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View Full Version : Some questions about Islam from a Catholic

12-19-2006, 03:35 AM

Recently I have been reading a lot about Islam in the Australian media (most of it bad). I realised that the only information I have about Islam is what I see in the media.. so I was hoping that I could get some questions answered by real Muslims.

Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong area.

Now, the questions:

1. What do muslims think of Catholics? I can understand why some of the extremist american christians could really annoy muslims (and everyone else), not sure about Catholics though. :?

2. I live in Australia (not sure where this forum is based). Do muslims that move to Australia want to convert everyone to Islam? or are they happy with peaceful co-existence? :?

3. What are the views on muslim extremists? I have heard that suicide bombers become martyrs and get 27 virgins in heaven or something. Is that true, or is that a load of rubbish? Do you have a "thou shall not kill" type rule? :?

4. What is the position of Mary and Joseph in Islam? :?


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12-19-2006, 03:38 AM
^^^lol to your questions...


before you give questions...i suggest you read the discover islam, the comparative religion and refutations sections.


12-19-2006, 03:45 AM
Hello DJ Simba.

format_quote Originally Posted by djsimba

Recently I have been reading a lot about Islam in the Australian media (most of it bad). I realised that the only information I have about Islam is what I see in the media.. so I was hoping that I could get some questions answered by real Muslims.

Sorry if I have posted this in the wrong area.

Now, the questions:

1. What do muslims think of Catholics? I can understand why some of the extremist american christians could really annoy muslims (and everyone else), not sure about Catholics though. :?
Wwll generally they come under the "title" people of the books.

2. I live in Australia (not sure where this forum is based). Do muslims that move to Australia want to convert everyone to Islam? or are they happy with peaceful co-existence? :?
Just convey the message. So you know what Islam is about.

What are the views on muslim extremists? I have heard that suicide bombers become martyrs and get 27 virgins in heaven or something. Is that true, or is that a load of rubbish? Do you have a "thou shall not kill" type rule? :?
We are suppose to be on the path of moderation, in the middle not going to either extreme in Islam. Althought the word moderate and extreme is distorted by the media to the point that non-muslim will get the wrong idea.

What is the position of Mary and Joseph in Islam? :?
Mary is the mother of Isa(pbuh) and Joseph is her husband.

We believe in the immaculate birth i.e. virgin birth. We don't believe Isa(pbuh) as God in anyway.

We only believe in Allah(s.w.t) the creator of the universe, and we set no partners with him in worship or divinity.

I gave you a quick answer.

12-19-2006, 03:48 AM
Thankyou, I do appreciate your help.

syilla : I will have a look at those sections

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12-19-2006, 04:22 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by djsimba
1. What do muslims think of Catholics? I can understand why some of the extremist american christians could really annoy muslims (and everyone else), not sure about Catholics though. :?
Why specifically Catholics? :? we generally talk about christians in general with out specifically looking at the different types.

2. I live in Australia (not sure where this forum is based). Do muslims that move to Australia want to convert everyone to Islam? or are they happy with peaceful co-existence? :?
This forum is based in the UK. Muslims move to Australia for a whole bunch of different reasons. Many have moved here because their own country is/was in a state of war. Muslims, in general, didnt move to Australia to convert anyone, they just came to find a place to live for their own personal reasons, just like all the other people who came to Australia. Most Muslims just want to live their life in peace and do not want the media bombarding them with stupid stereotypes.

That said, there are Muslims who might have come to Australia, or who might have been born here, and wish to convert people to Islam. That is not illegal so I dont see why it should be an issue. They only want to best for others. :)

3. What are the views on muslim extremists? I have heard that suicide bombers become martyrs and get 27 virgins in heaven or something. Is that true, or is that a load of rubbish? Do you have a "thou shall not kill" type rule? :?
In Islam is it absolutely illegal to kill a person. The only time it is allowed is during war (and the war must be legitamate!), or when the person has committed a crime and the punishment for that crime is death. In Islam we have the death penalty, it very complicated, and can not be explained in a paragraph. :)

Martyrs, who are fighting for a just cause for the sake of God, are amongst those who have the highest status in the eyes of God because they gave up their own lives to fight for justice and to spread the word of God, so that they can benefit other people. They have a huge reward. For example, everyone who is granted paradise has to wait until after the Day of Judgement to enter it, whereas the martyr enters it as soon as he dies, because of the sacrifice that he made. He is also forgiven of all his siins and does not have to face suffer through the Day of Judgement. Yes, he gets 72 virgins from the women of paradise as a reward also, and I do not see what is wrong with that.

About suicide bombers, well lets just say that if some person goes and blows himself up on a train in Asutralia this afternoon, he is not a martyr! That is a very serious sin, he cannot kill innocent women and children, nor old men!

However, if he blows himself up in the middle of a battle field, I think we can all see that it is a different story, and this is a matter that is very complicated and I do not want to get in to it.

4. What is the position of Mary and Joseph in Islam? :?
Who is Joseph? Do you mean the prophet Joseph? Or someone else?

About Mary- Muslims believe that she is one of the most perect women from amongst all of mankind! We have huge, total respect for her!

From the Quran:
And (remember) when the angels said: "O Maryam (Mary)! Verily, Allâh has chosen you, purified you (from polytheism and disbelief), and chosen you above the women of the 'Alamîn (mankind and jinns) (of her lifetime)."

Chapter 3: Verse 42

I would like to also take this chance to explain a bit here about Jesus in Islam. We believe in Jesus. No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus. However, we do not believe that he was the son of God. He was a prophet like any other prophet. He was not crucified, rather God took him up to the heavens and he will be returned to Earth one day and live the rest of his life and die a natural death.

12-19-2006, 04:46 AM
1. What do muslims think of Catholics? I can understand why some of the extremist american christians could really annoy muslims (and everyone else), not sure about Catholics though. :?
Having been a Catholic, Buddhist and an Agnostic in my past I may give you some idea. I was Catholic until my Early to mid 20"s Was actually quite good at it. Went the whole nine yards. Catechism, Alter Boy, CYO, Brown Scapular, and even KofC had aspirations of being a priest. In fact I was a seminarian when I decided I was a Buddhist.

In my younger days I did quite a bit of traveling through out the Mid-East and in my early trips I was Catholic. It was then I discovered that Muslims have the same if not more respect of Mary that Catholics have and that there was very high regard for Isa(as) {Jesus9as)}. I never had any problem. I never saw any animosity towards Christians of any faith, but I did see lots of intolerance towards evangelicals and those who try to prostylize Christianity with a lot of fanfare.

2. I live in Australia (not sure where this forum is based). Do muslims that move to Australia want to convert everyone to Islam? or are they happy with peaceful co-existence? :?
The Qur'an itself is the best answer for that.

2:256. Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. S P C

Yusuf Ali's Quran Translation

Although most of us would love to see everybody accept Islam, we recognise a person's right to reject it.

3. What are the views on muslim extremists? I have heard that suicide bombers become martyrs and get 27 virgins in heaven or something. Is that true, or is that a load of rubbish? Do you have a "thou shall not kill" type rule? :?
Semi-true However it is that they will be greeted by virtuous women of their own age. Also it is doubtfull that many suicide bombers will ever become martyrs. Muslims view suicide and the killing of innocents
as very grave sins.

4. What is the position of Mary and Joseph in Islam? :?
Mary is mentioned in the Qur'an more often then she is mentioned in the Bible. She is held in very high esteem by Muslims. There is an entire Surah just about Mary.

12-19-2006, 05:24 AM

how are you getting on brother djsimba?

how many threads have you read?

please update us...

and if you have other questions....(and probably it already been asked, refutate and answered)...i'm sure the will be brothers and sisters here will give you the link and answer your questions.


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