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02-23-2021, 10:30 AM
It is desirable for the husband and wife to pray 2 rakaat together on their wedding night.This has been narrated from the earliest generation of Muslims, as in the following 2 narrations:


On the authority of Abu Sa'eed Mawla Abu Asyad who said: "I got married while I
was a slave. I invited a number of the companions of the Prophet, among them was Ibn Mas'ood, Abu Dharr and Hudhaifa. When the prayer was called, Abu Dharr began to step forward when the others said to him: 'No!' He said: 'Is it so?' And they said: 'Yes.' Then, I stepped forward and led the prayer though I was a slave possessed.
They taught me, saying: 'When your wife comes to you, pray 2 rakaat. Then, ask Allaah for the good of that which has come to you, and seek refuge in Him from its evil. Then it is up to you and it is up to your wife.'"
[Ibn Abi Shaibah and 'Abdur-Razzaaq]


On the authority of Shaqeeq who said: "A man named Abu Hareez came and
said: 'I have married a young girl, and I am afraid that she will despise me.'
'Abdullah ibn Mas'ood said to him: "Verily, closeness is from Allaah, and hatred is from Shaitaan, who wishes to make despicable that which Allaah has allowed. So, when your wife comes to you, tell her to pray behind you 2 rakaat.'"
In another version of the same story, "'Abdullah went on to say: 'And say: 'O Allah give Your blessings on me in my wife, and to her in me. O Allaah join us together as long as You join us in good, and split us apart if You send to us that which is better.'"
[Ibn Abi Shaibah and at-Tabaraani and 'Abdur-Razzaaq: Saheeh].


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02-23-2021, 10:46 AM
One of the most prominent distinguishing features of the Muslim woman is her deep faith in Allah (SWT), and her sincere conviction that whatever happens in this universe, and whatever fate befalls human beings, only happens through the will and decree of Allah (SWT); whatever befalls a person could not have been avoided, and whatever does not happen to a person could not have been made to happen. A person has no choice in this life but to strive towards the right path and to do good deeds - acts of worship and other acts - by whatever means one can, putting all his trust in Allah (SWT), submitting to His will, and believing that he is always in need of Allah's (SWT) help and support.The story of Hajar offers the Muslim woman the most marvellous example of deep faith in Allah (SWT) and sincere trust in Him.

Ibrahim `May peace be upon him' (PBUH) left her at the Ka`bah in Makkah, above the well of Zamzam, at a time when there were no people and no water in the place. Hajar had no-one with her except her infant son Isma`il. She asked Ibrahim, calmly and with no trace of panic: "Has Allah (SWT) commanded you to do this, O Ibrahim?" Ibrahim (PBUH) said, "Yes." Her response reflected her acceptance and optimism: "Then He is not going to abandon us." Reported by Bukhari in Kitab al-Anbiya1

Here was an extremely difficult situation: a man left his wife and infant son in a barren land, where there were no plants, no water, and no people, and went back to the distant land of Palestine. He
left nothing with her but a sack of dates and a skin filled with water. Were it not for the deep faith and trust in Allah (SWT) that filled Hajar's heart, she would not have been able to cope with such a difficult situation; she would have collapsed straight away, and would not have become the woman whose name is forever remembered night and day by those who perform hajj and umrah at the house of Allah (SWT), every time they drink the pure water of Zamzam, and run between the mounts of Safa' and Marwah, as Hajar did on that most trying day.

This deep faith and awareness had an amazing effect on the lives of Muslim men and women: it awoke their consciences and reminded them that Allah (SWT) witnesses and knows every secret, and that He is with a person wherever he may be. Nothing gives a clearer idea of that consciousness and fear of Allah (SWT) at all times than the story of the young Muslim girl related in Sifat al-Safwah and Wafiyat al-A'yan and cited by Ibn al-Jawzi in Ahkam al-Nisa' (pp. 441, 442): "Narrated `Abdullah ibn Zayd ibn Aslam, from his father, from his grandfather, who said: ‘When I was accompanying Umar ibn al-Khattab on his patrol of Madinah at night, he felt tired, so he leant against a wall.
It was the middle of the night, and (we heard) a woman says to her daughter, "O my daughter, get up and mix that milk with some water." The girl said, "O Mother, did you not hear the decree of Amir al-Mu'minin (chief of the believers) today?" The mother said, "What was that?"

The girl said, "He ordered someone to announce in a loud voice that milk should not be mixed with water." The mother said, "Get up and mix the milk with water; you are in a place where `Umar cannot see you." The girl told her mother, "I cannot obey Him (Allah) in public and disobey him in private." `Umar heard this, and told me: "O Aslam, go to that place and see who that girl is, and to whom she was speaking, and whether she has a husband."

So I went to that place, and I saw that she was unmarried, the other woman was her mother, and neither of them had a husband. I came to Umar and told him what I had found out. He called his sons together, and said to them: "Do any of you need a wife, so I can arrange the marriage for you? If I had the desire to get married, I would have been the first one to marry this young woman." `Abdullah said: "I have a wife." `Abd al-Rahman said: "I have a wife." `Asim said: "I do not have a wife, so let me marry her."

So Umar arranged for her to be married to `Asim. She gave him a daughter, who grew up to be the mother of `Umar ibn `Abd al-Aziz.'"

This is the deep sense of awareness that Islam had implanted in the heart of this young woman.
She was righteous and upright in all her deeds, both in public and in private, because she believed that Allah (SWT) was with her at all times and saw and heard everything. This is true faith, and these are the effects of that faith, which raised her to the level of ihsan.


03-04-2021, 11:17 AM
The true Muslim woman fasts the month of Ramadan, and her soul is filled with faith that:
"Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and hope of reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven."

She has the attitude of one who truly fasts, whose faculties keep away from all kinds of sins that may invalidate the fast or diminish its reward. If she finds herself exposed to the trials of hostility or argument, she follows the Prophet's advice to men and women who fast:

"When any of you is fasting, he should not utter foul words or raise his voice in anger. If then anyone provokes or fights him, he should say, `I am observing a fast.'"

"Whoever does not give up false speech and evil actions, Allah (SWT) has no need of his giving up his food and drink."

During Ramadan, the true Muslim woman feels that she is immersed in the atmosphere of a month unlike any other, when good deeds should be multiplied and the gates of goodness should be opened wide. She knows that her fasting during this month should be only for Allah (SWT), and that He will give the reward for it, for the reward of Allah (SWT), the Bountiful and Munificent, is greater and vaster than anyone could even imagine:

"The reward for every good deed of the sons of Adam will be multiplied anywhere between ten and seven hundred times. Allah (SWT) said:

‘Except for fasting, because it is for Me and I Myself will give recompense for it. He gives up his food and his passion for Me.’

For the one who fasts, there are two times of rejoicing, one when he breaks the fast, and one when he meets his Lord. Verily the smell that comes from the mouth of one who is fasting is more pleasing to Allah (SWT) than the scent of musk."

Therefore the wise Muslim woman must strike a balance, during this all-too-short blessed month, between her domestic duties and the opportunity this month brings to draw closer to Allah (SWT) through worship and good deeds. She should not let her household chores distract her from performing the obligatory prayers at the appointed times, or from reading Qur'an or praying nafil prayers. Nor should she let traditional late-night family gatherings keep her from praying qiyam allay and tahujjud, and making du`a'. She knows the great reward and abundant forgiveness that Allah (SWT) has prepared for those who stay up to pray during the night in Ramadan:

"Whoever spends the night in prayer during Ramadan out of faith and hope of reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven."

The Prophet (PBUH) used to strive to do more good deeds during Ramadan than at other times, especially during the last ten days of it:

‘A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said:

"The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to strive during Ramadan, and especially the last ten days of it, more than he used to at other times."

‘A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) also said:

"When the last ten days of Ramadan began, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) would sty up for the whole night, wake his family up, strive extra hard, and abstain from marital relations."

The Prophet (PBUH) used to command the Muslims to seek laylat al-qadr, and encouraged them to spend that night in prayer:
"Seek laylat al-qadr during the last ten days of Ramadan."

"Whoever spends the night of laylat al-qadr in prayer and worship out of faith and hope of reward, all his previous sins will be forgiven."

This blessed month is a time that is purely for worship. The serious-minded Muslim woman has no time to spend on chatting and idle pursuits throughout the night. She should not be among those who while away the night until dawn approaches, whereupon she offers her family something to eat and they fall into a deep sleep, and may even miss the fajr prayer!

The true Muslim woman and her family should live an Islamic life during Ramadan, striving to organize themselves in such a way that when they all come back from tarawih prayers, they do not stay up for too long, because in a few short hours' time, they will get up to pray qiyam al-layl and then eat suhur, for the Prophet (PBUH) commanded us to eat suhur, as there is much benefit in it:

"Eat suhur, for in suhur there is blessing."

The true Muslim woman helps all the members of her family to get up for suhur, in obedience to the command of the Prophet (PBUH) and in the hope of obtaining the blessings of suhur, such as the reminder to pray qiyam al-layl, and encouragement to go out to the mosque to pray fajr in congregation, awell as the physical benefits of strengthening the body for the day's fast.

This is what the Prophet (PBUH) used to do and trained his Companions to do likewise: Zayd ibn Thabit (RAA) said:

"We ate suhur with the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), then we got up to pray."

Someone asked,

"How much time was there between the two?"

He said:

"Fifty ayat [i.e. the time it would take to recite fifty ayat]."

There is no doubt that Allah (SWT) will increase the reward of the Muslim woman who is the means of bringing these blessings to her family during Ramadan:

(As to those who believe and work righteousness, verily We shall not suffer to perish the reward of any who do a [single] righteous deed.) (Qur'an 18:30)


03-04-2021, 11:19 AM
The true Muslim woman also observes nafil fasts at times other than Ramadan, if it is not too difficult for her to do so. So she fasts the day of `Arafat, and `Ashura', and the ninth day of Muharram, because fasting on these days and others is one of the righteous deeds that may expiate sins, as the Prophet (PBUH) told us:
Abu Qutadah (RAA) said:

"The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was asked about fasting on the day of `Arafat, and he said:

`It is expiation for the sins of the previous year and the current year.'"

Ibn `Abbas (RAA) said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) fasted the day of `Ashura', and commanded others to fast on this day too.

Abu Qutadah (RAA) said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was asked about fasting on the day of `Ashura', and he said:

"It is expiation for the sins of the previous year."

Ibn `Abbas said:

"The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: `If I am still alive next year, I will fast on the ninth day (of Muharram).'"

Fasting six days of Shawwal is also encouraged, as the Prophet (PBUH) said:

"Whoever fasted Ramadan then followed it with six days of Shawwal, it will be as if he fasted for a lifetime."

It is also recommended to fast for three days of each month, concerning which Abu Hurayrah (RAA) said:

"My dearest friend (i.e., the Prophet (PBUH)) advised me to do three things: to fast for three days of each month, to pray two rak`ahs of duha prayer, and never to sleep until I pray witr."

Abu'l-Darda' (RAA) said:

"My beloved friend (PBUH) advised me to do three things that I shall never give up as long as I live: to fast three days of each month, to pray duha, and not to sleep until I have prayed

‘Abdullah ibn `Amr ibn al-`As (RAA) said:

"The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: `Fasting for three days of each month is like fasting for an entire lifetime.'"

Some reports describe these three days as being the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth of each month, which are called al-ayyam al-bid (the white days); other reports state that the Prophet (PBUH) used to fast on three unspecified days of each month.

Mu`adhah al-`Adawiyyah said:

"I asked `A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her), `Did the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to fast three days in each month?' She said, `Yes.' I asked her, `In which part of the month did he used to fast?' She said, `He did not mind in which part of the month he would fast.'"


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03-06-2021, 04:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnaHaka
The true Muslim woman also observes nafil fasts at times other than Ramadan, if it is not too difficult for her to do so. So she fasts the day of `Arafat, and `Ashura', and the ninth day of Muharram, because fasting on these days and others is one of the righteous deeds that may expiate sins, as the Prophet (PBUH) told us:
Abu Qutadah (RAA) said:

"The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was asked about fasting on the day of `Arafat, and he said:

`It is expiation for the sins of the previous year and the current year.'"

Ibn `Abbas (RAA) said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) fasted the day of `Ashura', and commanded others to fast on this day too.

Abu Qutadah (RAA) said that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) was asked about fasting on the day of `Ashura', and he said:

"It is expiation for the sins of the previous year."

Ibn `Abbas said:

"The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: `If I am still alive next year, I will fast on the ninth day (of Muharram).'"

Fasting six days of Shawwal is also encouraged, as the Prophet (PBUH) said:

"Whoever fasted Ramadan then followed it with six days of Shawwal, it will be as if he fasted for a lifetime."

It is also recommended to fast for three days of each month, concerning which Abu Hurayrah (RAA) said:

"My dearest friend (i.e., the Prophet (PBUH)) advised me to do three things: to fast for three days of each month, to pray two rak`ahs of duha prayer, and never to sleep until I pray witr."

Abu'l-Darda' (RAA) said:

"My beloved friend (PBUH) advised me to do three things that I shall never give up as long as I live: to fast three days of each month, to pray duha, and not to sleep until I have prayed

‘Abdullah ibn `Amr ibn al-`As (RAA) said:

"The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: `Fasting for three days of each month is like fasting for an entire lifetime.'"

Some reports describe these three days as being the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth of each month, which are called al-ayyam al-bid (the white days); other reports state that the Prophet (PBUH) used to fast on three unspecified days of each month.

Mu`adhah al-`Adawiyyah said:

"I asked `A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her), `Did the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) used to fast three days in each month?' She said, `Yes.' I asked her, `In which part of the month did he used to fast?' She said, `He did not mind in which part of the month he would fast.'"

Excellent sharing.

03-18-2021, 11:05 AM
Islamic scholars were aware of the wisdom's of marriage long before the social scientific researches of our present age. This is so because Qur’an exhorts the Muslims to avoid unnecessarily delaying the marriages. Islam understands that young age is a time of great distress for both boys and girls. Upon reaching the age of puberty, there is a surge of sex hormones in their bodies. In case of delaying the marriages of young men and women, a lot of their creative energies are wasted and their concentrations are diverted fighting their sexual urges. The best solution is to marry those youth because this funnels their creative energies into the right direction. We must not pay heed to the modern myth that marriage prevents young men and women from attaining highest level of education. In fact, marriage creates a sense of responsibility in the youth and provides the married youth with necessary concentration of mind to attain the highest education or profession in their society. Ali Ibn Usman al-Jullabi al-Hujwiri (died 1077 CE) was the great Islamic scholar of the Indo-Pak sub-continent. In his famous book Kashf Al Mahjub ("Revelation of the Veiled"), he mentions that he spent his whole life traveling and spreading the message of Islam and, hence, he could not get married. However, based on his own experiences and knowledge, he advised the Muslim youth about the importance of marriage in the following words: “There are two dangers in remaining single – one, forsaking the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and two, nurturing lust in your body which can put you into trial and tribulation at any time…. And I (Ali Ibn Usman al-Jullabi al- Hujwiri) myself have been the victim of this. Hence, I know the destructive consequences of loneliness. I did not get married for 11 years but eventually I got into tribulation and I fell in love with a woman without even seeing her face. My mind remained preoccupied with her for one whole year. I was close to having my faith destroyed but finally only Allah saved me from this tribulation and kept me chaste out of His Mercy. Therefore, never remain single. Get married as soon as possible.” Abu al-Faraj Abdur Rehman Ibn al-Jawzi (died 1201 CE/ 597 AH) states in his book Talbees Iblees (The Devil’s Deception) that Satan (devil) deludes some people among the Muslims to adopt the life-style of monasticism and forsake marriage with the notion that marriage takes them away from the remembrance of Allah and inclines them to the love of this world. Ibn Jawzi clarifies that the notion of monasticism has crept into Islam from Christianity and there is no room for it in Islam as the Qur’an tells us: “But the monasticism which they invented for themselves, We did not prescribe for them” (Surah Hadeed: 27) Then he writes: “Satan has no better weapon to lead astray a pious Muslim than tempting him to delay his marriage. People do not realize that when a child cries and asks his father to give him bread, there is a great reward in feeding your children. On the other hand, unmarried worshippers cannot reap such rewards unless they marry”. A young man once wrote a letter to Syed Abul A’la Maududi asking him his fatwa if it was ok for that man to remain a single and not get married. To support his decision, the young man gave the examples of Islamic scholars such as Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (died 728 CE) and Sheikh Nizamuddin Awliya Dehlawi (died 1325 CE) who did not marry in their whole life. Syed Maududi replied back to the young man with the following words of advice: “We have no way of knowing why Sheikh Ibn Taymiyyah or Sheikh Nizamuddin Awliya did not marry. I cannot come up with a self-concocted interpretation for their actions and cause the Muslims to go astray because of my interpretation. If you do not marry, you may be successful in preventing your limbs and eyes from committing a sin but you will surely not be able to protect your mind from the effects of lust (shahwaa). For us the best example is in Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to follow who got married and who had children.” (Risaa’el wa Masaa’el) Dr. Bilal Philips, a contemporary Muslim scholar was addressing an audience in Toronto in his lecture titled “In the Shade of the Throne” in which he advised the Muslims that in order to protect young people from the trials of the hormones, Prophet Muhammad advised the young people to get married and if they are unable to do so then he advised them to fast because it will cut their desires. [Bukhari] Hence, young people are encouraged to marry young. Dr. Philips lamented that unfortunately, in the Muslim world today, Muslims discourage their young people from marrying young. They are told they should finish their education first, complete their university education, get their degrees and then get married. And then to add insult to the injury, Muslim parents may add that it would be better for a young man also to get for him a house and all these other things first, he should have everything prepared and then get married. What are the consequences of causing all these hurdles in the marriages of Muslim youth? Dr. Philips informed his audience: “It causes many young people to go through the most difficult period of their lives unmarried and when they finally reach their late twenties or early thirties, they get married. So what happened in those almost twenty years between 13 and 30? What happened to that? And whose fault is that? Primarily, it is the fault of the parents. Of course, when the children reach the basis of adulthood in puberty, they are held accountable for their actions but parents also carry a greater sin for having not helped their children in the difficult situation…. And then we find young girls and young boys involved in corruption [premarital sexual behavior] here as a result of them not having got married. This is a great sin being perpetuated by Muslim families here in this part of the world and elsewhere and we need to address this issue if we are to try to build wholesome communities which fear Allah.” Hence, it is an obligation and duty on Muslim parents to arrange for their young son and daughter’s marriage as soon as possible. They must not wait until their son or daughter becomes an ATM (bank’s automated teller machine) to generate money before marrying him/her even if his/her age is increasing. SOURCES:https://www.aminullah.org/ URL:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/03/Ad...lim-Youth.html

03-18-2021, 11:10 AM
Islam encourages the binding of men and women in the sacred relationship of marriage. In Islam, marriage is a social commitment. However, today just the thought of marriage makes us think of all the hassles, stress and expenses of marital ceremony. Many parents assume that if their adolescent son or daughter is not asking them upfront to marry him/her, this means that they are not feeling any need for it yet but not every young Muslim girl or boy are upfront, outspoken and frank with their parents to tell them that enough is enough, now get me married. It is not easy to beat our biology and our sex hormones. In fact, many times who youth who are not pushing their parents to marry them are having an affair with someone and, hence, they do not feel the need at that present time to push their parents. Ibrahim bin Mai’sara narrates from Ta’wus who narrates that Umar bin Khattab said to one man who was unnecessarily delaying his marriage:

“Nothing can cause you to delay your marriage except impotence (erectile dysfunction) or involvement in illicit relationship (with a woman).”The society has drilled this thought pattern in the minds of parents and the youth alike that young people have to finish their education up to the highest degree in the university, then they must save lots of money, buy a house and only then they can get married. Young people who are in colleges and universities, they make friendships with their classmates because they cannot escape their biology. The desire for the opposite sex is there and the only halal (permissible) way to lower the gaze and fulfill the sexual desire of any youth is to get married. Those young boys or girls, who get involved into shameful acts and premarital illicit relations, later find it difficult to have great enthusiasm for marriage because the pleasure they initially got from courtship or premarital affairs was so intense that it sapped all of their energies. Similar phenomenon of lack of great expectations from marriage also happens to pious young men and women but for a different reason. By the time those pious Muslims get married in their late twenties or even thirties, they are so much exhausted that they have no energy left to use towards a successful and fruitful marriage. All this happens because marriages are greatly delayed in some Muslim societies due to excessive expenses and wasting of wealth associated with marriages and marital ceremonies as this lengthy and costly process is vividly portrayed in the words of sister Lubaba Qassim as follows:

“Muslim marriages today involve lengthy dialogue between families, which include everyone aside from the two individuals concerned. Hard bargains and negotiations determine the value and worth of the bride in terms of bright red and green stones set in chains of gold. In addition, obscene, unpleasant and offensive amounts of guests and food set the tone of the wedding day itself….[and] the string of endless nights of partying, drumming and henna gatherings. What is the origin of the yellow and green outfits, oil, candles, ten-pound notes and gold rings, and indecently dressed women dancing in the company of unrelated males? This is because so much more is invested in preparing for the actual event of marriage than consideration for the rest of the couple’s married life. It becomes impossible to imagine how long it may take for a family to get to the position of being financially able to put on such a grand spectacle!”

Muslim psychologist Dr. Badri reiterates the same concerns by pointing out that today Muslim marriage have become extremely expensive due to the squandering of wealth on marriage ceremonies for showing off as well as following the marriage customs taken from Hindu or other idol-worshipping societies. One such custom is the paying of bride’s dowry, which contrary to Islamic teachings, the parents of the bride are burdened with. Dr. Badri suggests that the solution to this problem in the Muslim countries is to set up inexpensive mass weddings with nominal bridal gifts on the national level, as is being done in Sudan on the 27th day of the Arabic month of Rajab. Indeed, as pointed out in a tradition by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in a hadeeth, the best marriage is the inexpensive marriage:

“The most blessed marriage (nikah) is the one with the least expenses.” (Shu'ab al-Eman by al-Bayhaqi)
However, the best and quickest way to solve this problem is to solve it on the individual level. Today many Muslim parents have devised complex criteria for seeking a match for their children’s marriages which often causes unnecessary delay in marriages. One of the duties of Muslim parents is arranging the marriage of their child when he or she reaches the age of marriage. Prophet (peace be upon him) guided the marriage seekers to look for a pious partner. Abu Hurairah narrated that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“A woman is married for four things, i.e., her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion. So you should strive to marry the religious woman (otherwise) you will be a loser.” (Bukhari & Muslim)Muslim parents should not delay the marriages of their children to such an extent that the only way out left for their young son or daughter is to indulge in flirting, dating, courtship before marriage and love-marriages. Research has shown that marriages which are the result of flirting, dating and courtships are temporary. Experience has shown that “testing the waters” before marriage does not seem to help compatibility. Renowned Feminist Germaine Greer has accepted this fact in her book The Whole Woman when she wrote: “Some of the briefest marriages are those that follow a long period of cohabitation.”
Similarly, in another hadeeth, Abu Hatim Al-Mazni narrated that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

If you were approached by he whose religion and manners satisfy you, let him marry your daughter, if you do not do that, there will be dissension in the earth and great corruption.” (at-Tirmidhi)Likewise, Ali bin Abu Talib narrates that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised him:

Ali! Do not delay three things, Salah when it is due; Janaazah (funeral) when it comes; and an unmarried woman if she finds a suitable person.” (at-Tirmidhi)No doubt that education is important for both boys and girls but education is not supposed to become a hindrance to marriage instead of being a relieving factor. It is a pity that there seems to be an inverse relationship between education and timely marriages. Especially in Muslim countries, while the boys are getting education, their parents delay their marriages. Once they finish their education, they are commanded by their parents to spend a few years “establishing” themselves in a profession and becoming “human ATM” money-generating machines. When those men are all set to marry, they are past age 30 but they look for younger girls – at least 6 to 10 years younger than them. Thus, the girls in the age group of 23 – 30 find it difficult to get good proposals. In the same vein, sometimes while girls are getting education, their parents delay their marriages so that they can become successful in their career. It is worth-mentioning the warning that social critic George Gilder gives to the single woman that “if she decides to sacrifice her twenties on the altar of career, she could easily find herself a celibate priest serving that altar for the rest of her life”. To support his point, Gilder reports that Yale and Harvard sociologists, after analyzing census data, concluded that a woman who waits until her mid-thirties only has a 5% chance of getting married.

Muslim parents must put the responsibility of arranging the marriages of their adult sons and daughters as their top most priority. On-time marriages can save us from many social diseases. Unnecessarily delaying the marriages creates an environment of promiscuity and sensuality in the society especially among the youth of the society. By unnecessarily delaying their marriages, Muslim parents place their sons and daughters into situations where those youth have no other option except to take the matter into their own hands and jump into the mainstream trend to their mate by courtship or online dating and lose their time, energies, wealth, modesty, and sometimes their lives.

03-18-2021, 07:24 PM
If only parents nowadays would listen when we provide them with this evidence, sadly, the excuse is always the same, "those are extreme scholars" "those scholars don't know what they're talking about" "maybe you should live in the deserts of arabia with those scholars" "this isn't the stone age" "we live in a modern era" "im not going to support you" etc. nothing convinces them. NOTHING

03-31-2021, 10:34 AM
The Prophet’s favorite condiments were honey, olive oil, salt, and vinegar. The Qur’an (2:168) says, "Yea people: eat of what is on earth, lawful and wholesome." According to Muslim, Allah’s Messenger said, "The stomach is the central basin of the body, and the veins are connected to it. When the stomach is healthy, it passes on its condition to the veins, and in turn the veins will circulate the same; and when the stomach is putrescence, the veins will absorb such putrescence and issue the same."
We can assume from this Hadith that the Prophet ate what suited his stomach. And what better time to eat the best and the most suitable foods than during Ramadan? For the Prophet has said, "Fast (the month of Ramadan) so to heal your bodies from diseases."

Using the Hadith as a guide, I have explored, in a five-part series, how some of the Prophet’s favorite foods are beneficial to our health. Part one deals with condiments; Part two, with fruits; Part three, with vegetables; Part four, with meat and milk products; and Part five, with grains.


In Bukhari (Volume 7: Book 65), Aisha narrates that, "Allah's Apostle used to love sweet edible things and honey." He also attributed many healing powers to honey. The Holy Qur’an (16:69) says, "From its [the bee’s] belly, comes forth a drink of varying colors wherein is a cure for people. Surely there is a sign for those who would give thought."

Honey is not just a sugar, but also a complex combination of enzymes, organic acids, esters, antibiotic agents, trace minerals, and yet unidentified components! One pound of honey contains 1.4 grams of protein, 23 milligrams of calcium, 73 milligrams of phosphorus, 4.1 milligrams of iron, 1 milligram of niacin and 16 milligrams of vitamin C. Honey has been attributed externally with healing wounds and burns, and making the skin supple and
smooth. Internally, honey is a cure-all, with specific benefits for the digestive system and as a tonic for general health and well-being.

Olive Oil

The Prophet also advised us to, "Use olive oil as a food and ointment for it comes from a blessed tree" (Tirmidi). In Crete, a recent study showed that even though 90% of Cretans consume an average of 60-70 pounds of oil a year per person, the incidence of coronary disease is very low compared to other countries.

Everyone knows that animal fats contain saturated fatty acids that vertically increase blood cholesterol levels. But mono-unsaturated fatty acids, like olive oil, control LDL levels while raising HDL levels. In fact, no other naturally produced oil has as large an amount of monounsaturated fatty acids (mainly oleic
acid) as olive oil.

Olive oil also contains vitamins E and K, and polyphenols, which provide a defense mechanism that delays aging and prevents carcinogenesis, atherosclerosis, liver disorders, and inflammations. Oleates in the oil also promote bone formation in children and protect the bones of the elderly. Even The Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported that olive oil offers strong protection in the fight against breast cancer.


Contrary to popular modern belief, salt is also a beneficial condiment. The Prophet said, "Salt is the master of your food. God sent down four blessings from the sky - fire, water, iron and salt" (Ibn Maja). UNICEF reports that the body needs only minute amounts of iodine (from iodized salt) to function properly. Yet, a lack of the nutrient causes various disorders, from stunted growth to cretinism, a most serious condition.

Even mild deficiency produces mental impairment. Studies estimate that children living in iodine- deficient areas forfeit up to 10 to 15 IQ points.

Doctors often recommend replacing water and salt lost during exercise and when working outside in jobs such as agriculture. Increased salt intakes have been used successfully to combat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well. Dramatic deficiencies or "excessive" sodium intakes have been associated with other
conditions and diseases such as stomach cancer. Testing the salinity of perspiration has proven to be a good test for cystic fibrosis. The most talked-about effect of salt is the association of dietary sodium and elevated blood pressures (hypertension). However, the American Society published a good overview of recent scientific evidence as a supplement to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition for Clinical Nutrition in February 1997, and the Medical Journal of Australia reviewed that debate earlier this year. They found that the kidneys efficiently process this "excess" sodium in healthy people.

In fact, in cases of hypotension, genetic factors explain a quarter to a half of blood pressure variability – five times more than environmental factors such as stress, physical activity/exercise, smoking and, of course, diet. Among dietary risk factors, obesity is generally recognized as the most important followed by excess alcohol consumption and then salt intake.

In May 1998, JAMA published a large meta analysis confirming a 1996 study and documenting, as well, a series of adverse changes to blood chemistry among those placed on low-sodium diets in clinical trials. All told, there have been six clinical trials, five of which were limited to randomized controlled trials. These provide consistent evidence of only a minor blood pressure response to a restriction of dietary sodium.


The Prophet has also called vinegar a "blessed seasoning" (Muslim). Modern science has confirmed that it indeed does have many "blessings." A recent book called, simply, Vinegar talks about many ways in which vinegar benefits our health, and cites
numerous scientific proofs of this claim. However, vinegar "miracles" were known even before the time of the Prophet (SAW).

The first-century Greek doctor Dioscorides, who traveled widely with the Roman army, was a careful observer of the medicine of his time. In his writings, he describes the use of a substance he calls 'oxymel,' or sour honey, for arthritis-like pains.

Over the centuries, oxymel – a combination of apple cider vinegar and honey – has been widely used to dissolve painful calcium deposits in the body, and for other health problems such as hay fever. This is because apple cider vinegar is nutrient-rich, including amino acids, enzymes, manganese, magnesium, potassium, and silicon. It improves metabolism and can counteract the effects of excess lactic acid in the bloodstream released during exercise and stress.

It has also been used as a tonic to help those with arthritis, blood pressure, cholesterol, colds, constipation, cramps, diabetes, diarrhea, indigestion, muscle stiffness, and sore throat. In his over 300-page book Vinegar, D. Lawrence cites over 100 studies in praise of the condiment. Many more claims of vinegar’s benefits are documented in respected journals like Science
Digest, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics and The Journal of the American Medical Association.

Perhaps, though, the most important thing we can learn from Prophetic nutrition is moderation. As we sort through the wisdoms of Prophetic nutrition in our attempt to reconcile them with modern "science," we must always remember what the Qur’an (20:8 1) says, “Eat of the good things We have provided for your sustenance, but commit no excess therein."


03-31-2021, 10:41 AM
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) told her,
"Khadeejah, here is (Angel) Gabriel. He commanded me to say salam to you and to give you the glad of tiding of a home of pearl in Paradise in which there will be no toil or hardship." She replied, "Allah is the Giver of salam (peace). Peace be upon Gabriel and peace and mercy of Allah be upon you."
Khadeejah has had a previous marriage before she married the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W).
But now, she was free, conducting the affairs of her life and shouldering her huge responsibilities all by herself. She was a wealthy woman who had wide commercial holdings. This is in addition to her being beautiful, very famous and pure-mannered, a quality that won her the accolade: 'The pure woman'.
All these qualities and qualifications made her attractive to many Qurayshi men who wished to marry her.
But it seemed that her first marriage experience made her refuse to agree to any of the proposals. Her preoccupation with her business and other obligations might also have been another reason for her refusal of these proposals. She remained unmarried until she got older and approached the age of forty.
The popularity of the name of the Trustworthy (Muhammad) (S.A.W) who was a model of good conduct reached her. What she heard from her servant, Maysarah regarding Muhammad's excellent manners in buying and selling and how he made big profits when he accompanied them on their last business trip to Syria created in her a great interest in him. This led her to send someone to him to indirectly express her interest in marrying him.
The marriage took place between her and Muhammad (S.A.W) and both were delighted because of the same conducts they shared and their hearts also shared the same feeling.
In the course of the years in which they lived together as husband and wife, the marriage was blessed with pleasant children.
The first of them was al-Qasim, with whose he formed his famous acronym. They were then blessed with 'Abdullah, at-Tayyib, who was otherwise known as at Tahir. But for some Divine Wisdom all of them died in their infancy. And that was before he was commissioned as a Prophet.
After he was commissioned as a Prophet, he was blessed with girls successively in the following order: Zaynab, Ruqayyah, Umm Kulthoom and Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with all of them).
The greatness of Khadeejah vividly showed in its best and perfect form at the time her husband was commissioned as a Prophet and after that until she died amid the tears of her daughters and the sorrow of their great father and the noble Messenger over his Companion, the life partner and the solid support.

The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) was made to love seclusion and staying away from people and their materialistic world for the purpose of reflection and meditation over the sovereignty (of the heavens and the earth). This seclusion led to the elevation of his soul and the purity of his feeling. He became prepared to receive the Great News and the huge responsibility.

The Prophet (S.A.W) used to visit the cave of ‘Hira’ on the Mountain of Mercy (Jabal ar-Rahmah)? He would take with him his food and drink that his wife, Khadeejah had prepared for him. He would spend some days and nights there, particularly during the month of Ramadan, in seclusion.

The Prophet (S.A.W) returned home one day, after the revelation has been sent down to him for the first time. He returned home to convey the following divine words to Khadeejah:

(Read! In the Name of your Lord Who has created [all that exists]. He has created man from a clot [a piece of thick coagulated blood]. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous. Who has taught [the writing] by the pen. He has taught man that which he knew not) (Qur'an 96: 1-5)
It is here that the first signs of her greatness manifested.

Yes! She unhesitantly believed in him and accepted Islam immediately. This is the consensus of the historians and writers of the life history of the Prophet (S.A.W).

There is however a question:
"Was her acceptance of Islam and her faith done just to follow her husband so that their relationship could continue or was it done for noble and sublime reasons that transcended this materialistic and sentimental meaning?"

The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) returned home to his wife, Khadeejah while his heart was trembling and saying, "Cover me, cover me." She covered him until he was no more terrified.8 He told Khadeejah, after having informed her of his experience in the cave of Hira, "I fear that something might happen to me."

But his wife's response to this expression of fright was, "Never! By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you. You keep good relations with your Kith and kin, serve your guests generously, help the poor and the destitute and assist the deserving calamity-afflicted ones."

This statement is undoubtedly a sign of awareness, wisdom, maturity and a deep understanding of the situation. It is also an expression of support.

“A'ishah (R.A) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) was sitting down with Khadeejah. He then saw a person between the heaven and the earth and he told Khadeejah of what he saw. She asked him to move closer. When he moved closer she asked her if he still saw the person and he answered in the affirmative. She then told him to put his head under her garment and asked him if he still saw
him. He answered in the negative. She then told him, "Relax, this is an angel, had he been a devil he would not have been ashamed (of looking at you while you are under the cover of a woman's garment).”

With decisive word and action did Khadeejah calmed the Prophet (S.A.W) and strengthened him. The great love she had for him transformed into what is greater: belief in Allah and His Messenger (S.A.W).

One day, the Prophet (S.A.W) returned home after Jibreel (Angel) had taught him how to pray. He informed her of this and she said, "Just teach me how he taught you." And he taught her. She then performed ablution as he did and she prayed along with him, and then said, "I testify that you are really the Messenger of Allah."

Ibn Hajar said in his Book, al-isbah: "This is the most correct narration I came about concerning her Islam.

Ibn Ishaq said: "Khadeejah was the first person to believe in Allah and His Messenger and believe in all that he brought. Allah comforted His Messenger by that. The Prophet never heard any unpleasant thing from her whenever she talked to him.

And the journey continued ...

The ship of faith continued weathering the storms and waves of the age of ignorance and its darkness, while its great captain Muhammad was directing the passengers with wisdom, patience and reliance on Allah. Whenever he sensed tiredness in himself or sensed an aggression in the violent winds he turned his eyes to the heaven and then sought support from his Companion and life partner. And what he got was a compassionate smile and a truthful, assuring and reinforcing word. He then became strengthened in his mission to carry out the command of Allah and His order.

This great aspect of Khadeejah was adequately rewarded by the Lord of Majesty. Angel Gabriel (Angel) was sent to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) to give him a good tiding of a home of pearls in Paradise, where there would be no hardship or tiredness.

Here is another aspect of greatness in the life of Khadeejah.

She had invested all her wealth in the cause of Allah. She generously and unlimitedly spent without making any mention of what she had spent, especially during the years of sanction in the alleys of Abu Talib.

She spared the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) the trouble of labour. All his occupation was calling unto the way of Allah. Allah reminded him of this favour when He (S.W.T) says:

(And He found you poor and made you rich [self-sufficient with self contentment]?) (Qur'an 93: 8)
She also showed kindness to the weak and poor Muslims. She was very generous to them and was really and deservedly entitled to be called 'Mother of the faithful'. She was the first mother of the faithful in every sense.

She enjoyed so an envious status that ‘A'ishah was strongly jealous of her because the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) frequently spoke of her and nostalgically remembered her days with him and missed her.

‘A'ishah (R.A) said: "The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) rarely went out of the house without mentioning Khadeejah and praising her. One day, he spoke of her and I grew very jealous and I told him, ‘Was she not an old lady whom Allah has replaced for you with a better woman?’ He got angry and said, ‘No, by Allah! Allah did not replace her with any better woman. For, she believed in me when people disbelieved, she consoled me with her wealth when people denied me their money and Allah blessed me with children from her while I was denied children by other women.’ ‘A'ishah then said, ‘And I said in my mind, ‘Never shall I speak unfavourably of her again’.'"

Khadeejah (R.A) came out of the alleys of Abu Talib physically weakened. She became sick and her beloved husband and daughters cared for her, consoled her and alleviated her suffering to the best of their ability. But as Allah would have it, no remedy or cure was able to heal her, and she finally surrendered her soul and left for the Highest Company.

Her death was one of the saddest experiences of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W).

Khawlah bint Hakeem asked the Prophet, "Messenger of Allah! It seems you have been afflicted by want since the death of Khadeejah." The Prophet (S.A.W) replied, "Yes, she was the mother of the household and the caretaker for the family."

The saying of the Prophet (S.A.W) was the result of the inevitable gap her death created in the household, in the real sense of the word. This is because; seeing the daughters would remind of the absent mother, and the atmosphere of sorrow and distress would remind of the big heart that was flourishing with love and faith.


03-31-2021, 10:45 AM
Parental care is the main foundation for providing protection for children and enabling them to enjoy the rights guaranteed by Islam. Nevertheless, society and state institutions have a role in this regard that is no less important. For all children to enjoy their rights without discrimination, it is a prerequisite that the state constitution should unequivocally state that children have rights to a name, an identity, property and inheritance, sponsorship in a family, health care and education.
Of no less importance is a legislature’s responsibility to pass laws guaranteeing the protection of children from exploitation in harsh or dangerous jobs, or in activities that may render them liable before the law, or that may constitute physical or moral humiliation for them. It would be immaterial whether such exploitation is carried out by the family, or those working in child care institutions such as schools or welfare houses, or other individuals. It is in this light that we understand the saying of the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him: “Each of you is a shepherd, and each of you is accountable for his or her flock.” The Prophet also said: “Allah will (on the Day of Reckoning) question each person in a position of responsibility about what he (or she) was responsible for (in this life).”

Parliamentary endorsement and ratification of international conventions, treaties and agreements pertaining to the rights of children is also of great importance, as is state adherence to the articles of these agreements, provided this does not contravene the correct understanding of Islamic Sharia.

These measures are necessary for the preservation of the rights of children and for protecting them within the state itself. They are also essential to coordinating cooperation between states in combating internationally organized crimes that violate the rights of children and endanger their lives, and in retrieving children who might be sold or smuggled across borders, or who are forced to flee a certain country and seek refuge in another because of armed conflicts and natural disasters. Measures should be taken in order to provide such children with the necessary care while preparations are made for their repatriation and unification with their families.

The state’s executive institutions should shoulder their responsibility to provide services guaranteeing that all children enjoy their basic rights without discrimination, whether on the basis of race, gender, religion, economic or social status, or health conditions. These institutions should draw up plans to guarantee the rights of children, and include these plans in the state’s overall scheme. They should also generate the resources necessary to implement the plans, which should be given the priority they deserve.

The state’s responsibility to provide for and protect children’s rights does not contradict nor replace the responsibility of the society to guarantee and protect these rights. Elucidating the rights of children in Islam and the stance of Islamic Sharia vis-à-vis the duties of parents to fulfil these rights, and warning parents against violating them or denying them to their children, is one of the main tasks of Islamic scholars. Of paramount importance too is the role of civil society institutions in observing and monitoring the state’s attention to securing the rights of children. In cooperation with mass media, these institutions have the responsibility to contribute to educating families and urging the state to adopt children’s causes.

They also play an important role in monitoring and reporting any incidents of child abuse, maltreatment or violence, or discrimination or exploitation. In addition, the payment of obligatory zakat (alms) and charitable donations by members and foundations within the society secures substantial amounts of money to fund projects in education, health, social welfare for destitute children, orphans and poor families.



04-07-2021, 10:55 AM
`And the male is not like the female.' (Quran, 3:36) There is no doubt that when Allah created that `single soul', and from it derived the first couple, Woman was not just a revised model of Man. And the differences, far from being the product of chance or random whim, were the wise and compassionate workings of our Creator, Who exquisitely designed each half of the pair to complement the other physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. They had certain things in common - and an absolutely fundamental range of differences! It is true that there are plenty of `sensitive' men and `coldly logical' women. Nevertheless, it does seem that when it comes down to working out the mechanics of helping men and women to live together smoothly as husband and wife, if is a good idea to remind the hopeful newlyweds that they are not the same at all - it is easier to solve a lot of the problems if one remembers the saying that `women come from Venus, and men come from Mars'. Just like visitors from two different planets, husbands and wives don't always `speak the same language', or understand the same consequences from a course of action, or look at a problem through the eyes of someone from the same background. Quite apart from the `gender gap', which has been carved into the chromosomes of every single cell in the body, one obvious factor is that the two partners have come into their marriage from two different families, with entirely different past tracks. Since experiences in childhood play so important a role in shaping our thinking and attitudes in adulthood, there will be unknown depths to deal with, and conflicting views will inevitably break surface from time to time. When both partners come from a very similar background, sharing the same religious beliefs and practices and aims, the problems are greatly reduced -but they are not done away with entirely. Much depends on what happened to them as individual boys and girls FULL ON:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/ce...fferences.html URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

04-07-2021, 10:57 AM
Tala al Badru 'Alayna Min Thaniyati-al Wada' Wajaba Shukru 'Alayna Ma da'a lillahi da' Tala al Badru 'Alayna Min Thaniyati-al Wada' Wajaba Shukru 'Alayna Ma da'a lillahi da' FULL LYRICS:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/ta...ru-alayna.html URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

Tala'a Al-Badru 'Alayna
Ayyuha-al Mab'uthu feena Tala'a Al-Badru 'Alayna Ji'ta sharafta-al Madeenah Marhaban ya khayra da Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam Wajaba lyrics ...

04-07-2021, 11:02 AM
While we discuss the life of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) through the women Companions, each of whom played a distinguishing role in his life and in the course of his mission, we should not forget to discuss 'A’ishah's room for many reasons. First and foremost, it is the noble Prophetic room that shelters the Prophet's grave and his noble body. It is the only room that still exists of the rooms of the Prophet's wives. It was the room that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) wished that he should be nursed while he was sick of fever. It is the room that shelters the remains of two leaders: Abu Bakr and 'Umar (may Allah be pleased with them). There is a story worthy of being told concerning burying the two leaders beside the Prophet (PBUH) in 'A’ishah's room. Her father had commanded her in his sick bed that he should be buried beside the Prophet The command was implemented. So a grave was dug for him in her room. His head was made parallel with the shoulders of the Prophet (PBUH), his grave was brought close to that of the Prophet and water was sprinkled on it MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/03/aishahs-house.html URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

04-07-2021, 11:07 AM

04-07-2021, 11:07 AM
"Let him who wants to see a woman among the beautiful women of Paradise who have wide and lovely eyes, look at Umm Rooman." In another narration, he (S.AW) said, "Let him look at this (woman)." Umm Rooman was naturally endowed with qualities that qualified her to be among the wide-eyed beautiful women of Paradise. And what will tell you what these women are? They are an embodiment of purity, sincerity, modesty and honesty. 'A'ishah said: "The Prophet's wives sent Fatimah, the Prophet's daughter to him. She asked permission to enter while he was lying down with me in my woollen blanket. He permitted her to enter and she said, '0' Messenger of Allah, your wives sent me to you demanding for fairness concerning (your treatment of) the daughter of Ibn Abi Quhafah (meaning 'A'ishah, daughter of Abu Bakr).' And I was there (listening but) silent. The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) told her, '0' daughter, don't you love whatever I love?' She said, 'Yes.' He then said, 'Then you should love this (lady).'' Dear reader, this is a human side of the Prophet's person. Hearts, according to the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W), are between the two of the Most-Merciful Lord's Fingers. He twists them as He wills!! And the heart is named qalb in Arabic because of its changing nature FULL ON:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/03/Sa...with-them.html URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

04-09-2021, 06:43 AM
The Muslim woman, therefore, is not one of those dressed-but-naked women who abound in societies which have deviated from the guidance of Allah (SWT). She would tremble with fear at the terrifying picture which the Prophet (PBUH) draw of those painted and adorned temptresses who have gone astray:

"There are two types of the people of Hell that I have not seen: people with whips like the tails of oxen, with which they beat the people, and women who are dressed yet still appear naked, who are inclined to evil and make their husbands incline towards it also. Their heads are like the humps of camels, leaning to one side. They will not enter Paradise, or even smell its scent, although its scent can be discerned from such-and-such a distance."

FULL POST:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/mu...ect-hijab.html


04-09-2021, 06:45 AM
"A man should not sit alone with a woman unless a mahram is with her, and a woman should not travel without a mahram."

A man stood up and said:

"O Messenger of Allah (PBUH), my wife has set out for Hajj, and I have enlisted for such-and-such a military expedition."

He said, "Go and perform Hajj with your wife."

FULL POST:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/Mu...-stranger.html


04-10-2021, 10:40 AM
It is best to consume super foods regularly, to self-harvest them, or to buy them from a reputable source that does not alter them by extracting substances from them or adding to them (e.g., by making them into a health drink with fructose and other additives). The following is a list of some "miracle foods": HERE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/mi...rom-allah.html


Miracle Foods from Allah
Some of the most readily spirulina algae kelp,royal jelly, honey wheat grass flax seeds alfalfa Miracle Foods Treatment Qur'anic Medicine Nutrions...

04-10-2021, 10:44 AM
It is permissible for the husband and wife to bath together in the same place even though he sees her private parts, and she sees his. This is established by a number of authentic hadith, among them:

On the authority of 'Aa'ishah (radiallahu anha) who said: "I used to bathe with the
Prophet from a single container of water which was placed between us such that our hands collided inside it. He used to race me such that I would say: `Leave some for me, leave some for me!' She added: CONTINUE HERE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/th...-together.html


04-14-2021, 08:33 AM
St. Paul (also known as Saul, born in Tarsus on 4 C.E.; died in 64 C.E.), who is considered to be the founder of Christianity, himself suffered failure in his love. During his youth when St. Paul was a Jew, he fell in love with a woman named Popea, the daughter of the high priest of Jews.
She possessed haunting beauty. She liked Paul but then she rejected his offers of marriage and went to Rome as an actress. She started her career on the stage and, while climbing the ladder step by step, she reached the Roman emperor who finally married her. Popea became the Empress of the Roman Empire. Paul’s conversion to Christianity occurred right after his being rejected by Popea.

“Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to commit immoral and shameless acts (fahshaa), whereas Allah promises you Forgiveness from Himself and Bounty.” (Surah Al-Baqarah: verse 268)

It is little wonder that festivals like Valentine’s Day have resulted in increased corruptions in societies. For instance, journalist Amelia Wasserman noted that more married men and women have started to cheat in their marital relationships after the advent of festivals like Valentine’s Day, resulting in increased cases of adultery and dumping of the marital partner. Wasserman wrote:

“In 2010, the Canadian Adultery site, Ashley Madison, reported a spike of new registrations from both men and women the day after Valentine's Day." FULL:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/Ri...Societies.html



04-14-2021, 08:37 AM
There are some reasons which cause the supplication to be accepted by Allah (SWI'). They are: Repentance to Allah (SWT): The almighty Allah (SWT) said - I said (to them): Ask forgiveness from your Lord, Verily, He is Oft-Forgiving; He will send rain to you in abundance; And give you increase in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers. [71 :10,12] READ HERE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/Re...Rejection.html URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

04-15-2021, 05:05 AM
Aoa. The article is horribly written. What does it even mean to be aggressive in dua?

04-15-2021, 04:16 PM
Islam’s attention to preserving the life and health of the child amounts to attending to the strength of the Muslims as a whole. This is how able-bodied and healthy individuals who are full of life and activity are raised. A healthy body not only contributes to the soundness of one’s thinking, but also makes it possible for the individual to interact with life and fellow humans. Islam has provided rules for the Muslim individual and a well-organized scheme of life to prevent ill health. Second to Islam itself, good health is the best bounty Allah may bestow upon any person. A Muslim simply cannot act properly and perform his duties towards his Lord without good health. Al-Tirmidhi reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said: “Of all the bounties bestowed upon him, the first thing the servant of Allah will be asked about on the Day of Judgment is that it will be said to him (by Allah) did I not give you a healthy body.“ MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/Ca...Happiness.html URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

04-16-2021, 01:24 PM
Her name was Barrah, so the Messenger of Allah (SAW) changed it to Maymoonah.

Maymoonah (RA) was not the only lady who accepted Islam and whose name was Barrah and the Messenger of Allah (SAW) changed her name. There are many other women whom the Prophet (PBUH) gave other names. An example is Zaynab bint Jahsh, another mother of the faithful. Her name was also Barrah, so the Messenger of Allah (SAW) changed it to Zaynab. MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/ma...-faithful.html


04-17-2021, 01:17 PM
I agree with iammuslim98. The article (if one were to call it that) makes one wonder what the author means to express. I believe that if one is to make a supplication one should also request that it be granted if it is good and right and will not harm anyone else. Leave the rest to Allah. He knows best. Have faith, real faith, and a clean mind

04-17-2021, 02:34 PM
You have to visit the link in the article to read it full then you comment

04-17-2021, 02:38 PM
You're right, we have already published 'Condition of Supplication' what you have said was mentioned there! Here is the links>>>https://www.aminullah.org/2021/03/co...-mistakes.html thank you! May Allah guide us

Conditions of Supplication and Mistakes In Supplication
Supplication in Islam Asking Allah (SWT) Conditions of Supplication, Mistakes In Supplication Supplicating for sins to spread in the Islamic society ...

04-17-2021, 06:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnaHaka
You have to visit the link in the article to read it full then you comment
I read it, thats why i said its horribly written. I didnt make a guess when i asked about aggression in dua.

04-21-2021, 12:23 PM
Experience tells us that love and committed relationships are built over time, through mutual care and understanding. It does not happen in a few interactions. On the other hand, lust can begin and end in an instant. Love is long-lasting whereas lust is temporary. Love is patient whereas lust is impatient.

The idea of “love marriage” and “love at first sight” is promoted on TV dramas, movies, songs, social media and Internet. However, real love does not happen, most of the times, at first sight. First sightings are merely for the eye CONTINUE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/Lu...rst-Sight.html


04-21-2021, 12:25 PM
The true Muslim woman avoids mixing with men as much as possible; she does not pursue it or encourage it. Thus she follows the example of Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet (PBUH), the
Prophet's wives, the women of the salaf (the Sahabah and Tabi`in), and those who followed their way sincerely.

The harm that may be done to both sexes as a result of free mixing, that is obvious to the Muslim woman, is now becoming clear to Westerners who have practiced free mixing on the widest scale CONTINUE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/Mu...-With-Men.html


04-22-2021, 01:53 PM
Islam’s attention to preserving the life and health of the child amounts to attending to the strength of the Muslims as a whole.

This is how able-bodied and healthy individuals who are full of life and activity are raised. A healthy body not only contributes to the soundness of one’s thinking, but also makes it possible for the individual to interact with life and fellow humans. Islam has provided rules for the Muslim individual and a well-organized scheme of life to prevent ill health.

Second to Islam itself, good health is the best bounty Allah may bestow upon any person. A Muslim simply cannot act properly and perform his duties towards his Lord without good health.

Al-Tirmidhi reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said: “Of all the bounties bestowed upon him, the first thing the servant of Allah will be asked about on the Day of Judgment is that it will be said to him (by Allah) did I not give you a healthy body.“

In another Hadith reported by Al-Tirmidhi it was said, “The Messenger of Allah, Peace Be Upon Him, did not like anything more to be asked for than good health.”

Islam’s attention to preserving the life and health of the child amounts to attending to the strength of the Muslims as a whole.

This is how able-bodied and healthy individuals who are full of life and activity are raised. A healthy body not only contributes to the soundness of one’s thinking, but also makes it possible for the individual to interact with life and fellow humans. Islam has provided rules for the Muslim individual and a well-organized scheme of life to prevent ill health.

Second to Islam itself, good health is the best bounty Allah may bestow upon any person. A Muslim simply cannot act properly and perform his duties towards his Lord without good health.

Al-Tirmidhi reported on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him, said: “Of all the bounties bestowed upon him, the first thing the servant of Allah will be asked about on the Day of Judgment is that it will be said to him (by Allah) did I not give you a healthy body.“

In another Hadith reported by Al-Tirmidhi it was said, “The Messenger of Allah, Peace Be Upon Him, did not like anything more to be asked for than good health.”



04-23-2021, 02:48 PM
The Islamic Sharia entrusts parents with the responsibility of preserving the life and health of their child, and providing care as he or she grows. The child is entrusted to the parents, who will be called to account by the Almighty, Who will question them about this trust. The child simply cannot take care of or protect him or herself; he or she lacks the ability to do so. Care and protection are the parents’ responsibility. Early in life, a child simply does not comprehend real danger. Parents have a duty to protect their youngsters from sickness and preserve them from dangers that may threaten their lives and impede their growth. Under the joint responsibility of the husband and wife, parents have the obligation to take charge of all the affairs of their child, to guide the child, provide appropriate nutrition, and preserve or protect him or her from whatever sickness or disease causes harm. Islam warns us against neglecting the need to provide our children with medical treatment or with preventive measures against fatal diseases or other illnesses. Islam prefers a strong believer to a weak one MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/Pa...eir-Child.html URL:https://www.aminullah.org

04-28-2021, 10:06 AM
Modern Muslims often turn to books and magazines to find out what foods will make them healthy, however, the Qur’an and Hadith have provided the Islamic community with many ideas of foods that should be included in the ideal diet.

The Qur’an mentions many fruits and vegetables as well as meat, milk and many spices among the foods Muslims can enjoy and thrive on. Among some of the fruits and vegetables mentioned in the Qur’an and Hadith are melons, grapes, citrus, squash, figs and dates FULL ARTICLE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/04/Fo...f-Prophet.html


04-30-2021, 07:03 AM
Every part of a spouse's body is halal for you and it is permissible to look at each other naked.

The Prophet, on whom be peace, were not allowed to reveal their private parts to their wives.

Breasts are not private parts in the above context.

Why make everything haram when very few things are. Have a bath with your spouse. There was a time when women used to bath their husbands.

05-01-2021, 10:43 AM
Marriage is not a bed of roses. Or, at least, if you wish to look at it in such terms, it is a bed of roses with plenty of thorns in it. This article is an attempt to shed some light on what makes so many marriages go wrong, so that hopefully, you who are starting out can avoid a few of the pitfalls. The true Muslim is conscious of God at every moment of the day, during every event of life. And He is present with us not only during the grand times, when we are in the limelight, and are patted on the back when we are successful, but also in those far more frequent times when we are slogging away, coping with boredom and frustration at work or at home, and putting up with things we do not really like. He does not only see the things that are done in public, but as al-Basir, the All-Seeing, beholds even the tiniest things that are done behind closed doors FULL POST:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/05/cr...in-heaven.html


Revert alYunani
05-02-2021, 05:29 PM
well..i dont wanna be that guy but i dont understand the point of putting such pictures? Like i opened the article and the first thing i saw was a picture of a woman in hijab and full make up showing a little of her hair being happy with her husband maybe?..i mean there are many men and women who wanna get married or have body issues or poor and these pictures hurt them even if for a little.They give the wrong idea of marriage.I would have read that article but this and other pictures i saw in the site of hijabis in make up turned me off a lot.Your choice though,just saying cuz it took my attention

Eric H
05-02-2021, 10:11 PM
Greetings and peace be with you AnaHaka;

Thanks for sharing, I thought it was a helpful way to look at marriage, I liked this quote -

If your main aim in marriage is to please your partner, then you could be heading for disappointment and distress, for human beings are odd creatures with fickle moods and fancies. Many disappointed husbands and wives know that no matter what they do or how hard they try, the partner is never pleased. In fact, quite often the more they do to try to earn that approval, the more it irritates the partner and the less likely they are to get it. Human nature can be that perverse.

However, if your main aim is to please Allah, then you will hopefully be able to withstand any `bad patches', maintain your loving relationship with sympathy and patience, and remain confident that He Who sees all will understand everything that comes to pass.
May Allah bless you on your journey.

05-17-2021, 12:02 PM
Selected Supplications from the Quran

“Rabana atina fey addunia hasanah wa fey alakhairtty hasanah waqana addab Annar”. (Our Lord, give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Hellfire). [2:201]

"Rabana atina men ladunka rahamah wa haia lana men amrina rashada". (Our Lord, bestow on us mercy from Yourself, and facilitate for us our affair in the right way). [18:10]

"Rabana la tawakhidna in nasina ow akhttaana". (Our Lord, punish us not if we forget or fall into error).[2:286]

Selected Supplications from Sunnah

The Prophet (SAW) Said "The best supplication for seeking forgiveness is to say
"Allahuma anta Rabi la ilaha illa anta, khalaqtani wa ana abduka, wa ana ala ahdika wa wa'dika mastata'tu A udhu bika min sharri rna sana'tu, abu'u laka bini'matika alaiya, wa abu'u bidhanbi faghfirli fa innahu la yaghfiru adh-dhunuba illa anta." (0 Allah you are my Lord! None has the right to be worshipped but you. You created me and I am your slave, and I am faithful to my covenant and my promise as much as I can. I seek refuge with You from all the evil I have done. I acknowledge before You all the blessings You have bestowed upon me, and I confess to You all my sins. So I entreat You to forgive my sins, for nobody can forgive sins except You) The Prophet (SAW) added "If somebody recites it during the day with firm faith in it, and dies on the same day before evening he will be from the people of Paradise; and if somebody recites it at night with firm faith in it, and dies before morning, he will be from the people of Paradise."[Reported by AI Bukhari] MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/05/Se...nd-Sunnah.html


05-19-2021, 10:04 AM
She is the daughter of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab.
In Arabic language, Hafs is one of the names of the lion. The Messenger of Allah, would often address 'Umar as Aba Hafs.

There is a story for behind her entering the household of prophethood as a wife of the Messenger of Allah (SAW).

She was married to a man known as Hisn Ibn Hudhafah who witnessed the Battle of Badr and then fel1 ill at Madeenah and died.

Hafsah then became a widow.

It has been part of Arab culture, either in the age of ignorance or after the emergence of Islam, that a man makes efforts to marry off his daughter, sister or any woman in his guardianship without any inconvenience - to someone he believed was good and suitable MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/05/ha...-faithful.html


05-19-2021, 01:45 PM
It is natural that a Muslim woman who does not mix with men would not wish to shake hands with anyone who is not her mahram, in accordance with the teaching and example of the Prophet (PBUH). Bukhari reports that `A'ishah (May Allah be pleased with her) said:

"When the believing women made hijrah to the Prophet (PBUH), he would examine and test them, in accordance with the ayah: MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/05/Mu...ahram-Man.html


05-19-2021, 01:57 PM
One of the rulings of Islam concerning women is that a woman should not travel without a mahram, because travel is full of dangers and hardships and it is not right for a woman to face all this alone, without a mahram to protect her and take care of her MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/05/Mu...th-Mahram.html


Muslima! She Does Not Travel Except With a Mahram
woman should not travel without a mahram because travel is full of dangers and hardships Muslima! She does not travel except with a mahram Hadith Bukh...

05-19-2021, 04:02 PM
This is one reason why my mother never allowed me to go shopping even to a 30min drive grocery mall w/o her, my dad or by brother. [emoji17] But the wisdom behind this is good anyway.

05-19-2021, 04:06 PM
I always keep this in mind. Currently, i'm the only Muslim woman in my department, the rest being men and non muslim women. So many reservations to observe for myself.

05-20-2021, 06:03 AM
Aoa. So hazrat safiya, prophet's aunt was wrong to go without a mehram to protect other Muslim women and children and killed a jew? What about Aeysha r.a who waged a war against Ali, without a mehram? Or Umar and his wife? She used to go to the mosque at night and in the morning before Umar?

05-22-2021, 01:39 PM
In Islam, there is no room for courtship and dating. Islamic teachings prohibit all forms of premarital intimacy, including taking a boyfriend or girlfriend (Surah An-Nisa: 25). It is strongly recommended for a Muslim woman to cover up her face in front of non-mahram men. Only under certain exceptions (such as a marriage proposal or medical treatment or witness in the court, etc.) are women allowed to display their faces in front of men. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said in one tradition: MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/05/Co...ital-Love.html


05-22-2021, 01:48 PM
Read the article full, you'll have your answer Insha Allah!

05-22-2021, 04:59 PM
As for women covering their face according to verified hadith in Al Bukhari

Volume 2, Book 26, Number 589:

Narrated 'Abdullah bin Abbas :

Al-Fadl (his brother) was riding behind Allah's Apostle and a woman from the tribe of Khath'am came and Al-Fadl started looking at her and she started looking at him. The Prophet Mohammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam turned Al-Fadl's face to the other side. The woman said, "O Allah's Apostle! The obligation of Hajj enjoined by Allah on His devotees has become due on my father and he is old and weak, and he cannot sit firm on the Mount; may I perform Hajj on his behalf?" The Prophet
Mohammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam replied, "Yes, you may." That happened during the Hajj-al-Wida (of the Prophet Mohammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ).

Prophet Mohammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't tell the woman to cover her face .

Proves that its not compulsory for women to cover their face its a choice

A Muslim women complete body should be covered the only part that can be seen are face and hands up to wrist

Sheikh Nasirudeen Al-Albani has written a book entitled "HijabulMaraatilmuslim on this very topic

Another example during hajj women don't wear face covering if it was fard they would

Now lets suppose a kid with her mother goes out to market / bazaar and all women are covering their face

the kid gets lost how would he identify even his own mother without screaming for her

When faces are covered all women wearing the similar black abaya

since its covid era i had to wear the mask i realized its barely breathable / heat imagine how a women would feel wearing a covering all the time on face

covering the face is optional / choice

05-22-2021, 05:53 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnaHaka
Read the article full, you'll have your answer Insha Allah!
Aoa. Not gonna waste my time reading such a useless and false article. The keywords were enough

05-23-2021, 12:03 PM
The siwak is a natural twig fortified with natural minerals that help clean the teeth, other inhibitors that prevent gums from bleeding, cleaning agents that kill microbes and germs and a scent that gives breath a naturally fresh smell. The siwak is an ideal, natural brush that has been endowed with more than any artificial toothpaste could ever have READ:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/05/si...our-teeth.html


Siwak: Preventive Medicine for Your Teeth
natural minerals that help clean the teeth kill microbes and germs Treatment In Islam Siwak Preventive Medicine for Your Teeth naturally fresh smell...

05-29-2021, 01:28 PM

It is best for husband and wife not to sleep after having sex until they first perform
wudhuu'. There are various hadith about this, among them:

First: On the authority of 'Aa'shah who said: "Whenever the Prophet wished to sleep or eat while in a state of Janaba (i.e. after having sex and before bathing), he would wash his private parts and perform wudhuu' as for prayer MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/05/Ma...ad-Wudhuu.html


06-18-2021, 01:15 PM
The responsibility of the Muslim woman for the members of her family is no less, in the sight of Allah (SWT), than that of the man. Her responsibility is in fact even greater than a man's, because of what she knows of the secret life of her children who live with her most of the time: they may tell her things that they do not tell their father. The Muslim woman feels this responsibility every time she hears the words of the Prophet (PBUH):

"Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock. The leader is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock; a man is the shepherd of his family and is responsible for his flock; a woman is the shepherd in the house of her husband and is responsible for her flock; the servant is the shepherd of his master's wealth and is responsible for it. Each of you is a shepherd and is responsible for his flock MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/06/Sh...er-Family.html


06-29-2021, 11:58 AM
One day a spider said to a fly
"Though you pass this way daily

My hut has never been honored by you
By making a chance visit inside by you

Though depriving strangers of a visit does not matter
Evading the near and dear ones does not look good

My house will be honored by a visit by you
A ladder is before you if you decide to step in

Hearing this the fly said to the spider,
"Sir, you should entice some simpleton thus MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/06/On...r-and-Fly.html


07-12-2021, 10:52 AM
Firstly, a husband must overcome his shyness enough to actually look at his wife, and pay attention to her. If he cannot bring himself to follow this sunna, it is an insult to her, and extremely hurtful. Personal intimacy is a minefield of opportunities to hurt each other - glancing at the watch, a yawn at the wrong moment, appearing bored, and so on. A husband's duty is to convince his wife that he does love her - and this can only be done by word (constantly repeated word, I might add - such is the irritating nature of women!), and by looking and touching.

Now, every man knows what sexual things please him - but some men, particularly those who have not been married before and are therefore lacking experience, don't seem to know much about how to give the same pleasure to the woman; even worse, some men do know but they can't be bothered to make the effort. Yet this is vital if a marriage is to succeed and not just be a disappointing burden for the woman, and it is a vital part of one's Islamic duty. it is not acceptable for a Muslim man just to satisfy himself while ignoring his wife's needs. Experts agree that the basic psychological need of a man is respect, while that of a woman is love. Neither respect nor love are things that can be forced - they have to be worked for, and earned. The Prophet (s) stated that in one's sexual intimacy with one's life partner there is sadaqa: MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2021/07/Ho...to-Sadaqa.html


02-07-2022, 12:23 PM
Siwak has 19 beneficial ingredients in it. Most important among them are:

Antibacterial acidic inhibitors that fight decay and diarrhea. They are natural disinfectants and can be used to stop bleeding. They disinfect the gums and teeth and close any microscopic cuts that may have existed in the gums. On first usage, the siwak will taste harsh, and maybe even burn, because of a mustard-like substance found in it, but this is the ingredient that fights decay in the mouth and kills germsSiwak has 19 beneficial ingredients in it. Most important among them are:

Antibacterial acidic inhibitors that fight decay and diarrhea. They are natural disinfectants and can be used to stop bleeding. They disinfect the gums and teeth and close any microscopic cuts that may have existed in the gums. On first usage, the siwak will taste harsh, and maybe even burn, because of a mustard-like substance found in it, but this is the ingredient that fights decay in the mouth and kills germs... More:https://www.aminullah.org/2022/02/Be...-of-Siwak.html

Source URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

02-07-2022, 12:25 PM
"Good dental health is more than the absence of disease or tooth decay in your mouth," says David Kennedy, DDS and author of How to Save Your Teeth (Kennedy, pg.3). "It is an integral part of your well being. People with exceptionally healthy bodies usually have healthy teeth and gums." Teeth are also a blessing from Allah. It is said that, "If the eyes are a window to the soul then the mouth is the doorway to the body"

Teeth play an important function in the digestive process. They are important in helping people to speak and in upholding one's
facial structure. Without teeth, nobody would be able to say anything comprehendible, if at all. Without teeth you would have to swallow your food without being able to chew it first, which is unhealthy for the digestive system FULL:https://www.aminullah.org/2022/02/He...th-Miswak.html

Source URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

03-30-2022, 01:12 PM
Ramadan is the month of the Quran (2:185). It is a time for connecting with the Quran through extra recitation and reflection. To help you get the best of your Ramadan recitation, keep the following tips in mind:https://www.aminullah.org/2022/03/co...n-ramadan.html


03-30-2022, 01:15 PM
“And among His signs is this that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts). Verily in that are signs for those who reflect.” Ar-room 30:21.
Islam and Love

The Messenger of Allah salla Allahu alayhi wa sallm speaking about his wife Khadija said: “Verily, I was filled with love for her.”
Mawahdah – love/intimacy
Wa rahma – mercy

  1. Love: The definition;

As a noun Strong and positive emotion of regard and affection, Passion, Any object of form or affection, Beloved, Dearest, Sexual love (lust and desire), Love making.
As a verb – Liking for someone; having great affection, A feeling of intense affection given freely without any restriction, Love exists in all persons either with sensibility (for all people) or passion (strongly excited or a particular person).

  1. The Nature of Love:https://www.aminullah.org/2022/03/je...bout-love.html

SOURCES URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

03-30-2022, 01:16 PM
Ramadan is a month of spiritual revival. Allah has created one month in every year in which the devils are locked up, the doors of Paradise are open and every soul has an opportunity to reach higher levels of spirituality.
The human soul is such that our faith is constantly going up and down. The various rituals of Islam were designed to help us maintain our levels of faith and gradually increase them.
Our five daily prayers help us maintain spirituality and connection to Allah on a daily basis. Hajj allows us to completely revive our faith once in a lifetime. And in between these two, we have fasting in Ramadan to help us restore our faith on an annual basis.https://www.aminullah.org/2022/03/th...f-ramadan.html

SOURCES URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

04-05-2022, 01:18 PM
Here are some suggestions for starting a conversation at the iftar table, beyond the usual ‘how was your day today?’
Work your way through the list - and who knows - you might come out of Ramadan learning a few new things about your loved ones! Be sure to give the person speaking your full and undivided attention when they’re speaking, and only ask questions when they’re ready. :>>>https://www.aminullah.org/2022/04/ra...rs-during.html

SOURCES URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

04-07-2022, 01:28 PM

3 pounds yukon/yellow flesh Potatoes
3 Tablespoon melted butter
1/4 cup milk
1 1/2 to 2 tablespoon salt
3/4 - 1 tablespoon mustard powder
3/4 tablespoon black pepper
1/2 cup corn More:>>>https://www.aminullah.org/2022/04/ho...illi-corn.html


  • Cover the potatoes with water and bring to a boil.
  • When they are tender then drain the water and peel when they are cool enough to handle.
  • Transfer to a large bowl and toss in your butter and milk.
  • Sprinkle over the three powders and mash away.
  • Taste for seasoning. Please do remember that for a delicious kabab/cutlet you want the mix to taste a little salty, not positively briny, just a little salty.MORE:>>>https://www.aminullah.org/2022/04/ho...illi-corn.html

SOURCES URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

05-14-2022, 06:36 PM
She is the daughter of 'Umar ibn al-Khattab.
In Arabic language, hafs, is one of the names of the lion. The Messenger of Allah, would often address 'Umar as Aba Hafs.
There is a story for behind her entering the household of prophethood as a wife of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH).

She was married to a man known as Hisn ibn Hudhafah who witnessed the Battle of Badr and then fel1 ill at Madeenah and died. Hafsah then became a widow.
It has been part of Arab culture, either in the age of ignorance or after the emergence of Islam, that a man makes efforts to marry off his daughter, sister or any woman in his guardianship without any inconvenience - to someone he believed was good and suitable. This is because; her continuous stay in his house as an unmarried girl or a widow is regarded a great shame. FULL:https://www.aminullah.org/2022/05/ha...-faithful.html


05-14-2022, 06:37 PM
The Prophet (peace be upon him) has informed us that he has not left men a greater trial than that of women. For this reason he ordered the women to cover all of their bodies save the face and palms, and men have been ordered to lower their gaze. He also prohibited men to be in privacy with women he is not related to. He said that if two such people were alone, then Satan made the third of them. An-Nasai records in his with a sahih chain.. MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2022/05/wo...his-world.html


05-14-2022, 06:47 PM
Hey your articles are amazing!

05-15-2022, 05:42 AM
I have to be honest. I work as a technical support on phone and most of the cx I deal with are women and let me tell you, they are not as cracked out to be as most men die for them. Most of the women I deal at work are pure jerks and they are more verbal than thousand men. But I suppose it is normal for non-Muslim women to be pure jerks and bullies. I am also noticing such masculine features of these women are becoming more masculine and aggressive than ever more. I wonder if these women still be a fitna for men as form of attraction?

05-15-2022, 07:04 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
I have to be honest. I work as a technical support on phone and most of the cx I deal with are women and let me tell you, they are not as cracked out to be as most men die for them. Most of the women I deal at work are pure jerks and they are more verbal than thousand men. But I suppose it is normal for non-Muslim women to be pure jerks and bullies. I am also noticing such masculine features of these women are becoming more masculine and aggressive than ever more. I wonder if these women still be a fitna for men as form of attraction?
I would say yes. They will still be fitna. Because as women are changing, men are changing too. Some men are not attracted to a feminine woman. They like women who work, make careers disregarding the duties as a wife and mother etc.

05-16-2022, 03:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Al-Ansariyah
I would say yes. They will still be fitna. Because as women are changing, men are changing too. Some men are not attracted to a feminine woman. They like women who work, make careers disregarding the duties as a wife and mother etc.
Assume what you said it is true and assume people want complete gender role reversal, what does that have to do with bad attitude and verbal abuse exactly?

What I find offensive is that if women want to act like men they usually take the worst side of him to represent men and when men act like women they usually take the best side of her and that to me is offensive and sexist. Sorry, but it is.

Women working does not in any shape or form change rights of spouses and women working MUST FOLLOW THE STRICT law that Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) have ORDERED her and men to follow. No gender mixing. Follow hijab law. If women required to travel long distance she need a mahrem, a male at that to be with her and if he cannot do it or refuses to do it then tough for her, really.

By the way, it doesn't change that masculine men and feminine women are cursed by Allah (Subhanahu Wa Talaa) and no one can force Allah to do otherwise and anyone believe they could have left the fold of Islam.

Attitude and gender role are separate entity...women with bad attitude and verbal abuser need a good slap on her mouth or need to be taught discpline. Any men who is verbal at any men will expect a nice punch on the face. No man accept bad attitude from other men....women no different.

05-20-2022, 01:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AnaHaka
The Prophet (peace be upon him) has informed us that he has not left men a greater trial than that of women. For this reason he ordered the women to cover all of their bodies save the face and palms, and men have been ordered to lower their gaze. He also prohibited men to be in privacy with women he is not related to. He said that if two such people were alone, then Satan made the third of them. An-Nasai records in his with a sahih chain.. MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2022/05/wo...his-world.html


Aoa. Or may be women are a trial because many of the men treat them poorly. Islam is about self control. Asking women to cover up because men can't control themselves goes against the basic teachings of islam

05-20-2022, 01:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by iammuslim98
Aoa. Or may be women are a trial because many of the men treat them poorly. Islam is about self control. Asking women to cover up because men can't control themselves goes against the basic teachings of islam
I agree 100% that us men need to have self control. I would love to see more men enter paradise myself. It gives me a bigger smile to hear majority of paradise are men (human).

Don’t worry men, Allah will create or have prepared lots of women for you in paradise better than the women here.

As men we need to focus in our akirah. We need to focus in ourself control. Lower our gaze. Avoid mixing. Please mind your own business what other women do, and this comes from my favourite shiekh too. Wallahi if majority of women disbelief in Allah or go out naked that is not your business. She is an adult. And it is NOT your duty as a hero with flapping cape to risk YOUR life if stranger women are beaten up, or raped by men or women. That is what police for!! Focus on yourself, seriously. We have so much on ourselves we need to focus let alone be distracted by the opposite sex.

It gives great smile to hear or read positive things coming out of men. I want us men to be so goooooood that women are repulsed at us for been Mr. perfect so much so that they want nothing from us. Here I know we won. Because we have pleased Allah and not women. I want us men to be number one in school. We men need to be self centred and focus on ourselves alone.

Women are adults they don’t need you to baby them, especially stranger. If they failed blame their men or lack of men, it is not your responsibility to clean other people’s garbage.

05-21-2022, 04:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
I agree 100% that us men need to have self control. I would love to see more men enter paradise myself. It gives me a bigger smile to hear majority of paradise are men (human).

Don’t worry men, Allah will create or have prepared lots of women for you in paradise better than the women here.

As men we need to focus in our akirah. We need to focus in ourself control. Lower our gaze. Avoid mixing. Please mind your own business what other women do, and this comes from my favourite shiekh too. Wallahi if majority of women disbelief in Allah or go out naked that is not your business. She is an adult. And it is NOT your duty as a hero with flapping cape to risk YOUR life if stranger women are beaten up, or raped by men or women. That is what police for!! Focus on yourself, seriously. We have so much on ourselves we need to focus let alone be distracted by the opposite sex.

It gives great smile to hear or read positive things coming out of men. I want us men to be so goooooood that women are repulsed at us for been Mr. perfect so much so that they want nothing from us. Here I know we won. Because we have pleased Allah and not women. I want us men to be number one in school. We men need to be self centred and focus on ourselves alone.

Women are adults they don’t need you to baby them, especially stranger. If they failed blame their men or lack of men, it is not your responsibility to clean other people’s garbage.

The hatred u have for women is unbelievable..inshallah when ur mother or daughter gets r*ped inshallah no man will help her, i pray from the bottom of my heart..
And yes only those who die for religion will get hoorulain the rest of u who smell of hatred and pride will hardly make it to jannah.. doesn't ur islam teach you not to be so hateful towards one another.. your confusion doesn't baffle me. You actually want people to stop doing good as well.. it's okay, when it will happen to your family inshallah u will see how evil you really are..

- - - Updated - - -

format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
I agree 100% that us men need to have self control. I would love to see more men enter paradise myself. It gives me a bigger smile to hear majority of paradise are men (human).

Don’t worry men, Allah will create or have prepared lots of women for you in paradise better than the women here.

As men we need to focus in our akirah. We need to focus in ourself control. Lower our gaze. Avoid mixing. Please mind your own business what other women do, and this comes from my favourite shiekh too. Wallahi if majority of women disbelief in Allah or go out naked that is not your business. She is an adult. And it is NOT your duty as a hero with flapping cape to risk YOUR life if stranger women are beaten up, or raped by men or women. That is what police for!! Focus on yourself, seriously. We have so much on ourselves we need to focus let alone be distracted by the opposite sex.

It gives great smile to hear or read positive things coming out of men. I want us men to be so goooooood that women are repulsed at us for been Mr. perfect so much so that they want nothing from us. Here I know we won. Because we have pleased Allah and not women. I want us men to be number one in school. We men need to be self centred and focus on ourselves alone.

Women are adults they don’t need you to baby them, especially stranger. If they failed blame their men or lack of men, it is not your responsibility to clean other people’s garbage.

The hatred u have for women is unbelievable..inshallah when ur mother or daughter gets r*ped inshallah no man will help her, i pray from the bottom of my heart..
And yes only those who die for religion will get hoorulain the rest of u who smell of hatred and pride will hardly make it to jannah.. doesn't ur islam teach you not to be so hateful towards one another.. your confusion doesn't baffle me. You actually want people to stop doing good as well.. it's okay, when it will happen to your family inshallah u will see how evil you really are.. and you have just proven my point, that Prophet pbuh tcalls women a trial because men like you have hatred and mistreat them not because you cant keep urself in control. Thanku

- - - Updated - - -

format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
I agree 100% that us men need to have self control. I would love to see more men enter paradise myself. It gives me a bigger smile to hear majority of paradise are men (human).

Don’t worry men, Allah will create or have prepared lots of women for you in paradise better than the women here.

As men we need to focus in our akirah. We need to focus in ourself control. Lower our gaze. Avoid mixing. Please mind your own business what other women do, and this comes from my favourite shiekh too. Wallahi if majority of women disbelief in Allah or go out naked that is not your business. She is an adult. And it is NOT your duty as a hero with flapping cape to risk YOUR life if stranger women are beaten up, or raped by men or women. That is what police for!! Focus on yourself, seriously. We have so much on ourselves we need to focus let alone be distracted by the opposite sex.

It gives great smile to hear or read positive things coming out of men. I want us men to be so goooooood that women are repulsed at us for been Mr. perfect so much so that they want nothing from us. Here I know we won. Because we have pleased Allah and not women. I want us men to be number one in school. We men need to be self centred and focus on ourselves alone.

Women are adults they don’t need you to baby them, especially stranger. If they failed blame their men or lack of men, it is not your responsibility to clean other people’s garbage.

The hatred u have for women is unbelievable..inshallah when ur mother or daughter gets r*ped inshallah no man will help her, i pray from the bottom of my heart..
And yes only those who die for religion will get hoorulain the rest of u who smell of hatred and pride will hardly make it to jannah.. doesn't ur islam teach you not to be so hateful towards one another.. your confusion doesn't baffle me. You actually want people to stop doing good as well.. it's okay, when it will happen to your family inshallah u will see how evil you really are.. and you have just proven my point, that Prophet pbuh tcalls women a trial because men like you have hatred and mistreat them not because you cant keep urself in control. Thanku

- - - Updated - - -

format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
I agree 100% that us men need to have self control. I would love to see more men enter paradise myself. It gives me a bigger smile to hear majority of paradise are men (human).

Don’t worry men, Allah will create or have prepared lots of women for you in paradise better than the women here.

As men we need to focus in our akirah. We need to focus in ourself control. Lower our gaze. Avoid mixing. Please mind your own business what other women do, and this comes from my favourite shiekh too. Wallahi if majority of women disbelief in Allah or go out naked that is not your business. She is an adult. And it is NOT your duty as a hero with flapping cape to risk YOUR life if stranger women are beaten up, or raped by men or women. That is what police for!! Focus on yourself, seriously. We have so much on ourselves we need to focus let alone be distracted by the opposite sex.

It gives great smile to hear or read positive things coming out of men. I want us men to be so goooooood that women are repulsed at us for been Mr. perfect so much so that they want nothing from us. Here I know we won. Because we have pleased Allah and not women. I want us men to be number one in school. We men need to be self centred and focus on ourselves alone.

Women are adults they don’t need you to baby them, especially stranger. If they failed blame their men or lack of men, it is not your responsibility to clean other people’s garbage.

The hatred u have for women is unbelievable..inshallah when ur mother or daughter gets r*ped inshallah no man will help her, i pray from the bottom of my heart..
And yes only those who die for religion will get hoorulain the rest of u who smell of hatred and pride will hardly make it to jannah.. doesn't ur islam teach you not to be so hateful towards one another.. your confusion doesn't baffle me. You actually want people to stop doing good as well.. it's okay, when it will happen to your family inshallah u will see how evil you really are.. and you have just proven my point, that Prophet pbuh tcalls women a trial because men like you have hatred and mistreat them not because you cant keep urself in control. Thanku

- - - Updated - - -

format_quote Originally Posted by xboxisdead
I agree 100% that us men need to have self control. I would love to see more men enter paradise myself. It gives me a bigger smile to hear majority of paradise are men (human).

Don’t worry men, Allah will create or have prepared lots of women for you in paradise better than the women here.

As men we need to focus in our akirah. We need to focus in ourself control. Lower our gaze. Avoid mixing. Please mind your own business what other women do, and this comes from my favourite shiekh too. Wallahi if majority of women disbelief in Allah or go out naked that is not your business. She is an adult. And it is NOT your duty as a hero with flapping cape to risk YOUR life if stranger women are beaten up, or raped by men or women. That is what police for!! Focus on yourself, seriously. We have so much on ourselves we need to focus let alone be distracted by the opposite sex.

It gives great smile to hear or read positive things coming out of men. I want us men to be so goooooood that women are repulsed at us for been Mr. perfect so much so that they want nothing from us. Here I know we won. Because we have pleased Allah and not women. I want us men to be number one in school. We men need to be self centred and focus on ourselves alone.

Women are adults they don’t need you to baby them, especially stranger. If they failed blame their men or lack of men, it is not your responsibility to clean other people’s garbage.

The hatred u have for women is unbelievable..inshallah when ur mother or daughter gets r*ped inshallah no man will help her, i pray from the bottom of my heart..
And yes only those who die for religion will get hoorulain the rest of u who smell of hatred and pride will hardly make it to jannah.. doesn't ur islam teach you not to be so hateful towards one another.. your confusion doesn't baffle me. You actually want people to stop doing good as well.. it's okay, when it will happen to your family inshallah u will see how evil you really are.. and you have just proven my point, that Prophet pbuh tcalls women a trial because men like you have hatred and mistreat them not because you cant keep urself in control. Thanku

05-21-2022, 07:29 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by iammuslim98
The hatred u have for women is unbelievable..inshallah when ur mother or daughter gets r*ped inshallah no man will help her, i pray from the bottom of my heart..
And yes only those who die for religion will get hoorulain the rest of u who smell of hatred and pride will hardly make it to jannah.. doesn't ur islam teach you not to be so hateful towards one another.. your confusion doesn't baffle me. You actually want people to stop doing good as well.. it's okay, when it will happen to your family inshallah u will see how evil you really are..

- - - Updated - - -

The hatred u have for women is unbelievable..inshallah when ur mother or daughter gets r*ped inshallah no man will help her, i pray from the bottom of my heart..
And yes only those who die for religion will get hoorulain the rest of u who smell of hatred and pride will hardly make it to jannah.. doesn't ur islam teach you not to be so hateful towards one another.. your confusion doesn't baffle me. You actually want people to stop doing good as well.. it's okay, when it will happen to your family inshallah u will see how evil you really are.. and you have just proven my point, that Prophet pbuh tcalls women a trial because men like you have hatred and mistreat them not because you cant keep urself in control. Thanku

- - - Updated - - -

The hatred u have for women is unbelievable..inshallah when ur mother or daughter gets r*ped inshallah no man will help her, i pray from the bottom of my heart..
And yes only those who die for religion will get hoorulain the rest of u who smell of hatred and pride will hardly make it to jannah.. doesn't ur islam teach you not to be so hateful towards one another.. your confusion doesn't baffle me. You actually want people to stop doing good as well.. it's okay, when it will happen to your family inshallah u will see how evil you really are.. and you have just proven my point, that Prophet pbuh tcalls women a trial because men like you have hatred and mistreat them not because you cant keep urself in control. Thanku

- - - Updated - - -

The hatred u have for women is unbelievable..inshallah when ur mother or daughter gets r*ped inshallah no man will help her, i pray from the bottom of my heart..
And yes only those who die for religion will get hoorulain the rest of u who smell of hatred and pride will hardly make it to jannah.. doesn't ur islam teach you not to be so hateful towards one another.. your confusion doesn't baffle me. You actually want people to stop doing good as well.. it's okay, when it will happen to your family inshallah u will see how evil you really are.. and you have just proven my point, that Prophet pbuh tcalls women a trial because men like you have hatred and mistreat them not because you cant keep urself in control. Thanku

- - - Updated - - -

The hatred u have for women is unbelievable..inshallah when ur mother or daughter gets r*ped inshallah no man will help her, i pray from the bottom of my heart..
And yes only those who die for religion will get hoorulain the rest of u who smell of hatred and pride will hardly make it to jannah.. doesn't ur islam teach you not to be so hateful towards one another.. your confusion doesn't baffle me. You actually want people to stop doing good as well.. it's okay, when it will happen to your family inshallah u will see how evil you really are.. and you have just proven my point, that Prophet pbuh tcalls women a trial because men like you have hatred and mistreat them not because you cant keep urself in control. Thanku
Personally I don’t care what happens to you or anyone else really. I am not related to you or married to you or have any responsibilities to you or anyone else as a matter of fact. So why should I care or any women or men in fact if they want to enter hellfire or not. I still stand that us men need to focus on ourselves and improve in ourselves. I think women have proven without doubt they can handle their affairs just fine without men and if that is been women hater I take that title with great pride. To know that women don’t need men and can run their affairs fine without us make me women hater so be it. That us men need to work on improving ourselves and lowering our gazes to protect ourselves from hellfire and not care what some stranger women do to herself even if it means she get raped or killed is not my concern. She have family it its their responsibilities not mine. One of the greatest pleasures I have of been single is that I am not responsible of someone’s daughter. Oooo weeeer I dodged the bullet. No sex or children is worth taking care of someone else’s daughter.

Now if a woman goes out skanking herself and got raped or killed is not my concern. She is an adult she should know better. If she want to roar like a lion learn self defence, get weapons to protect yourself. Lots of non-Muslim do that. Follow their footsteps if you like. Join feminism if you want. Me? I am focusing in myself and trying my best to help brothers who listen.

05-21-2022, 08:26 AM
Hahaha you just keep proving my point:D thanku so much. ...the monster in u really shines bright.. such a good role model for muslim men u are. And imagine if the prophets had ur sickening mentality..oh no, they aren't filled with hatred. Loool u can keep b*rking wont be replying:)

05-21-2022, 12:56 PM
Call me whatever name you want I don't care. That is what majority of women do..shame tactic,even men and I am immune to it. The stance remains, you are a stranger and I am stranger, I have no obligation to you nor do you have any obligation to me. I don't care what happens to you and you don't care what happens to me. That is the diffention of a stranger. I mind my business you mind yours. Whatever calamities happens to you, I thank Allah it didn't happen to me and I try to get closer to him and hopefully you will be doing the same..but I think you have bigger issues than I thought.

Allah have ordered women to stay home, nowadays most women want to get out of their homes. Allah have command women to wear Hijan, majority want to walk naked if even given chance and demand men to take full responsibility and accountabilitiy while they walk naked. Here, I say you are right. It is really up to us only men to be responsible of our actions and to limit number of men entering hellfire because of women. I agree with you. Men should be the one lowering their gaze, men should be the one who is accountable, men should be more responsible (as you are teaching me that women are children...who is the real sexist here? Hmm, I wonder.). Women demand to be treated like a child yet, at the sametime women are equal to men and women are smarter than men and women are stronger than men. Funny, however, even children are taught accountabilities and responsibilities. We let the child hurt himself to teach him a lesson, we never call those parents monsters. Women are that special, really? Because of this formula twe have just turned women into coals for hellfire. So who is the big monster? By pushing men to be more accountable, responsible and punishable here, while women Miss. Perfect and are less accountable, responsible and punishable here, means less men accountable, punishable in the afterlife and more women are accountable, punishable in the afterlife and if this is what you want, I am not stopping you.

If you wish to go naked or defy Allah and something bad happens to you...I don't care and I am not responsible for your action. I will mind my own business. In fact, you should be happy it happened to you here and not delayed for afterlife. If you really fear Allah and limit the number of sins you have accumalted here you will stop talking to non-Mahrim men unnecessarily and that will be me...here. I am stopping talking to you unnecessarily here because I fear Allah...let us see if you can do the same. I will laugh my head off when I read your replies after this message. It have proven my point, you don't fear Allah or care about Allah and that makes you the definition of a monster.

By the way, from all the posts I have seen you type..you have done not one thing from your posts to proof you actually love the prophet peace be upon him....if anything...you actually went against his sunnah and disobeyed him so many times over in your posts. Do you believe in Qadir? I wonder.

06-07-2022, 10:57 AM
No doubt the true Muslim woman is distinguished by her Islamic character, and she is proud of the high status which Islam gave her at a very early stage, before women in other nations attained anything like it. Fifteen centuries ago, Islam proclaimed the full rights of women for the first time in history, and Muslim women enjoyed human rights centuries before the world had ever heard of human rights organizations or witnessed any "Declaration of Human Rights."
At that early stage, Islam declared that women were the twin halves of men, as stated in the hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, al-Darimi and Ahmad. At a time when the Christian world doubted the humanity of woman and the nature of her soul, the Qur'an declared: MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2022/06/sh...r-islamic.html


06-07-2022, 11:00 AM
She is the sister of Umm al-Fadl and Maymoonah (the mother of the faithful) from the same mother and different fathers.She embraced Islam early, married 'Abdullah ibn Jahsh and migrated with him to Abyssinia.
Zaynab was of fine and noble origin. This, along with her pure religion, blossomed and produced in her great fruits: she was very pious. The fragrance of her piety spread with her name and whenever she is mentioned and the pleasant fruits of this piety flow abundantly from her hands to the poor and the needy in the form of unlimited gifts and charity so much so that she was known as 'mother of the poor'. MORE:https://www.aminullah.org/2022/06/za...mother-of.html


06-15-2022, 08:24 AM
Our Muslim sisters are generally negligent of attracting their husbands to themselves sufficiently by beautification and by other means. As a result, even if they are physically close to the husband, it is as if they are not there at all. Whether the consequences of this are light or serious, it is unfortunate that the woman will have to bear the brunt of it all. Allaah I has made the wife a garment of her husband and vice versa. However, many women do not seem to give this enough thought. Whereas an important function of garments is to conceal the body, another very important purpose of clothing is to beautify a person.
Just as clothing wraps a person, a woman should beautify herself so that she wraps her husband’s attention exclusively for herself. She should captivate his attention and imagination by fulfilling all his permissible desires. A person is open and unrestricted beneath his clothing, yet he appears well covered in front of people. Similarly, a married man’s chastity is well protected in public because he has a wife. However, he is open and unrestricted to satisfy himself with her in a permissible manner. She therefore has an extremely important function to fulfill because she is the only means by which her husband can satisfy his sensual passions. Now if a woman has to be dressed like a street-sweeper and is careless about personal hygiene, her husband will have no interest in her. His eyes will then start roving and it should never occur that the poisonous arrows of infatuation penetrate his heart: FULL>>>https://www.aminullah.org/2022/06/sa...-from-sin.html

URL SOURCES:https://www.aminullah.org/

06-15-2022, 08:26 AM
The principles of aqeedah (belief) and eeman form the foundation of our religion. They are also significant for the task of parenting. The meaning of these terms and their relation to parenting will be discussed in the following section.
The meaning of Aqeedah

Aqa'id (plural of aqeedah) are those things that people's hearts affirm and believe in; things that people accept as true. It is certain and firm belief, without doubt. 'Aqeedah is knowledge that one believes in the heart. In Islam, this would be matters of knowledge that have been transmitted in authentic reports from Allah and the Messenger (SAW) (Salla Allahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam – Blessings and peace be upon him). Allah (SWT) mentions: FULL>>https://www.aminullah.org/2022/06/nu...-ihsan-in.html

SOURCES URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

08-04-2022, 02:39 PM
The circumstances that made Safiyah one of the mothers of the faithful are very important. They are strongly related to the movement of the historical course of the Da'wah of Islam. Therefore, we need to discuss these circumstances and glorify them without any boring elaborations or faulty details.
Her father Huyay ibn Akhtab was, for Islam and the Muslims, one of the most maliciously and treacherously dangerous Jewish leaders in Madeenah. He was the leader of Banu Nadeer, one of the three biggest Jewish tribes that were living in Madeenah. These tribes had their distinctive districts and fortresses. Other two major tribes are Banu Qaynuqa' and Banu Quraydhah. ON:https://www.aminullah.org/2022/08/Sa...-Faithful.html

SOURCES URL:https://www.aminullah.org/

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