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View Full Version : Why I can’t pray and make Du’a on my own language even though I know Arabic?

Nitro Zeus
12-13-2017, 10:45 PM
I’m asking this because, I know Romanian much better than Arabic and, I understand Romanian more than Arabic, simply because Romanian it is my mother language and Arabic it is not. And for years, I’ve been worshipped God( Alone) on my own language.

I can call Allah in my own language as Dumnezeu? Because, Dumnezeu it means in Arabic language “Allah”.

And, another true story which happened to me is, when I was in danger that I might fail the test in chemistry and I have not studied well, I made Du’a in Romanian language like this: “Doamne, stiu ca sa copiez la orice test sau examen este incorect și ca ai zis ca cine copiază la examen sau test nu face parte din grupul de Musulmani, dar te rog, Fa-o pe dna de chimie sa nu-și dea seama și nici colegii sa nu-și dea seama la ceea ce fac eu, ca eu sa pot copia ca sa ma salvez, ca eu copiez ca sa ma salvez, nu ca-mi place sa copiez, și ca n-am nici-o alta soluție decât asta, ca n-am timp” which in Arabic is translated as “allah, wa'ana 'aelam 'ana alnaskh 'iilaa 'ayi aikhtibar 'aw aimtihan khati, wa'anak qult kl min rijal alshurtat lilaimtihan 'aw alaikhtibar laysat juz'aan min aljamaeat al'iislamiati, walakun min fidlik, la alkimiayiyi la yaerifun walzumala' la yudrikun ma 'aqwam bih, wa'ana ymkn 'an yansukh li'iinqadh nfsi, wa'anani nasikh li'iinqadh nafsi, wa'ana la 'ahibu 'an nuskha, wa'anah lays ladaya 'ayu shay' akhar halin min dhlk, 'ana lays ladaya 'ayu waqt” and in English it is translated as “God, I know that copying to any test or exam is wrong, and that you said whoever copies to the exam or test is not part of the Muslim group, but please, do chemistry mistress not to figure out and colleagues do not realize what I do, that I can copy to save myself, that I copy to save myself, that I do not like to copy, and that I have no other solution than that, that I have no time”. And then it happened that He cancelled the test of today and He gave me 3 days to prepare myself instead of helping me on copying, and I have took somehow the advantage on studying chemistry, and then I said: “indeed, God is the most wise” and I feel soo happy that it happened. And, that’s strange, some say that it is not permissible to make Du’a to Allah in any language other than Arabic because it is not accepted, and I have discovered and it is accepted the Du’a in any language other than Arabic, even though I forgot completely that language.

And once I used to-make Du’a like this in Romanian: “Doamne, te rog mult, reverseaza-mi si mie timpul pana la momentul când Ai creat stiloul si sa-mi îndeplinești și mie dorințele pe care ti-le-am povestit, ca turbez in lumea asta, la ce rea este și nedreapta și înfricoșătoare e, și Sa Faci încât sa gasesti motive de doresti Sa reverseze timpul și ca Vrei sa-mi îndeplinești dorințele mele, nu ca eu îmi doresc, așa cum Ai Făcut cu profetul Muhamed, și as vrea sa se mai întâmple a doua oară și tot odată ultima oară, te rog Doamne, eu n-am intenția sa-ti cer ceva rău sau necredință, eu doar îți cer permisiunea, sa văd dacă ești de acord sau nu, atât, ca îmi doresc ca noi sa începem viața de la capăt, și sa avertizezi pe toată lumea ca este ultima șansa, ca dacă nu, atunci nu mai reverseze timpul niciodată și invers, tot sa nu mai reverseze timpul pentru nimeni. Bine, doar atunci când ajungem la momentul atunci când profetul Muhamed ti-a cerut Sa reversezi timpul pentru Ali ca nu s-a închinat, și sa Faci sa se mai repete faza aia, te implor Doamne, nu vreau sa dau simularea de bacalaureat din Martie 2018, am atâtea de invatat și nici timp nu mai am, și fără voia Ta, nu cred ca voi avea timp sa încep viața de la capăt, ca sa încep sa învăț din nou ca sa nu mai ajung in starea asta proasta la care sunt eu, te rog Doamne! Reversarea timpului, este o chestie importantă pentru mine, și este un beneficiu, ca eu sa încep sa stiu sa ma închin de mic Tie la fel cum e varul meu ca e Musulman de mic, dar eu am fost Creștin, și as vrea sa Faci și rugăciuni foarte simple pentru Creștini și Evrei, și dacă e sa ma nasc ca Creștin, eu ma pot închina Tie fără sa Te asociez cu nimeni și nimic in lumea asta, ca vreau sa demonstrez ca și un Creștin din ziua de azi poate sa fie un bun credincios chiar dacă nu e neaparat Musulman ca sa nu mai stau sa ma vait ca: de ce eu nu m-am chinat?? De ce nu am nu am facut lucrul asta de la bun început?? Vai ce rău îmi pare. Ca mi-as dori ca azi sa nu mai am motive sa-mi para rău ca nu m-am închinat Tie de mic. Și as vrea de mic sa fiu a doua persoana care sa închinat Tie mai bine decât oricine altcineva, chiar după profetul Muhamed, adică eu sa fiu al doilea după el, ca mi-ar plăcea ca in mormânt și la judecată de apoi sa fiu tratat ca o persoana foarte specială de Tine și de îngeri, doar odată Doamne, Sa reversezi timpul și apoi Sa-l fixezi. Bine, asta dacă ești de acord, Sa fixezi timpul după ce Ai reversat.” And it is translated in Arabic as “الله، من فضلك بكثير، عكس لي بعض الوقت لعند إنشاء القلم واسمحوا لي الوفاء وأشتهي أن قلت لهم ان الجفت في هذا العالم، ما سيئة من الظلم و مخيفة ذلك، وإلى أن تفعل ذلك لإيجاد أسباب للراغبين في عكس اتجاه الزمن وتريد مني تحقيق رغباتي، وليس لي أريد، كما فعلت مع النبي محمد، وأريد أن يحدث للمرة الثانية في كل مرة آخر مرة، يرجى الله، لم أكن أنوي أن أطلب منكم شيئا سيئا أو عدم الإيمان، أنا فقط للحصول على إذنك لمعرفة ما إذا كنت توافق أو لا، بحيث أريد لنا لبدء حياة أكثر نهاية، ويحذر الجميع أنه هو الفرصة الأخيرة، إن لم يكن، ثم هناك أبدا عكس الوقت والعكس بالعكس، وليس لعكس في كل وقت على أي شخص. حسنا، فقط عندما نأتي إلى الوقت عندما سأل النبي محمد شاكر لك عكس الوقت لعلي لا يعبد، وجعل ذلك يحدث مرة أخرى بالتخلص ذلك، أتوسل إليك يا رب، لا تريد أن تعطي البكالوريا محاكاة مارس 2018 لدي الكثير لنتعلمه وأي وقت من الأوقات لم يكن لديك، ودون إرادتك، لا تعتقد أن لديك الوقت لبدء الحياة من جديد، للبدء في تعلم مرة أخرى ليس للحصول على مثل هذه سيئة مكاني ، يرجى الله! عكس الزمن هو صفقة كبيرة بالنسبة لي، وهو مكسب بالنسبة لي أن تبدأ في معرفة كيفية العبادة التعادل الصغيرة تماما مثل ابن عمي الذي هو مسلم صغيرة، لكنني كنت مسيحي، وأريد أن أفعل وصلاة بسيطة جدا المسيحية والعبرية، وإذا ولدت مسيحيا، ويمكنني أن تسجد لك لا لربط مع أي شخص أو أي شيء في هذا العالم، وأريد أن أثبت أن المسيحي اليوم يمكن أن يكون مؤمن جيد حتى لو لم يكن بالضرورة مسلما حتى لا أستطيع التوقف عن القلق مثل: لماذا لم أعذب نفسي؟ لماذا لم نفعل ذلك في البداية؟ نجاح باهر، أنا آسف. أن أود اليوم ليس لديهم سبب أن آسف أنا لم عبادة التعادل قليلا نجاح باهر، أنا آسف. أن أود اليوم أن ليس لدي أي سبب أن آسف لم أكن عبادة لك قليلا. وأود أن أكون الشخص الثاني الذي أعبد لكم أفضل من أي شخص آخر، حتى بعد النبي محمد، وهذا هو أن يكون الثاني بعده، وأود أن يعامل في القبر وفي المحاكمة كشخص خاص جدا من أنت والملائكة، مرة واحدة فقط، الرب، لزعزعة الوقت ثم لإصلاحه. حسنا، إذا كنت توافق، إصلاح الوقت بعد كنت قد حولت”

Oh, and I can say in my prayers in the beginning like.

“Dumnezeu este cel mai mare” translated as “Alahu Akbar”

And it is acceptable my deceleration even if I say: “Nu exista niciun alt Dumnezeu decât unu, iar Muhamed este profetul lui Dumnezeu”? Because, I feel comfortable to make Du’a and pray to God in my own language, because in my own language I understand much better than any other languages on Earth.

So, I can pray and make Du’a in my own language even though I know Arabic?

Sorry for misstranslation, can you check and see if I have translated correct?

Please don’t judge me.

Out of curiosity.

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01-12-2018, 10:22 AM

01-19-2018, 07:25 AM
jazakallah khair

01-23-2018, 12:41 PM
It is allowed to make all kinds of supplications in abundance in the state of Sajda. Many of the mainstream Ulama say that all supplications during the Salat including in Sujud have to be in Arabic, but there is no proof for this. Of course you offer the Masnun supplications in Sajda but also offer supplications in your own language in your own wording from your heart, because that is the state in which you are closest to God.

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01-23-2018, 01:11 PM
I do not know Arabic language because I am not an Arab and I will never be. I make my du'a on my own language ;)

01-23-2018, 03:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by space
I do not know Arabic language because I am not an Arab and I will never be. I make my du'a on my own language ;)
What about the Masnun supplications in Salaat?

01-23-2018, 06:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ishaaq
What about the Masnun supplications in Salaat?

the whole salaat you perform only in Arabic, because the entire Quran is written in Arabic, right? This is logical. In the last sujud during your salaat you make dua on your own language because you do not know Arabic, because Arabic is not your mother tongue. If I was an Arab I would make dua in Arabic, because Arabic language would be my own language, you know? But I am neither Arab nor do I know Arabic language to make dua in Arabic

Nitro Zeus
01-23-2018, 08:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by space
I do not know Arabic language because I am not an Arab and I will never be. I make my du'a on my own language ;)
You don’t have to be an Arab in order to learn Arabic, you can learn Arabic even if you aren’t Arab person. Example, how do you think some Chinese people learned to pray x5 a day? Because they have learned Arabic even if they aren’t Arab, right?

01-23-2018, 08:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus
You don’t have to be an Arab in order to learn Arabic, you can learn Arabic even if you aren’t Arab person. Example, how do you think some Chinese people learned to pray x5 a day? Because they have learned Arabic even if they aren’t Arab, right?

You should learn Arabic in order to read the Quran correctly and understand it properly, but not just only memorize without knowing the meaning.. Allah Said, learn the content of the Quran and know what it means deeply and widely, spend your time to aquire knowledge, explore My creation and think about everything He made, spread My religion around the world. Lets think about, even if you want to spread Islam around the world how would you spread it when the whole world speaks in the different languages?
I am not Arab and I do not know Arabic language, but at least I know my Deen and know some Surahs, praise be to God. Even prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) was not able to read and write in Arabic. That's right, I don't have to be an Arab in order to learn Arabic, but I do not have such abilities or talent to learn foreign languages because some of them could be difficult? For you is maybe simple and easy, or maybe you're even a native speaker. So? Please give me a dalil that you cannot make your du'a on your own language?

Nitro Zeus
01-23-2018, 10:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by space
You should learn Arabic in order to read the Quran correctly and understand it properly, but not just only memorize without knowing the meaning.. Allah Said, learn the content of the Quran and know what it means deeply and widely, spend your time to aquire knowledge, explore My creation and think about everything He made, spread My religion around the world. Lets think about, even if you want to spread Islam around the world how would you spread it when the whole world speaks in the different languages?
I am not Arab and I do not know Arabic language, but at least I know my Deen and know some Surahs, praise be to God. Even prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) was not able to read and write in Arabic. That's right, I don't have to be an Arab in order to learn Arabic, but I do not have such abilities or talent to learn foreign languages because some of them could be difficult? For you is maybe simple and easy, or maybe you're even a native speaker. So? Please give me a dalil that you cannot make your du'a on your own language?
What is dalil? I can study and learn easily any la language existed. But, if someone who don’t have this kind of ability, can study and learn any language, but it might take days and years to finish studying a certain language. So, you also can. Say “in the name of God” before studying and then start studying and then if God wishes, you will be able to learn easily one day, and before you start studying a thing say “O Allah! Increase me in my knowledge”

01-23-2018, 11:12 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus
What is dalil?

dalil = proof

format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus
I can study and learn easily any la language existed. But, if someone who don’t have this kind of ability, can study and learn any language, but it might take days and years to finish studying a certain language. So, you also can. Say “in the name of God” before studying and then start studying and then if God wishes, you will be able to learn easily one day, and before you start studying a thing say “O Allah! Increase me in my knowledge”

Yet again, you need to learn the language in order to understand the original text written in the Quran without transcription but not to use it in everyday life, because there is no obligation. This is the difference.. you know my point?
Well, there would be the other story if I was born in an Arab family knowing Arab language, but it didn't happen because Allah Created me naturally with my own language and culture neither was I born in an Arab speaking country..
The creation of the languages is the part among His signs, doesn't it?
The purpose of our Deen is to spread it around the world and establish the laws of Allah

Nitro Zeus
01-23-2018, 11:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by space
dalil = proof

Yet again, you need to learn the language in order to understand the original text written in the Quran without transcription but not to use it in everyday life, because there is no obligation. This is the difference.. you know my point?
Well, there would be the other story if I was born in an Arab family knowing Arab language, but it didn't happen because Allah Created me naturally with my own language and culture neither was I born in an Arab speaking country..
The creation of the languages is the part among His signs, doesn't it?
The purpose of our Deen is to spread it around the world and establish the laws of Allah
Thanx. I think it is one of His signs of His Creative power. I understand you, but there are many people who don’t like Islam because of those idiots phony people who claim themselves as Muslims but they aren’t(e.g. ISIS). So, my advice is, let things come naturally, let God decide when it right moment when you can spread Islam. If God doesn’t want you to spread Islam around the world, you will never be able. But if He wants you to spread Islam around the world, then you can, don’t haste things. Am I right?

01-23-2018, 11:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Nitro Zeus
Thanx. I think it is one of His signs of His Creative power. I understand you, but there are many people who don’t like Islam because of those idiots phony people who claim that they are Muslims but they aren’t(e.g. ISIS). So, my advice is, let things come naturally, let God decide when it right moment when you can spread Islam. If God doesn’t want you to spread Islam around the world, you will never be able. But if He wants you to spread Islam around the world, then you can, don’t haste things. Am I right?

Do not follow many people, do not listen to them.. haters gonna hate, you cannot change their hearts unless Allah Wants.. Allah has given you something - your brain, so that you can use it to explore your life, to find something what you're looking for, to analyze the situation etc. Ignore ISIS and ignore media, do not wast your time.. read Quran in Arabic if you know, if you don't know then with transcription, learn your Deen more and more, explore the nature made by Allah azzawajal, think about the Universe, sky, stars, planets etc, the world is so much interesting and beautiful. Do your best for yourself and for your family too, help poor people and spread the word of Allah on your own language among your people so that your people could spread it among the other people etc.. do not be lazy to explain the things you know that they don't understand or they want to understand, when you talk something try always to be a soft and to be a kind one.. most people are still not able to answer the simple question, what's the purpose of life? What is it at all? What's the meaning? Islam is not only religion, Islam is a lifestyle

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