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View Full Version : Tasbhee Question

08-15-2006, 02:20 AM
Asalamu Alaikum Everyone,

I just got back from Isha Salaah... I saw some people doing tasbhee on both hands.

Do you think I should tell people not to do tasbhee with their left hand... and what if they are like really old in age? How would you approach them?

Second question...

Why people do tasbhee with beads instead of hands? Isn't it better to do it with your right hand instead?


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08-15-2006, 02:31 AM
but doing it with beads is only to keep count from what i know

08-15-2006, 02:34 AM
Sooner or later someone will present you with a weak arguement (so i am going to beat them to it..)

The report narrated by Ibn Waddaah in Al-Bid’ wa’l-Nahy ‘anhaa from al-Salt ibn Bahraam, who said: ‘Ibn Mas’ood passed by a woman who had a [masbahah] with which she was making tasbeeh, and he broke it and threw it aside, then he passed by a man who was making tasbeeh with pebbles, and he kicked him then said, “You think you are better than the Sahabah, but you are following unjustified bid’ah! You think you have more knowledge than the Companions of Muhammad (SAW)!”’ Its isnaad is saheeh to al-Salt, who is one of the trustworthy (thiqah) followers of the Taabi’een.
Which has already been refuted :


08-15-2006, 02:45 AM
so using beads is bidaa'??

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08-15-2006, 03:38 AM
Jazakallah Khair for the info...

so, the sahabas turned away from using masbahah (beads) but they didn't regard it as makrooh (disliked).

So, we should do tasbhee on our hands... but not stop people from using them. If the prophet didn't use beads... then I won't either, even if some of the sahabas did us it...

Second question was... regarding.. doing tasbeeh on left hand... I was told that we're not allowed to do tasbeeh on the left hand.

Allah knows best.


08-15-2006, 03:51 AM
Ok, I researched it myself... here is the answer.


Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (al-Liqa’ al-Maftooh, 3/30) was asked whether using the masbahah for tasbeeh is bid’ah, and his reply was: “It is better not to do tasbeeh with the masbahah, but it is not bid’ah, because there is a basis for it, which is the fact that some of the Sahaabah did tasbeeh with pebbles. But the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) taught that tasbeeh with the fingers is better, as he said, ‘Count with the fingertips, for they will be made to speak.’ Doing tasbeeh with the masbahah is not haraam or bid’ah, but it is better not to do it, because the one who does tasbeeh with the masbahah has shunned something better. Using the masbahah may also be contaminated with some element of showing off, because we see some people carrying masbahahs that contain a thousand beads, as if they are telling people, ‘Look at me, I do a thousand tasbeehs!’ Secondly, those who use the masbahah for tasbeeh are usually absent-minded and not focused, so you see them doing tasbeeh with the beads, but their gaze is wandering all over the place, which indicates that they are not really concentrating. It is better to do tasbeeh with one’s fingers, preferably using the right hand rather than the left, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to count his tasbeeh on his right hand. If a person counts his tasbeeh using both hands, there is nothing wrong with that, but it is better to use the right hand only.”


08-15-2006, 11:12 AM

Jazak'Allah for this

08-15-2006, 01:10 PM
yesh you should do tasbeeh with your fingers, because on the day of judgement they will bare witness 4 ya, that you read tasbeeh on em :D:D:D

08-16-2006, 06:41 PM
Prayer Beads
Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

Q What is the hanafi position on the tasbih. should we do it on our fingers or on the beads?

A Walaikum assalam,

The tasbih is a means to do dhikr. One should do dhikr in the way that is most conducive to actually doing dhikr, and to maintaining one’s presence of heart with Allah.

The position of 'salafis' that using prayer beads is a bida is a bid`a in itself. All the schools of Sunni Islam allow it . The greatest hadith experts, including giants like Imam al-Nawawi, Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Imam Badr al-Din al-`Ayni, and others all explicitly permitted the use of prayer beads. Same with great Qur’anic exegetes .If these people did not understand the Qur’an and Sunna, then who did?

The prayer bead’s permissibility is explicitly mentioned in Imam al-Haskafi’s Durr al-Mukhtar, and in the Hashiyas of Imam al-Tahtawi and Ibn Abidin. Imam Abdal-Hayy al-Lakhnawi has an excellent treatise on it, based on a shorter work by Imam al-Suyuti.

Some scholars actually say another consideration making it better to use prayer beads is to be different from the people of innovation…

Faraz Rabbani.
:) :)

08-16-2006, 06:42 PM
'Are prayer beads an innovation?'
Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

‘Are prayer beads an innovation?

Shaykh Hajj Gibril:

Imâm al-Suyûtî recounted in one of his fatwas entitledal-Minha fîl-Sibha (“The Profit InDhikr-Beads”) the story of ‘Ikrima, who asked his teacher ‘Umar al-Mâlikî about dhikr-beads. The latter replied that he had also asked about it his teacher al-Hasan al-Basrî who replied: “Something we have used at the beginning of the road we are not desirous to leave at the end. I love to remember Allâh with my heart, my hand, and my tongue.” Al-Suyûtî comments: “And how should it be otherwise, when thedhikr-beads remind one of Allâh Most High, and a person seldom sees dhikr-beads except he remembers Allâh, which is among the greatest of its benefits.” [1] [1]Abû Hurayra possessed a thread with two thousand knots and would not sleep until he had used it all for dhikr. [2] [2]He said: “Verily, I make glorification (tasbîh) of Allâh Almighty everyday according to my ransom(qadardiyyatî), twelve thousand times.” [3] [3]

Shaykh Faraz Rabbani:

The tasbih is a means to do dhikr. One should do dhikr in the way that is most conducive to actually doing dhikr, and to maintaining one’s presence of heart with Allah. The generally accepted fiqh principle is that, “Means take the ruling of their ends.” Interestingly, even 'salafis' (such as Shaykh Uthaymin (Allah have mercy on him)) apply this in some spheres.

The position of some 'salafis' that using prayer beads is a bida is a bid`a in itself. All the schools of Sunni Islam allow it. The greatest hadith experts, including giants like Imam al-Nawawi, Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Imam Badr al-Din al-`Ayni, and others all explicitly permitted the use of prayer beads. The same applies to great Qur’anic exegetes. If these people did not understand the Qur’an and Sunna, then who did?

The prayer bead’s permissibility is explicitly mentioned in Imam al-Haskafi’s Durr al-Mukhtar, and in theHashiyas of Imam al-Tahtawi and Ibn Abidin. Imam Abd al-Hayy al-Lakhnawi has an excellent treatise on it, based on a shorter work by Imam al-Suyuti.

Faraz Rabbani

[1] [1]Al-Suyûtî, al-Hâwî lîl-Fatâwâ. Cf. section on dhikr-beads in al-Shawkânî’s Nayl al-Awtâr (2:316-317) and Zakariyyâ al-Kandihlawî’s Hayât al-Sahâba. Albânî’s astounding claim that whoever carriesdhikr-beads in his hand to remember Allâh is misguided and innovating was refuted in Mahmûd Mamdûh’s Wusûl al-Tahânî bi Ithbât Sunniyyat al-Sibha wal-Radd ‘alâ al-Albânî (“The Alighting of Mutual Benefit and the Confirmation that Dhikr-Beads are a Sunna in Refutation of Albânî”). Another refutation was published by Hâmid Mirzâ Khân al-Firghânî al-Namnakânî in the seventh of hisal-Masâ’il al-Tis‘ (Madîna: Maktabat al-Îmân, 1985) p. 44-48.

[2] [2]Narrated by Abû Nu‘aym in theHilya (1:383) and al-Dhahabî in the Siyar(Risâla ed. 2:623) and Tadhkira (1:35)

[3] [3]Narrated by Abû Nu‘aym in theHilya (1:383), al-Bayhaqî in the Sunan (8:79), Ibn Hazm in al-Muh.allâ (10:396), Ibn al-Jawzî in Sifat al-Safwa (1:691), al-Dhahabî in theSiyar (Risâla ed. 2:610) and Tadhkirat al-Huffâz. (1:35), Ibn Rajab in Jâmi‘ al-‘Ulûm wal-Hikam, and Ibn Hajar in the Isâba(7:442) where he said that Ibn Sa‘d narrates it with a sound chain in his Tabaqât.
:) :)

08-16-2006, 06:42 PM
Prayer Beads: An Innovation?
Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

I have encountered some Salafis at school who say dhikr beads are an innovation and are not allowed. They also say that Imam Ghazali fell into many of the mistakes of the philosophers and used weak hadith to prove his points. Are there any proofs for the permissibility of dhikr beads?

Wa alaykum Assalam wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu,

In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful & Compassionate

An innovation is something inaugurated in matters of religion that is against the principles of the Shariah. This is taken from the very words of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) that,

“Whoever inaugurates in our religion something that is not of it shall have it rejected.” [Bukhari and Muslim]

This is because the Prophet’s words make clear that matters that are new in religion are of two types:

a) matters that are in accordance with the principles and guidance of Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)—these are ‘of it’;

b) matters that are not in accordance with the principles and guidance of Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)—it is these are ‘not of it,’ and their doer ‘shall have it rejected.’

As relates to prayer beads:

a) They are a means to one of the general central practices encouraged by Allah and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him): the remembrance of Allah. Allah has made ‘much remembrance of Allah’ one of the ways to be hopeful of salvation. Sayyida A’isha (Allah be pleased with her) tells us, “The Messenger of Allah used to be in remembrance of Allah at all times.” [Bukhari and Muslim] The established principle of the Shariah is that, “Means take the rulings of the ends they are used for,” as long as they are not in themselves blameworthy or deemed interdicted by the Lawgiver.

b) Furthermore, they are a means to fulfill the specific sunna of making particular dhikrs are a large number of times (such as 100 times). This is not easy for everyone to do, particularly when mind and body are busy in worldly concerns, without a means of keeping track of the number. This is why we find various Companions of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) using pebbles, date pits, knotted strings, and the like. Did they get the Prophet’s permission for these actions? No. Why? Because these are permitted means to the praiseworthy.

c) Prayer beads act as a reminder to make remembrance of Allah. This is not only a means to acting on this great sunna and key to proximity with Allah and His love and pleasure, but also a means of maintaining uprightness and avoiding sin—it is rare that one sin while in a state of remembrance of Allah.

This is why traditional scholarship has accepted and praised the use of prayer beads. As for some of our dear yet methodologically challenged brethren (whose dhikr is dispute, and conduct coarse), their ‘understandings’ are ultimately a methodological innovation in of themselves.

And Allah alone gives success.

Faraz Rabbani.
:) :)

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