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View Full Version : Why does it take so long for threads and posts to show up?

11-21-2006, 02:20 AM
I can understand the frustrations some of you have over wondering why your posts are not seen immediatly.

Here are some reasons:

All threads and posts need to be approved by a moderator.

that sounds simple enough, but think of this:

Sometimes we might not be on line.

Some of the threads have links to other sites, those have to be checked out and verified for legitimacy before we will approve or disapprove the post.

Speaking for myself, sometimes there are posts that I personaly question the appropriatness of them. However, they are not blatantly offensive so I do hesitate and am very cautious about approving or deleting them, until I have explored all implications. (I'm slow, that can take time.) I believe I am not the only mod who thinks like that.

Some days there is an over abundance of threads.

With that said have patience when you post. We will get to each one as time permits. Expect a normal wait of 2 to 4 hours. If your post does not show up and you do not get a notice it has been deleted, it is most likely one that there is a problem in verifying the legitimacy of. At this moment there are several posts awaiting approval. Many of those have a lot of links on them, which are taking time to check out.

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08-06-2007, 10:00 AM
:sl: Brother all my posts got deleted even my poll- why is that? I had to re-register.

Grace Seeker
08-12-2007, 02:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ebtisweetsam
:sl: Brother all my posts got deleted even my poll- why is that? I had to re-register.

Twice this summer the whole system crashed. The administrators had to go to a back-up file that was before the crash. If you just happened to have registered in that time between when the back up was made and when the crash occurred, then you got lost in the time warp. And it was not just your posts, but everyone's, even actions the mods had taken. Most often technology is a blessing, but it too has its price and crashes of the system is one of them.

10-21-2007, 01:00 PM

I understand he good intention behind this action. However, personally I'm not sure how practical this is. Some of my points are below -

1. Many times people ask questions that are extremely simple and nonoffensive in which case waiting for approval seems very fraustrating and meaningless.

2. Many times there are questions of which people want to know the answer urgently. In such cases, delaying the post may be too late and may not serve its acual purpose.

3. IN GENERAL, the majority of threads are harmless which are posted by members of the forum who have been here for a long time with good reputations and sometimes occationally some threads may be inappropriate or offensive. What I'm trying to say is, in any islamic discussion board, generally there are far more positive threads than offensive or inappropriate ones. Therefore, in my opinion, its far easier and less time consuming to delete offensive/inappropriate threads than screening ALL the threads before approving.

4. If you are too worried about external links within the posts, then perhaps you can write a script (I guess its possible!) which will check whether the new thread contains any external links or not. If it has then it can wait for approval otherwise it can be posted immediately.

These are just my thoughts on this matter.

Jazakallah Khair.

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10-21-2007, 06:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by kh@led

I understand he good intention behind this action. However, personally I'm not sure how practical this is. Some of my points are below -Jazakallah Khair.

1. Many times people ask questions that are extremely simple and nonoffensive in which case waiting for approval seems very fraustrating and meaningless.
The fact that the thread has not been approved is an indication that there is no moderator for this section online at that time. We can not take the responsibility for possible erroneous information. Remember, the majority of our members are not scholars nor claim to be. Most of the very simple questions are more suitable for the open forums rather than for this section, which is trying to keep only valid information available for new Muslims.

2. Many times there are questions of which people want to know the answer urgently. In such cases, delaying the post may be too late and may not serve its acual purpose.
See Rule 12 of the FAQs:

12.This is not a Fiqh discussion board. Prolonged threads arguing over Fatwas and the details of Islamic law will be closed. Avoid asking questions that require a Scholar or Shaykh, as there is no one on the board qualified to answer your questions. Please use other knowledgeable means such as a scholar, Imam or knowledgeable person in your area or provide sources.

3. IN GENERAL, the majority of threads are harmless which are posted by members of the forum who have been here for a long time with good reputations and sometimes occationally some threads may be inappropriate or offensive. What I'm trying to say is, in any islamic discussion board, generally there are far more positive threads than offensive or inappropriate ones. Therefore, in my opinion, its far easier and less time consuming to delete offensive/inappropriate threads than screening ALL the threads before approving.
the reason you see mostly positive threads is because the mods delete the offensive ones quite fast. i know most members never see it but we do go through periods when we get bombarded by some very anti-Islamic people. Yesterday was a prime example and it happened during a short perid when no mods were on line.

4. If you are too worried about external links within the posts, then perhaps you can write a script (I guess its possible!) which will check whether the new thread contains any external links or not. If it has then it can wait for approval otherwise it can be posted immediately.
I don't know about the rest of the mods or of the admins, but I personally do not have the skills to do that.

10-22-2007, 05:58 AM

Jazakallah Khair bro Woodrow for your kind explanation. Although I don't agree with some of your points, I am not going to push or argue about it :)

I guess all I can say is that in this case, perhaps having more mods (specially who spend more time on this forum) can help in solving this waiting game :thumbs_up

11-17-2007, 05:14 AM
Assalam-o-alaikum w r w b
jazakallah khair brother woodrow for explaining peacefully
Assalam-o-alaikum w r w b

Christian Girl
01-17-2008, 10:10 PM
ok so you appove all threads

08-06-2008, 06:38 AM

May i suggest a roster system so that the mods can work in shifts? I know this is a voluntary services, but I feel work will be more efficient if at least one mod is online all the time.

By putting the mods on for maybe 2 hour shifts a day, you can ensure that the forum is never unsupervised. This would only be practical of course, if the mods live in different parts of the world, which i beleive is the case?

06-20-2009, 08:42 AM
I understand...this would stop all unwanted threads such as offense and advertising

06-22-2009, 03:10 PM
Ive been in a situation where i have written a short reply to a post in a thread i started and had to wait to see it go up. Reading the originating post of this thread has helped me understand why. :)

Grace Seeker
06-23-2009, 06:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by razzigirl
it's not fair a post should be deleted. This forum is for the public and we should be allowed to say what we want and not have to have it approved. What's the point of a forum if everything I write must be approved by someone?
But you are incorrect when you say that this forum is for the public. This is a private forum, run with a specific purpose in mind:
The mission of our e-Islamic community is to help foster a better understanding of Islam. To facilitate this, we have laid a set of guidelines that all members are required to read and adhere to. The Staff of this forum will edit or reject any post that violates these rules, and terminate the membership, based on the severity of the violation, of any member who acts in a manner inconsistent with the letter or spirit of these rules.
Even as a non-Muslim I need to remember that overarching purpose for the forum. And though I might have a different agenda personally, I need to remember that I am here as a guest. My "rights", such as I have them, extend only as far as I do not impose unfairly on my hosts courtesy. In this case, they have been clear when I invited myself in, that I was welcome within a certain set of guidelines. If I don't like those guidelines I am free to leave. If I can live with them, I am most welcome to stay. But I do not have the freedom to just do or say whatever I want unmonitored or without consequences. Again, if I want that, then this is not the right forum for me. And if you need that, then this is not the right forum for you either.

Forum Rules

FAQ's, including the one:
Q: Is there freedom of speech at Load-Islam Forums?
A: Freedom of speech rights do not extend to this privately owned website. The Guidelines of this website governs the behaviours and activities of the members. If you choose not to follow the guidelines agreed to during registration, the result is a disabling of your account.

You may not be satisfied with the above answer or the rationale behind it; nevertheless, it is the answer. As I tell my children when the don't like the house rules: you need to learn to live with it if you're going to live here.

06-23-2009, 09:47 AM
some forums are subject to spam bots. They spam the forum in great numbers everyday. Once banned they send new bots, so its very hard to control them.
But I dont like this rule either coz it really takes long sometimes.

06-27-2009, 12:43 PM
All users be patient because Patience=Sabr=Paradise:

‘Ata ibn Rabah related that he heard Ibn ‘Abbas say: “Shall I show you a woman of Paradise?”I said: “Yes, indeed.” He said: “A black woman came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and said: ‘I suffer from epileptic fits, and because of these, (at times) my body becomes uncovered. Would you invoke Allah, the Exalted One, to cure me of this disease? ‘ The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: ‘If you wish, you can be patient and you will attain Paradise (for this suffering). But if you prefer, I will pray to Allah, the Exalted, to cure you of it?’ The woman said: ‘I will be patient,’ then added: ‘I become uncovered (when I have fits), so invoke Allah for me that I do not become uncovered. ‘ So the Prophet, peace be upon him, prayed for her.” [Source: Fiqh-us-Sunnah, volume 4, #1a]

Muslim Woman
08-16-2009, 01:27 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by Yanal

All users be patient because Patience=Sabr=Paradise:

a good reminder , thanks :statisfie

08-27-2009, 06:06 PM
I also had a urgent question, and had to wait so long that I joined another forum and forgot about this one. I'm not even sure what brought me back here, i must have hit another bookmark than intended! :)

Of course I have to respect the moderators decisions, but this type of slow posting is a problem for me...hm....

In that other forum moderation was not interfering very much, and mostly via Smilie or PM.

I learned a lot, but there was also a lot of stress due to a fanatical woman who bashed others. What a drama...

01-24-2010, 05:17 PM

I am new here and posted a Thread for advice for a muslim friend who is thinking of leaving Islam, my post still has not been shown?

03-30-2010, 06:44 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Habibi1
I also had a urgent question, and had to wait so long that I joined another forum and forgot about this one. I'm not even sure what brought me back here, i must have hit another bookmark than intended! :)

Of course I have to respect the moderators decisions, but this type of slow posting is a problem for me...hm....

In that other forum moderation was not interfering very much, and mostly via Smilie or PM.

I learned a lot, but there was also a lot of stress due to a fanatical woman who bashed others. What a drama...
Masha Allah, I run a forum myself, the thing is, the public who surf in and look on the site and forum and see postings may and usually attribute content and comments to the managers or administrators of the forum.

Where it concerns a sensitive area like giving responses to questions raised by people who are not muslims, then it pays to be careful to check the responses and the queries posted to make sure it does not create offense or insurgence or that people don't misinterprete comments and so much more.

The larger the forum, the more there is to moderate, so its a hard task and I am guessing like me the moderators do not sit on the internet all day watching the forum and reading all entries like robots, they stop to eat sometimes.

Don't be upset, it is a charitable venture having a forum board, it is also hard work coping with large numbers of members and large volumes of posts.

Try not to consider it as your one stop shop for answers to everything but rather as a place where you can air and put on air matters of concern and hopefully people who are knowledgable and kind enough may review your questions and to answer them or comment. Aside from this, bear in mind, that sometimes, you may post a question which is similar to one posted before or has been posted recently so try to search the threads to see first before you post.

Good luck and please patience patience. Masalaam

03-30-2010, 06:50 PM
Patience patience

02-25-2011, 12:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by
(I'm slow, that can take time.) I believe I am not the only mod who thinks like that
asalaam aleykum,

that for sure any has to admit, But brother let us...re think for smoothest way for mods etc;
let us say u dont approve or delete, ok you dont but what about the one who started the thread?
What i mean if thread is removed...the one who started the thread is to loose (10 points) BUT that too after his appeal has been refused by the concerned; simultaneously has appeared and seen by all on board, and visually white washed writing's of being deleted.

i know you have not asked for any advice as how to improve YOUR board but i wont hesitate to please have a look or Think

how about that square Report abuse on top right hand corned, i dont mean that to be ignored or accepted by all but...there must be some members chosen by YOU as your SCOUT for the page, say if 5 out of 8 u have choose report then there action to be taken and yet
the thread started is to be given chance to APPEAL; should his/her appeal being denied automatically loose 10pont,
for sure to loose clicks neither admin nor mod would like that.

once again my brother

take me ..as usual...am "Still Learning"
and eager to.

02-27-2011, 07:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by wiino

asalaam aleykum,

that for sure any has to admit, But brother let us...re think for smoothest way for mods etc;
let us say u dont approve or delete, ok you dont but what about the one who started the thread?
What i mean if thread is removed...the one who started the thread is to loose (10 points) BUT that too after his appeal has been refused by the concerned; simultaneously has appeared and seen by all on board, and visually white washed writing's of being deleted.

i know you have not asked for any advice as how to improve YOUR board but i wont hesitate to please have a look or Think

how about that square Report abuse on top right hand corned, i dont mean that to be ignored or accepted by all but...there must be some members chosen by YOU as your SCOUT for the page, say if 5 out of 8 u have choose report then there action to be taken and yet
the thread started is to be given chance to APPEAL; should his/her appeal being denied automatically loose 10pont,
for sure to loose clicks neither admin nor mod would like that.

once again my brother

take me ..as usual...am "Still Learning"
and eager to.
:sl: Akhi,

Jazakallahu Khayran for sharing your thoughts and suggestions. They do have merit in them and is something we may look further into in regards to posts and threads that have been reported, before deleting them.

The topic we are speaking of here are threads and posts that have not yet been seen by any members. The only one who has seen them for certain, is the person who wrote them.

I can understand the frustrations some of you have over wondering why your posts are not seen immediately.

Here are some reasons:

All threads and posts need to be approved by a moderator.

that sounds simple enough, but think of this:

Sometimes we might not be on line.

Some of the threads have links to other sites, those have to be checked out and verified for legitimacy before we will approve or disapprove the post.

Speaking for myself, sometimes there are posts that I personaly question the appropriatness of them. However, they are not blatantly offensive so I do hesitate and am very cautious about approving or deleting them, until I have explored all implications. (I'm slow, that can take time.) I believe I am not the only mod who thinks like that.

Some days there is an over abundance of threads.

With that said have patience when you post. We will get to each one as time permits. Expect a normal wait of 2 to 4 hours. If your post does not show up and you do not get a notice it has been deleted, it is most likely one that there is a problem in verifying the legitimacy of. At this moment there are several posts awaiting approval. Many of those have a lot of links on them, which are taking time to check out.
In the sections that require a moderators approval, before being visible on the boards, the members have not yet seen the post. Those sections are fully moderated and the threads and post need to be approved by a moderator. There are several reasons this is done.

1. The content may be inappropriate for the section.

2. The section is one that has been the most vulnerable to attacks against Islam and used often by trolls and other trouble makers.

3. The section is often considered to be a valid teaching about Islam and/or the opinion of the Forum owner and administrators.

For those and additional reasons we have found it necessary to verify that threads and posts are appropriate for the section. Are something that the staff agrees are correct and do not promote any deliberate errors.

The majority of the threads and posts are eventually approved. It is regrettable we had to take these steps that slow down the posting of some of the most important topics. But, sadly, experience has shown us that this has to be done to protect the members and staff from being the victims of some malicious people.

02-28-2011, 08:43 AM
wa aleykum salaam

i will read the message again, InshaAllah.

i thank you for really nice reply and language simple so i understand a little better.
And one thing brother i would like to point out about moderating...refering to my thread "long life'
see the thread:

format_quote Originally Posted by
Quote Originally Posted by Abdullahii View Post
why do you think they have squeaky voices??
that "squeaky voices"
i think it not proper and should be deleted; i hope u understand that !
if i may go into simple details...what about those who "roars"
After seeing that i also asked him if he was ready and reply positive
then i posted...

"Do you fancy a bunk up? "

thats too abusive and surely to be deleted
But...neither his nor mine have been deleted

i therefore myself to loose 10 point, post deleted
and then the choice is yours for the first party.

my posts deleted i still APPEAL for they have no abusive words not wronging any madhHab...etc(MY request can i have them back through me inbox? so i can go through make sure ,..i will show my partners if I did/or have anything as to be deleted?)

.there is one thread which is still running....about gay marriage...i doubt about it, Muslims we have got nothing to discuss about it....But i through to one post which ...says:-

There is nothing wrong if they just live together as far as they dont touch each other(something like that)
><><> i know for me HEAVY English and language used but, thanks....where their is a will there is a way...to decode some and undrstand the targeted.

not for forget myself as ......"still learning'
and hope to gain more.

thank you sir;

03-04-2011, 09:59 PM
I am active on a christian forum ; an interfaith forum and this forum. On the other forums my questions appear instantly. Im sure they must have similar problems as this forum. I should hope any delay is not just an attempt at censorship of any challenges to Islamic Beliefs. While agreeing that screening out idiots is vital; i should think that being able to accept challenges is what proves true strength.

03-14-2011, 09:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by 3rddec
I am active on a christian forum ; an interfaith forum and this forum. On the other forums my questions appear instantly. Im sure they must have similar problems as this forum. I should hope any delay is not just an attempt at censorship of any challenges to Islamic Beliefs. While agreeing that screening out idiots is vital; i should think that being able to accept challenges is what proves true strength.
We approve most posts. However, we have had the unfortunate event of having trolls. It's only for the betterment of the forum that we moderate posts. We also make an attempt to approve as fast as we humanely can, using the staff's discretion and wisdom. Nothing personal! :)

Grace Seeker
03-14-2011, 11:06 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Beardo

We approve most posts. However, we have had the unfortunate event of having trolls. It's only for the betterment of the forum that we moderate posts. We also make an attempt to approve as fast as we humanely can, using the staff's discretion and wisdom. Nothing personal! :)
I wasn't planning on posting during Lent, but for the sake of those who may be in some state of doubt, I want to affirm that the above is indeed true.

I have been a member of this forum for many years and have made many posts. Most of them post immediately. In those few forums where posts are examined, I think only one of over 5000 posts was ever not eventually posted, and for that I got a PM explaining why. I understood the concern (which didn't have anything to do with what I had actually written, but a concern that I had accidently hit on a topic that sometimes prompts infighting among Muslims, something that the moderators wished to avoid). They let me re-write my post and that thread still exists somewhere on the forum today.

Though I think that moderators may need to examine what I consider the trollish behavior of a few posters who often post in ways that incite (and I believe are intended to incite) posters with whom they have theological differences -- a behavior not exclusive to any one faith -- I've never felt that the forum was moderated unfairly toward persons of a faith different than Islam and I certainly don't see signs that the occassional delay in posting is "an attempt at censorship of any challenges to Islamic Beliefs."

03-15-2011, 09:41 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by
I've never felt that the forum was moderated unfairly toward persons of a faith different than Islam and I certainly don't see signs that the occassional delay in posting is "an attempt at censorship of any challenges to Islamic Beliefs."
Brother in humanity
Nothing personal! ................to whatever i post and being deleted or not appeared that's responsibility rests with the One who deleted it, and as for IB as the whole.

....i have noticed here as some do have double accounts; ........but that to me as usual.........i am still Learning.

03-15-2011, 09:42 AM
Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting

thats is standard thank you

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