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View Full Version : What does Islam say about Near Death Experiences?

03-18-2018, 03:24 PM
Hi everyone, Assalamualaikum!

I have been busy searching for answers for a while and there is something I would like to ask you all about.

There have been numerous events that have been taking place across the world, where people have apparenly almost 'died' and have been to heaven or hell and what not. Called 'Near Death Experiences', these people are usually given a message to share with the world and what not.

The interesting thing is that they all have been given the exact same message, which is to love one another, make the world a better place and that's it.

You can get more information about these events from the website,
For conclusions about these events from the study of multiple NDEs, you can look up on it here.

One guy named Nasir Siddiki has also spoken about his own NDE.

I wanted to know what does Islam say about this. I am just searching for answers.

Thanks to all of you.
- Truth_Seekr

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03-18-2018, 05:16 PM

I've also heard that someone has been declared dead and after some time he was revived.

And stories are stories.

03-18-2018, 07:09 PM
A Near Death experience has nothing to do with death at all.
Science just hasn't found the real reason behind what happens.
A person can be declared physically death ,but as long as his soul has not left his body it is just something science has no explanation for.
Recently they found brain neurons called GPS neurons ,they help a person navigate with his body ,a human therefore has a reference point in regards to his body and space.
They were also able to tap into these neurons ,the results were that the person felt as if he is in a different place away from his body.

03-20-2018, 02:58 PM
A Near Death experience has nothing to do with death at all.
Science just hasn't found the real reason behind what happens.
A person can be declared physically death ,but as long as his soul has not left his body it is just something science has no explanation for.
Recently they found brain neurons called GPS neurons ,they help a person navigate with his body ,a human therefore has a reference point in regards to his body and space.
They were also able to tap into these neurons ,the results were that the person felt as if he is in a different place away from his body.

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04-22-2018, 04:41 AM
Hi there! Thanks a lot for your opinions ... It would be great if more people can look this up and give their views.

- Truth_Seekr

04-23-2018, 10:33 AM
I am terrified for needles. So when I need to go to the hospital for a blood sample for a vaccine for myself or even for my child, I can occacionally faint. this happened twice.
I can feel my body that I am about to faint.
The body pressed all blood out of my brain (light headed) and my vision gets bad. Is start snowing (like the old tube television with no signal) then around the corner it gets black and I only have snowy vision in the center...and then the black corners expands until it is totally black...(tunnel vision)

The next moment I can remember is when I open my eyes on the floor several seconds later (10 - 30 seconds later) The feeling I have after waking up is marvellous...as if I slept for a whole day...totally rested and everything. and then I realise that I am at the hospital and that feeling vanishes quickly.

Why am I telling this?
most people are speaking about a dark tunnel with light at the end of it...or they see moving creatures at the end of the tunnel...this is just their brain malfunctioning because a lack of blood / oxygen.
And when they finally wake up and realise that they have been so close to death...suddenly they learn the life lesson that nothing is more important in life than love, peace and health.

Life can be over in a second and all your posessions then are useless...the only thing then matters is how you lived your life...
those people were about to lose it all and after waking up they corrected their lives.

You also see similar reaction with people who are terminally ill. possessions usually are not important anymore, what is more important is to love each other and to live in peace.

So, that is in my opinion the near death experience.

08-21-2018, 01:56 AM
Hi everyone,
Thank you for the insights.
Do keep up the excellent work.

Thank you!
- Truth_Seekr

08-21-2018, 07:26 AM
21. When We make mankind taste of some mercy after adversity hath touched them, behold! they take to plotting against Our Signs! Say: "Swifter to plan is Allah." Verily, Our messengers record all the plots that ye make!

22. He it is Who enables you to traverse through land and sea; so that ye even board ships;- they sail with them with a favourable wind, and they rejoice thereat; then comes a stormy wind and the waves come to them from all sides, and they think they are being overwhelmed: they cry unto Allah, sincerely offering (their) duty unto Him saying, "If thou dost deliver us from this, we shall truly show our gratitude!"

23. But when he delivereth them, behold! they transgress insolently through the earth in defiance of right! O mankind! your insolence is against your own souls,- an enjoyment of the life of the present: in the end, to Us is your return, and We shall show you the truth of all that ye did.

24. The likeness of the life of the present is as the rain which We send down from the skies: by its mingling arises the produce of the earth- which provides food for men and animals: (It grows) till the earth is clad with its golden ornaments and is decked out (in beauty): the people to whom it belongs think they have all powers of disposal over it: There reaches it Our command by night or by day, and We make it like a harvest clean-mown, as if it had not flourished only the day before! thus do We explain the Signs in detail for those who reflect.

25. But Allah doth call to the Home of Peace: He doth guide whom He pleaseth to a way that is straight.

26. To those who do right is a goodly (reward)- Yea, more (than in measure)! No darkness nor shame shall cover their faces! they are companions of the garden; they will abide therein (for aye)!

27. But those who have earned evil will have a reward of like evil: ignominy will cover their (faces): No defender will they have from (the wrath of) Allah. Their faces will be covered, as it were, with pieces from the depth of the darkness of night: they are companions of the Fire: they will abide therein.

28. One day shall We gather them all together. Then shall We say to those who joined gods (with Us): "To your place! ye and those ye joined as 'partners' We shall separate them, and their "Partners" shall say: "It was not us that ye worshipped!

29. "Enough is Allah for a witness between us and you: we certainly knew nothing of your worship of us!"

30. There will every soul prove (the fruits of) the deeds it sent before: they will be brought back to Allah their rightful Lord, and their invented falsehoods will leave them in the lurch.

31. Say: "Who is it that sustains you (in life) from the sky and from the earth? or who is it that has power over hearing and sight? And who is it that brings out the living from the dead and the dead from the living? and who is it that rules and regulates all affairs?" They will soon say, "(Allah)". Say, "will ye not then show piety (to Him)?"

32. Such is Allah, your real Cherisher and Sustainer: apart from truth, what (remains) but error? How then are ye turned away?

From Quran, Chapter 10 - Yunus (Jonah)

12-03-2018, 05:56 AM

Thank you all for your replies.
I haven't been here for a while. I hope that you have found wisdom here, or maybe not.
I hope that you can ask others to look into the subject as well, as it would be a great way to understand this interesting phenomenon.

Hope you all have a great dey.
God Bless.

- Truth_Seekr

12-03-2018, 01:50 PM
Yes, this is a very good platform where we can learn many good things

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