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View Full Version : Tattoo of a Cross?

Umu 'Isa
02-27-2007, 02:22 PM

What would someone who wants to revert to islam do about a tattoo of a cross and tattoo's of faces of kings etc..? If the surgery is expensive and causes a lot of pain?

Also, if a girl got her bellybutton pierced before entering Islam.. would she have to remove it or can she keep it?

Jazaakum Allah khairan in advance.


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02-27-2007, 02:34 PM
they can give him/her anesthesia if that causes lot of pain.

02-27-2007, 02:40 PM

My question is regarding tattoos. My husband and I are both new Muslim converts. We are both Americans and lived a typical American lifestyle before reverting.

My problem is that my husband and I have extensive tattoo work done on our bodies. We would like one day to go to Hajj, insha'a Allah. But, my husband is concerned that his extensive tattoos will cause him problems.

Due to the extensive nature of his tattoos it would be so expensive to remove them that we don’t have removal as an option at this time. Also, that would maybe leave extensive scarring as well.

Shouldn’t we perform Hajj? As a female I do not have this worry since I am now covering, but my husband still has to worry about his arms and chest showing.



In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear questioner, thank you very much for having confidence in us. It is also a chance to congratulate you and your husband for becoming Muslims, and we hope you understand the tolerant and latitudinarian teachings of Islam, which Allah chooses to guide the baffled humanity to the safe shore in an easy way.

Before answering your question, we would like first to ascertain that Islam has a solution for every problem, and the scope of Shari`ah is not that stern as some may claim. Although tattoos are unlawful or haram to apply at first place, there is nothing wrong for new Muslim converts, who have no means to remove them, in leaving them. The tolerant teachings of Islam and its peaceful spirit makes it easy for new converts to become easily adapted to its unique environment, and matchless life style.

In short, a new Muslim convert cannot be cast out from Islam, after recently embracing it, for having no means to remove tattoos applied during his pre-Islamic life.

In his response to the question, Dr. Muzammil Siddiqi, former president of the Islamic Society of North America, adds:

First of all, I would like to stress the fact that it is Haram to have tattoos on the body. However, the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is reported to have said, “Islam takes away the sins done before it.”

Thus, if these tattoos cannot be removed easily or if you have to spend a lot of money to remove them, then you should not worry about them.

When Hajj becomes obligatory on you, you should perform it and do not neglect it because of tattoos on your body. No one should stop you from going to Hajj because of tattoos. I have seen hundreds of pilgrims, men and women, who come from some countries and they have all kinds of tattoos on their faces and bodies. It is forbidden in Islam, but among some tribes in Africa, unfortunately, it is still practiced, even among Muslims.
Read also:

What Islam Says on Tattoos

May Allah guide you to the straight path, and guide you to that which pleases Him, Amen.

Allah Almighty knows best.

Allah Almighty knows best.

hope that helps sis :)

02-27-2007, 02:43 PM
Removing tattoos is VERY expensive and is a very painful and long process. It isn't like you go in for one treatment and poof it is gone. You have to go in mulitple times and have a laser burst the ink that is under you skin to make it go away. In many cases it never fully goes away and leaves a nasty scar. I am not sure but I have heard that it is ok to keep them because when you convert you are forgiven of all past sins. I know many cradle muslims that went off the path and then started practising again. They have tats but say they are forgiven for it. Is this correct??

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Umu 'Isa
02-27-2007, 02:45 PM
Jazaki Allah khair sis.

I understand that it is not necessary to remove them if the person did it before Islam. But I want to know what one should do if the tattoo is of a cross? and of faces?

1. Because cross represents christianity..
2. Its haraam to have pictures of faces in our homes, let alone on our bodies. Angels do not enter homes with pictures? So does that mean Angels won't follow him around at all?

Umu 'Isa
02-27-2007, 02:48 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tomtomsmom
I know many cradle muslims that went off the path and then started practising again. They have tats but say they are forgiven for it. Is this correct??
Allah knows best. If they are sincere in their repentance then Allah may forgive them.

02-27-2007, 02:52 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rahmah
Jazaki Allah khair sis.

I understand that it is not necessary to remove them if the person did it before Islam. But I want to know what one should do if the tattoo is of a cross? and of faces?

1. Because cross represents christianity..
2. Its haraam to have pictures of faces in our homes, let alone on our bodies. Angels do not enter homes with pictures? So does that mean Angels won't follow him around at all?
I'm not a scholar and am fairly new to Islam myself. But my own personal thoughts are that since the cross no longer has any meaning to you as a symbol. Does it need to have any more concern than any of the other tattoos? To be overly concerned about it seems to be elevating it to a level of being more than a patch of colored skin.

02-27-2007, 02:55 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rahmah
Jazaki Allah khair sis.

I understand that it is not necessary to remove them if the person did it before Islam. But I want to know what one should do if the tattoo is of a cross? and of faces?

1. Because cross represents christianity..
2. Its haraam to have pictures of faces in our homes, let alone on our bodies. Angels do not enter homes with pictures? So does that mean Angels won't follow him around at all?
That is a very interesting question. I would like to add: though tattoos are haraam would a cross or face be worse? Could someone maybe get another tattoo to cover it up instead? Would that be the lesser of two evils??

Umu 'Isa
02-27-2007, 02:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Woodrow
I'm not a scholar and am fairly new to Islam myself. But my own personal thoughts are that since the cross no longer has any meaning to you as a symbol. Does it need to have any more concern than any of the other tattoos? To be overly concerned about it seems to be elevating it to a level of being more than a patch of colored skin.
By the way its not me with the tattoo :embarrass

You are right. But the place of the tattoo is on the forearm. So the brother that has it, would have to wear long sleeves all the time so people won't judge him and cause people to have ill feelings towards him.

02-27-2007, 03:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rahmah
By the way its not me with the tattoo :embarrass

You are right. But the place of the tattoo is on the forearm. So the brother that has it, would have to wear long sleeves all the time so people won't judge him and cause people to have ill feelings towards him.
I wonder if using henna to alter it would be acceptable, for the times he desires to wear short sleeves. I know henna is halal. I also think some of the temporary stick on tattoos are halal (That is just my thought I could be wrong), if it is halal perhaps it could be covered or altered with a temporary one.

For his own peace of mind, it would be best for him to concentrate on having it removed, even if it is just one small section at a time. It seems that with tactical removal a cross could be soon altered to be a meaning less number 7 or a 1. Unless of course he has a full crucifix and not just a simple cross.

02-27-2007, 03:15 PM
Allah knows best. If they are sincere in their repentance then Allah may forgive them.

02-28-2007, 12:46 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Rahmah
Jazaki Allah khair sis.

I understand that it is not necessary to remove them if the person did it before Islam. But I want to know what one should do if the tattoo is of a cross? and of faces?

1. Because cross represents christianity..
2. Its haraam to have pictures of faces in our homes, let alone on our bodies. Angels do not enter homes with pictures? So does that mean Angels won't follow him around at all?
The cross only represents christianity if that's what one believes. So for a muslim that's not the case. Not even in christianity for that matter. That's innovation that came around after Jesus (PBUH).

As for the faces, I can imagine that must feel uncomfortable.. but Allah is All-Forgiving and it'll be no sin on the brother if he cannot have it removed straightaway. But if he able to do so then he should. Perhaps he should start saving up inshaAllah. As for tattoo removal, it's not as painful as it's made out to be - probably less painful than having it done. It takes several treatments, depending on the size also and the colours of ink. Some inks are harder to remove. If he could have the features in the faces removed first that'd make them obscure... then he can have the rest removed as and when he's able too. : )

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