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View Full Version : Is coca cola really harraam?

10-02-2016, 06:53 AM
So i heart that coca cola and pepsi are harraam is it true?

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10-02-2016, 05:06 PM
Don't wonder about it from a religious stand point.
Think about your health.
It is grotesque sugar water filled with bad chemicals.

sister herb
10-02-2016, 05:37 PM
Is this a fun thread (as it´s halal fun section)?

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10-02-2016, 05:49 PM

Idk if it is haram.

Like, say a fruit, it naturally produces minute alcohol, but it does not intoxicate.

Isn't it that, things that do not intoxicate in large amounts is not haram? you'd die before getting drunk from Coke.

So in order words, even if there is alcohol, if it doesn't intoxicate large amounts (i.e. you die before intoxication ever happens), is it halal?

Allahu alam.

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10-02-2016, 06:08 PM
Get a dirty 2p piece or a dirty coin you use. Put it in a tub. Throw on some coca cola. The dirty coin will come out sparkling clean in a minute or two.

This is what it will do to your teeth and your insides.

sister herb
10-03-2016, 03:48 PM
^^ That´s one of those myths which people link to the coca cola. Actually natural acids of our stomach are much stronger than those what coca cola includes.

But those myths are funny and as this is the halal fun section, why not...

But yep, I prefer water instead than the soft drinks. People should to be more concern for example about the sweeteners which are used in soft drinks like coca cola, but also remember that almost all industrially prepared foods include them. It´s like deluding yourself if you blame only coca cola. Keep watch all what you eat or drink.

Huzaifah ibn Adam
10-03-2016, 03:58 PM
There is a Hadeeth which mentions that whatever intoxicates in large quantities, then even a little of it is Haraam.

10-03-2016, 04:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
There is a Hadeeth which mentions that whatever intoxicates in large quantities, then even a little of it is Haraam.
what if it is negligible?

And yeah, it might depend on your country

10-03-2016, 04:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Huzaifah ibn Adam
There is a Hadeeth which mentions that whatever intoxicates in large quantities, then even a little of it is Haraam.

What if you die before becoming drunk? What if you had to drink soo much that you'd die before getting drunk?

And Allah :swt: knows best.

10-03-2016, 05:20 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Serinity

What if you die before becoming drunk? What if you had to drink soo much that you'd die before getting drunk?

And Allah :swt: knows best.
It's not the "getting drunk" that makes alcohol haram. It's that alcohol is haram to consume in of itself whether you get drunk or not. To get drunk means you are intoxicated and have lost control of normal functions.

Huzaifah ibn Adam
10-03-2016, 05:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Serinity

What if you die before becoming drunk? What if you had to drink soo much that you'd die before getting drunk?

And Allah :swt: knows best.
Even then.

10-03-2016, 06:30 PM
I remember hearing about a similar controversy concerning Lucozade and Ribena way back....I'm not sure about Lucozade but I heard that the questionable ingredient in Ribena was taken out.

Never been sure about coca cola, to be honest I'm not very fond of soft drinks myself - actually if you invest in a juicer and juice your own fruits you'll never want a store-brought juice or drink again.

sister herb
10-03-2016, 06:34 PM
If you drink too much water you will die, too. It´s called a water intoxication.


10-05-2016, 08:37 AM
This is so funny I still remember how everyone used to avoid red-bull because the whole myth surrounding it

sister herb
10-05-2016, 04:32 PM
Ruling on drinking Coca Cola

I have been told by one of my friend that drinking coke is haram because if we see it in mirror the way its been written it becomes "LA ALLAH LA MUHAMMED" witch means no ALLAH no Muhammad, and she says who ever drinks it is not a Muslim, please kindly let me know how true it is, and is it really haram or not, thanks.

Published Date: 2007-11-25

Praise be to Allaah.

What has been said about Coca Cola, that there is written on it the words “La Allaah la Muhammad” or “La Muhammad la Makkah” and that this can be seen by looking at the writing in a mirror, is not true, so there is no shar’i ruling that follows from that.

You should keep away from over exaggerations and illusions that have no basis.

Any food or drink that is proven to be harmful is haraam, but if there is no such proof then the basic ruling is that they are halaal, and they cannot be deemed haraam on the basis of mere conjecture and speculation.

But if the company that produces it is hostile to Islam and supports its enemies, then it should be boycotted for that reason.

And Allaah knows best.

Source: https://islamqa.info/en/107654

Anyways, I think that labeling some product/food/drink haram (or halal) is so serious matter that we should ask it from scholars only (whose hopely have asked about the real ingredients of that product from the food experts).

10-06-2016, 07:08 PM
If Coca Cola is haraam, is Qibla Cola halal?

Oh noes, my brain aspoloded.

10-26-2016, 10:30 PM
Too much sugar in soft drinks

04-08-2017, 01:32 PM
Well I am hungry waiting 90 minutes for my next snack so obviously according to my intention it is permissible. C'mon that was funny..

Muslimah inshal
04-08-2017, 02:30 PM
I don't know if I'm allowed to ask this . And what about coffee ?

04-08-2017, 02:46 PM
I dislike cold drink. I don't know it is haram or not

04-08-2017, 02:48 PM
My simple principle is that I find anything labeled as haram or doubtful by scholars I abstain from using it

04-20-2017, 11:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslimah inshal
I don't know if I'm allowed to ask this . And what about coffee ?
I love coffee! I certainly hope it's not haram!

In that case, I might as well ask about caffeinated things in general. Bear in mind that many teas also contain caffeine, and are not necessarily bad for you. In fact, many teas are full of antioxidants. Thoughts?

04-20-2017, 11:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by PhoenixBird
I love coffee! I certainly hope it's not haram!

In that case, I might as well ask about caffeinated things in general. Bear in mind that many teas also contain caffeine, and are not necessarily bad for you. In fact, many teas are full of antioxidants. Thoughts?
It's absolutely not haram :D. Neither is tea.

Fun fact: Coffee was popularized by Muslims because they would use it to help them stay awake for worship. There's a city in Yemen called Mocha where the coffee bean/drink originated. Back then, nonMuslims disapproved and even banned coffee simply because it was associated with Muslims and islam. They didn't want any of our influence.

04-21-2017, 03:10 AM
Well couple years ago I read that very very small traces of alcohol in coca cola. Although there are scholars that give certain amount of alcohol which makes something haram.

Alcohol is in almost anything one could say. For example I eat dates almost daily and sometimes when the sugar in the dates has fermented it becomes also alcohol as the taste is clearly. I have thrown those away now and then. However with alcohol even Coca Cola had confirmed this and still according to scholarly few not being haram I asked myself what is so beneficial drinking it? Well all the sugar and stuff in it isn't beneficial for me anyways so I stopped drinking it. The last time I drank it was last December but that was at somebodies house and a person had died. So I did not want to make a big issue out of it. While before that the last time I drank it was somewhere in 2014 or so when I decided to not drink it anymore.

04-21-2017, 04:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person
Well couple years ago I read that very very small traces of alcohol in coca cola. Although there are scholars that give certain amount of alcohol which makes something haram.

Alcohol is in almost anything one could say. For example I eat dates almost daily and sometimes when the sugar in the dates has fermented it becomes also alcohol as the taste is clearly. I have thrown those away now and then. However with alcohol even Coca Cola had confirmed this and still according to scholarly few not being haram I asked myself what is so beneficial drinking it? Well all the sugar and stuff in it isn't beneficial for me anyways so I stopped drinking it. The last time I drank it was last December but that was at somebodies house and a person had died. So I did not want to make a big issue out of it. While before that the last time I drank it was somewhere in 2014 or so when I decided to not drink it anymore.
I know it's not good for me but like who cares even apples got alcohol in it so it can't be haram it just depends if it was alcohol made on purpose like you purposely spend 1 million years fermenting it or whatever it's called

04-21-2017, 07:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person
Well couple years ago I read that very very small traces of alcohol in coca cola. Although there are scholars that give certain amount of alcohol which makes something haram. Alcohol is in almost anything one could say. For example I eat dates almost daily and sometimes when the sugar in the dates has fermented it becomes also alcohol as the taste is clearly. I have thrown those away now and then. However with alcohol even Coca Cola had confirmed this and still according to scholarly few not being haram I asked myself what is so beneficial drinking it? Well all the sugar and stuff in it isn't beneficial for me anyways so I stopped drinking it. The last time I drank it was last December but that was at somebodies house and a person had died. So I did not want to make a big issue out of it. While before that the last time I drank it was somewhere in 2014 or so when I decided to not drink it anymore.
if cocacola contains alcohol then it must be avoided.

04-21-2017, 07:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
if cocacola contains alcohol then it must be avoided.
Brother look more deeply in this subject. Stop eating certain kind of food not only because of alcohol like I said alcohol contains in almost every food however take your distance from food and drinks like coca cola because it isn't good for your health either.

I know it is strange and all and follow also your kind of approach of something being haram or doubtful I also just leave it.

Muslimah inshal
04-21-2017, 07:22 AM
Yeah I also don't drink coca cola anymore .

04-21-2017, 08:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person
Brother look more deeply in this subject. Stop eating certain kind of food not only because of alcohol like I said alcohol contains in almost every food however take your distance from food and drinks like coca cola because it isn't good for your health either.

I know it is strange and all and follow also your kind of approach of something being haram or doubtful I also just leave it.
Your analogy isn't correct. Food is halal and alcohol is haram.

04-21-2017, 08:58 AM
I find this quite hard to answer.. like, is it really that easy? I am not saying it is halal, or haram. Because Idk.

But say, apples.. or dates.. they ferment naturally, they might contain traces of alcohol, right?

So who can really say it is haram? I mean, some fruits may ferment, and contain minute alcohol.

Allahu alam.

04-21-2017, 09:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by azc
Your analogy isn't correct. Food is halal and alcohol is haram.
You have misunderstood my comment, but i blame myself for not using the right words to say what i mean.

Coca Cola contains very small traces of alcohol and when i read back then the company itself confirmed this. However the scholarly view was that such small elements of alcohol is still permitted.

My approach was somehow different.

I asked myself, this contains VERY VERY small traces of alcohol right? Yes
So based on scholarly view is it halal? yes
However if it later on was haram but they made a mistake will i also be held accountable for it for still drinking it? probably yes
Are there alternative drinks that i can drink with 100% certainty not dying? yes
Has Coca Cola other benefits for me to drink it? no, as it contains much unnecessary elements in high contrast..(sugar, coloring, taste..etc.)

Dates for example if they are left alone for some time as i said earlier the sugar in the dates will also ferment and turn in to alcohol. During the time as an atheist i have tasted alcohol and i know how it tastes, so based on that i throw away the alcohol fermented dates. Food is food, but when it would have certain negative effect on you, you cannot see it as food to eat. This food not to eat is rather as i see in two different categories. Food DEFINITELY forbidden by Allah, unless your life depends on. (alcohol, pork, blood etc.) and there is food that YOU know as Allah has given you a brain to think and to reason to say this food although halal, better avoid it. Which food am i talking about? Processed food, fast food, food that contains coloring and other additives that would cause the body act differently.

The food that i am talking about for example, a pizza. I get a lot of gas in my belly when eating food that contains a lot of oil. Also food that for me if i eat it, i get VERY VERY thirsty..this means the a lot of salt or in other words a lot of natrium/sodium aka ..higher blood pressure from it. Besides this there are additives in food like E621. This gives the food a stronger taste, just like salt, however what this additive also does is take away your satisfactory feeling. So when you eat food that contains E621, usually when you eat after sometime you feel the "full"-feeling, however this additive takes away this "full"-feeling. Which means you might keep eating. (getting fat and stuff).

So this is what i am trying to say. In the past people were SUPER skinny. The question we must ask ourselves is WHY? Because food was food. We baked our own bread, we cooked healthy every day. We ate much less food, we ate much less meat, we ate more vegetables. The vegetables we bought from another farmer or planted ourselves. In those times people used manure to enrich the soil, used compost of dead leaves etc. to also enrich the soil. Now a days all chemical stuff is given to the plants that suck it up and end up in our food. Authorities say such small amounts do not harm you, which one could agree, however if you eat, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, etc. etc. ..those "small" amounts suddenly become A LOT. In the past crops failed or simply farmers would use "trap-plants". They would for example plant a certain plant next to a crop that would attract bugs and thus the bugs would leave the crops alone and go and eat from the "trap-plant" instead.

So brother, things are a BIT more complicated then how it seems.

04-21-2017, 11:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Simple_Person
You have misunderstood my comment, but i blame myself for not using the right words to say what i mean.

Coca Cola contains very small traces of alcohol and when i read back then the company itself confirmed this. However the scholarly view was that such small elements of alcohol is still permitted.

My approach was somehow different.

I asked myself, this contains VERY VERY small traces of alcohol right? Yes
So based on scholarly view is it halal? yes
However if it later on was haram but they made a mistake will i also be held accountable for it for still drinking it? probably yes
Are there alternative drinks that i can drink with 100% certainty not dying? yes
Has Coca Cola other benefits for me to drink it? no, as it contains much unnecessary elements in high contrast..(sugar, coloring, taste..etc.)

Dates for example if they are left alone for some time as i said earlier the sugar in the dates will also ferment and turn in to alcohol. During the time as an atheist i have tasted alcohol and i know how it tastes, so based on that i throw away the alcohol fermented dates. Food is food, but when it would have certain negative effect on you, you cannot see it as food to eat. This food not to eat is rather as i see in two different categories. Food DEFINITELY forbidden by Allah, unless your life depends on. (alcohol, pork, blood etc.) and there is food that YOU know as Allah has given you a brain to think and to reason to say this food although halal, better avoid it. Which food am i talking about? Processed food, fast food, food that contains coloring and other additives that would cause the body act differently.

The food that i am talking about for example, a pizza. I get a lot of gas in my belly when eating food that contains a lot of oil. Also food that for me if i eat it, i get VERY VERY thirsty..this means the a lot of salt or in other words a lot of natrium/sodium aka ..higher blood pressure from it. Besides this there are additives in food like E621. This gives the food a stronger taste, just like salt, however what this additive also does is take away your satisfactory feeling. So when you eat food that contains E621, usually when you eat after sometime you feel the "full"-feeling, however this additive takes away this "full"-feeling. Which means you might keep eating. (getting fat and stuff).

So this is what i am trying to say. In the past people were SUPER skinny. The question we must ask ourselves is WHY? Because food was food. We baked our own bread, we cooked healthy every day. We ate much less food, we ate much less meat, we ate more vegetables. The vegetables we bought from another farmer or planted ourselves. In those times people used manure to enrich the soil, used compost of dead leaves etc. to also enrich the soil. Now a days all chemical stuff is given to the plants that suck it up and end up in our food. Authorities say such small amounts do not harm you, which one could agree, however if you eat, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, etc. etc. ..those "small" amounts suddenly become A LOT. In the past crops failed or simply farmers would use "trap-plants". They would for example plant a certain plant next to a crop that would attract bugs and thus the bugs would leave the crops alone and go and eat from the "trap-plant" instead.

So brother, things are a BIT more complicated then how it seems.
Bro I know how nuanced this issue is.

If you go in deep and consult the scholars, will advise you to stay away from it.

Great scholars of past differed in definition of alcohol.

If the alcohol is made of dates and grapes then even small quantity is prohibited.

However, alcohol is extracted from any other plant then small quantity can be used in medicine etc provided that it doesn't intoxicate.

Of food : if any food is harmful for health, should be avoided, despite being halal.

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