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View Full Version : How come children are born handicapped?

09-01-2006, 09:18 PM
Yes it happens, how does Islam look at people born with handicaps or things like this?
From what i remember Islam teaches children are born Muslim and without sin.
How come Allaah creates people like that

Whats the idea behind that in Islam?
In Christianity it's because mankind is born sinful and the devil that cause these things if i remember correctly.

But i stand to be corrected if it's different by any Christian that has more knowledge about these things.

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- Qatada -
09-01-2006, 09:21 PM
This is from another thread: And cherub - have some respect, if you really want to know the truth - realise that it comes through asking in a good manner.

First of all i want you to remember that God is the Most Just, this means that he is even Just to the non muslims - the ones who dont even believe in God.

The first point is, God will test those whom he loves - like its been mentioned in the verse:

[29.2] Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, We believe, and not be tried?
[29.3] And certainly We tried those before them, so Allah will certainly know those who are true and He will certainly know the liars.

That means that God will test the people (the believers) he loves in this life. This means putting them through different sorts of hardships, so it is a Just way of forgiving the persons sins.

this relates to the hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said:

“Whatever befalls a Muslim of exhaustion, illness, worry, grief, nuisance or trouble, even though it may be no more than a prick of a thorn, earns him forgiveness by Allah of some of his sins.”

But you have to keep in mind:

2:286 On no soul doth Allah Place a burden greater than it can bear. It gets every good that it earns, and it suffers every ill that it earns.

This way - God is being Just and the believers sins will be forgiven.

Whereas, God will keep giving goodness to the non-believers in this life, for the deeds they have done. For instance, if a person who is a kafir (a person who rejects faith) has smiled at a person in this life - God will reward them in some way for that deed they have done,

so the person may get alot of riches in this life. This is the Justness God gives to all people whether they believe or not.

Whereas God may keep testing the believer in this life, but we will stay pleased and remain steadfast, like our beloved Prophet

Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

" Wondrous are the believer's affairs. For him there is good in all his affairs, and this is so only for the believer. When something pleasing happens to him, he is grateful, and that is good for him; and when something displeasing happens to him, he is enduring (sabar), and that is good for him " (sahih Muslim )

but the rejectors of faith will try to stop the believers..

Those in sin used to laugh at those who believed, (83:29)

And whenever they passed by them, used to wink at each other (in mockery); (83:30)

And when they returned to their own people, they would return jesting; (83:31)

And whenever they saw them, they would say, "Behold! These are the people truly astray!" (83:32)

But this doesn't mean that the people who reject faith and do bad acts get away with it, no - they will get the fire in the afterlife.

For those who reject their Lord (and Cherisher) is the Penalty of Hell: and evil is (such), Destination. (67:06)]

Say: "See ye?- If Allah were to destroy me, and those with me, or if He bestows His Mercy on us,- yet who can deliver

the Unbelievers from a grievous Penalty?"

But the disbelievers keep rejecting faith:

..their messengers came to them with clear arguments; so it was not Allah Who should do them injustice, but they were unjust to themselves. (9:70)

The people in hell will be in different punishments, which will be affected by the amount of sins they had commited in this life, we know

this because our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his beloved family) said:

Hadith - Qudsi 38

When Allah Almighty created Paradise and Hell-fire, He sent Gabriel to Paradise, saying: Look at it and at what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants.

The Prophet May Allah's peace and praise be on him said: So he came to it and looked at it and at what Allah had prepared therein for its inhabitants. The Prophet May Allah's peace and praise be on him said: So he returned to Him and said: By your glory, no one hears of it without entering it. So He ordered that it be encompassed by forms of hardship, and He said: Return to it and look at what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants. The Prophet May Allah's peace and praise be on him said:

So he returned to it and found that it was encompassed by forms of hardship. Then he returned to Him and said: By Your glory, I fear that no one will enter it. He said: Go to Hell-fire and look at it and what I have prepared therein for its inhabitants, and he found that it was in layers, one above the other.

Then he returned to Him and said: By Your glory, no one who hears of it will enter it. So He ordered that it be encompassed by lusts. Then He said: Return to it. And he returned to it and said: By Your glory, I am frightened that no one will escape from entering it.

...That was because they rebelled and used to transgress. (5:78)

They restrained not one another from the wickedness they did. Verily evil was that they used to do!

The believers are treatedly unjustly;

Those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah. And had there not been Allah's repelling some people by others, certainly there would have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques in which Allah's name is much remembered; and surely Allah will help him who helps His cause; most surely Allah is Strong, Mighty. (22:40)

Those who, should We establish them in the land, will keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and enjoin good and forbid evil; and Allah's is the end of affairs. (22:41)

"The believers, men and women, are friends of one another. They command what is right and forbid what is wrong." (9:71)

Those who say: Our Lord! surely we believe, therefore forgive us our faults and save us from the chastisement of the fire. (3:16)

The patient, and the truthful, and the obedient, and those who spend (benevolently) [in charity] and those who ask forgiveness in the morning times. (3:17)

Those who faithfully observe their trusts and their covenants; (23:08)

And who (strictly) guard their prayers;- (23:09)

These are they who are the heirs, (23:10)

Who will inherit Paradise: they will dwell therein (for ever). (23:11)

"Say, 'Shall I bring your attention to things far better than those? For the righteous are gardens in nearness to their Lord, with rivers flowing beneath, eternal therein, with pure companions and the good pleasure of Allah. For within Allah's sight are all His servants – especially those who say, "Our Lord, we have indeed believed, so forgive us our sins and protect us from the agony of the Fire." Those who are patient, are truthful, who worship devoutly, who spend in the way of Allah and who prays for forgiveness in the pre-dawn hours.'"

[ali'-Imran, 3: 15-17]

"Allah will admit those who believe and work righteous deeds to gardens beneath which rivers flow, they shall be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls, and their garments therein will be silk. They have been guided in this life to good speech, and they have been guided to the path of Him, the All Praised."

[Hajj, 22: 23-24]

"Their salutation on the day they meet Him will be 'Peace!; and He has prepared for them a generous reward."

[Ahzab, 33: 44]

This is the just a taster of the Justness of Allah the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful to His servants.

If you need more info, or dont understand - please do ask. :) & i hope you understand insha Allaah (God willing.)

wa Allaahu ta'aala a'lam. (and Allaah the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful knows best.)

09-01-2006, 09:47 PM
Fi_Sabilillah sorry if i said anything wrong, i'm not a Muslim so correct me if i say something wrong.
From the first link you posted i read.

2. Allah has placed a physical law and a moral law in this universe. Allah allows suffering to occur when one or more of these laws are broken.

So does that mean that if a couple has a handicapt child they sinned?
And how is the child to perform the things promised mankind in Islam as a mercy?
If he can't even pray to his Lord? He can't marry or have children?
What did the child do to suffer in such a way? Or is the idea that the child does not suffer at all? And is still blessed somehow?
Even though Allah made him blind,deaf,and dumb?

I also wonder about this verse.

Those who have been expelled from their homes without a just cause except that they say: Our Lord is Allah. And had there not been Allah's repelling some people by others, certainly there would have been pulled down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques in which Allah's name is much remembered; and surely Allah will help him who helps His cause; most surely Allah is Strong, Mighty. (22:40)

Are there names for these places in Arabic? I thought Allah always refered to a place of worship as a masjid/mosque?
And how can Allah's name be mentioned there?
Wasn't the first place of worship that of the Masjid?
Or did churches , synagogues and cloisters already exist before masjids?
The verse does seem to suggest this.

Sorry btw if i'm going off-topic if it's bothersome , i wouldn't mind making a different thread about that verse ;)

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
09-01-2006, 09:52 PM
I hope, Inshallah, someone will answer that. Someone knowledgeable. Maybe u should open a new thread for ur questions bro :)

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- Qatada -
09-02-2006, 12:58 PM
Hi cherub.

I don't really know how to answer this, but i think you should we should wait for brother Ansar's response insha'Allaah. :)


09-02-2006, 01:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Cherub
Yes it happens, how does Islam look at people born with handicaps or things like this?
From what i remember Islam teaches children are born Muslim and without sin.
How come Allaah creates people like that

Whats the idea behind that in Islam?
In Christianity it's because mankind is born sinful and the devil that cause these things if i remember correctly.

But i stand to be corrected if it's different by any Christian that has more knowledge about these things.
Hi Cherub

Can I clarify the Christian perspective somewhat?
This issue was addressed directly by Jesus in the gospel.

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."
(John 9:1-4)
I guess that answer may seem unsatisfactory.
I believe that we don't know why God allows such things, but we trust that he allows them for the greater good.

I work with people who have disabilities, physical and/or mental disabilities.
You know, I sometimes wonder, who are we able-bodied people to assume that those with twisted bodies and/or simple minds are not leading more worthy lives for God than we are??? :?
Some parents describe their disabled children as the greatest joy and blessing in their lives!
Some of these people with profound disabilities bring out the best in others!

We cannot possibly see the purpose and God's greater picture behind such things. Only God can - and we have to learn to trust him. :)


09-02-2006, 01:23 PM
^Thats right, we see things locally, whereas God sees thing universally, we cant always understand that there is a greater good in something, no matter how evil it might seem to us, we need to accept that God allowed this to happen and it must be for a greater good. subhanaallah.

09-02-2006, 01:39 PM

First thing ..the children are handicapped by human perception not by Allah.

The body or alck of it does not affect faith,it only a reason just like a person of hale and hearty body of mind can also reject guidance.

so the body is no obstacle to praying or having faith.

In Islam if you stiall cannot move you can still pray in a chair or bedridden,the intent is there.
but that does not mean that if you are able bodied you need not perfomr the actions.

and your question on why if a parent sin then it brought upon the child,that is a total alien concept in islam.

every person is born free and clear,their slate unwritten.they write what is on it.
A person whom is disabled will face mroe and more hardship but does that mena that they should not be raised as loving and as cared for as any able bodied perosn.

Such are test for the parent for the child and for society.

These handicapped people are a sign that we have in our bodies well formed,are able to do many things but we dont do them.
Same as for normal epople whom horde wealth and follow their lust and so on,,they can see otehrs whom share and practise decency,,,these are sign .

As Allah say tehre are sign for everywhere for those the understadning

09-02-2006, 01:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Cherub
Yes it happens, how does Islam look at people born with handicaps or things like this?
From what i remember Islam teaches children are born Muslim and without sin.
How come Allaah creates people like that

Whats the idea behind that in Islam?
In Christianity it's because mankind is born sinful and the devil that cause these things if i remember correctly.

But i stand to be corrected if it's different by any Christian that has more knowledge about these things.

May i ask,if then why arent every person in the wrold born hadicapped since chrisitna say the sin is apssed down thru generations?

why is god selective?
why do chrisitan too face this sinful chidlren if their parents are already forgiven?

Yes,in Islam all are born sinless ,we make the sin and carry it to our doom.

why does Allah casue children ot be handicapped?
the asnwer begs another question,it is said Allah breathe lives into each ebing,or put a soul in each,but again to waht extent can we balme allah for our own misfortunes,if it our own making?

Consider a woman who takes durg,knowing it affects,
Or a woman who smokes,or a poor woman who is not able to for one reason or another to affect her health?

a woman whom lives in poor condition,in haphazard life and so on.

all these factors are the result of our own choices,should a pregnant woman dring and smoke and take drugs?
And the resuly int eh chidlren as studies show are excessive,so is it Allah fault or the uncaring mother or parents?

Let take a another sceanrio,a mother who takes durg while pregnat,knowing the affect of it,continues,,,gives birth to a handicapped child..whose fault is it?


is it allah fault that the woman takes drugs?
Is it allah fault that the woman is preganant?
is it Allah fault that the child is born handicapped?

All the asnwer is NO..

It is our own individual choice,the miracle of birth itself is a MIRACLE IN ITSELF,the quran states cleary the step of from a sperm to a foetus..this miracle allah has already granted to mankind,,..

More and more question can be asked about abomination int he world like
wy does ALlah create plant for durgs?
why does Allah create human to create weapons?
why does allah....why why why...sop many and the asnwer is the same..

09-02-2006, 02:23 PM
excuse me , i heard that those who are born handicapt have a better chance of going to jannah( paradise) especially those mentaly challenged ones. correct me if im wrong. thanks !

09-02-2006, 02:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zulkiflim

May i ask,if then why arent every person in the wrold born hadicapped since chrisitna say the sin is apssed down thru generations?

why is god selective?
why do chrisitan too face this sinful chidlren if their parents are already forgiven?
If you are interested in the Christian perspective, please refer to my previous post, where I have quoted what Jesus said on this. :)

Consider a woman who takes durg,knowing it affects,
Or a woman who smokes,or a poor woman who is not able to for one reason or another to affect her health?

a woman whom lives in poor condition,in haphazard life and so on.

all these factors are the result of our own choices,should a pregnant woman dring and smoke and take drugs?
And the resuly int eh chidlren as studies show are excessive,so is it Allah fault or the uncaring mother or parents?

Let take a another sceanrio,a mother who takes durg while pregnat,knowing the affect of it,continues,,,gives birth to a handicapped child..whose fault is it?


is it allah fault that the woman takes drugs?
Is it allah fault that the woman is preganant?
is it Allah fault that the child is born handicapped?

All the asnwer is NO..
I agree with much you say in your post, Zulkiflim, but your statements make me realise that there is still much I don't understand about Islam.

Do you not believe that Allah is all-powerful?
If so, by giving people free choice to make decisions in life (such as the woman taking drugs), is he not allowing the child to be born handicapped?
If Allah is allowing the child to be born handicapped, is the child not in some way carrying the burden caused by the sins of the mother?
(I'm not trying to be difficult, or to catch you out .. just thinking aloud, that's all! I guess this is bordering on the free-will debate - something I haven't come across in this forum yet. :?)

Any comments and clarifications are welcome! :)
It is our own individual choice,the miracle of birth itself is a MIRACLE IN ITSELF,the quran states cleary the step of from a sperm to a foetus..this miracle allah has already granted to mankind,,..

More and more question can be asked about abomination int he world like
wy does ALlah create plant for durgs?
why does Allah create human to create weapons?
why does allah....why why why...sop many and the asnwer is the same..
What is the answer? That it is not Allah's doing? :?


09-02-2006, 05:29 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
If you are interested in the Christian perspective, please refer to my previous post, where I have quoted what Jesus said on this. :)

I agree with much you say in your post, Zulkiflim, but your statements make me realise that there is still much I don't understand about Islam.

Do you not believe that Allah is all-powerful?
If so, by giving people free choice to make decisions in life (such as the woman taking drugs), is he not allowing the child to be born handicapped?
If Allah is allowing the child to be born handicapped, is the child not in some way carrying the burden caused by the sins of the mother?
(I'm not trying to be difficult, or to catch you out .. just thinking aloud, that's all! I guess this is bordering on the free-will debate - something I haven't come across in this forum yet. :?)

Any comments and clarifications are welcome! :)
It is our own individual choice,the miracle of birth itself is a MIRACLE IN ITSELF,the quran states cleary the step of from a sperm to a foetus..this miracle allah has already granted to mankind,,..

What is the answer? That it is not Allah's doing? :?


inshallah i shall read your answer.

As for your question,isnt Allah all powerful?
But tell me,how do you define power and will?

Should Allah always protect those who who disdain and not follow his commandment?
Should allah always try to appease those that he created even when they willignly disobey him?
Does not Allah too punish men in the Bible for atrocities,sodom and gammorah and otehr instances?
Why then did god create such situation for men to be punished?
Is it Allah fault?

Such thinking lead to make Allah into a servant,a god whom is beholden to his worhsipper,who must please his worshipper to no end.Will people learn and grow and pass the test if for every tribulation Allah makes a miracle?

Allah has siad a guider has been sent toward all races and yet these guiders are killed or ignored.

It is not upon Allah to please you,it is upon mankind to please Allah.

A woman who is pregnant ,takes drugs and gives birth...where is the miracle?

as i said before,her ability to bear chidlren,the baby formed in her womb,a soul placed inside..

All these are miracles.

the Prophet has said,children are a great gift.It is the duty of the parent to care for them and to provide for them.

Irregardless if the woman ill treat or disdain this great gift,the child is still innocent,by its very being it is a sign,for sympathy,love and the shortness of life.

If the child dies then Inshallah,its tribulation on earth is short,to Jannah it will go for it is sinless,but the mother is a different story.

So this time of micro situation is simple put a question by many who do nto understand why we are put here..we are here to worship Allah and nothing else.
Allah sent sent guiders for us to follow,it is our choice to folow or not.

09-02-2006, 06:55 PM
Why do we consider children with handicaps sinners or product of sin? actually if you look at any child with let's say down syndrome... they are very happy people... only people around them are sad... we aren't all created the same... but equality and forgivness and entrance into heaven isn't contingent on perfection or what we deem perfection... I am always amused that we are fast to blame God for anything that goes wrong yet never thank him for the thousand things that are right... today in the morning I woke up with the worst migraine... I was vomiting ad infinitum... was upset with the world... I take for granted that most days I wake up without a headache, I don't get up everyday thanking God that I don't have a headache, it just doesn't cross my mind... if we truly thank him for the infinte gifts it will not be enough... I don't think that a child born less than stellar is necessairly a bad thing or a result of sin... I look at it as a chance to learn something new, to be humbled by the human condition and to believe in God's boundless love and other gifts that might be superior to make up for the ones that aren't... does it not say "lys 3la almreed 7raj" practically they have a free pass to paradise, why do we consider that a bad thing? why do we not consider a chance for better appreciation, a chance to learn, a chance to treat someone better? a chance to be bound by that thing that makes us all human even if we are different somehow?

09-02-2006, 07:27 PM
I believe we try to complicate the answer and the reasons. Genetic abnormalities are actually not a sinfull or evil act. They are simply the result of the DNA combinations that occur. Some DNA combinations will produce healthy beautifull children other combinations will result in what we term birth defects.

Why dosen't Allah(swt) intervene and prevent such things? Possibly because Allah(swt) has given us a gift above all creatures. The gift of choice. But, choice carries a heavy responsibility, with it comes the need to accept all things in the Universe to occur according to the initially physical laws that came about as a result of our living in a physical world. Because we are in a physical world there are things we will have little control over. Such as the rules of gravity. We suffer the consequences it we go against it. So it is with the physical laws of biology, everything is neat and orderly, but we are just begining to learn what physical laws are in place. Our freedom of choice restricts us to living in this physical world and makes us subject to the outcome of the physical laws. Yes, Allah(swt) could prevent all of this, but it would mean our lose of choices.

Now what about Children born in these conditions. Remember our phyiscal bodies are very short term. They only serve the pupose of teaching us and preparing us for Jannah. Each of us is an individual, each of us has to face choices and limitations. Allah(swt) knows what is the best school for each of us, and we are each placed in the condition that is best for us. Our job is to learn our lesson's and prepare for Jannah. So a deformed child is not different, simply in the classroom that offers the best opportunity for that child to reach Jannah.

Curious girl2
09-02-2006, 10:27 PM
[QUOTE=PurestAmbrosia;475738]Why do we consider children with handicaps sinners or product of sin? actually if you look at any child with let's say down syndrome... they are very happy people... only people around them are sad... we aren't all created the same...QUOTE]

I am probably in a fairly unique position on this forum in that I am the mother of 2 adorable, beautiful, disabled children. My son is 10 and is autistic and my daughter is 5 and is also autistic, nearly blind and has cerebral palsy (though fairly mildly). Both of them have learning difficulties, my son's are quite mild and my daughter's are severe. The biggest handicap to them though is not their disabilties, it is society's attitude and expectations of them. The problem with autism is that my kids *look* normal, just like any other kid. When you see a child with Downs then you can see instantly the distinctive features of Downs. Not so with autism.

Despite all that, I am not sad, and neither are most of the other parents of disabled kids that I know. When you have a disabled child you appreciate their successes so much more. Yes you have the grieving process when your child is diagnosed but each little step of progress that my children make fills my heart with so much joy. I do not beleive they were made disabled by a vengeful God to punish me. I beleive that God placed these special, precious children with me as a blessing and I will be forever more grateful to him for that.


09-02-2006, 10:59 PM
[QUOTE=Curious girl2;475919]
format_quote Originally Posted by PurestAmbrosia
Why do we consider children with handicaps sinners or product of sin? actually if you look at any child with let's say down syndrome... they are very happy people... only people around them are sad... we aren't all created the same...QUOTE]

I am probably in a fairly unique position on this forum in that I am the mother of 2 adorable, beautiful, disabled children. My son is 10 and is autistic and my daughter is 5 and is also autistic, nearly blind and has cerebral palsy (though fairly mildly). Both of them have learning difficulties, my son's are quite mild and my daughter's are severe. The biggest handicap to them though is not their disabilties, it is society's attitude and expectations of them. The problem with autism is that my kids *look* normal, just like any other kid. When you see a child with Downs then you can see instantly the distinctive features of Downs. Not so with autism.

Despite all that, I am not sad, and neither are most of the other parents of disabled kids that I know. When you have a disabled child you appreciate their successes so much more. Yes you have the grieving process when your child is diagnosed but each little step of progress that my children make fills my heart with so much joy. I do not beleive they were made disabled by a vengeful God to punish me. I beleive that God placed these special, precious children with me as a blessing and I will be forever more grateful to him for that.

That is incredibly well said... thank you so much for sharing that... I know how much courage that takes considering people's attitudes... There will always be small minded persons walking around.... it is unfortunate for them as they not only isolate themselves but they alienate everyone around them and truly miss out on so much... I believe firmly that we are all here for a purpose and that we are here to teach and learn from one another... people with hatred and prejudices deprive themselves of these opportunities... you are blessed and may God reward you for your courage and bless your family....
Peace be upon you and yours

09-03-2006, 01:21 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Cherub
Yes it happens, how does Islam look at people born with handicaps or things like this?
From what i remember Islam teaches children are born Muslim and without sin.
How come Allaah creates people like that

Whats the idea behind that in Islam?
In Christianity it's because mankind is born sinful and the devil that cause these things if i remember correctly.

But i stand to be corrected if it's different by any Christian that has more knowledge about these things.
I think everybody is born with different challenges... it is wrong to think God is punishing us or the devil is attacking us when a child is born with a handicapped...

09-03-2006, 08:58 PM
Asslamu Aleykum Wa Rhametulahi Wa Berekatu,

format_quote Originally Posted by Cherub
....how does Islam look at people born with handicaps or things like this?...
I think Brother Fi_Sabilillah has gone into a nice bit of detail in order to responde to your question, I would just like to add a couple of Ahadeeth which I have come across when reading on this topic, I hope they help.

The Brother mentions:
format_quote Originally Posted by Fi_Sabilillah
“Whatever befalls a Muslim of exhaustion, illness, worry, grief, nuisance or trouble, even though it may be no more than a prick of a thorn, earns him forgiveness by Allah of some of his sins.”
Also I would like to add a very similar Hadeeth on this topic, of which there are a handfull which I have seen.

Patience is entrusted and is one of the important aspects of a Muslim, in Bukhari's collection we read:

Volume 7, Book 70, Number 545:

The Prophet said, "No fatigue, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor hurt, nor distress befalls a Muslim, even if it were the prick he receives from a thorn, but that Allah expiates some of his sins for that."
So as to why people are created in such manners it could be this.

I had read a Hadeeth about a blind person or the reward of being blind. But I cannot find that, heres a beautiful hadeeth which shows the virtue of patience in such circumstances:

I found it in Muslim:

Book 032, Number 6245:
'Ata' b. Abi Rabih said: Ibn Abbas said to me: May I show you a woman of Paradise? I said: Yes. He said: Here is this dark-complexioned woman. She came to Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) and said: I am suffering from falling sickness and I become naked; supplicate Allah for me, whereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: Show endurance as you can do and there would be Paradise for you and, if you desire, I supplicate Allah that He may cure you. She said: I am prepared to show endurance (but the unbearable trouble is) that I become naked, so supplicate Allah that He should not let me become naked, so he supplicated for her.
So we see, the Prophet peace be upon him, told her, I can pray for you, but Paradise will be with you if you are patient with your Illness, so she took the route of patience and paradise, but as a beautiful Muslimah she asked for her body not to be uncovered.

Also you went further on to ask, I think in response to Fi_Sabilillah's reply:

2. Allah has placed a physical law and a moral law in this universe. Allah allows suffering to occur when one or more of these laws are broken.

So does that mean that if a couple has a handicapt child they sinned?
And how is the child to perform the things promised mankind in Islam as a mercy?
If he can't even pray to his Lord? He can't marry or have children?
What did the child do to suffer in such a way? Or is the idea that the child does not suffer at all? And is still blessed somehow?
Even though Allah made him blind,deaf,and dumb?
I cannot see the number one point you made, but with regards to number two, it is not only when laws are broken but rather, it is a test, as shown, in the previous Hadeeth, the Woman's test was for her to be patient with her Illness, and thus she would enter paradise.

With regards to your other questions about if a Child can't do things or if a person who isn't totally sane can't do things I hope the hadeeth below helps to see those individual's place, and we also need to focous beyond this life, we see that a person who is patient in the face of Illness will be rewarded.

At this point I would jus like to mention a Hadeeth I have read in a Fatwa, I have not checked the reference, so please check it, since I have been lookin for a while now:

“The Pen has been lifted from three: from a child until he reaches puberty, from one who is asleep until he wakes up, and from the insane person until he comes to his senses.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 4402; al-Nasaa’i, 3432; al-Tirmidhi, 1423; Ibn Maajah, 2041. classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
In the Light of all this we must also remember that, as I said before, we should not view the pain and sufforing here, as the final part, Islam teaches that the After life, is more better, and everlasting, Islam also teaches that:

The most miserable man in the world of those meant for Paradise will be dipped once in Paradise. Then he will be asked, “Son of Adam, did you ever face any misery? Did you ever experience any hardship?” So he will say, “No, by God, O Lord! I never faced any misery, and I never experienced any hardship.”
Saheeh Muslim, Again I do not have the exact number, someone maybe able to refer you to that if needed, INsha'Allah also if anyone finds the number please give me it.

So even someone who may have had Illness, or any type of pain, as small as a thron prick, they will be rewarded for it, and when, if, they go Paradise, the most mirserable man out of them will answer “No, by God, O Lord! I never faced any misery, and I never experienced any hardship.” when asked “Son of Adam, did you ever face any misery? Did you ever experience any hardship?” What about those less miserable than him.

I hope we all make it to Paradise, InshaAllah, and may Allah, grant us the patience of bearing through hardships, AMeen.

With regards to the Christian position, I have read a couple of Quotations, and they seem very nice, another thing I came across in my Christian days was a passage with regards to God punishin the kids for the Sins of the Parents, and a girl who preached in my college had a skin desise, and she said it was God punishin her because of her parent's sin or something, here is the passage:

9 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 10 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Peace be upon those who follow truth when they see it, The Followers of Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad, Peace be upon all of them.

I hope this helped a little, anything I said wrong is my fault and anything good then Praise be to G-d.

Curious girl2
09-03-2006, 09:08 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Curious girl2
That is incredibly well said... thank you so much for sharing that... I know how much courage that takes considering people's attitudes... There will always be small minded persons walking around.... it is unfortunate for them as they not only isolate themselves but they alienate everyone around them and truly miss out on so much... I believe firmly that we are all here for a purpose and that we are here to teach and learn from one another... people with hatred and prejudices deprive themselves of these opportunities... you are blessed and may God reward you for your courage and bless your family....
Peace be upon you and yours

Thankyou very much for your kind words. I wish more people were like you in this world. If there was the world would be a much more accepting place for children like mine.


09-04-2006, 01:08 AM
[QUOTE=Curious girl2;476940]
format_quote Originally Posted by Curious girl2

Thankyou very much for your kind words. I wish more people were like you in this world. If there was the world would be a much more accepting place for children like mine.

you know.... when you are in a bad situation you always think you are alone.... but trust me everyone has some burden which is their plight to bear and show courage and perseverance ... I know your life is challenging but I just wanted to share this with you... my best friend has been having many health issues as of late.. didn't want to go seek medical attention as she doesn't have medical insurance, just last week after much coaxing she went and regrettably was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure... she is only 26... I have never met anyone that speaks of wanting children more than she, for five years that I have known her she would constantly talk about children and how she wanted me to be their guardian should something become of her...I wanted to leave her alone with the news, but felt I should call her to just check on her and console her and I found her crying.. someone just ended her career as a woman... it really broke my heart, I can't sleep at night thinking of the awful things around me... but we have to find a balance to be able to go on... All I can do is be a friend... but you see I know she would give anything to be able to have children even if they don't fit the "norm" what you might view as a challenging situation can be the envy of another human being... some of us find our purpose much sooner than others... become human much faster and that can't be all that bad...please feel free to PM if I can be of any help or comfort to you... be well
peace to you and your family

Curious girl2
09-04-2006, 10:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Curious girl2

you know.... when you are in a bad situation you always think you are alone.... but trust me everyone has some burden which is their plight to bear and show courage and perseverance ... I know your life is challenging but I just wanted to share this with you... my best friend has been having many health issues as of late.. didn't want to go seek medical attention as she doesn't have medical insurance, just last week after much coaxing she went and regrettably was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure... she is only 26... I have never met anyone that speaks of wanting children more than she, for five years that I have known her she would constantly talk about children and how she wanted me to be their guardian should something become of her...I wanted to leave her alone with the news, but felt I should call her to just check on her and console her and I found her crying.. someone just ended her career as a woman... it really broke my heart, I can't sleep at night thinking of the awful things around me... but we have to find a balance to be able to go on... All I can do is be a friend... but you see I know she would give anything to be able to have children even if they don't fit the "norm" what you might view as a challenging situation can be the envy of another human being... some of us find our purpose much sooner than others... become human much faster and that can't be all that bad...please feel free to PM if I can be of any help or comfort to you... be well
peace to you and your family

That is so sad. I cannot imagine what grief your friend is going through now. Please pass on my thoughts to her, I am thinking of her in her time of strife.


09-04-2006, 10:26 PM
[QUOTE=Curious girl2;478109]
format_quote Originally Posted by Curious girl2

That is so sad. I cannot imagine what grief your friend is going through now. Please pass on my thoughts to her, I am thinking of her in her time of strife.

I shall...... thank you so much :)

09-05-2006, 06:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah
With regards to the Christian position, I have read a couple of Quotations, and they seem very nice, another thing I came across in my Christian days was a passage with regards to God punishin the kids for the Sins of the Parents, and a girl who preached in my college had a skin desise, and she said it was God punishin her because of her parent's sin or something, here is the passage:

for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
Peace be upon those who follow truth when they see it, The Followers of Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad, Peace be upon all of them.

I hope this helped a little, anything I said wrong is my fault and anything good then Praise be to G-d.
Hi Isa

It's good to have you back ... you always make me consider and ponder my own faith, and I have learned much because of your thought-provoking posts. :)

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."
(John 9:1-4)
Jesus' words (if we believe them) indicate clearly that the blind man in question was not born blind as a result of his sins or those of his parents. Jesus' disciples clearly seemed to think it had to be one way or the other, because that's what Hebrew Scripture teaches.

As your above post seems to indicate that there are times when God makes people pay for the sins of their parents.

Firstly, it may be helpful to look at the wider picture of your quoted passage:
  1. God is talking about idol-worship, not just 'any sin' - which (according to Islam) is the worst sin of all
  2. It goes on to speak about God's blessings for those you love him, which are much greater than his punishment

"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.(Deuteronomy 5: 8-10)
Can I give you my personal view on how God deals with our sins?

I don't think God punishes us for the sins of our parents in the sense that they do something wrong and we get the blame!
That would be a very simplistic view to take.
Instead, when people make mistakes, those things have consequences, which have a wider effect on other people, sometimes even future generations ...
I give you just a couple of examples, which spring to mind at short notice:
  • Somebody mentioned a women taking drugs during pregnancy and thereby causing a birth defect in the child. The child is not being punished for the mothers action, but the mother's action is having a consequence, which is affecting her child (can you see the difference?) What we see as a negative (and therefore humanly perceive as punishment), God may use for a greater purpose (as many have said in this post)
  • An example perhaps a bit more obscure: I am German, born many years after WWII. I am not responsible for the sins of my forefathers - yet, in some way, I carry the consequence of their action - because the world's perception of my nation is clouded by the recent history ... and that, at times, affects how people treat me.

Am I making sense at all??? :?

Isa, God uses us in ways, which we cannot always understand.
But, as Muslims are always wonderfully able to point out, God knows best! :statisfie

Peace. :)

09-05-2006, 06:47 AM
Children born with congenital defects are a test for their parents

Some children are born healthy while others are born handicapped or with a congenital defect. Irrespective of whether a child is born healthy or handicap, in Islam he is Masoom i.e. sinless. There is no question of the child being handicapped due to a carried forward baggage of past sins from ‘a previous life’. Such a belief will not inculcate a charitable attitude in others. Others might say that the child deserves his birth defects or the handicap since it is a result of his ‘bad karma’.

Islam states that such handicaps are a type of test for the parent whether they are yet thankful towards their Creator or not. Do they retain their patience? Do they continue to persevere?

There is a famous saying that a person was sad because he had no shoes to wear until he saw a person who had no feet.

It is mentioned in the Qur’an:

And know ye that your possessions

And your progeny, are but a trial

And that it is Allah with whom lies

Your highest reward.

(Al Qur’an 8:28)

Allah (swt) may be testing the parents whether they yet are thankful to their Creator or not. May be the parents are righteous and pious and deserve Jannah. If Allah wants to give them a higher place in Jannah, He will test them further, e.g. by giving a handicap child. Yet if they are thankful to their Creator, they will deserve a higher reward i.e. the Jannatul Firdous.

There is a general rule that the more difficult the test, higher the reward. To pass graduation in Arts and Commerce is relatively easy and if you pass you are called as a graduate without any special title but if you graduate in the field of medicine which is comparatively a much more difficult examination, besides becoming a graduate you are also called as a doctor and the title Dr. is put in front of your name.

In the same way Allah (swt) tests, different people in different ways, some with health, some with disease, some with wealth, some with poverty, some with more intelligence, some with less, and depending upon the facility He gives the individual, He tests accordingly.

Thus the main reason for the differences in the human being is that this life is a test for the hereafter. Life after death is mentioned in the Qur’an as well as the Vedas.

Individual differences are not due to transmigration of souls or ‘Samsara’, These beliefs were added on in subsequent scriptures like the Upanishad, Bhagvad Gita and the Puranas. The repetitive cycle of birth and death, birth and death, was unknown and unheard of in the Vedic period.


i've worked with disabled kids when they had a play at a school for disabled children where my uncle is a teacher and what i noticed is the thing they dislike the most is when people feel sorry for them

they don't want your piety :hiding:

but i've never seen a disabled child who didn't have a nice kind character wether muslim or non muslim

there fun :happy:

09-05-2006, 09:02 AM
Suddenly I remembered Iranian movie entitled "Colours of Heaven".

The blind kid say, it's ok for God to make him blind in this world because God will give him sight in the hereafter .... and the first thing that he would see is God.

Imagine how many sins we've made with our eyes....:cry:

09-05-2006, 09:27 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
I believe we try to complicate the answer and the reasons. Genetic abnormalities are actually not a sinfull or evil act. They are simply the result of the DNA combinations that occur. Some DNA combinations will produce healthy beautifull children other combinations will result in what we term birth defects.
We should not forget the:
  • environment which can affect seriously the unborned child (in 1986 the radiation from Ukraine made to born children without fingers or other annomalities)
  • what the pregnant women drinks and eat during the 9 months, including the medication too

Curious girl2
09-05-2006, 09:13 PM
I found these links today that may be of interest to some forum members. They are entitled "10 Things Every Child With Autism Wishes You Knew" and they are in Arabic.


Unfortunetly as I dont read Arabic I have no idea of what they say!


09-05-2006, 10:41 PM
It is written as if an autistic child is telling you, of various things that would be bothersome to him or her, like for instance I just read a tiny brief excerpt about how fluorescent light could be bothersome as well as the various noises emitted from it, or how some car fumes are noxious to my sensitive senses ... etc. nothing any parent wouldn't learn on their own anyhow from their child with constant experience ... children have various things that are bothersome, that might not be to other children. Having autism doesn't exclude them as having such emotions or feelings. Although.. they are extra sensitive.... When I was a kid I used to be absolutely terrified of puppet theaters or any puppets of unusual color ... yet my nephew has many (shrek puppets) that would have made me shriek in horror back in the day lol... Good job though finding this article... I think being a parent in general if very challenging and a 24 hour job ... all dedicated mothers out there have my absolute respect....
curious I hope you and yours are well......

09-05-2006, 11:06 PM
In my personal opinion we are all born handicapped, some people are fortunate to have their handicaps visible, everybody else has hidden handicaps that will destroy many , without even being aware of their own destructions. Looking around I see many things that people view as gifts of perfection to be traps for ****ation. The worse handicaps are those that are seen as gifts.

Beauty-Seldom used for good, a real trap for moral destruction

Intelligence-A setup that easily becomes arrogance and denial of Allah(swt)

Physical Strength-often turns into feeling of superiority and denial of need for Allah(swt)

A child with visible handicaps learns the true values of life, and if we are fortunate enough to learn from their experience we can gain a better understanding as to what the real handicaps are.

09-05-2006, 11:17 PM
I think it is amazing how Allah swt instills love in our hearts through the many diffrent circumstances, circumstances that are often understood by those who are going through them but from on outside perspective it is seen as a hardship.

09-07-2006, 12:31 PM
Peace be upon those who seek Guidance.

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Hi Isa

It's good to have you back ... you always make me consider and ponder my own faith, and I have learned much because of your thought-provoking posts. :)
Than you for your kind words, and I hope I have always a good effect on those who I talk to, or post to. Also I am very glad that you do not take offence to my writings.

To proceed:

It was quoted:

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
"Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."(John 9:1-4)
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Jesus' words (if we believe them) indicate clearly that the blind man in question was not born blind as a result of his sins or those of his parents. Jesus' disciples clearly seemed to think it had to be one way or the other, because that's what Hebrew Scripture teaches.
Personally, my view of this passage, I have to read more on it, but my current view is that, 'Jesus' was talking with regards to this man in particular, I say this due to the reason that the passage says, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life." The reason as to why this man was in the state he was, was given as, that it was so this man would have God's work displayed in his life. So with regards to those that are healed, we can say that they may have been handicapped so that they may be healed and then they would feel/see God's work, what about those who are born handicapped and are not healed? It would mean that, their reason for being handicapped was another, because if this was the only reason then they would be healed.

So yes, I do think people can be handicapped so it can cause healing, as was in this man's case '"Neither this man nor his parents sinned,"' talking in particular. But also, if this was the only reason, that God's work may be shown in their life, then it would mean that those who are not healed have a different reason for being handicapped.

This is why I believe it may be for some cases, and may not be for others.

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
As your above post seems to indicate that there are times when God makes people pay for the sins of their parents.

Firstly, it may be helpful to look at the wider picture of your quoted passage:
  1. God is talking about idol-worship, not just 'any sin' - which (according to Islam) is the worst sin of all
  2. It goes on to speak about God's blessings for those you love him, which are much greater than his punishment
1. I totally agree, it is talking about Associating with God, making Graven Images, such as of Bird, Man or Fish, be it a dove, representing the Holy SPirit, a Man representing Jesus, peace be upon him, or a Fish as a symbol of the Church.

2. I again agree, that God's love here is shown to span further than His punishment.

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Can I give you my personal view on how God deals with our sins?
If you will, I will ask, give me what you feel the Holy Spirit, peace be upon him, is telling you.

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I don't think God punishes us for the sins of our parents in the sense that they do something wrong and we get the blame!
That would be a very simplistic view to take.
I agree, I don't think God Punishes people for the sins of their Parents, My sins are on me and your sins on you. Seems just.

[QUOTE=glo;478315]Instead, when people make mistakes, those things have consequences, which have a wider effect on other people, sometimes even future generations ...
I give you just a couple of examples, which spring to mind at short notice:
  • Somebody mentioned a women taking drugs during pregnancy and thereby causing a birth defect in the child. The child is not being punished for the mothers action, but the mother's action is having a consequence, which is affecting her child (can you see the difference?) What we see as a negative (and therefore humanly perceive as punishment), God may use for a greater purpose (as many have said in this post)
  • An example perhaps a bit more obscure: I am German, born many years after WWII. I am not responsible for the sins of my forefathers - yet, in some way, I carry the consequence of their action - because the world's perception of my nation is clouded by the recent history ... and that, at times, affects how people treat me.

Am I making sense at all??? :?[QUOTE]

Your making sense, I agree, that my actions may have consequences on my children and so forth, I agree.

I disagree thought that this type of 'consequence' is what the passage is speaking of, reason being, the passage clearly distinguishes from the Love and Hate. Look if you will:

...punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
So for example, if we have a German family, who is Christian and loves God, does this mean they will not be 'consequently' punished, and have no prejudgement on them? Because in this passage it says God punishes those who hate Him.

As you have stated:

The child is not being punished for the mothers action, but the mother's action is having a consequence, which is affecting her child (can you see the difference?)
Such consequences are not PUNISHMENTS, but rather a set up, for example, when Abraham, peace be upon him, was told to sacrafice his son, peace be upon him, his son, was not being punished but tested. So although God loved them, he tested them.

This is why I don't take the passage to mean 'consequential' stuff.

Punishment, is rather like the executions that we read in Numbers of the 'boys' and 'children' the 'females who had slept with man', their killing, by God's people, when their killing was not needed, that was Punishment, not because of the Boy's sin.

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Peace. :)
Peace be upon you too.

May Abraham, Moses and Jesus, be immune from any lies ascribed to them, May they be granted peace and blessings and also upon their followers.

Any mistake is mine, any good then praise be to the God of Abraham.

09-07-2006, 01:01 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah

This is why I believe it may be for some cases, and may not be for others.
I agree that it may apply for some cases, and not for others ...
It's for God to make such decisions, not for me or you or any of us.
After all, God knows best!

1. I totally agree, it is talking about Associating with God, making Graven Images, such as of Bird, Man or Fish, be it a dove, representing the Holy SPirit, a Man representing Jesus, peace be upon him, or a Fish as a symbol of the Church.
That's a little harsh, if you ask me. The worshipping-man-in-form-of-Jesus debate aside (we'va done that elsewhere, I am sure), do you seriously suggest Christians worship doves and fish??? :?
Be fair, Isa! I wouldn't dream to suggest that Muslims worship the written symbol of Allah's name, although I see it displayed in their cars and houses ...

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Instead, when people make mistakes, those things have consequences, which have a wider effect on other people, sometimes even future generations ...
I give you just a couple of examples, which spring to mind at short notice:
  • Somebody mentioned a women taking drugs during pregnancy and thereby causing a birth defect in the child. The child is not being punished for the mothers action, but the mother's action is having a consequence, which is affecting her child (can you see the difference?) What we see as a negative (and therefore humanly perceive as punishment), God may use for a greater purpose (as many have said in this post)
  • An example perhaps a bit more obscure: I am German, born many years after WWII. I am not responsible for the sins of my forefathers - yet, in some way, I carry the consequence of their action - because the world's perception of my nation is clouded by the recent history ... and that, at times, affects how people treat me.

Am I making sense at all??? :?

Your making sense, I agree, that my actions may have consequences on my children and so forth, I agree.

I disagree thought that this type of 'consequence' is what the passage is speaking of, reason being, the passage clearly distinguishes from the Love and Hate. Look if you will:

So for example, if we have a German family, who is Christian and loves God, does this mean they will not be 'consequently' punished, and have no prejudgement on them? Because in this passage it says God punishes those who hate Him.
I think that's a very simplistic view.
Clearly God doesn't work at such a basic level.
Things happen all the time, which are inexplicable to the human mind and unfair according to human judgement!
God sees beyond such things and applies divine reasoning, not human reasoning.

The purpose of my first post was not to provide answers to why God allows certain things to happen, but to offer balance to your statement that God is a harsh punishing God. :(

Isa, by the end of the day neither of can explain why God allows certain things to happen ... and we will not know until the end of time!
We are trying to explain God's actions as best we can, based on our holy books - but at the end of the day we come away saying 'Allah/God knows best'!
Accepting God's will in our lives, is a major part of our faiths.

May you have God's blessing, always! :)

09-07-2006, 01:11 PM
Peace be upon those who follow God's path.

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I agree that it may apply for some cases, and not for others ...
It's for God to make such decisions, not for me or you or any of us.
After all, God knows best!
Yep, who is disabled and who isn't is totally upto God, I don't disagree.

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
That's a little harsh, if you ask me. The worshipping-man-in-form-of-Jesus debate aside (we'va done that elsewhere, I am sure), do you seriously suggest Christians worship doves and fish??? :?
Be fair, Isa! I wouldn't dream to suggest that Muslims worship the written symbol of Allah's name, although I see it displayed in their cars and houses ...
Okey dokes, I'll leave that out.

format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I think that's a very simplistic view.
Clearly God doesn't work at such a basic level.
Things happen all the time, which are inexplicable to the human mind and unfair according to human judgement!
God sees beyond such things and applies divine reasoning, not human reasoning.

The purpose of my first post was not to provide answers to why God allows certain things to happen, but to offer balance to your statement that God is a harsh punishing God. :(

Isa, by the end of the day neither of can explain why God allows certain things to happen ... and we will not know until the end of time!
We are trying to explain God's actions as best we can, based on our holy books - but at the end of the day we come away saying 'Allah/God knows best'!
Accepting God's will in our lives, is a major part of our faiths.

May you have God's blessing, always! :)
I guess if you believe or feel that we cannot understand what God tells us, even through His own revelation, then there is not much point in discussing views on text from a Scripture.

09-07-2006, 01:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by DAWUD_adnan
excuse me , i heard that those who are born handicapt have a better chance of going to jannah( paradise) especially those mentaly challenged ones. correct me if im wrong. thanks !
InshaAllah - I believe this to be correct as they spend their life trying to overcome the difficulties that the able bodied don't have to and as a result are less likely to commit sins. Their handicap is also a constant reminder of how powerless man can be if Allah wills.

As for the mentally challenged - they aren't held responsible for what they do not understand. For example, there is no excuse for missing salah unless the person is deemed insane. I believe that Allah will more than compensate in the hereafter those who are living their lives without the blessings many of us take for granted. SubhanAllah, Allah is Fair and Just.


Ansar Al-'Adl
09-09-2006, 04:18 AM
In general, the answer to this question is dealt with by a general response to the 'problem of evil'. Please see here.

Nevertheless, the issue does also involve some specific questions whose answers may not be apparent in the general response. Basically, we can look at the afflictions that befall a human being and categorize them theologically according to either cause or effects. According to the latter, we might say that while all afflictions impose a certain degree of hardship on an individual, some do not permanently affect their faculty of reason or communication and hence, their ability to accept the truth. Others do.

If we look at those afflictions that do not negate one's ability to understand and believe in the message of Islam, then we find that practically everyone suffers such afflictions in their life. No one has a life free of hardship. Allah, Glorified and Exalted is He, tells us in the Qur'an, Verily We have created the human being in a state of constant toil and struggle. [90:4]
Our suffering is a test for us and we are to patiently persevere in times of hardship and thank God in times of ease and pleasure. Sabr (patience) and Shukr (gratitude) are the two legs with which the believer walks through life. Some of the afflictions that befall us arise during our lifetime and others may have been with us since birth. Some afflictions are brought about by the actions of others, some may be due to one's own actions, and some others may be caused by no one at all. Irrespective of when and where they come from, the response to the afflictions is always the same. And these afflictions are not only a test for those upon whom they befall but they are also a test for others to aid the ones who are afflicted.

For example, someone may be born blind or they may become blind during their life; this is a disability that they are being tested with. But they may be blessed in other things more than anyone else if they are thankful to Allah and patiently persevere. Abdullah Ibn Umm Maktum (rd) was a blind companion of the Prophet Muhammad pbuh whose virtues and merits are too numerous to list, but it is sufficient to note that his case was defended by God and verses were revealed on his behalf. In addition, he was appointed to look after Madinah during the Prophet's absence on many occasions. Even in recent times we can look at the example of Shaykh Abdul-Azîz Ibn Bâz, the late grand mufti of Saudi Arabia. Though he was blind, his knowledge was so great and he attained such an amazing status that he has been declared by many to be one of the greatest scholars of this era.

The other category of afflictions according to effects would be those afflictions which impede one's ability to understand and accept the message of Islam. The element of testing is still here in that others are entrusted with the duty of helping such people, but at the same time these people do not posses the faculties to be tested themselves. The strongest view in Islam is that Allah swt will test such people on the Day of Judgement.


Curious girl2
09-09-2006, 07:33 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ansar Al-'Adl
For example, someone may be born blind or they may become blind during their life; this is a disability that they are being tested with. But they may be blessed in other things more than anyone else if they are thankful to Allah and patiently persevere.

This I can understand especially with regard to my daughter. She is almost blind, autistic and has learning difficulties among other problems. However she has been blessed with the most sunny disposition that I have ever known. She faces so many struggles everyday but she NEVER stops smiling. Some people feel that autistic people find it hard to show affection, not so my daughter. She is the most loving little thing that can ever be.

I dont know if she will ever be able to understand the concept of religion, let alone be able to devote her life to one. But I hope that the Lord will see her determination and ability to bring so much sunshine to the lives of those around her and God willing, reward her with a place in heaven when the time comes.


Ansar Al-'Adl
09-10-2006, 03:58 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Curious girl2
This I can understand especially with regard to my daughter. She is almost blind, autistic and has learning difficulties among other problems. However she has been blessed with the most sunny disposition that I have ever known. She faces so many struggles everyday but she NEVER stops smiling. Some people feel that autistic people find it hard to show affection, not so my daughter. She is the most loving little thing that can ever be.

I dont know if she will ever be able to understand the concept of religion, let alone be able to devote her life to one. But I hope that the Lord will see her determination and ability to bring so much sunshine to the lives of those around her and God willing, reward her with a place in heaven when the time comes.
Amen :) Indeed handicap relatives are a blessing from God and an opportunity for us to come nearer to Him in helping them and learning from them to reflect on God's immense favours upon us all.


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