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03-30-2017, 04:34 PM
how can you describe Allah merciful when he threatens all 'unbelievers' with everlasting punishment in Jahannam, and even Muslims fro the so called '72 misguided sects'?

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03-30-2017, 04:50 PM
The point of our existence in the Islamic perspective is to worship and submit to Allah. Anyone who does not goes to hell. I understand how this does not sit will with some people, but it's like someone gives you an office, a job, money, everything you could every possibly need to work at a great company and live a sustainable life forever and all you have to do is put the effort to be the best employee you can be. The company tells you if you go anywhere else you will surely fail because this is where the success happens. It WILL NOT happen anywhere else, even if you find some happiness in the other places. This is like Allah giving us Islam...but you reject it and say "I want to look for something else, this isn't working for me, I want to do my own thing." So now if you've rejected this company, what do they owe you? Nothing.

03-30-2017, 05:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma*
The point of our existence in the Islamic perspective is to worship and submit to Allah. Anyone who does not goes to hell. I understand how this does not sit will with some people, but it's like someone gives you an office, a job, money, everything you could every possibly need to work at a great company and live a sustainable life forever and all you have to do is put the effort to be the best employee you can be. The company tells you if you go anywhere else you will surely fail because this is where the success happens. It WILL NOT happen anywhere else, even if you find some happiness in the other places. This is like Allah giving us Islam...but you reject it and say "I want to look for something else, this isn't working for me, I want to do my own thing." So now if you've rejected this company, so what do they owe you? Nothing.

  1. Why does he need us to worship him?
  2. Say if we are not ‘worthy’ of heaven due todisbelief even though we have lived relatively sinless lives, then why notsimply cease our existence instead of an everlasting punishment?
  3. I seem to recall that (paraphrasing) ‘Allah doesnot need you, you need Allah’. So be it, but what real harm have we done to himin NOT worshipping him? Is he not better than that?
  4. Surely when he created us, did he not know thatwe will anger him in the future due to our disbelief? Then why not just end itthere?
  5. Finally, what about the hadith stating that72/73 sects would be upon misguidance and therefore will go to hell anyway,even though they spent their life following Islam? what’s the point in that? Howdo I know I’m in the right sect?


03-30-2017, 05:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
  1. Why does he need us to worship him?
  2. Say if we are not ‘worthy’ of heaven due todisbelief even though we have lived relatively sinless lives, then why notsimply cease our existence instead of an everlasting punishment?
  3. I seem to recall that (paraphrasing) ‘Allah doesnot need you, you need Allah’. So be it, but what real harm have we done to himin NOT worshipping him? Is he not better than that?
  4. Surely when he created us, did he not know thatwe will anger him in the future due to our disbelief? Then why not just end itthere?
  5. Finally, what about the hadith stating that72/73 sects would be upon misguidance and therefore will go to hell anyway,even though they spent their life following Islam? what’s the point in that? Howdo I know I’m in the right sect?

1) He requires no worship, rather you worship HIM to earn HIS pleasure, and be in HIS good grace. No one is forcing you bruh!

2) No one gets to heaven without the Mercy of Allah, having belief in HIM and HIS prophets, messengers, books, etc - are what define what camp you sit with, but even this is not a guarantee that you will enter heaven without judgement.

3) Let me turn the table to show you how your question is irrelevant:

You decide not to worship Allah, HE doesn't need you to worship HIM as I explained above - but if you have no need to worship HIM, because you do not believe - then the idea of heaven and hell are also irrelevant so why muse about them? See? Silly question you asked my brother. Because those verses you have issues with even though you don't believe - are for us believers to find solace in.

Now, if you are having issues with verses you don'y believe in, while we Muslims find great solace in them - something is wrong with you. And something is right with us.

DO you not see the beautiful irony your position lands yourself in? Or does this also go over your head?

4) So you've not read the Qur'an to know the discussion which took place in heaven between the Angels, Satan, and Allah, regarding humanity? Because you'd not ask if you've read it. The answer is in the Qur'an, I would suggest you study it.

5) Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat - basically means those who follow the example of the prophet pbuh and gather in the masajid for worship regularly.

For more info, study.


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Umm Malik
03-30-2017, 05:38 PM
I was writing this response in another thread you made but it closed
I will put my answer here I hope it will help

Who told you that you will be thrown in hell
It's your choice he gives us the signs and we can be in hell or we can chose the right path and we can be in paradise ... as you said he will throw me in hell try to be a good Muslim and soon you will say that Allah with his merciful will grant me jannah
He give us the two choice
And do know that as Muslim we have something called unseen which means that it will be hard for us to understand
Because our head can't understand everything ... because there are some things which- is more than the capacity of our imperfect head ..
-but even this- we are not believe blindly ... because in your dealing with Allah you will see how much things Allah can let you see it in your life which can led you to just wonder and say lailah illa lah
I will promise to say this after you taste the taste of doing for Allah and letting for his sake
When you see a things just like when Allah said about the prophet Ibrahim
( 75 )-- And thus did We show Abraham the realm of the heavens and the earth that he would be among the certain [in faith]
You will see that in your life inshallah but don't close your heart
As for the age of aisha radiyya lahu anha
Isn't this her choice ... is he lived with the prophet a bad life ... in our time they said about the free choice and everyone have his own freedom to chose ... is aisha don't have the right to chose her husband
Ask any girl what she love in man ... the all things which can be in the best men is in the prophet
So lovely morals kindness mercy and a prophet from Allah
Why they say about his marriage with aisha don't mention his wife khadija ... it was older than him and yet he love her so much and he didn't forget her even after she died
Why they don't speak about sawdah Wich was an old lady and he Marry her because she haven't husband
We for example in Algeria ... when we go to a small- Villages we have a friendes that they are same age as we .. but because the nature of the place where they live they look older than us in them bodies them thinking and taking responsibility of life
They know how to cook how to look after them home while we are still look like young thinking about games and so on ... they also play but they grow up before us and they get marry at 16 which looks young age in other town in Algeria
But if the girl accept and the man accept what can stop them ??- rather if he is younger or older
The other people don't have the right to throw them opinion in them life
The prophet salla lahu alyhi wa Salam teach the Muslim men how to be good husband while you taking reward
it's just one of the weak things which the heaters of Islam try to deceive the Muslim youth
I am asking you to sick Allah's help and to follow your heart your mind your spirit
Open your heart and read the Quran you will see how this life is in control with Allah and his the most wise
You will see
I am asking Allah to guide you
We all have a numbers of reminders from Allah this is one of them ... your feeling to ask here us also one of them
And we all get this and some people are taking it and follow and they win ... others choose to don't listen and to just keep on blame others to don't feel sorry about them mistakes
You have two brothers ... both of them smoke ... and you advice both of them from the bottom of your heart .. and you tell them about the hurt of smoking ... one of them listen to you and understand what you want for him- thanks your advice
The other one hear you without care and just think about your advice ad you don't want him to enjoy
And just think that i need to smoke because i need it .. it help me to be calm and so on
After a years he get cancer ... at that time he will think about your advice and how you wanted good for him even if it was against his desire and his understanding but after it's too late
May Allah guide you
Allah bring you here ... he is still love you and still giving you reminders
Don't chose to be stray

03-30-2017, 05:39 PM
@Khanali12 @Syed123

format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
4) So you've not read the Qur'an to know the discussion which took place in heaven between the Angels, Satan, and Allah, regarding humanity? Because you'd not ask if you've read it. The answer is in the Qur'an, I would suggest you study it.
This is really helpful if you want to learn more about why we were created:


If you read the part about adam it puts it all into perspective for you.

Even though you are trying to understand islam, can you tell us what you actually do believe in?? Do you believe that there is an afterlife? Do you believe that Allah exists?

03-30-2017, 05:39 PM
@Khanali12 @Syed123

format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
4) So you've not read the Qur'an to know the discussion which took place in heaven between the Angels, Satan, and Allah, regarding humanity? Because you'd not ask if you've read it. The answer is in the Qur'an, I would suggest you study it.
This is really helpful if you want to learn more about why we were created:


If you read the part about adam it puts it all into perspective for you.

Even though you are trying to understand islam, can you tell us what you actually do believe in?? Do you believe that there is an afterlife? Do you believe that Allah exists?

03-30-2017, 05:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar

1) He requires no worship, rather you worship HIM to earn HIS pleasure, and be in HIS good grace. No one is forcing you bruh!

2) No one gets to heaven without the Mercy of Allah, having belief in HIM and HIS prophets, messengers, books, etc - are what define what camp you sit with, but even this is not a guarantee that you will enter heaven without judgement.

3) Let me turn the table to show you how your question is irrelevant:

You decide not to worship Allah, HE doesn't need you to worship HIM as I explained above - but if you have no need to worship HIM, because you do not believe - then the idea of heaven and hell are also irrelevant so why muse about them? See? Silly question you asked my brother. Because those verses you have issues with even though you don't believe - are for us believers to find solace in.

Now, if you are having issues with verses you don'y believe in, while we Muslims find great solace in them - something is wrong with you. And something is right with us.

DO you not see the beautiful irony your position lands yourself in? Or does this also go over your head?

4) So you've not read the Qur'an to know the discussion which took place in heaven between the Angels, Satan, and Allah, regarding humanity? Because you'd not ask if you've read it. The answer is in the Qur'an, I would suggest you study it.

5) Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat - basically means those who follow the example of the prophet pbuh and gather in the masajid for worship regularly.

For more info, study.


1) Ok I can accept that explanation, so we earn his pleasureand his grace to get to heaven, right?
2) I don’t think you have answered my question.
3a) many people I know believe in Islam to be the ‘truereligion’ (as well the usual verbatim I’m sure you get it), but they still donot pray and fast, so I think the heaven/hell question is relevant.
3b) ‘or does this goalso go over your head’ do you take please in taking cheap shots at people?stop.
4) I’ve read the Quran for near the entirety of my life, inArabic.
5) I come from a Pakistani Barelvi family and they claim tobe ‘Ahul Sunnah Wal Jamaat’ and so do groups like the Salafists and Deobandis,so who is the real ahl sunnat wal jamaat and how do you know??
Btw I have to type in Microsoft word as this site is playingup where it is not registering my keystrokes.

03-30-2017, 05:46 PM
Syed123, if you have any more questions, I'm still here for now in sha Allah.

Sister Charisma has linked you to some study material also, I would pursue that avenue if you are truly seeking answers.

Anyway, I'm here for now in sha Allah.


EDIT: I see you already responded.

format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
1) Ok I can accept that explanation, so we earn his pleasureand his grace to get to heaven, right?

Let me explain in sha Allah.

It is only by the Mercy of Allah that anyone will get to heaven.

For example, if God gave you life for one thousand years - and you spent all one thousand years doing good deeds and praising HIM and worshipping HIM, you still would not have built up no where near the amount of thanks to sufficiently thank Allah for even one of your two eyes... and you have more than eyes which work.

We are a creation built to sin and repent. To turn towards God in our insufficient states and seek HIM as a child seeks a parent and holds onto a parents leg even though the parent is chiding the child, the child does not let go - but when we grow to adulthood - how ungrateful we become. So many of us talk back to our parents and this is not reflective of Islamic mannerisms and moral values.

Nothing we do is enough bro. Nothing.

We are reliant upon the MERCY of Allah.

format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
2) I don’t think you have answered my question.
I just did ;)

format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
3a) many people I know believe in Islam to be the ‘truereligion’ (as well the usual verbatim I’m sure you get it), but they still donot pray and fast, so I think the heaven/hell question is relevant.
They are on the path - but how far along the path they've walked is only a few steps... others are further up this well trodden path, loking with keen eyes to see who is following the deen.

Each person is on a varied stage of faith. Some augment this with worship, and others couple that worship with good deeds and conduct.

Ya know who Sir George Bernard Shaw was? He was a famous playright who died almost a hundred years ago. IN his last interview before his death, he was asked (paraphrasing here) "what are the best and worst things you've seen in all your years on this fine planet we call earth?"

he answered: "The best thing I have seen is the religion of Islam, the worst I have seen are the people who follow it".

Look, if I was to measure Atheism by the standards of modern morality, I'd say the system failed before it had even started because any society which has degraded its moral worth, has proven through history to enter degeneration - for proof of this, check out Cormac O'Briens "Fall of Empires" for it.

Islam is rapidly growing as the worlds most viral faith with female conversions outnumbering the male ones at a ratio of 4/1.

You have to wonder why, when the western media has tainted the image of Islam relentlessly now for decades - and if you are around the 25 years of age mark or under, then you was born into this lie the media conditioned you with.

format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
3b) ‘or does this goalso go over your head’ do you take please in taking cheap shots at people?stop.
So it did go over your head? Not trying to offend, I'm a blunt talker - I don't beat around any bush. Surely you can appreciate honesty in it's most pure form? no? Or are you a modern day representation of weakness and escapist ideologies?

format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
4) I’ve read the Quran for near the entirety of my life, inArabic.
Do you understand Arabic? Or do you just know how to read and write it because the letters are the same as Urdu almost?

There's a massive difference in learning to read and write a language, and learning the Language ;)

format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
5) I come from a Pakistani Barelvi family and they claim tobe ‘Ahul Sunnah Wal Jamaat’ and so do groups like the Salafists and Deobandis,so who is the real ahl sunnat wal jamaat and how do you know??
Btw I have to type in Microsoft word as this site is playingup where it is not registering my keystrokes.
I'm from India, born in the UK, and I don't identify with any sect - and there is no sect named "Ahlus sunnah wal jamaat" because it's not a sect - it's an idea which is personal to each and every Muslim providing he doesn't identify with any group, such as Brelwi, Deobandi, Salafi, Wahabi, whatever...

I'm simply a Muslim. My prophet pbuh wasn't a salafi, brelwi, deobandi, etc - so whatever these groups are doing, that's between them and Allah. Not you and me ;)


03-30-2017, 05:51 PM
thanks, i'll read it later as I have Uni work to do.

also, I am inclined to believe there is a creator (although I dosometimes go into doubt about this as well) but not so convinced about anafterlife and religion in general.


03-30-2017, 06:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
thanks, i'll read it later as I have Uni work to do.

also, I am inclined to believe there is a creator (although I dosometimes go into doubt about this as well) but not so convinced about anafterlife and religion in general.
Thanks for your response. So if you believe in a creator that means you do have some faith. You're just trying to figure out what makes sense to you. We all go through that and understand what you're going through. So if you believe in a creator, what other assumptions do you have of Him? What are your ideals?

When it comes to heaven and hell, we have to believe strongly in the fact that Allah is the MOST Just. That means He knows everything we know about ourselves and much more. We have to trust that if we do good in this world and worship Him, then we will be acknowledged for it. There is a judgement day before we enter heaven or hell, that is for the sole purpose of knowing how we have decided to use our time in this life. You can be a great person and everyone will know that you are, but if you don't believe in Allah then you'd be missing a connection with your creator and the only benefit you will get out of this life is being known as a great person to other creations, but a terrible servant to Allah because you didn't serve Him like you're supposed to. And in regards to those who do believe in Allah but don't pray, then they too are no different than kaffirs because they are knowingly disobeying Allah. Shaytan rejected bowing to Allah just once and he was destined for hellfire, imagine the punishment of someone who rejects prayers more than once??

03-30-2017, 06:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
thanks, i'll read it later as I have Uni work to do.
You're welcome

format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
also, I am inclined to believe there is a creator (although I dosometimes go into doubt about this as well) but not so convinced about anafterlife and religion in general.
When you believe in a Creator, do you believe HE is a whimsical Creator who just does things willy nilly? And if so, how can you believe in a Creator like that? One who creates with no purpose?

I studied theology, these are theological questions I am asking you so I can better understand your position.


03-30-2017, 06:48 PM
I do not believe in a whimsical creator, that's justsilly. The way I usually justify to myself that indeed, there must be a creatoris by looking at everyday objects, simply put, they didn’t magically appear –they had a designer. As for our purpose? I’m not sure, I’ve heard it countlesstimes before and as you’ve already explained, Islam’s explanation for thepurpose of life just doesn’t sit well with me.

03-30-2017, 07:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Scimitar
Syed123, if you have any more questions, I'm still here for now in sha Allah.

Sister Charisma has linked you to some study material also, I would pursue that avenue if you are truly seeking answers.

Anyway, I'm here for now in sha Allah.


EDIT: I see you already responded.


Let me explain in sha Allah.

It is only by the Mercy of Allah that anyone will get to heaven.

For example, if God gave you life for one thousand years - and you spent all one thousand years doing good deeds and praising HIM and worshipping HIM, you still would not have built up no where near the amount of thanks to sufficiently thank Allah for even one of your two eyes... and you have more than eyes which work.

We are a creation built to sin and repent. To turn towards God in our insufficient states and seek HIM as a child seeks a parent and holds onto a parents leg even though the parent is chiding the child, the child does not let go - but when we grow to adulthood - how ungrateful we become. So many of us talk back to our parents and this is not reflective of Islamic mannerisms and moral values.

Nothing we do is enough bro. Nothing.

We are reliant upon the MERCY of Allah.

I just did ;)

They are on the path - but how far along the path they've walked is only a few steps... others are further up this well trodden path, loking with keen eyes to see who is following the deen.

Each person is on a varied stage of faith. Some augment this with worship, and others couple that worship with good deeds and conduct.

Ya know who Sir George Bernard Shaw was? He was a famous playright who died almost a hundred years ago. IN his last interview before his death, he was asked (paraphrasing here) "what are the best and worst things you've seen in all your years on this fine planet we call earth?"

he answered: "The best thing I have seen is the religion of Islam, the worst I have seen are the people who follow it".

Look, if I was to measure Atheism by the standards of modern morality, I'd say the system failed before it had even started because any society which has degraded its moral worth, has proven through history to enter degeneration - for proof of this, check out Cormac O'Briens "Fall of Empires" for it.

Islam is rapidly growing as the worlds most viral faith with female conversions outnumbering the male ones at a ratio of 4/1.

You have to wonder why, when the western media has tainted the image of Islam relentlessly now for decades - and if you are around the 25 years of age mark or under, then you was born into this lie the media conditioned you with.

So it did go over your head? Not trying to offend, I'm a blunt talker - I don't beat around any bush. Surely you can appreciate honesty in it's most pure form? no? Or are you a modern day representation of weakness and escapist ideologies?

Do you understand Arabic? Or do you just know how to read and write it because the letters are the same as Urdu almost?

There's a massive difference in learning to read and write a language, and learning the Language ;)

I'm from India, born in the UK, and I don't identify with any sect - and there is no sect named "Ahlus sunnah wal jamaat" because it's not a sect - it's an idea which is personal to each and every Muslim providing he doesn't identify with any group, such as Brelwi, Deobandi, Salafi, Wahabi, whatever...

I'm simply a Muslim. My prophet pbuh wasn't a salafi, brelwi, deobandi, etc - so whatever these groups are doing, that's between them and Allah. Not you and me ;)


  1. We didn’t ask him to create us so I don’t thinkit is fair
  2. Not quite, my question was that if we weregood human beings before death, wouldn’t it be more merciful of Allah tocease/stop our existence than tormenting us in hell.
  3. So, people who don’t pray out of lazinessare kafir? That means most of the people I know are ‘no better’ than me.

b) alright, you come across assounding rude so you should make it clear that you are not - especially to new,oblivious members.
4) funnily, learning how to read theQuran in Arabic at a young age allowed me to read Urdu ������, no, I don’t understand arabic and when I wasyounger, at mosque they didn’t emphasis on understanding the text as I don’tthink the teachers themselves understood it either (Pakistani mosque)
5) most sects claim to be.

03-30-2017, 09:17 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
We didn’t ask him to create us so I don’t thinkit is fair
This is in the Quran:

إِذْ أَخَذَ رَ-بُّكَ مِن بَنِي آدَمَ مِن ظُهُورِ-هِمْ ذُرِّ-يَّتَهُمْ وَأَشْهَدَهُمْ عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِهِمْ أَلَسْتُ بِرَ-بِّكُمْ ۖ قَالُوا بَلَىٰ ۛ شَهِدْنَا ۛ أَن تَقُولُوا يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ إِنَّا كُنَّا عَنْ هَـٰذَا غَافِلِينَ

"And [mention] when your Lord took from the children of Adam - from their loins - their descendants and made them testify of themselves, [saying to them], "Am I not your Lord?" They said, "Yes, we have testified." [This] - lest you should say on the day of Resurrection, "Indeed, we were of this unaware." " [Surah A'raf, 7:172]

It's saying here that before we are created, we testify to Allah that He is our Lord. We are all Muslims when we are born. So whether you necessarily asked to be created or not, you are here. There's nothing you can do about it now.

format_quote Originally Posted by Syed123
Not quite, my question was that if we weregood human beings before death, wouldn’t it be more merciful of Allah tocease/stop our existence than tormenting us in hell.
The thing is, your good deeds are futile if you don't worship Allah. They don't really count except in the eyes of the creation. So instead of meeting your creator, you'd prefer to just vanish out of existence? I can understand how that would be better than hellfire, but then that would be a reward for you because it's what you want. It'll be based on your terms. Allah gave you life and He tells you what to do. It doesn't work the other way around. I also wouldn't think it's fair if I'm a good believer who worships Allah to become "nonexistant" to Him after I die, which would be the same place that someone who doesn't worship Him at all ends up. That would actually be unfair and sad.

Now the very essence of your questions in regards to why we are all created in the first place at all is knowledge that is with Allah solely, no one can claim that they can answer that for you. I just know that Allah exists because I have faith that there is a creator, and Islam is the religion that makes sense of it all. If Allah exists then so does hellfire and Jannah. So either it's something you accept or you don't. But you have to realize that even if you don't accept it, it doesn't make the reality go away.

And yes in regards to people who don't pray out of laziness, it's considered kufr.

03-30-2017, 09:47 PM

03-30-2017, 11:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Bobbyflay23
No allah asked you before you where born if you want to be a human being and you have a chance of going to hell fire or heaven he knew what was the outcome but you decided to be a human and he said who's your lord and you said allah and now he's going to test you on it this is the test you on it I know he allready knows if you'll fail or pass the test but if he just throws you into hell fire or heaven without the test then it wouldn't be fair so the first part of the test is submitting now allah sends signs to everyone somtimes people don't get signs but they're good people if they never got the message then scholars say they go to heaven they just have to be pious but if someone gets signs or messages or knows monuthesim and Islam then they go to hell why because they knew of Islam there lord sent them a message to show them the way and they didn't even listen they just used ignorancy maybe if they wherent ignorant then ok but if they don't even listen to the message and try to see if it's true and deny it then of course they are denying they're lord for no reason Islam even says if a believer is ignorant he will go to hell fire until all the ignorancy is gone because there is no room for ignorancy in the heart if your a Muslim so that's the reason why he will send you to hell fire if your not a Muslim even if your not a Muslim if you just believe there's 1 god and your pious then you'll go to heaven but that's only in the case where you have no clue what Islam is so if your like a Christian and don't believe jesus was god or if your a Jew so basically it's about not blindly following anything you need to logically question things even Islam because allah doesn't want you to blindly follow anything so if your a chiristian and you use logic to proove that they're lying and that jesus isn't lord (there's proof of it even in the Bible) and you try to find the path of truth then allah loves you of course if you just stick to one thing not even looking into if your following a lie or not then he will send you to hell fire so that's why allah does not like most the Christians and Jews and aethists because most of them are blind to the truth but some are of that religion but are monithestis and looking for the truth and are pious then allah won't just throw them into hell fire and also there's lots of proof of the Quran being the truth such as prophecys most religion prophecys are usually lies and never come true but in Islam almost all of them have been fulfilled the others are yet to be finished there's just a few more to be fulfilled one of the ones that a find very useful as evidence is 1400 years ago one of the prophecys was fitna will be beamed up into the skies this basically means the internet and also porn on the internet these people had no clue what it meant and they where modest people things like porn where disgusting to them I don't think they would've even been able to imagine the fact that people where having sex right out in the open if you need more just look up there's a bunch such as yoga pants even airplanes they even where the first people to say the world was round and this was before humans came out with proof that it was round and they even said its egg shaped and now when they went to space they're saying that the world isn't completely round and is egg shaped it just looks like a sphere
I'm sorry but it's really hard to understand what you're saying.

03-31-2017, 12:08 AM
Ok 1 you don't remember it but allah asked you if your up for a test and and if you fail you go to hell and if you succeed you go to heaven 2. Allah sends signs to everyone if they don't accept the signs and they blindly follow what ever they're following like aethism and they don't even bother looking at what Islam is they just deny it instantly that's why they'll go to hell because they don't care about the truth if you purse the truth allah will guide you Muslim or not if your somone who was never given a sign but was pious the scholars say you'll go to heaven but if you where given signs and you ignore them then you go to hell if your pious and say you believe there's only one god because of proof but your still a Christian (there are Christians who belive there's only one god) or if your say a Jew (there's proof in the Bible that there's 1 god but people ignore it because they don't want to believe it) so basically if your a good person and you pursed the truth to the best you can then the scholars say you'll go to heaven also there is proof that Islam is the real religion there's tons of proof just look up prophecys of the Quran it predicts things that other religions never did and over religion prophecys usually were fake I'm not calling out the other religions I just think they're corrupted and I think that Islam is perfect but Muslims themselves are corrupted basically he is merciful he sends signs every day but people don't follow it it's just is the person deserving of the mercy let's make a scenario would you give mercy to someone if they burned down your house they are on your property so you can legally call the police but you offer mercy because you don't want to screw up this guys record and send him to jail and you say okay say sorry for burning my house and I'll forgive you and they arrogantly say no f*** you instead of saying sorry I'm gonna kick your dog what would you do you offered this person sooo much mercy but this guy is refusing it so obviously you call the police and allahs mercy is 100x more then the example I just said it's just that people arnt deserving of it half the time

03-31-2017, 12:08 AM
Also I didn't mean to say allahs mercy is 100x that because his mercy is more then the example I gave but I think it's impossible to describe how merciful he is

03-31-2017, 03:56 AM
:sl: Your hands don't fall off when you commit a Sin, where do you think provisions, food and water come from? Allah would clothe a Man, give him wealth, a wife, children and love and yet this person still disbelieves in Him. Have you really thought about this question?

03-31-2017, 05:12 AM

ALLAH created human souls & before that 50000 years Pen &Book writes what He wants to,according to His knowledge&wisdom-deeds of human &jinns &creates a shaytan for .He creates Hell&heaven&then years after creates Adam PBUH ,acc.to what He destined. Acc to Scholars, He Ta'ala, even created aamaal (actions/deeds,)for some good,others bad.Then He has full power over everything, He sorted out people of hell &people of Paradise -said most of humanity is going to be in hell because He knew that people aren't going to be good or even believe in Him!But its all a test of human being goodness & responsibility to ALLAH, Who creates us& showers blessings in different forms!

It really is a free will to an extent .We all get signs ,even the kuffar -many in their lifetime chances upon chances.Upto our intellect & nafs whether we accept or not.

Devil is the main cause of test -Reading Qur'an is beneficial!That's why so much warnings against devil in Qur'an & knowledge is stressed in Islam so that people don't find things confusing, messed up!

There are cases of people who were not guided in perfect sense,enterred JAnnah kuffar died on Islam at end miraculously, brelwis died on la ilaha illa ALLAH,bidah doers in JAnnah,people who did Haram ,I know personally girl who doesn't do much,like normal Haram actions no hijab ....not much Islam but such great dreamsof JAnnah etc &much more instances of people getting guided on near end of lives etc after life of kufr.

His Mercy for His slaves,is such that the good doers, are given blessings in both worlds..... Not necessarily WORLDLY things but inside blessings,in dreams of JAnnah,miracles to good slaves not deviants though deviants miracles are led by shaytan&also punishes the enemies of His good slaves in worst ways ....so many stories in Islamic history & present times .He is Woowwww!Alhamdull'ILLAH

Also,there's a Du'a by Umar bin Khattab R that says to ALLAH to change Qadr destiny if it's hell to JAnnah!

So,ALLAH is Most Merciful& Also proves Loving.

Problem is not Him,problem is shaytan, evil within people & evil jinns&evil people of shayateen "party who turns people against Him.

I have had biggest trials,no one can imagine but seems like I am going to bang my head onto wall with trust on Him !


Looking forward to yawmal Qiyamah impatiently for justice & entrance of my enemies towards the hell that I suffered live because of them!

That's why it's said what is paraphrased as if anyone finds good in deeds ,then praise ALLAH for He gave Tawfeeq & if someone finds bad then let him blame himself!

Trials are a test if this life too but by ALLAH's Grace,good doers are given steadfastness & blessings&revenge against enemies!

Merciful ALLAH!

Knowledge is power!

03-31-2017, 05:31 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AmatulWudud

ALLAH created human souls & before that 50000 years Pen &Book writes what He wants to,according to His knowledge&wisdom-deeds of human &jinns &creates a shaytan for .He creates Hell&heaven&then years after creates Adam PBUH ,acc.to what He destined. Acc to Scholars, He Ta'ala, even created aamaal (actions/deeds,)for some good,others bad.Then He has full power over everything, He sorted out people of hell &people of Paradise -said most of humanity is going to be in hell because He knew that people aren't going to be good or even believe in Him!But its all a test of human being goodness & responsibility to ALLAH, Who creates us& showers blessings in different forms!

It really is a free will to an extent .We all get signs ,even the kuffar -many in their lifetime chances upon chances.Upto our intellect & nafs whether we accept or not.

Devil is the main cause of test -Reading Qur'an is beneficial!That's why so much warnings against devil in Qur'an & knowledge is stressed in Islam so that people don't find things confusing, messed up!

There are cases of people who were not guided in perfect sense,enterred JAnnah kuffar died on Islam at end miraculously, brelwis died on la ilaha illa ALLA,bidah doers in JAnnah,people who did Haram ,I know personally girl who doesn't do much,like normal Haram actions no hijab ....not much Islam but such great dreamsof JAnnah etc &much more instances of people getting guided on near end of lives etc after life of kufr.

His Mercy for His slaves,is such that the good doers, are given blessings in both worlds..... Not necessarily WORLDLY things but inside blessings,in dreams of JAnnah,miracles to good slaves not deviants &also punishes the enemies of His good slaves in worst ways ....so many stories in Islamic history & present times .He is Woowwww!Alhamdull'ILLAH

Also,there's a Du'a by Umar bin Khattab R that says to ALLAH to change Qadr destiny if it's hell to JAnnah!

So,ALLAH is Most Merciful& Also proves Loving.

Problem is not Him,problem is shaytan, evil within people & evil jinns&evil people of shayateen "party who turns people against Him.

I have had biggest trials,no one can imagine but seems like I am going to bang my head onto wall with trust on Him !


Looking forward to yawmal Qiyamah impatiently for justice & entrance of my enemies towards the hell that I suffered live because of them!

That's why it's said what is paraphrased as if anyone finds good in deeds ,then praise ALLAH for He gave Tawfeeq & if someone finds bad then let him blame himself!

Trials are a test if this life too but by ALLAH's Grace,good doers are given steadfastness & blessings&revenge against enemies!

Merciful ALLAH!

Knowledge is power!
Also,just because some people are fortunate to goto JAnnah due to ALLAH's Mercy that doesn't give a call to abondon Religion or to not do good deeds or stay away from evil !AFTER all,who wouldn't like to goto JAnnah-A land of peace,goodness&joys over joys!With 100 high ranks with every JAnnah another level-Above level!

Only fools will abondon good deeds &knowledge to mess their lives!

I'm actually happy for yawmal Qiyamah because I'm extremely oppressed & I'm going to witness Justice & penalty on enemies ,InshaALLAH

03-31-2017, 05:39 AM
A sign is

Whatever turns you away from ALLAH's Path is from shaytan, who wants to drive you to hell &Whatever gets you to Praise ALLAH & turn towards Him ,is from Him!

We all should bear this in mind &make our decisions based on this fact!


03-31-2017, 10:20 AM

Aslamoalaikum. Brother your knowledge on islam, theology and ability to debate with just and clarity is mashallah so great. May Allah increase you in this world and hereafter.

03-31-2017, 01:30 PM
So you made two accounts, Khanali12 and Syed123... interesting form of deception.

format_quote Originally Posted by Khanali12
We didn’t ask him to create us so I don’t thinkit is fair
this is an odd thing to say, considering that if you are not created, you can't communicate because you don't exist. How can you expect to ask anything when you don't exist?

format_quote Originally Posted by Khanali12
Not quite, my question was that if we weregood human beings before death, wouldn’t it be more merciful of Allah tocease/stop our existence than tormenting us in hell.
Human souls are created for eternity. This life is only temporary and the next, permanent. So. No. Although one may find him or herself being pulled out of hell and going to heaven after a term spent. Relying on the Mercy of Allah is the key, as I explained earlier. In all the surahs of the Qur'an we start with, In the name of Allah the Most beneficient, the Most Merciful - except for one surah. This shows me that Allahs mercy far outweighs HIS wrath, and this is also recorded in hadeeth.

So thinking the worst and not allowing yourself to think of the good is not a good way to measure your spiritual balance

format_quote Originally Posted by Khanali12
So, people who don’t pray out of lazinessare kafir? That means most of the people I know are ‘no better’ than me.
Not making salaat doesn't make one a kafir. It makes them a weak Muslim. Of course, if a Muslim misses 3 Juma'h salaat in a row, he must retake his shahadah in front of two witnesses. But this is the only exception from what I understand.

format_quote Originally Posted by Khanali12
alright, you come across assounding rude so you should make it clear that you are not - especially to new,oblivious members.
I'm harsh, not rude.

format_quote Originally Posted by Khanali12
funnily, learning how to read theQuran in Arabic at a young age allowed me to read Urdu ������, no, I don’t understand arabic and when I wasyounger, at mosque they didn’t emphasis on understanding the text as I don’tthink the teachers themselves understood it either (Pakistani mosque)
We were raised in similar masjid environments then. You said you read about my past and identifed I had apostated once. It was due to many reasons which were not making sense to my young mind back then, but one was getting hit by molvi's in masjid. lol.

Looking back, I understand now that I was experiencing the only discipline I ever had in my early life. After that the only discipline I got was in martial arts.

format_quote Originally Posted by Khanali12
most sects claim to be.
Which is whyb a smart person doesn't rely on any sect to tell them what Islam is or how it should be practiced.

For those who wish to know how to practice Islam, and have acute questions which they have no method for answering, there are the four madhabs which are schools of thought, and not sects, and all four are sound.

Besides, in the practice of Islam, the basics are always the same, the five pillars are always the same the theology is always the same etc - Islam has not suffered the same issues sectarianism has plagued other faith groups with. Our sects are all political and not theological.

Personally, I hate politics so all this sect talk is just wasteful for me. And so, identifying with any sect, also seems wasteful to me.

Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaat are those who follow the sunnah of the prophet pbuh as est as they can, and gather in the masajid for salaat.


03-31-2017, 02:27 PM
I wasn't trying to deceive anyone, I clearly stated on this thread that I had created a new account due to restrictions on this one, my accounts have now been merged with the restrictions removed.

thank you for your time anyway, if only you got straight to the point on the last thread instead of being 'harsh'...

03-31-2017, 02:31 PM
you miss 3 jummah prayers in a row and you've become a kafir? then most Muslims I know then are kafir aswell.

03-31-2017, 02:42 PM
What is the point of not "liking" the reason for being created? What is the point of of disliking it??

so what if you dislike it, it is the truth. Allah :swt: is All-Wise, All-Knowing. He :swt: does nothing in vain.

Why did He :swt: create us to worship Him :swt: ? I don't know. But know that Allah :swt: does NOT create in vain.

I don't know why Allah :swt: created me to worship Him :swt: . I just know He :swt: did, and I know He :swt: does not create in vain. And I do as He :swt: commanded.

Allahu alam.

03-31-2017, 02:45 PM
you can accept that, but I won't.

03-31-2017, 02:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Khanali12
I wasn't trying to deceive anyone, I clearly stated on this thread that I had created a new account due to restrictions on this one, my accounts have now been merged with the restrictions removed.

thank you for your time anyway, if only you got straight to the point on the last thread instead of being 'harsh'...
OK, so how about my last post to you? NO further questions? Did I answer them to your satisfaction?

And if not, then why? what is it that you do not agree with? Be detailed. You claim you've studied Islam, so show me that - show me how your study of Islam has led you to believe that Islam is not the right religion.

I would like to know your reasoning, and inference.


03-31-2017, 09:13 PM
Ok what I've never heard of missing 3 salat al jammah in a row then you become a khaffir I don't even have a car and the nearest mosk is miles away and no one ever takes me that doesn't make me a khaffir

04-02-2017, 02:59 PM
Surah An’am Verse 40-41

Say: “ Think ye to yourselves,
If there come upon you The Wrath of God,
Or the Hour(that ye dread),
Would ye then call upon
Other than God?
(reply) if ye are truthful!

“Nay,- On Him would ye
Call, and if it be
His Will, He would remove
(The distress) which occasioned
Your call upon Him
And ye would forget
(the False gods) which ye
Join with Him!

This is how merciful Allah is, mashallah. Allah gives Polytheist and unbelievers warnings Alhamdullilah. Allah tells them that they going to Jahannam if they don't believe Allah is the only one worthy of worship. At the same time he gives them Hope with the verse above. Imagine a creation that totally ignores and rejects Allah yet Allah will still save those Polytheist that Allah deems worthy of his mercy mashallah. That is how merciful Allah is, mashallah. Allahu Akbar!

Muslimah inshal
04-02-2017, 03:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by *charisma*
The point of our existence in the Islamic perspective is to worship and submit to Allah. Anyone who does not goes to hell. I understand how this does not sit will with some people, but it's like someone gives you an office, a job, money, everything you could every possibly need to work at a great company and live a sustainable life forever and all you have to do is put the effort to be the best employee you can be. The company tells you if you go anywhere else you will surely fail because this is where the success happens. It WILL NOT happen anywhere else, even if you find some happiness in the other places. This is like Allah giving us Islam...but you reject it and say "I want to look for something else, this isn't working for me, I want to do my own thing." So now if you've rejected this company, what do they owe you? Nothing.
Very well explained !!

Muslimah inshal
04-02-2017, 03:22 PM
Really easy . You need Allah . Without HIM you are in loss . That's it !
Human beings are always weak . Specially when it comes to questions . So it's better to say :
Ya muqalliba al qulub thabit qalbi 'ala diinek .

04-03-2017, 08:11 PM
yes, your answers are satisfactory.

Muslimah inshal
04-03-2017, 09:08 PM
Allah swt has asked us if we wanted to be a tree , or a bird or a mountain or a human ... so you chose to be a human . Now you can't say that you didn't even ask Allah to create you .
Allah is Just .
It's just Shaytaan the one that wants to get us out of deen and this beautiful path.

May Allah guide us all. Amiin ya rab !!

04-03-2017, 09:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Khanali12
yes, your answers are satisfactory.
These people have really tried hard and took their time for you and all you say is its satisfactory !

On that note - your intellect is most dissatisfactory.

My advice to you is to read your 5 kalimas again

04-04-2017, 02:52 AM
yes akhi

04-04-2017, 01:48 PM

"... I don't know why Allah :swt: created me to worship Him...."

This is my understanding and I will try to make it as simple as I can...

Allah made his most perfect creation. He gave us a lot of attributes. Better than the angels, we could be.. or worse than the animals (like the devil)..

Whilst the jinns and the angels could see Allah, we cannot. Only through reason can we recognise Him. So to worship Him means that we have used our 'reason' to arrive at the conclusion that there must be a Creator and you sought Him out despite the odds. . . and as we had promised we would before we were took the plunge and became humans . .


04-05-2017, 11:31 AM
But remember Allah's status. Allah is a king and Allah's status is so unimaginably high that disobeying the law makes it that the punishment becomes more severe. Similarly, if you did an act against a king of the Dunya, the punishment becomes more severe. But a king of the Dunya's status is insignificant compared to the status of Allah.


12-27-2017, 09:01 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Kiro
But remember Allah's status. Allah is a king and Allah's status is so unimaginably high that disobeying the law makes it that the punishment becomes more severe. Similarly, if you did an act against a king of the Dunya, the punishment becomes more severe. But a king of the Dunya's status is insignificant compared to the status of Allah.

So why is the aspect of mercy highlighted the most? No other king does that.

12-27-2017, 10:50 AM

If Allah is not merciful Allah need not give a sip of water to UNBELIEVERS or a breath of air , what will you do if all the water goes inside the earth (does not hold water as in many parts of the earth) or mixes with salt water which is present in the most of the earth

Glorious Quran 67:30 '' Say, "Have you considered: if your water was to become sunken [into the earth], then who could bring you flowing water?"''

sister herb
12-27-2017, 11:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by rebelutionary
So why is the aspect of mercy highlighted the most? No other king does that.
A wise king does.

12-27-2017, 12:23 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by talibilm

If Allah is not merciful Allah need not give a sip of water to UNBELIEVERS or a breath of air , what will you do if all the water goes inside the earth (does not hold water as in many parts of the earth) or mixes with salt water which is present in the most of the earth

Glorious Quran 67:30 '' Say, "Have you considered: if your water was to become sunken [into the earth], then who could bring you flowing water?"''

isn't that responsibility? tell me this how are some people recipients of greater mercy than others?

- - - Updated - - -

format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
A wise king does.
what an evasive answer!

sister herb
12-27-2017, 12:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by rebelutionary
isn't that responsibility? tell me this how are some people recipients of greater mercy than others?

- - - Updated - - -

what an evasive answer!
I don´t think it´s evasive. Anyways, you can´t compare Allah to any human and his/hers capacity to rule. Allah surely is a wise king.

12-27-2017, 01:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sister herb
I don´t think it´s evasive. Anyways, you can´t compare Allah to any human and his/hers capacity to rule. Allah surely is a wise king.

not comparing but just trying to understand as how the politicians in south asia get so much mercy while a vast majority are going to bed hungry!

sister herb
12-27-2017, 01:22 PM
They may be succesful in the worldly life but how do we know they get mercy at the Judgement Day?

12-27-2017, 01:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by rebelutionary
isn't that responsibility? tell me this how are some people recipients of greater mercy than others?

- - - Updated - - -

what an evasive answer!
Verse (2:155) And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,

This is life is only temporary, and it is a test to see how the hungry will react. i.e do you steal, and spread corruption on earth, or do you not steal, and work hard for your bread etc.. God doesn't have to give us food, our existence in itself is a privilege, not a right.
Allah (SWT) is the inevitable truth, and he says in the quran that he is just, which is enough for me alhamdulilah.

12-27-2017, 01:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahmed.younes
Verse (2:155) And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,

This is life is only temporary, and it is a test to see how the hungry will react. i.e do you steal, and spread corruption on earth, or do you not steal, and work hard for your bread etc.. God doesn't have to give us food, our existence in itself is a privilege, not a right.
Allah (SWT) is the inevitable truth, and he says in the quran that he is just, which is enough for me alhamdulilah.

versus people who have it all set, doesnt that skew the results? when you are hungry and survival instincts kick in, that's how we are made. Its like asking a toyota corolla why it doesn't deliver the performance of a Ferrari.

12-27-2017, 02:19 PM
What results dude? You're talking about GOD. GOD by definition is the PERFECT, most knowing, the creator, etc... And when you apply that to your life, it will put everything into perspective, and begin to make sense.
Yes, human beings are not perfect, and that is why we need the guidance of god (swt)

'Abd-al Latif
12-27-2017, 03:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Khanali12
how can you describe Allah merciful when he threatens all 'unbelievers' with everlasting punishment in Jahannam, and even Muslims fro the so called '72 misguided sects'?
How can any legal system in this world sentence an individual to 100 years or more in prison for committing just one single crime? How is this justice? How is this fair? That person will miss his or her family, children and the people he or she loves? How is this even remotely 'merciful'?

12-27-2017, 03:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Khanali12
how can you describe Allah merciful when he threatens all 'unbelievers' with everlasting punishment in Jahannam, and even Muslims fro the so called '72 misguided sects'?
Who else can retain justice for Hitler's incineration of millions of Jews. It's impossible to justify or recompense this crime in this world no matter what, but god can as he is capable of all things.

12-28-2017, 12:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by rebelutionary
isn't that responsibility? tell me this how are some people recipients of greater mercy than others?

Allah , the All wise knows whom to give and how much to give. for some one bad he has given more to them to fall in a trap. For some one good Allah has restricted to save them from Greater trouble. So be happy with whatever we have is the belief of devout muslims though we are obliged to try for the best. This is a wide topic which is also far from our human understandings.

Read this post #11 about a Blind devout Muslim and see the consequence of getting his Sight. So his blindness was actually a mercy of Allah for him. Allah knows the best

Why did Allah make people have disabilities?

08-10-2018, 10:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by rebelutionary
So why is the aspect of mercy highlighted the most? No other king does that.
Because when you are in the state to be able to show mercy or show forgiveness, then you are at a higher level of power.

compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.

Keep in mind, Allah is the Originator. And the kings who are wise, will show mercy and kindness.

08-11-2018, 02:37 AM
Allah :swt: is merciful because He commands humankind to administer the earth with justice in obedience and submission to Allah Who is the Most Wise and the Most Just, Allah :swt: is most merciful because He sends messengers with His Just Guidance, and to give glad tidings to the righteous and to warn the corrupt and unjust. There is a definite Wisdom of His reminding of His mercy because this is a serious issue and people tend to feel overwhelmed and give up hope unless the see a possibility of redemption.

Allah :swt: is far exalted above any king and above everything else - since He provides sustenance to His servants and is not fed - human kings and everything else are sustained by and dependent on His mercy..

eesa the kiwi
08-11-2018, 03:14 AM
Thread was made a troll and was fed by another one. jazak Allah khair to the Muslims who responded to this idiotic question

How can you question the mercy of Allah when every blessing you have comes from him despite your transgressions. This is stupidity plain and simple.
Thread closed

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