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View Full Version : Where's the best place to get Islam?

04-05-2020, 08:53 PM
Alhumdulillah I reverted four years ago and am from the US. Though there are countless wonderful Muslims in the area whom I've benefited from tremendously, the fact remains that living in Western culture makes it tough to really live and grow Islamically. So the idea is to move to a place where I can be surrounded by Islamic culture, social norms, expectations, etc. That being said, we all know that many Muslim majority countries, and really Muslims themselves, have become westernized to the point where the fitna there is no less than here.

So where are the best places on earth to find Islam?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Assalaamualaykum warahmatullah

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04-06-2020, 02:03 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by UnDios
Alhumdulillah I reverted four years ago and am from the US. Though there are countless wonderful Muslims in the area whom I've benefited from tremendously, the fact remains that living in Western culture makes it tough to really live and grow Islamically. So the idea is to move to a place where I can be surrounded by Islamic culture, social norms, expectations, etc. That being said, we all know that many Muslim majority countries, and really Muslims themselves, have become westernized to the point where the fitna there is no less than here.

So where are the best places on earth to find Islam?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Assalaamualaykum warahmatullah
It depends on what it is you're trying to avoid. THere are many forms of fitnah and difficulties, and yes while some Muslim countries are filled with fitnah, it is still easier to practice simply for the fact that you are in a muslim majority country. So it depends on what fitnahs you are trying to avoid or what types of practices are becoming difficult. In any case, no matter where you go you'll be tested one way or another. That's just life.

04-06-2020, 02:38 PM
Well, it's not necessarily about avoiding this or that particular fitnah, but more so about being part of a larger community and culture that promotes living Islamically. For example, I'm single, but Insha'Allah if I were to get married and have kids, I want my kids to grow up in a place where they are socially conditioned to believe that dating, drinking alcohol, etc. are completely unacceptable (rather than growing up in the US where you're practically a saint if you're guarding your chastity and avoiding intoxicants). I don't want my son to have to battle with a culture that says getting lots of girls makes you a man; or my daughter going to school feeling conflicted between dressing/speaking/behaving appropriately and fitting in with her peer group.

You know what I mean? I know it's possible to raise your kids Islamically wherever you are, but I also know that the outside environment plays a huge role in shaping our personalities. I've seen it myself within the refugee populations here. The parents are doing their best to hang on to their traditional, Islamic culture, but when kids are outside the home they are getting Americanized to the point where they literally live two lives: their Islamic life at home, and their American life everywhere else.

Nitro Zeus
04-06-2020, 06:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by UnDios
Alhumdulillah I reverted four years ago and am from the US. Though there are countless wonderful Muslims in the area whom I've benefited from tremendously, the fact remains that living in Western culture makes it tough to really live and grow Islamically. So the idea is to move to a place where I can be surrounded by Islamic culture, social norms, expectations, etc. That being said, we all know that many Muslim majority countries, and really Muslims themselves, have become westernized to the point where the fitna there is no less than here.

So where are the best places on earth to find Islam?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Assalaamualaykum warahmatullah
The best place you can get Islam is from Kuwait. Kuwait practice the oldest sect of Islam which is Salafi Islam.

You can also try to use this website called "islamqa.info" it is educational one.

You can subscribe to MercifulServant channel and there you can learn cool stuff about Islam.

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04-06-2020, 08:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by UnDios
Alhumdulillah I reverted four years ago and am from the US. Though there are countless wonderful Muslims in the area whom I've benefited from tremendously, the fact remains that living in Western culture makes it tough to really live and grow Islamically. So the idea is to move to a place where I can be surrounded by Islamic culture, social norms, expectations, etc. That being said, we all know that many Muslim majority countries, and really Muslims themselves, have become westernized to the point where the fitna there is no less than here.

So where are the best places on earth to find Islam?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Assalaamualaykum warahmatullah
WaAlaikum Assalam WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuh,

Stick to Quran and Sunnah and you can find true Islam in your own heart and in your own actions. Only condition is to be sincere and be fully submissive to what Allah has said. If you have these two things and you acknowledge that Allah's plan for you is perfect and you put your trust in Allah then you can be a practicing Muslim in any part of the world.

And Allah knows the best!

04-07-2020, 07:45 PM
Kuwait definitely seems to have held onto their traditional conservative culture. It's something I'll have to keep in mind!

04-07-2020, 07:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by HabibUrrehman
WaAlaikum Assalam WaRahmatullahi WaBarakatuh,

Stick to Quran and Sunnah and you can find true Islam in your own heart and in your own actions. Only condition is to be sincere and be fully submissive to what Allah has said. If you have these two things and you acknowledge that Allah's plan for you is perfect and you put your trust in Allah then you can be a practicing Muslim in any part of the world.

And Allah knows the best!

True true. But is it not a good thing to want to migrate to a Muslim land for the sake of improving one's deen?

04-07-2020, 09:32 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by UnDios
Alhumdulillah I reverted four years ago and am from the US. Though there are countless wonderful Muslims in the area whom I've benefited from tremendously, the fact remains that living in Western culture makes it tough to really live and grow Islamically. So the idea is to move to a place where I can be surrounded by Islamic culture, social norms, expectations, etc. That being said, we all know that many Muslim majority countries, and really Muslims themselves, have become westernized to the point where the fitna there is no less than here.

So where are the best places on earth to find Islam?

Thanks in advance for any input.

Assalaamualaykum warahmatullah
Ever since Colonial age, most muslim countries have gone through a massive period of secularism, capitalism and poverty. So islamic values like honesty are non-existent.

If you want to really come to a muslim country, know all the cons because living here isn't easy as you think. And this is if the country in question doesn't have secular dictators like Al-Sisi, Haftar, Assad, etc.

Malaysia is a country which is still somewhat conservative, but there is also enough freedom for you to have your personal space for practicing your religion.

And if you are not white, avoid arab countries. If you're white, I suppose Arab countries would be the best.

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