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View Full Version : Trouble with Atheists

03-24-2022, 07:58 PM
People coming for information is fine. But I think that there are plenty of Atheists who are just embarrassing themselves. I mean even children in school get religious education, and they get the information, doesn’t mean they have to keep bleating, I don’t believe in God. I mean what do they think anyone needs to do about that?? We in Islam are not troubled by them-they have heard of the message, if they don't repent, they will be going to Hell, it isn't like anyone is going to be miserable in the next world of what they brought onto themselves. I am writing this thread, as I feel that some Muslims are being taken advantage of-and then they spend too much time.

Atheists don’t have to come and tell people everytime, they don’t believe in God. We are not here in this world to learn about what everyone gets up to. But I agree that as well as Media and some Muslims has led to Atheists thinking they have a right to what they say.

In Islam we don’t believe in Atheists, as Allah stated in the Quran -they reject the “truth” -here they don’t reject something that they didn’t think was true.

Also do not forget that all the Prophets did not hold conferences and explain things and said to them, I understand that you may not understand this. No-they told people to repent or they will go to Hellfire straightaway.

Prophet Noah peace be upon him didn’t say to people I have to think of many ways to get them to understand-but that the message was repeated and if they had any questions than answered. Here, what is the point of wasting time -as the majority of Atheists don’t have a high education-they haven’t red the scientific paperwork on evolution-if they say they will only agree with something that they understand-well how can they agree with it-when they haven’t grasped the scientific data?? Surely it means you need to have this education and understanding. Here -what more do people need to understand, that they go along with anyone to agree to their vain desires.

When anyone hears the message-they know it is true-because it is so good, they think they are being persuaded and they get confused and say we are passionate about the subject-we maybe-but what hey are denying is their own reaction. It doesn't matter if they don't agree-as we would never accept their word of what has already been provided to us.

Some areas of behaviour to consider:

1. In today’s world you may in parts of the world, go to supermarkets and just pay for your goods-this is one of the examples, that people don’t build communication skills, just go in and get out. Addiction to media-where they get the majority of information -increase in social anxiety etc-but here I understand, but expect people to be respectful and if they don’t agree -why do they need to continue saying this to the Muslims-if they are, then I believe it falls under points 2 or 3.

2. That they are trying to bounce off people to be rebellious. To get attention, and just as there are people who fantasize of the initial stages of a relationship-meeting, as they find this more exciting-this is were I see similar areas-the Atheists is purposely keeping themselves in the initial stages by saying and acting as if they don’t understand Islam at all! Even if they already spent time knowing about it for years.

If there is a poor beggar, you wouldn’t really go up to them for attention, if you are the sort who wants someone’s attention (to compensate in your life for whatever reason) who are in power or influence. There has been an area of attention seeking – from religious groups, where they like to be rebellious and they wish to be helped, that might come in the form of abusive shouting etc.

It is a fact for example, that there are females in the west, who are not oppressed, but use stories of others around the world, to act and behave as if they are the victim-here they wish to have someone they can oppose -again to compensate for whatever they lack in contentment in life or grievance -projecting it elsewhere. It is a fact that Atheists in general, even though they are not living under a religious ruling, wish to keep this alive, again to behave as in opposition again to compensate what they are not getting elsewhere.

3. The third reason is that they wish for you to be wrongdoers as they are-as Allah stated there are those that would wish for you to be wrongdoers – here, they know they are wrong -this is that they are in affect acting as the Shaytaan. The devils follow people around, and can’t stand them being OK, good. The atheists also can’t stand people wanting to be good. They think by keep on saying their reasons for being unreligious will drive doubt in ours-but that doesn’t happen. Frankly we are not going to accept he word of Allah, or the Prophets over them. They are therefore liars.

I will like to also mention a huge point which not surprisingly every Atheists has avoided. They are acting no differently than many people in this world today or in the past. When we are doing no wrong to them, they are spending more time approaching us, then the evil doers, who are causing corruption in this world. Therefore the Atheists are HYPOCRITIES and this is serious, as they will have the bottom of the Hellfire and Hypocrites are worse.

Now, the Atheists, talk about morals, you can be good without religion-but they haven’t proved it, they get arrogant about their standard of living-which is bult on corruption and debt. We are not holding the masses responsible. But that doesn’t mean you get comfortable and lie and say you are doing better.

The point is if Atheists are so wishing to be critical of something that they say doesn’t make any sense-something that they are not affected personally in their daily lives, then isn’t it right they also use their energy and time to going up to leaders??? What ails them-here proof, it doesn’t interest them as what they are after is attention seeking as above. They are clearly not interested in the masses, the issues -the real issues that are personally affecting so many people around the world.

As I stated in another thread. If the Atheists say this is their only life, then they should commit and do so much to make it better not just for themselves but for others. If this is your only life, then it is rubbish, you are being cheated by toiling away, paying into a pension you may not receive (people are having to usually pay into a pension as they are not paid enough to save money for themselves in old age). People are living paycheck to paycheck. :bump1:

I have been trying to understand the situation, and all the information I have seen, economist-none of it looks pretty, they say were are heading for an even bigger crash. This is also why they are hoarding gold. I dislike when Muslims may think too much about what bad leaders are doing-as need to remember it is a test in this world, but for the Atheist what is there excuse??

I have read that inflation, usually happens when government prints money and they are raising interest, so people cannot afford to by more with the money that they have, so they will end up in further debt-just because of government borrowing-where it is being wasted on wars etc. Public are even asked to pay for criminals to stay in jail-so effectively a victim of rape is being told to pay taxes to the rapist to support him getting fed, heating-something that pensioners are struggling to do.

I have read that the petrodollar, is where if a country wished to buy oil, they have to pay in US dollars, that would probably mean, that the harvest or machinery that took you a long time to make, you have to sell it to the US first, so you get the US dollars (to later pay the oil), so affectively US has been getting products from countries for just sitting and printing worthless paper money. I have read that Saddam Hussain wished to not accept US dollars for their oil, so that is why Iraq was invaded. Again this information is not for Muslims to keep thinking of the crimes of evil doers-as our job isn’t to sit in this world and to learn all that they do. But here is a point of why are Atheists so comfortable??

If the Atheists are so wish to talk about what is right to them, about good and morals-then they seriously need to do something about the issues that people face in this world -some of them are:

1. Getting paid less (a few economist have said should be at least $15 per hour
2. Debt is too much-and asking people to spend 25 years plus to buy a houses is ridiculous -here banks just print out worthless money, and then ask you to spend the rest of your life paying back this worthless money (I thought they used other savers money-but that isn’t the case either)
3. The governments have purposely used what was essentially a family help system into money making- childcare, placing old people in care homes.
4. A lot of women wouldn’t wish to undertake the jobs that they are doing, they would leave it if they could (it is good thought, that Allah has allowed them to do different things-so they can’t say on the Day of Judgement they were oppressed)-they can’t have the same setup as the rest of the world, as their males were not forbidding evil and enjoining what is good. But here, women are still taking a brunt of the housework as well as working. Again if this is your only life, you want more flexibility and not just force people to go back to work after maternity leave-the baby isn’t even one.
5. Healthcare, looking after yourself-places and provision to do that. There are people who don’t have a choice and living in run down homes, damp issues, small accommodations etc-again if this is your only life-then you should be LIVID -and the Atheists should be complaining big time.

The reason why I have the word sun in my username, as I was reminded of the sun shining to melt the snow that even went down to south USA. People were not used to this and it was difficult, electricity supplies were cut off. We Muslims take heed of any sign around the world. We are not sitting there laughing at the struggles of the masses -they couldn’t be helped by anyone, and had to wait for the sun to melt the ice/snow.

Atheists are not trusted, as if you had something to say, seriously would be spending time helping people have a better life in this world if you say this is the only one. This is an unacceptable life if this is your only life- so quit whining and telling us that you don’t understand about God, spend more time looking after your grannies. :bump1:

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03-25-2022, 04:15 PM
Adding this to clarify:

Atheist keep complaining when use examples of everything else and they say they have nothing to do with it-this more than ever demonstrates their childish, immature levels -I do agree this is to do with the setup of their life.

Here are some points:

1. If you have no values-how can you be critical of others??
2. Here is an example:

There are 3 tribes

Tribe A is bad-they are causing massive trouble for all-conflict, stealing, anything
Tribe B don't wish to take a side as they are scared of losing their way of life, being attacked-similar to Atheists
Tribe C are religious and don't wish to harm anyone and only fight when they need to.

Tribe A is attacking Tribe C.
Tribe B instead of being critical of Tribe A just spends their time questioning why Tribe C are they way they are

Tribe B as Atheists spend the time questioning the Muslims -the fact that they think they can do that without any question to why they are not questioning Tribe A more, just shows they are childish level - where they are fixated on going to anyone for attention -so it is about them selves personally -with NO REGARD to anyone else (forget about everyone's else's suffering, doesn't matter people are toiling away).

Tribe B like Atheists are in NO POSITION to be state they are confused by the actions of Tribe C, when they are not clearly defining the position -and they have shown that they are evil, for if they are saying this is their only way of life, then they would try and make it better not only for themselves and for others.

Nowhere in the history of this world, would people have believed as the Atheists they can question others like they do with Muslims and deem themselves innocent (Atheists again childish by stating they are innocent). People in the past, lied, they knew what they were doing, they avoid the questions and a lot of Atheists, even if we point out something like transgender-why hasn't the majority of Atheists simply answered this point?? how you can question other people's values when you are not stating your own?? Here, they are foolish, the most stupidist people in the world, were their media as led them to believe by standing ina way of not aligning themselves to anything, people will think they are more peaceful and more kinder-here they are FOOLS-as actions speak louder then words. And here, as you can clearly see the Atheist is more wishing to be seen as kinder, good, innocent people-there is no such thing as being good and letting bad things happen without you saying a word against it.

Also I would like to point out, that at times I have seen there are the reactions of Atheists, akin to those of a female who has sex outside of marriage-because she doesn't look towards Allah, she feels aggrieved to the religious (who aren't saying anything to her), and she is angered at them -here the Atheists-if you look and look, you will see their reaction is similar they can't stand religious people (because of their own failings in whatever in life). Look at how the woke people shouting and screaming at people -just for disagreeing with them.

They are not innocent and no different to those who were critical to the Prophets when their own leaders were bad. People wanted to oppose the Prophet Noah peace be upon him, rather than each other-when they were not kinder. They knew the Prophets were no threat, but they didn't wish to go against their own people, for the comfort of this world and more over, regardless how many times an Atheist would say they dislike religion because they have more freedom-this is a huge lie-as their working life, pitiful wages, afraid to say anything to their employers. Even there are stories, when the fire alarm goes, they look at each other as they don't want to make the first move.

For the Atheists to persist in thinking it can question Muslims as if to say they are trying to understand us, but if this had any meaning they would be just as questioning the evil in their politicans and people (which they are directly affected by!), then if you cannot do this, then your posiition is meaningless. I don't waste time, to provide infomration, as people have a short life, this is where I should, but just in rush to post (I don't check work for spelling/grammer). Stop wasting people's time. Forbidding evil and enjoining good is what you should be doing, if you can't do that, then don't question when others are. If you can't as they claim, don't understand when people have values, then what you need to do is grow up, well they are not used to a "Man" governing a place, if they saw the Prophets they would be embarrased and feel inadequate (just as a women not feeling accepted because of her past sins).

They need to go away with their childish levels, and talk as a grown up, where they stand, what they believe in, what their values are -if they believed this is their only world -it is 100% unacceptable that they are not doing enough to sort it out to make it better. Not sitting there in a childish level, expecting others to do it for you, and you get to go around the playground speaking to who you want and avoiding the bully (Tribe A). People in the past and parts of the world, 100% treat people on what they accept in life, you cannot distance yourself away from your actions. The Atheist not used to the Big Mans World is not accustomed to that. Again if they can't stand by what is right -when they are MASSIVELY AFFECTED by it and a ot of other people, then go away and grow up before questioning Muslims.

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