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View Full Version : Question about context

01-19-2007, 04:41 AM
Hi, I found some quotes, I'm just wondering if anyone could tell me whether or not these are taken out of context. I know people constantly make the Bible look like it says something when it doesn't, but I wanted to make sure.

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:104)

"The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'" (Sahih Bukhari 004.52.176)

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:29)

"If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breaking off your treaty with them." (Surah 9:12)

"The Christians say: The Christ is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them." (Sura 9:30)

"Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home." (Surah 9:73)

"Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another." (Surah 48:29)

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01-19-2007, 11:37 PM
Those quotes are very often used by non-Muslims and yes they are very much out of context and very misunderstood.

The explanations and true meanings are going to be lengthy. I will begin with just the first one.

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:104)
First of all not only is that out of context, it is just part of the ayyat it was taken from and not even a very good translation.

Let us look at in more context.

4:96. Ranks specially bestowed by Him, and Forgiveness and Mercy. For Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. S P
4:97. When angels take the souls of those who die in sin against their souls, they say: "In what (plight) Were ye?" They reply: "Weak and oppressed Were we in the earth." They say: "Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to move yourselves away (From evil)?" Such men will find their abode in Hell,- What an evil refuge! - S P C

4:98. Except those who are (really) weak and oppressed - men, women, and children - who have no means in their power, nor (a guide-post) to their way. S P C
4:99. For these, there is hope that Allah will forgive: For Allah doth blot out (sins) and forgive again and again. S P
4:100. He who forsakes his home in the cause of Allah, finds in the earth Many a refuge, wide and spacious: Should he die as a refugee from home for Allah and His Messenger, His reward becomes due and sure with Allah: And Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. S P

4:101. When ye travel through the earth, there is no blame on you if ye shorten your prayers, for fear the Unbelievers May attack you: For the Unbelievers are unto you open enemies. S P C
4:102. When thou (O Messenger) art with them, and standest to lead them in prayer, Let one party of them stand up (in prayer) with thee, Taking their arms with them: When they finish their prostrations, let them Take their position in the rear. And let the other party come up which hath not yet prayed - and let them pray with thee, Taking all precaution, and bearing arms: the Unbelievers wish, if ye were negligent of your arms and your baggage, to assault you in a single rush. But there is no blame on you if ye put away your arms because of the inconvenience of rain or because ye are ill; but take (every) precaution for yourselves. For the Unbelievers Allah hath prepared a humiliating punishment. S P C

4:103. When ye pass (Congregational) prayers, celebrate Allah's praises, standing, sitting down, or lying down on your sides; but when ye are free from danger, set up Regular Prayers: For such prayers are enjoined on believers at stated times. S P C
4:104. And slacken not in following up the enemy: If ye are suffering hardships, they are suffering similar hardships; but ye have Hope from Allah, while they have none. And Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom. S P C

4:105. We have sent down to thee the Book in truth, that thou mightest judge between men, as guided by Allah: so be not (used) as an advocate by those who betray their trust; S P C
4:106. But seek the forgiveness of Allah; for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. S P
4:107. Contend not on behalf of such as betray their own souls; for Allah loveth not one given to perfidy and crime: S P C

4:108. They may hide (Their crimes) from men, but they cannot hide (Them) from Allah, seeing that He is in their midst when they plot by night, in words that He cannot approve: And Allah Doth compass round all that they do. S P C
4:109. Ah! These are the sort of men on whose behalf ye may contend in this world; but who will contend with Allah on their behalf on the Day of Judgment, or who will carry their affairs through? S P

4:110. If any one does evil or wrongs his own soul but afterwards seeks Allah's forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. S P
4:111. And if any one earns sin. he earns it against His own soul: for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom. S P C

Yusuf Ali's Quran Translation

Although to understand it much better you would need to know the entire Surah it is taken from and as to what is being spoken about. But, I believe that this is sufficient to show that it is reference to enimies that have attacked Muslims and this is part of the guidlines for self protection.

01-19-2007, 11:49 PM
Here is another of the quotes in more detail:

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)
That is a very favorite quote used against us. One of the big problems is the translation and the actual connontation of the word that is translated into "friend" the actual translation is much deeper then the English concept of friend it is more of as a wali, a protector, advisor, co-partner, leader etc. Very close to what you would choose as a spouse or parent.

this has been discussed many times on this forum, a good thread is:


01-20-2007, 03:43 AM
"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:29)
9:21. Their Lord doth give them glad tidings of a Mercy from Himself, of His good pleasure, and of gardens for them, wherein are delights that endure: S P
9:22. They will dwell therein for ever. Verily in Allah's presence is a reward, the greatest (of all). S P C
9:23. O ye who believe! take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong. S P

9:24. Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the commerce in which ye fear a decline: or the dwellings in which ye delight - are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving in His cause;- then wait until Allah brings about His decision: and Allah guides not the rebellious. S P C
9:25. Assuredly Allah did help you in many battle-fields and on the day of Hunain: Behold! your great numbers elated you, but they availed you naught: the land, for all that it is wide, did constrain you, and ye turned back in retreat. S P C

9:26. But Allah did pour His calm on the Messenger and on the Believers, and sent down forces which ye saw not: He punished the Unbelievers; thus doth He reward those without Faith. S P C
9:27. Again will Allah, after this, turn (in mercy) to whom He will: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. S P C
9:28. O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, for Allah is All-knowing, All-wise. S P C

9:29. Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. S P C
9:30. The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! S P C

9:31. They take their priests and their anchorites to be their lords in derogation of Allah, and (they take as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; yet they were commanded to worship but One Allah: there is no god but He. Praise and glory to Him: (Far is He) from having the partners they associate (with Him). S P C
9:32. Fain would they extinguish Allah's light with their mouths, but Allah will not allow but that His light should be perfected, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it). S P C

9:33. It is He Who hath sent His Messenger with guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion, even though the Pagans may detest (it). S P C

Yusuf Ali's Quran Translation

Sounds fair and just when it is read in proper context.

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01-20-2007, 03:51 AM
"If you fear treachery from any of your allies, you may fairly retaliate by breaking off your treaty with them." (Surah 9:12)
9: 8. How (can there be such a league), seeing that if they get an advantage over you, they respect not in you the ties either of kinship or of covenant? With (fair words from) their mouths they entice you, but their hearts are averse from you; and most of them are rebellious and wicked. S P C

9: 9. The Signs of Allah have they sold for a miserable price, and (many) have they hindered from His way: evil indeed are the deeds they have done. S P
9:10. In a Believer they respect not the ties either of kinship or of covenant! It is they who have transgressed all bounds. S P C
9:11. But (even so), if they repent, establish regular prayers, and practise regular charity,- they are your brethren in Faith: (thus) do We explain the Signs in detail, for those who understand. S P C

9:12. But if they violate their oaths after their covenant, and taunt you for your Faith,- fight ye the chiefs of Unfaith: for their oaths are nothing to them: that thus they may be restrained. S P C
9:13. Will ye not fight people who violated their oaths, plotted to expel the Messenger, and took the aggressive by being the first (to assault) you? Do ye fear them? Nay, it is Allah Whom ye should more justly fear, if ye believe! S P C

Yusuf Ali's Quran Translation

Sounds and looks a lot different when it is said in it's entirity

01-20-2007, 03:58 AM
"The Christians say: The Christ is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them." (Sura 9:30)
9:30. The Jews call 'Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! S P C

Yusuf Ali's Quran Translation

01-20-2007, 04:00 AM
"Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home." (Surah 9:73)
9:71. The Believers, men and women, are protectors one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers, practise regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger. On them will Allah pour His mercy: for Allah is Exalted in power, Wise. S P
9:72. Allah hath promised to Believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss. But the greatest bliss is the good pleasure of Allah: that is the supreme felicity. S P

9:73. O Prophet! strive hard against the unbelievers and the Hypocrites, and be firm against them. Their abode is Hell,- an evil refuge indeed. S P
9:74. They swear by Allah that they said nothing (evil), but indeed they uttered blasphemy, and they did it after accepting Islam; and they meditated a plot which they were unable to carry out: this revenge of theirs was (their) only return for the bounty with which Allah and His Messenger had enriched them! If they repent, it will be best for them; but if they turn back (to their evil ways), Allah will punish them with a grievous penalty in this life and in the Hereafter: They shall have none on earth to protect or help them. S P C

Yusuf Ali's Quran Translation

01-20-2007, 04:04 AM
"Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another." (Surah 48:29)

48:27. Truly did Allah fulfil the vision for His Messenger: ye shall enter the Sacred Mosque, if Allah wills, with minds secure, heads shaved, hair cut short, and without fear. For He knew what ye knew not, and He granted, besides this, a speedy victory. S P C

48:28. It is He Who has sent His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, to proclaim it over all religion: and enough is Allah for a Witness. S P C
48:29. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other. Thou wilt see them bow and prostrate themselves (in prayer), seeking Grace from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. On their faces are their marks, (being) the traces of their prostration. This is their similitude in the Taurat; and their similitude in the Gospel is: like a seed which sends forth its blade, then makes it strong; it then becomes thick, and it stands on its own stem, (filling) the sowers with wonder and delight. As a result, it fills the Unbelievers with rage at them. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness, and a great Reward. S P C

Yusuf Ali's Quran Translation

01-20-2007, 04:07 AM
"The Day of Resurrection will not arrive until the Moslems make war against the Jews and kill them, and until a Jew hiding behind a rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: 'Oh Moslem, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!'" (Sahih Bukhari 004.52.176)
That is from the ahadith. I am very far from Knowledgable in the Ahadith so it is best I leave that open for a brother or Sister who is versed in the ahadith to respond to it.

Ibn Abi Ahmed
01-20-2007, 04:25 AM


01-20-2007, 03:46 PM
Thank you, now I have to try to convince the people who gave me those quotes.

01-28-2007, 09:30 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
Here is another of the quotes in more detail:

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)

That is a very favorite quote used against us.
Big time bro!shade:

format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
One of the big problems is the translation and the actual connontation of the word that is translated into "friend" the actual translation is much deeper then the English concept of friend it is more of as a wali, a protector, advisor, co-partner, leader etc. Very close to what you would choose as a spouse or parent.
Ahmed Ali's translation renders the word as "allies" rather than "friends". This is more accurate.

Here are additional verses supporting the reasoning as you explained it:

60:8. God does not forbid you from being kind and acting justly towards those who did not fight over faith with you, nor expelled you from your homes. God indeed loves those who are just.
60:9. He only forbids you from making friends with those who fought over faith with you and banished you from your homes, and aided in your exile. Whoever makes friends with them is a transgressor.

this has been discussed many times on this forum, a good thread is:


01-28-2007, 09:35 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by cohort-of-god
Thank you, now I have to try to convince the people who gave me those quotes.
It can be said beyond a shadow of a doubt that whoever gave those to you pulled them off of some anti-Islamic site.

Thanks for checking that over.:)

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