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02-06-2007, 04:58 AM
Creed of Hamawiyyah - by Shaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
One of the works on this subject is his "al-Fatwaa al-Hamawiyyah" which he wrote as an answer to a question presented to him in the Hijrah year of 698 from Hamaah, a place in ash-Shaam. In it, he was asked what the scholars and Imaams of the religion say concerning the Aayaat and the Ahaadeeth of the Sifaat, or the attributes and characteristics of Allaah. So he answered in about 83 pages and due to which, he suffered trials and afflictions. May Allaah reward him on behalf of Islaam and the Muslims with the best of rewards. You can purchase the book here.

and here is the audio on above topic by Ali At-Timimi at islamway.com
Sharh of al-Aqidah al-Hamawiyyah (4 Parts) by Ali Al-Timimi:

Very beneficial Aayaat and the Ahaadeeth of the Sifaat, or the attributes and characteristics of Allaah

I request the admin / moderator to make it sticky, to discuss the points in this.


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02-06-2007, 01:54 PM
Creed of Hamawiyyah - Chapter 18 : Concerning the Speech (Kalaam) of Allaah
A comparison between the belief of the Salaf and the belief of the Innovators regarding the Speech of Allaah.

- They're agreed that He Speaks - this Attribute is real, being affirmed for Him in a manner that befits Him.
- He Speaks with letters [harf] and sound [sawt], however He chooses and however He chooses. His Speech contains words and meaning.
- His Speech is an Attribute that pertains to His Self - He's always had this Attribute.
- And His Speech is an Attribute that pertains to His Actions - it also occurs at specific, new instances.
- (7):143 - His Speech is connected to His Will, occurring at new instances.
- (3):55 - His Speech contains letters as the spoken words have letters.
- (19):52 - His Speech contains sound as a call can only occur with sound.
- Hadeeth: "Allaah the Most High said: O Aadam, So he'll say: Labbayka wa Sa'dayka. So Allaah will call with a sound ..." [Bukhaaree: Book of Hajj and Muslim: Book of Eemaan - the last two hadeeth-s are similar].
The Karaameeyah - their saying is like that of Ahl- us- Sunnah, except they say: "It's something that newly occurred after not being there," to try to flee from occurrences which have no beginning.
The Kullaabeeyah - "It's a meaning that's established with Him, existing with Himself, like His Knowledge and Life, but is not connected to His Will. The letters and sounds are just an account which He created of the meaning which is with Him. It has four meanings - an order, a prohibition, a report and an inquiry."
The Ash'areeyah - like the saying of the Kullaabeeyah except they say that all the four meanings are one and the same. "So His speech has no categories, but consists of attributes. So the Tawrah, Injeel and the Qur'aan are exactly the same, except for the expression used." And the Ash'arees say the letters and sounds are just "an expression" of the Speech, as opposed to "an account".
The Saalimeeyah - "It's an attribute that exists with His Self, persisting with Him, as His Life and Knowledge does, but is not connected to His Will. It's words and sounds are combined - none precedes the other. Hence His Speech has always existed."
The Jahmeeyah and Mu'tazilah - "It's created and not one of His Attributes." Some deny the Speech completely. Others affirm but say it's created.
The Philosophers - Who basically say that His Speech is something imagined by the minds.
The Ittihaadeeyah - "All existence is one so all speech is His Speech."
All of these sayings contradict the Book, Sunnah and intellect.
- The Qur'aan is the Speech of Allaah, sent down and not created. It began from Him and will return to Him. He Spoke it - it being real - delivering it to Jibreel who brought it upon the heart of Muhammad (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) .

- See (9):6; (38):29; (26):193-195.
- See hadeeth "Is there any man who will take me to his people, so that I may convey the Speech of my Lord" [Aboo Daawood and at-Tirmidhee].
- See hadeeth "When you take to your bed, say: O Allaah, I have submitted myself to You ..." [Muslim (Eng.) Vol 4., H6546].
- 'Amr bin Deenaar said: I have known the people for 60 years, and they've been saying that: "Allaah is the Creator and everything else is created except the Qur'aan which is His Speech being uncreated. It began from Him and will return to Him."
"It began from Him" - i.e. He Spoke it initially - refutes the Jahmees who say, "He created it in the form of something else."
"It will return to Him" - i.e. Only Allaah is to be described as speaking it. And it will raise up to Him, being removed from the hearts and mushaf-s when the people stop acting upon it. [as-Saheehah 1/127, No.86].

- If what is meant is the servants act of reciting - then this is created.
- If what is meant is what is being recited - then this is the Qur'aan, the Speech of Allaah which is uncreated.
- Imaam Ahmad said: "Whoever says that his speech of the Qur'aan is created, meaning the Qur'aan [is created], then he's a Jahmee."

02-06-2007, 01:57 PM
The Concept of the Kalaam of Allaah

by Shaykh Abû Ammâr Yasir al-Qadhî


Bismillaah, Alhamdulillaah, wa as-Salaatu wa as-Salaamu ala Rasoolillaah Ama Ba'ad: Below are three excerpts from my forthcoming work, entitled, An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur`aan (al-Hidaayah Publications, to be published shortly, insha Allaah). I decided to circulate them on the net in order to provide some aspects of a detailed refutation of the Ash'arees, as unfortunately they seem to be gaining popularity in the West.
It should be pointed out that since my work is concerning 'uloom al-Qur`aan, I only included some topics which overlap with 'aqeedah and over which the Ahl as-Sunnah differ with the 'Asharees. It is hoped that a more fuller and comprehensive refutation will be available soon, insha Allaah.
Unfortunately, the net has become notorious for salafi/asharee/sufi/shi'aa/kabani ad infinitum ad naseum etc., debates, and I have found that, in general, most people have already made up their minds about whatever they believe is right or wrong. Personally speaking, I believe that the net is not the most effective means for dawah, and the du'aat should concentrate more on spreading knowledge on an individual level. However, I received a number of requests from brothers asking me to write some articles/passages concerning the ash'arees/matureedees. I therefore decided to post these sections from my book, aiming not at the 'salafi bashers', but at the ones who are seeking the truth. Although the work is copyrighted (by the author), I allow any person or group to copy and duplicate this material As Is, Without Any Changes, Additions, Or Deletions, And With This Header Attached.
And all success is with Allaah, and upon Him we put our trust!!
Abu Ammaar

{This section is from Chapter Two of the book, and consists of three sections. Although the refutation of the Ash'arees/Matureedees is in the last section, IT IS ESSENTIAL to read the first two sections, which present evidences for the beliefs of Ahl as-Sunnah. For fuller details concerning the references, please consult the published work.}
The Concept of the Kalaam of Allaah

The Qur'aan as the Speech of Allah

The detailed discussions of the Qur`aan as the Speech (kalaam) of Allaah are typically not found in the books of 'uloom al-Qur`aan, but rather in the books of 'aqeedah (faith). However, it was felt that this topic deserved greater attention in this work for a number of reasons: Firstly, due to the importance of this topic, since it deals with some of the Characteristics (sifaat) of Allaah, and of the Qur`aan; secondly, this topic has been the subject of great controversy during the history of Islaam, and great scholars have been persecuted because of it, therefore it deserves some discussion and elaboration; thirdly, there still exist incorrect concepts and ideas concerning the meaning of the kalaam of Allaah, primarily amongst innovated sects which claim to be in the fold of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-Jamaa'ah ; and, lastly, there does not exist any discussion of this topic in English. Before discussing the Qur`aan in particular as the kalaam of Allaah, it is necessary to understand the concept of the kalaam of Allaah.

I. The Concept of the Kalaam of Allaah

The topic of the kalaam of Allaah deals with one of the Attributes that Allaah has described Himself with, namely, that of Speech (kalaam). When dealing with the topic of the Names and Attributes of Allaah, two basic principles must be understood. The first principle is that Allaah has described Himself with the Best and Most Perfect Names and Attributes; Names and Attributes of Beauty, Majesty, Grandeur, Perfection and Excellence; in other words, all Names and Attributes that befit Him. Allaah says in the Qur`aan, "And to Allaah belongs (all) the Most Beautiful Names, so call on Him with them" (7:180). In addition to affirming these Names and Attributes, Allaah has also negated all attributes of imperfection from Himself, such as sleep and tiredness (2:255), forgetfulness and error (20:52) and other attributes that do not befit His Glory.
The second principle is that Allaah's Names and Attributes are Unique, and do not resemble the attributes of His creation. Allaah says, "There is nothing that is similar to Him, and He is the All-Hearer, All-Seer" (42:11). Therefore, since Allaah's Attributes are unique, it is not possible for mankind to understand the exact nature of Allaah's Names and Attributes, even though it is possible to understand the concept that any Name or Attribute refers to. For example, Allaah has described Himself in the Qur`aan as al-Hayy, which means, 'The Ever-Living.' Mankind understands that Allaah is Ever-Living; that He was always with life, and will always be with life. He also understands that, even though he himself is 'alive' (hayy), the life that he has is very different from the one that Allaah describes Himself as having, for man's life was given to him, and it shall be taken away from him, in contrast to the characteristic of life that Allaah describes Himself with. In addition, man does not have the power to create life, unlike Allaah. So man has the characteristic of life, and Allaah describes Himself as having the characteristic of Life, but the actuality of the two characteristics differ as much as man differs from the Creator. Therefore, mankind understands the concept of Allaah's name al-Hayy, but can never understand the actuality of it. The same analogy applies for the other Names and Attributes of Allaah. It is essential, therefore, when dealing with the Names and Attributes of Allaah, not to deny or distort the meanings of these Names and Attributes, since Allaah has described Himself with these Names and Attributes. Likewise, it is not allowed to try to make these attributes similar to those of the Creation, nor try to delve into the 'how-ness' of His Attributes, since the attributes of the creation are imperfect, whereas the Attributes of Allaah are Perfect and Unique. With these two basic principles in mind, we now proceed to the concept of the kalaam of Allaah.
Allaah, all Praise and Glory be to Him, has described Himself as having the Characteristic of kalaam in over two dozen verses in the Qur`aan. Amongst these verses are the following: And Allaah spoke directly (kallama) to Moosaa" (4:164) ; "And the Word (kalaam) of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and justice" (6:115); "Say, 'If the oceans were ink wherewith to write the kalaam of my Lord, the oceans would be exhausted before the kalaam of my Lord would finish, even if We brought (another ocean) like it for its aid,'" (16:109) "And the Word of Allaah (kalima) is the uppermost" (9:40), and, "(It will be said to the people in the Heavens) 'Peace be on you,' a Word from a Lord who is Most Merciful" (36:58).
Therefore, we affirm what Allaah has affirmed for Himself, namely, that He Speaks when He wishes, and to whomever He wishes. As Allaah says, "These are the prophets, some of them We have honoured and blessed over others, (and) some of them Allaah spoke to" (2:253)
. In addition, the kalaam of Allaah is heard by His creation, and consists of words and letters. The fact that the kalaam of Allaah can be heard is clearly proven in the Qur`aan and sunnah. For example, in the story of Moosaa, the Qur`aan mentions that Allaah spoke to Moosaa and addressed him: "And when he (Moosaa) came (to the fire), he was called, 'O Moosaa, Verily, I am your Lord...and I have chosen you, therefore listen to that which is inspired to you'"(20:12). In another verse, the Qur`aan says, "Have you heard the story of Moosaa? When his Lord called him in the sacred valley of Toowa"(79:15-16). These verses are clear that Allaah spoke to Moosaa and Moosaa heard this speech. The Prophet (e) also described a meeting between Adam and Moosaa, in which Adam asked Moosaa, "Are you the one whom Allaah spoke to, from behind a veil, and there was no interpreter between you, nor was their any messenger?" Moosaa answered, "Yes." The hadeeth is explicit in that Allaah's kalaam to Moosaa was without any intermediary. In another authentic hadeeth, the Prophet (e) clearly stated that Allaah's kalaam is with sound, for he said,

"When Allaah decrees a matter in the skies, the angels move their wings in humility for His speech, which sounds like a chain over a rock..."
In this hadeeth, the Prophet (e) gave a description of the sound of the kalaam of Allaah, which clearly proves that Allaah's kalaam is with sound.
This was also the belief of the salaf. Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241 A.H.) was asked by his son Abdullaah (d. 290 A.H.), "When Allaah spoke to Moosa, did He speak with a sound (that was heard by Moosaa)?" Imaam Ahmad answered, "Yes, indeed! Your Lord speaks with sound, and all of these hadeeth (of the kalaam of Allaah), we narrate them as we heard them." Imaam al-Bukhaaree (d. 256 A.H.) narrated in his book al-Adab al-Mufrad the hadeeth of the Prophet (e) referring to the Day of Judgement, and the reckoning that will occur, and in it is:

"...and their Lord will call them with a voice, the one who is close can hear it just as the one who is far can, and He will say, 'I am the King...'"
. After narrating the entire hadeeth, which is also explicit in the fact that Allaah speaks in a kalaam that can be heard, Imaam al-Bukhaaree said,

"Allaah, all Praise and Glory be to Him, speaks with sound. Those who are close can hear it just as those who are far can, and this is only so for Allaah. And in this is proof that the sound of Allaah does not resemble the sound of mankind."
It is, of course, essential to keep in mind that the Speech of Allaah does not resemble that of His creation, and therefore it is impermissible to ask how Allaah speaks, for Allaah says, "There is nothing similar to Him, and He is the All-Hearer, All-Seer"(42:11)
. The fact that the kalaam of Allaah consists of words and letters is something that does not require proof, and can be seen even by the most ignorant person. The Qur`aan (and it is part of the kalaam of Allaah, as shall be proven in the next section) consist of words and letters. For example, every Muslim knows that the verse, "Qul hoowa Allaahu ahad" (112:1) consists of four words, each word of which consists of a number of letters. It therefore follows that the kalaam of Allaah consists of words and letters. The Prophet (e) himself mentioned that the Qur`aan is composed of words and letters, for he (e) stated,

"Whoever recites one word from the Book of Allaah will have ten rewards. And I do not say the Alif Laam Meem is (counted as) a word, but rather Alif is a word, and Laam is a word, and Meem is a word."
Therefore, the Prophet (e) divided the Qur`aan into words and letters.
The kalaam of Allaah is not limited to the Arabic language. Allaah revealed the Torah and the Injeel, in Hebrew, and this was also a part of His kalaam. As Imaam ad-Daarimee (d. 288 A.H.) wrote, concerning those who deny this concept, "Woe to you! Verily...Allaah is knowledgeable of all languages, and He speaks in whichever language He wishes. If He wishes, He speaks in Arabic, and if He wishes, in Hebrew, and if He wishes, in Syriac, so He has made the Qur`aan His kalaam in Arabic, and the Torah and `Injeel in His kalaam in Hebrew, since He has sent the prophets with the language of their peoples." In other words, just as Allaah has sent every prophet to preach in the language of his nation, the kalaam of Allaah to any nation (when Allaah revealed a Book to that nations) was also in its language.
Another characteristic of the kalaam of Allaah is that it is uncreated. There are clear proofs from the Qur`aan, the sunnah, the statements of the salaf, and clear logic for this belief.
The Qur`aan says, "Verily to Him (Allaah) belongs the Creation and the Command" (7:54). In this verse, Allaah differentiates between the creation, which includes the world and all that is in it, and between the Command, which is His Speech. The Speech is in fact the cause of the creation, as Allaah says, "Verily, Our Word unto a thing when We intend it, is only that We say unto it: 'Be!'- and it is" (16:40). Therefore the Speech of Allaah, by the Will of Allaah, is the cause of the creation, so it cannot be created, for if it were created, it would mean that a created characteristic has itself created another object, and this is not possible! In other words, a created object does not have the ability to create another object; only the Creator has this ability. Sufyaan ibn 'Uyaynah (d. 198 A.H.) said, "He has lied (who says that the Qur'aan is created)! Allaah has stated, "To Him belongs the Creation and the Command," so the creation is the creation of Allaah, and His Command is the Qur`aan." Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241 A.H.) also used this verse to prove that the kalaam of Allaah is not created.
The Prophet (e) said, "Whoever dismounts at any place, and says, 'I seek refuge in the kalimaat of Allaah from the evil that is created,' nothing will harm him until he moves from his stop." This hadeeth also proves that the kalaam of Allaah is not created, since the Prophet (e) commanded the believers to seek refuge in the kalaam of Allaah from all types of evil. Refuge can only be sought from the Creator (and His Attributes), and not from the creation. Imaam al-Bukhaaree (d. 256 A.H.) stated, "In this hadeeth is proof that the kalaam of Allaah is not created," and his teacher, Nu'aym ibn Hammaad (d. 228 A.H.), stated, "It is not permissible to seek refuge in the created, nor in the speech of men, jinn or angels."
In other words, the very fact that a person seeks refuge in the kalaam of Allaah proves that it is an uncreated Attribute of Allaah, for it is not allowed to seek refuge in a created object.
A simple logical proof that the kalaam of Allaah is not created is as follows: If the kalaam of Allaah were created, it would mean that one of Allaah's attributes (that of speech) had a beginning, yet Allaah's attributes do not change with time, for the Qur'aan says, "He is the First (i.e., there is nothing before Him), and He is the Last (i.e., there is nothing after Him)..."(57:3), and His attributes are a part of Him. The kalaam of Allaah is an Attribute of Allaah, and all of Allaah's attributes are eternal and uncreated.

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