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View Full Version : Help to refute allegations against "scientifical verses"

05-29-2007, 05:09 PM
Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu.

In a french Forum someone posted allegations against Quran.
So even I can refute some of his allegations I want to be helped and want clear, precise refuting. I thank you :thumbs_up

So I post his allegations:

6.98. And He it is Who hath produced you from a single being , and ( hath given you ) a habitation and a repository . We have detailed Our revelations for a people who have understanding
I remind you that Man doesn't come from a single man whose name was Adam.
Many elements prove the theory of evolution.

21.30 . Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece , then We parted them , and We made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe?
The heaven and the earth didn't was a compact mass whcih has been split up.
But the Earth appeared about 10 Billions years after Big Bang. And came from a gas «*cloud*» (smoke).

41.12 . Then He ordained them seven heavens in two Days and inspired in each heaven its mandate ; and we decked the nether heaven with lamps , and rendered it inviolable . That is the measuring of the Mighty , the Knower.
First there are no 7 heavens. Then, stars are here created after theEarth which is absurd.
2.50. And when We brought you through the sea and rescued you , and drowned the folk of Pharaoh in your sight .
It's about the opening of the sea, which comes from the Bible and which is surely flase.
6.2. He it is Who hath created you from clay , and hath decreed a term for you. A term is fixed with Him . Yet still ye doubt!
Man wasn't born from clay.
6.6. See they not how many a generation We destroyed before them , whom We had established in the earth more firmly than We have established you , and We shed on them abundant showers from the sky , and made the rivers flow beneath them . Yet We destroyed them for their sins , and created after them another generation
It is about the flood which is an exageration of a natural disaster.
11.7. And He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days
False: Needs more than 6 days.
6.38. There is not an animal in the earth , nor a flying creature flying on two wings , but they are peoples like unto you.
False: Many animals don't live in community.
16.66. And lo! in the cattle there is a lesson for you . We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies , from betwixt the refuse and the blood , pure milk palatable to the drinkers .
Ridiculous. Milk is not make from the refuse and the blood.
25.61. Blessed be He Who hath placed in the heaven mansions of the stars , and hath placed therein a great lamp and a moon giving light!
The moon doesn't light but reflect the light.
16.15. And He hath cast into the earth firm hills that it quake not with you , and streams and roads that ye may find a way .
21.31 . And We have placed in the earth firm hills lest it quake with them , and We have placed therein ravines as roads that haply they may find their way .
27.61. Is not He ( best ) Who made the earth a fixed abode , and placed rivers in the folds thereof , and placed firm hills therein , and hath set a barrier between the two seas? Is there any God beside Allah? Nay , but most of them know not!

This clearly contradicts the plate tectonics.
25.53. And He it is Who hath given independence to the two seas ( though they meet ) ; one palatable , sweet , and the other saltish , bitter ; and hath set a bar and a forbidding ban between them .
55.19 . He hath loosed the two seas . They meet .
55.20. There is a barrier between them . They encroach not ( one upon the other ) .

False: There's no insuperable invisible barrier between seas, and sea waters mix between them.

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- Qatada -
05-29-2007, 05:32 PM

Insha Allaah they are all refuted already, alhamdulillah.

21.30 . Have not those who disbelieve known that the heavens and the earth were of one piece , then We parted them , and We made every living thing of water? Will they not then believe?
The heaven and the earth didn't was a compact mass whcih has been split up.
But the Earth appeared about 10 Billions years after Big Bang. And came from a gas «*cloud*» (smoke).

Let us first read the verses in question:

41:11 Moreover He comprehended in His design the sky, and it had been (as) smoke: He said to it and to the earth: "Come both of you, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come (together), in willing obedience."

21:30 Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder? We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?

Simply by taking a quick look at the verses, one already begins to see that these verses do not pose a contradiction at all. Furthermore, it there is a lack of scientific knowledge displayed by the author of this allegation, as we shall see.
1. These verses are not referring to the same concept at all. Let us examine the two different concepts of astronomy involved here:
a)From research in astronomy, human beings have begun to understand a concept known as the Big Bang, which describes the origin of the universe. Verse 21:30 is widely held by Muslim scholars to refer to the Big Bang, when the universe was initially combined as a primary nebula and then exploded leading to the formation of various galaxies etc. (This scientific miracle is described here and here). With this mind, the Qur'an is actually very accurate in describing the initial union of all creation before being split.

b)The concept of the Big Bang is very different from the concept of accretion of cosmic dust. The latter describes the formation of stars and planets throught the condensation or 'coming together' of matter in space. Verse 41:11 is generally taken by Muslim scholars to refer to the collection of cosmic dust into the various celestial bodies present today, specifically the heavens and the earth. Perhaps the misunderstanding arises from interpreting the heavens in this verse to be another reference to the universe as a whole. But as we have already explained, this is not the case. The word as-samaa simply describes what is above, and in this case simply refers to the immediate atmosphere of the earth. Verse 41:11 is described in greater detail here and well as here.
2. Verse 21:30 can also be taken to refer to the earth's atmposphere as well, without any conflict. If one considers the formation and development of earth, the original atmosphere was blended together with the Earth and only became seperate in its second stage. Hence, verse 21:30 is very accurate in describing the heavens and the earth as initially joined together before being cloven asunder, either by volcanic out-gassing or cometary impacts. According to this interpretation, verse 41:11 would be chronologically before verse 21:30.

3. An additional point can be made about the phrases used in verse 41:11. When the verse mentions that the heavens and the earth were ordered to come, this does not necessarily imply that they actually came together and merged. Other verses of the Qur'an used the same phrase:
37:83-84 And verily, among those who followed his (Noah's) path was Abraham. When he came to his Lord with a pure heart.
It is obviously understood that Abraham did not come to his Lord physically, but rather in terms of submission and obedience. Hence, this verse could simply be taken as God asking the heavens and the earth to submit to His will, either voluntarily or involuntarily. From this linguistic perspective, there is also no conflict between this verse and 21:30.
These explanations sufficiently demonstrate how these verses cannot be considered a contradiction in any way.



- Qatada -
05-29-2007, 05:36 PM
6.2. He it is Who hath created you from clay , and hath decreed a term for you. A term is fixed with Him . Yet still ye doubt!
Man wasn't born from clay.

What Was Man Created From?

Concerning the thirteenth alleged contradiction,
What was man created from? A blood clot [96:1-2], water [21:30, 24:45, 25:54], "sounding" (i.e. burned) clay [15:26], dust [3:59, 30:20, 35:11], nothing [19:67] and this is then denied in 52:35, earth [11:61], a drop of thickened fluid [16:4, 75:37]
The obvious explanation to this question is that these references describe different aspects or stages in man's creation. This has always been the understanding of such verses.

We will give a brief explanation of each verse, while presenting them in chronological order.

Most of the references refer to two different aspects of creation: Original creation and Embryological development.
Original creation
19:67 Does not man remember that We created him before, and he was nothing?
The phrase and he was nothing is the translation of the arabic wa lam yaku shay. Some confusion may have resulted because Yusuf Ali's translation renders it as out of nothing, which is not very accurate at all. The phrase literally means, and he was nothing.

Hence, this verse states that human beings were nothing, and Allah brought us into existence. This is a tremendous favour bestowed upon us, that we may be thankful to Allah swt.

This is allegedly in contradiction to the following verse:

52:35 Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators?
Ibn Kathir Ad-Damishqi (d.1372CE) has explained this verse as follows in his renowned Tafsir Al-Qur'an Al-Azim:
Allah asks them, were they created without a maker or did they create themselves Neither is true. Allah is the One Who created them and brought them into existence after they were nothing.(Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Abridged, Darussalam Publishers & Distributors, 2000, vol. 9, p. 297)
Hence, this verse is not in contradiction to the previous verse at all, after closer examination. Even if we choose to translate verse 52:35 as "Were they created from nothing..." it would also be correct as Allah swt developed the human being from previously created substances.

20:55 Thereof (the earth) We created you, and into it We shall return you, and from it We shall bring you out once again

The original creation of Adam pbuh was from the dust of the earth.

30:20 Among His Signs is this, that He created you from dust; and then,- behold, ye are men scattered (far and wide)!

This dust was then mixed with water to produce what is mentioned in the following verse:
15:26 And indeed, We created man from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud [min hama’in masnoon]

An interesting commentary on these verses has been provided here:

Sheikh Muhammad Mutwalli Ash-Sha`rawi also comments:
If we take dust and add water to it, it will be mud. If it is left for some time, it will turn into clay. These are simply the stages of the creation of man. Man thus comes from dust, turned into clay after the addition of water. If we scrutinize this issue, we will find out that man, in his daily life, needs earth and depends on it in so many aspects. It is this earthy soil where we grow the plants upon which we live. Thus, preserving the materials of man depends on the source from which these materials are created.

Scientists have analyzed the human body and found that it is composed of 16 substances including oxygen and manganese. These elements are no more than the elements of the earth?s crust. This experiment was not meant for proving the credibility of the Qur'an; rather, it was solely for scientific research purposes.

In addition, death itself serves as a proof of creation. When we try to demolish a building, we follow the reverse order of building it; we start with the last floor. By the same token, since we have not eye-witnessed the creation of man, then we shall see how death occurs. Actually, we witness several deaths everyday. When man dies, his soul leaves his body, then the decline starts; his body becomes dry (which is similar to the stage of clay) and then decays and turns finally into dust which was his original substance. Life is given to man through the soul that is blown into his body. When the soul departs, man dies and starts his way back to his original form going through the stages of his first creation. Thus, death stands as a living proof for creation (SOURCE)
21:30...We made of water every living thing. Will they not then believe?
This verse explains that all living things are composed of water.

Dr. Zakir Naik has commented on the above verse by saying:
Only after advances have been made in science, do we now know that cytoplasm, the basic substance of the cell is made up of 80% water. Modern research has also revealed that most organisms consist of 50% to 90% water and that every living entity requires water for its existence. Was it possible 14 centuries ago for any human-being to guess that every living being was made of water? Moreover would such a guess be conceivable by a human being in the deserts of Arabia where there has always been scarcity of water? (SOURCE)
The following link also comments on this:

Embryological development

16:4 He has created man from a nutfah; and behold this same (man) becomes an open disputer!

Dr. Omar Abdul Rehman has explained this as follow:
Nutfah (The drop)

Al-Nutfah in Arabic means a drop or a small part of fluid and Nutfah in general describes a stage where the beginnings of a human being are found in this fluid (Ref: 6A, 12/6; 17/118; 19/120: 13A, 3/436: 15A, 17/116: 1C, 2/121: 7B, 3/116: 4D, 9/235-6: 5D, 6/258: 4A, 30/234: 7A, 4/336: 10A, 13/9: 12A, 4/288). Its real meaning can only be deduced from the text of Qur'an; evidently it is a comprehensive term and includes male and female gametes and part of their natural environments of fluid. It also includes zygote, morula and blastocyst till implantation in the uterus. This is illustrated by the following citation:

"was he not a drop or part of germinal fluid (Mani) emitted or programmed" (Surah Al- Qiyama, Ayah 37)

Here "Mani" means male or female germinal fluid (Ref: 1D, 5/276: 5D, 10/348:2D, 6/2497).

The Prophet's Hadith confirms the fact that the offspring is created from part of the germinal fluids.

"Not from all the fluid is the offspring created"

(Sahih. Muslim: Kitab Al-Nekah, Bab Al-Azl)

It is also known that not all parts of the ejaculate are equally potent in the fertilisation process. "In the first portion of the ejaculate are the spermatozoa, epididymal fluids, and the secretions from the Cowper and prostate gland fluids. In the last portions of the ejaculate are the secretions of the seminal vesicles. Most spermatozoa appear in the first part of the ejaculate, which is made primarily of prostatic secretions. Thus spermatozoa in the initial portion of the ejaculate have better motility and survival than those in the later portions, which are chiefly vesicular in origin". (SOURCE)
And concerning the verse:
96:2 Created man, out of a (mere) clot of an Alaqah
Dr. Omar Abdul Rehman states:
The 'Alaqah stage

"Then (thumm) We made the drop into an 'Alaqah". (Surah Al-Mu 'minun, Ayah 14)

In Arabic the word ‘Alaqah in fact has several meanings;

  • something which clings or a suspended thing (Ref: 7B, 5/440: 1D, 4/125: 2D, 4/1529: 3D, 343: 4D, 10/267: 5D, 7/20)
  • a leech-like structure (Ref: 9A, 3/242: 20A, 2/281: 7B, 5/139: 2D, 4/1529: 3D, 343: 4D, 10/267)
Amazingly each of these terms can be applied to the developing embryo with stunning precision. All of these terms encompassed by the word ‘Alaqah describe the appearance of the embryo as well as its relationship with the womb. From the discussion below it becomes clear that the embryo resembles a primitive multicellular organism which is attached to a host and feeding on its blood.

a) something which clings

Modern science informs us that once the egg has been fertilised in the Fallopian tube it undergoes successive divisions to form a ball like structure of 12-16 cells by the third day. This structure is called a blastocyst and it reaches the uterus in 4 to 5 days. The blastocyst then lies free in the uterine secretions for a further 2 days. About a week after fertilisation the blastocyst begins to attach and implant into the uterine wall. By the 11th to 12th day it is completely embedded in the uterine wall. At this stage chorionic villosities begin to develop like roots in the soil, these draw nourishment from the uterus necessary for the blastocyst's growth. These formations cover the whole blastocyst and make it literally cling to the uterus. By the end of the second week implantation is complete. Inside the blastocyst the embryo is anchored to the wall of the chorionic cavity by a connecting stalk. Hence, these different ways of clinging and attachment seem to represent the most dominant features from day 7 to 21, and are perfectly described in the Qur'anic description by the word ‘Alaqah. For greater detail see S. Hussain (1986) ‘Al-‘Alaq:the mystery explored, Ark Journal, London, pp. 31-36.

b) a suspended thing

The 3 week old embryo inside the blastocyst which is embedded in the uterine wall is seen to be suspended in the chorionic cavity by means of the connecting stalk and is surrounded by the amniotic cavity and the yolk sac. Therefore, the term ‘Alaqah accurately describes the suspended embryo after it has been implanted.

c) a leech-like structure

The word ‘Alaqah can also be translated as ‘leech like structure'. The leech is a elongated pear shaped creature which thrives on blood sucking. At this stage of development the embryo from top view does bear a resemblance to a leech. This resemblance is even more marked if the 24 day old embryo is seen from the side. It is also interesting to note that the embryo is now dependent on the maternal blood for its nutrition and behaves very much like a leech!. (For greater detail see Moore, KL. ‘A scientists interpretation of references to embryology in the Qur'an.' Journal of the Islamic Medical Association of US and Canada, 1986, 18:15, and Moore, KL. and Azzindani, AMA.: "The Developing Human, Clinically Orientated Embryology, With Islamic Additions". 3rd Ed., Dar Al-Qiblah and WB Saunders).

In conclusion, whichever of the above terms are used to translate the word ‘Alaqah they are all stunningly accurate descriptions of the embryo at this stage in it's development as confirmed by modern science.

There is a gap of a few days between the stages of implantation (Nutfah) and 'Alaqah and this period is clearly explained by the above Ayah:

The word "Thumm" in Arabic is a conjunction indicating a time lag and the Ayah will, therefore, mean that after some time we created the "Nutfah" into 'Alaqah. (SOURCE)
The full explanation of the Qur'anic account of embryology can be read here:
For further information, one may examine the following two articles:



- Qatada -
05-29-2007, 05:46 PM

Akhi, you can find all the refutations here insha Allaah. I think the persons just trying to act like they know it all when they really don't.

There claiming that the evolution theory is the truth, and because of that - whatever we say is false. That's what they want to think.

I'll give you a good link to understand how the evolution theory has many faults in:

You can link the person to all the refutations from here insha Allaah:

And also this:


Inshaa Allaah once i get the time i will try to post up abit more answers.

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05-29-2007, 06:01 PM
I thank you very much.

- Qatada -
05-31-2007, 06:45 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by BleroX
Assalamu Alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu.


2.50. And when We brought you through the sea and rescued you , and drowned the folk of Pharaoh in your sight .
It's about the opening of the sea, which comes from the Bible and which is surely flase.
Tell him that his claim doesn't make any sense at all, because it doesn't mean that just because it's from the bible that it is false.

6.6. See they not how many a generation We destroyed before them , whom We had established in the earth more firmly than We have established you , and We shed on them abundant showers from the sky , and made the rivers flow beneath them . Yet We destroyed them for their sins , and created after them another generation
It is about the flood which is an exageration of a natural disaster.

Again, the person is making a claim when they have no proof.

11.7. And He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six Days
False: Needs more than 6 days.
The person carries on claiming that what he says is true, yet he doesn't bring any proof at all. They just blindly follow the evolution theory and then reject other views.

This might be helpful though insha Allaah:


16.66. And lo! in the cattle there is a lesson for you . We give you to drink of that which is in their bellies , from betwixt the refuse and the blood , pure milk palatable to the drinkers .
Ridiculous. Milk is not make from the refuse and the blood.
Tell him we know that, the verse is talking about how the milk is produced in an area between the blood and the where the refuse is. Nowhere in the verse does it say that it's made from the refuse or blood.

25.61. Blessed be He Who hath placed in the heaven mansions of the stars , and hath placed therein a great lamp and a moon giving light!
The moon doesn't light but reflect the light.


It was believed by earlier civilizations that the moon emanates its own light.

Science now tells us that the light of the moon is reflected light. However this fact was mentioned in the Qur’aan 1,400 years ago in the following verse:.

“Blessed is He Who made Constellations in the skies, And placed therein a Lamp And a Moon giving light.” [Al-Qur’aan 25:61]

The Arabic word for the sun in the Qur’aan, is shams. It is referred to as siraaj, which means a ‘torch’ or as wahhaaj which means ‘a blazing lamp’ or as diya which means ‘shining glory’.

All three descriptions are appropriate to the sun, since it generates intense heat and light by its internal combustion.

The Arabic word for the moon is qamar and it is described in the Qur’aan as muneer, which is a body that gives nur i.e. light.

Again, the Qur’aanic description matches perfectly with the true nature of the moon, which does not give off light itself and is an inert body that reflects the light of the sun.

Not once in the Qur’aan, is the moon mentioned as siraaj, wahhaaj or diya or the sun as nur or muneer. This implies that the Qur’aan recognizes the difference between the nature of sunlight and moonlight.

16.15. And He hath cast into the earth firm hills that it quake not with you , and streams and roads that ye may find a way .
21.31 . And We have placed in the earth firm hills lest it quake with them , and We have placed therein ravines as roads that haply they may find their way .
27.61. Is not He ( best ) Who made the earth a fixed abode , and placed rivers in the folds thereof , and placed firm hills therein , and hath set a barrier between the two seas? Is there any God beside Allah? Nay , but most of them know not!

This clearly contradicts the plate tectonics.

No it doesn't, he should check this link insha Allaah:

The Mountains Created as Pegs (or Pickets)

Also this:

25.53. And He it is Who hath given independence to the two seas ( though they meet ) ; one palatable , sweet , and the other saltish , bitter ; and hath set a bar and a forbidding ban between them .
55.19 . He hath loosed the two seas . They meet .
55.20. There is a barrier between them . They encroach not ( one upon the other ) .

False: There's no insuperable invisible barrier between seas, and sea waters mix between them.

Yes there is, that's why the water from the rivers is sweet and the water from the sea is salty and undrinkable. Because there is an invisible barrier which Allaah has created.

And Allaah knows best.

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