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View Full Version : Why are you a Muslim?

02-20-2006, 12:22 AM

If someone asked you why you are a Muslim, what would you say?
This thread is meant to force you to soul-search and make sure you know why you are a Muslim.

WRONG answers include:
  • Because my parents and relatives or friends are.
  • Because I gain serenity from believing in a God.
  • Because I like being good to other people and Islam teaches me so.
  • Because someone told me Michael Jackson converted to Islam (if he did!).
  • Because I saw a photo of giant skeletons which could have been the people of A'ad to whom Prophet Huud was sent.
  • Because evolution was proven fake.
  • etc etc

I am not a scholar, but here is what I believe is a CORRECT answer:[*]Because I am convinced by many things and believe strongly that there is only one God and that is Allah and that Muhammad (S.A.W.) is His true messanger and the last of the prophets.

Please add comments and pieces of additional wisdom.



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02-20-2006, 03:01 AM
Well Allah SWT willed succes for me so he made me Muslim.

02-20-2006, 04:01 AM
If someone asked you why you are a Muslim, what would you say?

I feel that Islam is the complete way of life for me. I am muslim because Islam has the standard rules there is no grey area in between. Its either you follow it or not. Islam is a protective religion, it makes me feel very secure and there is something to look foward to when one dies as a good muslim.

02-20-2006, 04:09 AM
I believe Islam is a true religion because Allah never leave me. I could feel that He loves me so much and I want to serve him forever. I want to die as his loyal servant. Amin.:)

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02-20-2006, 04:25 AM

MashaAllah it's a very good question to ask:)

I am a Muslim because Islam is the religion Allah chose....and it's the only right path which will lead me to my Creator and I desperately wanna meet HIM.

Islam is a very unique religion and I'm proud to be a Muslimah :happy:

Peace :rose:

02-20-2006, 05:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Laaibah

MashaAllah it's a very good question to ask:)

I am a Muslim because Islam is the religion Allah chose....and it's the only right path which will lead me to my Creator and I desperately wanna meet HIM.

Islam is a very unique religion and I'm proud to be a Muslimah :happy:

Peace :rose:
I do agree that Islam is a unique religion. No religions are similar to Islam. I'm proud to be one of unique earthlings called muslims.:statisfie

02-20-2006, 08:14 AM
Every man with a, even very low, thinking power would be a muslim for:
  • Universe speaks out about ONE creator who created it with His will NOT the accidents (as many scientists believe the Universe came into being with numerous consecutive accidents…. Like big bang theory etc.).
  • Teachings of Islam prove their selves on each and every ground (Logic/science/history etc.) so that one can easily understand them.
  • Unlike other religions Islam does to argue with nature/science/logic etc.
  • Information source of Islam is authentic i.e. any one who has a mere part in hadith his complete life is documented. So I came to know the standard of information.
  • When I believe in Allah as creator and code of life given by the creator through Prophet (SAW) I can see no conflicts in the creation and the code of life for him.
Etc etc. let me think for other reasons….

02-20-2006, 09:17 AM
I was guided masha Allah to Islam and it was shown to me beyond doubt that there is any other possibility. I'd say first I was guided and then got convinced by a whole lot of things.

Primarily the ayats about creation, and the character of the prophet. The "last nail in the coffin" was when I removed all doubt and prejudice, and tried to put myself in the shoes of the prophet(pbuh) when I was reading stories about him. He was an incredible person! I then realized how much room for improvement I had and it's good because it's humbling.

And this video about space called "Powers of Ten." It zooms all the way out into space and when you watch it you realize just how small you actually are!

02-21-2006, 07:31 AM
i am a Muslim because i testify that there is no god but Allah, and He is my Lord. i feel that there's nothing that can drive me to disbelieve in the existence of Allah... and i am His slave and He is my Master and i must submit to Him.

IF i were to be a non-Muslim, i would be similar to Shaitan: knowing that Allah is real, but would disobey Him insolently

there is no protector besides Allah... Allah is the Greatest!

02-21-2006, 09:28 AM
just because i think Islam is the most perfect religion in the whole world..!!

02-21-2006, 01:48 PM
I am a Muslim, mainly because i find Islam answers all my questions, gives me a perfect way of life. And because of the close relationship a Muslim has with his lord, constantly remembering him in their speech, by saying Subhanallah, alhamdulillah etc.. praying five times a day.. And how you can remember Allah in the most simplest things like saying bismillah before you eat.

I'm pround to be a muslimah Alhamdulillah.

02-21-2006, 05:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmed_Yaseen
[*]Because someone told me Michael Jackson converted to Islam (if he did!).
:embarrass oops

02-22-2006, 06:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ahmed_Yaseen
If someone asked you why you are a Muslim, what would you say?
:sl: warhmatulahi wabarakathu

Alhamdulilah! I am a muslim becuase Islam teaches us everything - from cradle to grave. Islam gives a human being inner peace which im more than positive no other religion would. Islam helps a person understand their purpose of life and thier goals in life insha Allah. Islam is also the true religion whereas other religons have been interpreted by human beings and is obviously based on lies.

May Allah s.w.a help us all understand the true blessing of Islam insha Allah and Ameen! :)

:w: warhmatulahi wabarakathu

02-22-2006, 07:04 PM
well.... am a muzlim because i want to know about izlam as i have coverted

02-22-2006, 07:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by sumay28
:embarrass oops
LOL!! :happy:


Well, easy question, or is it? For me, the answer is because I believe in one God, Allah, and to Him, and only Him, I pray and put all my trust, belief, hope and love. Allah is my Lord and I'm His slave.

Everyday I thank Allah for letting me be a Muslim, one of His slaves, one of those Allah loves. It is a honour, greater than any and I thank Allah and pray for my sins to be forgiven.

But then again, a voice inside of me hears the question "Why are you a Muslim" and this voice answers, deep down in me, "Because Allah is my friend. My only friend."

And I don't know how to explain it, yet I will have to otherwise I find no peace...lol Just kidding.
Since I was a little child, when I was veeery little, the day I for the first time heard Allah's name mentioned, made me immediately think of someone/something familiar... Since that time when I first really heard my parents talk about Allah and still now, is Allah more familiar than my own parents, my own family. It feels like I've known Allah all my life and before.
He is my true friend, the only one who really does understand me, even better than I understand myself.

Everytime I find myself thinking like this, I feel happy and totally in peace... And alone. Because I know how close I ever will find myself towards Allah (swt) in this duniya, we are still apart, so I have to be patient until the day He and I will meet.
Oh, and inshallah, when that glorious day comes, and He calls at me, I will be His good slave, in other words a good Muslim.

This is why I am a Muslim.
It is the religion closest to Allah (subhana wa taa'ala).


Sorry... This topic really made me write a lot... Old memories came back and I just had to explain how I feel and think when I hear this question "Why Muslim?"
Hopefully you didn't get bored to death, if you even it this far... lol :giggling:

I pray for your imaan to stay strong and may Allah have mercy on you. Amiin.

Ma salama.

02-22-2006, 07:43 PM
Muslims are what we were made to be and we should try and follow our command given down to us as best as we can, sorry everyone, i havent been ont his site and posted for a long time, i shall try harder to involve myself, but as i was saying, we should all be muslims because we know it the right path and the outcome if far beyond our dreams, as we should all know from research we have all heard in lecture. But again i am a muslim because i want ot be and i pray five times a day, following the commands of Allah. Salaams Bros and Sis's look forward to more posting.

02-22-2006, 09:07 PM
I was reading one day, that they lied about the writing of the Bible. I was so lost, and felt I was placed in darkness. No hope. What can one believe if everything is lies? A friend I know in Egypt, introduced me to Islam. Before this day, I never heard of it. Truth! I sent for a Quran, and read it six times, so far.
I don't know to much Aribic and can't read much, so it is English version. I love Islam, if I am permitted to say, Allah is my God, and I declare with pride, "I am a muslim"

02-23-2006, 09:32 AM
I was quite comfortable being a Christian, but the Quran challenged me, opened my eyes and made me reassess everything. What also brought me to take the shahadah was learning about the character of Rasulullah (peace be upon him), and especially how he used to pray. I felt he was able to convey in words what I could only experience in my heart and soul but could not articulate. Becoming Muslim is like finding your true place in the universe. Sounds corny, but it is that fundamental a change. It's like seeing light for the first time. Its only from God's goodness and guidance that I am here - your sister in Islam - alhamdulillah!

02-23-2006, 09:39 AM
Mashallah, sister cleo and sister rubiesand!!
May Allah forgive your sins and have mercy on you!
Alhamdulillah, that you have been guided makes me so happy!!

Ma salama.

02-24-2006, 01:36 AM

i am a muslim because Allah S.W.T. allowed me to be and i couldn't figure how a human could worship a man and put another with god.Islam also answered all of my questions.i just feel in my heart that Islam is the true religion and I want to serve Allah as best i can inshaallah

:w: :sister:

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