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01-15-2007, 02:51 AM

Do u christians believe that holy spirits exist?

If someone says that he got the holy spirit within him.. and then writes a book related to christianity(he writes some new concepts)... will u Christians accept his boook?

and if he wants his book to be included in in the bible.... will u all agree with him?????

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01-15-2007, 02:56 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muzammil
Do u christians believe that holy spirits exist?

If someone says that he got the holy spirit within him.. and then writes a book related to christianity(he writes some new concepts)... will u Christians accept his boook?

and if he wants his book to be included in in the bible.... will u all agree with him?????
Don't you think most christians would think he was a nut? I think some have done that, and most christians consider any following to be a cult.

01-15-2007, 04:39 AM
It would be a tall order for a man to simply suggest he was guided by the Holy Spirit and have the majority of Christendom believe his claim.

01-15-2007, 08:15 AM
Are you talking about Mormons Muzammil?

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01-15-2007, 08:20 AM
There are many people who claim to be guided by the Holy Spirit, some write books, and make alot of money, but I dont think many ask for their books to be in the bible.

01-15-2007, 08:22 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Keltoi
It would be a tall order for a man to simply suggest he was guided by the Holy Spirit and have the majority of Christendom believe his claim.
May I ask why? Why is it accepted that the writers of the NT were inspired by the Holy Spirit but not anyone else?:?

Also, what do you make of Christians who say "I was inspired by the Holy Spirit" about trivial matters?

I was watching a very interesting debate between Jimmy Swaggart and Ahmad Deedat. Swaggart said that earlier on the Holy Spirit had inspired him to tell Deedat to become a Christian. :rollseyes

How did he know that it was the Holy Spirit? Shouldn't someone think twice before they say something like that because they are literally claiming that GOD Himself told them to do it!

01-15-2007, 08:27 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah
Also, what do you make of Christians who say "I was inspired by the Holy Spirit" about trivial matters?
"THe spirit will lead you into all truths"

format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah
I was watching a very interesting debate between Jimmy Swaggart and Ahmad Deedat. Swaggart said that earlier on the Holy Spirit had inspired him to tell Deedat to become a Christian. :rollseyes
Not that again Malaikah lol,

01-15-2007, 09:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Al Habeshi
"THe spirit will lead you into all truths"

What does that mean though?

Not that again Malaikah lol,
What? Did I mention that before? I don't remember. :X

01-15-2007, 10:51 AM
In Christian belief, Holy Spirit guidance is part of everyday life, a sense of living and working in submission to God's will--whether it is painting a house or developing a cure for cancer or writing books to encourage Christians. None of those activities are considered perfect, and we may get it wrong.

In my own life, I make many mistakes, but I try to follow God in the major decisions. My wife and I pray, and wait for a sense of peace. We've only made one mistake because we were anxious and tried to hurry God along. It has taken us two years to recover from that, and probably another year more coming. It is not a science, but we just do our best to do God's will in the struggle of faith.

01-15-2007, 11:01 AM
So basically, would you say it is simply God guiding us towards good and the straight path (just as in Islam we believe God guides people towards the truth)?

So do you think it is exaggerated for someone to claim that they were 'inspired' in doing some kind of act, as this is equivalent to attributing something to God that might not have come from Him?

(In my personal opinion, I do prefer to think it was devil who 'inspires' people to tell them to tell Muslims to become Christian, and if I am right, that means the person really did tell a lie against God. I do not expect you to agree but this is the way I perceive it).

01-15-2007, 11:34 AM
New religious claims are pretty much never accepted by the mainstream at first. THey are rejected as heresy. In very rare cases new spiritual claims survive and sometimes even come to thrive and dominate. Christianity was a friinge cult when it started, scorned by the majority and later bloomed and thrived once people of prominence (emperors and kings) adopted it as their own.

I am not sure about Islam, but I suspect the same is true?

So we can hardly be suprised that Christians of today would reject Mormonism, Sun Myung Moon, or any other who claims to be inspired by the devine to bring a new message to Chritiandom.

01-15-2007, 12:04 PM
^Yes, the Muslims were tortured and persecuted as minority in their own home city for 10 years before they moves to a different city. Well, not all of them could move and their torture lasted a little longer.

But after that it grew very quickly during the life time of the prophet through out the Arabian peninsula.

01-15-2007, 01:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah
So basically, would you say it is simply God guiding us towards good and the straight path (just as in Islam we believe God guides people towards the truth)?

So do you think it is exaggerated for someone to claim that they were 'inspired' in doing some kind of act, as this is equivalent to attributing something to God that might not have come from Him?
I think you understand. We would make a difference, I guess, between "inspired" and "Inspired"--one difference in the "I". We believe God can speak through actions and words and miracles and signs and the Church and especially the Bible. But all we do is "inspired" in the sense that God is the muse of our work.

01-15-2007, 02:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by brenton
I think you understand.

the Church and especially the Bible.
But the Bible was declared to be "Inspired" by the Church wasn't it? And then the Church is said to be Inspired because the Bible said so (I'm assuming?)... but then again the Bible is only Inspired because the Church said it was... :rollseyes

Can you explain that? Where did the Church get the Authority to say the Bible was Inspired from if it has to rely on the Bible to declare itself inspired in the 1st place?:?

01-15-2007, 02:15 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muzammil
Do u christians believe that holy spirits exist?

If someone says that he got the holy spirit within him.. and then writes a book related to christianity(he writes some new concepts)... will u Christians accept his boook?

and if he wants his book to be included in in the bible.... will u all agree with him?????

hola Muzammil,

i posted this elsewhere but i will just repost it...

protestants and Catholics have different ideas about inspiration from the Holy Spirit... i do not understand their ideas about this very well but what i see on TV some sundays scares me... i think they believe that they can personally be taken over by the Holy Spirit like what happened to the apostles during pentecost, and everything they say is perfect and from God... ex cathedra

Catholics believe that what happened at Pentecost was something that only happened to the apostles...

we believe the Holy Spirit continues to guide the Church but for different reasons, God told Peter that He would build tie His Church to Peter, who he called a "rock" and that the gates of hell would never prevail against it (the Church). Jesus also promised to be with his apostles until the end of the age... a promise which is kept through apostolic succession.

we do believe that the Holy Spirit guides the lay in their lives but it is not the same direct guidance that God gives His Church... it is not guidance that grants authority.

an offshoot of God being with his apostles to the end of the age is that the Gospels were also guided by God... all four gospels were written by apostles... it is one of the first things that must be proven for the Church to accept a gospel, they must show apostolic origin... that way there is at least a potential for the gospel to be inspired. there are many other criteria after that...

but the important thing to understand is that it must be "inspired," which means that before anything it must come from somebody who is capable of being inspired (which is not the average person), and it must be examined and accepted by the Church... which is also guided by God.

Dios te bendiga

01-15-2007, 02:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah

But the Bible was declared to be "Inspired" by the Church wasn't it? And then the Church is said to be Inspired because the Bible said so (I'm assuming?)... but then again the Bible is only Inspired because the Church said it was... :rollseyes

Can you explain that? Where did the Church get the Authority to say the Bible was Inspired from if it has to rely on the Bible to declare itself inspired in the 1st place?:?

hola Malaikah,

Jesus told St. Peter that he (Jesus) would build his Church under Peters leadership (he calls him his "Rock"). He promises that the Gates of Hell canot prevail against it...

18"I also say to you that you are (A)Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of (B)Hades will not overpower it. (Matthew 16:18)


he also tells the rest of the disciples that he will be with them always until the end of the age... so we believe that he is with the apostolic successors within the Church, any Holy See is a bishopric that extends back to an apostle... these are the cornerstones of the Church, but the bishopric of Rome which comes from St. Peter is the bedrock and the leader of the whole Church.

20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, (A)I am with you always, even to (B)the end of the age." (Matthew 18:20)

the authority of the Church comes from these two verses in the Bible, also as a matter of tradition the Church has always held this authority, that is shown in Acts when the leaders of the Church (the disciples) held a Council to determine whether St. Paul was being unorthodox having gentiles not be circumcized, and with the promulgation of the Didache, then again in acts when the Church excommunicates people

If anyone does not love the Lord, he is to be accursed Maranatha. (1 Corinthians 16:22)

and all through the first three century Synods (like a Council) to the Councils and into the modern era...

so it is because we have always done this and that is because we were told to in the Bible.

as for the Bible... i think you are taking this too far... the first texts like the four gospels and major books of the OT were always the gospel of the Christians... there was no time where they were "accepted" or even questioned... they simply always were...

its only around the 3rd and 4th centuries that mysterious gospels appeared from nowhere with no history or mythological histories and attached to strange mystery religions... in certain locations they became popular so the Church investigated these books to see if they were actually true gospels that had been forgotten or unknown, but invariably they were all false books...

there was no time that the four gospels were unknown or not accepted... they are the gospels (in oral and then written form) that the Church preached from the very beginning... conversely there are times where we know that the "Gospel of Judas" "Gospel of Thomas" and "Gospel of the Hebrews" were not universally known, accepted by some strange religion like ebionites, or something like that... only those books were tested and investigated by the Church through its gospel-given time tested authority...

Dios te bendiga

01-15-2007, 02:41 PM
If Pope Benedicts writes.... then do u accept??

01-15-2007, 02:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Muzammil
If Pope Benedicts writes.... then do u accept??

because i personally agree with everything he writes... there are Catholics who disagree with him on certain things (like the Iraq war, or sex issues in marriage) who do not face excommunication. It is generally a bad idea to ignore the Holy Father though... what human could offer better guidance than the Holy Father?

the only time i must agree with him without question, or face excommunication for not doing it, is when he "solemnly promulgates, or declares, to the Church a dogmatic teaching on faith or morals as being contained in divine revelation, or at least being intimately connected to divine revelation"

we are informed when the Pope speaks infallibly... and it has only happened seven times since the 5th century...

Dios te bendiga

01-15-2007, 10:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah
So do you think it is exaggerated for someone to claim that they were 'inspired' in doing some kind of act, as this is equivalent to attributing something to God that might not have come from Him?
I don't think it would be exagerated at all, the fact that the spirit would lead you into all truth could be seen as the spirit walking with you throughout the day, influencing you on every matter you take, so from what you eat, to when you preach, to what you throw in the bin.

Some people even claim the spirit tells them to do things opposite to the Bible, its an interesting thing to try, take a thing a Christian might not know, then ask the person, 'do you have the holy spirit' they would be like 'Oh yea' then you ask them the question, they'd say yes or no, then you show them the answer.

format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah
(In my personal opinion, I do prefer to think it was devil who 'inspires' people to tell them to tell Muslims to become Christian, and if I am right, that means the person really did tell a lie against God. I do not expect you to agree but this is the way I perceive it).
Well it could be, since alot of Christians, those that I know personally, do think that the devil can influence you, then I guess they also prescribe to the fact that people become possesed and so forth. Though of course they never think they might be influenced by such forces.

format_quote Originally Posted by Malaikah
But the Bible was declared to be "Inspired" by the Church wasn't it? And then the Church is said to be Inspired because the Bible said so (I'm assuming?)... but then again the Bible is only Inspired because the Church said it was... :rollseyes

Can you explain that? Where did the Church get the Authority to say the Bible was Inspired from if it has to rely on the Bible to declare itself inspired in the 1st place?:?
Some Christians would say 'Faith'

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