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View Full Version : August 15 th India's National freedom day

08-13-2006, 11:40 AM
The August 15 th is a very glad and important day to us, Indians. For, it was the day in which we won the freedom from the British superiority. Alhamdulillah.So we celebrate it . Good wishes to all brothers and sisters in all over the world, in this happy day.

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08-15-2006, 04:25 AM
Hey....our Independent day will be coming this 31st August ..... Congrats!!!

08-15-2006, 07:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by kader
The August 15 th is a very glad and important day to us, Indians. For, it was the day in which we won the freedom from the British superiority. Alhamdulillah.So we celebrate it . Good wishes to all brothers and sisters in all over the world, in this happy day.
Happy national day to you...May Allah make your country in peace and harmony...

08-15-2006, 08:14 AM
And the Sikhs (own fault) became gulam (slaves) all over again, but this time by hundus!! So i've nothing to celebrate!

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08-15-2006, 08:35 AM
Hey , I have nothing to crebrate because - majority of the population have become enslave by the hindus .

08-15-2006, 08:46 AM
n thts the reason Maulana ashraf Ali thanvi opposed the freedom movement and separation of pakistan.
he believed its better being under British rule than under the HINDUS'.
Yes separation of india was the greatest mistake - for the muslims as a whole , because if one looks than the single largest muslim comunity in the world is in the indian sub continent . Now the time have change it was 59 years ago , but atleast now the muslims over these regions can be more interactive than before . And learn some good lessons the things which divides us .

08-15-2006, 08:51 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by zÂk
n thts the reason Maulana ashraf Ali thanvi opposed the freedom movement and separation of pakistan.
he believed its better being under British rule than under the HINDUS'.
I commend what Jinnah did, for the Pakistanis and thought of a seprate homeland. If only the Sikhs and taken up the offer of Khalistan we would now be in such a better state than we are. :'(

But bare in mind, who'd have thought the USSR would split? None, but it did, and just like that Sikhs will get Khalistan and the muslims Kashmir!

08-15-2006, 08:53 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AFDAL
Yes separation of india was the greatest mistake - for the muslims as a whole , because if one looks than the single largest muslim comunity in the world is in the indian sub continent . Now the time have change it was 59 years ago , but atleast now the muslims over these regions can be more interactive than before . And learn some good lessons the things which divides us .
Our holiest shrines are in Pakistan, how do you think we feel? Not meaning it in a nasty way, but if we'd had Khalistan these shrines would now be in the Punjab! :cry:

08-15-2006, 09:04 AM
On Islam, Muslims & Pakistan:

“There is universal caste-wise difference of opinion on Pakistan, Muslims and Islam. The upper castes (Aryans) — about 15% of Indians — comprising Brahmins, Vaishyas and to some extent Kshatriyas, are united in their hate against Pakistan, Muslims and Islam. And they have reasons to hate because:

(i) It was Islam (Muslims) which shattered their centuries-old hegemony over the rest of the 85% Indians.

(ii) It was Islam, which emancipated 35% of the freehold Hindus (Backward Castes and Untouchables) and took them under its protective shield of Muslims.

(iii) It is these neo-converts to Islam who have been the greatest enemies of Brahminism, right from the day of Malik Kafur (Dalit convert) to Jinnah.

On Kashmir Dispute:

(i) The moment the Kashmir problem is solved, the Hindu nazis will have no whipping boy. India’s Hindu terrorist party (BJP) will be become jobless. So it is in the interest of Hindu nazis, “Hindu unity”, the Kashmir problem has to continue. The Kashmir problem also must continue because the Hindu rulers of India can divert huge funds for the defence and thereby keep their hated Dalits, Backward Castes and Tribals hungry and enslaved and thereby also kill them in unending wars in Kashmir where Dalits fight and die as soldiers.

(ii) They not only don’t want to solve Kashmir but any other problem because Kashmir is needed to divert the attention of the hungry millions from their burning problems of food, clothing, shelter, health and education needs — none of which is met even after 60 years of this Brahminical rule.

08-15-2006, 09:05 AM
Well... I'm just wishing happy birthday India....and Pakistan too. Congrats. Thanks for being friends of Malaysia.

08-15-2006, 09:07 AM
The community of “Black Untouchables of India” known as Dalits is the worst sufferer. Dalits constitute over 20% of Indian population. Contrary to the perceptions prevalent in the outside world they are not Hindu. In fact they are the indigenous inhabitants of India who were conquered and subdued by the Aryan invaders. Aryans imposed their caste-based social system on the local inhabitants and relegated them to the lowest strata of their social setup.

Dalits are thus considered the lowest of the low in the Brahmin-dominated India’s Hindu society. They are denied human rights and are the worst sufferers among the persecuted nationalities in the world.

08-15-2006, 09:08 AM
India claims to be the largest democracy in the world but the Indian society itself is the most undemocratic society on the earth. Caste-based, Brahmin-dominated social system is a blatant negation of all democratic norms. Despite constitutional provisions, large segments of Indian society are deprived of human rights and discriminated against without let and hindrance on the basis of caste and religion. The concept of equality between man and man has never been recognized in the Hindu social set-up. This continues to be trampled upon within venomous ferocity even today in this 21st century and the new millennium.

08-15-2006, 09:10 AM
Gandhi killed Dalit rights: Dr. Ambedkar
According to a report in the local Marathi daily, Samrat (May 1, 2006), Waman Meshram, president, BAMCEF, addressing a meeting at Shivaji Park here on April 16, said that Gandhi proved to be the villain of Dalits.

Evidences available till 1946 regarding the divisions of power (Hindu, Muslim and SC/ST) would be recognised while transferring power from British. But the 3rd part of power (SC/STs) disappeared during 1946. Who was the culprit behind this conspiracy? We must look into history pertaining to this effect which had a grave impact on the future of Dalits.

Mountbatten who came to India as Viceroy convinced Nehru and Patel about the partition of India. Nehru was happy to learn that after the partition Muslims would not be there and that the Hindus would have a free ride. When Mountbatten met Gandhi, he asked: “What shall be my benefit, if I support your proposal?” Mountbatten said “What do you want?” Gandhi said:

Instead of three shares only two shares should be made i.e. the 3rd share of SC/ST should be cancelled and the same should be merged in India. I don’t want to make SC/ST free because SC/ST are part of Hinduism, which I don’t want to divide. I want SC/ST as part of Hinduism.

Mountbatten had nothing to do with SC/STs. Gandhi wanted to merge the SC/ST share with Hindus. Finally the rights of SC/ST were eaten by Gandhi.

Dr. Ambedkar was shocked on hearing about this development. He rushed to London and met Churchill. But by then his Conservative Party was defeated. However, Churchill assured Dr. Ambedkar that he would try his best to convince Prime Minister Atlee and his ruling Labour party members. The ruling Labour Party was in favour of India’s proletariat. But all actions were taken quite opposite. Churchill criticised Prime Minister Atlee:

To whom have you transferred the power? You and your party have handed over the power to crooks, hooligans and looters of India”.

From this it is crystal clear that the man behind eating away the powers of Dalits in “independent” India was Gandhi who had played a key role in enslaving us.

That is why Babasaheb Ambedkar called Gandhi the Enemy No.1 of Untouchables.

08-15-2006, 09:18 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AFDAL
Gandhi killed Dalit rights: Dr. Ambedkar
According to a report in the local Marathi daily, Samrat (May 1, 2006), Waman Meshram, president, BAMCEF, addressing a meeting at Shivaji Park here on April 16, said that Gandhi proved to be the villain of Dalits.

Evidences available till 1946 regarding the divisions of power (Hindu, Muslim and SC/ST) would be recognised while transferring power from British. But the 3rd part of power (SC/STs) disappeared during 1946. Who was the culprit behind this conspiracy? We must look into history pertaining to this effect which had a grave impact on the future of Dalits.

Mountbatten who came to India as Viceroy convinced Nehru and Patel about the partition of India. Nehru was happy to learn that after the partition Muslims would not be there and that the Hindus would have a free ride. When Mountbatten met Gandhi, he asked: “What shall be my benefit, if I support your proposal?” Mountbatten said “What do you want?” Gandhi said:

Instead of three shares only two shares should be made i.e. the 3rd share of SC/ST should be cancelled and the same should be merged in India. I don’t want to make SC/ST free because SC/ST are part of Hinduism, which I don’t want to divide. I want SC/ST as part of Hinduism.

Mountbatten had nothing to do with SC/STs. Gandhi wanted to merge the SC/ST share with Hindus. Finally the rights of SC/ST were eaten by Gandhi.

Dr. Ambedkar was shocked on hearing about this development. He rushed to London and met Churchill. But by then his Conservative Party was defeated. However, Churchill assured Dr. Ambedkar that he would try his best to convince Prime Minister Atlee and his ruling Labour party members. The ruling Labour Party was in favour of India’s proletariat. But all actions were taken quite opposite. Churchill criticised Prime Minister Atlee:

To whom have you transferred the power? You and your party have handed over the power to crooks, hooligans and looters of India”.

From this it is crystal clear that the man behind eating away the powers of Dalits in “independent” India was Gandhi who had played a key role in enslaving us.

That is why Babasaheb Ambedkar called Gandhi the Enemy No.1 of Untouchables.
Dalits are Hindus or what...? Animists?:rolleyes:

08-15-2006, 09:27 AM
Dalits are not Hindus - but the ruling hindus considers them as hindus and also the shikh as a part of hindus . Here is the biggest problem - the miniroty hindus are ruling india by proxy .

08-15-2006, 09:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AFDAL
Dalits are not Hindus - but the ruling hindus considers them as hindus and also the shikh as a part of hindus . Here is the biggest problem - the miniroty hindus are ruling india by proxy .
Hindus are minority? :rolleyes:

08-15-2006, 09:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AFDAL
Dalits are not Hindus - but the ruling hindus considers them as hindus and also the shikh as a part of hindus . Here is the biggest problem - the miniroty hindus are ruling india by proxy .
Under the indian consitution the Sikhs are only recognised as hindus. Which isn't the case. Christians/buddhists/jains muslims are all persecuted by this 'democratic' country!! :rolleyes:

Indian government. funds cross-border terrorism in Sindh, then wonder why they get attacked, like they did in bombay!

08-15-2006, 10:19 AM
Danger of India’s break-up & its Islamisation

India was never a nation. It was always a subcontinent of several warring nations unlike today’s China which can be called a nation with about 95% of the people belonging to one single (Han) nationality.

The British who ruled us knew this greatest weakness of India and had devised several mechanisms to keep the different warring nationalities fairly satisfied. The British India had the separate electorate to different nationalities doing so much good to the weaker sections. India was not even one single state (country), not to speak of one single nation. Even when the British were ruling, India had several autonomous kingdoms – most prominent being Hyderabad state under the Nizams. Mysore state was another kingdom. The Indian subcontinent had several religions – Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism, Parsees, and hundreds of castes and tribes. The north-eastern part of India under seven states today is completely Mongoloid tribal who never considered themselves part of India.

With the exit of British (1947) the sub-continent broke into India and Pakistan and later the Bengali-speaking Muslims broke away from Pakistan to form their own Bangladesh.

India cannot be understood properly unless we know its population composition which are kept a closely guarded secret as today’s micro minority Hindu rulers want to suppress the aspirations of the different nationalities by calling India a Hindu nation.

India can be broadly divided into three principal segments. (See table)

1. Scheduled Castes 20% Muslims 15% Brahmin 3%
2. Scheduled Tribes 10% Christians 2.5 % Kshatriyas & Vaishyas 2%
3. Backward Castes 35% Sikhs 2.5 % Shudras 10%
TOTAL 65 % 20% 15%
TOTAL 100%

The first segment (65%) comprises the pre-Aryan original inhabitants of India who built the great glorious Indus Valley Civilisation – next only to the Nile Valley civilisation – which the invading Aryan’s completely destroyed.

The second segment, called the “religious minorities”, is also part of the first segment as over 95% of them are converts from the first segment. They sought salvation in the three egalitarian religions like Islam, Christianity and Sikhism and got liberated.

One example to prove the power of religious conversion. The Namashudras (Untouchables) of Bengal have a state of their own (Bangladesh) today because they embraced Islam and today they are a liberated people. If they had not, they too would have been slaves of Hindus like us. The oppressed Dalits were liberated from Hinduism which has sapped the very vitals of the country.

In other words, the people of the second segment are all our brothers. We Dalits, the Black Untouchables of India and the children of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar, consider Muslims, Christians and Sikhs as our own brothers.

Our only complaint against Muslims, Christians and Sikhs is that after they got liberated they completely forgot us.

For committing this mistake, they are also suffering today and subjected to severe violence by the Hindu rulers.

The third segment is the one which can be called Hindu and their population is just 15% though they claim to be 80% by including the first segment. Our unwillingness to be annexed into the Hindu segment has led to many bloody wars and violence. This war is continuing.

The Hindu population is dwindling day by day as Islam and Christianity are attracting the oppressed Dalits and Tribals. The Hindus are warned that the days of their holy Hinduism are numbered.

The problem of multinational India is caused by the tiny 15% Hindus (which is their latest name) who want to impose their hegemony and called India a Hindu nation.

The figures I gave, however, prove the **** lie of the Hindus. In fact the Hindu thrives only on falsehood and false claims.

Today, India has become a country of several warring nationalities because this micro-minority Hindus led by the Brahmins want to impose their hegemony on the 85% of the unwilling nationalities.

China, which became independent two years after India, is today on the top of the world but we Indians are sinking because of this unending war and violence caused by the slavery imposed on our 85% of the Indian population by the Brahminical rulers.

For your information the Brahmins comprising just 3% of the population are the “Jews of India.”

Both have the same racial characteristics and both believe in enslaving the rest of the population.

Both Brahmins and Jews are a race and not a religion.

Lately, both the Jews and the Brahmins have joined hands to become the rulers of the world. They may like to be the rulers of the world but the world is not ready to accept it.

The Brahminical bid to enslave the people of India is not confined to Dalits. Even Muslims, Sikhs and Christians have become victims of this road-roller. Not only that. They even killed their own “Father of the nation”, M.K. Gandhi, who did so much to make Brahmins the rulers of India. When their job was done they did not hesitate to kill Gandhi.

So, to solve this never-ending problem that has made India the world’s most violent country, we are pressing for separate electorate. The principle behind this is what is in fact separate must be acknowledged to be separate politically.

Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar demanded separate electorate for Dalits and the benevolent British rulers agreed to concede the demand in 1932. But the cunning Gujrati Baniya, M.K. Gandhi, goaded by his Brahmin bosses, went on a fast unto death (but he did not die) and sabotaged our future.

He destroyed the future of Dalits to make the Brahmins the rulers of India. The historic “Poona Pact” once for all sealed our fate and today India’s Untouchables constitute the world’s single largest slave population.

Our question is when the Brahmins are not prepared to compromise on their ethnic identity, why are they trying to convert the 65% non-Hindu original inhabitants into Hindu by destroying our ethnic identity?

The Dalits are not Hindu and were never Hindu. Despite the best efforts of Brahmins, the Dalits and the rest have refused to give up their ethnic identity.

The Brahmins have been trying to Hinduise (enslave) us for 3,500 years but they have not succeeded. And they will never succeed.

As the Editor of Dalit Voice, India’s oldest and the largest circulated journal of the entire 85% “Persecuted nationalities denied human rights”, we support the principle of separate electorate to each nationality and also the right to self determination for Sikhs, Kashmiris, North Eastern Mongoloid tribals.

The Muslims, Christians, Sikhs and the Mongoloid tribals are all in great pain. We Dalits share their pain and suffer with them and offer our full support for their struggle of self-determination.

India is not a nation and was never a nation.

India can remain as one single state only when we are all assured of separate electorate and the right to self determination.

Or else, I warn, the country may break into pieces and the 65% SC/ST/BC’s will go over into Islam, Christianity and Sikhism to seek liberation.

(Read India on the Path of Islamisation, Dr. S. Bheemappa, 2006, Rs. 195)


08-15-2006, 10:58 AM

woohoo like over here i totally celebrated this *cheers*

i didnt even know india had a freedom day ;D

08-15-2006, 12:16 PM
erm yday it was pakistans independance day aswell ....

india dont have a independent day,. they jus copyin pakistan :p

08-15-2006, 01:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by chacha_jalebi
erm yday it was pakistans independance day aswell ....

india dont have a independent day,. they jus copyin pakistan :p
Chacha ji tusan ki kita independance day te?

08-15-2006, 04:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
Chacha ji tusan ki kita independance day te?
lol yaar mirpuri naa bol manu samaj nai andi :D:D:D

08-15-2006, 04:43 PM
assalaamu alaykum,

reminds me of reading some ahaddith about during the end times that both india and rome will be under muslim rule,

then india will be free from the rule of the kuffar but also shows how far we really are from the end times b'cos dont see either being liberated to follow the rule of islam anytime soon.

assalaamu alaykum,

08-15-2006, 04:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Dawud_uk
assalaamu alaykum,

reminds me of reading some ahaddith about during the end times that both india and rome will be under muslim rule,

then india will be free from the rule of the kuffar but also shows how far we really are from the end times b'cos dont see either being liberated to follow the rule of islam anytime soon.

assalaamu alaykum,
What claim do muslims have to Rome or India? India has always been Hindu and Rome either Christian or Pagan.

08-15-2006, 05:17 PM
It is a fact that the Muslims have some sufferings in India. But it is comparatively very little when we compare their situation in other countries, even in Muslim countries. Can you protest against your government in SO-CALLED mUSLIM COUNTRIES? Can you say the truth in front of your administrators? Can you do your religious rites freely without fear in your country? Here in India, Muslims are living freely without any fear from authorities . Their sufferings are very little.

08-17-2006, 04:11 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
Indian government. funds cross-border terrorism in Sindh, then wonder why they get attacked, like they did in bombay!
This is something UNHEARD of..... care to further explain?:rollseyes

08-17-2006, 02:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Geronimo
What claim do muslims have to Rome or India? India has always been Hindu and Rome either Christian or Pagan.
No one is gonna answer this question?

08-17-2006, 02:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Geronimo
No one is gonna answer this question?
They have no claim over india, that unfortunately is hindufied!


08-17-2006, 06:46 PM
They have no claim over india, that unfortunately is hindufied!

So I think you are shikh and you wants the british colonial masters back

08-17-2006, 06:49 PM
It is a fact that the Muslims have some sufferings in India. But it is comparatively very little when we compare their situation in other countries, even in Muslim countries. Can you protest against your government in SO-CALLED mUSLIM COUNTRIES? Can you say the truth in front of your administrators? Can you do your religious rites freely without fear in your country? Here in India, Muslims are living freely without any fear from authorities . Their sufferings are very little.
So according to you if some one eats swine than everyone should eat . Or you think that some things should be done to stop eating swine .

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