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- Qatada -
04-19-2007, 10:14 PM
The Mahdi
20/11/79 CE
1st Muharram 1400 AH

The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi waSalam) said black flags will appear from the lands of the east, and they shall fight and they shall kill you like no other nation has been killed.

When you see them - then give them allegiance - even if you have to crawl over snow to get to them, because they shall have the khalifah of Allaah - the Mahdi in their midst.

Bismillaahi Rahmaani Raheem [In the Name of Allaah, the Most Gracious - Most Merciful]

The 20th of Novermber 1979 appeared to be a normal day in Makkah. To be sure it was a unique and auspicious day for it so happened that this day corresponded to the 1st of Muharram 1400 After Hijrah [AH] - the dawn to a new century, the beginning of a new era.

But little did muslims know as they shuffled and jostled one another in the crowd outside of the haram in Makkah to enter the Masjid Al Haraam to pray the Salaat ul Fajr, that this day was to mark of the most horrific and evil days in the history of the Ummah. As was typical and still is, a number of coffins and byers were lead to the gates of the Haram and the crowds made space for them in order to give them the right of way - out of respect to the dead, and to hasten their funeral procession. But it was not dead bodies that respect was being given to - but rather rifles, guns, ammunition and other weapons. For indeed hidden under the white sheets were not corpses, but weapons intended to create corpses. And they were smuggled under the very eyes of the guards who were there to protect the Haram.

When the Fajr prayer began, the people lined up to pray to Allaah subhaanahu wa ta'aala. In the beautiful air, in the beautiful scent surrounding the Ka'abah. And as the Imaam finished the prayer and said the salaam, signalling the new day - the dawn of a new century. Suddenly a group of men pulled out their guns and other weapons - took control of the microphone, and began announcing that the promised Mahdi was in their midst, and that he had come finally to end this world of the deceit of the evil the corruption that was rampant at their times, and he would fill the world with justice, just as it had been filled before with injustice.

The name of this announcer was Juhaiman ibn Muhammad ibn Saif Al Utaibi, and the name of this supposed Mahdi was just as the hadith had predicted it. His name was Muhammad ibn Abdullah, who was from the pure arab tribe of Al-Kahtaan, from the descendants of the Quraysh. This Mahdi - Muhammad ibn Abdullah made his way to the Ka'abah - stood between the Black Stone and the Station of Ibrahim and began taking the oath of allegiance from his followers. Juhaiman then demanded that all the muslims in the Haram should do the same - for here he claimed was the promised Mahdi. Here he said is the Mahdi who is fulfilling the signs mentioned in the hadith, his name is Muhammad, and he is the son of Abdullah. He is the Mahdi coming from Medina, he is the Mahdi who was to seek refuge in the Haram in Makkah, and of the signs is that he would take the pledge of allegiance at the Ka'abah between the Station of Ibrahim and the Black Stone. All the signs were clear and apparent - here is the Mahdi, why not give pledge of allegiance to him?

Simultaneously the followers of Juhaiman all around the Haram overpowered the guards of the entrances. And ofcourse the guards were unprepared for something of this nature. They shut down and barricated the doors of the Haram. Bewildered and confused the muslim masses, thousands of men, women and children were completely dumb struck. Many of them simply had no understanding of what was going on, after all many of them never even spoke arabic. Others did not realise the gravity of the situation.

Afterall this was the Ka'abah, the holiest place on the earth. So who could possibly assume that anyone would try to do anything to taint its sanctity and image. But a few people realised the fanaticism which was unfolding infront of their very eyes. Including the Imaam of the Haram, he immediately disguised himself in the crowd. And 3 days later when Juhaiman let the women and children out, he managed to sneak out of the Haram along with them and he was one of the primary sources that the authorities could rely on to understand what was going on in the Haram.

For 8 days after this announcement, the followers of Juhaiman held the Haram itself hostage. No-one was allowed to leave initially, and those trapped inside were held hostage until finally when food ran short - Juhaiman was forced initially to let the women and children out and eventually the men out aswell. But Juhaiman and his own followers sealed the doors of the Haram shut. And they barricaded themselves underground the basement of the Haram. The Tawaaf - the only perpetual act that muslims continue to do non stop for hundreds and thousands of years - stopped. Even the congregational prayer was not called. Instead of calling people to prayer - the minarets were used for snipers to shoot down any guards who dared to try to approach the Haram.

The Muslim Ummah was stunned. Was it even concievable that a group of Muslims take the Haram itself hostage? At the same time many people; including students of knowledge and even 'Ulama (Scholars) - were confused. Was it possible that this person could truelly be the Mahdi? After all - some of the signs had truelly been met. A person had sought refuge in the Haram - one sign, his name was Muhammad - another, the son of Abdullah - another sign. He was from the Quraysh - yet another sign.

Allegiance was indeed given to him between the Black Stone and the Station of Ibrahim as the athaab and the hadith predicted. No matter how remote the possibility - the question lurked in the minds of these people - What if this really was the Mahdi?

For if it were - the Prophet sal Allaahu alayhi waSalam also told us how towards the end of time - an army will march towards the Haram in order to attack someone who had sought refuge in it. And that the earth itself shall swallow up the earth itself the entire army and destroy them? What if this was the Mahdi, and any army they sent would be the army the earth would swallow up? After deliberating over the call of this illegid Mahdi and the various signs the hadith had predicted he had, and also taking into account the tactics that this group was using to spread the call - the Highest Council of Senior Scholars issued a Fatwa (Religious Verdict) stating that these people were renegades, and that it was permissible to launch an offensive attack against these rebels in order that this Haram be rid of them.

Based upon this fatwa, Commandoes - armed with plans devised by Military Experts & Strategic Analysts stormed the Ka'abah, equipped with tanks, hundreds of military personnell, and other assault weapons. In the shade of the first house ever built on earth for the worship of Allaah - built by the Prophet Ibraheem; an armed combat ensued.

Both sides exchanged fire - the intecrate layout and architecture of the Haram proved to be adventacious for these rebels. For every pillar became a shield behind where they could hide. And the multiple floors of the Haram proved to be a veritable maze. The Sacred Masjid became a War-Zone.

Many people were killed, including the supposed Mahdi himself. It is unclear how he died, some rumours have it that he was killed by some of his own followers when he realised that this was a gross mistake and wanted to turn himself in. In any case - when the supposed Mahdi died, many of his followers realised that this could not possible be the Mahdi, and with his death - they surrendered themselves to the forces. Others including Juhaiman himself - who was the actual ring leader fought on, using tear-gas, throwing in smoking tires and other ammunition - the Commandoes who stormed the Haram tried to extragate Juhaiman and his core followers. But they had taken shelter in the basement of the Haram, and they were not able to bring them out.

Finally as a last-resort - they flooded the basement of the Haram with water, and threw in live-electric wires. Having no option - Juhaiman and his followers battered and bruised, covered in smoke and sut - surrendered themselves. Photographers managed to capture images, that still bring chills and shivers to those who see them to this day. 61 people were caught alive, the rest over 100 died in the battle inside the Haram. All of these 61 were soon executed in cities all around the Kingdom.

This incident brought to the attention of the entire world; Muslim and Non Muslim, a concept that had hitherto been neglected or side-lined for many years. That of a being called the Mahdi. What exactly is the concept of the Mahdi, is it a superstition borrowed from other religions? Or perhaps some kind of myth that muslims have invented?

The answer to these questions, and more is the topic of the present series of lectures.


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- Qatada -
04-19-2007, 10:19 PM

The Mahdi - Between Fact & Fiction by Yasir Qadhi.

The concept of the Mahdi is one of the most controversial and greatly misunderstood topics of Islam, and different sects have proposed radically variant beliefs about him. Most Muslims know little, if anything, about this enigmatic figure. In this series of Lectures, the speaker - for the first time in the English language - sheds light on the Prophetic descriptions of the Mahdi. Basing his talk entirely upon authentic hadeeths and the explanations of reputable scholars of Islam, he explains in great detail the signs of the Mahdi, the trials and tribulations that shall accompany him, and the intense events that shall take place in his reign, including the descent of Isa ibn Maryam.

Mehdi & Fiction-CD1.mp3
Mehdi & Fiction-CD2.mp3
Mehdi & Fiction-CD3.mp3
Mehdi & Fiction-CD4.mp3

Buy Product


- Qatada -
04-19-2007, 10:20 PM
Coming of the Mahdi - Tawfique Chowdhury

Without doubt the end times are upon us. As we live through these days of confusion and struggle, many call the name of the Mahdi, and many have answered. This talk explores the Mahdi in the Qur’an and Sunnah, as well as shedding light on the rundown to his appointment. The sheikh also uncovers the false Mahdi’s that have claimed this title as well as some disturbing truths about one of the greatest trials; the Anti-Christ, Dajjal.

| Track 1 | Track 2 | Track 3 | Track 4 | Track 5 | Track 6 | Track 7 | Track 8 | Track 9 | Track 10 | Track 11 | Track 12 | Track 13 |

04-19-2007, 10:24 PM


Does anyone have images of this horrific incident?

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04-20-2007, 01:23 AM
I am really shocked and saddened that this incident took place in the Holiest Place on earth. What a terrible end the perpetrators will face.

04-21-2007, 08:31 PM
JazakAllah khair for that! so scary though :( if it is Allah's will that anything like this happens there again i hope i am not alive to see it!

but its so stupid how people believe the mahdis around and to see him you have to pay by credit car etc :rolleyes:

- Qatada -
04-21-2007, 08:36 PM

In the second lecture which i've linked to - the tawfique chowdhary one, he mentions that there were some in al maghrib aswell some centuries ago - and he would kill and murder women etc. there were others like the ahmadi/qadiyiani movement i think, but there's also one in london today claiming to be one.. wa Allaahu a'lam.

05-24-2009, 04:30 AM
Can some one please Re upload
The Mahdi Between Fact and Fiction

It is broken i really want to listen to it.
I will buy it later on.

05-24-2009, 08:49 AM
I've managed to google the pics of that event and I didn't see a lot unfortunately.

1979 Juhaiman ibn Muhammad ibn Saif al Utaiba

05-24-2009, 10:08 AM
I heard about the incident from my father ... a lot of info was hidden .. many was involved..

all kingdom was in rampage nobody expect it specially the government .. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Qahtan was one of the finest students of sheikh Abdul Aziz bin baz ..

his follower and his wife brother Juhaiman was an employee in internal Saudi army guards ..

after this incident the kingdom change a lot of regulation in rules which made it fit more as a pure islamic country !!

these are some videos about the crisis was aire in Saudi TV Channel one for Juhaiman and his followers also some kids from mohammed family !!

Click Here To Download

Click Here To Download


05-24-2009, 10:10 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by wafi
I heard about the incident from my father ... a lot of info was hidden .. many was involved..

all kingdom was in rampage nobody expect it specially the government .. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Qahtan was one of the finest students of sheikh Abdul Aziz bin baz ..

his follower and his wife brother Juhaiman was an employee in internal Saudi army guards ..

after this incident the kingdom change a lot of regulation in rules which made it fit more as a pure islamic country !!

these are some videos about the crisis was aire in Saudi TV Channel one for Juhaiman and his followers also some kids from mohammed family !!

Click Here To Download

Click Here To Download

Wow thank you for this. Much appreciated :D

05-24-2009, 10:41 AM

My maternal grandfather had gone for Hajj that year. He was there in Haram when that started, and when people panicked, he said he too approached a gate and said "Haji Haji" and they allowed him to exit.
It was really a very horrifying scene. 8 days Tawaf was stopped!

05-24-2009, 11:24 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by wafi
I heard about the incident from my father ... a lot of info was hidden .. many was involved..

all kingdom was in rampage nobody expect it specially the government .. Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Qahtan was one of the finest students of sheikh Abdul Aziz bin baz ..

his follower and his wife brother Juhaiman was an employee in internal Saudi army guards ..

after this incident the kingdom change a lot of regulation in rules which made it fit more as a pure islamic country !!

these are some videos about the crisis was aire in Saudi TV Channel one for Juhaiman and his followers also some kids from mohammed family !!

Click Here To Download

Click Here To Download

Btw the 1st link doesn't work...But the 2nd however, is very interesting. The boy said something that made the interviewer astonished after the picture was shown to the young boy and wanted a reassurance on what he just heard...The young boy claimed that it was his uncle Mohammed ibn Abdulla (the dajjal/kathab) and that he had a punch mark on his cheek.

The bold part indicates that the prophecy (in his case) is not fulfilled. Let's see:

The Signs of Imaam Mahdi

1) He will be from the progeny of the Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him and descendent of Fatimah (R.A). Umme Salama (R.A) reported: I heard the Prophet of Allah (Peace and blessings be upon him) saying, "The Mahdi will appear from my progeny, from the descendants of Fatimah." (Abu Daud)


2) His name will be Muhammad or Ahmad and his father's name will be Abdullah. Ibne Masood (R.A) reported that the Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him said, "If there remains in the world but a day, the mighty Allah will greatly prolong that day till he will send there in a man from me or from the members of my house. His name will be similar to my name and his father's name to my father's name." (Abu Daud)

It is established that his name is the same as our beloved prophet (pbuh) first name and last. Mohammed ibn Abdulla. He maybe a Qurashi but again it's not established if he was among the household or not.

3) He will resemble the Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him in character. Hadrat Ali (R.A) once looked at his son and remarked, "This son of mine is Saiyid who was named by the Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him and soon from his loins will come forth a man by the name of your Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him and who will resemble him in conduct but not in appearance." (Abu Daud)

Bold part: No where near the same conduct as our prophet (pbuh). Attacking a holy place and killing innocent muslims is NOT the teachings nor the conduct of our prophet (pbuh).

4) He will have a shiny forehead and a high bridge nose. Abu Saeed reported that the Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him said, "The Mahdi will appear from me, shining of forehead, long of nose." (Abu Daud).

Saw the picture of him, high bridge nose: yes, shiny forehead: no.

5) Once Hadrat Ali (R.A) was asked regarding his description. He replied, "He is a well built youth of average height and a handsome face, his hair reaches his shoulders and the light of his face is contrasted by the darkness of his hair and beard." (Al-Isha'ah)

The only right things mentioned is he is youth and handsome face (most Arabs are :p)

6) He will be slow of speech (a slight stutter) and when he is delayed, he will strike his left thigh with his right hand." (Al-Isha'ah)


7) He will appear from the east. Thawban (R.A) reported that the Prophet Peace and blessings be upon him said, "Three men will be killed at the place where your treasure is. Each of them will be the son of a Khalifah but none of them will get hold of the treasure. Then the black banners will come out of the east, and they will slaughter you in a way that has never been seen before. If you see him give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi." (Ibne Majah)

No black banners were there and no treasure. Please note that the slaughtering is done by them not the ones who hold the black banners.

For more info on this please check this out

05-24-2009, 12:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by AabiruSabeel

My maternal grandfather had gone for Hajj that year. He was there in Haram when that started, and when people panicked, he said he too approached a gate and said "Haji Haji" and they allowed him to exit.
It was really a very horrifying scene. 8 days Tawaf was stopped!
El hamdilla for your grandfathers safety.

05-24-2009, 06:27 PM
Btw the 1st link doesn't work...
sorry for that .. below is another link i upload ..

Click Here To Download


05-24-2009, 06:36 PM
what are those treasures of the kaa'ba? I have read about those, that three or four will go fighting for the treasures of kaa'ba and non will claim it.. is it a literal treasure or something else?


05-24-2009, 06:43 PM
that pic of that guy looks scary:skeleton:, if he had one eye I would have thought he was the dajjal

05-24-2009, 07:06 PM
SubhanAllah.......i didnt know any of this!!! :ooh::ooh:

scary stuff..........

05-24-2009, 07:21 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye
what are those treasures of the kaa'ba? I have read about those, that three or four will go fighting for the treasures of kaa'ba and non will claim it.. is it a literal treasure or something else?

in the old age of Islam people from around the world used to give gold, money , oud & Misc (Odor)..etc... to kaabah for rebuild, renew and such stuff... it was given and put inside Ka'abah ... used to call it treasures of kaabah

most of khalifah and rulers as the time pass by in makkah hates that kaabah given money ,coz priorty to masakins and orphanage in saaqah and kaabah dont need it ...

even now in the kingdom of saudi arabia period, if u promoted to see the kaabah inside, u can see that its just an empty room from inside..

05-24-2009, 07:35 PM
so are the treasures hidden beneath the kaa'ba I have read that as one theory somewhere is that true?


05-24-2009, 09:04 PM
there was another attack in makkah, but i dont think it was on the kaaba, it was done by shias sum protest or summin durin hajj

05-24-2009, 09:49 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye
so are the treasures hidden beneath the kaa'ba I have read that as one theory somewhere is that true?

It is said that Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him when he opened the Kaaba of Makkah he found a treasure inside, more than seventy thousand Kilos or Oqeyah(not sure)of gold

he did not take it or dispose it he just kept it there, Caliphs did the same thing, successors have been some of the Kaaba, some of Abbasi Caliphs were taking loans from kaaba treasure and return it back

Abdullah bin Omar, hates to give gold to the Kaaba , he said that the poor have the priority first, and Ka'bah do not need it.

The Omar Ibn al Khattab was about to give the treasures of the Kaaba to all the poor but Sadn Allbait Shaibah said that the Prophet peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr did not do so, also Ali Bin Abi Talib and sahaba agreed on that. He was released charity funds to the Kaaba.

thats why Oulama'a says its not allowed or makruh to spend kaabah treasures for other reason instead for kaabah its self.

i realy didnt heard about a treasures beneath kaaba all i know that treasures are given in the old ages but im sure that the kaabah discription from inside as follows:

the floor inside kaaba is white marble in the middle and black marble surround it with no gold or money or such treasures ..

the walls from inside is marble also covered with a green or pink curtains there's Ayat from Qura'an written on it sewed with a silver threads covers even the ceiling of kaaba

there's three wooden pillars in the middle to keep the balance and support ceiling ...

there's also a number of outstanding lamps made of copper, silver and glass engraved with verses of the Koran belongs to the Othamani's era.

there's a ladder reach up to the roof of the Kaaba is made of aluminum and crystal.


05-24-2009, 09:54 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by chacha_jalebi
there was another attack in makkah, but i dont think it was on the kaaba, it was done by shias sum protest or summin durin hajj
u cant consider it as attack .. before , shias always do a lot of protesting in hajj that harms a lot of citizens in makkah every year .. now its safe for all pilgrims 'coz saudi military always keeps thier movements in focus :)

05-24-2009, 11:43 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by wafi
It is said that Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him when he opened the Kaaba of Makkah he found a treasure inside, more than seventy thousand Kilos or Oqeyah(not sure)of gold

he did not take it or dispose it he just kept it there, Caliphs did the same thing, successors have been some of the Kaaba, some of Abbasi Caliphs were taking loans from kaaba treasure and return it back

Abdullah bin Omar, hates to give gold to the Kaaba , he said that the poor have the priority first, and Ka'bah do not need it.

The Omar Ibn al Khattab was about to give the treasures of the Kaaba to all the poor but Sadn Allbait Shaibah said that the Prophet peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr did not do so, also Ali Bin Abi Talib and sahaba agreed on that. He was released charity funds to the Kaaba.

thats why Oulama'a says its not allowed or makruh to spend kaabah treasures for other reason instead for kaabah its self.

i realy didnt heard about a treasures beneath kaaba all i know that treasures are given in the old ages but im sure that the kaabah discription from inside as follows:

the floor inside kaaba is white marble in the middle and black marble surround it with no gold or money or such treasures ..

the walls from inside is marble also covered with a green or pink curtains there's Ayat from Qura'an written on it sewed with a silver threads covers even the ceiling of kaaba

there's three wooden pillars in the middle to keep the balance and support ceiling ...

there's also a number of outstanding lamps made of copper, silver and glass engraved with verses of the Koran belongs to the Othamani's era.

there's a ladder reach up to the roof of the Kaaba is made of aluminum and crystal.


Masha'Allah, you are very knowledgeable on the matter..:D
Jazaka Allah khyran


05-25-2009, 08:38 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by wafi
sorry for that .. below is another link i upload ..

Click Here To Download

Still doesn't work for me. It links me to HTTP thingy lol. But thank you nontheless :)

format_quote Originally Posted by wafi
in the old age of Islam people from around the world used to give gold, money , oud & Misc (Odor)..etc... to kaabah for rebuild, renew and such stuff... it was given and put inside Ka'abah ... used to call it treasures of kaabah

most of khalifah and rulers as the time pass by in makkah hates that kaabah given money ,coz priorty to masakins and orphanage in saaqah and kaabah dont need it ...

even now in the kingdom of saudi arabia period, if u promoted to see the kaabah inside, u can see that its just an empty room from inside..
Googled these pictures:

format_quote Originally Posted by Gossamer skye
so are the treasures hidden beneath the kaa'ba I have read that as one theory somewhere is that true?

If you look at the pictures above, I doubt it but Wafi as a resident of Mecca knows far better than I do.

format_quote Originally Posted by wafi
It is said that Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him when he opened the Kaaba of Makkah he found a treasure inside, more than seventy thousand Kilos or Oqeyah(not sure)of gold

he did not take it or dispose it he just kept it there, Caliphs did the same thing, successors have been some of the Kaaba, some of Abbasi Caliphs were taking loans from kaaba treasure and return it back

Abdullah bin Omar, hates to give gold to the Kaaba , he said that the poor have the priority first, and Ka'bah do not need it.

The Omar Ibn al Khattab was about to give the treasures of the Kaaba to all the poor but Sadn Allbait Shaibah said that the Prophet peace be upon him, and Abu Bakr did not do so, also Ali Bin Abi Talib and sahaba agreed on that. He was released charity funds to the Kaaba.

thats why Oulama'a says its not allowed or makruh to spend kaabah treasures for other reason instead for kaabah its self.

i realy didnt heard about a treasures beneath kaaba all i know that treasures are given in the old ages but im sure that the kaabah discription from inside as follows:

the floor inside kaaba is white marble in the middle and black marble surround it with no gold or money or such treasures ..

the walls from inside is marble also covered with a green or pink curtains there's Ayat from Qura'an written on it sewed with a silver threads covers even the ceiling of kaaba

there's three wooden pillars in the middle to keep the balance and support ceiling ...

there's also a number of outstanding lamps made of copper, silver and glass engraved with verses of the Koran belongs to the Othamani's era.

there's a ladder reach up to the roof of the Kaaba is made of aluminum and crystal.

Barakallah feek :D

05-25-2009, 05:31 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by wafi
u cant consider it as attack .. before , shias always do a lot of protesting in hajj that harms a lot of citizens in makkah every year .. now its safe for all pilgrims 'coz saudi military always keeps thier movements in focus :)
On November 28, 1979, as the Mecca incident continued, the Shia of Qatif and two other towns in the Eastern Province tried to observe Ashura publicly. When the national guard intervened, rioting ensued, resulting in a number of deaths. Two months later, another riot in Al Qatif by Shia was quelled by the national guard, but more deaths occurred. Among the criticisms expressed by Shia were the close ties of the Al Saud with and their dependency on the West, corruption, and deviance from the sharia. The criticisms were similar to those levied by Juhaiman al Utaiba in his pamphlets circulated the year before his seizure of the Grand Mosque. Some Shia were specifically concerned with the economic disparities between Sunnis and Shia, particularly since their population is concentrated in the Eastern Province, which is the source of the oil wealth controlled by the Sunni Al Saud of Najd. During the riots that occurred in the Eastern Province in 1979, demands were raised to halt oil supplies and to redistribute the oil wealth so that the Shia would receive a more equitable share.


05-25-2009, 05:38 PM
was that musharraf walking behind abdullah in the second pic?

05-25-2009, 05:47 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by aadil77
was that musharraf walking behind abdullah in the second pic?
Yes, I was surprised too.:D

05-25-2009, 05:57 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zico
Still doesn't work for me. It links me to HTTP thingy lol. But thank you nontheless :)
here it is:

kinda scary video :skeleton:

05-25-2009, 06:07 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Güven
here it is:

kinda scary video :skeleton:

Did they get executed?

05-25-2009, 06:25 PM
If you look at the pictures above, I doubt it but Wafi as a resident of Mecca knows far better than I do.
I heard before the treasures was kept in a well not that deep inside Kaaba but i doubt if that true also bro ^_^

05-25-2009, 06:39 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Zico
On November 28, 1979, as the Mecca incident continued, the Shia of Qatif and two other towns in the Eastern Province tried to observe Ashura publicly. When the national guard intervened, rioting ensued, resulting in a number of deaths. Two months later, another riot in Al Qatif by Shia was quelled by the national guard, but more deaths occurred. Among the criticisms expressed by Shia were the close ties of the Al Saud with and their dependency on the West, corruption, and deviance from the sharia. The criticisms were similar to those levied by Juhaiman al Utaiba in his pamphlets circulated the year before his seizure of the Grand Mosque. Some Shia were specifically concerned with the economic disparities between Sunnis and Shia, particularly since their population is concentrated in the Eastern Province, which is the source of the oil wealth controlled by the Sunni Al Saud of Najd. During the riots that occurred in the Eastern Province in 1979, demands were raised to halt oil supplies and to redistribute the oil wealth so that the Shia would receive a more equitable share.

OOO i heard about those shia from eastern province of saudi arabia.. most of them were young and foolish .. i remember one of those who done rebilion with others were at age between 25 and 15 ..

most of these small incidents are not worth telling 'coz we citizen hardly hear about it some thinks its rumor ...which means its already beeing cleaned by the government and its not a threat anymore ..

thanks for sharing info.


05-26-2009, 09:05 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by wafi
OOO i heard about those shia from eastern province of saudi arabia.. most of them were young and foolish .. i remember one of those who done rebilion with others were at age between 25 and 15 ..

most of these small incidents are not worth telling 'coz we citizen hardly hear about it some thinks its rumor ...which means its already beeing cleaned by the government and its not a threat anymore ..

thanks for sharing info.

I've heard, it's not backed up by facts so take it as a rumor, that on that day a prince of Saudi Arabia was on omra.
The story goes that this prince had a gun in his possession (I don't know how he kept his gun) and once the attack began he tool out his gun and shot a couple of them till he died.
Again I don't know if its true or not but Allah Knows best.

07-01-2009, 02:23 PM
The Saudis clamped a complete ban on local as well as international news networks to cover this incident. Some say that these guyz were infiltrators from Iran, some say they wanted to topple the Saudi regime, God knows what was that all about.

BUT my belief is if Mahdi Alaiha-salaam will show up, Allah will provide him complete protection as prophesied by Prophet Mohammad s.a.w.w.

11-12-2012, 05:32 PM

11-21-2012, 08:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by - Qatada -

The Muslim Ummah was stunned. Was it even concievable that a group of Muslims take the Haram itself hostage?

Walikum asalam wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuh!
It clearly was a shocking incident, the first time I heard it. I did hear a couple of news of bloodshed near the kaaba but this news was new for me.
Abouting holding kaaba as a hostage, i wasn't that stunned.

Kaaba was stoned heavily and nearly demolished by Muslim army consisting of Syrians at the time of ruler Yaazid due to political issues!

format_quote Originally Posted by - Qatada -
After deliberating over the call of this illegid Mahdi and the various signs the hadith had predicted he had, and also taking into account
the tactics that this group was using to spread the call - the Highest Council of Senior Scholars issued a Fatwa (Religious Verdict) stating that these people were renegades, and that it was permissible to launch an offensive attack against these rebels in order that this Haram be rid of them.

Masha Allah! Allah helped the learned Ulemas to find out the truth and issue a fatwa against him. Must have been really challenging! =] I would have loved to read about how the Ulemas arrived at the fatwa but of course there is nothing provided for that.

What is this nowadays "Highest Council of Senior Scholars" called? Is it in Makkah? How do the Saudi government form it when the need arises? Umm...it might come across as a silly question but i really want to know?

11-21-2012, 08:48 AM
Bismillah Hir Rahman Nir Raheem!

My brothers and sisters!
I've read a good deal about this topic and will share a few things with you (if Allah wills) =]
I keep searching about this topic more and more because of the worst condition in which Muslims are today (keeping recent Gaza attacks in account).
So Imam Mahdi, sort of comes as an assurance and a hope for me given by Allah! :) Imam Mahdi is the hope given to us by Allah to reestablish the Khilafah once again which muslims of today are so incapable of. And even if the Caliphate gets established, there are still many questions pertaining to that as to what "version" it will be? The rules and regulations, the halal entertainment, the education system revamp etc!
And Imam Mahdi will be guided by Allah in his decisions. Allah has given him a lot of knowledge of science and fiqh and he would be the best one at the time to understand islam in its true colours!
All we would be needing to do is to follow the Caliph of Allah with pure heart!

To be frank, that person looks like a bafoon to me (may Allah forgive me) because of his getup and hair! I mean Allah's beloved people are anything but beautiful. It is hard to explain! Allah gives people a glow in their face and their face shines! like a star. We kno Prophet's face used to shine even brighter than the moon. Maybe its a description from the "lover's" eye but there is a special kind of "noor" on such high, spiritual people's face! And their very personality gives you an evidence as to the their truth! SUBHAN ALLAH! :statisfie

Beloved Rasool Allah has given a LOT OF description of the features of Imam Mahdi. Read Mishkat Al Madhabi (Chapter "the end of times") and you find it all in there!
Hadith like Imam Mahdi's body is like that of Bani-Israeli but him being from Prophet's progeny and complexion like that of an arab. And there are MANY ahadith. If you people want, i can share them here insha Allah as long as i'm free.

So one thing to asure yourself with is that Imam Mahdi is a very beautiful person, more so because the "noor" lights up his face and his manners are like that of Rasool Allah (s.a.w)!!!
Anyone who is like Rasool Allah is the most beautifcul person amongst the people of his time! :statisfie

And also that the good slaves of Allah would "know" that that person really is Mahdi!

The links given in the very frst post are broken. What to do about that? Jazakumullahu Khairan!

11-21-2012, 09:00 AM
Black Flags would come from Khurasan and the Khalifa of Allah (Imam Mahdi) would be among them! Khurasan is the region which covers the whole of Afghanistan, north eastern province of Iran and the a narrow strip of the north western region of Pakistan. here is a map for details...

Attachment 5211

P.s: How to post bigger pictures? lol

I've a lot of interest in the topic of Mahdi and would look forward to more posts from you people! =]

About the treasures of Kaaba' I don't know what they are. I mean hadith has a different kind of meaning. It might be that the treasure is a spiritual one and not a material one. For example, there is a hadith which mentions that the river Eupharates would be dried up near the end of times revealing a mountain of gold and people would fight for it and there will be much bloodshed and if 100 people are fighting for it, 99 would die! so one author Harun Yahya (i don't agree with everything he says. just giving a refernce) says that a dam was bulit on Eupharates which dried it all and oil wells were discovered in it etc...

So maybe the "treasures of Kaaba" is something like that. Allahu Alam!

11-21-2012, 04:03 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Masuma
Black Flags would come from Khurasan and the Khalifa of Allah (Imam Mahdi) would be among them!
There's no sahih riwayah that show obviously when and where Imam Mahdi will come from. But there are three opinions among ulama.

First. Imam mahdi will come from east. It's explained by Ibn Katsir.
Second. Imam Mahdi will come from west, or Maghribi. This is explained by Imam Al-Qurthubi.
Third. Imam Mahdi is Madinah resident who move to Makah. (but this is based on hadith that not sahih)

Imam Mahdi will come from Khurasan?. I never heard about it. But I often heard that Dajjal will come from Khurasan.

11-22-2012, 11:43 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
...there are three opinions among ulama.

First. Imam mahdi will come from east. It's explained by Ibn Katsir.
Second. Imam Mahdi will come from west, or Maghribi. This is explained by Imam Al-Qurthubi.
Third. Imam Mahdi is Madinah resident who move to Makah. (but this is based on hadith that not sahih)
Are these opinions of the "Ulemas" based on weak (dai'f ahadith)? What are the bases on which they formed these opinions?

format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
...Imam Mahdi will come from Khurasan?. I never heard about it.
On the authority of Thawbaan (May Allah be pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah said:
"If you see the Black Banners coming from Khurasan go to them immediately, even if you must crawl over ice, because indeed amongst them is the Caliph, Al Mahdi." [Narrated on authority of Ibn Majah, Al-Hakim, Ahmad ibn Hanbal]

Related by Abu Hurayrah: The Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam said: "(Armies carrying) black flags will come from Khurasan. No power will be able to stop them and they will finally reach Jerusalem where they will erect their flags." (Tirmidhi)

format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
...There's no sahih riwayah that show obviously when and where Imam Mahdi will come from.
"obviously when?" yes, no hadith tells exactly when but the hadiths do point out from where...

format_quote Originally Posted by ardianto
...But I often heard that Dajjal will come from Khurasan.
Yes, Dajjal and his army will also rise from Khurasan.

Jazakumullahu khairan!

12-18-2012, 09:01 PM

01-14-2013, 08:01 AM
The Mahdi

THE Mahdi will come at the end of time; he is one of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and Imâms. He is not the Mahdi who is expected by the Shiah, who they claim will appear from a tunnel in Samarra. This claim of theirs has no basis in reality nor in any reliable source. They allege that his name is Muhammad ibn al-Hasan ibn al-Askari, and that he went into the tunnel when he was five years old. The matter we intend to discuss has been proven by Ahadîth narrated from the Prophet - sallallâhu ’alayhi wa sallam -: that the Mahdi will appear at the end of time. I believe that he will appear before Jesus the son of Mary comes down, as the Ahadîth indicate.

Hajjaj said that he heard 'Alî say, The Prophet said, "Even if there were only one day left for the world, Allah would send a man from among us to fill the world with justice, just as it had been filled with oppression and justice." (Ahmad).

'Alî said, The Prophet said, "The Mahdi is one of us, from among the people of my household. In one night Allah will inspire him and prepare him to carry out his task successfully." (Ahmad and Ibn Majah.)
'Alî said, whilst looking at his son al-Hasan, This son of mine is a Sayyid (master), as the Prophet named him. Among his descendants there will be man named after your Prophet. He will resemble him in behaviour but not in looks. Then he told them the report which mentions that the earth will be filled with justice. (Abû Dâwûd)
Abû Dâwûd devoted a chapter of his Sunan to the subject of the Mahdi. At the beginning of this chapter he quoted the Hadîth of Jabir ibn Samrah, in which the Prophet said, "This religion will remain steadfast until twelve caliphs have ruled over you." (According to another report he said, "This religion will remain strong until twelve caliphs have ruled over you.")

Jabir said, The people cheered and shouted Allâhu akbar! Then the Prophet whispered something. I asked my father What did he say? My father said, He said, All of them will be from Quraysh. Another report says that when the Prophet returned to his house, Quraysh came to him and asked, What will happen after that? He said, Then there will be tribulation and killing.

Abû Dâwûd reported a Hadîth from 'Abdullâh ibn Masud: The Prophet said, "If there were only one day left for the world, that day would be lengthened until a man from among my descendants or from among the people of my household, was sent; his name will be the same as my name, and his fathers name will be the same as my fathers name. He will fill the earth with justice and fairness, just as it will have been filled with injustice and oppression. The world will not end until a man of my household, whose name is the same as mine, holds away."

'Abdullâh said, The Prophet said, "A man from my household, whose name is like mine, will take power." (at-Tirmidhî.) In another report, from Abû Hurayrah, the Prophet said, "If there were only one day left for this world, Allah would lengthen it until he took power." Abû Said said, The Prophet said, "The Mahdi will be one of my descendants; he will have a high forehead and a hooked nose. He will fill the earth with justice and fairness just as it was filled with injustice and oppression, and he will rule for seven years. (Abû Dâwûd)

Umm Salamah reported that the Prophet said, "People will begin to differ after the death of a Khalifah. A man from the people of Madînah will flee to Makkah. Some of the people of Makkah will come to him and drag him out against his will; they will swear allegiance to him between al-Rukn and al-Maqam. An army will be sent against him from Syria; it will be swallowed up in the desert between Makkah and Madînah. When the people see this, groups of people from Syria and Iraq will come and swear allegiance to him. Then a man from Quraysh whose mother is from Kalb will appear and send an army against them, and will defeat them; this will be known as the Battle of Kalb. Whoever does not witness the spoils of this battle will miss much! The Mahdi will distribute the wealth, and will rule the people according to the Sunnah of the Prophet. Then he will die, and the Muslims will pray for him." (Abû Dâwûd)

'Alî said, The Prophet said, "A man named al-Harith ibn Hirath will come from Transoxania. His army will be led by a man named Mansur. He will pave the way for and establish the government of the family of Muhammad, just as Quraysh established the government of the Messenger of Allah. Every believer will be obliged to support him." (Abû Dâwûd)

'Abdullâh ibn al-Harith ibn Juz al-Zubaydi said, The Prophet said, A people will come out of the East who will pave the way for the Mahdi. (Ibn Majah.)

'Abdullâh said, Whilst we were with the Prophet, some young men from Banu Hashim approached us. When the Prophet saw them, his eyes filled with tears and the colour of his face changed. I said, We can see something has changed in your face, and it upsets us. The Prophet said, "We are the people of a Household for whom Allah has chosen the Hereafter rather than this world. The people of my Household (Ahl al-Bayt) will suffer a great deal after my death, and will be persecuted until a people carrying black banners will come out of the east. They will instruct the people to do good, but the people will refuse; they will fight until they are victorious, and the people do as they asked, but they will not accept it from them until they hand over power to a man from my household. Then the earth will be filled with fairness, just as it had been filled with injustice. If any of you live to see this, you should go to him even if you have to crawl across ice."
This text refers to the rule of the Abbasids, as we have mentioned above in the text referring to the beginning of their rule in 132 AH. It also indicates that the Mahdi will appear after the Abbasids, and that he will be one of the Ahl al-Bayt, a descendant of Fatimah, the daughter of the Prophet, through Hasan, not Husayn, as mentioned in the Hadîth from 'Alî ibn Abi Talib; and Allah knows best.

Thwaban said, The Prophet said, "Three men will be killed at the place where your treasure is. Each of them will be the son of a Khalifah, and none of them will get hold of the treasure. Then the black banners will come out of the East, and they will slaughter you in a way which has never been seen before. Then he said something which I do not remember; then, If you see him, go and give him your allegiance, even if you have to crawl over ice, because he is the Khalifah of Allah, the Mahdi." (Ibn Majah.)

The treasure referred to in this text is the treasure of the Ka'bah. Towards the end of time, three of the sons of the Khalifahs will fight to get hold of it, until the Mahdi appears. He will appear from the East, not from the tunnel of Samarra, as the Shiah claim; they believe that he is in this tunnel now, and they are waiting for him to emerge at the end of time. There is no evidence for it in any book or Saheeh tradition, and there is no benefit in believing this.
The truth of the matter is that the Mahdi whose coming is promised at the end of time will appear from the East, and people will swear allegiance to him at the Ka'bah, as some Ahadîth indicate. At the time of the Mahdi, there will be peace and prosperity, with Abûndant crops and wealth, strong rulers, and Islam will be well-established.

Abû Said said, By Allah every ruler we have had has been worse than the previous one, and every year has been worse than the year before, but I heard the Prophet say, Among your rulers will be one who will give out wealth freely, without counting it. A man will come and ask him for money, and he will say take; the man will spread his cloak out and the ruler will pour money into it. The Prophet spread out a thick cloak he had been wearing, to demonstrate the mans actions; then he gathered it up by its corners and said, Then the man will take it and leave. (Ahmad)



03-10-2015, 02:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by Masuma
Black Flags would come from Khurasan and the Khalifa of Allah (Imam Mahdi) would be among them! Khurasan is the region which covers the whole of Afghanistan, north eastern province of Iran and the a narrow strip of the north western region of Pakistan. here is a map for details...

P.s: How to post bigger pictures? lol

I've a lot of interest in the topic of Mahdi and would look forward to more posts from you people! =]

About the treasures of Kaaba' I don't know what they are. I mean hadith has a different kind of meaning. It might be that the treasure is a spiritual one and not a material one. For example, there is a hadith which mentions that the river Eupharates would be dried up near the end of times revealing a mountain of gold and people would fight for it and there will be much bloodshed and if 100 people are fighting for it, 99 would die! so one author Harun Yahya (i don't agree with everything he says. just giving a refernce) says that a dam was bulit on Eupharates which dried it all and oil wells were discovered in it etc...

So maybe the "treasures of Kaaba" is something like that. Allahu Alam!

You need to research. I have notice your most of posts are misleading.

03-10-2015, 06:33 PM
the following video was removed from youtube on all channels which had the video on it. So on wake up project, some members were concerned about the removal of it. Thankfully I had already downloaded the video years before and so i slapped the video into after effects and slapped a short intro into it and then uploaded to youtube. Here it is:

The speaker in the video, shaikh Issa Badwan, seems to think that the Mahdi is also the same person as the youth who will recognise the Dajjal at al Jurf (7 km north west of Medina where the Kingdom Palace - also dubbed the Dajjal Palace built on Jabal Habshi)

He is clearly mistaken.

The reason being is: After Dajjal kills the young man and raises him back to life, the Dajjal will then focus his attention on Jerusalem because news reaches him that the Mahdi is there...

...How did Shaikh Issa Badwan make this massive error?


the 1
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