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02-26-2007, 10:27 AM
Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee
by Shaykh Rabee Bin Haadee Umayr al-Madkhalee

Source: Al-Maktabah as-Salafiyyah, Birmingham (www.spubs.com)
Trans. Abu Naasir Abid Zargar

The Methodology of Calling to Allaah
From Ibn Abbaas, (radi allaahu anhumaa) that when the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) sent Mu'aadh to Yemen he said:

“Verily you are going to a people from the people of the Book. So let the first thing that you call them to, be the testification that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah (and in another narration: that they single out Allaah for worship). So if they obey you in that, then inform them that Allaah has obligated upon them five prayers in every day and night. And if they obey you in that, then inform them, that Allaah has obligated upon them the charity taken from their rich and given to their poor. So if they obey you in that, then avoid taking the best of their possessions and fear the supplication of an oppressed person because there is no screen between his supplication and Allaah.”

Reported by al-Bukhaari[1], Muslim[2], an-Nasaa’ee[3], Ibn Maajah[4], ad-Daarimi[5] and Ahmad[6].

The Reporter of the Hadeeth

The reporter of the hadeeth is Abdullah bin Abbaas bin Abdul Mutallib al-Haashimi, the paternal cousin of the Messenger of Allaah, known as Al-Hibr (lit. the ink), Al-Bahr (lit. the Sea) due to his extensive knowledge. He was one of the most prolific narrators from amongst the Sahabah, one of the Abaadilah (plural of Abdullah) and from the jurists amongst the Companions, he died in 68 A.H., may Allaah be pleased with him.

The Meaning of the Hadeeth

The hadeeth clarifies the necessary steps which the caller to Allaah is obliged to follow. So the first obligatory step that he begins with is the call to Tawheed and singling out Allaah alone for worship and staying far away from minor and major shirk. This is established by the testification that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah and that Muhammed is the Messenger of Allaah.

The intended meaning of this testification is that worship, in all its forms, is the established right of Allaah alone, and no one except Him deserves anything from it, neither an angel brought near, nor a prophet sent, nor a righteous man, nor a stone, nor the sun, nor the moon.

So there is no one to be called upon except Allaah alone, aid is not to be sought from anyone except Him, help is not to be sought from anyone except Him and no one except Him is to be truly relied upon, feared and hoped in.

So whoever directs anything from these or other types of worship to someone besides Allaah, then he has committed Shirk with Allaah. And whoever commits Shirk with Allaah then verily Allaah has prohibited Paradise for him and his abode is the Fire and there is no helper for the oppressors (i.e. those who commit Shirk)

It is not sufficient to merely utter lailaaha illalaah. Rather, it is necessary to know its meaning, to act in accordance with its requirements and to fulfil its conditions, which are seven:

1) Knowledge the nullifier of Ignorance.
2) Certainty the nullifier of Doubt.
3) Acceptance the nullifier of Rejection.
4) Compliance the nullifier of Abandonment.
5) Sincerity the nullifier of Shirk.
6) Truthfulness the nullifier of Falsehood.
7) Love the nullifier of that which contradicts it.

The intended meaning by the testification that ‘Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah’ is to have knowledge of its meaning and to act in accordance with its requirements. So similarly it is not merely uttering it, rather it is to believe and testify to the truth of everything he informed us of; to obey him in whatever he commanded; to avoid whatever he forbade and prohibited; and to worship Allaah only with that which He prescribed upon the tongue of the noble Messenger, without desires and without innovation.

So it is obligatory upon every Muslim to know the meaning of the two testifications with the correct understanding and act in accordance to their requirements. This is comprised of affirmation, imaan and acting in accordance with what the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) came with in the Book and the Sunnah, that which is related to beliefs, worship and regulations in all aspects of life.
The Benefits of the Hadeeth

1) Tawheed is the foundation of Islaam.

2) The most important pillar after tawheed is the establishment of the prayer.

3) The most obligatory pillar of Islaam after the prayer is the obligatory zakaat, and it is the due of the wealth.

4) The imaam (leader) is the one who is responsible for collecting and distributing the zakaat, either by himself or through his representative.

5) The hadeeth contains the evidence that it is sufficient to pay the zakaat to any one of the categories of people from amongst those who are entitled to receive it.

6) It is not permissible to give the zakaat to the rich.

7) The hadeeth contains a prohibition for the one who collects the zakaat from taking the most valuable of peoples possessions.

8) The hadeeth contains an admonition from all types of oppression.

9) The hadeeth contains evidence for the acceptance of a report from one upright person in matters of beliefs and obligatory actions.

10) The hadeeth contains evidence that the caller (daa’ee) must begin with that which is most important and then move on to that which follows in importance.


[1] Kitaab uz-Zakaat, no. 1395 and 1458.
[2] Kitaab ul-Imaan, no. 31.
[3] Kitaab uz-Zakaat, vol. 5, p. 3.
[4] Kitaab uz-Zakaat, no. 1873, vol.1, p. 568.
[5] Kitaab uz-Zakaat, no. 1662, vol. 1, p. 318.
[6] Vol. 1, p. 233.

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02-26-2007, 10:30 AM
The Merits of the Aqeedah of Tawheed

From Ubaadah bin Saamit (radiallaahu anhu) who said that the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“Whoever testifies that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah alone, having no partner and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger and that ‘Isaa is a slave of Allaah and His Messenger and His Word which He pronounced unto Maryam and a soul from Him (i.e. a soul from the souls He created), and that Paradise is true and the Fire is true, then Allaah will admit him to Paradise in accordance with his deeds”.

Reported by al-Bukhaari[1], Muslim[2] and Ahmad[2].

The Reporter of the Hadeeth

Ubaadah bin Saamit al-Ansaari was from those who witnessed the pledge of 'Aqaba (the first and the second) with the Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and also witnessed the rest of the battles with him (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). He was a scholar of the Qur’aan in Medinah and then in Shaam. He died in Jerusalem in the year 32 A.H., may Allaah be pleased with him.

The Meaning of the Hadeeth

This hadeeth contains five matters. Whoever believes in them and acts upon what is indicated in the hadeeth, inwardly and outwardly, will enter Paradise.

The First: His saying: ‘Whoever testifies that none has the right to be worshipped alone, having no partner’ - means that he believes in Allaah with truthfulness and certainty, recognising the oneness of Allaah the Most High, and complete detachment from worshipping other than Him. He acts upon that which is indicated by the testification that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah, such as following the commands of Allaah and avoiding His prohibitions in speech and actions.

The Second: ‘The testification the Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah’ means that one believes firmly, without entertaining any doubt, that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah. Allaah sent him to the thaqalain, the Jinn and mankind with a comprehensive and perfect message. It includes believing that he (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) is the Seal of the Prophets, that his is the final message and that he is a slave from the slaves of Allaah, who honoured him with conveying His message to the world. So one must testify to the truth of everything he informed us about, obey him in whatever he commanded and avoid whatever he forbade and prohibited.

The Third: The belief that 'Isaa is one of the slaves of Allaah and one of His messengers. It is the belief that he is not the son of fornication, as the Jews claim, and he is not Allaah or the son of Allaah or the holy ghost, as the Christians claim. Rather he is a slave from the slaves of Allaah, who sent him to the Bani Israel, to call them to the worship of Allaah alone. And verily Allaah created ‘Isaa by the word ‘Be’ in the form of the creation and he is a soul from the souls which Allaah created:

“Verily the like of ‘Isaa with Allaah is the like of Adam, He created him from dust then He said to him ‘be’ and he was.” [3:59]

The Fourth: ‘That Paradise is true’ - means the belief that Jannah which Allaah has prepared for the obedient ones from His slaves is an established fact, in existence and a reality about which there is no doubt. It is the final and eternal abode for the believers and the followers of His Messenger.

The Fifth: ‘That the Fire is true’ - is the belief that the Fire which Allaah has promised the disbelievers and the hypocrites is an established reality about which there is no doubt. Allaah has prepared it for whoever disbelieves in Him, rejects and disobeys Him.

Whoever believes in these five matters and affirms and acts upon that which is necessary then Allaah will admit him into Paradise, even if he falls short and he has sins, and this is due to his Tawheed and his sincerity in worshipping Allaah alone.
The Benefits of the Hadeeth

1) The hadeeth indicates the supreme excellence of the tawheed of Allaah and that due to tawheed Allaah expiates the sins.

2) The extent of the Bounty and Mercy of Allaah for His slaves.

3) His saying regarding Muhammad ‘His slave and His Messenger’ contains a realisation of the rights that the Prophets, especially Muhammad (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), deserve without exaggeration and without negligence.

4) The sinful from the muwahhideen (those who worship Allaah alone) will not remain in the Hellfire forever.

5) The hadeeth indicates the obligation of believing in Paradise and the Fire.


[1] Kitaab ul Anbiya, no. 3435.
[2] Kitaab ul Imaan, no. 46 and 47.
[3] Vol. 5, p. 314.

02-26-2007, 10:35 AM
The Right of Allaah upon the Slaves

From Mu’aadh ibn Jabal (radiallaahu anhu), who said:

“I was riding with the Prophet upon a donkey and he said to me: ‘Do you know the right of Allaah upon the slaves and the right of the slave upon Allaah?’

I said: ‘Allaah and His Messenger know best.’

He said: ‘The right of Allaah upon His slaves is that they should worship Him alone and not associate anything with Him, and the right of the slaves upon Allaah is that He will not punish the one who does not associate anything with Him.’

I said: ‘O Messenger of Allaah should I not inform the people?’ He said: ‘Do not inform them for they will depend on it.’”

Reported by al-Bukhaari[1], Muslim[2], at-Tirmidhee[3], Ibn Maajah[4] and Ahmad[5].

The Reporter of the Hadeeth

He is Mu’aadh bin Jabal bin Amr bin Aws al-Ansaari al-Khazrajee, Abu ‘Abdur Rahmaan. He is a famous companion, who witnessed the battle of Badr and those which occurred after it. He was of the foremost of the people in knowledge, ahkaam (rulings and regulations) and the Qur’aan. He died in the year 18A.H., in Shaam during the plague of Amwaas.

The Meaning of the Hadeeth

In this hadeeth the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) explained the purpose for which Allaah created the creation which is to single out Allaah Alone for worship and to have sincerity towards Him. Verily this is a great right to be given only to Allaah, the Mighty Creator, the Bestower and the Beneficent. Similarly, the noble Messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) explained the reward that the slaves would deserve from Allaah if they established this great obligation (sincerity of worship), namely that He would save them from the punishment of the Fire and admit them into the blessed gardens of Paradise.

A believer is delighted by this matter and he rejoices due to it, this is why Mu’aadh sought the permission of the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam), saying: “Should I not inform the people.” However, the Messenger prohibited him from doing that for the benefit of his ummah and from his love for them to do good deeds and those things that bring them closer to Allaah, so that they may compete in doing them and thus achieve a high rank with Allaah due to this eagerness, struggle and mutual rivalry. As opposed to this, if they refrained from doing good deeds and trusted upon the like of this promise, then they would miss much good and miss a great reward.

The Benefits of the Hadeeth

1) The wisdom of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) in teaching, since he began his teaching with a question so it would be foremost in the mind and understood better by the one being taught.

2) The hadeeth shows the humility of the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) and his fine manners, since he was riding the donkey along with his companion who rode on his mount behind him.

3) The hadeeth contains a clarification of the greatest of the rights of Allaah upon His slaves which is to establish tawheed and to single Him out alone for worship.

4) The hadeeth shows the grace of Allaah upon His slaves since He grants the best of rewards to those who fulfil this right.

5) The hadeeth contains a recommendation of informing the Muslim with that which pleases him.

6) The hadeeth contains fear of reliance upon the expansive Mercy of Allaah, for this reliance harms many of those who are ignorant.


[1] Kitaab ul Libaas no. 5967.
[2] Kitaab ul Imaan no.’s 48-51, 53.
[3] Kitaab ul Imaan no. 2643, vol. 5, p 26.
[4] Kitaab uz Zuhd no. 4269, vol. 12, p 1435.
[5] Volume 3, p. 260-261.

02-26-2007, 10:39 AM
The Prohibition of Seeking Blessings from Trees and Their Likes

From Abu Waaqid al-Laithee (radiallaahu anhu) who said:

“We departed with the Messenger of Allaah to Hunain and we had recently left disbelief. The Mushrikeen used to have a tree which they used to devote themselves to and hang their weapons upon, they called it Dhaat Anwaat. So we passed by a tree and we said: ‘O Messenger of Allaah, appoint for us a Dhaat Anwaat like they have a Dhaat Anwaat.’

So the Messenger of Allaah said: ‘Allaahu Akbar, by Him in whose Hand is my soul, verily what you have said is just as the Bani Isra’eel said to Moosaa:

“Appoint for us a god, just like they have gods, he (Musaa) said: Verily you are an ignorant people.” [7:138]

Verily you will follow the ways of those before you.’”

Reported by Ahmad[1], at-Tirmidhi[2] who authenticated it, and Abdur Razaaq[3], Ibn Jareer[4], Ibn Mundhar[5], Ibn Abi Haatim[6], at-Tabaraani[7].

The Reporter of the Hadeeth

He is Abu Waaqid al-Laithee - an ascription to Laith bin Abd Manaaf. It is said his name is al-Haarith bin Maalik, while others say Ibn Auf. Many people reported from him and he has two hadeeths in the two Saheehs. It is said the he witnessed Badr and it is said that he was from the Muslims who witnessed the conquest of Makkah. He died in the year 68 A.H. when he was 85 years old.

The Meaning of the Hadeeth

There were in the army of the Messenger in the battle of Hunain those who had recently entered into Islaam. They had not become firmly grounded in Islaam and had not gained an understanding of the beliefs and fundamental concepts of the Islamic dawah, due to the fact that they had recently left jaahiliyah and shirk. So they passed by a people from the Mushrikeen devoting themselves around a tree, seeking blessings from it and glorifying it. So when those new Muslims saw them doing this they asked the Messenger of Allaah to appoint a tree for them upon which they could hang their weapons to seek blessings by it and not to worship it. They thought that Islaam permitted this type of seeking blessing and that by this they could ensure victory over their enemies.

The Messenger of Allaah was startled by this amazing request so he said this great statement, which is a lesson for the Ummah to take heed from, up until the Day of Judgement:

“Allaahu Akbar, by Him in whose hand is my soul, verily what you have said is just as the Bani Isra’eel said to Moosaa:

“Appoint for us a god, just like they have gods, he (Musaa) said: Verily you are an ignorant people.”[7:138]

What is more appropriate for the Muslims than heeding and perceiving this lesson? What is more appropriate, especially for the scholars, than speaking out with this resounding, powerful statement in the presence of the general public and their imitation of those who seek blessings from the living, the dead, the trees and the stones thinking that this is from Islaam. These acts are beautified for them by individuals who do not fear Allaah or hope in Him and the Last Day who are from amongst the slaves of wealth and status. They exploit the sympathy of the ignorant and the naïve and thus they establish the people upon falsehood and urge them to fight the truth and tawheed.

Benefits of the Hadeeth

1) The prohibition of resembling the people of jaahiliyah.

2) The Prophets likening of their request to that of the Bani Isra’eel.

3) That an action for which the Bani Isra’eel were blamed is also an action for which this Ummah is blamed.

4) This hadeeth clarifies a principle indicating the prohibition of something seemingly small which may lead to something severe (such as Shirk).

5) It contains one the signs of Prophethood, due to the occurrence of people following the ways of those before them, just as the Prophet (may Allaah's peace and blessings be upon him) informed.

6) It contains fear of Shirk and that man may beautify something thinking that it brings him closer to Allaah whilst it is the most severe thing that distances him from His Mercy and brings him closer to His displeasure.


[1] Vol. 5, p. 228.
[2] Kitaab ul fitan no. 2180, vol. 4, p. 475.
[3] Vol. 11, p. 329, no. 20763.
[4] Vol. 9, p. 45-46.
[5] Refer to Ad-dur al manthoor vol. 3 p. 533.
[6] ibid.
[7] Vol. 3, p. 275, no. 3290-3294.

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02-26-2007, 10:50 AM

The Consequence of Supplicating to Other than Allaah, the Most High

From Ibn Masood (radiallaahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“Whoever dies while still supplicating to other than Allaah as a rival (to Him), will enter the Fire.”

Reported by al-Bukhaari [1]

And from Jaabir (radiallaahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“Whoever meets Allaah without associating anything with Him will enter paradise and whoever meets Him associating anything with Him will enter the Fire.”

Reported by Muslim[2].

The Reporters of the Ahadeeth

Abdullaah bin Masood bin Ghaafil bin Habeeb Al-Hudhalee, Abu Abdur-Rahmaan, from the Saabiqoon Al-Awaloon (the first and foremost to embrace Islaam) and one of the eminent scholars from the Companions. His virtues are numerous and Umar appointed him ruler of Kufah. He died in Madinah in 32AH.

Jaabir bin Abdullaah bin Amr bin Hiraam, Al-Ansaari, then As-Salami, the Companion, son of a Companion. He fought 19 battles with the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam). He died in Madinah aged 70.

The Meaning of the Ahadeeth

The hadeeth explains the status of supplication and that it is from the greatest of the types of worship and from the greatest of the rights of Allaah, such that if the slave directs it to other than Allaah, then he becomes a mushrik. He has taken a rival and equal for Allaah in Uloohiyah and in His right to be worshipped alone. And this is rebellion against Allaah and opposition to His Prophets and denial of His Messengers whose dawah and message all agreed upon the obligation to single out Allaah alone for worship, and the greatest aspect of worship is supplication.

The Messenger of Allaah said: “Supplication is worship.”

And Allaah, the Most High, said

“Invoke your Lord with humility and in secret. He likes not the aggressors.” [7:55]

And He, the Most High, said

“And your Lord said: “Invoke Me, I will respond to your invocation….” [40:60]

And He said, prohibiting supplication to other than Him:

“And invoke not besides Allaah any such that will neither profit you nor hurt you, but if you did so, you shall certainly be one of the Dhalimoon (transgressors, wrongdoers).” [10:106]

And He said:

“So invoke not with Allaah another ilaah (diety) lest you should be among those who receive punishment.” [42:213]

So calling upon other than Allaah acknowledges Uloohiyah to the one called upon. And Allaahs refuge is sought.

He, the Most High, said reprimanding the Mushrikeen:

“This is because when Allaah alone was invoked, you disbelieved, but when partners were joined to Him, you believed. So the judgement is only with Allaah, the Most High, the Most Great!

It is He Who shows you His ayaat and sends down provision for you from the sky. And none remembers but those who turn in repentance.

So call you upon Allaah making worship pure for Him, however much the disbelievers may hate it.” [40:12-14]

And He, the Most High, said, giving the ruling of misguidance and failure upon whoever supplicates to other than Allaah:

“And who is more astray than one who invokes besides Allaah, such as will not answer him till the Day of Resurrection, and who are unaware of their invocations to them? And when the people are gathered they (the false deities) will become their enemies and deny their worshipping.” [46:5-6]

And He, the Most High, said:

Such is Allaah, your Lord; His is the kingdom. And those whom you invoke or call upon instead of Him own not even a Qitmir (the thin membrane over a date stone).

If you invoke them, they hear not your call; and if they were to hear, they could not grant it (your request) to you. An on the Day of Resurrection, they will disown your worshipping them. And none can inform you like Him Who is the All-Knower. [35:13-14]

And from these texts and their likes from the noble Qur’aan and the purified Sunnah, the importance of du’aa (supplication) and its status in the Islaamic aqeedah becomes clear to the one whose vision has been opened, his heart enlightened and his chest expanded by Allaah.

And due to this status, Allaah has promised that whoever does not submit to Him through supplication will enter the Fire, humiliated and disgraced. So He said:

“Verily those who are too proud to worship Me will enter the Fire in humiliation.” [40:60]

And the one who supplicates to other than Allaah has been promised the Fire, as occurs in the Hadeeth, “Whoever dies while still supplicating to other than Allaah as a rival (to Him) will enter the Fire.”

The Benefits of the Hadeeth

1) The status of supplication and that it is the greatest of all the types of worship of Allaah.
2) Supplication to other than Allaah is major shirk and great oppression.
3) The one who supplicates to other than Allaah has only the Fire as recompense, if he dies upon that.


[1] Kitaab ut- Tafseer no. 4497
[2] Kitaab ul-Imaan no. 151-152

02-26-2007, 11:16 AM

The rest are in PDF Format:

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 6 : All the Command is for Allaah alone
The hadeeths of Anas and Ibn Umar illustrating that everything is in the control and dominion of Allaah, and thus all affairs should be relegated to Him, and trust placed in Him.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 7 : The Truthful Imaan (Faith)
The hadeeth of Anas (radiallaahu) which explains when a man has truly believed. The meaning and benefits of the hadeeth explained briefly and concisely.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 8 : Clinging to the Book and the Sunnah Upon The Way of the Salaf
Benefits and lessons from the famous hadeeth of al-Irbaad Ibn Sariyyah concerning the sermon in which the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) warned of the controversies and advised adhering strictly to the Sunnah.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 9 : Three Things That Allaah is Pleased With...
The hadeeth of Abu Hurairah (radiallaahu anhu) explaining that Allaah is pleased with worsshipping Him alone, holding to the rope of Allaah and giving sincere advice to the rulers.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 10 : Striving Against the People of Deviation
Lesssons and benefits from the Hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ood (radiallaahu anhu) concerning striving against those who say what they do not do, or do what they have not been commanded, with the heart, tongue and limbs.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 11 : The Deen is Sincerity
Commentary upon the well-known hadeeth of at-Tameem ad-Daaree that explains that the deen consists of sincerity, and how this relates to Allaah, His Book, His Messenger, the Leaders and the Muslims in general.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 12 : The Most Beloved of Deeds to Allaah
Lessons and benefits from the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ood (radiallaahu anhu) concerning prayer, righteousness to parents and jihaad in the path of Allaah.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 13 : Caution From Riyaa and Incitement to Sincerity in All Deeds
Lessons from the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah concerning the three men who performed righteous deeds and whose case will be judged first on the Day of Judgement.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 14 : The Effect of the Knowledge and Guidance, which Muhammad came with, upon the Different Types of People
Explanation of the hadeeth of Abu Moosaa al-Ash`aree concerning how the rainwater is taken by three types of land, being a parable for the types of people with respect to acquiring and disseminating knowledge.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 15 : The Consequences of Truthfulness and Falsehood
The meaning and benefits of the hadeeth of Abdullaah bin Masood concerning the consequences of truthfulness and lying.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 16 : The Signs of Hypocrisy
A discussion of the hadeeth of Abdullaah bin Amr concerning the four qualities of hypocrisy, those which if found combined in a person, represents pure hypocrisy.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 17 : Avoidance of the Destructive Sins
A nice explanation of the hadeeth of Abu Hurairah (radiyallaahu anhu) concerning the seven destructive sins. The Shaykhs gives a brief explanation of each and lists some benefits from this hadeeth.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 18 : The Ummah's Salvation Lies in Obeying the Prophet
Explanation of the hadeeth of Abu Musa al-Asharee (radiyallaahu anhu) in which a parable is given of the likeness of the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) as a warner to the Ummah.

Mudhakkirah al-Hadeeth an-Nabawee of Shaykh Rabee: 19 : The Importance of Loving Allaah and His Messenger
Explanation of the two hadeeths reported by Anas (radiallaahu anhu) which outline that loving Allaah and the Messenger are from the requirements of tasting the sweetness of Imaan and completing and perfecting one's Imaan.


02-26-2007, 03:30 PM
mashaAllah sis
jazakaAllah kahyr.

jazakaAllah khayr

wasalaamu aleykum wr rb

02-26-2007, 03:31 PM

Wa iyakkum x 2.:)

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