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View Full Version : Refuting arguments that Islam is misogynyist??

07-05-2017, 08:33 PM

In UK we are witnessing growing propaganda against Islam from right wing groups. One of their biggest lies is that Islam is unfair to women. In particular they focus on the Islamic concept of hijab. They argue women should not be made to cover up because Muslim men cannot control their desires. They refer to the verse which specifies'dressing modestly because some men cannot control themselves.

Here's a very recent example of an incident in the U.K.

How do we counter such arguments from the West. Of course as Muslims we know the hikmah behind it but how do we convince non Muslims of the logic behind hijab and women not beautifying themselves in public. Yes we know women Don't beautify themselves for attention and that it's a deterrent to protect them from ill intentioned males . a point even some Muslims can't grasp unfortunately.

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Hamza Asadullah
07-05-2017, 11:16 PM

Orientalists and the enemies of Islam will always attack Islam for one reason or another as they have been doing since the times of prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). This is because Islam is the only religion "uncorrupted" by the hands of man. All other religions are not what they were when they first began. The enemies of Islam have been trying right from the beginning to try and corrupt Islam and Muslims to follow other than what is in our scriptures but they will never succeed until Allah completely takes away knowledge from the Earth near the day of Judgement.

Therefore we have to be aware of their tricks and deceptions. With regards to women then there is no doubt that if we look from a historical perspective then Islam was the first to give women an honourable status when women were treated like animals in all other societies. In fact many societies including the pagan Arabs and in Europe viewed women as "lesser beings" who had no rights and we're oppressed and demeaned to the point where even animals were treated better. Daughters were buried as a "custom" which is still a practice in many societies today. But Allah has made bringing up daughters even more rewarding than bringing up sons.

Islam came to protect women, give them their due rights , many of which are more than men, and also give them a high and honourable status like that of a Mother which is far higher than the Father and made looking after the wife and her needs an obligation upon all husbands and treating her the best most rewarding.

With regards to hijaab then there is no doubt that it is a freedom for women and in order to protect her and keep her respect and for her to guard her chastity. Similarly segregation also protects men and women from even approaching zina as Islam encourages "prevention better than cure" approach to all matters. No other faith, belief or system on the face of this Earth honours and protects women like Islam. In fact the modern secular societies of today put women in more danger by encouraging them to "expose" themselves and to act in a sexually provocative manner to the point where rape and sexual abuse has become the "norm", and women are treated like "objects" merely for the pleasure of men.

Women are not "equals" in these societies at all. Just look at the pay gap for example and the fact that men are in the highest positions in society with regards to occupation and status. You think women are free in these societies? Where suicide rates amongst young girls are increasing rapidly due to societal pressures for them to conform to be like "size zero" models and to look and dress in a certain manner, to wear excessive makeup, to wear "fake" lashes, hair etc, look orange etc. Otherwise these women feel they are not conforming to how society want them to be and so many young girls and women feel excessive pressure, stress and even suicidal tendencies. Young girls being bullied by peers face to face and over the internet for being "ugly and fat" for not conforming to "societal norms".

This pressure is apparent more so in the younger generations and you see a rapid increase in young girls posting sexually provocative pictures and videos of themselves on social media and even sending images and videos of their private parts. They rely on "likes" on social media to feel confidence. They feel ugly because they see so many "perfect" looking women on social media and in the celebrity world. Most of which are Photoshoped images which eradicate "imperfections and blemishes". The modelling companies that many models have come and and exposed as treating women like "cattle" like they have no worth. An industry which encourages terrible conditions like Anorexia and bolemia not I only amongst models but those girls who aspire to be like "models". Beauty pageants which put women and girls on display like "cattle". So who is mysogenist?

This is a major degeneration of society particularly when it comes to the young female generation. This is how they also want our Muslim girls to be. They do not want our Muslim girls to cover, keep their respect and protect their chastity but they want them to be like every other non Muslim girl.

Never will the Jews nor the Christians be pleased with you (O Muhammad Peace be upon him ) till you follow their religion. Say: "Verily, the Guidance of Allah (i.e. Islamic Monotheism) that is the (only) Guidance. (Baqarah 120)

Just look at the role models that our younger generation of girls are growing up with. They look upto celebrities like actresses and singers who demean themselves by displaying all in a sexually provocative manner and encourage other girls to do the same. The Music industry for example treats women as mere objects for the pleasure of men. Just look at the way that the women are encouraged to dress and act in the videos and on the stage. Just read the lyrics of rappers and hiphop artists in the way then talk about women. They totally dehumanise women. Movies are becoming more and more explicit especially in the a way they encourage provocative behaviour of women. So who is being mysogenist?

Take a look at advertising for example. They have admitted they use demeaning images and videos of women to "sell" their products as "sex sells". They treat women and girls in the most demeaning of ways, so who is being mysogenist? These societies and the media encourages paedophilia by encouraging young prepubescent girls to wear makeup and dress in a provocative manner and take part in beauty pageants etc to be on display for paedophiles to gain pleasure. They are selling "lingerie" and makeup for prepubescent girls and encouraging them to dress provocatively by selling provocative clothing for young girls.

In fact not much is being done by internet companies as they claim to eradicate paedophilia porn as it is easy for most people to access such material. Porn is an industry worth billions and is encouraged in secular societies which is predominantly for the pleasure of men and to corrupt society to view women as objects for sexual pleasure. It is ruining our societies by making people rely on self gratification rather than real life sexual pleasure from partner. It is doing incomprehensible harm and women are the ones who are suffering most as a result. Where women and girls are encouraged to lower their sexual inhibitions to give themselves freely to men. Where teenage pregnancies are at an all time high. You even have "sexual education" for 4 year olds. They want to corrupt girls from an early age and are encouraging promiscuity and sexually provocative and inappropriate behaviour.

Just like secular societies encourage women to dress and be how they want then they should also respect the fact that we as Muslims should also be allowed to dress modestly by covering and keeping away from provocative behaviour. These are double standards. You can't allow "freedom" for some and not others. The enemies of Islam decieve the masses by portraying Muslim women as oppressed and restricted when in fact the vast majority freely choose to cover and not act and behave in a provocative manner as they encourage.

Many of the examples they use are of backward cultural practices which are nothing to do with Islam. So we must not fall for the lies and deception if the enemies of Islam and should spread the message that our deen is one whereby women are given freedom from oppression, disrespect and being viewed in a demeaning manner as sexual objects.

07-05-2017, 11:41 PM

There will always be people who hate Islam. Those who try to demonise us, etc.

I curse a society that encourages provocative behaviour. Look at animes with all the sexual themes.

And Allah :swt: knows best.

07-05-2017, 11:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by anonymous

In UK we are witnessing growing propaganda against Islam from right wing groups. One of their biggest lies is that Islam is unfair to women. In particular they focus on the Islamic concept of hijab. They argue women should not be made to cover up because Muslim men cannot control their desires. They refer to the verse which specifies'dressing modestly because some men cannot control themselves.

Here's a very recent example of an incident in the U.K.

How do we counter such arguments from the West. Of course as Muslims we know the hikmah behind it but how do we convince non Muslims of the logic behind hijab and women not beautifying themselves in public. Yes we know women Don't beautify themselves for attention and that it's a deterrent to protect them from ill intentioned males . a point even some Muslims can't grasp unfortunately.

Non of the critiques are actually with substance - the video you have posted are people from far right group in the Uk - If all the Muslim women wore mini skirts they would still criticize Islam. They dont like people that are non white as well.

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Good brother
07-06-2017, 10:12 AM
Assalam alaikum

Have a look here:https://www.islamicboard.com/clarifi...ml#post1550563

07-06-2017, 02:20 PM

There will always be people hating Islam. The moment we listen to them (which we should NOT) and compromise.. Then it will not be good.

And Allah :swt: knows best.

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