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View Full Version : Our Sister Fatima's message..

- Qatada -
08-15-2006, 01:56 PM

Our Sister Fatima's message..

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Umm Yoosuf
08-15-2006, 07:42 PM
This is taking forever to load :(

08-15-2006, 07:45 PM
There is a server problem on youtube for a day or two...

- Qatada -
08-15-2006, 07:51 PM

It was working earlier on this morning.. try checkin this link insha'Allaahu ta'aala:


Go down the page and you can see this video insha'Allaah.


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08-15-2006, 07:53 PM
What's it about bro?

- Qatada -
08-15-2006, 08:01 PM

This is also something similar to it, but the video above is a different story about a sister in Abu ghraib prison. (and Allaah Almighty knows best.):

Message From Women Of Anbar Province, Iraq To Every Muslim
Submitted by ibn_raheeq on Mon, 2005-12-05 11:09. Iraq

From Women of Anbar, your mothers, sisters, and daughters, to every Muslim on the face of the earth.

Assalamualikum wa Rahmatu Allahi wa Barakatuh,

Those of us who fell in the hands of Shia or the cross worshipers have been raped and tortured, the rest of us are homeless. We sleep on streets with nothing to protect us or our young children from the desert cold, and you know how harsh the desert cold can get in Anbar.

Until when, until when, until when, we will either be in prison or homeless on the desert streets.

Trillions of dollars went to America when it was hit by Katrina and trillions more of Muslim’s money are kept in banks. Allahu Akbar! Do you not have any mercy left in your heart? Tell us please, what sin have we committed? Are we being punished because every woman in Anbar became a mother or a sister or a daughter to those who came for Jihad in the cause of Allah? Or could it be that you are waiting for America to give you the green light to send donations?

You sleep comfortably on silk in your secure homes while the ground has turned into blazing fire under us to destroy us. Don’t you have any mercy in your hearts? Have you not thought of those young men who left everything behind and came to Iraq to answer the call of Allah? You know how hard, risky, and dangerous the trip to the land of Jihad is.

We are not asking you to come over; we will turn our bodies into balls of fire to burn the enemies of Allah if our men give us permission.

This is the scenario in Ramadi, Qaim, Hadithah, Hait, Tal’afar, Samara, and other cities where Sunni Mujahideen live.

You and we will die eventually. We hope to die in a state of righteousness and we hope to die as martyrs.

link: http://blog.darulislam.info/node/70


08-15-2006, 08:05 PM
Subhanallah....That was...Just....:eek: I wish there was something more we could do....I do not know of any Aid groups directly funding Iraq, for e.g. Palestine has InterPal....But no Iraq....Someone whould do something about it....

Umm Yoosuf
08-15-2006, 08:08 PM
Subhan Allah :'(

08-15-2006, 08:12 PM
wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

My god. That was so sad. :cry:

May Allah help the Muslims of Iraq, Palestine and everywhere else. :'(

- Qatada -
08-15-2006, 08:21 PM
This was the original letter - the one from the video:

Fatima's Letter

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Mercy-giving. "Say He is God the One; God the Source [of everything]; Not has He fathered, nor has He been fathered; nor is anything comparable to Him." [Qur'an, Surat 112 "al-Ikhlas"]

I chose this noble Surah from the Book of God because it has the greatest impact on me and on all of you and it strikes a particular kind of awe in the hearts of Believers.

My brother Mujahideen in the path of God! What can I say to you? I say to you: our wombs have been filled with the children of fornication by those sons of apes and pigs who raped us. Or I could tell you that they have defaced our bodies, spit in our faces, and tore up the little copies of the Qur'an that hung around our necks? God is greatest! Can you not comprehend our situation? Is it true that you do not know what is happening to us? We are your sisters. God will be calling you to account [about this] tomorrow.

By God, we have not passed one night since we have been in prison without one of the apes and pigs jumping down upon us to rip our bodies apart with his overweening lust. And we are the ones who had guarded our virginity out of fear of God. Fear God! Kill us along with them! Destroy us along with them! Don't leave us here to let them get pleasure from raping us! It will be an act to ennoble the Throne of Almighty God. Fear God regarding us! Leave their tanks and aircraft outside. Come at us here in the prison of Abu Ghurayb.

I am your sister in God (Fatimah). They raped me on one day more than nine times. Can you comprehend? Imagine one of your sisters being raped. Why can't you all imagine it, as I am your sister. With me are 13 girls, all unmarried. All have been raped before the eyes and ears of everyone.

They won't let us pray. They took our clothes and won't let us get dressed. As I write this letter one of the girls has committed suicide. She was savagely raped. A soldier hit her on her chest and thigh after raping her. He subjected her to unbelievable torture. She beat her head against the wall of the cell until she died, for she couldn't take any more, even though suicide is forbidden in Islam. But I excuse that girl. I have hope that God will forgive her, because He is the Most Merciful of all.

Brothers, I tell you again, fear God! Kill us with them so that we might be at peace. Help! Help! Help! [Wa Mu'atasima!]

08-15-2006, 09:21 PM

Oh my God.....These "democratic" monkeys who are taking over these lands and destroying property and doing these acts will no doubt one day have the same done unto them.

What are we going to do about it?

Here we sit, all day long in our comfortable chairs in front of our computers eating 3 meals a day and sleeping on soft mattresses while this kind of brutality goes on. We sit here and we pay our taxes- that is to say, we fund this very ruthlessness every single day. Think about it. We are paying for the rise of inhumanity and for the demise of our own brothers and sisters.

Allah will no doubt question ALL of us about this one day. He will say "where were you when so and so was getting raped?" We will respond with "O Allah, I was sitting at home and eating good food in good shelter and reclining on good sheets, even though you promised me all of that for eternity if I had just fought against the oppression."

May Allah make it easier for the muslims to overcome the apparent oppression of the west.

- Qatada -
08-16-2006, 01:59 PM

Allaahu akbar! read this insha'Allaahu ta'aala:

Abu Ghraib Prison Attacked In Response To "Fatima's Letter"

At approximately 12:25pm on Saturday, resistance fighters waged an unprecedented assault on the Abu Ghraib prison camp south of Baghdad. The assault was sparked by a letter from a female prisoner named Fatima that fueled some Muslim fighters into action.

Fatima's letter, a hand written document, was recently smuggled out of Abu Ghraib. Fatima is the sister of one of the celebrated Resistance fighters in the area. US occupation forces raided his house some time back but failed to find him, so they took his sister prisoner in an attempt to force him to give himself up. JUS reported the incident at the time and it was said that this family is known for their piety and uprightness.


Subsequently, approximately 100 resistance fighters launched a fierce attack on the prison, forcing US troops to take cover inside their barracks within the compound. Fighters pounded the Americans with barrages of 82mm and 120mm mortar rounds. Large crowds of people gathered outside, fearful that the bombardment might harm the prisoners but they were assured by the fighters that they knew the layout of the prison camp very well.

Mafkarat al-Islam's correspondent in Baghdad reported that the fighters succeeded in destroying part of the walls of the prison camp, blasting a hole four meters long in the inner and outer fences that encircled the camp.

The fate of Fatima and the other woman with her is unknown.

On a final note, an individual responded to Fatima's letter yesterday on the Ansar site and wrote:

"Sorry, sister, we are not men. Only true men can answer your cry for help. Men are in a very short supply these days. Sorry again sister."

It is comments like these that speak to the lack of honor and duty that characterizes many Muslims today. At JUS, we have insisted that rape has been going on since the occupiers landed their muddy boots in Iraq, which has for the most part, fallen on dead ears. We feel great frustration and failure over the receipt of Fatima's letter because we know there are many more Fatimas being raped in prisons in Iraq and Afghanistan and many other sisters who are being violated who are not in captivity. What must we do to make these voices heard and where are the Muslim men to defend their honor?

In previous times, glory and honor were integrated into the lives of Muslims as part of the complete system of Islam. For instance, a man tied the end of that woman's dress to a chair while she was shopping and when she got up, a portion of her private parts became visible. She screamed "Wa Mu'atasima", calling for the Khalif himself. The Khalif wrote this letter to the head of the cross worshipper's state:

"To the dog of Rome, I am coming to you with an army whose front is at your door and whose rear is right here"

This is honor and glory in action for something much less than rape. This is an army instead of 100 fighters. Those were the days when Muslim men could be found.?

source: http://www.lutonmuslims.co.uk/responsefatima.htm


08-16-2006, 03:32 PM
as salaamu alaykum,

SubahnAllah!! :heated: :offended:

08-16-2006, 03:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram
Subhanallah....That was...Just....:eek: I wish there was something more we could do....I do not know of any Aid groups directly funding Iraq, for e.g. Palestine has InterPal....But no Iraq....Someone whould do something about it....

assalaamu alaykum brother,

giving money is the least you can do, a better solution is travelling in the path of Allah and solving their situation that way.

assalaamu alaykum,

08-16-2006, 04:07 PM
Muslim relates on the authority of Abu Sa`id (radhiallahu `anhu) that the Prophet sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam said,

"Whoever sees something evil should change it with his hand. If he cannot, then with his tongue; and if he cannot do even that, then in his heart. That is the weakest degree of faith."

08-16-2006, 07:33 PM

may Allah make it easy for ourbrothers and sisters all around the world and punish the enemies of islam :cry: Ameen

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