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10-20-2006, 12:52 AM

Is it permissable to eat meat that is not slaughtered halaal and under what circumstances?

Please provide valid proof because my father and I have been debating this issue. He tells me that its permissable even if there are halaal stores around but not preferred. I think its only allowed if you have no access to islamically slaughtered meat. Someone please answer as soon as possible.

Thank you very much.

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10-20-2006, 10:43 AM
Praise be to Allaah.

Firstly: it is better for you to buy the meat you need from Muslims, because this is more on the safe side and there is less likely to be any doubt concerning it. You will also be helping the Muslims to continue their work for which there is a need in the western countries. Moreover, the Muslims undoubtedly deserve this business more than others. It is sufficient for the Muslim to feel that he is renewing his bonds of faith with his Muslim brothers every time he forsakes the stores that are owned by kuffaar that may be closer to him or sell goods for cheaper prices, to buy from his brothers in faith. See question no. 9205.

Secondly: If the non-Muslim butcher is not from among the People of the Book, then meat slaughtered by him is not halaal. If he is from among the People of the Book, Jewish or Christian, then meat slaughtered by him is halaal.

Ibn Qudaamah said: The scholars are unanimously agreed that it is permissible to eat meat slaughtered by the People of the Book, because Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “The food (slaughtered cattle, eatable animals) of the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians) is lawful to you” [al-Maa'idah 5:5]. Al-Bukhaari said: Ibn ‘Abbaas said: “Their food” means meat slaughtered by them. Al-Mughni, 13/293.

After that we do not need to ask them about the way in which they slaughtered it, because the basic principle is that their slaughter is valid because it was done by them as People of the Book. See question no. 20805.

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:

It is proven in Saheeh al-Bukhaari (no. 5507) from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that some people came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: “Some people bring meat to us, and we do not know if they mentioned the name of Allaah or not.” He said: “Say it yourselves then eat.”

I [Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen is speaking] say: They were new in Islam, and they did not know whether they had said the name of Allaah or not, so he said: “Say it yourselves, then eat.” So eating it is permissible even if we do not know whether the one who slaughtered the meat mentioned the name of Allaah or not. Similarly it is permissible to eat even if we do not know whether the meat was slaughtered in the proper manner or not, because if the action is carried out by the right people then the basic principle is that it is valid, unless there is evidence to the contrary. So if some meat comes to us from a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian, we should not ask about it or ask how it was slaughtered or whether the name of Allaah was mentioned over it. It is halaal so long as there is no clear proof that it is haraam. This is a way in which Allaah has made things easier for us. Liqaa’aat al-Baab il-Maftooh, 1/77

It is clear from this that if you buy from this store and eat the food of the one from whom you buy it, there is nothing wrong with that and you do not need to ask him about the way in which the meat was slaughtered, unless you become certain that he has slaughtered it in a manner that is not prescribed, such as stunning the animal until it dies and so on. But it is better to buy from the Muslim as stated above.

And Allaah is the Source of strength.

Islam Q&A


10-26-2006, 09:40 AM
assalaamu alaykum,

first of all in the west none of the meat in a regular butcher is halal as none of the slaughter houses other than the halal ones and the koiser ones use halal slaughter methods so those who say regular meat is ok is wrong, even if we are living in a land of the people of the book.

assalaamu alaykum,
Abu Abdullah

10-26-2006, 09:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by DigitalStorm82
Jewish or Christian, then meat slaughtered by him is halaal.
Do Christians make meat halal (kosher) too? Didn't know that:?

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10-27-2006, 12:13 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by AvarAllahNoor
Do Christians make meat halal (kosher) too? Didn't know that:?
No Christianity has no diatary restrictions.

Judaism is said by many to have stricter diatary laws, but I disagree because Muslims cannot have wine. :D Which is one of the few restrictions Muslims have that Jews don't.

10-27-2006, 01:36 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Dawud_uk
assalaamu alaykum,

first of all in the west none of the meat in a regular butcher is halal as none of the slaughter houses other than the halal ones and the koiser ones use halal slaughter methods so those who say regular meat is ok is wrong, even if we are living in a land of the people of the book.

assalaamu alaykum,
Abu Abdullah
Wa ALeykum Salam,

can you provide evidence that they don't? Plus maybe some people might buy it from local butchers who do kill in a halal way.

I recently read a fatwa which puzzled me, which stated taht we can eat people of the book's meat, and we dont have to ask about how it was killed, but if we come to know how it was and it was done wrongly then we shouldnt eat it, but if we buy it and we are not aware that it is killed in a haram way all we need to do is sayAllah's name over it.

Read it, i got it from triod or something, i even downloaded it but i cant find it, argh.

Here is an insight you gotta download it in pdf to get the answers:

[Q1]: Is it permissible to eat poultry which is sold in the markets on the basis that it is meat of the People of the Book...or is it impermissible on the basis that it is a carcass slaughtered by unknown means (i.e. it was it done by cutting off the head or electrocution or some such means.) and are the ahlul-kitaab today truly to be considered in this ruling [as those of the past]?

[Q2]: Please clarify the fatwaa (ruling) - esteemed Shaykh - If a Muslim goes to the markets and eating places in a Christian land and purchases the lamb, beef or chicken and does not ask about how it was slaughtered?

[Q3]: What if he is informed however, that the meat has been stunned by electric shock, or has been choked or shot? What is the ruling for meat slaughtered like this? Is it considered a carcass? [Which is impermissible to eat]

[Q4]: Can we understand from the hadeeth of A’aishah (radiyallaahu ‘anha) which is related in the fatwaa that the question which was posed by the people to the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam) was only in relation to whether Allah's name was mentioned over the animal being slaughtered and it was not about the actual method of slaughter?

[Q5]: Is it possible to say that if there are stores in a city where the Muslim lives and those stores carry meat slaughtered according to the Islaamic method - even if it is more expensive - that it is not then permissible to buy the meat of the Christians?

[Q6]: One of the readers asks about a relation from ‘Alee Ibn Abee Taalib (radiyallaahu ‘anhu) in which he reportedly said: "Do not eat the meat slaughtered by Banu Taglab because they adhere to Christianity by drinking alcohol." Can this be then used as a proof considering the Christians of today, the majority of whom drink alcohol, that it is not permissible to eat their slaughtered meat?

[Q7]: If it is known that some of the slaughterhouses in this country slaughter sheep and cattle along with swine, is it permissible to eat that meat especially when the same instruments are used to slaughter both at the same time?

[Q8]: Is it possible - esteemed Shaykh - for you to address us with a word to the Muslims in the Western countries about the obligation of staying far away from disobedience [to Allah and His Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam)] and haraam things and doubtful matters because we are aware of some of them being negligent in relation to some major sins such as not praying or illicit sex or drinking alcohol yet he is distressed or makes complicated the eating of meat which is not slaughtered according to Islamic method?


Yes, eating the poultry is permissible because that which is slaughtered by the ahlul-kitaab today is just as what was slaughtered by ahlul-kitaab in the time of the Prophet (sallallaahu ’alayhi wa sallam)

By Shaykh Uthaymeen.

10-27-2006, 10:56 AM
assalaamu alaykum,

those fataawah are made by scholars living in muslim lands where many of the people of the book slaughter their meat according to the correct rules of cutting the throat and bleeding the animal whilst pronouncing the name of God.

however when circumstances change so do the rulings, so therefore we cannot take a fatwah from arabia and apply it to the uk or US where the non-muslims just slaughter their meat without any restrictions and without pronouncing the name of God over it.

assalaamu alaykum,
Abu Abdullah

10-27-2006, 12:59 PM
What halal/kosher meat from people of the Book? What Book?! I find it weird that Jews and Christians who've deviated from the Book are still known as 'people of the book'. Yet if any muslim deviated from the Quran he wouldn't be a muslim any longer. Would we eat meat slaughtered by deviant muslim sects e.g. Ahmadis, Bahais, Druze and so on? I think not.

10-27-2006, 04:14 PM
Well Christians do not follow any of the laws of kashrut. Muslims are less strict on these laws which do not allow me to eat Halal food, but at the same time, Muslims could eat more because how strict the diatary and slaughtering is when it comes to Kosher meat. Not because it says "people of the book".

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