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View Full Version : Question to converts of islam

02-01-2007, 05:32 AM

ok so i just have some questions about how you guys who have converted to islam are and all. so here's some questions i have..

1. Since converting, did you change your political views?

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?

4. What brought you to Islam?

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?

anyways i'm just wondering out of curiosity. i apologize if any questions might like offend you, and please don't answer them if they do.

i'm asking just out of curiosity. i'm NOT looking to convert or anything lol.

God bless,

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02-01-2007, 12:41 PM
1. Since converting, did you change your political views?
No, my political views have always been independant. I hold no political party affiliation. On my voter registration card I am listed as independant.

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?
Again no change. I always considererd homosexual acts as being in the same categaory as any illicit secual activity and wrong. A persons preference is of no concern, it is only when they lack self control of that preference that can be wrong.
3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?
Less religious, because I still have much to learn and still make errors. However, since I am a newcomer I believe I am more aware of my short comings and try harder, but that does not mean I have greater love of Allah(swt). I do not no what is in anybodys heart. Who I see as the most lax Muslim, may be the most relegious in his heart and is doing the best he/she possibly can.

4. What brought you to Islam?
Allah(swt) figuritivly bonked me on the head and woke me up.

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?
I doubt if it would change much even if it became a shariah nation. There will always be those who will find ways to sneak around the rules. I have seen and know of much evil that takes place in even the most Holy of Cities. People will still sin even at the risk of death or great punishment. They just become more adept at promoting it in more subtle manners.

The sinfull nature of the Western world is not condoned by any religion and it still exists. Evil activities actualy seem to increase when there is a strong religious presence. But, it becomes more hidden. Temptations of shaytan become stronger to the believers as Shaytan works harder to win them over.

I should add that people will change as a they accept Islam and will become more willing to serve Allah(swt). Individuals will change and it will be easier for those who truly love Allah(swt) to practice that love. But, over all human nature will always be a jihad that each individual must face and conquer.

02-01-2007, 01:33 PM
Now after answering those 5 questions, I would like to add a 6th question. and my answer.

6. Since reverting to Islam do you feel closer to Allah(swt)? Why?
My answer is yes. and the reason why is because of Islam I have learned a more personal closeness to Allah(swt) I thought I knew he existed and now I know He does. I firmaly believe this is the manner in which we are meant to worship. I know that the trial in this world will always be there, but now I know that the dealings of this world are of little importance. The only true value of this world is to gain acceptance into the true happiness that can only be attained in Jannah.

02-01-2007, 10:25 PM
thanks for the reply! and i added that sixth question on my post. :)

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02-02-2007, 10:23 AM
peace be upon those who follow righteous guidence,
(muslim greeting and goodbye to a non muslim)

1. Since converting, did you change your political views?
YES, before I embraced Islam I was a member of the Conservative Party in the UK and was widely expected to become a local councillor and maybe make a run on parliament but when I become muslim I found that my political views changed in major ways.

How could I support a political party that supports the oppression and killing of my fellow muslims in other lands? Also on many other concerns I found that the Islamic view was different from my parties so I left the party and devoted myself to Islam.

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?
Not changed much, before I felt wrong but should be tolerated, now I feel it is wrong and should not be tolerated openly.

Allah has clearly condemned the practice of homosexuality in the bible and Quran and so should we, it is a disgusting act but we shouldn’t take the law into our own lands but I will tell a homosexual that he is wrong to his face.

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?
This is a tricky question…

most reverts practice more, but they have their own cultural hang-ups they need to get over just the same as everyone else.

4. What brought you to Islam?
I already believed in one God, without partner. Couldn’t accept trinity or original sin as illogical and most of the arguments for it in the bible are either removed in later bibles in more modern bibles or circular reasoning. I.e if you believe in trinity and you read a certain verse then it could mean it supports it, but others might read it differently but because you already believe in the concept it becomes absolute proof for this belief. A circular argument.

But I believed their was general good in the bible, but a lot of crap mixed in so I tried to live according to Good, mainly Christian morality even if not a Christian myself as never christened or raised as a Christian.

But when I read the Quran it was like a light coming on, all of the criticisms I had of the bible answered in one book, a book which I had wanted the bible to be, logic and faith combined in one way of life.

Once I accepted the Quran as true and from God, it therefore follows that the man who received the Quran must be a messenger of God. Therefore I believed in the ‘shahadah,’ the declaration of faith of islam, that ‘there is none worthy of worship besides Allah and that Muhammad (pbuh) is his messenger.’

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?
Yes, it will change quite a lot but I believe the changes will take place gradually and in patches, some places racing ahead, others lagging behind, others oppressing muslims.

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?
Totally closer,

Because now I have not only a belief in God but a way of understanding what he wants of me, and that is a much more direct connection than before when just generally believing and generally trying to do good.

anyways i'm just wondering out of curiosity. i apologize if any questions might like offend you, and please don't answer them if they do.

i'm asking just out of curiosity. i'm NOT looking to convert or anything lol.
You came here searching for answers, take from it what you will. It is only our duty to give you the message from God, it is between you and God what you do with it.

peace be upon those who follow righteous guidence,
Abu Abdullah

02-08-2007, 12:25 PM
Asslamu Alaikum.

Mash'Allah, very good replies. Peace be upon those who follow guidence and peace be upon those who dont.


02-09-2007, 02:46 AM
1. Since converting, did you change your political views?
No, my views are the same. They are what I believe is right in the political realm, and that's about it.

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?
Not at all. I've always been on the mindstate that it wasn't my way of life, but should be tolerated. I am nobody to judge another.

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?
Much less. Because like Woodrow said, I have so much to learn. But my love for the faith is as strong as anyones.

4. What brought you to Islam?
A general emptiness. I always believed in a God, but was never comfortable with the Christian teachings. I never felt right placing or praising anyone but God. And the more I read & listened about Islam, the more I saw it was the path for me.

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?
Europe will be the same as it is now. I can't see it changing.

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?
Yes. Simply because my faith and praise for God has never been stronger. It's a wonderful thing.

Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
02-09-2007, 03:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Goku
Asslamu Alaikum.

Mash'Allah, very good replies. Peace be upon those who follow guidence and peace be upon those who dont.

^^I agree, some very good replies, Masha'Allah. Looknig forward to reading more :)


02-11-2007, 05:27 AM
1. Since converting, did you change your political views?
I dont not support this government at all. It is a rare occasion when a politician can be trusted.

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?
Since i converted homosexuality seems more wrong to me, but I think its none of my business what people do in their bedrooms.

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow Muslim born sisters and brothers?
I am much much more religious now.

4. What brought you to Islam?
I was Christian and when i looked at Jesus(pbuh) from an Islamic standpoint things made a lot more sense.

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?
Only time will tell.

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?
I am much closer to God. I now know that there is no God but God. I worship no other and i seek his aid.

Muslim Woman
02-12-2007, 09:59 AM
I seek refuge in Allah (The One God) from the Satan (devil) the cursed, the rejected

With the name of ALLAH (swt) -The Bestower Of Unlimited Mercy, The Continously Merciful

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh (May the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah be upon you)

format_quote Originally Posted by JMF

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?

Much less. Because like Woodrow said, I have so much to learn. But my love for the faith is as strong as anyones.
---I guess , the poster is not asking if reverts know more about Islam or not. Religious in the sense how u feel for God , what u r doing for religion etc ( may be ).

I think , undoubtedly reverts are the better Muslims . U have sacrificed so much for Islam & what We ( born Muslims ) did ? Almost nothing :cry:

So , 3 cheers for our reverts who are better Muslims , who are our very , very precious Jewels :smile: :smile: :smile: :p :p :p


Nσσя'υℓ Jαииαн
02-12-2007, 09:55 PM
^^Alhumdulillah, I agree :D MashAllah :thumbs_up

02-13-2007, 10:44 PM
thanks you guys for the responses.

islam sounds a lot like judaism when it comes to family.. my boyfriend is jewish and ocassionally i will go to the synagogue and just sort of "sit in" lol, and the people are soo friendly, they all know everything about each other, they eat dinner together, they always have each others backs, it's amazing. lol

02-18-2007, 11:21 PM
1. Since converting, did you change your political views?
Yes, actually, my political views have changed. I used to be a very far leftist. No matter what the issue, I sided with the liberals. After some reasoning, I began to side more with Libertarianism. Since converting to Islam, I've become a Libertarian-Green-Socialist. My change in views came be blamed more on me growing up a lot over the last couple years than my conversion to Islam.

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?
Yes, my views on homosexuality have changed a bit. I now accept that the practice is discouraged in the scriptures, unlike before. I still hold the view that Allah (swt) alone is their judge, not any of us and thus it is not up to us to punish them or forcibly change them.

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow Muslim born sisters and brothers?
I definitely have become more religious. Many, many people are probably much more religious than I because I am still learning and I make mistakes almost daily.

4. What brought you to Islam?
Over time, I began to consider the doctrine of the trinity polytheism and so I left Catholicism. Eventually, Christianity as a whole didn't appeal to me. After studying many religions, Islam turned out to be the only one that I held dear.

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?
No, I don't think things will change that much. I really wouldn't consider Europe as a whole a "liberal paradise".

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?
Yes, definitely. I used to believe in Allah (swt) just out faith, but was very agnostic at the same time. I would always wonder during prayer whether or not I was really being heard. With Islam, I have become closer to Allah (swt) than ever before. The Noble Koran has also answered many questions I had concerning life, religion, and God, helping on my path to better serve Allah (swt).

02-19-2007, 03:01 PM
1. Since converting, did you change your political views?

Well as a Christian I tended to have that compasion but that did not materialise into a global one, it was only through my understand of being 'One in Christ' that I started to look at the bigger picture, having family in africa also helped with that, but in reality, since taking my first step then I have not change in this respect, America is still viewed the same, since alot of Christians not only Muslims in my country have problems with their dealings.

So political in the sense that I had a more global outlook that was only reinforced by Islam but not change just made much stronger.

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?

I still think it is wrong

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?

I think this is a question that is not just for reverts, there are people better than me and then there are people better than me, lets leave it at taht.

4. What brought you to Islam?

To encompass everything in a sentence: Prayer and Study.

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?

I don't know about Europe, but I think there will be more and more muslims here, who will hopefully move out when an Islamic state is set up. But I do have doubts about some 'liberal' muslims who might just tay for the comfort, may Allah not make me as such.

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?

This is a simple answer, when a person thinks they have found the truth compared to what they had before they will automaticaly feel closer to whoever the truth was about, I feel closer to God, plus not only Him, but loads of the Prophets, especially Jesus, and most of all, Mary!!

Abdul Fattah
02-19-2007, 08:16 PM
Hope my answers are helpfull

1. Since converting, did you change your political views?
Yes, well, in Belgium poletics is a lot more complex then in the US, where the major partys are either democrats or liberal. In Belgium there are 4 big partys and 2 significant partys who aren't that big but do get to play an important role in coalitions. Maybe I should just answer your question like this: on the liberal-conservative scale there's not much movement but on the kapitalist-social scale I have changed towards more social.

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?
Before converting I didn't know what to think about it and just stayed as far away from it as possible. Whereas now I have clear opinion about it. Basically it comes down to this, I believe homosexuality is a nurture-related tendency (as opposed to a nature-related). As for my aproach toward homosexual people, I don't judge them or condemn them, I condemn the action but respect their freedom of choice.

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?
Hard to say. Because
1. That depends on the muslims in your environment.
2. If somebody thinks he is better then his brothers/sisters then by saying so he is passing judgement over them and indulging his own vanity which aren't good things. I'd say the correct Islamic answer here would be: It's not good to compare.

4. What brought you to Islam?
In short I'd say a combination of my personal expieriances and a recognition of the supernatural charesteristics of the Qur'an

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?
I think that are many questions ad once. First I think that although Islam will continue to spread that the change will not be that big to really influence demographics. The number of Muslims living in Europe will grow inshaAllah, but I think they will remain a minority.
Secondly I think Europe is already losing much of it's liberality by introducing hijab-bans and other laws that specificly target muslims. I expect this tendency to continue.
Thirdly, considering my first point will be wrong, and that hypotetically Islam would grow as a majority over generations then I think the liberal nature depends on how Islamic we can keep the ummah. If we do a good job, then there should remain freedom of speech and religion, even if Islam comes to power. If we do a lousy job then it wont.

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?
I converted from agnostisism/atheism (sometimes I had thoughts amongst teh lines of atheism and sometimes among the lines off agnosticism, depending my state of mind) so the difference is probably much bigger as opposed to those who convert from another faith. One of the things that make me feel close is that so many of my prayers get answered (beyond my expectations) alhamdoelillah. Another is that every now and then things have a funny way of unexpectedly turning out well in my advantage, as if someone's trying to say: see, I'm still looking out for you.

02-19-2007, 09:08 PM
Assalam alaykum,

1. Since converting, did you change your political views?

Yes but it had nothing to do with my conversion. I was a republican on the far right side before I converted. Since I converted I have visited Egypt and have a whole new outlook on foreign policy, alhumdulilah.

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?

I have always considered homosexuality a gift in that the one who is a homosexual has to struggle their entire lifes to resist temptation. I think that they will be rewarded greatly for resisting this and for leading a pious life.

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?

I have no idea since I don't interact other than online with a lot of brothers and sisters. I don't like to compare anyways and I don't see how it matters in the end.

4. What brought you to Islam?

I was getting sick of my online friend, my now husband, telling me that I'm not praying right so I looked it all up myself and well one thing led to another and here I am.

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?

Who cares about Europe...I live in the USA. :D Just kidding. I think that change will be extremely difficult and there will inevitably be a war over it until it settles down to a happy medium.

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?

I have never ever been on such a high realization of how tiny I am and how powerless I am and how in total control Allah is. Why? Because each day, every few hours I stop what I'm doing, clean myself in preparation to submit to God, acknowledge God as the ultimate authority and boy my head to the floor in submission to Him. Because before I put any food or drink in my mouth I say thanks be to God. Because when I dress to go outside my first thought is what will please Allah the most. Because when I eat something my first thought is, is this halal or haram. Every single thing I do throughout the course of the day is focused on pleasing God.

Curious girl2
02-24-2007, 11:36 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by thirdwatch512

ok so i just have some questions about how you guys who have converted to islam are and all. so here's some questions i have..

1. Since converting, did you change your political views?

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?

4. What brought you to Islam?

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?

anyways i'm just wondering out of curiosity. i apologize if any questions might like offend you, and please don't answer them if they do.

i'm asking just out of curiosity. i'm NOT looking to convert or anything lol.

God bless,

1. No my political views havent changed at all really.

2. No, my views of homosexuality havent changed either, but before I used to be a Christian and Christianity has similar views on homosexuality as Islam.

3. I think I am pretty average. Just doing my best to be a good mulimah, inshallah

4. It was a very long journey, a disatisfaction with Christianity, a feeling of being drawn towards Islam basically.

5. Difficult question. I think the face of Europe has already changed. I dont, and never have considered it to be a liberal paradise. A paradise is something that Europe is definetly not. Hopefully the powers that be will realise that muslims are here to stay in Europe and realise that Islam is not a threat to Europe.

6. Yes I do, I feel more at peace with myself and that I think is a result of feeling closer to Allah.



02-25-2007, 11:06 PM
I must say it is a very beautiful topic and it was nice reading your responses.


02-26-2007, 03:13 AM
1. Since converting, did you change your political views?

Well i don't have any political views.

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?

Homosexuality is completely wrong. Why would a man find a man good looking..makes no sence to me!.like what would a man and a man a female and female benifit from one another.. Like they have to remeber it was Adam and Eve that was created by God not Adam and steve.. its suppose to be man and women you know.. and this is only my view on it.. people might think it is harsh but.. goodness i can not stand that Homo bit at all. No my views have not changed since my reverison to islam.

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?

No, I think that i am equal to my brothers and sisters cause they are good Muslims soo i would say i am Equal religious as them.
4. What brought you to Islam?

It was the Holy Quran. It all started when i was in about gr.7 or 8. It was libaray time at school and i saw my two bestfriends reading the Holy Quran so i asked if i could read it and they said yes. So i started reading the Holy Quran.. And Masha'allah i had this beautiful feeling in my heart. Iyt felt so good. Like my heart became Open Clean, like my heart was always smiling.

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?

well i dont know anything about europe.. but Insha'allah if islam does become big in Europe i think that people will change their ways to follow the religion more..
6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?

Yes i do feel closer to God then ever I feel closer to the religion in General because Once you find the truth and you feel it deep down inside of you there is no turning back.

02-26-2007, 06:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by thirdwatch512

ok so i just have some questions about how you guys who have converted to islam are and all. so here's some questions i have..

1. Since converting, did you change your political views?

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?

4. What brought you to Islam?

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?

anyways i'm just wondering out of curiosity. i apologize if any questions might like offend you, and please don't answer them if they do.

i'm asking just out of curiosity. i'm NOT looking to convert or anything lol.

God bless,
1) Yes My Political Views Completely Shifted

2) I think Homosexuals Should Stop their Ways and return to the Religion of Allah swt, or face Death and return to Allah swt in a disgraceful manner

3) This question, no one can really know, some people have higher iman then others at different times. With regards to prayer, No one can assume this answer right away

4) I left Islam, Became a Daoist, Buddhist, Kabbalistic then Christian. After being Christian for a while, it made no sense to me at all, and seeing Christian priests becoming Muslim, made me think twice. Then one day my friends couldn't answer a simple question on worship, and eventually enough Ahmed Deedat and Zakir Naik videos got me back in Islam. Anyone who stays Christian after watching Zakir Naik Debates, Allah swt put Quite a Seal.

5) I believe in perhaps the next 20 years, Islam Will Regain its Ummah, even though Muslims strive for Democracy ( A Law that is not by the Command of Allah swt) , Victory belongs to the Believers

6) Yes i feel closer, i like the fact that i can pray directly to Allah swt rather than a Rasool. Makes me Much Closer and LESS confusing.

03-04-2007, 02:43 AM
thanks you guys for the response.

mahid, i think yours was the most.. interesting. i find it rather.. well, i guess the word is disgusting that you think homosexuals should be killed.

anyways was it a priest at your church that converted?

also, as for watching the zakir naik debates.. i watch them all the time, including the one with campbell.. but i don't fall for what he says whatsoever. the reason why is because he lies a TON.. like he had a several hour talk to hindus about islam and hinduism.. there were total lies in the entire things. then when he debated christians.. i saw a christian site thatdebunked almost all he said. and of course, one anti islamic site that i will not post since it's prolly against the rules.. they had debunked half of what he said.. so i don't fall for him!

anyways but interesting indeed..

03-09-2007, 12:07 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by thirdwatch512

ok so i just have some questions about how you guys who have converted to islam are and all. so here's some questions i have..

1. Since converting, did you change your political views?

2. What do you think of Homosexuality? Have your views changed since your conversion to Islam?

3. Do you think you are more religious or less religious then your fellow muslim born sisters and brothers?

4. What brought you to Islam?

5. Do you think the face of Europe will change with the rise of Islam, or do you think it will remain a liberal paradise, even if people do convert to Islam?

6. Since converting to Islam do you feel closer to God? Why?

anyways i'm just wondering out of curiosity. i apologize if any questions might like offend you, and please don't answer them if they do.

i'm asking just out of curiosity. i'm NOT looking to convert or anything lol.

God bless,

1. No.

2. The same thing I thought before I reverted--not going to pass judgment.

3. Answering that would cause me to pass judgment so I decline.

4. My belief in one Creator with no partners, inconsistencies in the bible, and a lot of research about Islam over a couple of years, among other things.

5. I hope that when Islam is introduced, the society will change according to laws of Islam.

6. No. I know God has always been in control of my life. Islam just helps me govern myself according to ONE God's command.


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