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View Full Version : Apartheid in the Holy Land

Muslim Woman
12-24-2006, 01:09 AM
I seek refuge in Allah (The One God) from the Satan (devil) the cursed, the rejected

With the name of ALLAH (swt) -The Bestower Of Unlimited Mercy, The Continously Merciful

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh (May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you)


Apartheid in the Holy Land

By Desmond Tutu


I've been very deeply distressed in my visit to the Holy Land; it reminded me so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa.

My heart aches. I say why are our memories so short. Have our Jewish sisters and brothers forgotten their humiliation?

Have they forgotten the collective punishment, the home demolitions, in their own history so soon? Have they turned their backs on their profound and noble religious traditions?

..... People are scared in this country [the US], to say wrong is wrong because the Jewish lobby is powerful - very powerful. Well, so what?

For goodness sake, this is God's world! We live in a moral universe.


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Muslim Woman
12-24-2006, 09:13 AM

'What would happen if the Virgin Mary came to Bethlehem today?' :

Johann Hari on the plight of pregnant women in the West Bank, where babies are dying needlessly


.........the road had been blocked by Israeli soldiers, who said nobody was allowed to pass until morning. "Obviously, we told them we couldn't wait until the morning.

I was bleeding very heavily on the back seat. One of the soldiers looked down at the blood and laughed.

I still wake up in the night hearing that laugh. It was such a shock to me. I couldn't understand."

Her family begged the soldiers to let them through, but they would not relent. So at 1am, on the back seat next to a chilly checkpoint with no doctors and no nurses, Fadia delivered a tiny boy called Mahmoud and a tiny girl called Mariam.

"I don't remember anything else until I woke up in the hospital," she says now.

For two days, her family hid it from her that Mahmoud had died, and doctors said they could "certainly" have saved his life by getting him to an incubator.

"Now Mariam is at an age when she asks me where her brother is," Fadia says. "She wants to know what happened to him. But how do I explain it?" She looks down.

"Sometimes at night I scream and scream." In the years since, she has been pregnant four times, but she keeps miscarrying. "I couldn't bear to make another baby.

I was convinced the same thing would happen to me again," she explains.

"When I see the [Israeli] soldiers I keep thinking - what did my baby do to Israel?"

12-27-2006, 12:38 AM
go to wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Racism

and see what happens when you try to discuss this topic

12-28-2006, 10:59 PM
In what land was this, just Isreal?

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12-28-2006, 11:22 PM
non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in Israel;
Untrue, I have bought and leased land before, and I am an Muslim who lives in Israel.

Israel's policies have involved planning regulations prohibiting Palestinian building on 70 percent of the West Bank and 80 percent of East Jerusalem.
Who thinks of this? I live in Jerusalem and the above is untrue.

A few years ago, the Israeli government was shown to have a 70:30 policy in the city of Jerusalem which to maintain a 70 percent Jewish population over 29 percent Muslim and 1 percent Christian minorities. This has been accomplished through home demolitions, denial of building permits, ID card confiscations and residency revocations.'
You are actually incorrect, but what was done, was that some Jewish neigborhoods were taken down to make room and apease the Arab population, I have friends who live in that area now, there house use to be owned by a Jew.

we should join wikipedia and start protecting our history and our islam, it is a duty to defend truth against evil
I wouldn't call myself a fan of Israel but I will not lie to anyone to make it so you can parade lies and call them "truth".

Muslim Woman
12-30-2006, 12:01 AM
Salaam/peace ;

format_quote Originally Posted by abdmez
Untrue, I have bought and leased land before, and I am an Muslim who lives in Israel.

Who thinks of this? I live in Jerusalem and the above is untrue.

You are actually incorrect, but what was done, was that some Jewish neigborhoods were taken down to make room and apease the Arab population, I have friends who live in that area now, there house use to be owned by a Jew.

I wouldn't call myself a fan of Israel but I will not lie to anyone to make it so you can parade lies and call them "truth".

ok bro , let us know about the TRUTH. I read in an article that about or more than 80 % killed Palestines are innocent unarmed civilians....is it true or false ?

Can sick or pregnant woman go to hospitals without any restriction ? How many Palestine children were murdered in last 10 years by Israeli soldiers ........i know some Jewish kids also died by suicide bombers but can u give us a ratio ?

12-30-2006, 01:30 AM
sis, that site is a disgusting insult towards the jew, i went around the site and the home page talks about jews being dirty and things and a terrible thing, which i know ain't true.

12-30-2006, 07:43 AM
I have deleted posts which I deemed to contain anti-Semitic links. While this discussion is important, bigotry is not befitting of human beings and will not be tolerated.

Eric H
12-30-2006, 08:46 AM
Greetings and peace be with you abdmez;

What is it like for a Muslim to live in Jerusalem, are you given freedom to worship? Are there any restriction put on you because you are a Muslim?

I visited Jerusalem in 1965 when it was still within the boarders of Jordan, i had the feeling then that people of many faiths lived together.

I have a need to return to Jerusalem again,

In the spirit of longing for peace


Muslim Woman
01-04-2007, 01:43 AM
Salaam/peace to all;

format_quote Originally Posted by arabiyyah
sis, that site is a disgusting insult towards the jew, i went around the site and the home page talks about jews being dirty and things and a terrible thing, which i know ain't true.

I read the book of Ahmeed Deedat long ago......I don't remember any such comment of Jew's being dirty . Another site was against Zionist , not against ordinary Jews. I don't remember of dirty word there either. Pl. mention the page no:.

Protest against cruelty of Zionist is NOT anti-semitic or expressing hatred towards Jews.


"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.": Bishop Desmond Tutu -(1931- ) Nobel Prize for Peace 1984


Muslim Woman
01-04-2007, 01:47 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by abdmez

I wouldn't call myself a fan of Israel but I will not lie to anyone to make it so you can parade lies and call them "truth".

PL. share more with us . I m asking again as i did not notice any answer of my questions.

1. I read in an article that about or more than 80 % killed Palestine's are innocent unarmed civilians....is it true or false ?

2. Can sick or pregnant woman go to hospitals without any restriction ?

3. How many Palestine children were murdered in the last 10 years by Israeli soldiers ........i know some Jewish kids also died by suicide bombers but can u give us a ratio? 1 Jewish kid= how many Muslim kids ?


Quran 31:33

O Mankind! Fear your Lord (by keeping your duty to Him and avoiding evil), and fear a Day when no father can avail anything for his son, nor a son avail anything for his father.

Verily, the Promise of Allah is true, let not this worldly present life deceive you, do not let the chief deceiver (shayton) deceive you about Allah.


01-04-2007, 04:53 AM
Thank you for your comments abdmez and the interesting thread Muslim Woman. I once had lunch with some Muslims in Jerusalem, and had communion (Lord's Supper) with some Arab Christians in Jerusalem on Pentecost. Along with our Jewish hosts, it was quite a week, just after bombs fell on Tel Aviv and the Oslo Accords were being considered.

Muslim Woman
01-06-2007, 01:38 AM

Indeed there is Apartheid in Israel

By Shulamit Aloni

I witnessed such an encounter between a driver and a soldier who was taking down the details before confiscating the vehicle and sending its owner away.

“Why?” I asked the soldier. “It’s an order – this is a Jews-only road”, he replied. I inquired as to where was the sign indicating this fact and instructing [other] drivers not to use it.

His answer was nothing short of amazing. “It is his responsibility to know it, and besides, what do you want us to do, put up a sign here and let some antisemitic reporter or journalist take a photo so he that can show the world that Apartheid exists here?”

Indeed Apartheid does exist here. And our army is not “the most moral army in the world” as we are told by its commanders.


Shulamit Aloni, the Israeli Prize laureate who once served as Minister of Education under Yitzhak Rabin, is from Yediot Acharonot, Israel’s largest circulating newspaper, which appeared in the Hebrew Ynet but not in the English-language Ynetnews.

Tranlated by Sol Salbe, an Australian editor, whose comments are in square brackets.

Hebrew original: http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-3346283,00.html Yediot Acharonot, Israel’s largest circulating newspaper.

Muslim Woman
01-20-2007, 03:18 PM

Terror and starvation in Gaza

Pilger on the genocide that is engulfing Palestine as bystanders silently look on

By John Pilger

This article was first published by the New Statesman -


.... When I was last in Gaza, Dr Khalid Dahlan, a psychiatrist, showed me the results of a remarkable survey. "The statistic I personally find unbearable," he said, "is that 99.4 per cent of the children we studied suffer trauma.

Once you look at the rates of exposure to trauma you see why: 99.2 per cent of their homes were bombarded; 97.5 per cent were exposed to tear gas; 96.6 per cent witnessed shootings; 95.8 per cent witnessed bombardment and funerals; almost a quarter saw family members injured or killed." Dahlan invited me to sit in on one of his clinics.

There were 30 children, all of them traumatised. He gave each a pencil and paper and asked them to draw. They drew pictures of grotesque acts of terror and of women streaming tears.

... A historian and two foreign journalists have reported the truth about Gaza. All three are Israeli.

They are frequently called traitors. The historian Ilan Pappe has documented that "the genocidal policy [in Gaza] is not formulated in a vacuum" but part of Zionism's deliberate, historic ethnic cleansing


Eric H
01-20-2007, 04:01 PM
Greetings and peace be with you Muslim Woman;

I am not sure if this is in the Jewish scriptures but in the Old Testament it says this:

Ezekiel 47:
21 "You are to distribute this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. 22 You are to allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the aliens who have settled among you and who have children. You are to consider them as native-born Israelites; along with you they are to be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel. 23 In whatever tribe the alien settles, there you are to give him his inheritance," declares the Sovereign LORD.

In the spirit of striving to live in peace with our neighbours


01-20-2007, 05:41 PM
The Hebrew Bible is pretty close to what Christians use, translating from the BHS.

I support Israel's right to exist; I do not support that Israel has become and oppressive regime like the evil so-called Christian empires that crushed Jews (economically, socially, and then physically) for so long. The problem is the same: in "Christian" Europe, there was no room for non-Christians; in Jewish Israel, there is no room for non-Jews.

The Arabs are not hapless victims--1948, 1967, 1973, the negotiations of Nasser, the Arab scramble to control the Palestinian territories at the expense of Palestinians, the refusal of some Palestinian leaders to resolve this, rhetoric of "no room for Israel" that continues still. But the individual Palestinians are victims of Arab rhetoric and, especially, Israeli oppression.

sister herb
01-20-2007, 07:01 PM
Palestinians are also victims of every one who is looking to the side as this column said:

Looking to the side, from Belsen to Gaza

18 Jan 2007

In his latest column for the New Statesman, John Pilger describes the warnings of genocide in Gaza, and the suffering of 1.4 million Palestinians living a "life in a cage" as the world looks on. He quotes Israeli journalist Amira Hass on the experience of her mother in a Nazi concentration camp and the Germans who watched, "looking from the side".

A genocide is engulfing the people of Gaza while a silence engulfs its bystanders. "Some 1.4 million people, mostly children, are piled up in one of the most densely populated regions of the world, with no freedom of movement, no place to run and no space to hide," wrote the senior UN relief official, Jan Egeland, and Jan Eliasson, then Swedish foreign minister, in Le Figaro. They described people "living in a cage", cut off by land, sea and air, with no reliable power and little water and tortured by hunger and disease and incessant attacks by Israeli troops and planes.

Egeland and Eliasson wrote this four months ago as an attempt to break the silence in Europe whose obedient alliance with the United States and Israel has sought to reverse the democratic result that brought Hamas to power in last year’s Palestinian elections. The horror in Gaza has since been compounded; a family of 18 has died beneath a 500-pound American/Israeli bomb; unarmed women have been mown down at point-blank range. Dr David Halpin, one of the few Britons to break what he calls "this medieval siege", reported the killing of 57 children by artillery, rockets and small arms and was shown evidence that civilians are Israel’s true targets, as in Lebanon last summer. A friendin Gaza, Dr Mona El-Farra, emailed: "I see the effects of the relentless sonic booms [a collective punishment by the Israeli air force] and artillery on my 13-year-old daughter. At night, she shivers with fear. Then both of us end up crouching on the floor. I try to make her feel safe, but when the bombs sound I flinch and scream..."

When I was last in Gaza, Dr Khalid Dahlan, a psychiatrist, showed me the results of a remarkable survey. "The statistic I personally find unbearable," he said, "is that 99.4 per cent of the children we studied suffer trauma. Once you look at the rates of exposure to trauma you see why: 99.2 per cent of their homes were bombarded; 97.5 per cent were exposed to tear gas; 96.6 per cent witnessed shootings; 95.8 per cent witnessed bombardment and funerals; almost a quarter saw family members injured or killed." Dr Dahlan invited me to sit in on one of his clinics. There were 30 children, all of them traumatized. He gave each pencil and paper and asked them to draw. They drew pictures of grotesque acts of terror and of women streaming tears.

The excuse for the latest Israeli terror was the capture last June of an Israeli soldier, a member of an illegal occupation, by the Palestinian resistance. This was news. The kidnapping a few days earlier by Israel of two Palestinians – two of thousands taken over the years – was not news. An historian and two foreign journalists have reported the truth about Gaza. All three are Israelis. They are frequently called traitors. The historian Ilan Pappe has documented that "the genocidal policy [in Gaza] is not formulated in a vacuum” but part of Zionism’s deliberate, historic ethnic cleansing. Gideon Levy and Amira Hass are reporters on the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz. In November, Levy described how the people of Gaza were beginning to starve to death … "there are thousands of wounded, disabled and shell-shocked people unable to receive any treatment... the shadows of human beings roam the ruin... they only know the [Israeli army] will return and what this will mean for them: more imprisonment in their homes for weeks, more death and destruction in monstrous proportions."

Amira Hass, who has lived in Gaza, describes it as a prison that shames her people. She recalls how her mother, Hannah, was being marched from a cattle-train to the Nazi concentration camp at Bergen-Belsen on a summer’s day in 1944. "[She] saw these German women looking at the prisoners, just looking," she wrote. "This image became very formative in my upbringing, this despicable 'looking from the side'."

"Looking from the side" is what those of us do who are cowed into silence by the threat of being called anti-Semitic. Looking from the side is what too many western Jews do, while those Jews who honour the humane traditions of Judaism and say, "Not in our name!" are abused as "self-despising". Looking from the side is what almost the entire US Congress does, in thrall to or intimidated by a vicious Zionist "lobby". Looking from the side is what "even-handed" journalists do as they excuse the lawlessness that is the source of Israeli atrocities and supress the historic shifts in the Palestinian resistance, such as the implicit recognition of Israel by Hamas. The people of Gaza cry out for better.

Source: http://www.johnpilger.com/page.asp?partid=423

Muslim Woman
01-21-2007, 12:42 AM
salaam /peace to u & all :)

format_quote Originally Posted by Eric H
Greetings and peace be with you Muslim Woman;

I am not sure if this is in the Jewish scriptures but in the Old Testament it says this:

Ezekiel 47:

21 "You are to distribute this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel.

22 You are to allot it as an inheritance for yourselves and for the aliens who have settled among you and who have children. You are to consider them as native-born Israelites; along with you they are to be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel.

23 In whatever tribe the alien settles, there you are to give him his inheritance," declares the Sovereign LORD.

In the spirit of striving to live in peace with our neighbours

thanks for sharing the lovely verses . To my
knowledge :hiding: , OT is considered as Jewish holy book.

Muslim Woman
02-05-2007, 01:22 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by behlu-gahlu
In what land was this, just Isreal?
will u clarify ur question , pl ?


Time To Get Serious About Israel

John Hilary -- The Guardian (Britain)

http:// commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/john_hilary/2007/01/mp s_back_sanctions_on_israel.html

...The House of Commons international development committee is calling on the Labour government to press for sanctions against Israel over its treatment of the Palestinian people ...

As a result of Israeli occupation and the accompanying restrictions on movement, the Palestinian economy is in freefall.

Fully 70% of Palestinians are now living in poverty, according to UN calculations, a figure which rises to 80% in Gaza...

That message is long overdue. The EU- Israel agreement should have been suspended years ago, as its own text states that it is conditional upon respect for human rights.

In this regard Israel has already violated the agreement many times over

02-05-2007, 03:23 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muslim Woman
salaam /peace to u & all :)

thanks for sharing the lovely verses . To my
knowledge :hiding: , OT is considered as Jewish holy book.
sorry sis, but i think the jews already refuted it. the word alien is a hebrew saying for "convert".

Muslim Woman
02-06-2007, 02:37 AM

format_quote Originally Posted by abdmez
sorry sis, but i think the jews already refuted it. the word alien is a hebrew saying for "convert".
i will Insha Allah try to ask a Rabbi .


Anti-Israel Jewish Voices Speak Louder

CAIRO – Sick and tired of blind support for Israel's policy of aggressions by their representative body, more than 130 high-profile British Jews launched a new body on Monday, February 5, to make their voice heard.

"As a Jew, I feel a particular duty to oppose the injustice that is done to Palestinians," psychologist Susie Orbach, a founding member of the Independent Jewish Voices (IJV), told The Independent.

"... The Israeli government does not speak for me."


Muslim Woman
02-14-2007, 03:48 PM

How Gaza Offends Us All

By Jennifer Loewenstein

02/13/07 "ICH " -- -- AN OPENED JAW with yellowed teeth gaped out of its bloodied shroud.

The rest of the head parts were wrapped in a plastic bag placed atop the jaw and nostrils, as if to be close to the face to which it once belonged.

The bag was red from the pieces stuffed inside it. Below the jaw was a human neck slit open midway down: a fleshy, wet wound smiling pink and oozing out from the browned skin around it, the neck still linked to the body below it.

Above him, in the morgue’s upper freezer, lay a dead woman, her red hennaed hair visible for the first time to strange men around her.

More red plastic wrapped around an otherwise absent chin. She was dead because she demonstrated outside a mosque in Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza, where more than 60 men sheltered during the artillery onslaught by Israeli tanks and cannons.

…Who the hell cares about a million and a half poverty-stricken Gazans and their dust, their sand, their stinking, crumbling heap of a disaster area homeland?

What a terrible shame it is that Gazans have not yet attained the status of human in the eyes of the Western powers, for the resistance there will continue to be an enigma until this changes. For now, however, the slaughter will continue unabated.

Jennifer Loewenstein is assistant director of the Middle Eastern Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison


ICHBLOG.EU without the bells and whistles. Click here for text only version of the site (great for dialup users)!


Muslim Woman
02-19-2007, 12:44 AM

Ethnic Cleansing of Palestinians Detailed
in Pappe’s New Book

Stephen Lendman

http://www.countercurrents.org/ pa-lendman090207.htm

Ilan Pappe is an Israeli historian and senior lecturer at Haifa University ...

He proves from official records how the Israeli state came into being with blood on its hands from lands forcibly seized from its Palestinian inhabitants who'd lived on it for hundreds of years previously.

Since the 1940s, they were ethnically cleansed and slaughtered without mercy so their homeland would become one for Jews alone ...

He details how David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, met with leading Zionists and young Jewish military officers on March 10, 1948, to finalize plans to ethnically cleanse Palestine that unfolded in the months that followed...


Muslim Woman
02-20-2007, 12:29 AM

A Palestinian Woman:

This documentary short film brings the viewer close to the conditions isolating Palestinians within their communities.

It is filmed next to the separation barrier that Israel continues to build in the occupied Palestinian territories.



Muslim Woman
03-10-2007, 02:12 AM


Friday, March 9, 2007

Jimmy Carter: Palestinians 'Victims of Oppression'

Despite the storm it ignited, former U.S. president Jimmy Carter held fast Thursday to his accusation that Israel oppresses the Palestinians on the West Bank and Gaza and seeks to colonize the land.



Muslim Woman
03-25-2007, 12:19 AM

Salaam/peace ,

Satellite?blobcolurldata&ampblobheaderimage2Fjpeg&ampblobkeyid&ampblobtableMungoBlobs&ampblobwhere1174485013267&ampssbinarytrue -

Video Shows Palestinian Humiliation

Click to watch the Video


The film showed an Israeli military dog unleashed by Israeli soldiers just bite and attack an elderly Palestinian woman in Bethlehem in a shocking and terrifying scene.

Israeli soldiers appeared indifferent to screams of the terrified woman before one of them finally moved to release her arm from the dog's mouth.

The video also showed two Israeli soldiers harshly assaulting a 17-year-old Palestinian teenager at a checkpoint in the town of Hawwara in southern Nablus.


Barghuthi said the Israeli policies were worse than South Africa's past apartheid.

"The cameras showed the worst and most ugly acts the Palestinians are facing at the hands of Israeli soldiers at the barriers," he said.

"The occupation soldiers are torturing the Palestinians."

"This behavior", Barghuthi said, "shows that the Israeli policy is worse than South Africa's notorious past apartheid as deemed by former US president Jimmy Carter."

In early December, Carter, a 2002 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, released his new book "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" in which he blasted "an enormous imprisonment wall" Israel is building in the West Bank.

"when Israel does occupy this territory deep within the West Bank, and connects the 200-or-so settlements with each other, with a road, and then prohibits the Palestinians from using that road, or in many cases even crossing the road, this perpetrates even worse instances of apartness, or apartheid, than we witnessed even in South Africa," Carter wrote.

Barghuthi said that the Palestinians are suffering daily humiliations at Israeli checkpoints.

"This is a well-established Israeli policy against the Palestinian civilians," he stressed.

"The Palestinians are forced to stop at more than 525 Israeli checkpoints established in the West Bank."

The minister pointed out that 61 Palestinian women were forced to give birth at Israeli barriers as they could not reach the hospitals.

According to the UN estimates, a total of 36 Palestinian babies have died because their mothers were detained during labor at Israeli checkpoints.

Barghuthi called for trying Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Defense Minister Amir Peretz for the daily humiliation of the Palestinians.

He said that the Palestinian government will seek the help of the international organizations to intervene to stop the Israeli racist practices against the Palestinian civilians.


03-25-2007, 02:32 AM
Things could have been a LOT worse.

Does anyone recall how Ancient Israel was established?

By the blood of innocent Ancient Canaanites like those that live Jericho.

Where is Jericho?

In the West Bank on Palestinian Land.

The ancient Israelis massacred thousands of innocent people to establish their own kingdom.

We should all be glad that event hasn't re-occured in the same text.

And by the way, things are much worse in Iraq.

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