from the room.

but i think a lot of posters have answered your question rather thoroughly.


02-10-2017, 08:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
No. I read this in books years ago.

But I'm sure google can help - however I'd prefer to listen to Huzaifah ibn Adam, as he is a student of knowledge within Islam.

Your premise - Weed is natural... vs Huzaifah's rebuttal with "so is a pig" shows you that your logic is flawed.

It's enough for us to realize that not all things natural are halal. Like weed. Like pig. Like stabbing yourself in the eye with a miswak. You understand? :)

I would rather listen to God, no one can speck for him no? Isnt what i eat to be judged by God when my day comes?
I see no relationship between a Pig and one of oldest know medicinal and most useful plants known to man..

02-10-2017, 08:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
I would rather listen to God.

You came here - to an Islamic forum, heard what the Muslims have to say - and because you don't like it - you post this?

format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
I see no relationship between a Pig and one of oldest know medicinal and most useful plants known to man..
I see no history of Arabs using cannabis as a cure for anything.

So talk all you like - you forget that you are no doctor and therefore when you take cannabis under the pretense of "medicinal use" you are in fact - claiming to self administer a dosage to your self - BUT - you are no Doctor... so you lie to your self.

Seems to me like on the day of judgement - you will get one heck of a nasty comeuppance for your self deception.

Wallahi you are lost.


02-10-2017, 09:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
I think I have made a decent argument for my case...[/snip]
I fell off my chair laughing. Nice joke lol.

Seriuously, you should think of being a standup comedian.


02-10-2017, 09:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
Natural cure for what? Some people may use cannabis and other drugs because they feel themselves unhappy, empty or "want to expand their minds" or what ever. For those problems studing and following Islam gives much better natural cure. Islam is not toxic. It´s free cure to all your problems and totally safe.
Do you want a list? The list grows every day as unbiased independent research is done..The undeniable ones known for a long time include off the top of my head, Asthma, epilepsy, Glaucoma,MS, Multiple sclerosis being there is nothing else that relieves the symptoms, thats been recognized by medical science for many years now..There is increasing evidence and numerous testimonies that it reduces Tumors and inhibits the spread of cancer..A few post back i posted some links, there are many many more..I urge you to read about the endocannaboniod system which explains why Cannabis is opposite to toxic.
I agree that being close to God is the best way to find true happiness and Islam addresses much of the worlds problems, To me banning a natural medicine that supports the corporate monopolies on medicine and health is one of the worlds problems, so is condemning some one that has caused no harm or loss to another, which i find tragic as modern day Islam appears to support this..While the Quran to me at least condemns that.
Its not just me that has asked and wondered if consumption and the happiness it gives and the open mind feeling can draw us closer to God, its been consumed by spiritual and religious folk throughout recorded history..Its certainly partly responsible for opening my mind to the one God and my study of Islam..Though i have learned constant use and addiction to every thing is bad, god is our best teacher.

These points below are easy enough debunked and flaws can be found in the methods of many of such studies or at best very questionable, i recommend more research..Many stats are sqewed due to prohibition and studies carried out by the corporations that have an obvious conflict of interest, like the CDC being controlled my the pharma giants that make billions out the vaccines they approve.

format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb

But about cannabis:


Studies have shown that cannabis increases the risk of acute psychosis and may cause long-term consequences, such as schizophrenia. The risk is increased especially at a young age began their users and the risks are increased with increasing use. Cannabis use also increases the risk of depression, anxiety and mood disorders. [1] [17]

Smoking cannabis cause damage to the respiratory tract. Oral, laryngeal and pharyngeal cancer risk is increased cannabis smokers. Respiratory arrest and marijuana smoke deep Pulling increase the migration and accumulation of respiratory particles and tar. Users found in the mucous membrane infections, chronic bronchitis, cough, and emphysema. Young cannabis users have been found in regions of tumors in the mouth, which is not normally present in their age group. [3] [15] [17]

Cannabis use raises the pulse and blood pressure, which is exposed to cardiovascular disorders and stroke, especially among older users [3] [17]

Cannabis use is likely to negatively influence the fertility ability of men and women and sexual desire, especially in men [3] [17]

Cannabis learning ability and can impair the educational success of young people and adults from doing tasks that require mental performance [3]. Cannabis use could worsen the already established diseases (cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, depression, schizophrenia, substance abuse).

Risks and disadvantages of the fetus: cannabis during pregnancy, mothers burned children have been found in a lower birth weight and stunting. Use during pregnancy increases the risk of premature birth. used by burning cannabis effects on the fetus are probably similar to tobacco, among others. impair fetal nutrient intakes. Cannabis use during pregnancy may cause a child to leukemia and deterioration of cognitive abilities and school performance in later life. an increase in birth defects is not conclusive evidence, but the possibility can not be completely ruled out. Cannabis influential substance THC is excreted in human breast milk and sucked the baby.

Source (translated from): http://www.paihdelinkki.fi/fi/tietop...tieto/kannabis

02-10-2017, 09:31 PM
you make a fair point, the united states has a changing stance on cannabis..

although i suspect its as much to do with government revenue as it is with alternative therapies.

i know that the idealist has no place in a changing world..

it is part of progress.

everybody and everything plays its part.. although i do not know to what end.

you makes your choices, you takes your chances.. those things that are done by some people cannot be done by all people..

but you must understand this.

there is always a tomorrow.

ya seen.

leave it at that really.

allah swt protect us from the evil of our own selves and the evil of the shaitan and his followers.

02-10-2017, 09:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
You came here - to an Islamic forum, heard what the Muslims have to say - and because you don't like it - you post this

I see no history of Arabs using cannabis as a cure for anything.

So talk all you like - you forget that you are no doctor and therefore when you take cannabis under the pretense of "medicinal use" you are in fact - claiming to self administer a dosage to your self - BUT - you are no Doctor... so you lie to your self.

Seems to me like on the day of judgement - you will get one heck of a nasty comeuppance for your self deception.

Wallahi you are lost.

Sorry if i offend, i do believe in God and have known many Muslims that say cannabis is not haram, i have consumed cannabis in all Muslim countries i have visited without ill feeling, so i come here to respectfully discuss what i believe is an important issue..
God is the truth and the punisher? can you really say what the truth is with no proof? can you really punish another with no truth?

I dare you go find evidence of a more useful and medicinal plant and we can talk..Till then i will continue to obey God and him alone and listen to no other..And stay away from things that cover the mind and from transgressors that ban the good things he made lawful and mind my own business, keep anger and hate out my mind and speak out against injustice. ..

02-10-2017, 09:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
Sorry if i offend,
Go tell your parents you want to smoke cannabis and lets see how they react? Jannah is after all, under the feet of your parents.

If you disobey them - bro - you disobey Allah.

format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
i do believe in God and have known many Muslims that say cannabis is not haram, i have consumed cannabis in all Muslim countries i have visited without ill feeling, so i come here to respectfully discuss what i believe is an important issue..
What Muslim nations?

Afghanistan? Pakistan? Those two failed nations? Where else? Egypt? Another failed nation? Where else ???? please do tell me.

As for your Muslim friends telling you its ok to smoke it - duh - idiot - if they smoke it so of course they will say its ok.

format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
God is the truth and the punisher? can you really say what the truth is with no proof? can you really punish another with no truth?
Is this what drugs are doing to your brain? making it push putty? You don't even know what you are talking about now.

format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
I dare you go find evidence of a more useful and medicinal plant and we can talk..Till then i will continue to obey God and him alone and listen to no other..And stay away from things that cover the mind and from transgressors that ban the good things he made lawful and mind my own business, keep anger and hate out my mind and speak out against injustice. ..
Oh you done it now.

Cannabis cures nothing.

Find me a cannabis which cures any disease - you cannot.

Go on.

I bring to my table - nigella sativa, (the black seed from hadeeth) the oil of which is beneficial and so are the seeds - studies have shown that of the 200 or so compound elements present within Nigella Sativa - only around 48 are known to the scientific and medical establishments and all are beneficial to humans, in many diverse ways - as cures, not treatments - CURES to diseases.

The other 150 odd compound elements they found present within Nigella Sativa remain unnamed but all tested positively on human beings and further studies are underway in many medical universities where research like this goes on.

Let's contrast to Cannabis... which form are you talking of? Indica? Sativa? Ruderalis? Hybrid GMO?

None of these are actually medicinal. They do not CURE any illness - they provide pain relief, and the proper method for pain relief via cannabis is through ingestion. Not smoking it.

And even then, the results are hit n miss.

Ever seen a pain sufferer on cannabis? They are stoned and cannot actually function normally - such as drive a car. As that would be illegal.

Cannabis provides no cure to any disease.

I know all about cannabis. Astagfirullah - I grew it for many years and grew the best this country has seen, even got noticed by Arjan and Franco from GHsCO in Amsterdam back in my hey day for it, mety Jorge Cervantes, the man who made skunk a think in the 70's - heck I attended cannabis cups in spain and in the dam - and to top it all off - I used to write for weed world and used to be a moderator for ICMAG forum.

Once again - cannabis cures NOTHING.


EDIT: Rick Simpson lied about RSO.

sister herb
02-10-2017, 09:59 PM
Sorry beleiver, I think I have misunderstood you. I thought you came here to learn more about Islam but seems that your only purpose is promote drugs.

From the Quran you only try to find excuses why using drugs like cannabis would to be ok but you refuse to listen when we show you evidences that it is haram (forbidden) in Islam.

On that basis, I believe that the continuation of this kind of conversation is no longer necessary.

02-10-2017, 10:18 PM
deleted :)

you know how i get sometimes.

maybe should post that pic again.

ok maybe just a small edit..

you talk about punishment..and the truth..

i talk about respite.

if you dont mind being punishment in other peoples lives then go right ahead.

i cant live that way anymore.. i have a long memory..

if you turn up lead lined..

i guess i have no choice but to follow.

you know how kryptonite be like.

loosely paraphrased..

and the jews say heaven is only for them.

say to them, if you believe then long for death.

but they will not because they know what there own hands have sent forth.

maybe totally out of context..

but its better than citing moses AS asking them to kill themselves and then then being ressurected.

maybe i shouldnt follow? but there's that damn paradox again.

02-10-2017, 10:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
Sorry beleiver, I think I have misunderstood you. I thought you came here to learn more about Islam but seems that your only purpose is promote drugs.

From the Quran you only try to find excuses why using drugs like cannabis would to be ok but you refuse to listen when we show you evidences that it is haram (forbidden) in Islam.

On that basis, I believe that the continuation of this kind of conversation is no longer necessary.
Why? i am genuinely very confused, i am not a Muslim and fairy recently read the Quran and found like i have been told by practicing Muslims that cannabis is an unresolved issue by Muslims that dont even take any drugs..
I dont mean to promote 'Drugs' but define the difference between toxic drugs that cover the mind and those that dont and are non toxic, while agreeing that keeping the mind and body pure is best way, so is being closer to God, I just find punishing someone that does no harm to anyone else is unjust and goes against the teachings of Islam as i understand them especially when they do no proven harm to even them selves...This is the root of my confusion.
My understanding of Islam is there is no central authority to make such decisions?

Sorry but the evidences i have seen on this thread do not convince me there are grounds, they are not entirely based in truth..For example, did you read about the endocannabanoid system? How is it not a fair enough argument that Cannabis is not Toxic?
How is a natural medicine bad?

I did genuinely come here to learn, and i am confused about a number of subjects, if what i am saying here is upsetting, so too may other questions i have, then may be i should waste no more time here?

02-11-2017, 01:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
Why? i am genuinely very confused, i am not a Muslim and fairy recently read the Quran and found like i have been told by practicing Muslims that cannabis is an unresolved issue by Muslims that dont even take any drugs..
Yet you come to a proper Muslim forum with students of Islamic knowledge on it and they tell you it is haraam and you choose to ignore that advice?

format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
I dont mean to promote 'Drugs' but define the difference between toxic drugs that cover the mind and those that dont and are non toxic, while agreeing that keeping the mind and body pure is best way, so is being closer to God, I just find punishing someone that does no harm to anyone else is unjust and goes against the teachings of Islam as i understand them especially when they do no proven harm to even them selves...This is the root of my confusion.
My understanding of Islam is there is no central authority to make such decisions?
Wrong. The matter is clear - it is haraam.

If you lit a joint and placed a test tube upside down over it, and collected the smoke - it will turn to tar. Same happens with a cigarette. Tar kills. It is toxic in the western sense.

In the Islamic sense - toxicity means that which 1) injures yourself, or those around you and 2) something which takes you out of your natural state of being.

Cannabis does both - so it's doubly haraam.

This is from the ijma - concensus of scholars.

So please do not say "there is no central authority in Islam to make such decisions?" - as I have now mentioned, there is!

format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
Sorry but the evidences i have seen on this thread do not convince me there are grounds, they are not entirely based in truth..For example, did you read about the endocannabanoid system? How is it not a fair enough argument that Cannabis is not Toxic?
How is a natural medicine bad?
Since you keep ignoring my posts - it shows how much you actually do not want to learn - yet here you are trying to teach me about cannabinoids.

I can tell you right now, cannabis cures nothing - it is not a cure - it is a treatment for pain relief. And even then, strain dependant - and even then - can do long term harm to your body due to the way it was grown (ie: hydropnic uses chemical feeds which need to be leeched from the plants in the last two weeks of their life - something growers do not do because it means thy have to grow for another two weeks which costs them more money) and that is something you have no idea about - simply because you do not know where the cannabis is sourced from.

You trying to teach about cannabinoids is funny. Honestly. Because you do not understand the science. I do. And you have gone with the dummed down version which the weed junkies talk about online... I went with the botanist definitions, from the horticultural sphere, and that's where I learnt my haraam art a few decades ago.

format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
I did genuinely come here to learn, and i am confused about a number of subjects, if what i am saying here is upsetting, so too may other questions i have, then may be i should waste no more time here?
Maybe you can answer my posts in this thread - the very same you kept dodging before you go, so I can feel satisified that you left with the proper knowledge coming from both, Islam - and from the experience of growing and consuming cannabis in many ways in my yester-life.

After that - you can get on your space ship with r2d2 and fly to the sun if you want :D


02-11-2017, 05:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
I dont understand why a perfectly natural virtually non toxic plant God gave us is not permissible, do you take anything for your pain? is all medicine and pain killer haram?

Isnt God perfect? and doesnt it say for every ailment, God gave us a natural cure?
I have a friend he is getting 95%+ marks..one of his friends said he use it...i was amazed to see that.But you know this was haux.A muslim dont need to consume cannabis..if he trust in Allah he dont need cannabis ..my father got deppression ...he consumes Dopamine....Dopamine is the medicine for deppression.....he doesnt even care of praying salah...he sleeps a lot...he eats a lot...he dont care of his own....always in a peaceful mind...he talks or invove in activities less...btw he does have a 'courage' to do anything sometimes and it makes me afraid.
.Look Allah swt knows how many haraam and halaal we took...look at your intention...soon when you took those drugs you will change,.then you may go away from truth...you will forget salah...etc..
for Allah swt knows the best for humanbeings...so there are foods betterthan cannabis in the hereafter world.I believe that.

Cannabis practically causes destuction of one self...you are telling me science? i dont care of science...if i wish i could make a discovery too from Quran and hadith...Allah swt looks at our hearts.

brother A good wife is better than your cannabis..it gives open mind and it realise us of Allah

02-11-2017, 12:04 PM
You raise some valid points i would dearly like to answer, you seem an interesting guy and seem to have some knowledge on this subject.
I have four young children , grow our own veg and keep chickens and have my time consumed by daily chores....So please be patient, also i my primary intent here is to learn prayer, i have much reading to do in the littletime i have.

Before i make a lengthy reply can someone tell me how to edit my posts, i have problems with my keyboard and writing here as the cursor keeps deleting words so making my points unclear, which i cant edit , which does indeed make me look a stoned idiot...Idiot may be but i havnt been stoned in quite a while.

02-11-2017, 12:56 PM
in sha Allah I will try to exercise patience.

You will be able to edit posts once you've made 25 posts - the forum priveleges will open up in sha Allah.


02-11-2017, 01:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by beleiver
You raise some valid points i would dearly like to answer, you seem an interesting guy and seem to have some knowledge on this subject.
I have four young children , grow our own veg and keep chickens and have my time consumed by daily chores....So please be patient, also i my primary intent here is to learn prayer, i have much reading to do in the littletime i have.

Before i make a lengthy reply can someone tell me how to edit my posts, i have problems with my keyboard and writing here as the cursor keeps deleting words so making my points unclear, which i cant edit , which does indeed make me look a stoned idiot...Idiot may be but i havnt been stoned in quite a while.

Sounds like you have it made,

im sure god wont be too displeased with you until someome turns up claiming he is.

strange days.

maybe you could be a closet muslim, far from perfect.. who would know?

how are the neighbours doing? o_0

borrowing a cup of sugar today and the plantation workers tomorrow.

God is the truth and the punisher? can you really say what the truth is with no proof? can you really punish another with no truth?

...thats a hell of a tell.

maybe there is no point pretending to be a thing.

02-12-2017, 05:12 AM
The most astonishing thing to me (a 50 year old American who identifies best as being a Deist) is that I'm more opposed to marijuana use than some posters who identify as Muslim.
I'm familiar with it....its although it's been 20+ years. Quite familiar. And other things that "expand the mind".
All religious texts and interpretations aside ...from whatever source....it's not good. I'm not going to respond to the: "It's less harmful than alcohol!" stance, either. Although that may, indeed, be true.
I have to agree that it's difficult the comprehend why Our Creator would create these things; however, anything that has the capacity to lead to a situation that one would regret or be embarrassed about needs to be backed away from.
It's like I tell my teenage son: "The Potential for something to go wrong while you (or others) are under the influence of X,Y, or Z is worthy of the wisdom of avoiding it altogether".
Isn't that Godly enough to do the right thing?

03-02-2017, 10:08 PM
I am not from a Muslim family, raised by atheists, found God the hard way..How about you, Scimitar? Did you grow and smoke weed as a Muslim from a Muslim family or did you convert after being a stoner?

format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
What Muslim nations?

Afghanistan? Pakistan? Those two failed nations? Where else? Egypt? Another failed nation? Where else ???? please do tell me.

As for your Muslim friends telling you its ok to smoke it - duh - idiot - if they smoke it so of course they will say its ok.
I really wanted to say predominantly Muslim nations but couldn't edit my posts..I have smoked with Muslims in Morocco, Egypt, India/Kashmir, Thailand (on a predominantly Muslim island)..Not all the Muslims i knew were smokers, but cant recall one problem (other than with police) where it was a problem, they ALL said it was between the person smoking it and God, some said it wasnt Haram others said it was but had no problem with me or their friends smoking it..But i am sure there are many that would..Funnily enough the guy who introduced me to Islam said it was Haram , but was an ex stoner but lived among stoners, though he was one of the purist people i ever met..

I have met and know many a traveler who visited Afghanistan and Pakistan in the 60S possibly early 70s seemed like very warm, tolerant hospitable people as one would expect from a Muslim Nation..They do sound like failed states now.. What went wrong?

So what is a true Muslim Nation in your world?

format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
Is this what drugs are doing to your brain? making it push putty? You don't even know what you are talking about now.

Oh you done it now.

Cannabis cures nothing.

Find me a cannabis which cures any disease - you cannot.

Go on.

I bring to my table - nigella sativa, (the black seed from hadeeth) the oil of which is beneficial and so are the seeds - studies have shown that of the 200 or so compound elements present within Nigella Sativa - only around 48 are known to the scientific and medical establishments and all are beneficial to humans, in many diverse ways - as cures, not treatments - CURES to diseases.

The other 150 odd compound elements they found present within Nigella Sativa remain unnamed but all tested positively on human beings and further studies are underway in many medical universities where research like this goes on.

Let's contrast to Cannabis... which form are you talking of? Indica? Sativa? Ruderalis? Hybrid GMO?

To put this into perspective for your brain to digest - none of these are actually medicinal. They do not CURE any illness - they provide pain relief, and the proper method for pain relief via cannabis is through ingestion. Not smoking it.

And even then, the results are hit n miss.

Ever seen a pain sufferer on cannabis? They are stoned and cannot actually function normally - such as drive a car. As that would be illegal.

Cannabis provides no cure to any disease so your argument is false.

I know all about cannabis. Astagfirullah - I grew it for many years and grew the best this country has seen, even got noticed by Arjan and Franco from GHsCO in Amsterdam back in my hey day for it, mety Jorge Cervantes, the man who made skunk a think in the 70's - heck I attended cannabis cups in spain and in the dam - and to top it all off - I used to write for weed world and used to be a moderator for ICMAG forum.

Once again - cannabis cures NOTHING.


EDIT: Rick Simpson lied about RSO.
Nigella sativa, Is that other wise known as Cummin? If so I am well aware of it, i have been using herbal medicine and cooking with herbs for health benefits for a long long time..We are blessed to have Irelands top herbalist down the road, a trained practicing doctor that didnt like the practices and effects of modern medicine and went to India to study Ayurvedic Medicine, when asked he told me Cannabis(i assume Indica) is the most mentioned plant in the ancient texts..Our children have never met their doctors..thank God.
I never did state that Cannabis cures anything, but to make out it has no medicinal, health or therapeutic benefit other than a pain killer is just plain wrong, and i am sure you know it?
Only really in the last decade have impartial scientific studies been allowed to be conducted, the results are stunning..
Have you taken note of the recent studies?
Have you read about the endo-cannabanoid system, how it works? How so is Cannabis toxic, seems the opposite to a toxin, no?
Since you have quit weed have you kept up on the scientific discoveries?
I have seen people with serious illness live relatively normal happy lives and they smoke it which doesnt give the medicinal effect, there are more and more cases every day as the benefits become known, i actually know people that tried Rick Simpsons oil , though they were not cured they far out lived what the doctors said they would..I am reading about cases like this for all kinds of illness every day..
You say they are relieved from the pain but cant function, thats incorrect from my observations and most reports i have read..
You mention driving when stoned, there is zero evidence it impairs driving abilities, nor coordination, balance and basic judgement of speed distance and such..
I drive or have driven when i was a stoner well over average kind of mileage, high speed motorcycles, large trucks, cars..on road off road in lots of places where many people dare not drive, and if was to drive round say Cairo or any major city or crazy mountain pass again i would have a smoke again first..Also have a few circus skills, been experimenting stoned and not stoned, pretty much the same , learning new tricks can actually help when stoned..Passed all my driving tests first time stoned too..
Have been stoned for months perhaps years then suddenly go without and my driving isnt impaired..One morning without my caffeine hit and i am dangerous on the roads all my judgement of speed, distance, concentration and coordination is faulty, that is a subtle and nasty addiction, and when one needs to take an energy boost to wake up after sleep and think its ok and normal , they need their heads looking at, imho..
Smoking alone without most other drugs most stoners take does not in my case make me loose my abilities to function or is detrimental to my health, nor am i addicted..
You mention tar from smoke, in my work and daily life with all the toxic particles in the air we cant see , the ones out bodies cant break down, a layer or organic tar protecting the tender tissue if our lungs might actually be good, i have read qualified experts discussing this..The oldest people to live in my family and oldest people i have known were smokers, the second oldest living human was a smoker of dope..
But of course its probably best not to avoid smoke in the lungs whether its organic or smoke from an exhaust pipe, chimney or fire..And smoking weed isnt the best way to reap it health benefits..

Then there is the spiritual side, Cannabis has a very very long history of been used in spirituality and religious ceremonies, in my experience if treated with certain respect it can bring an unbeleiver closer to god but at the same time if abused can let in those demons and block any contact with God, in a similar way meditation can imho..Its all about intent..and to be clear i am not meaning to promote recreational use of Cannabis , i sincerely believe constant use shuts down that connection to God and does close the mind over time, but as some one that uses it on occasions with respect i struggle to find anything sinful..Most my affirmations that attracted me to studying Islam and your prayer were when i was stoned, and they were moments i will never forget nor can anyone explain.

I never did state Cannabis is a cure for anything, all i want is for some one to actually discuss the points i raised...I have read Muslims debate on so called truther forums for years and always admired how they keep their cool, no matter how many lies and insults hurled at them they never resorted to name calling and slander,
I am curious why/how you went from dedicated weed head to dedicated Muslim?

I would like to discuss how the medical profession has been hijacked by big pharmaceutical industries for profit and how there is a very possible conflict of interests where if they give us drugs that make us ill they will have more profit, and how the war on drugs is in effect a war on humanity to bolster their monopolies, and how the Quran warns against such monopolies and greed, where it says God has given us a natural remedies for every ailment, where it says God wants us to be happy, where it says not to ban good things in the same context of advising against intoxicants among other issues like how is haram treated in Islam, is the general consensus that sins against the self are between God and the self, who are this hierarchy that can dictate what is good and haram? are they not acting as partners to Allaha, must Muslims listen to scholars above what God says by listening to our hearts and open minds and seeking guidance through prayer?
Then there is the whole Canabosem story and the repeated mention of the oil in the scriptures, and the tree of life theory?
There are a load of lets say un orthodox subjects i would like to discuss here.

03-03-2017, 01:36 AM
Bro, this convo is so old and you've already claimed you don't smoke weed anymore - if you truly want to argue for the sake of arguing then cool, let's do it - but know this, you've no chance of winning.

Make yourself a tea and sit down.

Good lad.


03-03-2017, 02:28 AM
Note: There has been some offensive language on this thread, which has been edited out by a moderator. This reminder will stand, as it is a useful one.

The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) said:
The inmates of Hell are of five types….” And among them he mentioned “…the miser, the liar and those who are in the habit of abusing people and using obscene and foul language.” (Muslim)

Anas bin Malik said:
“The Prophet (Sal Allaahu Alaiyhi wa Sallam) was not one who would abuse (others) or say obscene words, or curse (others)…” (Bukhaari)

03-11-2017, 05:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by kwyjibo
This does deserve further discussion. Do psychedelics really intoxicate? What exactly does intoxicate mean? I've been seriously considering taking psychedelics based on stumbling upon research that shows they can cure anxiety disorders and people report that SSRI drugs were very harmful, and when they resorted to psilocybin (shrooms), they were able to get over their irrational anxiety and even get over depression. The reason that the medical industry is against them is that toy can't patent them and they work better than the crappy, side effect heavy anti depressant and abs anxiety drugs that make then billions of dollars and lead the users to be dependent, whereas just a single use of a psychedelic can have lasting positive result. Google psilocybin or psychedlics and anxiety, ocd, depression ect. You'll find all the studies show in a clinical setting, they heal a host of mental health concerns. They are not perfect, and can harm those predisposed to schizophrenia, but otherwise appear safe. Whether they are truly haram is what I'm not sure about myself, and researching but not finding a clear answer.
UPDATE. Since this thread creation, I took shrooms in large doses 4 times (progressively increasing the dosage to a 7+ gram trip). I am done with them. Did I find some benefit, perhaps, but the harm and risk of harm appears greater than the benefit. When you take a large enough dose, you do lose touch with reality as you know it, and you can end up making decisions that you would otherwise not make.

I recommend practicing more mindfulness, which has to do with allowing yourself to experience what you experience, without allowing your thoughts to define you. Read up on this subject, there are tons of books. You can cope and be more at peace when you get a better handle on mindfulness.

You can get some insights into life with psychedelics, but they could be shaytan's insights to mislead and confuse you. There have been people who consider their psychedelic experiences mind opening, but understand you can get there naturally. There are no shortcuts to wisdom, so just stay clean, be patient, and practice mindfulness.

03-11-2017, 06:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
I see it very alarming how some people try to find excuses how they could justify their interest to use drugs. Usual ways is claiming that drugs aren´t very toxican or harmless "because of the newest scientific researches". Then they naturally read only those researches which support their believes about those drugs. If nothing else helps them, they claim that this and that drug hasn´t mentioned in the Quran (and deny the truth that some drugs have been invented or named centuries later). I am wondering when someone claims that for example cocaine or LSD must to be halal because it´s not mentioned by name in the Quran or in the hadiths.

Many scientific researches still show that cannabis is toxicant and very harmful to the human body. Since it can not scientifically prove that it would not be a toxic substance, we shouldn´t take a risk to poison our body or - what´s more serious - make a sin when using it, why we should take this risk? I see it´s similar matter when we think is some food halal or haram to eat. The common advice is then: don´t eat it if you aren´t 100% sure it is halal. Why with those stimulants we should to be less careful?
I think you might have been referring to me, as I brought up scientific research. You are right, and in my latest post here, I also explained my experience with psychedelics, thinking that it's not an intoxicant because so many claim it "clears the mind" and "expands the mind." I want to say that it might give you that sense, and you can get, in fact, positive insights. But ultimately, you don't need them for these insights, and you can also be confused and taken off track by them. Not only that, when you are under the influence of psychedelics, you can't sincerely make salaat. You'll see all kinds of images morphing during salaat, which are highly distracting. So, I can't recommend them, and yet again, learned that the common advice is of erring on the side of caution is better. I really appreciate your insight.

With respect to all this talk about cannabis, after my trip to Amsterdam, staying at a hostel, spending a day with hardcore stoners, it's obvious why this stuff is haram (even though I didn't part-take). You lose motivation to do anything but sit around, and get high. We were not built to need intoxicants, and its really very simple. The quran tells us that there is some benefit but greater harm. We just need to accept this rather than test this concept out. I regret my psychedelic use somewhat, but thankfully, I didn't get stuck in the trap of thinking it's my path to enlightenment and peace. It's not. Practicing mindfulness and pushing yourself outside your comfort zone to improve yourself and to do good is what we should be doing.

08-09-2017, 05:23 AM
I made a video on my experience, and explain why it was a mistake to take shrooms, and I will never take them again.

08-14-2017, 12:38 AM
From both a religious and scientific perspective, you should avoid things that may mess with your brain. From a scientific perspective, there is still debate and controversy over how bad marijuana and psychedelics actually are. From personal experience, I have actually seen quite a few people have "bad trips" using these drugs and requiring hospitalization for many days as a result. (Do not ask me to elaborate because I cannot on a public forum). People who use drugs continuously to trigger their "rewards system" end up developing a dependence on these drugs and feel chronically depressed and amotivated when not using. The other big problem with the marijuana available nowadays is that it often contains a much higher level of THC than what was available during the "Flower Power" days, and people are now smoking record-high levels of it as the prices have dropped drastically (it's no longer a little joint here and there... it's several grams daily). A lot of the research on marijuana was also carried out at the time when the amount of THC was considerably lower, so these studies likely underestimated the potential deleterious effects of this substance. It seems that smoking marijuana is particularly bad for teenagers because the brain is still developing until the mid-20's. After the mid-20's, there is considerably less risk for the bad effects of marijuana on the brain. If you have a predisposition to psychotic disorders (being paranoid, for instance) or if you are at a higher baseline risk (example: have family members with schizophrenia), then you should avoid these drugs at all cost.

Here is a good article to read on marijuana: https://www.livescience.com/46114-ma...h-effects.html

So as you can see, there are many good reasons to steer clear of this junk.

08-14-2017, 04:10 AM
My friend salam,
You have no any phisical problems or it is not your medicine and it is a drug not an allowed thing even from country laws. So ,according to islamic law do not use it.
If you are using it as a medicine you should try to find a subtitute. But if it is an essential medicine only,and if you cannot find a substitute for your medicine then you can use it.

So,now you are young and healthy no issues with health and no need of using it. According to hadees using
Using drugs not allowed,
Second dont waste anything(even a drop of water),
You should try to take the advantage from your healthy youth ages(Allah will ask you after resurrection about this)

And everyone knows that ,and islamic ruling is do not use .
So stop the habit and start to chew gums or lollipops to change your direction.

10-29-2017, 04:35 PM
salaam brother I understand your thoughts on psychedelics as being helpful to spirituality or should not be haram. Before I reverted I was a major drug addict and my addiction started with psychedelics and ended in being addicted to heroin and meth. Not saying this will happen to you but from my view about psychedelics is they are a short cut. You can experience similar feelings through long mediation or being very devote to Allah. It may seem like you have been enlightened or had a great spiritual thought but it dose not last god guards his secrets and you are trying to know things you are not meant to know at the time. Pray meditate and thank god for all he has gave you. You are just like me you want to know but it will come in time no short cuts.

10-29-2017, 09:03 PM
I may have quoted the wrong person in a previous post..

The idea still stands though.

At the heart of it i know people who go through life doing all sorts of things that are haram.

..but behind them there is still an order to do such a thing..

In my opinion it is the very definition of spreading mischief through the land..

Although its only my own sin that enables them.

Its very much a case of not what you do that counts but who you do it for.

..if my brother wishes ill for me then he only has to write it once for it to happen a second time.

I have no idea where god fits into anything..

It sounds very much like a described heaven.

..i have known weed smokers that have read death and ushered in curses.. they still endure like any truth.

Who they work for only gets stronger.

It sounds far fetched like the ramblings of a mad man..

But i cant do what they do.

And Iv seen everything but god.

..allah swt is the protector and the planner but honestly there is nobody to write it for me.

04-30-2018, 12:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by kwyjibo
I made a video on my experience, and explain why it was a mistake to take shrooms, and I will never take them again.
Wrong link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfQPhncJnUU

Psychedelics, OCD, depression halal/haram? A muslim's perspective - YouTube
If you're considering psychedelics, like LSD or magic mushrooms ("shrooms") or have used them and you're thinking of depending on them, using them more frequ......

05-23-2020, 03:47 PM
Selamün Aleyküm my muslim brothers and sisters.

I'm a 37 years old Swiss Muslim and have followed this thread with large interest. As I decided myself to try psychedelics, namely DMT or Ayahuasca, but haven't done it yet. :)

In course of my preparations, I've encountered following points I want to highlight:

1. In 2014 Grand Ayatollah Rohani issued a fatwa, which labels psychedelics used in the right setting, intention and under expert supervision as Halal:


After researching this further, I came across this article, which shows hint that psychedelics have deep roots in Islamic Culture, at least in Iran.


As you all know, there are no coincidences!

2. Sufi founder, Rumi Mevlana is well known to have used psychedelics, namely arundo dorax (DMT) with together with Syrian rue (as MAOI):


To conclude, Psychedelics have been used since centuries in all regions of the world. DMT is a endogen neurotransmitter, which our brain and that of all living beings produce by it self. Total darkness is enough for our brain to release DMT, which again is linked to experiencing the oneness of Allah. Or why do you think had all the prophets their mystical experiences in a cave? Because of the total darkness and through this the DMT production in our own brains.

DMT and Psychedelics and what it does to personal enlightenment and understanding the wonderful creation of Allah (swt) is one a humankind's best kept secrets :)

May Allah (swt) bless all true seekers

06-12-2020, 01:25 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

I'd like to add the following points:

1. When researching the Islamic ruling on an issue, it's important to turn to the right sources, such as reputable scholars who will base their verdicts upon the Qur'an and Sunnah. Rulings of Islam are not based upon our personal experiences and inclinations. Below are some links to fatwas on the issue:


2. We do not indulge in acts of worship or piety just to feel good. Our main concern is to get closer to Allah سبحانه وتعالى and that He is pleased with us. Finding sweetness or internal peace comes as a natural consequence but it is not the ultimate goal. With taking drugs, it's the opposite: the goal is to simply experience euphoria with no intention of getting closer to Allah - so how can this be 'personal enlightenment'? Allah سبحانه وتعالى has taught us how to draw near to Him and has given us the best example in His Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم. That is what we should be following, not our own ideas. We have to always correct our intentions as well as seek to attain the goal in the proper manner.

3. With regards to the claim that Cannabis is 'virtually non-toxic', we should be aware that in the experience of psychiatrists, who are doctors that see a lot of people struggling with drug addiction amongst other problems, drugs are well known to have side-effects and complications. Effects of Cannabis use include tachycardia, hypotension, vasodilatation, increased appetite, dry mouth and reduced intraocular pressure. Complications of Cannabis may involve (1) acute toxicity: anxiety, panic attacks, persecutory delusions, visual hallucinations and impairment of short term memory and attention; (2) Chronic toxicity: impaired short-term memory and attention, dependence syndrome, exacerbation of chronic respiratory disease and induction or exacerbation of psychosis.

So even if a person does not see the harms of such drugs based upon their initial experience, it does not mean problems will not occur later. We should not make a conclusion from limited personal experience.

format_quote Originally Posted by MuslimSeeker
1. In 2014 Grand Ayatollah Rohani issued a fatwa, which labels psychedelics used in the right setting, intention and under expert supervision as Halal
Sufi founder, Rumi Mevlana is well known to have used psychedelics, namely arundo dorax (DMT) with together with Syrian rue (as MAOI):
Ayatollah Rohani is a Shi'i, and it is known that among the Shi‘ah are those who hold beliefs and principles which are contrary to those of the people of Islam. Therefore, it is ill-advised to be using their fatawa in your research.

Also, among the Sufis are those who adopt religious innovations and acts that are misguided. For example, they introduced some practices like worshipping Allah سبحانه وتعالى through dancing, jumping, whirling and swaying while reciting Dhikr, all of which are considered deniable religious innovations. See this link for more details: https://www.islamweb.net/en/fatawa/4...ravagant-sufis
[Note the statement of Imam Abu Bakr At-Tartooshi about dancing and ecstasy being the way of the worshippers of the calf]

The criterion for whether something is right or wrong goes back to the Qur'an and Sunnah. We should be referring to those scholars who are upon the guidance of these two sources of Islam. We cannot simply use any fatwa we come across regardless of who it is from just because it is in line with what we want. Likewise, before we follow the practice of anyone we should look to see whether it is in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم.

To conclude, Psychedelics have been used since centuries in all regions of the world. DMT is a endogen neurotransmitter, which our brain and that of all living beings produce by it self.
According to UK-rehab, the integrity and accuracy of tests suggesting this have been questioned and there is currently no scientific consensus regarding how widely DMT is found in the natural world.

Total darkness is enough for our brain to release DMT, which again is linked to experiencing the oneness of Allah. Or why do you think had all the prophets their mystical experiences in a cave? Because of the total darkness and through this the DMT production in our own brains.
We need to be extremely careful about making statements about the Prophets عليهم السلام, suggesting that their miraculous experiences and the Revelation that came to them was due to, or enhanced by, chemicals in the brain - we seek refuge in Allah سبحانه وتعالى from such thoughts. The Revelation was not some kind of hallucination or drug-induced state; it was an address by an Angel bearing the Words of Allah سبحانه وتعالى to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, whom Allah سبحانه وتعالى selected to bear His message and communicate it to humanity. The timing and circumstances of extraordinary events were varied and numerous, not always in a cave. For example, the Angel Jibreel عليه السلام came to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in the form of a man whilst he was sitting with his Companions. Another time the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was shown Paradise and Hellfire whilst he was praying the eclipse prayer. Angel Jibreel عليه السلام also came to him with his head covered with dust after the battle of al-Khandaq... and so on.

It's also worth pointing out that the effects of drugs like DMT is not consistent with what the Prophets عليهم السلام experienced. DMT can cause altered states of consciousness during which users may be totally unaware of their surroundings, and can cause euphoria. In contrast, after the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم received Revelation, he would be aware of everything that the Angel had told him, and he was the one who would tell his Companions what had been Revealed to him. He also suffered great hardship when the Revelation came to him. 'Aa'ishah (may Allah be pleased with her and with her father) told us that, 'The Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم would receive revelation on an intensely cold day, and by the time it departed from him, his forehead would be dripping with sweat.' More can be said, but I hope what has been mentioned is sufficient to remove any doubt on this issue.

I wasn't able to view the other link you posted about psychedelics in Islamic culture. However, these points you have mentioned from your research are very weak and in fact far-fetched in justifying the use of psychedelics. I hope anyone contemplating the use of drugs will seriously re-consider their position and keep themselves safe from this danger. To think it will somehow help you get closer to Allah سبحانه وتعالى is nothing but a delusion. Islam has taught us how we can get nearer to Allah سبحانه وتعالى and that is more than sufficient for us. May Allah سبحانه وتعالى Guide and Protect us, Ameen.

06-15-2020, 07:19 AM
It reaches a point where it is so frustrating to hear weed smokers defend weed to the bottom of their hearts and it truly does not matter what evidence you provide them with, they will simply give you something back every single time. Anything. I know people who long term have been affected badly through marijuana use ( their own admission ) and I tried it one time *yes I am aware I shouldn't have *, please note I am not a smoker. I tried it on one occasion out of curiosity and I had a trip. I was with a friend in a car and it suddenly felt like everything was swaying, reality was distorted and kind of dream like. Logically my brain knew that in fact it was impossible for us to be swaying ( almost like I was on a rollercoaster) and my limbs felt floppy. When we got out of the car i needed help actually walking straight. To be frank, I actually freaked out and wanted to be back to normal asap. This was from ONE SINGLE try. But like I say you could give marijuana users hundreds of real examples how it can trigger paranoia, schizophrenia and many other mental problems ( to be honest I cannot even be bothered to Google and give exact references ) but it is accessible online and I have skim read through peoples replies who have given some, and STILL they will debate with you. Please if you chose to and want to use the drug, go ahead and do so. But seriously you know it is wrong and you know it is haram. Anything that harms our bodies and mind, is haram. Let's not make the excuses ESPECIALLY on a subject that not only has so much scientific evidence of it's negative impact but also that can countless people can also directly share of either having experienced bad trips at some point or having had long term effects due to casual use of it. It is also important to add that long term and casual users of any drug ( irrelevant of soft or hard ) noticeably develop psychological problems. This is me wording it nicely I'm afraid ( I.e they become messed up ). I am sorry if I have on this occasion not read through all the posts on this thread beforehand and I would usually criticise that as an unintelligent to chip in without having done the reading, but I feel fixed and strongly about this. P.s I am not judging you, just simply saying there's no point in attempting to make ourselves feel better about things we already know we aren't meant to be doing. Either do it and know it is wrong or do it with the intention of stopping it and cutting out. The best thing you can do for yourself though is to cut it out. I promise you, will do you much more harm then good, as well as be an open gate for you to experiment down the line with other things. Yes you might not. But there's a good chance it will. It is not attractive either. Marijuana smokers always seem to be so dopey. A good start to keeping away from that kind of stuff, is to turn your focus to fitness. Get your adrenalin from working out, you will feel pumped up in a good and healthy way. Might sound boring but it is the best feeling after you exercise, your body releases endorphins. A natural, free and halal high. Drop the drugs and go to the gym.

07-28-2020, 06:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by mateenah95
I think I have made a decent argument for my case in the thread post and am putting into consideration several of answers I have received. Since you mention that you yourself are a "drug user & cannabis smoker", I'd like to hear your side too in order to contrast the other answers I have received. If you have read it my reply (3rd post) could you please shed some light on if psychedelics are haram in Islam. If so, why are they haram despite having little to no harmful side effects physically and being spiritually and mentally beneficial (this is a hypothetical scenario - just because they have helped me personally does not mean its the same for everyone and I acknowledge I have no right to say they are spiritually or mentally beneficial without concrete proof so just consider this as a hypothetical situation for the sake of discussion). If you believe they are not beneficial and in fact do cause harm, physical or mental please discuss them (the harms/dangers) with me.

Once again thankyou for your time.

---- Bro I went through all this struggle and questions before Allhumdollilah I refused to do DMT, DMT Spirit Molecule. Damnn bro u sold ur soul (conscious) to the devil, the good u see is a show, that's why u have a good and a bad trip, illumination all aroubd u, eyes watching u! it's Dajjal himself 3rd eye, awakening, objects !!!
U done phsycodelic's, u make deals, promises! but u forget most, but remember bits, it's shaitan, presence of entities, presence of supreme, bright lights, Allah is Noor and u feel the godly love and care, but that's to experience when we die not on DMT or any phsycodelic's. Sorry to say u sold ur soul ur more alert, Ur more open to things, not afraid of after or death.
Messed up bro.

05-04-2021, 12:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by BiggyBiggy
---- Bro I went through all this struggle and questions before Allhumdollilah I refused to do DMT, DMT Spirit Molecule. Damnn bro u sold ur soul (conscious) to the devil, the good u see is a show, that's why u have a good and a bad trip, illumination all aroubd u, eyes watching u! it's Dajjal himself 3rd eye, awakening, objects !!!
U done phsycodelic's, u make deals, promises! but u forget most, but remember bits, it's shaitan, presence of entities, presence of supreme, bright lights, Allah is Noor and u feel the godly love and care, but that's to experience when we die not on DMT or any phsycodelic's. Sorry to say u sold ur soul ur more alert, Ur more open to things, not afraid of after or death.
Messed up bro.
Subhan allah. And can I please ask you how you came to this conclusion ?

05-04-2021, 01:18 AM
‏وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

I may be too late, you might not even be alive subhan allah. Because for one thing we definitely know tomorrow is not promised but death is inevitable.
I too had the same problem.
What I realised is that I could of had all the advise in the world, But it did not change my thought processes until I wanted to change. But the first step is I started looking for answers and ma sha allah like your doing your self, it’s a good step. The first thing is that I started thinking about death. Would I be happy to die in any substance. No. I would rather die while I’m reciting the Quran. Or praying, or making duas. Or helping others. Or anything that follows the prophet peace be upon him and his companions. In sha allah. The thought of me dying high or on a trip.. scared me! Yes, I loved it! And I genuinely thought it was good for me and to the world, but that’s how the shaytan gets you, (oh do it, it’s no harm! It ‘actually’ brings you closer’ makes you think your doing a good thing! Which in fact.. we’re not. Which one do I love more. My creator ‏سبحانه وتعالى or the dunya (worldly) pleasures? Most definitely my creator. So I stopped. It was hard.. very! But it had to be done. Elhamdoulil lah I stopped, elhamdoulil lah allah ‏سبحانه وتعالى led me back to the straight path and I pray he ‏سبحانه وتعالى allows me to stay on this path but life can be unpredictable subhan allah.

also! Listen to loads of strong authentic not weak lectures. That helped a lot.

I really do hope I helped some how, to you or who ever is reading this and looking for answers, because I too was looking for answers and that’s what lead me here. And me reading all the excuses made me certain that it is not the way of Islam.
At the end of the day. Allah knows best! Allah knows all.
This is just my opinion and my experience.

May Allah ‏سبحانه وتعالى forgive us. Have mercy on our souls. And lead us to the straight path. Ameen!


07-23-2021, 07:07 AM
Hey, as someone who used to struggle with addictoin to both cannabis and psychedelics, I can tell you that they are both intoxicants.

LSD is an intoxicant because it messes up your decision making. It makes your emotions extremely intense, to the point that dropping a hot dog on the ground could make you cry for hours. Some people who take LSD even mistakenly think they are God. DMT is even worse. If you have a good grasp on the reality of Islam, taking DMT can totally mess up your view of reality and make you doubt Islam. DMT is really really horrific, I can't describe how scary it is, just don't do it. you will regret it horribly right after taking the first hit from the pipe.

Cannabis is an intoxicant because it simply reduces your intelligence for the duration of the high. As someone who values my intelligent brain, it was a very scary experience to be unable to troubleshoot basic computer/phone problems while high, or not even be able to do simple math. I found that cannabis makes reality "Feel funny" and left me feeling existentially disturbed for a couple of days.

08-20-2023, 02:45 AM
salam I would private message but I am a new member so it doesnt let me

Was just wondering what your opinions on this situation is now? would appreciate if you could get back to me inshallah as I know this is an old thread.

03-09-2024, 09:31 AM
Salam alaikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barkatuhu

Brother I understand your frustrations and been researching this for years.

First of all the word alcohol is Arabic in origin, but Allah instead uses Khamer, i.e intoxicant. Intoxicant is not a good translation as you said anything taken in excess can be intoxicating. In order to by pass the loss of translation let's rather look at the characteristics of khamer in arabic language 1. one that gives temporary pleasure (nashwa) and is an obstacle to reason (aqel). Based on that then psychedelics are Khamers.

Regarding you tobacco comment, this is not true, that Tobacco is Makrooh i.e not preferred in contrast to prohibited, as Tobacco is clearly Haram i.e prohibited. The only difference between Tobacco's and psychedelic prohibition is that the former is not prohibited based on khamer law but harm law, as it is not defined as khamer based on the characteristics above.

Sadly however, our scholars are not up to date with new Khamers, like benzos and what have you, so indeed we see inconsistency in rulings, which are based on stereotypes of a drug than its reality. For example many scholars allow benzos but not marijuana even though the former is way more toxic and addictive, when in reality they are both Haram.

As for the past few years research on psychedelic therapy, these studies should be taken with a pinch of salt, they are all funded by companies that have LSD or psilocybin patents but most importantly and what you have to realise to understand the difference between anecdotal evidence of healing and logical science and hence Islam (as Islam is pure logic, this is why I replied because I could see you are a good logical thinker and it's our scholars and drug companies who failed you not Islam) is that all these studies don't have long term follow up i.e did the effects last, most studied have 2 months follow up with some with 6 months. There are anecdotal evidence that the remission from depression or anxiety is for 2 weeks to few months followed by a worse relapse into depression or anxiety. The studies and western corporations only concentrate on the good outcomes and for a financial reason not truth seeking reason.

Regarding the ruling on using drugs as medicine, no scholar worth their salt would allow the use of alcohol as medicine except to prevent imminent death, so why should opiods or psychedelics have a different ruling. Again the issue here is the lack of knowledge of our scholars on these substances, there is no new fatwa here, just lack of worldly knowledge to apply the fatwa in the right place. Pain is not an emergency and companions of the prophet rejected alcohol consumption when they are getting their legs amputated so imagine back pain or depression etc, that's not am emergency. This is also backed up by statistical facts of opioid epidemic in the west, where majority of addicts being middle working class starting their addiction after getting prescriptions from doctors after minor pain symptoms like back pain etc which clearly shows the danger of prescribing such drugs for cases that are not fatal i.e prevention of fatality.

Lastly but not least, psychedelic use has been historically documented to be an occult ritual among pagan, polytheist and satanic cults. It's use in channelling evil deities like Genies and or Lucifer is also well documented among occultists.

I hope this clears the contradiction you see between Islam and science.

Happy truth seeking trip.

Jazakum Allah kharan


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