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08-03-2006, 03:48 PM
Ass salaamu alaykum....

Well the title says it for itself right....for those of you who know 3ilm an-nahw

and how to do i3raab... plz feel free to paricipate in our game!! :)

so the first question is:

what's the I3raab of this sentence: "Qaabalaniy Rajulun Kareemun"

take care ppl & have fun inshaAllah :peace:


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08-03-2006, 03:57 PM
Akheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeran!!! Alhamdulillah!!

ok "qaabalanee rajulun kareemun"

gaabala: fi3il madhee, mabneeyun 3alal fat7 laa ma7alla lahu minal i3raab
nun: lil wiqaayah
ya:lil mutakallim wa huwa maf3uul bih
rajulun: faa3il marfuu3 wa 3alamatu raf3ihi adhamma adhaahira 3alaa aakihirihee
kareemun:na3at/siffah li rajul marfuu3 mithluhu.

lol hope thats correct...
i'm over the gamar..........

wassalaam, BTW be prepared for my shawaahid shi3riyyah muwahahahaha!!


08-03-2006, 03:59 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

that's right big Sis :thumbs_up

shawaahid shi3riyyah!!!.............. BRING IT ON :coolious:

your question's up next!!..

08-03-2006, 04:03 PM
lol when was the last time i did that man...i was imagining sittting infront of umm maazin...


i'll start with a simple one cos i know we're all rusty hahaha....

ok do the i3raab for this bayt, and bring the shaahid... :)

Innal maa'u maa'u abee wa jaddee
wa bi'ree dhuu 7afart wa dhu tawaytu


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08-03-2006, 04:06 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

BIIIIINT!!...the whole thing!! ;D :?

i think it's innal Ma'a ..maa'u...wallahu a3lam , you sure 100%

08-03-2006, 04:11 PM
Loooooool yep o yeah......you're right

well didn't i tell you i was rusty or we....same thing hehehe

yeah its innal maa'a

you can say why
yallah istamirreee.......


08-03-2006, 04:11 PM
ass salaamu alaykum

ya umm sulaim..yohooo!!....^^^^^ can you confirm that plz!!??

08-03-2006, 04:14 PM

"khuliqal insaanu min 3ajal...."


adh-haan mabtuhuutha lol...

ok sis maw last time i use it inshaAllah!

sis gotta go now yeah, TC


08-03-2006, 04:25 PM
ass salaamu alaykum

okay here goes..............Bismillah:

inna: harf tawkeed wa nasb tansib al-ism wa tarfa3 al-khabr.

al-maa'a: ism inna mansuub, wa 3alaamatu nasbihii al-fatha ad-dhaahirah.

maa'u: khabr inna marfuu3, wa 3alaamatu raf3ihii dammatun dhaahirah 3alaa aakhirihii.

wa maa'u mudhaaf

abi mudhaaf iylayhi.

wa wa 3aatifah

bi'riyis it ma3duuf 3alaa abi..majuruurun mithluhu:?

duw bi ma3naa saahib min al-asmaa as-sittah , marfuu3 9 i dunno why though it's marfuu3:?)

hafartu: fi3il maadiy mabniy 3alaa as-sukuun li'ittisaalihii bi at-taa
wa-atta faa3il!

wa duw dawaytu...same i3raab as wa duw hafartu :p

did i get it right :hiding:

08-03-2006, 05:00 PM
^you gurls are GOOD~!

08-03-2006, 05:13 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

hey there Nawal!...plz do join us inshaAllah :D

next I3raab: hafidhtu al-quraana kullahu

good luck inshaAllah!

08-03-2006, 05:35 PM
Oh My God......I've forgotten even the most basic of I3raab!!!! :'( :'(

Allahul Musta3aan :-[

Hafidh - fi3l Maadhee mabniy 3alaa as-sukoon

tu - Faa3il marfoo3 wa 3alaamat raf3ihi adh dhamma

al-Qur'aan is Maf3ool bihi mansoob wa 3alaamat nasbihi al fatha

Kullahu is ta'keedan for kalimat hafidhtu

excuse my poor i3raab......I would appreciate it if you guys accept my humble offer for you to teach me i3raab again Princess and umm-sulaim :-[

PLEASE!!! :'(

ask Um Maazin and she'll tell you how bad I was ;D ;D :-[

08-03-2006, 05:37 PM
Ok just in case I got it right I'll give the next one ok :D

Not that I know the i3raab myself but we've got geniuses on the board so :p

Wan Naasu Mukhtalifoona fil Qalami alladhee

Kutiba al-Qadhaa'u bihi mina addayyaani

08-03-2006, 05:43 PM
ass salaamu alaykum

hey i luv this i3raab...wait up i'm gonna try to attempt it!! inshaAllah..

BTW : your one was right!!..way to go Maw ;)

it;s gonna take tiiiiime... :-\

08-03-2006, 05:44 PM
i'll hv to be a silent learner here...

*regrets leaving the arabic classes unfinished *
But make sure you put your inputs once in a while so we know you're here!! it's encouraging to actually see members taking part.

Princess and umm-sulaim you got two humble students now :X

Better be good teachers OR ELSE :Evil:

08-03-2006, 05:44 PM
as salaamu alaykum zAk ,

we'll ask some basic nahw question aswell for every1 else to join in with us inshaAllah!!

08-03-2006, 05:45 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

were all learners on board inshaAllah ...you might know sumthings that we don't and viceversas inshaAllah...

let me get crackin inshaALLAH ;)

08-03-2006, 06:02 PM
okay then BISMILLAH:

this is kinda hard..but i'll do my best:

wa al-waa 3alaa hasb maa qablahuu..

naasu mubtadaa, marfuu3 , wa 3alaamatu raf3ihii ad-dhamma ad-dhaahirah 3alaa aakhirihii..

mukhtalifuuna khabr marfuu3 bil waaw li'annahu jam3 mudhakkar saalim.

fi harf jarr

qalami majruur bil harf al-jarr wa 3alaamtu jarrihii al-kasra ad-dhaahirah.

alladhee ism mawsuul (i can't rememebr it's hukm ..oh ooh)

kutibafi3il maadhee mabnee lil majhuul.

al-qadhaa' unaaib faa3il marfuu3 , wa 3alaamatu raf3ihi ad-dhamma ad-dhaahirah.

bihii jaar wa majruur yarji3aan 3alaa al-qadhaa (check that one for me)

minharf jarr

addayyaani majruur bi min wa 3alaamatu jarrihii al-kasra ad-dhaahirah!!

wallaahu a3lam...check for me what the two jaar and majrrur's go back to inshaAllah, i was'nt quite sure!! :-\

08-03-2006, 06:38 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

hey Maw can you check my answer plz!!! ...........;)

08-03-2006, 06:58 PM
Ok as far as I can see your I3raab was sawaab Ya Bint!! :D Ajabti Wa Asabti!! (Mumkin :p )

Ok next one please Princess!!

08-03-2006, 07:29 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

LOL!! ;D

was that in qatar or kawaakib?

okay then I3raab : Hasibtul Maala Naafi3an!

wassalaams Maw!!

08-03-2006, 07:58 PM
^hasibtu -fi'l and faa'il. taa' thameer marfu' taqdeeruhu ana...erm :X
al- ma'rifah
maala- maf'uulun bihi
Naafi'3an - sifah. Mansub because it's ma'tuf on maala


08-03-2006, 08:13 PM
mashaAllah nice work guys!....

sis maw i loved the ibnu qayyim poem you bought...lol mashaAllah..ok let me not get carried away with shi3r..

but sis maw, lol....we'll all help eachother inshaAllah...to be honest you and nawaal we're our role models back in DJ, mashaAllah....you guys kept us going for real, and hinda and her sisters too!!
I'll correct you if i see a mistake ,and i know you'll do the same for me 3azeezaatee :)

ok 7asibtul maala naafi3an:

7asiba fi3il maadhee mabneeyun 3alal fat7a laa ma7alla lahuu minal i3raab, wa huwa min akhawaat dhanna, tansib maf3uulayn,

taa is faa3il wa huwaa marfuu3 bi dhameer raf3 al muta7arrik

maala maf3uulun bihi mansuub bi 7asiba, (al awwal)

naafi3an is maf3uul atthaanee

if thats correct then the next one is:

ra7altu ilaa masaajida, wa ra'aytu ismaa3eela


princess you're right we should have gawaa3id for our fellow brothers and sisters....

08-03-2006, 08:15 PM
waduh....you beat me to it sis nawaal, baarakaallahu feeki, mashaAllah....


08-03-2006, 08:22 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

MashaAllah you were right sister...but Sis Nawal you made a slight error on the last word..

...Naafi3an, this is mansuub aswell because "hasiba" is from ukhwaat dhanna which yansib/yahtaaj ilaa maf3uulayn!!.....:thumbs_up

MashaAllah sisters!! :peace:

08-03-2006, 08:32 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,


rahil..fa3il maadi mabniy as-sukuun li'ittisaalihii bi at'taa,

tu: faa3il taqdeeruhuu anaa

ilaa harf jarr

masaajida ismun ghayr munsarif..wal asmaa allaadhee ghayr munsarif yujarr bil fath!!...fahaadhaa majruur bil fatha...wa al-3illa feehii annahu min siyghat muntahal jumaa3...sah:?:?

wa harf 3adf

raaytu i3raabuhuu ka i3raab rahiltu ^^;)

ismaa3eela ismun ghayr munsarif wa 3illatu sarfihii al-3alamiyyah ma3al 3ujmah, mansuub wa 3alaamtu nasbihii alfatha ad-dhaahirah...

hmmm....there's sumthing wrong about the alst two words..i know raa'a ya3mal 3aml dhanna...yansib maf3uulayn ...right...but i dunno where those maf3uulayn are....:?:?

well that's that inshaAllah ..if it needs correctin then plz do!!

nxet question: Zaaraniy Muhammadun 3ammuka

good luck ppl ;)

08-03-2006, 08:49 PM
you know what, you're right about the taa al muttasil bi dhameer raf3, i said it was mabneeyun 3alal fat7, you didn't correct me...! lol...
its as you said, mabneeyun 3ala assukunn littisaalihi bi dhameer raf3 muta7arrik..

also al ism alladhee laa yansarif tansib bil fat7a niyaabatan 3anil kasra..yes its cos its from seeghat muntahaa aljumuu3, asabtee..

ok to your question Zaaranee muhammdun 3ammuk...

zaara ok its fi3il maadhee mabneeyun 3alal fat7
nun lil wiqaayah
yaa dhameer mutakallim mansuub bil 7arakah al muqaddarah, wa huwa maf3uulun bih

muhammadun faa3il marfuu3, wa 3alaamatu raf3ihee adhhamaa adhahiraa 3alaa aakhirihee,

3ammuka ok....i think but i'm not sure but its tawkeed right, wa huwa mudhaaf wal kaaf mudhaaf ilayhee

inshaAllah if thats right..then the next one is the saying of this poet:

a laa layta ashabaabu ya3uudu yawman

fa ukhbiruhuu bimaa fa3alal musheebu


08-03-2006, 09:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
ass salaamu alaykum,

MashaAllah you were right sister...but Sis Nawal you made a slight error on the last word..

...Naafi3an, this is mansuub aswell because "hasiba" is from ukhwaat dhanna which yansib/yahtaaj ilaa maf3uulayn!!.....:thumbs_up

MashaAllah sisters!! :peace:
i forgot all about thanna and akhwaatuhaa
sheesh. next time inshaAllah. :D

08-03-2006, 09:08 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

i forgot all about thanna and akhwaatuhaa
sheesh. next time inshaAllah.
hey there Nawal, yeah... it's all comin' back to me walhamdulillah...

BTW help us out with sue's i3raab yeah..

BarakAllaahu feek!! ;)

08-03-2006, 09:19 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

you know what, you're right about the taa al muttasil bi dhameer raf3, i said it was mabneeyun 3alal fat7, you didn't correct me...! lol...
its as you said, mabneeyun 3ala assukunn littisaalihi bi dhameer raf3 muta7arrik..
Ooops!!... I musta not seen it!! :-\

okay lemme see if your answers were correct now Sis!! ;)

zaara ok its fi3il maadhee mabneeyun 3alal fat7
nun lil wiqaayah
yaa dhameer mutakallim mansuub bil 7arakah al muqaddarah, wa huwa maf3uulun bih
okay that was good!!...

BUT... the yaa al-mutakallim is NOT mansuub remember it's : fii mahl nasb maf3uulun bihii!! ...wallaahu a3lam
and i think ...there's harakah muqaddarah too like you said...mana3a min dhuhuurihaa ishtiqaal al-mahal bi harakahtin munaasabah!!...remember that :D

muhammadun faa3il marfuu3, wa 3alaamatu raf3ihee adhhamaa adhahiraa 3alaa aakhirihee,
Correct!! :happy:

3ammuka ok....i think but i'm not sure but its tawkeed, right
NOPE!! :D , this one i knew you were'nt gonna get it!!...it's abit lemme say not hard ..but tricky ;D;D
you'll smack yourself when you find out what the answer is!!...:D

so ladies, my question stands unfinished : what's the i3raab of 3ammuka ..in this sentence: Zaaraniy Muhammadun 3ammuka

Allah Ma3akum!! ;)

08-04-2006, 12:16 AM
:cry: I also always had my arabic class unfinished :cry: . The first time I made arabic class in my university (mechanical engineering), and its ended about half year cause they always change the teacher. Andit made the students lazy, included me :uhwhat . The last time I have asked my ustadh (graduated from Islamic University) to teach me. And in the middle of the way I heard he talked to someone about his health, so I have to quit my class. Cause I dont wanna make him more bussier to teach me cause masha Allah he already have so many teaching class to do. I could make a line of arabic words that time :rollseyes fiil madhi, and fiil.....??? Oh my Gawd, I just remember one fiil :yawn: :cry: I have forgotten it. What is i'raab by the way? :offended: Goota join arabic classes again, its wajeeb for me :cry: .
Yaa Allahumma inni as'aluka 'ilman nafee'a, Allahumma inni audhubika minal 'ilmin laa yanfa', amin.

08-04-2006, 12:24 AM
ass salaamu alaykum,

fiil madhi, and fiil.....??? Oh my Gawd, I just remember one fiil
and fi3il mudaari3 and fi3il amar....

What is i'raab by the way?
is a desinential inflection...

basically what we've been doing so far....you get a sentence and you ..say this is the fi3il ..that's the faa3il..and etc!! ...

did you get it...i don't really know how else to put it!!??

wallaahul musa3aan :-\

08-04-2006, 08:40 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
ass salaamu alaykum,

the yaa al-mutakallim is NOT mansuub remember it's : fii mahl nasb maf3uulun bihii!! ...wallaahu a3lam

and i think ...there's harakah muqaddarah too like you said...mana3a min dhuhuurihaa ishtiqaal al-mahal bi harakahtin munaasabah!!...remember that :D

NOPE!! :D , this one i knew you were'nt gonna get it!!...it's abit lemme say not hard ..but tricky ;D;D
you'll smack yourself when you find out what the answer is!!...:D

so ladies, my question stands unfinished : what's the i3raab of 3ammuka ..in this sentence: Zaaraniy Muhammadun 3ammuka

Allah Ma3akum!! ;)
yeah you're so right bout the yaa...lol thanks atleast you noticed this time hehe...messin'
yeah thats how it goes, i'm so glad, ya Allah its all coming back, jiz'itee khayraa ya bint! wa....you know the rest lol...
isthighaal al mahall....
yeah how could i forget umm hammaam, lol! we used to think what ARE they saying lol....
lol boy oh boy, i was like huh no way man!! then i was like ooooh.........its you and umm sulaymans fave one ....badal!!
Allahul musta3aan...


08-04-2006, 12:04 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

LOOOOOOOOOOL!!!... @ umm hammaam!! :giggling:

lol boy oh boy, i was like huh no way man!! then i was like ooooh.........its you and umm sulaymans fave one ....badal!!
yeah....it's one of my favourites, the good old badal innit ;)

Okay then looks liks the next question's on you Sis!! :Thumbs_up

wassalaams ppl :peace:

08-04-2006, 12:12 PM
tamaam, the next one is...

in tasma3 tafuz lol....


08-04-2006, 04:55 PM
ass salaamu alaykum,

hey hows this place coming along!! :D :D

my fingers have been icthing me all day to come on here and do the i3raabaat!!...wallaahul musta3aan :giggling:

okay lemme take a shot @ this one inshaAllah! ;)

in tasma3 tafuz

inharf nafy wa jazm wa qalb, yajzimua fi3layn!!, al-awwal f3il as-shard wath-thaaniy jawaabuhuu wa jazaa'uhuu.

tasma3 fi3il mudaari3 majzuum bi "in" wa 3alaamatu jazmihii as-sukuun, wa huwa fi3il ash-shard.

tafuz the same i3rab as the above...just that this is the jawaab ash-shard wa jazaa'uhu.........

:D :D :D

Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh bi idhinillaahi ta3aalaa, it's all coming back to me!! ...walhamdulillah!!

Okay incase i'm right inshaAllah, here's the next question:

Bismillaahi Rahmaani Raheem...

i3raab that guys, and good luck :peace:

Allah ma3kum ;)

08-05-2006, 05:44 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87

Okay incase i'm right inshaAllah, here's the next question:

Bismillaahi Rahmaani Raheem...

i3raab that guys, and good luck :peace:

Allah ma3kum ;)
yepo!! ajabti wa asbati baarkaAllahu feeki.....

lol the basmala has quite a few i3raabs if i remember correctly,i'll have a crack at fi3liyyah one, ismiyyah is harder, hehe and i don't remember it all entirely......

ok Bismillahi Rahmaani Raheem

ok baa harf jarr

Ismi ism majruur bi baa, wa huwa mudhaaf

and they are muta3alliq bi fi3lin ma7dhuuf wujuuban, taqdeeruhu abtadi'u aw abda'..

Allah mudhaafun ilayhi

Ra7maan siffah, and it can be badal too...(yes i know what you're thinking lol)

Ra7eem is siffah

if you want me to do the other one i'll do so too inshaAllah, for now hadhaa kaafee qad ta3iba dhihnee hehe....


08-05-2006, 10:43 AM
OK incase thats right inshaAllah, i'll post up the next one..

yaa ummee hal wajadti kitaabee?

08-05-2006, 06:31 PM
ass salaamu alykum,

if you want me to do the other one i'll do so too inshaAllah
good one sis ;)

yeah go ahead with the others, i don't think i remember them all:? it'll be good muraaja3ah inshaAllah!!

was'nt there one ...that started with iaftatihu as it's taqdeer!!??

okay i'm rushing on yours so sorry if i get it wrong!! *ahtaaj ilaa al-hammaam* :-\

yaa harf an-nidaa

ummeemunaadaa mansuub , wa 3alaamatu nasbihii al-atha muqaddarah..mana3at min duhuurihaa ishtiqaal al-mahl....

wa umm : mudhaaaf....wal ya al-muttakallim mudhaafun ilayhi

halism istifhaam, laa mahal lahuu min al-i3raab

wajadtifi3il maadhiy mabniy 3alaa as-sukuun li'ittisaalihii bi at-taa

wa at-ta faa3il

kitaabeemaf3uul bihii , mansuub wa 3alaamatu nasbihi al-shtiqaal..

kitaab mudhaaf, wal yaa al-muttakallim mudhaaf ilayhi!!!


08-05-2006, 08:51 PM
ok then i'll do the other i3raab for the basmalah and you can figure out what you're missing tayyib (hint mubtada' - khabar)

As for "aftati7u" itsthe same as "abtadi'u " sis...both are fi3liyyah... all that differs is the meaning, and what you're taqdeer-ing ( you can say "aqra', aktub..".... dhaakira?)
ok the other i3raab to the basmala was, if i'm not mistaken you guys can correct me inshaAllah...

baa is harf jarr

ism majruur bi baa, and they are mubtad'

and the jaar and majruur are muta3alliq bi khabar ma7dhuuf, taqdeeruhu kitaabatee, aw ibtidaa'ee...

and the rest is the same as the latter....

your turn sis, yalla yalla.....



08-06-2006, 10:21 AM
ass salaamu alaykum,

Tayyib Tayyib, I See!!! ;)

next question..lemme see....................

okay an ayaah inshaAllah:..well part of it.... "Fa Hayyuuw Bi Ahsana..."

Allah ma3akum ;)

08-06-2006, 12:04 PM
fa 7ayyuu bi hasana...
tamaam inshaAllah...

faa 3alaa 7asb ma gablahaa

7ayyuu is fi3il amr (mabneeyun 3ala assukuun right?) muttasil bi waaw jamaa3ah wall waaw faa3il

bi harf jarr

a7sana is majrruur bi fat7a niyaabatan 3anil kasra, li annahu ghayr munsarif,
man3ahu min assarf al 3alamiyyah wa wazn al fi3il (?)

HMmm....not sure bout this, lol gotta do some revision....

OK next one fa sajaduu illa ibleesa


08-06-2006, 02:16 PM
Ass salaamu alaykum,

I'm not gonna answer your sis, because you got some of mine wrong & i want you to think about then carefully....

i'll tell you want needs fixing up:

faa 3alaa 7asb ma gablahaa
hahaha...that was funny just chuck the "faa" outta the way hunh??:giggling:

the "faa" here plays quite an important role in the ayaah...if you recite it from the beginning...you'll probably figure it out!!!...

NEXT!!: hayyuw you got right ..and the harf jarr!!..however!!

a7sana is majrruur bi fat7a niyaabatan 3anil kasra, li annahu ghayr munsarif,
man3ahu min assarf al 3alamiyyah wa wazn al fi3il (?)
your answer here..you got why ahsana was mansuub and not majruur...cause it's ghayr munsarrif!...yeppo!!

BUT: the second part of your answer is WRONG!! ... you said it's mamnuu3 min as-sarf becuase it's 3allamiyyah and wazn al-fi3il!!....

na3am...you got the waznal fi3il part right...but there is NO SUCH THING AS 3ALAMIYYAH AND WAZN AL-FI3L!!:?:?

*hint hint!!* 3illataan far3iyyataan...ahaduhumaa al-3alamiyyah wa ath-thaaniy ----------!!!!??

figure it out!!?? ;)

08-06-2006, 10:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Nawal89
i forgot all about thanna and akhwaatuhaa
sheesh. next time inshaAllah. :D

I know right, me too...but when you start it rolls back mashAllah...

ayna antee adik, wa ayn shageegatish maw....hayya akhwaat nuraaji3 ma3a ba3dh...
saya ingin kamu semua ke (come)...hope that made sense inshaAllah :)

sis amira...

the faa we say 3alaa 7asb ma gablahaa if whats before it ain't part of the i3raab...

as for the wazn fi3il part...i been racking my brain tuul allayalah and i still can't remeber so imma go do more thinking...yuja3 ra's lool


08-06-2006, 10:44 PM
Ok hold onjust a second for me...Sorry....

What is nahw? Like...is it faa'il nd all that.......

08-06-2006, 10:52 PM
yeah its the arabic grammer ukhayy

ism = noun
fi3il = verb
harf = letter

and knowing why each word is in a particular part of a sentence and the reason for it..
it helps with understanding the qur'aan and sunnah...
i'll give you a common example inshaAllah on its importance...

the ayaah " wa kallam Allahu muusa takleemah"

Allahu here is marfuu3 (has dhumma) because its faa3il, the one doing the action

some people read it " wa kallama Allaha musa takleema"

Allaha with fat7a on the end of Allah, this would make it maf3uulun bihee (one the action is done to)
so in reading the ayah that way we have denied Allah ta3aal his siffah of speech...

sorry if i've confused you..


08-06-2006, 10:55 PM
woah sik......Keep going, u haven't confused me in the ,east sense i get it completely.....Another person I am the slave of ;)....Carry on sis....

08-06-2006, 11:18 PM
Lol ok ukhayy...

ok so the definition of ism-noun is that which is named (musammaa) and shows this (that its named)
and that has meaning in itself and doesn't show time...

like muhammadun...it shows that its a name and has meaning within that name (praised) and doesn't show time
and like it rajulun-man, 3assaa-stick, jidaar-wall, walad-boy

Then there are the signs of the noun: (how we can tell this is an ism..)

1) its biggest 3alaamah (sign) is that it accepts alif and laam
al-masjid, al-walad, al-kitaab..

2)it accepts tanween (an in un) so we can say muhammadan...muhammadin muhammdun...

2)the huruuf jarr (letters that give the ism kasrah) can also enter upon it like baa, ilaa, min, fee, 3alaa...just some inshaAllah (theres more)
so then we say ilaa muhammadin to muhammed, fee baytin in a house, 3alaa kursiyyin-on a chair..

3) and huruuf gasam, letters for swearing waaw, baa and taa

so we say wallahi, billahi tallahi...by Allah
"wa tallahi la akeedana asnaamakum" as prophet Ibrahim said alayhi salaam

Tell me if thats too much ukhayy,


08-06-2006, 11:45 PM
oh Jazakallah soo much....I hope i'm not putting you through too much trouble sis....Anyways....Yeah i follow...Afham :)

Although slight re-coverage of number 2 will be good...

08-06-2006, 11:51 PM
wa iyyaak ukhayy,
trouble no way....i love na7w !! and glad to be of help,
and any more questions just ask inshaAllah...
and besides its good revision for me too :)


08-06-2006, 11:56 PM
:) urm.......Just the first part of two...about tanween....

08-07-2006, 12:05 AM
Asalaama Alaikum.

wow! I like I3raab! it used to be really easy 4 me......but I donno it is kinda gettin harder 4 me now. but I will try n answer whateva I know InshaAllah........BTW Great thread sis Amirah.:D :D :D

So anybody wanna try me!!!

08-07-2006, 12:14 AM
No problem ukhayy...

so we said one of the signs of the ism is that it accepts tanween the fat7atayn(an) kasratayn (in) and dhammatayn (un), this excludes the fi3il-verb and the harf-letter, how?

we can never say dhahaba-un (to go), jalasa-an (to sit), kataba-in ..(to write)
as for the harf min (from) ilaa (to) 3alaa (on) fee (in)...
we can never say fee-un 3alaa-an ilaa-in for example, with the tanween...it doesn't make sense at all..
(harf doesn't accept anything...but thats another lesson inshaAllah)

tanween shows that something is indefinite (nakirah) the house is al-bayt but a house would be baytun

mosque-al-masjid + masjidun, boy al-walad+waladun book al-kitaab + kitaabun

the opposite of nakirah (tanween) is ma3rifah (definite) with the alif and laam, so it becomes something known when we add the alif and laam,

hope thats more clearer inshaAllah...


08-07-2006, 12:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Taqiyah
Asalaama Alaikum.

wow! I like I3raab! it used to be really easy 4 me......but I donno it is kinda gettin harder 4 me now. but I will try n answer whateva I know InshaAllah........BTW Great thread sis Amirah.:D :D :D

So anybody wanna try me!!!

mashaAllah...you like i3raab too,
yeah its like that with na7w if you don't revise it you loose the gawaa3id-rules and stuff,
i think its fun lol...
what books did you study sis?

08-07-2006, 12:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
mashaAllah...you like i3raab too,
yeah its like that with na7w if you don't revise it you loose the gawaa3id-rules and stuff,
i think its fun lol...
what books did you study sis?

well...I used to go to an ISlamic school.....there I took ghawaa3id...i3raab...na7wa......stuff like that....but I don't remember the specific book my teacher used...well I never asked it was Middle school.:D
I really used to be good at I3raab(*ing*) words......mostly the Quran:)
But know it seems like all those stuff I knew are disappearing:heated:.....I just wish there was an Islamic High school I could go to here:cry:

08-07-2006, 12:28 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
Ass salaamu alaykum,

na3am...you got the waznal fi3il part right...but there is NO SUCH THING AS 3ALAMIYYAH AND WAZN AL-FI3L!!:?:?

*hint hint!!* 3illataan far3iyyataan...ahaduhumaa al-3alamiyyah wa ath-thaaniy ----------!!!!??

figure it out!!?? ;)
sis you confused me........but alhamdulillah i finally figured it out its wassafiyyah and wazn al fi3il...

cos you said "3alamiyyah and..........." i was walking down the wrong alley, Allahul musta3aan, but i see what you mean, you were trying to say the 2 fara3's lol...

you can answer my question :)

which was "fa sajadu illa ibleesa"


08-07-2006, 12:33 AM
MashaAllah, its good they taught you guys in school....so i doubt the books wee tu7fa , mutammimah, gatr...no?

yeah it really needs revision... its been good revision the past few days mashaAllah...


08-07-2006, 12:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
No problem ukhayy...

so we said one of the signs of the ism is that it accepts tanween the fat7atayn(an) kasratayn (in) and dhammatayn (un), this excludes the fi3il-verb and the harf-letter, how?

we can never say dhahaba-un (to go), jalasa-an (to sit), kataba-in ..(to write)
as for the harf min (from) ilaa (to) 3alaa (on) fee (in)...
we can never say fee-un 3alaa-an ilaa-in for example, with the tanween...it doesn't make sense at all..
(harf doesn't accept anything...but thats another lesson inshaAllah)

tanween shows that something is indefinite (nakirah) the house is al-bayt but a house would be baytun

mosque-al-masjid + masjidun, boy al-walad+waladun book al-kitaab + kitaabun

the opposite of nakirah (tanween) is ma3rifah (definite) with the alif and laam, so it becomes something known when we add the alif and laam,

hope thats more clearer inshaAllah...

OHHH I get it :)

08-07-2006, 12:38 AM
alhamdulillah ukhayy :)


08-07-2006, 12:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim

which was "fa sajadu illa ibleesa"

"fa" I really don't know how to i3raab the sentence with the "fa" it is making it hard 4 me........I think I could manage to i3raab this without the "fa":D
how do u i3raab the "fa" anyway????umm-sullaim:? :? :? Is it like "jaar" n "majruur"

08-07-2006, 12:40 AM
So we have done nahw now it's i3raab rite?

But we'll leave that for another day....Isn't it quite late back in London???????

08-07-2006, 12:56 AM
Let me ask a question, sister?
What is the cause of Fathu in Rajaba? Is not it Majroor? Is it Mamnoounminassarf? If so, what is the Musawwigh?

اللهم بارك لنا فى رجبَ وشعبان

08-07-2006, 01:06 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram
So we have done nahw now it's i3raab rite?

But we'll leave that for another day....Isn't it quite late back in London???????

yeah thats na7w...but theres so much more left, thats the tip of the tip of the ice-berg ukhayy
maybe if we take some more na7w till we're able to do i3raab inshaAllah?
but now you know what ism fi3il and harf is....hmm. maybe i'll set you some work....(if you don't mind that is)

yeah its very late here...i'm soooo sleepy...so i'll do it another time if you would like that...


08-07-2006, 01:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by kader
Let me ask a question, sister?
What is the cause of Fathu in Rajaba? Is not it Majroor? Is it Mamnoounminassarf? If so, what is the Musawwigh?

اللهم بارك لنا فى رجبَ وشعبان

I think its maftuu7 cos its mamnuu3 min as-sarf due to 3alamiyyah and ta'neeth


08-07-2006, 01:15 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
I think its maftuu7 cos its mamnuu3 min as-sarf due to 3alamiyyah and ta'neeth

If it is so, the Shawwal also mamnooh minssarf. Right?

08-07-2006, 01:23 AM
i think sha3baan is mamnuu3 min as-sarf due to 3alamiyyah and ziyaadat alif wa nuun
but i'm not too sure about shawwaal?


08-07-2006, 01:45 AM
Whoa!! :eek: this thread is roooolllling Masha'allah Tabarakallah....Great work gals! alhamdulillah.....

I just popped in for a little while..sorry I couldn't join you of late...I really had no time to use the comp :(

As soon as I get back to work on Tuesday I'll be back with you'll insha'allah ;)

08-07-2006, 08:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Taqiyah
"fa" I really don't know how to i3raab the sentence with the "fa" it is making it hard 4 me........I think I could manage to i3raab this without the "fa":D
how do u i3raab the "fa" anyway????umm-sullaim:? :? :? Is it like "jaar" n "majruur"

sorry for the late reply ukhtee taqiyah, i sama7 inshaAllah....

fa is harf 3atf like waaw..

when we see a harf atf in the beginning of an i3raab usually we just say "al faa(waaw) 3alaa 7asb ma gablahaa"
the faa is linked to what was before it, or faa according to what was before it..
so we don't really need to i3raab it if its in the beginning but if what is in the middle of an i3raab we'd have to say what it was for example:

jaa'a zaydun fa muhammmadun...we'd say ja'a fi3il mudhaari3
zaydun faa3il fa harf atf yufeed atta3geeb and muhammadun is ma'tuuf 3alaa zayd..

i hope thats a good explanation ukhtee,
if you don't understand, i'm more than happy to explain again ha iga hishonin walaal lol...
TC wassalaam

08-07-2006, 08:32 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mawaddah
Whoa!! :eek: this thread is roooolllling Masha'allah Tabarakallah....Great work gals! alhamdulillah.....

I just popped in for a little while..sorry I couldn't join you of late...I really had no time to use the comp :(

As soon as I get back to work on Tuesday I'll be back with you'll insha'allah ;)

MasaAllah sis yeah we missed you here and sis nawaal too...
can't wait to have you's back
baarkaAllahu feeki

08-07-2006, 11:28 AM
as salaamu alaykum,

I hope everyone understood what they needed answered InshaAllah!!..if you have anymore questions...post them up aswell!...

Jazakillah umm sulaim ;)

if you guys have any more questions, keep them coming inshaAllah!! :peace:

08-07-2006, 11:41 AM
as salaamu alaykum,

Hmmmm..i'm finding it hard to fish for your answer to my question umm sulaim!! ;D

okay i asked "fa hayyuw bi ahsana minhaa" right

faa jawaaban for ..idhaa..in qawluhuu fa idhaa huyyiytum..etc

hayyuw fi3il amr mabniy 3alaa as-sukuun, and the waaw is faa3il.

biharf jarr

ahsanamajuruur bil faa wa 3alaamatul jarr al-fatha li'annahuu mamnuu3 min as-sarf, al-maani3 lahuu min as-sarf...al-wasfiyyah wa wazn al-fi3il!!..
that's what we were bickering about!..heheheheee.. ;D
the faa3il for it is taqdeerahuu hiya..(ay the tahiyyat, the taqdeer of the ayaah is : fa hayyuw bi tahiyah ahsan minhaa ;) )

jaar and majruur raaji3 ilaa at-tahiyyah!!

okay i'm gonna answer your question now inshaAllah!!

08-07-2006, 11:49 AM
as salaamu alaykum,

So I found your question: FA SAJADUU ILLA IBLEESA

fa 3alaa hasb maa qablahaa :p :rollseyes

sajaduu fi3il maadiy mabniy 3alaa ad-dhamma li' ittisaalihi bi waaw al-jamaa3ah!!

harf istithnaa'

ibleesah adaatu al-istithinaa mansuub bil fath, wa 3alaamatu nasbihii al-fatha ad-daahirah

I am soooo NOT sure about the last question Sue!!....i'm sure i'm missing something ..it looks too easy!! :?:?

I hate Istithnaa' :heated:

08-07-2006, 06:14 PM
LOol yup i know thats why i did it muwahaha...
but darn you got it right well most of it...*mumbles*
BUT its mansuub why? raaji3ee.......i'm not gonna tell you, so get the books out sis !!!


08-07-2006, 08:25 PM
as salaamu alaykum

LOL!!! ....:hiding:

y'know what!!.. :D i was washing the dishes, when the answer came across me!!...I nearly lost grip of a cup i was washing :heated:

I was like :ooh: duuuuuuuuh!!.... ;D

illa is the istithnaa..... and ibleesa is the mustathanaa minhu isn't it!! :heated:

now that had better be right otherwise!!! i'm gonna have to break that cup :p

08-07-2006, 10:02 PM
as salaamu alaykum,


after the fa3il Iqram , comes the maf3uulun bihii..is that what you meant!!

08-08-2006, 02:59 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
sorry for the late reply ukhtee taqiyah, i sama7 inshaAllah....

fa is harf 3atf like waaw..

when we see a harf atf in the beginning of an i3raab usually we just say "al faa(waaw) 3alaa 7asb ma gablahaa"
the faa is linked to what was before it, or faa according to what was before it..
so we don't really need to i3raab it if its in the beginning but if what is in the middle of an i3raab we'd have to say what it was for example:

jaa'a zaydun fa muhammmadun...we'd say ja'a fi3il mudhaari3
zaydun faa3il fa harf atf yufeed atta3geeb and muhammadun is ma'tuuf 3alaa zayd..

i hope thats a good explanation ukhtee,
if you don't understand, i'm more than happy to explain again ha iga hishonin walaal lol...
TC wassalaam
Thanks sis...that really helped:D I was about to say that "al faa" is Jaar and whateva was after it was "Majroor".....thanks 4 correcting me. "al faa" is not one of the "7uruuf Al Jar" right?

08-08-2006, 07:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
as salaamu alaykum

LOL!!! ....:hiding:

y'know what!!.. :D i was washing the dishes, when the answer came across me!!...I nearly lost grip of a cup i was washing :heated:

I was like :ooh: duuuuuuuuh!!.... ;D

illa is the istithnaa..... and ibleesa is the mustathanaa minhu isn't it!! :heated:

now that had better be right otherwise!!! i'm gonna have to break that cup :p
lol sis....
ok so you got more to the answer, laakin bint, you haven't answered why, why is it mansuub sis? whats the gaa3idah if its......its mansuub hayyaa and good luck,

08-08-2006, 07:05 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Taqiyah
Thanks sis...that really helped:D I was about to say that "al faa" is Jaar and whateva was after it was "Majroor".....thanks 4 correcting me. "al faa" is not one of the "7uruuf Al Jar" right?
wa iyyaaki sis...
glad to be of help walaal
al faa isn't min huruuf jarr, its min huruuf atf....its in the conjunction family along with waaw and thumma...
feel free to ask
TC sis

08-08-2006, 11:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
lol sis....
ok so you got more to the answer, laakin bint, you haven't answered why, why is it mansuub sis? whats the gaa3idah if its......its mansuub hayyaa and good luck,
as salaamu alaykum,


this was one of my worst subjects ...okay illaa is adaat al-istithnaa ...tayyib,

there's also a mustathanaa and a mustathanaa minhu..... which i just remembered (you got me thinkin' so hard about it i'm about to get grey hairs ukhtiy....first thing i thought of when i woke up :rollseyes)
so now ...i can't think of which one was which...malaa'ikah is the mustathanaa minhu..and ibleesa is the mustathanaa..... :heated:

o' boy!!...if umm maazin were to hear me today!!....may Allah have mercy on me!! :offended:

don't give me the answer okay!!....I HAVE TO FIGURE THIS OUT INSHA'ALLAH!!.......... TAYYIB!!??

08-08-2006, 03:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
as salaamu alaykum,


this was one of my worst subjects ...okay illaa is adaat al-istithnaa ...tayyib,

there's also a mustathanaa and a mustathanaa minhu..... which i just remembered (you got me thinkin' so hard about it i'm about to get grey hairs ukhtiy....first thing i thought of when i woke up :rollseyes)
so now ...i can't think of which one was which...malaa'ikah is the mustathanaa minhu..and ibleesa is the mustathanaa..... :heated:

o' boy!!...if umm maazin were to hear me today!!....may Allah have mercy on me!! :offended:

don't give me the answer okay!!....I HAVE TO FIGURE THIS OUT INSHA'ALLAH!!.......... TAYYIB!!??
LOol.....come one sis think, what are the rules in istithnaa, whn does the mustahnaa minh become mansuub etc,,,
well i was gonna tell ou the answer but hmmm...not after alladhee fa3alti, no mercy! hmpft
so yalla get your tu7fa out!
ya dubba ya ma7shee nashtee an namshee...lol

08-08-2006, 03:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
as salaamu alaykum,


after the fa3il Iqram , comes the maf3uulun bihii..is that what you meant!!
Yes.....can someone go over this with me?

Like: qum is walk....And muqaam is place of standing? Or am I wrong?

08-08-2006, 03:38 PM
Whoa.......umm-sulaim and Princess what's going on now? I'm just totally losssssttttttt :(

Like: qum is walk....And muqaam is place of standing? Or am I wrong?
Yes Qum is the Order form which means : Walk
and yes Maqaam does mean place of standing

Sorry but what was your question in the first place? this thread has gotten me all jumbled up......It's this writing Arabic in English which has gotten me confused :cry:

08-08-2006, 03:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mawaddah
Whoa.......umm-sulaim and Princess what's going on now? I'm just totally losssssttttttt :(

Yes Qum is the Order form which means : Walk
and yes Maqaam does mean place of standing

Sorry but what was your question in the first place? this thread has gotten me all jumbled up......It's this writing Arabic in English which has gotten me confused :cry:
I'm trying to know what this is:

maf3uulun bihii

08-08-2006, 03:43 PM
I'm so sorry guys,
whats confusing you sis mawaddah?
ukhayy Iqram, maf3uulin bihi is the thing the action falls on, the thing the action is done to.
for example,
dharabtu muhammadan:
dharaba-fi3il maadhee (past tense i hit)
tu (i) faa3il,( i hit him)
muhammadan (maf3uulun bihi) the one that the hitting fell on, the hitting was done to him,

please don't hesitate to ask ukhayy,


08-08-2006, 03:45 PM
ohhhh I get it....so what's to learn here?

Oh man I feel like such a burden....:( Please forgive me if I am....Yathaabakum ullah :)

08-08-2006, 03:57 PM
Ukhayy you're not a burden at all....
Here we can learn the correct way of speaking arabic, the grammatical way (fus7aa), how we can structure our sentences, what word to use when, which words to use where....etc,
and by understanding the grammer we understnad the qur'aan and the sunnah of the rpophet ukhayy as they are both in fus7aa (classical arabic)

Burden no way!!


08-08-2006, 04:01 PM
^ Not really confused like that, but it's just that all this Arabic written in English letters which is mixing me up ;D

08-08-2006, 04:59 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

you get everything inshaAllah akhee Iqram!! :)

okay umm sulaim!! I AM NOT GOING TO GET MY TUHFA OUT!!!.... :rant:

this has to come from me inshaAllah!! :heated:

08-08-2006, 05:53 PM
as you wish.............*whispers...get the book... get the book* hahaha!!!

sis Maw oh i see i now what you mean, but i kinda like it in a way especially with the hajam, makes it fun to read lol....


08-09-2006, 12:39 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
i think sha3baan is mamnuu3 min as-sarf due to 3alamiyyah and ziyaadat alif wa nuun
but i'm not too sure about shawwaal?


If Rajab is mamnuuh minassarf for alamiyya and tha'neesh, the Shawwal may be so?

08-09-2006, 06:26 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by kader
If Rajab is mamnuuh minassarf for alamiyya and tha'neesh, the Shawwal may be so?

I don't think so wAllahu a3lam, reason being it doesn't have taa ta'neeth, or alif magsuura like faatimata or 7ublaa...
i thought it could've been 3alamiyyah and 3ujma at first but shawwaal is an arabic word,
is shawwaal mansuub too in that jumla "alluma barik lanaa fee rajbata wa shawwaala?"
or perhaps its just maf3uulun bihi for baarik?

08-09-2006, 03:16 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

okay is ibleesah mansuub cuase it's mustathnaa...taaman manfiyyan!! :?

08-09-2006, 05:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
I don't think so wAllahu a3lam, reason being it doesn't have taa ta'neeth, or alif magsuura like faatimata or 7ublaa...
i thought it could've been 3alamiyyah and 3ujma at first but shawwaal is an arabic word,
is shawwaal mansuub too in that jumla "alluma barik lanaa fee rajbata wa shawwaala?"
or perhaps its just maf3uulun bihi for baarik?
Dear sister ummu sulaim, assalamualaikum,
In my opinion Rajab is munsarif, for thee is not two causes of mamnooh minssarf in it. I refered some authoritical books like Lisanul adab and Mu'jamul waseeth. tHE WORD Rajab written in both of the "Rajabun" with thanween. Thanveen is the mark of Munsarif, as you know. Thus , Rajab is munsarif not Mamnoohuminassarf. What do you say, sister? Please refer both books and submit your opinion.

08-09-2006, 06:06 PM
Wa alaykuma salaam wa rahmatullah,
ok i wish i could go back to those maraaji3 but i don't have either of those of books,
If you have those maraaji3 then i take your word for it inshaAllah, but i don't understand how rajbata is mansuub then?
Unless both rajab and shawwaal are maf3uulun bihi for baarik, its fi3il amr wal faa3il dhameer mustatir taqderruhuu anta, wa rajbata maf3uulun bihi and shaawaala is ma3tuufun 3alayhi..
Wallahu a3lam!.

Thanks for your faai'dah, baarakaAllahu feek,


08-09-2006, 06:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
as salaamu alaykum,

okay is ibleesah mansuub cuase it's mustathnaa...taaman manfiyyan!! :?

OK sis, its taaman but not manfiyyan, whats the opposite to manfiyyan?


08-09-2006, 06:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
Wa alaykuma salaam wa rahmatullah,
ok i wish i could go back to those maraaji3 but i don't have either of those of books,
If you have those maraaji3 then i take your word for it inshaAllah, but i don't understand how rajbata is mansuub then?
Unless both rajab and shawwaal are maf3uulun bihi for baarik, its fi3il amr wal faa3il dhameer mustatir taqderruhuu anta, wa rajbata maf3uulun bihi and shaawaala is ma3tuufun 3alayhi..
Wallahu a3lam!.

Thanks for your faai'dah, baarakaAllahu feek,

Sister, Rajab, in the prayer is not Mafhoolun bihi, but majroorun biharf jarr-bi- alamathu jarrihi Alkasrathu, for it is munsarif, not mamanoohun minssarf. So, is :Allahumma barik lana fee Rajabin washa'bana.OK?
If you want to see the qutatations of the above said reference books, pls infom me.

08-09-2006, 06:28 PM
Oooh all this time i thought it was Allahumma baarik lana fee rajbata wa shawwaala
Thats what i read in the beginning,
Allahul musta3aan.....ok cos that would make it a simple sentence alahamdulillah... majruur bi baa....ok i see...
shukran jazeelan akhee!


08-10-2006, 12:29 AM
Sister, I saw this prayer written in Arabic in a posting in this discussion, it was this:

اللهم بارك لنا فى رجبَ وشعبان
Therefore I submitted this question, it was not right in my view.Thanks

08-10-2006, 09:31 AM
as salaamu aalykum,

Okay :rollseyes it's taaman mawjibun......care to explain why!!?? :hiding:

Baabal al-ishtithnaa.. totally forgotten about it Allahul musta3aan :heated:

08-10-2006, 10:00 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
as salaamu aalykum,

Okay :rollseyes it's taaman mawjibun......care to explain why!!?? :hiding:

Baabal al-ishtithnaa.. totally forgotten about it Allahul musta3aan :heated:

ok, sis cos remember taaman is that which has the mustathnaa minhu mentioned in the sentence and here its the waaw jamaa3ah...(ay hum al malaaikha)..
hope thats helped a bit...

as for muujaban....now i've forgotten lol....plz check it out Allahul musta3aan!


08-10-2006, 10:03 AM
as salaamu alaykum,

Boy O' Boy man!!.... :hiding:

I need to go back A.S.A.P!! ... :'( before i forget everything!!...Ya Rabbiy!!

lemme do an ikhtisaar on the whole baab yeah...hang on a tik...

wallah....shame on us for forgetting man...shame :heated:

08-10-2006, 10:08 AM
lol you don't need to do an ikhtisaar on the whole bab lol...just look for the gaa3idah, taaman is kadhaa and muujaban is.....i'm thinking i have it buti'm not entirely sure....
but thanks nonetheless


08-10-2006, 10:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by kader
Sister, I saw this prayer written in Arabic in a posting in this discussion, it was this:

اللهم بارك لنا فى رجبَ وشعبان
Therefore I submitted this question, it was not right in my view.Thanks
oh ok i see akhee,
well i agree it would be jaar and majruur, my ra'ee would be the same


08-10-2006, 10:22 AM
as salaamu alaykum,

okay Ikhtisaar on our mawduu3...

Alistithnaa hukm illa...is either taaman mujab or taaman manfiy..or naqis

taaman muwjab(taaman ay: dukira feehi al-mustathnaa minhu.."al-qawm")..yajib feehi an-nasb ..qamal qawm illa zaydan!!

and taaman manfiy: yajuuz feehi albadal wan-nasb 3alaa al-istithnaa

albadal ..ie: maa qamal qawmu illa zaydun (zaydun badal min qawmu),
and nasb 3alaa al-ishtithnaa..maa qamal al-qawmu illa zaydan!!

naaqis means: that there is no musthathnaa minhu madkuur in the jumlah...and this is 3alaa hasb al-3awaamil
so: it'd be like..maa qama illa zaydun...wa ma ra'aytu illa zaydan, wa ma marartu ill bi-zaydin!!....

D'you get it now!!!???

Alhamdulillah I do!! :happy:

08-10-2006, 10:26 AM
yeah alhamdulillah i was right its as i said previously^, the mustathnaa minhu here is mentioned , its in the dhameer waaw al jamaa3ah "fa sajaduu" ay hum al malaaikah....

guess you can ask the next one now..


08-10-2006, 10:29 AM
as salaamu alaykum,

kool...so the sentence is taaman muwjab!!..ibleesa is the musthathnaa and it's mansuub...the musthathnaa minhu is: al-malaaikah...

Owwah Owwah!!....na3am na3am .. :happy:

next question...the i3raab to my signature: ;)

Laa tanha 3an khuluqin wa ta'tiya mithlahuu...

3aarun 3alayka idhaa fa3alta 3adheemu.

08-10-2006, 11:26 AM
Yes you got it now...lol!!!

mashaAllah 3alaysh....

Ooookay just what i needed a challenge lol... far7at qalbee..lol !


08-10-2006, 11:29 AM
as salaamu alaykum,

LOL!!.... I tested Umm sulayman yesterday with this one :D

she got like half of it right..but did'nt get the Shaahid right

Oh Yeah...BTW: what's the Shaahid in this bayt!! ;)

08-10-2006, 12:13 PM
LOol...leave umm sulayman alone..miskeena haqqanaa...besides if umm sulayman found that challenging, i better think first before doing what i do best lol...*as7aab haaaaaaaaaww*

the shaahid in this bayt is "laa tanhaa" its jaazimah, but here cos the last bit of the verb was harf 3illa it got taken off, so its la tanha...not tanhaaa (you dig)
tadhkureen dhal 7een?


08-10-2006, 12:16 PM

I Dig!!... ;) , I told Maw to fix that yesterday barakAllahu feehaa!

wa laakeen isma3iy ...you have to give which harf al-3ilah was dropped and all tayyib....

amd don't forget the shaahid.... :happy:

08-10-2006, 12:32 PM
I just said the shaahid ^ shuufee, lol, yuuuuuuuu ya ghaafila tanabbah!!
the harf al3illa that was dropped was alif,
i'll say it later too when i do the whole i3raab naahee?


08-10-2006, 12:34 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

hahahaaa ..you think you got it alllll SUSSED innit!!...

the harf al-3illah's NOT an alif Darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-10-2006, 02:40 PM
LOoool..........da3nee wa sha'nee lol.....

yuuuuuuuuuuu law tashuufnee umm maazin wa umm haazim!!


08-11-2006, 07:58 AM
OK time for me challenge......
la tnaha 3an kuluqin wa ta'tiya mithlahu, 3aarun 3alayka idhaa fa3altaa 3adheemu

laa naahiya tajzim alfi3il
tanha majzuum bi laa, wa 3alaamatu jazmihee hadhf 7arful 3illa and its an alif (imma stick to what i said previously sis!) wal alif daleelun 3alayhi
3an harf jarr
kuluqin majruur bi 3an, and if i remember correctly the jaara and majruur are muta3alliq bi tanhaa (laa tadh7akee 3alayya ya bint!)
wa al waaw here is ma3iyyah (la ta'kulu asamaka wa tashrabil labana)
ta'tiya is fi3il mudhaari3 mansuub bi an almudhmara i think wujuuban after the waaw (not completely certain)
mithlahu is maf3uulun bihee, so the faa3il is onna be in ta'tiya ay taqdeeruhu anta
3aarun is mubtada'
3alaykamuta3alliq bi khabar ma7dhuuf i think taqdeeruhu something like 3adheemu (umm haazims fawaa'id)
idhaa ok its not jaazimah its a word i can't remember like ta7ta fawqa....don't tell me i shall come up with it inshaAllah..lol
fa3alta fi3il wa faa3il
3adheemu is siffah, for 3aarun, ay 3aarun 3adheemun, right?

Ok there it is...
inshaAllah takuun sawaab,


08-11-2006, 05:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
Oooh all this time i thought it was Allahumma baarik lana fee rajbata wa shawwaala
Thats what i read in the beginning,
Allahul musta3aan.....ok cos that would make it a simple sentence alahamdulillah... majruur bi baa....ok i see...
shukran jazeelan akhee!

I referred some Arabic linguistic books to find out the I'rab of the word "Rajab". Thus I came to the fact that there are two distinct opinions among the scholars of Arabic grammar, the Nahvu, on the word. I want to share them with you. One of them is the word is Munsarif and the other is the word is Mamnoohun minssarf. The two causes are Alamiiyath and Adl. For the original word was Al-Rajab (the Rajab) and then it changed to Rajab, without Al. May I quote both opinions in Arabic text? I am thinking that it will be useful for you. Excuse me, if it is not so:
(قوله رجب) هو كصفر ان اريد به معين فغير منصرف للعلمية والعدل عن المحلى بأل والا فمنصرف , نقله الدنوشرى عن السعد وغيره . ونقل شيخنا عن شرح المواهب لشيخه الزرقانى ان رجب من اسمآء الشهور :sl: مصروف وان اريد به معين , كما فى المصباح
صبان ج3 ص 78 (باب التوكيد)

(قوله نظير سحر فى امتناعه من الصرف امس) مثل ذلك ايضا رجب وصفر , فان كر منهما علم جنس على الشهر المخصوص ومعدول عن ذى ال
ج3 ص 267 (باب ما لا ينصرف)

رجبٌ : شهر سموه بذلك لتعظيمهم اياه فى الجاهلية عن القتال فيه.... وفى الحديث : هل تدرون ما العتيرة؟ هي التى يسمونها الرجبية. كانوا يذبحون فى رجبٍ ذبيحة .... الترجيب : ذبح النساك فى رجبٍ .....

لسان العرب ج 1 ص 411

.... ومنه سمي رجب ٌ ....
لسان العرب ج 1 ص 411و 412

...... قد ابقاهها مطر رجبٍ هنالك
لسان العرب ج 1 ص 412[/S]

08-11-2006, 08:22 PM
MashaAllah ni3mal faa'idah!!!

Thanks for the info akhee, thats really good!
where'd you get the faa'idah from please,


08-13-2006, 02:58 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

tanha majzuum bi laa, wa 3alaamatu jazmihee hadhf 7arful 3illa and its an alif (imma stick to what i said previously sis!) wal alif daleelun 3alayhi
Isn't the harf al-3illah al-mahduufah a "yaa"...because asluhuu...is an-nahiy,
I'll look it up though!!..................................

aaah just saw...your right...it's an alif, and the fatha before it is the daleel of that!! :hiding:

yeah and you got the rest right MashaAllah!!...

give the next I3raab....looks like it's just you and me!! :p

08-13-2006, 07:40 PM
ok next one: 7aythuma tastaqim yuqaddir laka Allahu : najaa7an fee ghaabir al-azmaani

lovely poem :)


08-15-2006, 04:10 PM

okay kool, I'll be on to that sumtime...Allahu a3lam when!! :)

08-15-2006, 04:51 PM
yalla yallah ya bint........... :)


08-17-2006, 11:13 AM
as salaamu alaykum,

7aythuma tastaqim yuqaddir laka Allahu : najaa7an fee ghaabir al-azmaani
The last shatr on this one is kinda hard!!..i'm only gonna do the first one for now!!....

7aythuma tastaqim yuqaddir laka Allahu :
haythumaa ism shard yajzim fi3layn, awalluhumaa fi3il as-shard, watthaaniy jawaabuhuu wa jazaa'uh!..

tastaqimfi3il mudaari3 majzuum wa 3alaamatu jazmihii as-sukuun, wa huwa fi3il ash-shard..

wal faa3il dameer mustatir feehe wujuuban taqdeerahuu anta!

yuqaddir same as tastaqim, but it's the jawaab ash-shart!!

lakajaar wa majruur muta3alliq bi tastaqim...not so sure about it's ta3leeq!!

Allaahu lafd jalaalah, Faa3il for yuqadir!!...

& haythumaa tastaqim yuqaddir...is the actual shaahid in this bayt!!

RIGHT!! :?

08-18-2006, 12:47 PM
As salaamu alaykum,

Okay I'm gonna try to do the second shatr...I have no clue what they are..so i'm just gonna bluff my way through inshaAllah!! ;D

Najaahan is haal (al-qaa3idah: al-ism ba3dal ma3aarif ahwaal, wa ba3dan nakiraat siffah...here najaahan came after yuqaddir..so it's haal... :?)

fee ghaabirjaar wa majruur, muta3alliq bi najaahan :X

Al-azmaanidarf zamaan, majruur li'annahu min daruurat ash-shi3ir

LOOOL!!...don't laugh @ me!! :mad: I'm trying :p

08-18-2006, 12:53 PM
phew I need to brush up on the names of the i3raab and nahw stuff in arabic

08-18-2006, 12:58 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

We all need to sis, this is good practise for us inshaAllah... maybe you could join us too!! :)

BTW: d'you speak arabic?

08-18-2006, 12:59 PM
I am studying it alhamdu lillah but as for speaking I need practise...

08-18-2006, 01:04 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

MashaAllah that's good Sis! :thumbs_up

If you need help on something you don't understand, feel free to ask us inshaAllah ;)

okay..this is a lil simple one...try to do it inshaAllah:

Ja'a Zaydun

08-18-2006, 01:06 PM
Ja'a fi3l maaDy
Zaydun ism marfu3, faa3il
he he that was easy :p if i got it right...:X

08-18-2006, 01:11 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

that was good sis!!.... you did get it right!!

okay... tell me the more complex ones you know...like...etc!! :)

08-18-2006, 01:15 PM
I know how to do i3raab etc its just what they are called that is a little crusty-i need to remember all the grammatical names.. and it helps to understand what you are reading too..

i know haal, maf3ul fihi, maf3ul bihi, -i can basically sorta undertsand why something is majrur, maftuh, or madmoom etc but i think it depends on whether i understand the words..
i need to increase my vocab insha allah

08-18-2006, 01:18 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

MashaAlah that's good, which books have you studied Sis!!?

08-18-2006, 03:58 PM
urm dif stuff... bit of nahw wal waadih, bits and bobs from those madinah arabic books, and dif courses.. :sister:

08-18-2006, 04:44 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

An-Nahawa al-waadihiyyah..that's a good book mashaAllah!!

08-18-2006, 08:20 PM
you studied it? there are 6 altogether aren't there? I haven't been through all of em..

08-18-2006, 08:26 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

Naaah I ain't studied it sis, I just read threw it a couple of times!!..
i dunno how many there are !! :)

08-18-2006, 08:28 PM
LOL OK give another i3raab thingy :)

08-18-2006, 08:31 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

okay... :D

ra'aytu 3amran jaalisan

08-18-2006, 08:36 PM
ra'aytu fi3l maaDi (1st person but I don't know what that is in arabic)
3amran maf3ul bihi wa 3laamata nisbihi fathatain
jaalisan haal

08-18-2006, 08:47 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

Yeah mashaAllah ...nice one sis ;)

ask the next question please!! :)

08-18-2006, 08:52 PM
yaqifuna amaama-l qaSri-Saa3aati-Tawiilata
hmmm... :sister:

08-18-2006, 09:05 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

okay then....:)

yaqifuuna.. fi3i l mudaari3 marfuu3 li'ittaasaalihii bi dameer al-jam3, marfuu3 bi thubuut an-nuun li'annahu min al-amthilat/af3aal al-khamsa..

the waaw jamaa3ah is the faa3il,

amaama dharf makaan mansuub.

qasri :ooh: is that^^ mudhaaf and this is mudhaaf ilayhi!! :X

saa3atin what would that be..:?:? like...maf3uul fihii :?


Correct me please I know i got a few wrong :embarrass

08-18-2006, 09:15 PM
no ur correct masha allah yes amaama is muDaf and qaSri is muDaf ilaihi
everything else correct too masha allah.
(except I didn't understand all the words you used for yaqifuna-I don't know that much..) :)
give the next one insha allah :sister:

08-19-2006, 12:38 AM
as salaamu aalykum,

I thought I was bluffing my way through...subhanAllah :giggling:
Alahmdulillah i got that right!!...

okay next question sis: Hafidhtu ad-darsa hifdhan

good luck inshaAllah... ;)

08-19-2006, 06:37 PM
Hafidhtu ad-darsa hifdhan

hafidhtu fi3l maDi, 1st person
ad-darsa mansub li'annahu maf3ul bihi
hifdhan mansub, maf3ul muTlaq
..is that right...?

08-22-2006, 10:11 AM
As Salaamu aalykum,

MashaAllah Sis you got that SPOT ON!! ;) :thumbs_up

Give the next I3raab InshaAllah!! :peace:

Sorry for the late reply.. :embarrass

08-24-2006, 09:57 AM
bintee!! where you gone to? hehe...

INshaAllah i'll post up the next one:

In yakun ghaniyyan aw faqeeran


08-25-2006, 09:18 PM
As salaamu aalykum,

I ain't gone know where Darlin' It's you who's vansihed :giggling:

check my I3raab for me ... laa tanhaa 3an khuliqqin okay!!

In yakun ghaniyyan aw faqeeran
In harf jazam yansib al fi3il

yakun fi3il maadiy majzuum bi inn wa 3alaamatu jarrihii hadf harf al-3illah wa huwa al-waaw..

wal faa3il dhameer mustatitr feehi wujuuban taqdeerahu huwa..

ghaniyyan i think it's maf3uulan bihii

aw harf 3adf

faqeeran ma3tuuf 3alaal mansuub (ghaniyyan) mansuub mithlahuu..

Am I right!! :p

08-25-2006, 10:16 PM
yepo absolutely:) nah just though eh almabthoutha kaslaanah hadhihil ayyaam

ok i'll check the 7aythumaa one...


08-25-2006, 10:25 PM
you're right ummul fidaa :).. and yes "7aythuma tastaqim yuqaddir" is the shahid because 7aythuma makes 2 verbs majzum...

and you were right about najaa7an too, cos of the gaa3idah you mentioned...

so ummul fidaa next ones on you


08-26-2006, 01:28 AM
As salaamu aalykum,

so ummul fidaa next ones on you
La tunaadeeni BiDhaalik..Sayab'duw anniy 3ajuuzah.. mithlish :okay: Ya Umm sulaim! :)

Okay next I3raab.. Inna abaahaa wa abaa abaaha ...qad balaghaa fil majdi ghaayataaha

what's the i3rab of the whole bayt..and what's the shaahid!?

Good luck ;)

08-28-2006, 10:02 AM
ok ummul fidaa 3ajuuzatnaa hahaha... (yuu akhir mareh khalleenee hehe.....)


Inna harf tawkeed wa nasb
abaahaa ism amnssub bi inna wa 3alaamat fat7ihee al fat7a niyaabatan 3anil fat7a li annahu minal asmaa al khamsah, wa huwa mudhaaf wal haa mudhaafun ilayh
wa harf 3atf
abaa ma3tuf 3alaa al abaa al awwal wa huwa mudhaaf
abaahaamudhafun ilayh, same thing again with the haa

08-29-2006, 12:24 PM
As salaamu alaykum,

ok ummul fidaa 3ajuuzatnaa hahaha... (yuu akhir mareh khalleenee hehe.....)
Jiy Jiy Ya Bint! Tahtaajeen ilaa lathma wahda yaskutish!! :rant:

Can you finish ofthe I3raab now please!!!!!!! :)

08-29-2006, 12:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As salaamu alaykum,

Jiy Jiy Ya Bint! Tahtaajeen ilaa lathma wahda yaskutish!! :rant:

Can you finish ofthe I3raab now please!!!!!!! :)
Allahul musta3aan....is that kafiyyyatil kalaam ma3a ukhtak al KABEERAH... aynal i7tiraam?

yeah will do....inshaAllah, fee dawree innit


08-29-2006, 01:05 PM
As salaamu aalykum,

Lol!!.... Can't you do it Al'aan!! :?

08-29-2006, 01:12 PM
nah requires too much thinking hehe.....and my roughs at home so...


08-29-2006, 01:19 PM
As salaamu alaykum,

^o) LOL!

La Ba's Bi Dhaalik then!!! :)

09-03-2006, 09:32 AM
kidtu an ansaa hadhal makaan hehe...

aywaa baqiya sa7...

qad balaghaa fil majdi ghaayataahaa

imma bluff my way through it, dhaa3a my rough copy!!

so anyways qad: harf tawkeed mabneeyun 3ala assukon right

balaghaa: fi3il madhee wal alif fa3il

fi: harf jar

majdi: majroor bil faa

ghayataahaa: dunno mon!

looks like you'll be doing corrections for a while ey lol...



09-06-2006, 01:19 PM
As salaamu alaykum,

O' Boy Kidtu an ansaa an arudd man...

Qad Naseetu al-i3raab .. :X da3nee ufakkir qaleelan InshaAllah!! :D

09-06-2006, 01:23 PM
LOol alright sis, think away...



10-24-2006, 08:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
LOol alright sis, think away...



can i join in?

10-24-2006, 08:58 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

ofcourse please do!! Tafaddhal Ya Akhaanaa! :)

If you'd like to start off by finish off the I'raab for the last bayt..

Inna Abaahaa wa abaa abaahaa...

Qaf Balaghaa fil Majdi Ghaayataahaa..

you can either choose to give the i'raab of the whole thing or just take off from where we left InshaAllah.. upto you!

10-24-2006, 09:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by umm-sulaim
kidtu an ansaa hadhal makaan hehe...

aywaa baqiya sa7...

qad balaghaa fil majdi ghaayataahaa

imma bluff my way through it, dhaa3a my rough copy!!

so anyways qad: harf tawkeed mabneeyun 3ala assukon right

balaghaa: fi3il madhee wal alif fa3il

fi: harf jar

majdi: majroor bil faa

ghayataahaa: dunno mon!

looks like you'll be doing corrections for a while ey lol...



gayah- muzaaf
hu maszaf ilay

gayatahu= maf-ool fee ( zarf )

10-24-2006, 09:03 PM
i.e. thats in halat nasbee

p.s. hope im doing things right

10-24-2006, 09:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001
gayah- muzaaf
hu maszaf ilay

gayatahu= maf-ool fee ( zarf )
As Salaamu Alaykum,

So it's Maf'uul feeh :eek:, okay I was stuck on that one, JazaakAllahu khayran!!

You can ask the next question inshaAllah.. a sentence/bayt..etc!

10-24-2006, 09:11 PM
by the way the aba abahaa

thats quite a special word coz according to normal rules it shud b aba abeeha

however according to some qabeelas it will stay mabni with alif

10-24-2006, 09:12 PM
ok ummm

anna zaidun kareemun

10-24-2006, 09:16 PM
As Salaamu alaykum,

do you mean "Anaa" as in "I" ?

or "Anna" as in ukht "Inna" :?

10-24-2006, 09:18 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As Salaamu alaykum,

do you mean "Anaa" as in "I" ?

or "Anna" as in ukht "Inna" :?
its hamzah with a fathah followed by noon mushadadah

its a tricky 1:D

10-24-2006, 09:21 PM
ooooooooops its kareemin and not kareemun

im new 2 this stuff

10-24-2006, 09:21 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

so it's Anna...

if it is "anna" then your sentence is incorrect!!

It's meant to be: Anna Zaydan Kareemun

(ism anna is always supposed to be mansuub)

am i right! :)

10-24-2006, 09:24 PM

in fact your 1st query shud b....it shud b inna and not anna coz its at the starting of a jumlah/....however its all correct./////trust me........lol


p.,s im getting 2 like this forum stuff

10-24-2006, 09:28 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

oh you should'nt have told me, I was going to ask you whether the Jumlah was concluding from something..... :-\

ooooooooops its kareemin and not kareemun
then you confused me hear when you said "Kareemin" with a kasra..

that just blew me right off course!! Lol!

p.,s im getting 2 like this forum stuff
Yeah, you learn alot subhanAllah!

Okay I've got a question:

I've got one for you :How many Waaws are there that have an 'aml/purpose in lughat al-arabiyah?

10-24-2006, 09:37 PM
ok.just top of me head.i need some sleep ive got the flu, i work as a mechanic so sowwy if im rusty but i learned years ago when i was in a madrasah and im not an arab

ok 1) meaning of qasa
2) meaning of rubbah
3) meaning of ma'aa ( with )

many other wows apporox 15 diferent ones but its debatable wether wow os actually the aamil or the fail thats before it like wow haliyah etc

10-24-2006, 09:39 PM
thats suppose 2 b qasam
anyways work the other one out

im i allowed 2 give email add on here? if any1 has any questions...this way at least i can keep up with my nahw.....

10-24-2006, 09:44 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

ShafaakAllaah Ya Akhee,

When I was studying tuhfah our teacher gave us these notes:

they are:

Wawun wujuuduhaa ka''adamuhaa wa huwa: al-waaw az-zaaidah.

-Waawun 'alaa hasb maa qablahaa wa hua: waaw al-aadhifah

- Waawaan Yujarr maa ba3dahumaa :waa Rubba wa waawul Qasm.

- Waawun yunsab maa ba3dahumaa: waa al-ma3iyyah (im not sure about this one?)

- Waawaan yurfa' maa ba'dahumaa waaw al-haal wa waaw al-isti'naaf!

I wrote this yearrrs ago, so i'm not sure about the last one..

isn't what's after waawul haal mansuub? correct me please?

I did'nt know whether this issue had ikhtilaaf though :?

10-24-2006, 09:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001
thats suppose 2 b qasam
anyways work the other one out

im i allowed 2 give email add on here? if any1 has any questions...this way at least i can keep up with my nahw.....
As Salaamu Alaykum,

They can PM you (send you a private message on here) ..

but to have access to this, you need 50 posts*i think*, which your not far from anyways!

so that's an easier option.

10-24-2006, 09:52 PM
ok isten i gtg.
sowwy ill explain the wow bit to u........

like wow adifah is not an aamil.however mayb teacher explained in this manner to make things similar.....

ok salams

10-24-2006, 09:54 PM
after wow haliyah u will get a jumlah which is in the position of mansoob the wow itself is not an amil.the fail or al mushabah bil fail is the amil
gtg.sorry i find it difficult to work the arabic text out when its written in roman text

10-24-2006, 09:55 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Okay then that would be great InshaAllah!.. this is good muraaja'ah!! :D

Allah Ma3ak :peace:

10-24-2006, 09:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001
after wow haliyah u will get a jumlah which is in the position of mansoob the wow itself is not an amil.the fail or al mushabah bil fail is the amil
gtg.sorry i find it difficult to work the arabic text out when its written in roman text
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Aaah I see, saheeh, I totally forgot about that!! :cry:

you could use an arabic visual keyboard, i'd give that to you next time, if you don't have a access to one InshaAllah..

10-24-2006, 09:57 PM
how come my post is still 41?

ok guess ill learn slowly

10-24-2006, 09:58 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

It's 42 now!! :D

you got 8 to go!!

10-24-2006, 09:59 PM
ok then how do i retrieve my msgs?

ah sowwy im boring u.....but its been ages since i done my nahw
even sarf......

10-24-2006, 10:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001
ok ummm

anna zaidun kareemin
u still havnt answered :D

10-24-2006, 10:04 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

I thought we cleared that!! :?

so the correct sentence was: "Inna Zaidan Kareeman" right...

10-24-2006, 10:07 PM
nope its anna.u need to do the tarkeeb of it :D

10-24-2006, 10:11 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

ok then how do i retrieve my msgs?
did you see how? :)

nope its anna.u need to do the tarkeeb of it
:eek: but you said it was "Inna" :uuh:

cause anna does'nt come in the beginning of a sentnce! :?

I'm lost lol, whaddya mean by tarkeeb.. (i've forgotten so much)

10-24-2006, 10:13 PM
yes i get the msg thing.i opened it thanx but it wont let me reply till i get 50

and its anna.trust me..its a tricky one.and its at the begining of sentence.

10-24-2006, 10:14 PM
oh yeh and tarkeeb means to explain the iaraab as u doing already , thats just a term our teacher used 2 use

10-24-2006, 10:21 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

oh yeh and tarkeeb means to explain the iaraab as u doing already , thats just a term our teacher used 2 use
Okay we used to say Tafseel!! :mmokay:

and its anna.trust me..its a tricky one.and its at the begining of sentence.
sounds really tricky!! :? Im gonna give it a go anyways.. it'll probably be wrong!! :X

so "anna" ... Allah A'lam Maa hadhaa ;D is it fee mahl raf3 mubtadaah

and zaidun is the khabr marfuu'..

or is anna a fi'il and zaidun in the faa'il

and for both haalaat kareemin is majruur bi' al-baa' al-jarr that is muqaddarr!

*don't laugh lol*

10-24-2006, 10:22 PM

i used to think whats this thread about, confusing, but now i knw cuz i study nahw n sarf :D n its understandable kind of hard though


10-24-2006, 10:27 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mujahidah4Allah

i used to think whats this thread about, confusing, but now i knw cuz i study nahw n sarf :D n its understandable kind of hard though

As Salaamu Alaykum,

Lol MashaAllah Ukhtiy.. it's gets easier as you study it more and more!! :D

10-24-2006, 11:29 PM

which reminds me i have a nahw test wen i get bak 2 jamia i am so dead i havent revised ima be confused :mmokay:


10-25-2006, 12:27 AM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

If you need help on anything Ukhtee, Your more than welcome to ask Us InshaAllah! ;)

Allah Ma3aki :peace:

10-25-2006, 09:46 AM
[QUOTE=amirah_87;537148]As Salaamu Alaykum,

is anna a fi'il and zaidun in the faa'il

and for both haalaat kareemin is majruur bi' al-baa' al-jarr that is muqaddarr!

mashallah not bad

anna is fail normally ppl mistake it as harf mushabaha zaid is faa-il hence marfu and kaaf harf jaar reemin is majroor

trans= zaid leaped like a dear

10-25-2006, 09:47 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Mujahidah4Allah

which reminds me i have a nahw test wen i get bak 2 jamia i am so dead i havent revised ima be confused :mmokay:

which jamia u study in?

10-25-2006, 09:50 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As Salaamu Alaykum,

and for both haalaat kareemin is majruur bi' al-baa' al-jarr that is muqaddarr!

*don't laugh lol*
remember if the harf jar is muqddar then it looses its amal

10-25-2006, 02:27 PM

amirah no prbs u can do my test 4 me :D

akhi ahm i go to jamia al hudaa


10-25-2006, 05:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001

mashallah not bad

anna is fail normally ppl mistake it as harf mushabaha zaid is faa-il hence marfu and kaaf harf jaar reemin is majroor

trans= zaid leaped like a dear
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Okay okay okay.... so your saying:

Anna hear is what!? :? a fi'il verb!!?

and Zaidun is the Fa'iil.. i understand!

and.. the kaaf in Kareemin part.. is harf jarr and Reemin is majruur!! Lol!!

That is a really good one!! :thumbs_up

especially the Kareemin.. I was thinkin all along it was kareemin as in generous!!

oookay!! have we finsihed from this one or is there still a catch to it!! :D

10-25-2006, 08:12 PM
ok in the other 1.gaytaaha it is mansub 100% how ever accrding to some tribes such as kutham and harith ibn kaab tathniyah is mubni on alif hence they wud say ja-a rajulaan ( fail ) ra-aytu rajulaan ( maful bihi ) and maratu birajulaan ( majroor bi harf jaar )

sooooooooooooo in the poem ladies and gentlemen the kalimah gayataaha is mansoob but with alif ( thats the shahid of the bait) get it? :hiding:

10-26-2006, 12:27 AM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

The explanation in english sounds really rubbish.. nothing's really sinkin' in!! :mmokay:

Ghaayataahaa Mansuubun Bil'alif Li'annahuu Madhaa.....

okay so i searched Kawaakib/Al-Mutammimah for the I'raab and this is what was said:

لمراد بالغايتان البداية والمنتهى ثناهما تغليبا او غاية المجد في النسب و غايته في الحسب و علي كل فهو باق على تثنيته اﻻ انه على لغة من يقصر المثنى ٠ و يحتمل ان اﻻلف فيه لﻻشباع وانث الضمير الراجع باعتبار كونه صفة ٠

it's from shaawid ibnu aqeel aswell so it's probably more detailed in there,
it does'nt really explian it here!

and it also says: wa hunaakaiddat shawaahid :)

not juts ghaayatahaa! :)

it's mansuub bi'alif niyaabah 'an al-fatha li'annahuu ism maqsuur right!!

wa yajuuz nasbuhaa bi'fatha muqaddarah 'alaa al-alif lit'ta'adduur 'alaa lughat Al-qasr!!


10-26-2006, 10:20 AM
[QUOTE=amirah_87;538381]As Salaamu Alaykum,

The explanation in english sounds really rubbish.. nothing's really sinkin' in!! :mmokay:

how rude sis./.lol.........im trying my best to explain in english i dont know how to type in arabic

فهو باق على تثنيته اﻻ انه على لغة من يقصر المثنى ٠]
yesssssss thats exactly wot i meant

and it also says: wa hunaakaiddat shawaahid :)

not juts ghaayatahaa! :)

yessssssssssssssss i told u aba abahaa was also a shahib coz it shud b aba abeeha


well at least we got 2 the bottom of that

10-26-2006, 10:25 AM
oh yeh the 3rd shahid is the zameer at the end which has been answered in the arabic text u gave.that despite the zameer raji to majd its munnath. answer is that the zamir is raji to the wird sifa ( as the word majd is a sifah) or the answer cub b as uuuuuuuuuuuuu said once upon a time lizarurati shari

phew :rollseyes

10-26-2006, 03:30 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Okay, all's clear!! .. :)

okay... you see this hadeeth:

"Laysa minambirr am siyaam fim safr..."

what Lughat is this in? and where's this Lughat spoken?

and what's the shaahid here?

Allah Ma3ak :D

10-26-2006, 08:54 PM

okay... you see this hadeeth:

"Laysa minambirr am siyaam fim safr..."

what Lughat is this in? and where's this Lughat spoken?

and what's the shaahid here?

ok hmmmmmmmmmm its the letter am , its used for tareef as it is in this hadeeth before albir and siyaam,

used by ppl in yaman also banu day and the sahabi wh narrates this with these words is namr ibn tawlab i think who was from the kuhl tribe

how did i do? if im wrong then u have 2 excuse me coz im only a mechanic and non arab

10-27-2006, 12:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001
ok hmmmmmmmmmm its the letter am , its used for tareef as it is in this hadeeth before albir and siyaam,

used by ppl in yaman also banu day and the sahabi wh narrates this with these words is namr ibn tawlab i think who was from the kuhl tribe

how did i do? if im wrong then u have 2 excuse me coz im only a mechanic and non arab
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Not bad!! Yeah it's spoken in Yemen but I'm not sure about the banu dayy part and banu kuhl, :?

The Lughat that exchanges the "AL, at-ta'reef" for "AM" , Is Lughatul Himyar (Al-Himyariyyeen), I heard that people still speak that til this day.

Next Question InshaAllah! :)

10-28-2006, 08:44 AM
munita shay-un fa-aktharta wulu-aha
fa-habu shaye ilal insani ma muni-aa

wots the shahid?

10-28-2006, 02:37 PM
As Salamu Alaykum,
منت شئ فاكثرت ولواه
فحبو شئ الى اﻻنسان ما منعا
Check if that's correct InshaAllah, and if you could tell me the ma'naa of the bayt too would be great, before i start to I'raab it...
and remember.. I'm a mustawaa below you so .. take it easy yeah!! :D

10-28-2006, 02:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As Salamu Alaykum,

Check if that's correct InshaAllah, and if you could tell me the ma'naa of the bayt too would be great, before i start to I'raab it...
and remember.. I'm a mustawaa below you so .. take it easy yeah!! :D
ok it means

you were told not do something but u started doing it more
for the most lovable thing to a human is that which he has been told not to do

lol got it?
hey im not above u./..trust me, how do i type arabic?

10-28-2006, 03:08 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

you type the arabic from a visual keyboard thingy..

go to this link here:


did i get the arabic spelling correct in the bayt though? :?

& I get the bayt now thanx..gimme sometime InshaAllah! :)

10-29-2006, 01:03 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Okay... I was thinkin' is the Shaahid "Fa'aktharta Wulu'ahaa" Haythu Ya'tee Al-ism ba'dal ismud tafdheel Mansuub.. :X

If it's not.. don't give the answer away!! :)

10-31-2006, 09:09 AM
hmmmm is that in chinese.......fa akhtharta is fail mazee akthara yuktheru ikhtharun :D

10-31-2006, 09:20 AM
منعت شيءا فاكثرت ولوعها فحب الشيئ الى الانسان ما منعا

jazakallah sis the other link u gave me worked

u 1 in a million ( i dont know how to say that in arabic) unti wahid min million .:D

10-31-2006, 04:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001
hmmmm is that in chinese.......fa akhtharta is fail mazee akthara yuktheru ikhtharun :D
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Lol .. haar de haar haar!
you know how long it took me to figure out what you meant by "mazee" :heated: ,couple hours!! imsad
please please write it with a "d" JazaakaAllaahu khayr!!

so it isn't ismu tafdeel here as in "Maa Akthar At-Ta'aam" :?

hmm.. anaa ba'eeeeda 'anil Jawaab sah? :D

Okay then... is the shaaahid in ما منعا

11-01-2006, 11:18 AM
hiii :D

whats going on in here?

Ma shanikum antum ya qawm? :p

Oh and by the way, do you use numbers here too? for example:

2,3,5,6,7,8,9 ?

11-01-2006, 01:47 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,


Taffadhal Ya Akhaanaa Natasaa'al 'an Ilm al-I'raab... :D

Why do we use numbers, well I do sometimes just something I picked up from somewhere.. :hiding:

7 means Haa (the one after jeem)
3 stands for ain

i've seen ppl use some of the others but I ain't got a clue whatthey stand for!! :?

Allah Ma'ak :peace:

11-01-2006, 02:42 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Lol .. haar de haar haar!
you know how long it took me to figure out what you meant by "mazee" :heated: ,couple hours!! imsad
please please write it with a "d" JazaakaAllaahu khayr!!

hey u have 2 forgive me//.im not an arab

11-01-2006, 06:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As Salaamu Alaykum,


Taffadhal Ya Akhaanaa Natasaa'al 'an Ilm al-I'raab... :D

Why do we use numbers, well I do sometimes just something I picked up from somewhere.. :hiding:

7 means Haa (the one after jeem)
3 stands for ain

i've seen ppl use some of the others but I ain't got a clue whatthey stand for!! :?

Allah Ma'ak :peace:
:giggling: salam

To be honest, I am weak in al-I'raab and Arabic Nahu(na7w) But I am arabic speaking so I am able to speak it pretty well, al7amd lilah :)

Ok, I quickly drew for you what the numbers mean: :D

:) farewell!

Caller الداعي
11-02-2006, 11:48 AM
salam alaikum amirah that poem is from diywan hamasa and 'du' which according to the jamhoor nuhaat is used meaning sahib ...however according some it comes with the meaning 'allathi' and they present this baiyt as shahid!

11-02-2006, 01:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by caller
salam alaikum amirah that poem is from diywan hamasa and 'du' which according to the jamhoor nuhaat is used meaning sahib ...however according some it comes with the meaning 'allathi' and they present this baiyt as shahid!
Wa Alaykum As Salaamu Akhee,

Na'am Akhee that's Right!! JazakAllahu Khayr,

Which Bayt is it that your talkin' about..

This one:

Innal Maa'a Maa'u Abiy Wa Jaddiy...

... Wa Bi'riy Dhu Hafartu wa dhu Dawaytu!!

hope you can particpate with us more often calller :) barakallaahu feek!

11-02-2006, 02:04 PM
ok i think the previous bait was a bit stale i think its time for a new 1

11-02-2006, 07:13 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

ok i think the previous bait was a bit stale i think its time for a new 1
Whyyy? it isn't!!

Okay then... is the shaaahid in ما منعا
you did'nt answer me!! :mmokay:

is that the shaahid then..:?

if not.. is this the shaahid:

howabout the faa here!! :?

11-02-2006, 07:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Saifadin_Qutuz
:giggling: salam

To be honest, I am weak in al-I'raab and Arabic Nahu(na7w) But I am arabic speaking so I am able to speak it pretty well, al7amd lilah :)

Ok, I quickly drew for you what the numbers mean: :D

:) farewell!

As salaamu alaykum,

so that's what they all mean hunh!? Thanx! :)

BaraAkAllahu feek!

11-03-2006, 01:58 PM
ok hmmm the shahid was حب becoz it is ism tafdheel but is used without hamzah due to كثرة الاستعمال

ok wot other words are similar to this i.e. they are ism tafdheel but used without hamzah;D

11-03-2006, 08:50 PM
ا لم يمكنكم ان تككبوا المتون بالعربى ؟

11-03-2006, 08:53 PM
ا لم يمكنكم ان تكتبوا المتون بالعربى ؟

11-03-2006, 08:57 PM

i can help about i3raab

11-03-2006, 09:05 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Tafaddhal Ya Akhaanaa ... :)

which mutuun is it your talkin' about?

11-03-2006, 09:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001
ok hmmm the shahid was حب becoz it is ism tafdheel but is used without hamzah due to كثرة الاستعمال

ok wot other words are similar to this i.e. they are ism tafdheel but used without hamzah;D
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Ooooh Myy!! That one was very good!! :eek: :thumbs_up

Min Shawaahid Ibnu 'aqeel? :?

I need some help on this one... Brothers Helps us out please! :D

the question's in bold :)

11-05-2006, 01:01 PM
lol its not that hard , if u think hard enough youll no the best n worst answer for it:giggling:

11-05-2006, 01:06 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

errrmm Okay! :?

Is the answer to that; there isn't any other word like this, it's just Khaas bi' "Hubb" :p

11-05-2006, 01:07 PM
nope .want the answer?:D

11-05-2006, 01:12 PM
يا اختى لو تفكرت فى الجملة التى قلت لوجدت الجواب بين خير و شر

hows the arabic? good practice

11-05-2006, 01:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001
nope .want the answer?:D
As Salaamu Alaykum,

No!?! :embarrass

Okay then, give me the answer please!? :hiding:

11-05-2006, 01:17 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Ooooooookay wait wait!! :D

Is it Khayr & sharr!? :?

11-05-2006, 01:18 PM

11-05-2006, 01:22 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

:D yeaaah!! :D

Kidtu an aktub ilayk: Wa Maa Qasduka Ya Akhee 'an qawlik bayna Khayrin wa sharr" ??????
when it just hit me! :hiding:

that's interestin, are there anymore or is it just these three?

11-05-2006, 02:33 PM
:) your turn sis

11-05-2006, 02:54 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Tayyib!! :)

:ما هو الشاهد في قول الشاعر

اقسم بالله ابو حفص عمر ّ*ّ ما مسها من نقب وﻻ دبر

11-06-2006, 01:33 PM
umar is the shahid....its adf bayaan:rollseyes

11-06-2006, 01:41 PM
As Salaamu Alaykum,

Yeah, I know that was easy right!! :-\

I actually had another one in mind!!.. but I forgot some of it myself!! :heated:

It was the I'raab of the sentence :

ﻻ تاكل السمك وتشرب اللبن

do you remmeber/know all the awjuh of it's I'raab? :)

11-06-2006, 02:35 PM
ok hmmmmm quick guess

before tashrab its ان تشرب او لاتشرب

so its nasbi or jazmi

11-06-2006, 02:41 PM
As Salaamu ALaykum,

It's coming up wrong, I dunno why but the sentence is actually like this:

"Laa Ta'kul As-Samak Wa Tashrab Al-Laban"

11-08-2006, 09:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87
As Salaamu ALaykum,

It's coming up wrong, I dunno why but the sentence is actually like this:

"Laa Ta'kul As-Samak Wa Tashrab Al-Laban"
Let me try:

''Dont eat fish & drink milk''- meaning u shouldnt eat fish and at da same time hav milk... Heard of dat! LOL :D

Sorry wat am i meant 2 do nxt??

11-09-2006, 03:17 PM
''Dont eat fish & drink milk''- meaning u shouldnt eat fish and at da same time hav milk... Heard of dat! LOL :D

u shud try it it taste great:D

11-09-2006, 04:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001
''Dont eat fish & drink milk''- meaning u shouldnt eat fish and at da same time hav milk... Heard of dat! LOL :D

u shud try it it taste great:D
naah not my type

Nxt person continue plz

Jazakallah Qairan...


11-09-2006, 05:56 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by ahm001
ok hmmmmm quick guess

before tashrab its ان تشرب او لاتشرب

so its nasbi or jazmi
... As salaamu alaykum,

I'raab the whole sentence please!!

And note that the "Laam-Alif/Laa'" is actually meant to be at the front, but strangely seems to appear at the end!! :?

05-31-2007, 04:07 PM

Here's the I'raab for the previous Jumlah:

[ لا تأكل السمك وتشرب اللبن]

الوجه الأول:النصب على أن الواو للمعية والفعل بعدها منصوب بأن مضمرة وجوباً.
والمعنى:النهي عن الجمع بين أكل السمك وشرب اللبن.

الوجه الثاني:الجزم على أن الواو للعطف عطفت الفعل تشرب على الفعل تأكل
المجزوم ب[لا] الناهية.
والمعنى:النهي عنهما معاً. أي:لاتأكل السمك ولاتشرب اللبن.

الوجه الثالث:الرفع على أن الواو اسئنافية
والفعل بعدها مرفوع والجملة من الفعل والفاعل خبر لمبتدأ محذوف.
والمعنى:النهي عن أكل السمك وإباحة شرب اللبن.
وجازت هذه الأوجه لأن الواو محتملة للمعية أو العطف أوالاستئناف

05-31-2007, 05:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by amirah_87

Here's the I'raab for the previous Jumlah:

[ لا تأكل السمك وتشرب اللبن]

الوجه الأول:النصب على أن الواو للمعية والفعل بعدها منصوب بأن مضمرة وجوباً.
والمعنى:النهي عن الجمع بين أكل السمك وشرب اللبن.

الوجه الثاني:الجزم على أن الواو للعطف عطفت الفعل تشرب على الفعل تأكل
المجزوم ب[لا] الناهية.
والمعنى:النهي عنهما معاً. أي:لاتأكل السمك ولاتشرب اللبن.

الوجه الثالث:الرفع على أن الواو اسئنافية
والفعل بعدها مرفوع والجملة من الفعل والفاعل خبر لمبتدأ محذوف.
والمعنى:النهي عن أكل السمك وإباحة شرب اللبن.
وجازت هذه الأوجه لأن الواو محتملة للمعية أو العطف أوالاستئناف
Assalaamo Alaikum
Thanks a lot .That is a great information.
Would you like to share the source ??I will appreciate.
Best of luck

05-31-2007, 11:21 PM
Asslaamo Alaikum:
Try this puzzle.
What is the difference in the following sentences;
هذا كتابكم
كتابكم هذا
Best of luck

05-31-2007, 11:27 PM
Assalaamo Alaikum
Another puzzle to differentiate between meanings :
نعبد ك
ايّاك نعبد

Best of luck

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