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View Full Version : Al-Ikhlas: Certainty In The Age of Doubt

'abd al-hakeem
08-27-2017, 07:07 AM
Bismillah ihr Rahman ihr Raheem;

As-salaamu aleykum wa Rahmatullahi wa baraakatuhu beloved brothers and sisters, and warm greetings to interfaith members and guests.

On behalf of Dawah Digital I humbly present to you a lecture from our beloved and respected brother Imran Hussain from the Islamic Education and Research Academy, or IERA.

Alhamdulillah, Dawah Digital was able to record and present brother Imran's recent lecture entitled "Al-Ikhlas: Certainty in the Age of Doubt" where he expounds on the final and, arguably, the most powerful, foundational and poignant chapter of the Holy Quran - Surat al-Ikhlas.

In an age where many of us, muslim and non-muslim, may be exposed to fear, insecurity, doubts and depression, brother Imran explores the certainty to be found in Islam, in the Qur'an, and in Allah (swt) in the modern age and calls us back to our beloved Creator, Allah subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the middle path that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) calls us to, and the strength and beauty of our dear dear deen al-Islam. Brother Imran provides us with some of the basic foundations of providing dawah in the modern age which also lends understand the blessing, the benefit and power of Islam and the gift that we are given in being Muslims.

I, personally, have gained benefit from this video and lovingly encourage you, regardless of your level of knowledge, regardless of your situation or faith to watch this video and see what it does for your heart and mind. Wallahi I cried tears towards the end of this video and encourage you to really dig deep and challenge yourself to discover, or rediscover, the beauty the power and the certainty that Islam provides us all.

Jazakallahu khairan
As-salaamu aleykum warahmatullah


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08-27-2017, 01:15 PM
I just listened to the beginning and I am too annoyed to hear the rest. Saleem is an idiot, he should have bought a gun and shot the dog. So now, can please summarize what this video is about so that I don't have to listen to more annoying stories.

'abd al-hakeem
08-28-2017, 06:02 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by 'abd al-hakeem
Alhamdulillah, Dawah Digital was able to record and present brother Imran's recent lecture entitled "Al-Ikhlas: Certainty in the Age of Doubt" where he expounds on the final and, arguably, the most powerful, foundational and poignant chapter of the Holy Quran - Surat al-Ikhlas
format_quote Originally Posted by 'abd al-hakeem
In an age where many of us, muslim and non-muslim, may be exposed to fear, insecurity, doubts and depression, brother Imran explores the certainty to be found in Islam, in the Qur'an, and in Allah (swt) in the modern age and calls us back to our beloved Creator, Allah subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the middle path that our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saws) calls us to, and the strength and beauty of our dear dear deen al-Islam. Brother Imran provides us with some of the basic foundations of providing dawah in the modern age which also lends understand the blessing, the benefit and power of Islam and the gift that we are given in being Muslims
I hope this has been helpful. Please let me know if you would like further clarification.

08-29-2017, 06:15 AM
My view is basically the opposite. We don't live an age of doubt, we live in an age of arrogant certainty where everyone is certain that they are right regardless of what they believe. The world could benefit from more doubt. Even if a certain scripture like the Quran is true with certainty, people's interpretation of it should be taken with a high degree of doubt. Humanity only progresses when doubt causes people to question things.

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'abd al-hakeem
08-29-2017, 10:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by fschmidt
My view is basically the opposite. We don't live an age of doubt, we live in an age of arrogant certainty where everyone is certain that they are right regardless of what they believe. The world could benefit from more doubt. Even if a certain scripture like the Quran is true with certainty, people's interpretation of it should be taken with a high degree of doubt. Humanity only progresses when doubt causes people to question things.
Are you certain that you are right? Am I right to doubt you? I doubt you have grasped the first few ayat of Surat al-Baqarah...

Allah knows best, of this I have no need to doubt or question... my opinion counts for nothing.

08-29-2017, 05:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by 'abd al-hakeem
Are you certain that you are right? Am I right to doubt you? I doubt you have grasped the first few ayat of Surat al-Baqarah...
You are right to doubt me and to ask me for evidence to support my position. I am not Muslim, so I won't use the Quran for my evidence. I will use history. Historically, when religions become strictly codified and inflexible, progress stops. Progress happens most when religion is flexible and allows for competing ideas. This can be seen in Islamic history which peaked early when things were as I described and has become stagnant as codified beliefs became accepted as certain. It can also be seen in Christian history where the reformation re-introduced flexibility and allowed Christians to progress.

Allah knows best, of this I have no need to doubt or question... my opinion counts for nothing.
Why did God give you a brain if not to form opinions? Opinions count because they affect what you do.

08-29-2017, 09:26 PM
The christmas paradox..

Would you rather have a ridged and codified minority or a widely recognised distorted version of the truth..

I almost agree with you and yet i feel to do so would be missing the point.. because of intent.

I dont agree with many people because im not an agreeable person.. the joke is that the world allows for arrogant certainty..

To not maintain it is to allow many feet in the door..

Which is ok if its not your door.

..but saying that, a lot of multiculturalism here..

Be good to your neighbours.

..thats why the jews are both codified and ridged(inflexible)..and also controlling the media.


The belief is inflexible though, honestly the world is very imposing on some..

I dont know what it takes to be certain of the atttibutes/qualities of allah swt.

..open doors usually help define the situation.. its an analogy..

If you are inviting the challenges you need something to back it up..

Although ignorance and unawareness is a double edged blade.

I cant even put a sentence together so i dont usually air my views..

No offence intended..

Rest assured that those that cant maintain that arrogant certainty face only a future of servitude.

Most people dont even know they are doing it.

..i dont think i actually thought for the first 26 years of my life..

I have no idea what i did?

...i suppose they dont even judge you until you turn up for yourself.

08-29-2017, 10:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by M.I.A.
Would you rather have a ridged and codified minority or a widely recognised distorted version of the truth..
I would rather have a ridged and codified minority which is why I am here and why I support Islam.

That is the choice today, but history shows us better options. In history, we find codified beliefs, arrogant nonsense, and sound principles. Arrogant nonsense includes modern liberal culture, the Mu'tazila of Islam, and the beliefs of most decaying cultures. Codified beliefs includes modern Islam, Orthodox Judaism, and Christianity from Saint Augustine until the Reformation. Sound principles includes early Islam, Protestantism until the late 1800s, and the religion of the Old Testament.

What distinguishes sound principles from arrogant nonsense? Sound principles start with some form of scripture and then add insights based on the real world. Arrogant nonsense starts with deductive reasoning and then places the result above scripture and above reality.

How does one return to sound principles? By replacing dogmatic beliefs with minimum standards of behavior. Require people to actually follow some minimum standards of behavior to prove their commitment to their religion, and then allow them to question dogmatic beliefs. Those choosing the arrogant path of deductive reasoning will see no reason to abide by any behavioral requirements, so they will automatically disqualify themselves.

08-29-2017, 11:24 PM
I would suppose a minimim standard of behaviour is required by any unseen aspect of reality also..

Ya seen is always insightful.

'abd al-hakeem
08-30-2017, 06:42 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by fschmidt
Why did God give you a brain if not to form opinions? Opinions count because they affect what you do.
I never said I couldn't, didn't or won't form opinions. In relation to your banter, however, my opinion counts for nothing because ultimately you will form your own opinions for your own reasons despite any input I give or withhold. Additionally, as is inherent to each and every human being that ever was, is or will be, we have freedom of choice. I chose to neutralise your banter, to the best of my efforts, to respect your choices and opinions as I lack the will and knowledge to argue semantics.

"...To you be your way, to me mine."

Allahu alem.

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