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View Full Version : Questions for Muslims

01-07-2017, 05:44 AM
I know one thing.. one of the three Abrahamic faiths are true. It's either Christianity, Islam, or Judaism. I think I'll pass on Christianity, as the members don't practice their faith in respectable fashion. The majority anyways. The reason I'm looking to Islam is because of how dedicated to the faith Muslims are. You guys really outshine Christians as far as practicing your faith. I'm not sure at all about jews, but that's for a different forum.

Here are my problems with Christianity and they might apply to Islam. I hate this idea that we're chosen by God before He created the earth and every none chosen person is going to rot in hades. Why would God do this? To make pre-destined friends for Heaven? Do all Abrahamic religions work this way? I can't get sense from Christians on the topic, honestly. They're so set on denying science and looking odd well doing it. I'm not saying I worship the scientific community or something, I'm saying that I just need some sensibility in what I believe in.

How do Muslims rationalize what IS and whatnot do? I never see you guys marching in protest with things they do that apparently go against Islam. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, just asking questions.

This is pretty much all I have to ask right now. I think you guys could be right, and if you are, i'm in the right place. I still feel this need to believe in Christianity. It's from growing up in Canada around Christianity. These Christians feel like these settlers that killed millions of natives for their land could be right in the religion they brought with them. That sounds foolish to me.

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01-07-2017, 05:48 AM
I know nothing about Islam. Nothing. I know I've said some things that group all Muslims in with the bad Muslims out of anger. I'll regret that if Allah is true.

01-07-2017, 08:52 AM
Allah :swt: created the spirits of all people before He created the world and the beings in it. He brought them together in a place called the realm of spirits. Then, he brought all of them to his presence and asked them:– Alastu birabbikum= Am I not your Lord? The spirits answered:– Qalu:Bala=They said:Yes you are. They also said, “Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.” The time when the conversation above took place is called Qalu Bala.Then, Allah :swt: created the world as a place of testing and trial in order to find out to what extent the spirits were sincere and truthful in their promises. He placed each spirit into a different body and sent them to the world, the place of testing and trial, in certain intervals. Thus, man had two choices: He will either use his mind and will in a good way and continue to know Allah as his Lord or he will use his mind and will in a bad way and deny Allah, avoiding worshipping him and following the way of the devil. Us, Muslims, give Allah endless thanks that we have kept our promises that we gave our Lord in Qalu Bala. We hope (inshaallah) we will continue to keep our promises until the last breath

01-07-2017, 10:05 AM
Judaism is a nation limited religion. If you read the Jewish Tanakh you can see this. Christianity and Islam claims to be for all mankind.However in the Gospels Jesus says that He was sent for the people of Israel. But there is not such a verse in Quran. Quran speaks to all mankind.

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01-07-2017, 02:44 PM
world is a fabric of şükr

02-13-2017, 07:49 PM
Welcome to the forum :)

Well you are right in that one of the Abrahamic faiths is the true one. As to which one, we can tell you which one but personally you would have to do your research and see for yourself.

Logically and historically looking at it, Judaism came to the children of Israel/Jacob and therefore it's a religion specific to a certain group of people. By the same token, Jesus came from the Jews and affirmed that he came to confirm what was already sent to them and to bring them back onto that message. Islam on the other hand, being the latest message and thus most uptodate one and being the final message, came to all of mankind.

You have to but read the Quran and Allah says it all in there regarding Judaism, Christianity and Islam. He says in the Quran "Today, I have completed My favor upon you, and chosen Islam as your religion." also in another verse He says,"No other religion will be accepted." So those who are seeking the truth and know all three Abrahamic faiths are from the same God then they should know that the Quran is truthful if He is the author of the Quran.

In Islam, there is no such thing as original sin. Everyone carries their own burden and is accountable for their own actions. It's not that everyone is predetermined and chosen to go to heaven or hell. Rather the Book of Records in the heavens has recorded all that is and will be. We given free will to choose good or bad. So when our heart seeks the truth then He guides us to it. If we do not seek it and don't want it then we faith is sealed by our own desires.

Regarding scientific advancements. Islam commands us to seek knowledge and not be in ignorance. Much of the world has today it owes to the Muslim pioneers of early Islam who advanced many fields by leaps and bounds while inventing whole new fields or things. There is no such as blind following in Islam. Quran commands us to ponder, to think. Science is folly to human reasoning and research, which is nothing more than a drop in a bucket. So while some fields have made legitimate advancements, others are just crackpots (evolution) looking to take God out of the equation. Islam says not to be so blind in religion or secular(science,etc) but use your head.

So we rationalize it as such that all things belong to God. Nothing is outside of His realm. Quran was sent as a guide to mankind. So that is our point of reference and from there we navigate through this world. So if you say aliens exist, we'll say that God said "we created life and spread it throughout the universe". Just don't expect me to believe in green martians unless they land in my backyard.

As for marching against things that go against Islam. I guess it all depends on circumstances. For example, those of us who living in the west are more focused on about themselves and their Muslim community then the community at large, unless it impacts them in some way. But if same thing to happen in a Muslim country then you would see more marches as it would deal with the whole nation as a Muslim community. For example, if someone to open a prostitute house in my city here in the west. I wouldn't care as much because it does not affect me or my community and being the minority here, it does not impact us much. If same thing to happen in a Muslim nation then the whole town would be up in arms as it is something abhorrent, unislamic and immoral to have in the society.

I guess the difference between us and the other two faiths is the balance of things. The Jews become too extreme in their religion and the Christians became too relaxed, where as Islam is a balanced religion. We take everything its context and act according to it.

For you, I would suggest start by reading the Quran. What better way to understand a religion than reading their holy scriptures. And you're welcome to ask us questions or clarifications in your research.

02-13-2017, 09:38 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AbrahamicTruth
Here are my problems with Christianity and they might apply to Islam. I hate this idea that we're chosen by God before He created the earth and every none chosen person is going to rot in hades. Why would God do this? To make pre-destined friends for Heaven? Do all Abrahamic religions work this way? I can't get sense from Christians on the topic, honestly. They're so set on denying science and looking odd well doing it. I'm not saying I worship the scientific community or something, I'm saying that I just need some sensibility in what I believe in.
I am not Muslim but the issue of predestination is a general religious issue. The basic idea is that if God knows the future then the future must be predestined which seems to violate free will and fairness. I think quantum physics provides the answer here. According to quantum mechanics, everything exists in a probability distribution. We generally think of a probability distribution as an abstraction and of objects as reality. But the quantum view inverts this and says that the probability distribution is reality and the object is the abstraction. This can be seen most clearly in the single particle version of the double-slit experiment. Here the interference pattern of probability distributions actually determines what a particle does. This violates common sense but is real. And the point is that when we examine reality at its most basic level, our basic concepts no longer really apply. This reflects the idea that God is not understandable. And the quantum view renders the whole issue of predestination to be absurd because according to this view, nothing is predestined in terms of human understanding since we can only think of tiny objects in terms of probability distributions, but this can also be thought of as the limit of human understanding and that these probability distributions just describe the probability distribution of God's will. And whether that is predestined or not is clearly beyond human understanding, so the conclusion is simply that we should drop the issue.

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