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View Full Version : Why the 911 WTC buildings could not have collapsed from the aeroplanes

08-08-2005, 07:05 AM
From www.infowars.com and www.physics911.net

Each WTC building collapse occurred at virtually free-fall speed
(approximately 10 seconds or less).
Each building collapsed, for the most part, into its own footprint.
Virtually all the concrete (an estimated 100,000 tons in each tower) on
every floor was pulverized into a very fine dust, a phenomenon that requires
enormous energy and could not be caused by gravity alone (\\\\\\\".workers can\\\'t
even find concrete. \\\'It\\\'s all dust,\\\' [the official] said\\\\\\\").
Dust exploded horizontally for a couple hundred feet, as did debris, at the
beginning of each tower\\\'s collapse.
Collapses were total, leaving none of the massive core columns sticking up
hundreds of feet into the air.
Salvage experts were amazed at how small the debris stacks were.
The steel beams and columns came down in sections under 30 feet long and had
no signs of \\\\\\\"softening\\\\\\\"; there was little left but shorn sections of steel
and a few bits of concrete.
Photos and videos of the collapses all show \\\\\\\"demolition waves,\\\\\\\" meaning
\\\\\\\"confluent rows of small explosions\\\\\\\" along floors (blast sequences).
According to many witnesses, explosions occurred within the buildings.
Each collapse had detectable seismic vibrations suggestive of underground
explosions, similar to the 2.3 earthquake magnitude from a demolition like
the Seattle Kingdome (p. 108).
Each collapse produced molten steel identical to that generated by
explosives, resulting in \\\\\\\"hot spots\\\\\\\" that persisted for months (the two
hottest spots at WTC-2 and WTC-7 were approximately 1,350o F five days after
being continuously flooded with water, a temperature high enough to melt
aluminum (p. 70).

The criminal code requires that crime scene evidence be saved for forensic
analysis but FEMA had it destroyed before anyone could seriously investigate
it. FEMA was in position to take command because it had arrived the day
before the attacks at New York\\\'s Pier 29 to conduct a war game exercise,
\\\\\\\"Tripod II,\\\\\\\" quite a coincidence.

No steel-framed skyscraper, even engulfed in flames hour after hour, had
ever collapsed before. Suddenly, three stunning collapses occur within a few
city blocks on the same day, two allegedly hit by aircraft, the third not.

Second, severe structural damage to the WTC towers would have required fires
that were not only large but growing throughout the buildings and burning
for a considerable period of time. None of these conditions was present.
\\\\\\\"The lack of flames is an indication that the fires were small, and the
dark smoke is an indication that the fires were suffocating,\\\\\\\"

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08-08-2005, 07:08 AM
Some questions + some of the whistleblowers from www.infowars.com
Don´t miss the free radio shows there fighting for the truths that the corrupt media won´t mention.

The evidence that explosives were used in the 9/11 attack is so overhwelming that three full length films could have been made on the subject alone.

Andreas Von Buelow is the former German Defense Minister and Minister of Technology. Von Buelow went public to say the US government carried out 9/11.

Former Bush Cabinet Member Appears On Alex Jones Show; Says Government Complicit In

Michael Meacher was Blair\\\\\\\'s Environment Minister until 2003. In September of last year, he wrote a lengthy piece in the Guardian, `This war on terrorism is bogus\\\\\\\', which questioned the veracity of the official story of 9/11.

Close-Up of WTC-7 Collapse Footage Shows Unmistakable Demolition Charges
Liberty Forum | November 28 2004

Looking at the upper right-hand corner of the building we see a rapid series of small explosions travelling upward just as the building itself begins to fall.

It has now been admitted with little or no press coverage that WTC7 was brought down by explosives inside the building. This is simply the biggest 9/11 revelation since the event and proves there is a press blackout in operation.

Supressed Details of Criminial Insider Trading Leads Directly Into The CIA\\\\\\\'s Highest Ranks: Although uniformly ignored by the mainstream U.S. media, there is abundant and clear evidence that a number of transactions in financial markets indicated specific (criminal) foreknowledge of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Pentagon officials cancelled September 11 flying plans day before: On Sept. 10, NEWSWEEK has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly canceled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.

On 11 September Andrews had two squadrons of fighter jets with the job of protecting the skies over Washington D.C. They failed to do their job. Despite over one hour\\\\\\\'s advance warning of a terrorist attack in progress, not a single Andrews fighter took off (or scrambled) to protect the city.

Agency planned exercise on Sept. 11 built around a plane crashing into a building: In what the government describes as a bizarre coincidence, one U.S. intelligence agency was planning an exercise last Sept. 11 in which an errant aircraft would crash into one of its buildings. But the cause wasn\\\\\\\'t terrorism — it was to be a simulated accident.
Same thing happened in London www.prisonplanet.com/articles/ july2005/110705bombingexercises.htm

Atlantic City F-16 Fighters Were Eight Minutes Away From 9/11 Hijacked Planes: Why? Why weren\\\\\\\'t they alerted? And even if they had been told about the hijackings, what could they have done? The jets weren\\\\\\\'t armed to shoot down another plane. Their mission was bombing drills. Why?

Air Defenses Stood Down On 911 AFTER ATC Alerts Given: There is now irrefutable evidence which proves massive complicity on the part of the highest levels of government -- along with numerous accomplices and co-conspirators in the military, intelligence and administrative sectors -- in the September 11 atrocities perpetrated against the American people.

Seven of the WTC Hijackers found alive! Some of the men the FBI claims hijacked planes on Sept. 11 and crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon, and Stony Creek Township, Pennsylvania are still alive.

Rudolph Giuliani admits to Peter Jennings that he got a warning that the South Tower was about to collapse.

Giant insurance paybacks were just one motive behind the planned demolition of Building 7 and the twin towers on 9/11

Another Ignored 9/11 Clue: Bomb Sniffing Dogs Removed From WTC Days Before Attack
Daria Coard, 37, a guard at Tower One, said the security detail had been working 12-hour shifts for the past two weeks because of numerous phone threats. But on Thursday, bomb-sniffing dogs were abruptly removed.

9/11 Firefighter Observes: \\\\\\\"The Building Collapsed to Dust\\\\\\\"
\\\\\\\"You have two hundred and ten story office buildings. You don\\\\\\\'t find a desk. You don\\\\\\\'t find a chair. You don\\\\\\\'t find a telephone, a computer. The biggest piece of a telephone I found was half of the keypad. The building collapsed to dust.\\\\\\\"

Rescue Fireman Louie Cacchioli - \\\\\\\"We think there was bombs set in the building\\\\\\\": I was taking firefighters up in the elevator to the 24th floor to get in position to evacuate workers. On the last trip up a bomb went off. We think there was bombs set in the building.

The BBC says that America\\\\\\\'s special agents backed away from the bin Laden family soon after George W Bush became president.

FBI claims Bin Laden inquiry was frustrated: FBI and military intelligence officials in Washington say they were prevented for political reasons from carrying out full investigations into members of the Bin Laden family in the US before the terrorist attacks of September 11.

George W. Bush\\\\\\\'s father was meeting with Osama bin Laden\\\\\\\'s brother, Shafig bin Laden, in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Washington, on the morning of 9/11.

Le Figaro claimed that a CIA agent met Osama bin Laden in a Gulf hospital as recently as last July and received \\\\\\\"precise information\\\\\\\" about an imminent attack on the US. According to the French daily, the agent met Bin Laden while he was being treated at the American Hospital in Dubai for a kidney infection. The agent was subsequently recalled to Washington.

Now we have the full story of the secret alliance between the Pentagon and radical Islamist groups from the Middle East designed to assist the Bosnian Muslims - some of the same groups that the Pentagon is now fighting in \\\\\\\"the war against terrorism\\\\\\\".

While oil and oil pipelines out of the Caspian sea basin were undoubtedly a factor, the bombing of Afghanistan also served to restore the multibillion drug trade, which is protected by the CIA.

President Bush was expected to sign detailed plans for a worldwide war against al-Qaida two days before Sept. 11 but did not have the chance before the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, U.S. and foreign sources told NBC News.

British-led plans to destroy Afghan opium poppy farming, responsible for 90% of the UK\\\\\\\'s heroin supply, have made little progress so far, UN figures will show next month.

Afghan heroin trade \\\\\\\'booming\\\\\\\': Afghanistan\\\\\\\'s new government is failing to tackle the cultivation of opium poppies, a BBC investigation has found.

Ummu Amatullah
08-08-2005, 07:47 PM
Thanks for the heads up.What you said makes perfect sense.I always did doubt that whole 9/11 thing.Not saying it's fake, but just saying the evidence firefighters and some researchers found doesn't make sense at all.Salams and welcome to the forum.

08-08-2005, 09:31 PM
Out of interest did you like the Taliban Hashim?

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08-08-2005, 09:39 PM
:sl: With all due respect Brother Hashim,

This makes no sense. The US lost more money in the aftermath of 9.11 and in the invasion/rebuilding of Afghanistan than it will probably ever get back.

All the proof Brother Hashim needs can be found in the report of the 9.11 commission, which is available online somewhere. PLease read it and then prove to me your conspiracy theory.


Ummu Amatullah
08-08-2005, 10:05 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hashim

Allaah know's best. he will judge them. As for as i know, they were a group of scholars who established shariah law and brought peace and harmony to a region of war and bitter fighting for the firstn time in 25 years. May Allaah reward them and bless them, and give them the ability to drive out the great shaytaan from the islamic land and establish the islamic law again, ameen.

ameen to that also. :thumbs_up

08-08-2005, 10:13 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by imaad_udeen
:sl: With all due respect Brother Hashim,

This makes no sense. The US lost more money in the aftermath of 9.11 and in the invasion/rebuilding of Afghanistan than it will probably ever get back.

All the proof Brother Hashim needs can be found in the report of the 9.11 commission, which is available online somewhere. PLease read it and then prove to me your conspiracy theory.


:sl: Brother Imaad_Udeen

Could you try looking at these situations as if the USA was not a cohesive body. The US State will have lost a lot of money in this and other ventures. I would suggest that you make a list of US citizens and corporations who have made money out of these ventures.

I have read the 9/11 Commission Report and frankly some of it does not stack up, I would try the area concerned with the structure of WTC buildings and the collapse of all three ( especially the third building). It is not a light read and you will probably have to cross reference some of the details concerned, but it is well worth it.

I personnally do not have a conspiracy theory.

Brother, I am not asking you to believe anything, just to look at the evidence with fresh eyes and a fresh mind.


08-08-2005, 10:40 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hashim

The 9/11 commison (with all due respect) is a load of crap. It does not possess even a shred of evidence to prove islamic terrorists', if it did you would be frequently posting the evidence to refute brothers like me. Read the commosion, and bring forth your proof, i have not even read it and i can tell you will find nothing, and more rubbish.


The confession of Kahlid Sheik Mohammed is all the proof anyone should need. He masterminded the attacks.

08-08-2005, 10:51 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Hashim

Allaah know's best. he will judge them. As for as i know, they were a group of scholars who established shariah law and brought peace and harmony to a region of war and bitter fighting for the firstn time in 25 years. May Allaah reward them and bless them, and give them the ability to drive out the great shaytaan from the islamic land and establish the islamic law again, ameen.


Brother Hashim, your rhetoric concerning the Taliban is far different from other Muslim regimes, the House of Saud, for instance.

If we are to use the judgement of Allah for the Taliban, then we should also use it for everyone, for Allah will judge us all and none of us speaks for Him, for He is All KNowing and Wise.

I am not concerned with my opinions concerning the Taliban or the House of Saud. Both are/were dictatorial regimes who use the threat of torture and immediate death to impose their uncompromising laws. Both were uncompromising in their treatment of religious minorities.

The Taliban, for instance, massacred Shi'a Haraza Afghans.


In this instance 300 people and there were many more such cases in Afghanistan which are just now coming to light.

They indeed brought peace and harmony, but at the barrel of a gun. I tend to think that Allah would frown upon the murder of children and women, indeed, all innocent people, if the murder is Muslim or not.

I am always of the mind that atrocities committed by Muslims are the worst atrocities, since of all people, Muslims should be blessed by the One God and should know better.


08-09-2005, 02:06 PM
This is good some thing is going on. Good good, because when I tried to open a thread people said that I wasted my time.
Thank you for making this.

08-09-2005, 05:54 PM
Are you refering to the views on the Taliban or fairy tale 9/11 conspiracies?

08-09-2005, 07:01 PM
Photos and videos of the collapses all show \\\\\\\"demolition waves,\\\\\\\" meaning
\\\\\\\"confluent rows of small explosions\\\\\\\" along floors (blast sequences).
This is utter B/S. The twin towers collapsed because the main steel support was weakened on the floor as the impact by intense heat, this caused the upper weight to cripple the weakened beams and the whole lot came down like a pack of cards, one floor at a time each floor being subjected to a power ratio of 1:4 PER FLOOR!!!!!! (personally i don;t even beleive the result was expected. they just wanted to cause death and carnage, the whole lot coming down was a bonus, unforseen bonus but a bonus non the less in their pathetic minds.....

You do the maths since u ain't even done your homework.

I hear aliens have abducted Bush because they are unhappy that he is not exterminating muslims fasty enough. You seem to want to beleive anything to support whatever it even is your trying to support. Quite frankly I don't even think you know yourself what you are supporting. Why dion't you engage in a more meaningful passtime like finding the loch ness monster or the Yetti

08-11-2005, 01:17 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by root
This is utter B/S. The twin towers collapsed because the main steel support was weakened on the floor as the impact by intense heat, this caused the upper weight to cripple the weakened beams and the whole lot came down like a pack of cards, one floor at a time each floor being subjected to a power ratio of 1:4 PER FLOOR!!!!!! (personally i don;t even beleive the result was expected. they just wanted to cause death and carnage, the whole lot coming down was a bonus, unforseen bonus but a bonus non the less in their pathetic minds.....

You do the maths since u ain't even done your homework.

I hear aliens have abducted Bush because they are unhappy that he is not exterminating muslims fasty enough. You seem to want to beleive anything to support whatever it even is your trying to support. Quite frankly I don't even think you know yourself what you are supporting. Why dion't you engage in a more meaningful passtime like finding the loch ness monster or the Yetti


08-12-2005, 12:29 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by root
I hear aliens have abducted Bush because they are unhappy that he is not exterminating muslims fasty enough. You seem to want to beleive anything to support whatever it even is your trying to support. Quite frankly I don't even think you know yourself what you are supporting. Why dion't you engage in a more meaningful passtime like finding the loch ness monster or the Yetti

:sl: Root

I see that the Aliens have taken you over and destroying you ability to comunicate in English.

What does the quoted paragraph mean?


08-12-2005, 12:35 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by imaad_udeen


:sl: Brother

I am sorry but this is inappropriate comment.

Please reconsider what and why you posted it.


08-12-2005, 12:46 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by soul7
Seven of the WTC Hijackers found alive! Some of the men the FBI claims hijacked planes on Sept. 11 and crashed them into the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon, and Stony Creek Township, Pennsylvania are still alive.

:sl: Soul 7

I have heard this before, do you know any names? Where they are now? Any reliable source of this information?


08-12-2005, 05:41 PM
Why dion't you engage in a more meaningful passtime like finding the loch ness monster or the Yetti
Yeh saying 9/11 was down to this and that isn't helpful for Islam nor to yourself as a person. imaad_udeen said "ameen" I think this is to the message root was trying to convey is his funny lil way i.e. the quote above

08-14-2005, 12:30 PM
Just to add to the Conspiracy Theory vibe, I once found a pixie in my packet of crisps.

Do you think it was an American assassin of the FFC (Fairytale Flying Corps) sent to take me out because Walkers are in league with Israeli special forces in a joint venture to create Zionist super-soldiers endowed with Salt-and-Vinegar-enhanced physical abilities?

08-14-2005, 03:08 PM
lol can some MOD close this thread

08-14-2005, 03:16 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Abubakar
:sl: Root

I see that the Aliens have taken you over and destroying you ability to comunicate in English.

What does the quoted paragraph mean?

The quoted paragraph is ridiculing silly conspiracy theories. :)

08-14-2005, 03:42 PM
Abubakar - I see that the Aliens have taken you over and destroying you ability to comunicate in English.
Aye, and at the very least one does not expect the accuser (of my spelling) to make a grammatical error or is this "you fault"


I would as a Kuffaar say LMAO, but being in agreement with Muhammad, I will merely quote "LOQ"

Source: http://www.islamicboard.com/showthre...8954#post68954

hhhhmmmm, wonder to what extent "Kuffaar" could be interpreted as a racial remark.

08-14-2005, 03:56 PM
hhhhmmmm, wonder to what extent "Kuffaar" could be interpreted as a racial remark.
Well, Kuffar is the plural. Kafir is singular.

And considering the amount of times I've seen fellow Muslims wave those words around like it were nothing, good point.

08-14-2005, 04:23 PM

I've seen the term used as a form of name-calling. Heck, I've even seen muslims calling each other kaafir when they're angry. There have been arguments about the word being used too loosely.



08-14-2005, 04:31 PM
Well, Kuffar is the plural. Kafir is singular.
Thanks I never knew that.

08-14-2005, 04:33 PM

Would anyone care to get us back on topic? I love reading conspiracy theories. David Icke and his theory about lizard men in the British Royal Family for instance never fail to amuse me.

08-14-2005, 04:34 PM

The literal meaning of the term in arabic is denier or concealer.



08-14-2005, 04:34 PM

format_quote Originally Posted by Muezzin
Would anyone care to get us back on topic? I love reading conspiracy theories. David Icke and his theory about lizard men in the British Royal Family for instance never fail to amuse me.
Nasa moon landings? :p



08-14-2005, 05:51 PM
lol I've seen all the documentaries out there, and yeh i think the moon landing was real

08-14-2005, 09:50 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by root
Aye, and at the very least one does not expect the accuser (of my spelling) to make a grammatical error or is this "you fault"
:sl: Root

Well that answers the question then.

Was I talking about youR spelling?

Never mind.


Ansar Al-'Adl
08-15-2005, 03:21 AM


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