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View Full Version : Unknown facts about the 4 Imaams of Fiqh.

- Qatada -
09-13-2006, 06:49 PM

Do you know some surprising facts about the 4 imaams of fiqh that others might not have known?

Imaam Abu Hanifah

Imaam Malik ibn Anas

Imaam Shafi'ie

Imaam Ahmad

Did you know that Imaam Malik wanted to be a singer when he was young?

You can find out more about his life off the following link insha'Allaah:

Mention your facts here insha'Allaah.

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- Qatada -
09-13-2006, 07:10 PM
All 4 Imaams were imprisoned atleast once within their lifetime.

Imaam Abu Hanifah was punched and tortured and his face was bleeding, he was sad because he felt that his mum would feel hurt due to his torture.

Imaam Malik's was tortured too, his shoulders got dislocated and his arms got damaged. He had to perform salaah with his hands on his side, due to the injury.

Imaam Shafi'ie was imprisoned because people spread false rumours about him, saying that he was planning on overthrowing the government with other groups.

Imaam Ahmad was whipped 80 times by the khalifah's strongest whippers, because he never agreed with the khalifah.*

*The khalifah said that the Qur'an was the creation of Allaah, but the view of the Ahlus Sunnah (the people of sunnah) is that the Qur'an is the actual word of Allaah Almighty.)

- Qatada -
09-13-2006, 07:17 PM
Imaam Abu Hanifah was a part time business man, but also studied fiqh. His dad had left a clothes business, so Imaam Abu Hanifah continued this business throughout his life part time.

Imaam Malik
's dad was a scholar of Hadith, his dad also created arrows.

Imaam Ahmad was poor within his lifetime - unlike the two scholars above. He would earn money by carrying people's loads, and would travel to places by foot instead of transport. He would make copies of books for people, and would earn a small income through that.

09-13-2006, 07:19 PM

Imam Malik wanted to be a singer when he was younger never knew that, jazzakallah.

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- Qatada -
09-13-2006, 07:22 PM
Imaam Abu Hanifah was Persian by descent and travelled alot within his lifetime. After the age of 16, he made hajj every year in his lifetime.

Imaam Malik never left Medinah, he was born there and he died there. His descent was originally from Yemen.

Imaam Shafi'ie was born in Palestine. He travelled alot and loved spear throwing. His family was from Quraysh, the descendants of Haashim, a forefather of the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him.)

Imaam Ahmad was born in Baghdad, Iraq and studied there. He was an orphan, so his mother would help him wake up early for fajr, and would help him go to the masjid so he could study islaam.

- Qatada -
09-13-2006, 07:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by islam-truth

Imam Malik wanted to be a singer when he was younger never knew that, jazzakallah.


Yeah, but his mom said to him that you havn't got the looks - which made him back off. lol subhanAllaah.

Even though he was extremely handsome and had a beautiful voice masha'Allaah.

In the lecture in the heroes of islam [the link i posted earlier] - it's reported that he had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Allaah Almighty knows best.


- Qatada -
09-13-2006, 07:29 PM
Imaam Abu Hanifah did meet Imaam Malik within his lifetime.

Imaam Malik met Imaam Shafi'ie within his lifetime.

Imaam Shafi'ie met Imaam Ahmad within his lifetime.

So even if they had different opinions, they still loved each other for the sake of Allaah Almighty. So we should do the same insha'Allaah. :)

Allaah Almighty knows best.

- Qatada -
09-13-2006, 07:39 PM
Imaam Abu Hanifah was influenced by a wise man (Imaam Sha'bie) to study islam, even though Abu Hanifah was a good debator - this was his turning point.

Imaam Malik's dad once asked Malik a question when he was just a boy. Malik's older brother got the answer right, but Malik never. His dad shouted at him and told him that he wasted too much of his time playing with the birds.'

So Imaam Malik went to his mother and she took him to Masjid un-Nabawi (sal Allaahu alayhi waSalam) to study islam.

This was his turning point.

09-13-2006, 07:42 PM

MashaAllah Brother, very good sharing..

Jazaak ALLAH khayr..:rose:


09-13-2006, 07:43 PM
Masha'allah brother Jazakallah Khair for sharing :)

Umm Safiya
09-14-2006, 08:56 AM

Hehe, Malik wanted to be a singer.. That was kinda funny subhân Allâh..

Barak Allâhu fîk akhî.. It is very interesting, keep it coming insha Allâh..

09-14-2006, 01:20 PM

JazakAllah khair brother!

09-14-2006, 02:38 PM
As salamu alaykum,

MashaAllah Akhee, JazakAllahu Khayran for sharing!! :peace:

09-14-2006, 02:50 PM
JazakAllah Khair. It's always interesting to know about the four imaams.

It always suprised me before but now I suppose i'm used to it that the sihaaey sitta (Bukhari Shareef, Muslim Shareef, Tirmidhi Shareef, Abu Dawud Shareef, Nasaaey Shareef and Ibn Maja Shareef) authors all follow one of these imaams. Call me stupid but when I first started studying ahaadith I thought that they came before the four imams. It was only when I started studying these great books that I realised that the muhaddith came after these imams.

Imam Abu Hanifah's name is Nu'man.

Not a lot (sorry) but that's all i can remember at the top of my head. i'll have to dig up my notes....

- Qatada -
09-14-2006, 05:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Duhaa
It always suprised me before but now I suppose i'm used to it that the sihaaey sitta (Bukhari Shareef, Muslim Shareef, Tirmidhi Shareef, Abu Dawud Shareef, Nasaaey Shareef and Ibn Maja Shareef) authors all follow one of these imaams. Call me stupid but when I first started studying ahaadith I thought that they came before the four imams. It was only when I started studying these great books that I realised that the muhaddith came after these imams.


Yeah subhan Allaah, i was listening in an awlaki lecture and he was saying that when Allaah wants to create a situation, He create's its means.

So we know that when Fiqh was needed soo much within the muslim ummah - Allaah azawajal sent the imaams of Fiqh [especially the 4 above] within the same timespan.

When the ummah needed hadith, Allaah azawajal sent the 6 imaams of hadith [the ones you mentioned] within the same timespan (i.e. in the same century.)

Therefore, now that the ummah needs a khalifah and a muslim nation - Allaah azawajal is testing the muslims and giving us trials, because all this is for a greater purpose. Allaah subhanahu wa ta'aala is preparing us for victory insha'Allaahu ta'aala.


- Qatada -
09-15-2006, 12:23 PM
Some Facts about Imaam Shafi'ie

Imaam Shaf'ie was born in Gaza - Phillistine (Palestine) in the same year that Imaam Abu Hanifah passed away [188 AH (After Hijrah.) [767 - 820]

Imaam Shaf'ie passed away at the age of 57.

His voice was so beautiful that when he would recite Qur'an - the people would cry until they felt they would faint.

He became haafiz (memorised) the whole of Qur'an at the age of 7.

He became a faqeeh (scholar of fiqh) within his 20's.

His father was Idrees ibn Abbaas, who passed away at the age of 30. When Muhammad (Shafi'ie's real name) was very young. He lived his life as an orphan, and his mother was a widow in her 20's.

After his father had passed away, him and his mother moved to Makkah (from Gaza) to preserve his lineage [as he was from the descendants of Haashim] - and to study islam, to learn how to write and read, and to memorise Qur'an.

They couldn't afford to pay the fees, but the teacher accepted him anyway, but with a condition - he had to lookafter the class if the teacher left.

When the teacher taught verses of Qur'an to the students, Shafi'ie would automatically learn them off by heart.

After memorising the whole of Qur'an at the age of 7, he started to study and memorise hadith of the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him.)

He had two sons and two daughters, he named both sons Muhammad, and his daughters were called Zaynab, and Fatimah.

He died in egypt at the age of 57.


09-15-2006, 12:55 PM

MashaAllah nice thread......
JazakAllah for sharing


- Qatada -
09-16-2006, 09:20 PM

Imaam Shafi'ie studied under Imaam Malik, and also under a famous student of Imaam Abu Hanifa called Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani.

Imaam Shafi'ie also studied Firaasa [insight], a special technique in which the one who studied Firaasa could easily figure out what kind of person they were talking to, or seeing i.e. If the person was a good person or not, what kind of life they lived, were they people who had fear of Allaah azawajal or not etc.

Umar bin Khattaab (radhiAllaahu anhu) - a companion of the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) also knew this technique, and there are a few hadith which prove this.

He got so much knowledge regarding this technique, that he got scared that it would cause fitnah (trials) among the people, so he burnt all his books.

He also loved Medicine, and when he met a doctor in Egypt - the doctor actually thought Imam Shafi'ie was a professional doctor from Iraq (due to his deep knowledge regarding Medicine.)

Imaam Shafi'ie ate a substance which strengthened a person's memory, but this lead to him having piles before he died, which meant he bled continuously. This weakened him alot, and one of his student's said to him "may Allaah strenghthen your weakness" - but Imaam Shafi'ie told him that if Allaah strengthened his weakness, he would die (even though his student never intended it that way.)

- Qatada -
09-16-2006, 09:21 PM

I'm only discussing imaam shaf'ie right now because i'm hearing some lectures regarding him, which i can't find the download link to yet. But if i find it - i'll post it up insha'Allah.

i'll discuss the others in depth too insha'Allaah soon.

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
09-16-2006, 09:22 PM
MashAllah, wonderful share bro. =)
Jazak Allah

- Qatada -
09-18-2006, 01:59 PM

Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

His father was called Muhammad, a brave mujaahid who fought for the muslims - he passed away [in his 30's or 40's] while Ahmad was only a small child. So he was an orphan, and his mother helped him become who we know him as today.

The reason why he was called ibn Hanbal (son of Hanbal) was because his grandfather was also a famous figure, and he was called this. Therefore Ahmad was named after his grandfather.

He was an only son, and had no brothers or sisters.

He was haafiz of Qur'aan and knew thousands of hadith off by heart at the age of 14.

In his lifetime - he knew a million hadith and he said that whenever he learnt a hadith, he would try to put it into practise.

He used to recite the entire Qur'an within a week. He never left this within this lifetime.

He never got married in his life when lookaftering his mother, but when she passed away - he got married at the age of 40.

He was poor and never had enough money to travel to hajj, so he walked by foot all the way from Baghdad, Iraq - to Makkah and Medinah to make hajj. He met Imaam Shafi'ie there for the first time.

A karamaat (miracle) of Imaam Ahmad occured when a man or boy came to his house and asked Imaam Ahmad to make dua' (supplication/prayer) for his mother because she was paralysed.

Ahmad said: "Wallaahi, i need dua' from you and your mother more than you and your mother need dua' from me." he said this out of modesty and humbleness.

It seemed that Imaam Ahmad refused to make the dua'. So the man or boy went back home, opened the door, and saw his mother standing up. He was shocked, so he went back to Imaam Ahmad and one of his sons told the man that soon after you left, Imaam Ahmad made wudhu and made dua' for your mother.

09-18-2006, 02:03 PM
^ Subhanallah!! Jazakallah Khair brother for posting these up :)

09-18-2006, 02:05 PM

Mashallah! What a beautiful thread!
May Allah (swt) reward you for this!

I'm anxiously awaiting for more posts... :D

JazakAllah khair for your time to post these. :)


09-18-2006, 02:45 PM
Masha'allah this is an excellent thread. Keep it coming bro

- Qatada -
09-18-2006, 09:33 PM

Ahmad ibn Hanbal's family life.

His Mother

Ahmad loved his mother alot, and wouldn't do anything to upset her.

He would wake up early in the morning to learn to go to the masjid so he could join the study circles early. But his mother would tell him to wait for the azaan because she felt it was too dark for him to travel alone. So he would sit down and say "Oh my mother, okay i will."

Some of his colleagues wanted to visit a scholar [Jareer ibn Abdul Hameed.] The scholar was located on the other side of the river of Baghdad (Euphrates river.) It was dangerous to cross because a person could sink and drown, or fall in and drown.

He asked his mother if he could go, but she asked him not to. So he obeyed her, even though he would love to meet him.

Taqwa (fear of Allaah) in his Youth

Teaching the officials to fear Allaah

When he was 15/16yrs old, his uncle recorded what was going on in the city. His uncle passed Ahmad the reports and told him to give the reports to the Wali of the city.

Month's passed by, but the Wali never recieved ther eports. The Wali became angry and impatient, he asked Ahmad's uncle where the reports were.

His uncle was shocked and said that he had sent the reports to Ahmad. So they both called Ahmad and asked; "Where are the reports Ahmad?"

Ahmad said "did you expect me to give him the reports?"

"What else did you do with them?"

"I took them all, and threw them in the river of Baghdad." said Ahmad.

"inaa lillaahi wa ina alayhi raji'oon, these are valuable reports."

"subhan Allaah!" the wali said, "this boy doesn't want to do something which he thinks is haraam. So what about us?"

The Love letters

When Harun-ar-Rasheed used to go to his palace outside Baghdad, he used to take his soldiers with him.

At that time, it was well known that Ahmad could write, so the wive's of the soldiers would ask him to read their husband's love letters out to them [because the women couldn't read] - they trusted him because of his piety.

After hearing the letter's, they would ask Ahmad to write a letter back to their husbands. He would do so, except when the wife said to him to write; "I love you" , "I miss you" , "I want to see you" etc. he would not write it.

He would not write anything which he thought might cause confusion and fitnah among the people.

His Marriage Life

He got married at the age of 40 after his mother passed away.

Imaam Ahmad's first wife was called Aa'isha, in a marriage which lasted for 30years. She gave birth to a son called Saalih, so her kunya (nickname) was Um Saalih.

When Imaam Ahmad spoke to his student's he told them - "I lived with Um Saalih for 30yrs, never has my voice and her voice rose against each other, never have I disagreed with her on anything."

After Aa'isha [Um Saalih] passed away, he married Raihaana and she gave birth to their son called Abdullah.

When Raihaana died, he got married again and had 2 children [when he was aged 74.]

Out of his 3 marriages - he had; Saalih, Abdullah, Zaynab, hasan, hussein, (both died after birth) but Allaah blessed him with another Hasan, Muhammad and Saeed.

Saeed later on became the judge of Kufa, and his two son's Abdullah and Saalih became the best scholars within their time.

Imaam Ahmad died at the age of 75 (may Allaah Almighty have mercy on him.)

Umm Safiya
09-19-2006, 08:26 AM

Subhân Allâh, this thread is really beneficial.. Barak Allâhu fîk akhî..

- Qatada -
10-23-2006, 08:48 PM

If anyone want's to download the lecture i heard all these fact's from, please check this link insha'Allaah:


Or this:


10-23-2006, 09:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Fi_Sabilillah
All 4 Imaams were imprisoned atleast once within their lifetime.

Imaam Abu Hanifah was punched and tortured and his face was bleeding, he was sad because he felt that his mum would feel hurt due to his torture.

Imaam Malik's was tortured too, his shoulders got dislocated and his arms got damaged. He had to perform salaah with his hands on his side, due to the injury.

Imaam Shafi'ie was imprisoned because people spread false rumours about him, saying that he was planning on overthrowing the government with other groups.

Imaam Ahmad was whipped 80 times by the khalifah's strongest whippers, because he never agreed with the khalifah.*

*The khalifah said that the Qur'an was the creation of Allaah, but the view of the Ahlus Sunnah (the people of sunnah) is that the Qur'an is the actual word of Allaah Almighty.)


:cry: :cry: :cry: they went through alot of hardship...

jazakallah-khair bro ..very intersting and something i have lernt as well..:D


- Qatada -
10-23-2006, 09:04 PM
I forgot, this is also another top series on the 4 imaams by Muhammad al shareef:



And about Imaam Ahmad's ordeal by Safi Khan (i think he's Muhammad al shareef's friend):


Both lectures are done by different lecturer's, and their both excellent masha'Allaah.

Eid present for everyone lol :)


10-23-2006, 09:21 PM

and indeed and excellent eid gift :) shukran jazeelan for sharing this with us akhi may Allah [swt] reward you for your sincerity in sharing this knowledge with us and make you of those like the 4 imams [ameen]

i wanna know more though so keep posting :D


- Qatada -
10-23-2006, 10:38 PM


If someone asked imaam Malik question's which had a bad intention, for example - "How does Allaah establish Himself on the throne?" - he would ask someone to beat you up, because matters like this can lead to dangerous/controversial aqeedah issues.

When a person came to his house, his servant would open the door to ask if the person wanted fatwa, or if they wanted to hear hadith. If the person wanted a fatwa or hear a hadith, imam malik would wear his best clothes, put on a turban - put lots of incents on in the room and then come to narrate to the person hadith etc.

He wouldn't go to the market place, or eat in public. Because he wanted to keep up the respect/izza' of the scholars.

Imaam Malik's favourite fruit was banana.

Imaam Malik had some contact with a servant of Abdullah ibn 'Umar - the son of 'Umar bin Khattaab [the companion of the Messenger of Allaah [peace be upon him] (may Allaah Almighty be pleased with them.) So he had some fiqh off Abdullah ibn 'Umar (ra.)

Imaam Malik was a teacher of Imaam Shafi'ie until he (Malik) died. Then Imaam Shafi'ie moved and started studying under Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani - a famous student of Imaam Abu Hanifah.


10-24-2006, 12:11 PM

Mashallah great info!
JazakAllah khair bro!

(My fave fruit is banana too. :D lol)


10-26-2006, 10:27 AM
thsnks guys i just heard the lectiures, cant believe that imam malik wanted to be a singer!!! May Allah bless u all

- Qatada -
10-26-2006, 12:14 PM

The next part will be about the torture Imaam Ahmad went through, in detail insha'Allaah. When you read it, just try to imagine you're there - watching everything. And imagine the emotions and thoughts that must be going through Imaam Ahmad..

jazak Allaahu khayr.

- Qatada -
10-26-2006, 12:25 PM
Khalqul Qur'an (the Creation of the Qur'an) - The Beginning.

If it wasn’t for this event in the life of Imaam Ahmad, he would have been classed as a normal faqeeh (scholar of fiqh) and none of us would really know who he is, compared to how much we know him today.

In this ordeal – Imaam Ahmad was fought not by one, not two – but three consecutive rulers, within his lifetime.

[Through the lives of Al-Ma’mool, then his brother – Al-Mu’tassim, then Al-Mu’tassims son [Al-waafiq]]

In the ordeal, he was beaten, imprisoned, tortured. He bled everywhere, and this torture was one of the factors that lead to his death.

One of Ahmad ibn Hanbals contemporaries said that if an elephant was put through the level of torture that ImamAhmad was put through, the elephant would die.

The doctor that checked up on him (after his release from prison) said, “how could this human being survive” due to the amount of torture he had received. “It is as if he was whipped 1000 times”

One scholar said; (Arabic: Wara’) [piety, devoutness] only survived in the ummah/nation of Muhammad (sal Allaahu alayhi waSalam) because of Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

The Fitnah – Khalqul Qur’an* (creation of the Qur’an)

The first person to start the idea of khalqul qur’an was a man called: al-Jaa’ ibn dirham. (?)

*Khalqul qur’an (creation of the qur’an.) The Mu’tazilah who believed in this ideology said that the Qur’an was a creation of Allaah, the same way us human’s are the creation of Allaah. They even said that the attributes of Allaah are created, they said He existed before His attributes and they said speech existed after Allaah, therefore they believed that this Qur’an must be created too.

They believed that Allaah is first, and His speech is second. Which obviously isn’t the view of Ahlus sunnah (the followers of sunnah) because we believe that Allaah is Eternal and always has had those attributes, and His speech is one of His Attributes.

More info: The Qur’aan was revealed by Allaah, not created

This is why it is called Khalq (created) ul (the) quran.

al-Jaa’ ibn darham promoted this idea which was unacceptable to the scholars, because Allah never mentioned this in the qur’an. This wasn’t backed with proof, so it was something new in the religion. He started to promote this idea at a small level.

Hisham ibn Abdil Malik, the ‘Ummaya ruler ordered that he be killed, so he was killed on 732 (Christian calendar.) I think 132/3 Hijri (AH)

10years after that, the fitnah came again. Al Jahm bin Safwan.- he said the Qur’an was created. He said that the Qur’an came after, revealed to Muhammad sal Allaahu alayhi wasalam, pronounced by our mouths – then put on paper, therefore it must be created. He was also killed (742 Christian year.)

These people were dangerous, because they didn’t keep these ideas to themselves – but they promoted these false ideas.

To be continued...

- Qatada -
10-26-2006, 05:36 PM
Khalqul Qur'an: The Creation of the Qur'an - Part 2

As time passed, their idea continued to be promoted by other people, after Jahm ibn Safwan was killed. By now, the dynasty of the ‘Ummaya was over, and the Abbasiya dynasty was in authority. (Remember Imaam Shafi’ie was put in prison? That’s because some people were already thinking of overthrowing the ‘Ummaya government, and they were successful in this.)

A third person came who was called Bishr Al Mireesi, he started to promote the idea of Jahm and ibn darham. Harun ar-Rasheed (now the khalifah) made an oath that if he saw him, he would kill him.

Bishr al Mireesi found out about this, so he ran away and hid. No-one was able to catch him, and after a while Harun al-Rasheed died.

His son Al-Ma’moon then came into power. Bishr then came out of hiding, and met Al-Ma’moon (the son of Harun al-Rashid.) He started discussing his views with Al-Ma’moon and gave his evidences and persuaded him.. so Al-Ma’moon fell into the trap of believing Bishr.

In 826 (Christian year) Al-Ma’moon announced that he believes that the Qur’an is created, but he never told anyone to believe in that. But Bishr persuaded Al-Ma’moon again and told him that you have to tell society to believe what you believe. So in 832 he began forcing society to believe in the creation of the Qur’an.

He told his guards/soldiers – make sure that all the scholars/judges who are working for the state believe in the khalqul Qur’an (creation of the qur’an.)

All the judges/senior scholars, over 700 in number compromised, except a few among them. One of these scholars was Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

After the majority of the senior scholars/judges accepted the ‘creation of the quran.’ Al-Ma’moon asked his representative in Iraq to gather the prominent scholars to come in society to interrogate them and to ask them (the few who never fell into the trap) ‘what do you say about the quran.’ If the scholar didn’t understand the question, the following question would be asked; “do you think it’s created or not” – if you say its created, go home, if not – stay here.

Isshaaq ibn Ibrahim, a representative of Al-Ma’moon gathered the scholars. He gathered about 7 scholars, and asked them “what do you say about the quran, makhlooq (created) or not?”

One of the scholars said “I will say whatever Al-ma’moon believes in.” Isshaaq said, “al-ma’moon did not ask me to ask you what al-ma’moon believes in, he asked me to ask you what you believe in.” Then the scholar gave up, and said that I believe the quran was created.

Isshaaq then brought some other scholars, among them Ahmad ibn Hanbal. Ahmad said, “the qur’an is the word of Allah, and nothing in the quran says that it was created.”

Isshaaq ibn Ibrahim was not ordered to do anything, except to write the answers in a letter and send it to Al-Ma’moon. Al-Ma’moon would then take the appropriate decision. A letter was then sent and it said that all the scholars that I have asked have agreed except 4...

10-26-2006, 05:41 PM
Alot of the Imam links to Kalamullah dont seem to work anyone got any other links for them?

10-26-2006, 05:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Fi_Sabilillah

Imaam Malik's favourite fruit was banana.
mashaAllah, looks like we've got somethin in common coz i luv banana:D
j/khayr bro

- Qatada -
10-26-2006, 05:58 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by IsaAbdullah
Alot of the Imam links to Kalamullah dont seem to work anyone got any other links for them?

I've noticed some aren't working for me either off the thread that i posted, but they work off the site alhamdulillah:





10-26-2006, 06:08 PM
wow masha Allah bro, Allah ya7fadhak, so beneficial!!
Their kunya was Abu Abdillah except for Imaam Abu Haneefah, rahimahum Allah.


- Qatada -
10-26-2006, 09:48 PM

Khalqul Qur'an: The Creation of the Qur'an - Part 3

Only 4 out of 700 remained… Sujaada, al qawariri, Muhammad ibn Nuh & Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

Al-ma’moon said bring me them four. All four were chained now. Sujaada couldn’t resist, he gave up, so they released him. Al qawariri couldn’t take it either, he compromised – so they released him…

Two people remained, Muhammad ibn Nuh and Ahmad ibn Hanbal.. they were chained, and were taken to Al-Ma’moon to meet him. On the way, Ahmad ibn Hanbal said “I met a simple Bedouin, he said to me: “Ya Imaam, you might be tortured, you might be bribed, but be patient because you are an Imaam, because if you give up, students will emulate you and society will comprimise and conceive. Do not conceive and say no to them” the Bedouin left. Ahmad ibn Hanbal said “this strengthened me even more.”

When he was put in prison in Baghdad, Iraq, he met a drunk person. The alcoholic said “Ya imam, I have been in prison many times because I have been an alcoholic, and I have been patient, because I love alcohol. I can tolerate the pain of the whipping, but I can’t tolerate giving up my alcohol. If I can tolerate the whipping for my desires, please tolerate the whipping for the defense of Allah’s religion.” Ahmad ibn Hanbal said “Allah strengthened me because of these words.”

These were signs from Allaah to strengthen imam Ahmad, realize that Allah isn’t strengthening him with scholars, imam Ahmad is a scholar himself – but Allah is strengthening him by normal people. Think about it, the scholars all gave up (some even persuading him to accept the false lies), yet these normal people are giving help to the imam himself.

On the way to Al-Ma’moon, Muhammad ibn Nuh died a natural death… out of all the 700 imams, only one remained – Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

When Imam Ahmad reached Baghdad, he would meet Al-Ma’moon the following day.

Be careful when Ahmad ibn Hanbal makes dua, because this was the same man who made dua’ for the paralysed woman, and she got cured by the will of Allah. He said “Oh Allaah, I am defending your words. If your words are not created, then protect me from the oppressors.” The following day the guard came to Ahmad ibn Hanbal and said, the meeting with Al-Ma’moon has been cancelled. Al-Ma’moon died.

However, before Al-Ma’moons death, he brought his brother al-Mu’tassim and said to him “When you take power, after my death – you make sure that the ummah of Muhammad (sal Allaahu alayhi waSalam) believe in the ideas of al-Mu’tazilah, and make sure all the scholars agree that the qur’an was created.”

Al-Mu’tassim was different to Al-Ma’moon. Al-Ma’moon was almost a scholar – he is the one who established Baytal Hikmah – the house of wisdom. However Al-Mu’tassim was a military person, brutal, and loved his brother so much, and respected him, so he was prepared to listen to what he (al-Ma’moon) said.


- Qatada -
10-27-2006, 12:27 PM
Khalqul Qur'an: The Creation of the Qur'an
- Part 4

Ibn Abi Dawud was now the successor of Bishr Al Mireesi (who was promoting the al-mu’tazila idea) and he became closer to Al-Mu’tassim. He provoked him to be more strict against the opponents, because he knew that al-Mu’tassim was ignorant regarding these aqeedah issues.

He brought Ahmad ibn Hanbal from prison and said “Ya imaam, just say that the quran was created, nothing more, and you will go home and these chains will be opened”

“Ya ameer al mu’mineen, if you bring me evidence from the qur’an I will concede, but I cannot see any evidence from the qur’an.” Imam Ahmad said respectively.

Al-Mu’tassim cannot bring anything, because there isn’t any proof. Ahmad ibn Hanbal is sitting next to Al-Mu’tassim and they discuss.. Al-Mu’tassim knows that the people love Ahmad ibn Hanbal, so he still has some respect for him. As they discuss, their voices raise, Al-Mu’tassim says “Ya (Oh) Imaam, I don’t want to hurt you, say the qur’an is created.” Ahmad ibn Hanbal again says “Ya ameer ul mu’mineen (Oh leader of the believers) I cannot find anything in the qur’an that tells me that.”

Ibn Abi Dawud Is sitting next to Al-Mu’tassim. Other scholars were jealous of Ahmad ibn Hanbal and wanted to see him get whipped. They said, “there is evidence in the qur’an.

Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand.

(Qur’an Surah Zukhruf 43:3)

Ahmad ibn Hanbal said, “Allaah said ‘inaa ja’alnaahu’ and did not say ‘inaa khalaq naahu’ and Allaah is specific in the words that He chooses to express His words.”

A debate started between Ibn Abi Dawud and Ahmad ibn Hanbal, Al-Mu’tassim is listening, and he doesn’t care who wins the debate. He loves his brother Al-Ma’moon, and his brother told him to stick to the Al-Mu’tazila, and because he was more military minded instead of thinking deeply like the fuqahaa (scholars of fiqh) – he was prepared to torture anyone who went against what his brother said. Military leaders may be harsh without thinking deeply into the matter (not all, but some.) whereas the fuqahaa need evidence whenever they make a point – two totally different personalities.

After some debating, Mu’tassim told Imaam Ahmad to go back to prison. The next day, they took him out of jail again and asked him to say that the qur’an was created. Imaam Ahmad again said “Ya ameer ul mu’mineen (Oh leader of the believers) I cannot find anything in the qur’an that tells me that.”

“Take him again to prison.”

- Qatada -
10-27-2006, 05:39 PM

Khalqul Qur'an (the Creation of the Qur'an) - Part 5

During his time in prison, fascinating event’s occurred. The guards would sometimes bring him food, but he would not eat it, because it’s coming from the oppressors. He was fasting most of his time during prison. One day he asked for a glass of water, so they brought him some water. There were others in prison too. The guards bought him some water with ice in it, he took the glass and said “what about my brothers in prison?” – they said, “its only for you.” He said “I don’t want it, you bring my brothers what you bring for me, or I don’t want any water.” He returned the water while being extremely thirsty.

After 3-4 days he was taken from prison and conversed again with Al-Mu’tassim, Al-Mu’tassim said, “what do you say about the qur’an” – Imam Ahmad said “the qur’an is the word of Allah, I say no more than this.”
Someone next to al-Mu’tassim said to him “listen, all scholars conceded, why don’t you concede, that’s all it takes then you go home! Your friend yahya ibn ma’een conceded.”

Who was Yahya ibn Ma’een?

Yahya ibn Ma’een is someone that Imam Bukhari (the scholar of hadith) said: “I never belittled myself as a muhaddith (scholar of hadith) except when I compared myself to Yahya ibn Ma’een.” This Yahya ibn Ma’een conceded and compromised to the pressures of Al-Ma’moon and Mu’tassim.

Ahmad ibn Hanbal continued to love Yahya ibn Ma’een, he later said “Any hadith that is not heard or known by Yahya ibn Ma’een, is not a hadith” He died at the age of 75.

Al-Mu’tassim called one of the guards, and said “whip him” – they took his shirt, and began to whip. #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14

“take him to prison - bring him tomorrow”

the next day:

“whip him”

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7…. #14

“take him to prison – bring him tomorrow”

#3 #4 #5 #6 days of whipping..

One day they brought him, and whipped Imaam Ahmad until he fainted. Al-Mu’tassim goes to him (while he’s being whipped) and says next to his ear “Ya Imam, just say one word, and the whipping will end.” Just like Quraysh torturing Bilal, while Bilal is saying Ahadun Ahad (one, one…)

Imaam Ahmad while being whipped, says politely “Ya ameer ul mu’mineen (Oh leader of the believers) I cannot find any evidence from the Qur’an.”

They whipped him, and whipped him.. and whipped him till he faints…

- Qatada -
10-27-2006, 09:43 PM

The first lecture there is about the ordeal of Imam Ahmad, even more detailed than the posts above. plz download insha'Allaah: [Profiles of Courage - Story of Imam Ahmed]


- Qatada -
10-27-2006, 09:46 PM

Khalqul Qur'an (the Creation of the Qur'an) - Final Chapter

Now it’s Ramadhan. Al-Mu’tassim is fasting, while ordering the guard to whip Imam Ahmad. Al-Mu’tassim would walk upto Imam Ahmad, going next to his ear and saying “Just give me one word” and the guards and the colleagues, the scholars were going upto Imam Ahmad “Respect Ameer ul Mu’mineen! Answer him, hes standing, he’s fasting! How dare you make ameer ul Mu’mineen stand up while he should be sitting.” Imam Ahmad is quiet, saying “Ya ameer ul Mu’mineen, I can’t help you.” Ahmad ibn Hanbal fainted, they wanted to wake him – they gave him some water, saying “drink some.” Ahmad said “No, I am fasting” while bleeding…

When he was whipped, he was concerned about one thing, not his health. He was concerened that during the whipping – his trousers would fall, and his awrah would be exposed. One karamaat that occurred, while he was getting whipped was – he was making some dua’/supplication. Some observer in the congregation said that while Imam Ahmad was getting whipped, his trousers were about to fall, but suddenly by itself it went back up again. The observer later on asked Imam Ahmad what had happened. Imam Ahmad said “I was making dua’ to Allah that ‘oh Allah, I am being tortured for your sake, so oh Allah please don’t scandalize me before this congregation.”

He was whipped over 1000whips.. When the whipping increased, everyone became worried about the health of Imam Ahmad. They realized that Imam Ahmad wouldn’t change his opinion, and because they knew that everyone loved him – they feared that if they killed him, the people would revolt, so they released him.

After his release, they sent a doctor to see him. The doctor reports:

“I uncovered his clothes, saw his back, and saw the effect of the whipping as if he had been whipped 1000 times. I even saw the remains of the whips inside his body, I had to put a knife inside the injury and remove some of the remains of the whipping.

Some of his flesh from his back stuck and clung onto the knife.”

No anesthesia or nothing, he was just remembering Allaah subhanahu wa ta’aala. His body became weak and thin, he became old.

Al-Mu’tassim died at the age of 48, his son al-waafiq came into power, he died at the age of 36. He was brutal like his father (al-Mu’tassim), and said “I can’t do what my father did because people will revolt against me, the man is getting old, he doesn’t want to concede.” All he could do was to ban Ahmad ibn Hanbal from having public appearance, so he couldn’t give fatwas, not attending any public meetings, not even going to the masjids.

This carried on until Al-waafiq died (at the age of 36.) Al-Mutawaqil came into power, he hated the ideas of the al-mu’tazila, he ceased to accept what his fathers accepted, and he not only released Ahmad ibn Hanbal from house-arrest, but he wanted to glorify and thank, apologise to Ahmad ibn Hanbal.

Al-Mutawaqil gave thousands of dinars to Ahmad ibn Hanbal, but Ahmad said no to anything coming from rulers.

Who took the money besides Ahmad ibn Hanbal? Saalih and Abdullah (Ahmad ibn Hanbal’s two sons.) Ahmad was so upset, that he boycotted both of his sons. “I am never going to take anything from my sons - because they accept money from the governors.”

Once he was hungry, fasting. They said he never ate for 6 days properly. Once they brought Ahmad ibn Hanbal some hot baked bread. “Where did you bake this bread?” they said – “in the house of Abdullah.” He said “take it, I don’t eat anything from Abdullah, because his money is from al-Mutawaqil.”

Al-Mutawaqil wasn’t upset, because he loved Ahmad ibn Hanbal. He said “May Allaah have mercy on Ahmad ibn Hanbal, neither does he want us to give him money, nor to give his sons, but he continued to give his sons in secret.”

Ahmad ibn Hanbal did not think/believe that the money of the rulers was haraam. His son Saalih once asked him “Oh my father, I have some money from Al-Mutawaqil, can I use this money to perform hajj?” Ahmad said “of course you can.” Saalih said, “Why don’t you accept the money from Al-Mutawaqil?” Ahmad said, “Oh my son, I do not accept the money – not because it is haraam, but I leave it out of doubt.”

This is why Ahmad ibn Hanbal was born poor, lived poor, and died poor. He died at the age of 77.

They brought him a coffin and some clothes from the palace to cover him with, but his sons said no, because if he was alive – he wouldn’t accept anything from the rulers.

They prayed on him, including the ruler - Al-Mutawaqil, including the Hashimis, the Abassi’s, the whole of Baghdad, a sad day. The janaazah of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, – the imaam of Ahlus sunnah, wal Jamaa’ah.


CD 12 of the life of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal By Hisham Al-Awadi.


10-28-2006, 08:27 AM

masha'Allah brother, that were really great posts from you, as usual. It was really interesting as well as full of lessons to read the lives of those great legends, imam of mujhtahideen in fiqh.

format_quote Originally Posted by Fi_Sabilillah

Mention your facts here insha'Allaah.
i wld like to share this, regarding Al-Imam al-azam Abu Hanifa (rahimahullah).

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that Rasoolullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said “If Ilm(knowledge) was suspended from the Thuraiya star and the Arabs are unable to reach it, even then a man from the sons of Persia will be able to reach it” (Bukhari, Muslim & Tabarani).

In commentary of this hadith Imam Suyuti(rh), the renowned Shafie scholar, said “It has been communicated unanimously that this hadith refers to Imam Abu Hanifa.”

Abu Hurairah (RA) also narrates:"We were sitting in the company of Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) when Surat al-Jum`a was revealed to him and when he recited amongst them, (those who were sitting there) said `Allah's Messenger?' but Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) made no reply, until he was questioned once, twice or thrice, and there was amongst us Salman the Persian. Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) placed his hand on Salman and then said:"Even if faith were near the Pleiades, a man from amongst these would surely find it."

Imam Abu Hanifa was born in the generation of the Tabi’een and peronally met at least 5 Sahabah (Anas ibn Malik, 'Abdullah ibn Abi Awfa, Sahl ibn Sad as-Sa'idi and Abu al-Fadl Amir ibn Wathila (RAA)).

Imam as-Shafi'i (rh) is recorded to have stated:"People are all the children of Abu Hanifa in fiqh, of Ibn Ishaq in history and of Muqatil in tafsir".

Literary works of Imam Abu Hanifa include:

Kitaab-ul-Aathar - compiled from a total of 70,000 Ahaadeeth
Aalim-wal-muta ‘allim
Fiqh Akbar
Jaami’ul Masaneed
Kitaabul Rad alal Qaadiriyah


dats all for now.
i hope it was some really interseting facts for others too.


- Qatada -
10-28-2006, 11:29 AM

subhan Allaah! do you have any more ahadith like that brother? :)

10-29-2006, 02:49 PM

yeah, I like to share one more.

Imam Ibn ul Abideen in his sharh (commentary) of Durr ul Muktar quotes from Ibn Hajar Makki (rh) "Al Khairat al Hisan" on the authority of Ibn Sulayman (rh) that the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said:

"The splendour of the world will be lifted in the year 150 AH".

He went on to say "The great fiqh scholar Shams al-aimma 'Abd al-Ghaffar al-Kardari (d. 562/1166 A.D.) said,
"It is obvious that this hadith ash-Sharif refers to al-Imam al-azam Abu Hanifa, since he passed away in 150."

10-29-2006, 05:17 PM

Masha'Allah! Brilliant posts, bro Fi_Sabilillah and bro Musalmaan.
Keep them coming! :)


10-31-2006, 01:22 AM
mashallah i love learning about these great scholars. you can learn so much. plzz keep posting bro and sis.

10-31-2006, 02:48 AM
Is there any chance of having some sort of evidence, I mean like, I read this stuff and its amazing, but I know if I tell someone, which I love doing, I wudnt be able to back it up.

Am just asking, not to be difficult, just wondering thats all.

Thank you all for everything posted.

Allahu Akbar

Assalamu aleykum

- Qatada -
11-03-2006, 02:36 PM

Sorry brother, he doesn't mention sources..

If anyone's confused about the khalqul Qur'an (creation of the Qur'an) thing, one of the evidences of Imaam Ahmad to prove that the Qur'an is the speech of Allaah was:

And if we had willed, We could have given every soul its guidance, but the word from Me will come into effect [that] "I will surely fill Hell with jinn and people all together.

[Surah Sajdah - 32:13]

12-06-2006, 07:01 AM
It is written in the book Maraj-ul-Bahrayn, which quotes Ahmad Zarruq as saying that Imam-i Malik (rahmat Allahu ta'ala 'alaih) said:

Anybody who dives into tasawwuf without learning fiqh becomes a zindiq (renegade); and anybody who learns fiqh and yet is not aware of tasawwuf, goes astray; but those who obtain knowledge of both fiqh and tasawwuf attain the truth. Anybody who learns fiqh correctly and who tastes the sweetness of tasawwuf becomes a 'perfect kamil'.
All the early men of tasawwuf were in the madhhab of a scholar of fiqh before they attained perfection.

Junaid-i Baghdadi was in the madhhab of Sufyan-i Sawri; Abdul Qadir Geilani (Jilani) was a Hanbali; Abu Bakr Shibli was a Maliki; Imam-i Rabbani and Jariri were in the madhhab of Hanafi; Haris-i Muhasibi was a Shafi'i (Qaddas-Allahu ta'ala Asrarahum.)

- Qatada -
12-24-2006, 06:49 PM

I got this off brother Musalmaan's post:


Imam Abu Hanifah -


Trial No.1:

During the reign of Ibn Hubaira Imaam Abu Hanifah ( R.A.) rejected his request of the post of Chief Justice. (As Imaam Sahib did not want to collaborate with the corrupt).

Consequence of Rejection No.1:

Tormented by passing through the city mounted upon a horse, whereby he was whipped 10 times a day for eleven consecutive days.

Trial No.2:

During the reign of Abu Jaafar Mansoor again the above request was pledged, yet again rejected.

Consequence of Rejection No.2:

Imprisoned and violently beaten.

Prolongation of Trial:

Khalifa Abu Ja’far Mansoor again urged that Imaam Sahib should reconsider. Finally, Imaam Sahib swore by Allah that he would not accept.


Imaam Sahib was lashed, shirtless 30 times, drawing blood that seeped to his heels. He was again imprisoned, with restricted rations for 15 days, after which he was forcefully made to drink a poison that led to his martyrdom.


In the state of prostration.


70 years of age : 150 A.H. in the month of Rajab. (others have stated Sha’baan and Shawwaal also).


Six Janaazah salaah were conducted in order to cater for more than

50,000 people whom had collected. His son, and only child; Hammad, lead the last Janazah salaah.

12-26-2006, 03:51 PM

jazakAllah for sharing bro.

12-09-2008, 10:16 PM

Masha'Allah this thread is amazing!

I've just read the parts about Imaam Shafi'ee (rh) but amazing all the same. JazakAllah khayr!


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