One trick that shaytaan uses alot is to persuade you to commit a sin.
Shaytaan: Go on, do it.. Allaah's the Most Merciful and you can repent later.
Shaytaan keeps whispering to the person to do it, and if the person really desires to do that sin and they don't control themselves - they will fall into the sin.
[so its a mixture of:
DESIRE + WASWASA (whisperings of shaytaan)
= SIN]
After you commit the sin, you might regret what you just did. You'll feel guilty about it.
You might even want to repent.
The Messenger of Allah (Sal Allahu alayhi waSalam) said:
"All the sons of Adam are sinners (wrongdoers)but the best of sinners are those who repent often."*
But now that you want to repent, shaytaan will turn the tables around totally. He'll start whispering to you and telling you that you're too bad, you're a sinner and Allaah will never accept your repentance.
He'll keep whispering to you and telling you that its not worth it.
If he's successful, the person will end up giving up hope and carry on doing other sins because shaytaans made them believe that their too bad to do good or to repent anyway.
But the continuation of the hadith above is:
The Messenger of Allah (Sal Allahu alayhi waSalam) said:
"All the sons of Adam are sinners (wrongdoers) but the best of sinners are those who repent often."*
Allah says in the Qur'an:
« "O My slaves who have transgressed agaisnt themselves! Despair not for the Mercy of Allah, verily Allah forgives all sins. Truly He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." »
[Qur'an, 39:53]
* (Related by Tirmidhi and Ibn Maajah)