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View Full Version : Racist spits at Muslim on train

Abu Ibraheem
12-08-2006, 04:04 PM
Friday, 24th November 2006, 07:40
Category: Crime and Punishment
A racist football thug who spat at a Muslim and abused her as she travelled home from a service for the July 7 bombing victims was jailed for 21 months yesterday.

Charles Adams, 23, of Colindale, called the white Muslim convert in a burkha a 'Muslim slag' and said her four year-old son, who was with her, would be the 'next suicide bomber' in the 20 minute ordeal on a train.

His father Mark Adams, 50, and brother Mark Adams, 26, joined in the abuse, telling her to 'shut the **** up' and that she should 'go back to her own country'.

Victim Michelle Idrees, of Luton, had attended a July 7th bombings ceremony in Hyde Park in August 2005 with her four children aged between four and eleven, a nephew and some friends.

Meanwhile, father and son football louts the Adams had spent the afternoon in the pub drinking after watching Arsenal play at Highbury stadium in the first game of the season.

Aisha Khan, prosecuting, told Middlesex Guildhall Crown Court that the Idrees family boarded a Thameslink train at King's Cross station, and found seating near a toilet.

She said: "Charles Adams walked past the group and said 'Terrorist bomber, bomber terrorist'.

"In response, she stood up and said 'Why are you calling us terrorists?' An argument then followed.

"She didn't wish to put up with the abuse in front of her children. Other witnesses described her protective stance before her children.

"It was then that Charles Adams called her a Muslim slag'.

"He then turned to her four year-old son, who was sitting next to her, and said 'That's the next suicide bomber'.

"Mark Adams junior then became involved, he told his brother to leave it, and then told Michelle Idrees to 'Shut up, shut up, *****'.

"Charles Adams then came towards Michelle Idrees, he appeared very fired up. Mark Adams junior was holding his brother back and it was at this point that Charles leaned across his brother and spat in the face of Michelle Idrees.

"She described feeling quite degraded.

"Later on in the incident Mark Adams senior became involved. He approached Michelle Idrees and said 'Why are you dressed like a Paki if you don't want these things done to you?

"'I can't take my daughter on the train to see a football match or to the West End because of people like you. Why don't you go back to your own country?'"

The ordeal lasted 20 minutes before Mrs Idrees notified the train conductor and the train was stopped at West Hampstead station while police arrived.

Ms Khan added: "A witnesses described it as the worst scene of violent abuse he had seen in his life."

Mr Justice Calvert-Smith described the attack as a 'long, terrifying and humiliating experience'. He added: "It's undoubtedly the case that supporters of football who drink alcohol are much more likely to lose their inhibitions and behave like you three did on this day.

"Everybody who lived in London in August 2005 was still affected by the events of the 21st July and before that, the dreadful experience of the 7th July, but that is no excuse whatsoever for your behaviour."

Mr Justice Calvert-Smith jailed Charles Adams for a total of 21 months for racially aggravated common assault and affray.

Adams, a window cleaner and father of one, with another child due in three months, had previously been jailed for attacking a man with a golf club and leaving him with 33 stitches to the head. His father Mark Adams was given a 30 week prison term suspended for 12 months for racially aggravated threatening and abusive behaviour.

Mark Adams junior was ordered to pay £250 compensation to the victim, £400 court costs and do 100 hours community service for public harassment


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12-08-2006, 04:25 PM
You should expect this from a family of trash, yobs, abu ASBOs, football hooligans, and most importantly, chavs.

- Qatada -
12-08-2006, 04:32 PM

May Allaah protect the oppressed, and guide us all forever. ameen.

12-08-2006, 04:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram
You should expect this from a family of ***** trash, yobs, abu ASBOs, football hooligans, and most importantly, chavs.
I advise to edit the post a bit.

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12-08-2006, 04:37 PM


I just can't stand these things happening... How stupid and unbearable rude people can be, subhan Allah.

Ameen to the dua above.

12-08-2006, 04:38 PM
White trash-British Rednecks.......Not refering to 'white' people....Nor am I criticizing any racial groups....

12-08-2006, 04:39 PM
Assalamu aleikum

I feel her :cry: :cry: coz almost da same thing happened to me on a bus ride.But he never called me a terrorist but has told me to go back to ma country and dress like that.When i told him to say da same thing to da cops coz i was gonna call he apologised and left me.i never reported it.

12-08-2006, 04:50 PM
What a terrifying ordeal!!
I cannot begin to imagine how scared I would feel - especially when in charge of several young children! :cry:
Mr Justice Calvert-Smith jailed Charles Adams for a total of 21 months for racially aggravated common assault and affray.

Adams, a window cleaner and father of one, with another child due in three months, had previously been jailed for attacking a man with a golf club and leaving him with 33 stitches to the head. His father Mark Adams was given a 30 week prison term suspended for 12 months for racially aggravated threatening and abusive behaviour.

Mark Adams junior was ordered to pay £250 compensation to the victim, £400 court costs and do 100 hours community service for public harassment
Do people here feel the punishments are appropriate for the crimes committed?


Abu Ibraheem
12-08-2006, 04:56 PM
I went to the hospital and was called a murderer in front of every body, i could tell that the people was more scared of his mouth than me, so i felt that as a reassurance.

Abu Ibraheem
12-08-2006, 04:58 PM
I really think they should take these type of people to trafalgar square and put them in those old wooden head trap things where you have your head and wrists locked inside and then everybody throw tomatoes, eggs at him. Even green mucas missles !

12-08-2006, 05:04 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abu Ibraheem
I really think they should take these type of people to trafalgar square and put them in those old wooden head trap things where you have your head and wrists locked inside and then everybody throw tomatoes, eggs at him. Even green mucas missles !
There is a school of thought which argues that such old methods of public humiliation would be very effective means of punishment indeed, and deter people from recommitting their crimes ...!


12-08-2006, 05:11 PM
Generalized hatred and prejudice is the result of ignorance and misconceptions. There is no workable punishment as any punishment will only reinforce the persons belief that their misconceptions are valid.

The only effective tool for ending it is, education.

12-08-2006, 06:11 PM
This is absolutely disgraceful. Wha a terrible ordeal for a lone woman with her children to endure. I feel for her. imsad

Charles Adams is a pussy, people like him feel big after picking on women. What a low scum Charles Adams, his brother Mark, and their father are. If the father has such low morals, imagine how his kids would be. Wait, no need to imagine, they just showed it. Probably, Charles wouldnt dare to do such a thing to a male Muslim convert, or else he may end up with 2 black eyes, and rightfully so I might add. This country has zero tolerance towards racism, lets keep it that way.

Abu Ibraheem:

I really think they should take these type of people to trafalgar square and put them in those old wooden head trap things where you have your head and wrists locked inside and then everybody throw tomatoes, eggs at him. Even green mucas missles !
I'm inclined to agree only if it helps reduce the amount of such crimes being committed. But the punishment should match the level of the crime.

May Allah (swt) help our Sister who was abused and keep her steadfast in her new Deen, Ameen.

12-08-2006, 06:20 PM
Strange incident. Was there any indication that alcohol was involved here? Perhaps these guys were just that ignorant.

12-08-2006, 06:24 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
Do people here feel the punishments are appropriate for the crimes committed?

Not really, but it's probably as much compensation they can afford to pay, the racist scutters.

Abu Ibraheem
12-08-2006, 06:50 PM
Slandering chaste women is a big crime, no matter the charge, keep in mind he called her a slag! in otherwords a hoar a prostitute which penults a greater punishment than a few tomatoes and rotten eggs, not forgetting the mucas pukas. and plus there are ayahs in surat ul azaaab that deals with hurting believing women, i believe i am being to soft in his punishment.

MusLiM 4 LiFe
12-08-2006, 06:55 PM
uno wot i wudda dun.. spat on him hahaha.. no i wudnt reli.. il jz hav a big go at him n start lafin at him :D people like dat yh pay no atention2 cuz dey loserz n at da end of da day deyr da ppl hu make da world a bad place 2 liv in (chavz?)

12-16-2006, 08:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Iqram
White trash-British Rednecks.......Not refering to 'white' people....Nor am I criticizing any racial groups....
Ya...ok. Sure. :rollseyes

12-16-2006, 10:46 AM

That is just terrible!!! How pathetic, three men ganging up one lady and her kids?!:raging: :raging:

I wonder if anyone else on the train came to her defense...

12-17-2006, 06:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah

I wonder if anyone else on the train came to her defense...


Exactly what I was thinking.

12-17-2006, 10:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah
I wonder if anyone else on the train came to her defense...
I doubt it. One muslim sister got punched in the nose after 9/11 on the london underground, whilst she was on the tube by some man- who'd attacked her for no other reason then being muslim (she was wearing a headscarf). An old lady offered her a tissue to wipe the blood off her nose, but no-one came to her aid.

Another sister in Scotland was smacked over the head with a bottle by a man after 9/11 as well, in a full bus with passengers and no-one in the bus helped her, even though she was bleeding. The bus driver didnt even stop for her or call ambulance- he just let her out on the next stop and drove off. She was also wearing a headscarf at the time of attack.

In both instances, they're were many wtinesses but yet they all remain silent and unmoved from their chairs when these attacks too place- men and women.

So, do i think anyone rushed to help this hijabi woman who was being intmidated and aggresively hassled by three men? I doubt it, but i hope someone did.

If none of those women were unreconsiable as muslims and looked like any other asian or white woman, would they have been helped more? Yes!

Sad really because had i been there, whether the victim was muslim or no muslim, i'd never watch that happen to someone and stay silent. Even if i couldnt confront the aggersor out of fear of being harmed, i wouldnt walk away from someone hurt and atleast see if they're ok or if they need any police/ambulance or something. I would have thought that most people would do that as well, but it turns out not to be the case.

12-18-2006, 12:09 AM
Slander and verbal assault are crimes. And they should be.

However, there should not be a special category of "hate crimes". The crime is the crime regardless of motivation.

The wrongdoer should get the same punishment for racist slander as for slander about other things, like personal history or family association or appearance or whatever.

I think the court handled this case right.

12-18-2006, 12:12 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Durrah
I doubt it. One muslim sister got punched in the nose after 9/11 on the london underground, whilst she was on the tube by some man- who'd attacked her for no other reason then being muslim (she was wearing a headscarf). An old lady offered her a tissue to wipe the blood off her nose, but no-one came to her aid.

Another sister in Scotland was smacked over the head with a bottle by a man after 9/11 as well, in a full bus with passengers and no-one in the bus helped her, even though she was bleeding. The bus driver didnt even stop for her or call ambulance- he just let her out on the next stop and drove off. She was also wearing a headscarf at the time of attack.

:offended: :offended: You dont have much of a friendly country there do you... :uuh:

12-18-2006, 12:27 AM
who was this p***, werent there any people around to help her.. i would kicked that dum sob ass.. whats there problem whay they attacking lady for, yh they thik there big cuz they spat at a muslim lady. buch of idiots

... they should lock these peole for life..

''described it as the worst scene of violent abuse he had seen in his life''
well u should of done something or atleast of said something.. what about the kids what u think how he must of felt.. callin him the next suicide bomber.. watching his mother being spit at u think hes gonna forget that..

12-18-2006, 08:02 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by khalil27
who was this p***, werent there any people around to help her.. i would kicked that dum sob ass.. whats there problem whay they attacking lady for, yh they thik there big cuz they spat at a muslim lady. buch of idiots

... they should lock these peole for life..

''described it as the worst scene of violent abuse he had seen in his life''
well u should of done something or atleast of said something.. what about the kids what u think how he must of felt.. callin him the next suicide bomber.. watching his mother being spit at u think hes gonna forget that..
I agree with you that the bahaviour was disgusting, and others should have defended her. But do you really think you could have "kicked that dum sob ass"? What if he planted you firmly on your bottom on the floor of the train? What help would you be to the woman then?

12-18-2006, 08:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Durrah
I doubt it. One muslim sister got punched in the nose after 9/11 on the london underground, whilst she was on the tube by some man- who'd attacked her for no other reason then being muslim (she was wearing a headscarf). An old lady offered her a tissue to wipe the blood off her nose, but no-one came to her aid.

Another sister in Scotland was smacked over the head with a bottle by a man after 9/11 as well, in a full bus with passengers and no-one in the bus helped her, even though she was bleeding. The bus driver didnt even stop for her or call ambulance- he just let her out on the next stop and drove off. She was also wearing a headscarf at the time of attack.

In both instances, they're were many wtinesses but yet they all remain silent and unmoved from their chairs when these attacks too place- men and women.

So, do i think anyone rushed to help this hijabi woman who was being intmidated and aggresively hassled by three men? I doubt it, but i hope someone did.

Sad really because had i been there, whether the victim was muslim or no muslim, i'd never watch that happen to someone and stay silent. Even if i couldnt confront the aggersor out of fear of being harmed, i wouldnt walk away from someone hurt and atleast see if they're ok or if they need any police/ambulance or something. I would have thought that most people would do that as well, but it turns out not to be the case.
Those are terrible incidents, Durrah! :uuh:

If none of those women were unreconsiable as muslims and looked like any other asian or white woman, would they have been helped more? Yes!
I am not sure that this is a racial or anti-Muslim problem.
Rather I think that people nowadays are generally reluctant ot 'get involved' and 'interfere' in our society.

Sad, but true ... :-\


12-18-2006, 09:02 AM
Malaysians could be racists ... but never heard such a thing like that happen here...:grumbling

12-18-2006, 09:02 AM
If none of those women were unreconsiable as muslims and looked like any other asian or white woman, would they have been helped more? Yes!
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I am not sure that this is a racial or anti-Muslim problem.
Rather I think that people nowadays are generally reluctant ot 'get involved' and 'interfere' in our society.

Sad, but true ... :-\

The reason I believe is that people are afraid that they will be harmed as well. If the men are very aggressive people will be afraid.

12-18-2006, 09:15 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by SilentObserver
The reason I believe is that people are afraid that they will be harmed as well. If the men are very aggressive people will be afraid.
I agree to some extend.
If there was a bottle-wielding maniac on the bus I probably wouldn't challenge him either!
But if several people took action, it would be a different matter!!

And there are other things which individuals could do to help.

Like the old lady who offered her hanky.

With the muslimah who was just dropped off at the bus stop despite bleeding, somebody could have gotten off with her to make sure she was alright and got home!

If nothing else people can raise these issues publicly, write letters to the paper or their MP.

There is always something that can be done ...


12-18-2006, 09:25 AM
BBC Breaking NEWS:Racist Stares at Muslim man in Bus.


12-18-2006, 09:26 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by glo
I agree to some extend.
If there was a bottle-wielding maniac on the bus I probably wouldn't challenge him either!
But if several people took action, it would be a different matter!!

And there are other things which individuals could do to help.

Like the old lady who offered her hanky.

With the muslimah who was just dropped off at the bus stop despite bleeding, somebody could have gotten off with her to make sure she was alright and got home!

If nothing else people can raise these issues publicly, write letters to the paper or their MP.

There is always something that can be done ...

You are right.

I like to think I would help if in such a situation.

12-18-2006, 02:20 PM

... and this country says its the best multricultrual country in the world! lol

my uncle woz on the same train as the one that got bombed, but he caught the one before it (if u understand wt i mean)
and when he woz coming home from work he had to leave all his tools at work, at the BBC, just in case the police checked him and sed that he woz makin bombs (he's a young muslim),
he sed that wen he caught the bus to the station in the afternoon, an arab muslim lady came on the bus and as soon as she came on 4 or 5 white ppl came off the bus. its sad.

well, thats ma story

12-18-2006, 02:29 PM
''an arab muslim lady came on the bus and as soon as she came on 4 or 5 white ppl came off the bus''

Good more space on the bus for other passengers..

12-18-2006, 02:33 PM
If I was NOT Muslim I'd chop his hand off set an example to other people, I mean what must the children think, imagine that, the person you look upto the most, the person who is supposed to make you feel that everything is secure and you see her abused and threatned, it will have such a bad effect on those kids :( for real though, I mean the guy, from what I read, has beating another person or something, so definetly, chop his hand or his tongue off.

And hopefully more sisters will go with husbands and brothers to events inshaAllah, not that the husband is super man and can take any thread out, but it can be a good deterent.

12-18-2006, 02:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Al Habeshi
If I was NOT Muslim I'd chop his hand off set an example to other people, I mean what must the children think, imagine that, the person you look upto the most, the person who is supposed to make you feel that everything is secure and you see her abused and threatned, it will have such a bad effect on those kids :( for real though, I mean the guy, from what I read, has beating another person or something, so definetly, chop his hand or his tongue off.

And hopefully more sisters will go with husbands and brothers to events inshaAllah, not that the husband is super man and can take any thread out, but it can be a good deterent.
Whatever do you mean, you would chop his hand off?? :uuh:

12-18-2006, 02:39 PM
I agree but not his hand, cut his tounge...

12-18-2006, 09:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Maarya

... and this country says its the best multricultrual country in the world! lol

my uncle woz on the same train as the one that got bombed, but he caught the one before it (if u understand wt i mean)
and when he woz coming home from work he had to leave all his tools at work, at the BBC, just in case the police checked him and sed that he woz makin bombs (he's a young muslim),
he sed that wen he caught the bus to the station in the afternoon, an arab muslim lady came on the bus and as soon as she came on 4 or 5 white ppl came off the bus. its sad.

well, thats ma story
Multiculturalism doesn't work. Islam and Christianity doesn't mix. Christians are tolerant of other religions, too tolerant at times. There will be a few that will actually lose it and this is an example of that.

12-18-2006, 09:34 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by England
Multiculturalism doesn't work. Islam and Christianity doesn't mix. Christians are tolerant of other religions, too tolerant at times. There will be a few that will actually lose it and this is an example of that.
I agree that multiculturalism hasn't been a great success so far, but this issue really doesn't have anything to do with that. This was just a completely rude act upon an innocent person. Doesn't matter whether the woman is Muslim or Christian, any verbal attack upon a woman minding her own business should be condemned by all.

12-18-2006, 09:41 PM
Multiculturalism is very workable. If only we would all live as we say we believe.

12-18-2006, 10:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Keltoi
Doesn't matter whether the woman is Muslim or Christian, any verbal attack upon a woman minding her own business should be condemned by all.

Race and creed are not relevant. You go ape on some innocent person and you should be condemned by all, no matter who you are and no matter who they are.

12-18-2006, 10:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by England
Multiculturalism doesn't work. Islam and Christianity doesn't mix. Christians are tolerant of other religions, too tolerant at times. There will be a few that will actually lose it and this is an example of that.

Multiculturalism works fine so long as the cultures being mixed are non-aggressive towards one another. The die hards of monotheistic religions, that claim their way to be the only way, tend to fail in this regard. The rest of us get along with each other fine.

12-18-2006, 11:41 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Pygoscelis
Multiculturalism works fine so long as the cultures being mixed are non-aggressive towards one another. The die hards of monotheistic religions, that claim their way to be the only way, tend to fail in this regard. The rest of us get along with each other fine.
Change Die Hards to misusers and I will agree with you. I consider myself to be very much a "Die Hard" monotheistic Muslim. But, I would never do anything to deliberatly deny another person the right to believe or disbelieve as they choose. I am also anti-aggression except in the case of protection of Islam, Family, Innocent People, Country, Friends, and Self, in those orders of priority.

12-18-2006, 11:58 PM
Set this particular case aside for the moment, as I think we all agree that what occurred with this poor woman was wrong.

The subject of multiculturalism was brought up , and I think that is obviously a very important part of this. I think there is a perception, both real and otherwise, that Muslims do not want to integrate into Western society. This creates a "them and us" mindset. This situation isn't special in relation to Muslims, as history has shown us this problem over and over again. There has to be a way to introduce Europeans and Americans to the reality of the "normal" Muslim, the Muslims who are just as religious as the "extremist", but also true followers of Islam. Neighbors like any other, that will call the cops when robbers break into your house when you're gone. Okay, that was random, but hopefully you know what I'm trying to say. There is a perception out there that Muslims do not want to be British, American, French, etc, as in they will live, work, and accept the benefits of Western society, but will also pray for its downfall. Some of this is caused by media sensationalism and some of it by statements made by radicals. Either way, the perception is real. Somebody, hopefully our government leaders, needs to make a big effort to introduce the reality of our Muslim neighbors and not the Muslims we see on TV blowing up people and themselves. Anyway, just my long-winded two cents.

12-19-2006, 06:35 PM
This is sad and wrong. InshAllah something will be done.

12-19-2006, 07:00 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by England
Islam and Christianity doesn't mix.

Well of course two religions won't mix but the people that follow these religions can surely get along. Allah orders us to be tolerant of other people even though we may not agree with all of their views. There will always be that small population of people in every group that will mess it up for everyone else.

Honestly, I don't think that the punishment was enough for what happened. Filing a huge lawsuit for being degraded and publicly humiliated and verbally abused is more along the lines of what the punishment should have been. But I guess that didn't happen. I just hope that these men learn how to respect others, whether they like them or not, regardless of religion and clothing.

12-19-2006, 07:12 PM
What a horrendous incident! Given the state of the British legal system, i wouldn't be surprised if the racist is out in a couple of months.

12-19-2006, 08:14 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by strider
What a horrendous incident! Given the state of the British legal system, i wouldn't be surprised if the racist is out in a couple of months.
To be honest, I'm actually surprised they will see any prison time at all. These sorts of incidents happen all the time, without the element of racism or religious intolerance. I would say that the severity of their punishment is due to the fact that it was against a Muslim woman. If a drunken man verbally assaults a white Christian woman he would most likely not get much punishment at all, as long as the attack was verbal and not physical.

12-19-2006, 08:26 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Keltoi
To be honest, I'm actually surprised they will see any prison time at all. These sorts of incidents happen all the time, without the element of racism or religious intolerance. I would say that the severity of their punishment is due to the fact that it was against a Muslim woman. If a drunken man verbally assaults a white Christian woman he would most likely not get much punishment at all, as long as the attack was verbal and not physical.
I suspect that's true, also.

12-19-2006, 09:28 PM
Well, under British law, a clever lawyer could argue that spitting is battery. In any case, it's arguable on the facts given that this was at least an assault under British law - that is, it caused the victim to fear the use of violence.

It's done and dusted now anyway.

12-20-2006, 04:08 PM
I'm getting some Error Message so I can't read thru the whole thread :(

But it's terrible!! Just goes to show how liquor really brings out the worst in people. They were drunk weren't they?

I went to the bank two days ago with my mom and my dad. My dad wears the Thoub and Kufi and Me and my Mom wear Hijaab and Niqaab. Well anyway the security guard let my dad thru but when I and my mom tried to walk in he barred the door and pulled in closed in our face! When my dad turned around and saw what happened he came back and pushed the door open for us again, at which the security guard turned on him and was like " Whats the matter big boy? Tryna disrespect me? Whats your problem huh? You think I'm gonna let these people in? How I dont know if they're gonna blow up the place!?"
It was sooooo embarrassing :offended: and this Guy kept up this big fuss and everyone in the bank was turning around and watching us whilst he kept going on about how "These are the kind of people who you want to watch out for" and " Think they own the whole place " and other random stupid remarks.


12-21-2006, 12:21 PM
ur dad should of knocked the s*** out that security guard.. 3 against 1 big fat security guard....

Did you complain to the bank manager?

12-21-2006, 01:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by khalil27
ur dad should of knocked the s*** out that security guard.. 3 against 1 big fat security guard....
And that well thought-out plan wouldn't possibly reinforce negative stereotypes about 'violent Muslims', would it?

Did you complain to the bank manager?
Now you're speaking my language.

12-21-2006, 01:58 PM
Assalamo Aleikom,

It happend many times to me. But i have Sabr. The man lives in my neighbourhood. He never managed to spit actually on me, he spits next to me.

But i have Sabr. The reason is becauze of my gimaar!

But Alhamdolilah, if you see what people did to our Prophet (Peace and Blessings upon him) than you will get MAD!


12-23-2006, 12:05 PM

^Subhanallah so true!! No one is throwing camel guts on us, what are we complaining about?!

12-23-2006, 12:44 PM
This is true, but racism shouldn't be so extreme.

You can hate me, but do not spitt on me!!!

12-23-2006, 12:45 PM
^Of course we should always defend ourselves and show no tolerance to this kind of idiotic behaviour, but at the same time we should realise that most of the trouble we get is so small compared to what the prophet went through, and that he was patient and so we should be too, inshaallah.

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