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View Full Version : American Muslims and their Supporters Face Severe Oppression

03-09-2006, 04:06 PM
Excerpts from New Trend Magazine:

We look briefly at the following cases:

"1. Imam Warith Deen Umar, Albany, New York. [African-American Muslim.]

"2. Ahmed 'Abdel Sattar, Staten Island, New York. [Egyptian-American Muslim.]

"3. Ms. Lynne Stewart, Brooklyn, New York. [White American, famous attorney.]

"4. Dr. Ali Al-Tamimi, Falls Church, Virginia. [Iraqi-American.]

"5. Dr. Kifah al-Jayyousi, Detroit, Michigan. [Palestinian-American.]

"6. Masoud Khan, Rockville, Maryland. [Pakistani-American.]

The American power structure has been lashing out at the innocent Muslims of America. Unable to find any of the "bad guys," revenge has been taken from those who have never done anything against the United States. The entire family of Islamic America is under attack. Anyone can be arrested or abused or terrorized by the U.S. if one is a devout Muslim.

When it comes to the major cases of oppression of Muslims in America by the government, [As the sage has said, NEUTRALITY in the FACE of AGGRESSION is in effect SUPPORT for OPPRESSION.]

"1. IMAM WARITH DEEN UMAR, one of the very few truly Islamic Imams left in this country, was attacked in his apartment in the Bronx, arrested, his rooms ransacked, his Qur'an desecrated by government agents. Then the police and the FBI invaded his home with dogs in Albany, NY and terrorized his family. This outstanding Imam refused both to be intimadated and to be provoked. So now, in the most frivolous way possible, the oppressors have brougt a charge from 1967 to try to criminalize him. The following report is self-explanatory:

Beach Head News

Re: United States v. Warith Deen Umar

This is to announce that the United States Grand Jury returned an indictment against the above named defendant on Monday, March 6, 2006. The defendant's case is assigned to the Honorable Robert P. Patterson and the arraignment is scheduled for Wednesday, March 8, at 4:oo Pm in courtroom 24A, 500 Pearl Street New York City.

The indictment charges ONE COUNT for possession of a dangerous weapon after having been convicted in a court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year, to wit a May 13, 1967 conviction for possession of a dangerous weapon in New York County Supreme Court. Defendant, in this case did unlawfully, willfully and knowingly possess firearms and ammunition, to wit, a Winchester 12 gauge shotgun, a Ruger .22 rifle, and four shotgun shells which the defendant possessed in the Bronx, New York, and which had previously been shipped and transported in interstate commerce. (Title 18, United States Code, Section 922 (g) (1).

*Editor's Note*
Imam Umar considers this a harrassment case of judicial injustice, illegal search and seizure, and pleads NOT GUILTY against this ONE CHARGE..

2. AHMED 'ABDEL SATTAR, a devout Muslim who never broke the law, has been convicted of association with terrorists and other ridiculous charges. His REAL "crime" is that he is opposed to the Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. Ahmed wanted to talk to people who want to overthrow Hosni. He did not realize that Hosni, up to his neck in torture, rape, murder and mass imprisonment without trial, is a bosom buddy of the White House and of Israel. In February 2006, Ahmed was placed under SAMS, a security order which more or less buries the prisoner alive. He is now forced to remain 24 hours in a cell [his one hour out of the cell is taken away]. His radio has been taken away. His mail has been stopped. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO VISIT HIM. Even his wfe and children have not been allowed to visit him now for 5 weeks. He is facing a sentence of LIFE in PRISON.

3. Ms. LYNNE STEWART, probably the greatest woman in America, a top level attorney, who fought for decades in defense of African-American and other victims of oppression, has been convicted as a TERRORIST associate! Can you believe it? What's her "crime?" She defended the blind Shaikh, Dr. Omar 'Abdel Rahman pro bono [free of charge], and continued to visit him after he was put under SAMS. She told the press what the Shaikh said to her. Result: She was tried as an associate of terrorists. She is about to be sentenced to 30 years! Now this grandmother, aged 65, finds that she has breast cancer. Please pray for her recovery. At least she should be healthy to face Bush's justice, 30 years in prison for defending an Islamic scholar! [Compare with Muslims like Siraj Wahhaj who helped to put the great scholar in prison and struts around as an Islamic man.]

4. Dr. ALI TIMIMI's case is so ridiculous that only a government which hates Islam with great intensity could have carried out this charade. He is an outstanding Islamic scholar. He has NEVER BEEN VIOLENT. He has never hurt anyone or did anything against America. He preached in a little mosque about many aspects of Islam, including Jihad, in a scholarly way. Unfortunately for him, several Muslims whom the U.S. government framed under the Neutrality Act [to please its new friend INDIA] were used against him. Three of them plea bargained [made a deal with the government] and gave blatant self-serving testimony against Dr. Al-Timimi. This totally non-violent person, for giving Islamic sermons, has been sentenced to LIFE in prison. Can you believe it!

5. DR. KIFAH al-JAYYOUSI has NEVER harmed America, EVER, in even the slightest way. What's his crime? He used to publish a magazine urging Muslim to help the Muslims of Chechnia and Bosnia [at a time when the U.S. also supported them]. Also, he opposed the imprisonment of the blind Shaikh. The government wants him to speak against other Muslims. He is now "terrorist connected" for what was not "terrorist connected" at the time he wrote. He refused to 'snitch' on other Muslims and ended up in prison himself. Much later, he was brought to the court. Even the judge was shocked at the absurdity of the charges and ordered him released on bail. However, the BAIL is so high that after 9 weeks, his support [in the form of property] is still short by $50,000. Can you imagine a good citizen, who served in the U.S. navy, forced into prison?

6. MASOUD KHAN comes from a middle class family, very religious but non-violent and polite, has never harmed anyone and NEVER done anything against America. He had property in Pakistan and went there to settle a property dispute. The government "broke" three young Muslims [see Al-Tmimi's case above] who, to avoid the threat of long sentences, agreed to speak against Masoud Khan. On that basis, the government claimed that Masoud visited a Lashkare Taiba camp in Pakistan and fired a gun. That is terrorism in the eyes of the government, and, now read this: HE WAS SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON! Can you believe it?

Remember, that Muslims are NONE OTHER THAN ONE BROTHERHOOD/SISTERHOOD. If one of us is under attack, we are all under attack.

SOURCE: New Trend

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03-09-2006, 04:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Fight&Die4Allah
The American power structure has been lashing out at the innocent Muslims of America. Unable to find any of the "bad guys," revenge has been taken from those who have never done anything against the United States. The entire family of Islamic America is under attack. Anyone can be arrested or abused or terrorized by the U.S. if one is a devout Muslim.
Uh huh. Which of these following cases do you think involve innocent people who have never done anything against the United States?

"1. IMAM WARITH DEEN UMAR, one of the very few truly Islamic Imams left in this country, was attacked in his apartment in the Bronx, arrested, his rooms ransacked, his Qur'an desecrated by government agents.
So what does "one of the very few truly Islamic Imams" mean I wonder? That wouldn't have anything to do with support for the wrong sort of people would it?

In any event...

Then the police and the FBI invaded his home with dogs in Albany, NY and terrorized his family. This outstanding Imam refused both to be intimadated and to be provoked. So now, in the most frivolous way possible, the oppressors have brougt a charge from 1967 to try to criminalize him. The following report is self-explanatory:

Beach Head News

Re: United States v. Warith Deen Umar

This is to announce that the United States Grand Jury returned an indictment against the above named defendant on Monday, March 6, 2006. The defendant's case is assigned to the Honorable Robert P. Patterson and the arraignment is scheduled for Wednesday, March 8, at 4:oo Pm in courtroom 24A, 500 Pearl Street New York City.

The indictment charges ONE COUNT for possession of a dangerous weapon after having been convicted in a court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year, to wit a May 13, 1967 conviction for possession of a dangerous weapon in New York County Supreme Court. Defendant, in this case did unlawfully, willfully and knowingly possess firearms and ammunition, to wit, a Winchester 12 gauge shotgun, a Ruger .22 rifle, and four shotgun shells which the defendant possessed in the Bronx, New York, and which had previously been shipped and transported in interstate commerce. (Title 18, United States Code, Section 922 (g) (1).
Actually the writer has not read that properly. They have not brought charges from 1967. The Imam was convicted for illegal possession of a dangerous firearm in 1967. In their raid on his home, they found more illegal firearms in his home "to wit, a Winchester 12 gauge shotgun, a Ruger .22 rifle, and four shotgun shells which the defendant possessed in the Bronx, New York, and which had previously been shipped and transported in interstate commerce." The previous conviction was an aggravating offense and, if I am not mistaken, he kept those weapons, transporting them from his previous home, thus crossing a state border, making that interstate commerce and hence a Federal, not State, offense. Not clever.

Notice that a Grand Jury returned an indictment so he has appeared before a jury of his peers and they have found he has a case to answer.

This man is not innocent as he has a previous conviction.

*Editor's Note*
Imam Umar considers this a harrassment case of judicial injustice, illegal search and seizure, and pleads NOT GUILTY against this ONE CHARGE..
Good luck to him. I suspect his chances of beating that are slim to none.

2. AHMED 'ABDEL SATTAR, a devout Muslim who never broke the law, has been convicted of association with terrorists and other ridiculous charges. His REAL "crime" is that he is opposed to the Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak. Ahmed wanted to talk to people who want to overthrow Hosni. He did not realize that Hosni, up to his neck in torture, rape, murder and mass imprisonment without trial, is a bosom buddy of the White House and of Israel. In February 2006, Ahmed was placed under SAMS, a security order which more or less buries the prisoner alive. He is now forced to remain 24 hours in a cell [his one hour out of the cell is taken away]. His radio has been taken away. His mail has been stopped. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO VISIT HIM. Even his wfe and children have not been allowed to visit him now for 5 weeks. He is facing a sentence of LIFE in PRISON.
He wanted to talk to people who want to overthrow Mubarak. This is, by definition, exactly what he has been charged with - association with terrorists. Of course he must have realised that Mubarak, the second largest recepient of American aid, is a friend of Washington. It is hard to believe that, going on what his friends say he is really innocent but let's wait for his trial.

3. Ms. LYNNE STEWART, probably the greatest woman in America, a top level attorney, who fought for decades in defense of African-American and other victims of oppression, has been convicted as a TERRORIST associate! Can you believe it? What's her "crime?" She defended the blind Shaikh, Dr. Omar 'Abdel Rahman pro bono [free of charge], and continued to visit him after he was put under SAMS. She told the press what the Shaikh said to her. Result: She was tried as an associate of terrorists. She is about to be sentenced to 30 years! Now this grandmother, aged 65, finds that she has breast cancer. Please pray for her recovery. At least she should be healthy to face Bush's justice, 30 years in prison for defending an Islamic scholar! [Compare with Muslims like Siraj Wahhaj who helped to put the great scholar in prison and struts around as an Islamic man.]
This is blatant misrepresentation. What Ms Stewart was arrested for was passing information from her client to his associates to enable them to carry out terrorist operations in Egypt. She was caught doing this on CCTV. She misused her legal priviledges to pass information to terrorists. She is not going to jail for defending an Islamic scholar, but for participating in terrorism.

4. Dr. ALI TIMIMI's case is so ridiculous that only a government which hates Islam with great intensity could have carried out this charade. He is an outstanding Islamic scholar. He has NEVER BEEN VIOLENT. He has never hurt anyone or did anything against America. He preached in a little mosque about many aspects of Islam, including Jihad, in a scholarly way. Unfortunately for him, several Muslims whom the U.S. government framed under the Neutrality Act [to please its new friend INDIA] were used against him. Three of them plea bargained [made a deal with the government] and gave blatant self-serving testimony against Dr. Al-Timimi. This totally non-violent person, for giving Islamic sermons, has been sentenced to LIFE in prison. Can you believe it!
A two second google search shows that what Al-Timimi was convicted for was being the chief American recruiter for the Lashkar-e-Toiba and of encouraging young American Muslims to go to Afghanistan to fight for the Taleban against America.

Now I do not care if you want to argue that was his right and even his religious duty. But it is absurd to think the Americans ought to have tolerated it or not done anything about it. Americans are entitled to defend themselves too.

5. DR. KIFAH al-JAYYOUSI has NEVER harmed America, EVER, in even the slightest way. What's his crime? He used to publish a magazine urging Muslim to help the Muslims of Chechnia and Bosnia [at a time when the U.S. also supported them]. Also, he opposed the imprisonment of the blind Shaikh. The government wants him to speak against other Muslims. He is now "terrorist connected" for what was not "terrorist connected" at the time he wrote. He refused to 'snitch' on other Muslims and ended up in prison himself. Much later, he was brought to the court. Even the judge was shocked at the absurdity of the charges and ordered him released on bail. However, the BAIL is so high that after 9 weeks, his support [in the form of property] is still short by $50,000. Can you imagine a good citizen, who served in the U.S. navy, forced into prison?
Another quick search found this

Kifah Wael Jayyousi, arrested Sunday at an airport in Detroit, Michigan, was chief facilities director for public schools in Washington from 1999 to 2001. But in the years running up to that high-profile position, he supported “violent jihad” in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya and Somalia, according to a criminal complaint unsealed Monday.

Jayyousi’s arrest is connected to the investigation of The Global Relief Foundation and what federal authorities allege was a network providing material support to terrorists, mostly through supposed charities.

Jayyousi, a U.S. citizen originally from Jordan, is accused of conspiring with Adham Amin Hassoun, who has been in U.S. custody since 2002. Also charged in the criminal complaint is Kassem Daher, described in an FBI affidavit as living in Lebanon.

Jayyousi was arrested by FBI agents at Detroit Metro Airport after a computer check by customs officials showed an outstanding arrest warrant for him. He was arriving from Doha, Qatar.


The criminal complaint against Jayyousi, 43, was filed in Miami, Florida, in December, and cites an investigation that began in 1993. It alleges that Jayyousi and his two co-conspirators set up nonprofit charities through which they raised money and recruited fighters for jihadi groups affiliated with al Qaeda.

The charities include American Islamic Group and American Worldwide Relief. In one instance, Jayyousi is described as having recruited a person to provide satellite phones to Chechen mujahedeen commanders.


An FBI agent’s affidavit describes Jayyousi as a “supporter and follower” of Abdel Rahman and says that in 1994 and 1995, investigators intercepted phone conversations between the two men.

“Jayyousi would update [Abdel Rahman] with jihad news, many times reading accounts and statements issued directly by terrorist organizations,” the affidavit says.

He may be innocent. He may not be. What is clear is that it is not entirely unreasonable that this man ought to be in jail.

6. MASOUD KHAN comes from a middle class family, very religious but non-violent and polite, has never harmed anyone and NEVER done anything against America. He had property in Pakistan and went there to settle a property dispute. The government "broke" three young Muslims [see Al-Tmimi's case above] who, to avoid the threat of long sentences, agreed to speak against Masoud Khan. On that basis, the government claimed that Masoud visited a Lashkare Taiba camp in Pakistan and fired a gun. That is terrorism in the eyes of the government, and, now read this: HE WAS SENTENCED TO LIFE IN PRISON! Can you believe it?
Again a partial highly emotive and less than honest account of what Masoud Khan is in jail for.

Strict Sentences Meted in Va. Jihad Case
Judge Angered by Rules Mandating Life Term for 1 Man, 85 Years for Another

By Jerry Markon

A federal judge imposed a life prison sentence yesterday on one member of the alleged "Virginia jihad network" and an 85-year term on another. In an unusual criticism of her own ruling, she said she found it "appalling" but had no choice under strict sentencing guidelines.

U.S. District Judge Leonie M. Brinkema said the 85-year sentence she handed down to defendant Seifullah Chapman, 31, was "sticking in my craw.'' Chapman and co-defendants Masoud Khan, 32, and Hammad Abdur-Raheem, 36, were convicted by Brinkema in March of conspiring to aid a Muslim group fighting India that the government has deemed a terrorist organization.

"What Mr. Chapman has been found guilty of is a serious crime, but there are murderers who have served far less time," the judge told an Alexandria courtroom packed with supporters of the three men. "I have sentenced al Qaeda members who were planning attacks on these shores to far less time.''

In sentencing Khan to life in prison and Abdur-Raheem to 97 months, Brinkema closed an unusual case in which 11 Muslim men were originally charged with taking part in paramilitary training -- including playing paintball in the Virginia countryside -- to prepare for holy war abroad. Six defendants pleaded guilty; only Chapman, Khan and Abdur-Raheem went to trial. Two others were acquitted.

Brinkema said she was bound by federal sentencing guidelines that imposed mandatory multi-year terms on Chapman and Khan for weapons counts. The government also sought, and Brinkema granted, a sentencing enhancement for the two because their crimes were found to have supported terrorist activities.

"I have to follow the law here," said Brinkema, who then urged prosecutors to request reductions in the sentences for Chapman and Khan if they agree to cooperate in the government's ongoing investigation of potential terror suspects. The reductions could be granted only at the request of prosecutors.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Gordon Kromberg said prosecutors would consider such a request because they want information from the three men, such as the names of others who attended terrorist camps overseas. But he also requested tough sentences, saying that Khan in particular had sought to go to Afghanistan and fight U.S. troops after Sept. 11, 2001.

The 11 defendants in the case, all but one from the Washington suburbs, were indicted last June on weapons counts and charges of training with Lashkar-i-Taiba, a group trying to drive India from the disputed region of Kashmir. The U.S. government has labeled the group a terrorist organization. Khan and another defendant also were charged with conspiring to provide material support to al Qaeda and Afghanistan's former Taliban rulers.

The Justice Department has hailed the convictions as a major victory in the war on terrorism. But the defendants, their lawyers and Muslim groups have long criticized the case, saying the men were prosecuted mainly because they are Muslim.


Tough, but the guy was unlucky enough to be waging jihad at a time when the American public was angry.

Look, you attack America, the Americans are going to prosecute. That is the way it is. Would anyone here seriously expect any human being to do otherwise?

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