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11-04-2007, 08:14 PM

Source will be made available to LIStaff

Disclaimer Note:
Article is entirely in its original form No Modifications/Additions have been made (will add to thread later as it becomes neccesary in light of replies posted)

Islam Hijacked
Authored By Prof. Reuven Firestone (2001)

The queries have come in steadily since the great increase in suicide bombings by Muslim Palestinians during the past year, but since Sept. 11, they have come virtually non-stop. "Does Islam condone suicide? Does Islam condone killing non-combatants? Does Islam teach that a martyr who enters heaven gets the pleasure of 70 virgins? Does Islam really teach the universal doctrine of ‘Islam or the sword?’ Does Islam hate Jews and Judaism?" or, "Does Islam fundamentally hate anyone and anything not Muslim or Islamic?"

Americans know almost nothing about Islam beyond what they pick up from films and novels and news reports (much of it erroneous). Israelis probably know even less, though many have the bad habit of claiming (with some swagger) that they know Muslims because they live with them. The truth of the matter is that Israelis don’t live with Muslims, hardly see them beyond what they see on their own televisions, and tend to have an extremely distorted view of Islam. We few who know something about Islam are bombarded with questions and asked for interviews, but given the hurry and the nature of media discourse, the short answers often confuse more than clarify.

Simplistic clarifications by so-called "Muslim scholars" often confuse the situation even more, because virtually any Muslim can claim to be a scholar and speak on behalf of Islam. From my own experience, many of them seem not to know what they are talking about.

So how do we arrive at the truth about Islam? Is it a fundamentally violent and hateful religion, as its detractors have claimed? Or is it a religion of compassion and reason, as its Muslim adherents insist? To answer this question, we must first look inward. How have its champions and its enemies characterized Judaism? We have suffered the abuse of religious character assassination by those who not only have hated us, but also by those who have feared us. Anyone who can read is able to find excerpts in translation from the Bible and from our Talmud and midrash that would curdle the blood of any innocent reader who doesn’t know the context of the citations. Our great King David arranged the murder of an innocent man because he lusted over the poor man’s wife (2 Samuel 11). Rabbis incinerate their opponents (Shabbat 34a, Sanhedrin 100a). The Torah even calls for mass extermination, for genocide of the native Canaanite inhabitants of the land (Deuteronomy 7). It is just as easy to find violent material in the Quran and in the second most important source of Islamic religious teaching: the Hadith literature (parallel to Oral Law in Judaism). It almost need not be said that one can just as well find material urging compassion for the needy, the poor, the homeless, the orphan and widow.

One of my criticisms of self-proclaimed pundits of Islam is that they do not cite their sources. Take a look at some of the key issues that lie at the core of the questions listed above.

About a week before the suicide massacres and destruction of the World Trade Center towers in New York, "60 Minutes" claimed to have interviewed a Palestinian working for and with suicide bombers intending to kill Israelis. Interviewed in Arabic, the English voice-over translation had the man claiming that a martyr who enters Paradise will enjoy the sexual pleasures of 70 or 72 virgin women.

A number of self-proclaimed Muslim scholars accused "60 Minutes" of distorting the transcript and demanded an apology. They claimed to have heard the original Arabic in spite of the loud English voice-over and emphatically stated that he said nothing of the sort. They even went further, to claim that Islam would never teach such a thing. This was clearly an attempt to avoid public embarrassment, but the truth is that according to Islamic lore and tradition, a male who enters heaven enters what we in the West would consider a hedonistic paradise full of physical and sensual pleasures. This is simply a fact. The origin of this view most certainly lies in the context of the extremely stark and difficult life of ancient Bedouin Arabia. Something as simple as the constant flow of water in a stream was considered miraculous, so it would be natural to imagine heaven as flowing with streams of water under the shade of huge trees.

But there are other delights as well, according to a Hadith in an authoritative collection called Sunan al-Tirmidhi, which would be on the shelves of any Muslim scholar. In my edition, published in Beirut, it can be found in a section called "The Book of Description of the Garden," chapter 23, titled "The least reward for the people of Heaven," Hadith number 2562. The Hadith reads literally as follows: "Sawda (Tirmidhi’s grandfather) reported that he heard from Abdullah, who received from Rishdin b. Sa’d, who in turn learned from Amr b. al-Harith, from Darraj, from Abul-Haytham, from Abu Sa’id al-Khudri, who received it from the Apostle of God [Muhammad]: The least [reward] for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives, over which stands a dome of pearls, aquamarine and ruby, as [wide as the distance] between al-Jaabiyya and San’a." That these 72 wives are virgin is confirmed by Quran (55:74) and commentaries on that verse. Al-Jaabiyya was a suburb of Damascus, according to the famous 14th century commentator, Isma’il Ibn Kathir, so one personal jeweled dome would stretch the distance from Syria to Yemen, some 1,600 miles.

Was this tradition intended to be believed literally? Do Muslims believe it literally? Are they required to? This particular Hadith has technical weaknesses in its chain of transmitters and is therefore not considered impeccable, though it is listed in an authoritative collection. As a result, Muslims are not required to believe in it, though many inevitably do (but an even more respectable Hadith with virtually the same message can be found in Tirmidhi K. Fada’il al-Jihad 25:1663). I am sure that many believe that they will experience incredible physical pleasures when they enter heaven. I personally have no problem with that. Religions inevitably expect their adherents to believe things that would seem absurd to believers of other religions.

The more important question is, who is privileged to enter heaven according to Islam? Does a suicide bomber who kills innocent people merit entrance into heaven? The answer to this question would appear to be quite clear. Because Islam is a religious civilization that has been associated with political power for many centuries, its religious scholars have had the responsibility to deal with issues of state and with issues of war. Islam, therefore, has a lot to say on such issues. On the issue of suicide and harming innocents, Islam is unambiguous.

The four schools of Islamic law expressly forbid the harming of noncombatants. These include women, children, monks and hermits, the aged, blind and insane. In the most authoritative collection of Hadith, the Sahih al-Bukhari (The Book of Jihad, chapters 147-147, Hadiths 257-258), Muhammad expressly disapproves and then forbids the slaying of women and children. "A woman was found killed during one of the Apostle of God’s battles, so the Apostle of God forbade the killing of women and children." This message is found in a number of authoritative collections and has been formalized in the legal literature. Islam also expressly forbids suicide, the punishment for which is eternal reenactment of the act and revisitation of the pain. Sahih al-Bukhari (K. Jana’iz 82:445-446) has the following on the authority of the Prophet: "Whoever commits suicide with a piece of iron will be punished with the same piece of iron in Hell. Whoever commits suicide by throttling shall keep on throttling himself in Hell [forever], and whoever commits suicide by stabbing shall keep on stabbing himself in Hell [forever]."

On the other hand, martyrdom in war for Islamic cause is praised extensively throughout the literature. The Quran teaches (3:169): "Do not consider those killed [while engaging] in God’s cause dead. Rather, they live with their Lord, who sustains them!" The Quranic idiom, "killed while engaging in God’s cause" is a reference to martyrdom for acting on being a Muslim, whether as a persecuted and powerless individual or as a warrior fighting for the expansion of the world of Islam. Perhaps the most compelling expression is composed of the idioms found in the most authoritative sources and attributed to the Prophet, "Paradise is [found] under the shade of swords," or "Paradise is under the gleam of swords" (Sahih Bukhari, Jihad, 22:73). Muhammad’s companion, Abu Hurayra, said that he heard the Prophet say: "By the One in Whose hands is my soul [i.e., by God], I would love to be martyred [while engaged] in God’s cause, then be resurrected, then martyred, then resurrected, then martyred, then resurrected, and then martyred" (Sahih Bukhari, Jihad 7:54). A Hadith in Sunan al-Tirmidhi states that in contrast to the suicide, the martyr does not even feel the pain of his death (Fada’il al-Jihad, 26:1663). He is also forgiven all his sins and has the right to intercede on behalf of his own family to enter Heaven.

So suicide is forbidden, killing of noncombatants is forbidden, but martyrdom is rewarded with entrance into heaven and, therefore, with great material rewards in the world to come. We are beginning to uncover the complexity of the problem. It rests to a great extent on interpretation and the authority of those who make the interpretations. One stable person’s definition of suicide may be interpreted as martyrdom by a fanatic. All these categories may be easily manipulated by fanatical, desperate, or evil people. A reasonable person’s obvious identification of innocent noncombatants may be categorized as Satan’s hordes by someone who is desperate and confused. Add to this the fact that most, though not all, suicide bombers are in desperate economic straits.

We need to add one more ingredient to an already complex soup, and this is the perception of the West (and the West includes Israel) among many Muslims who live in the Middle East. The West prides itself with having brought many gifts to the civilized world: tolerance, democracy, pluralism, freedom. To the natives of many parts of the world that were exploited by colonialism, imperialism and today’s "globalism," these noble contributions are meaningless. Many Muslims in the Middle East see them as no more than slogans that attempt to hide the true intent of the West: political and religious domination and economic exploitation.

To a poor peasant or middle-class urban dweller who suffers the loss of children to disease, lacks opportunities for improvement, and has a grim and downtrodden daily existence while watching TV-movie portrayals of Western wealth and decadence, it is not a stretch to conceive of the United States and Israel as the greater and lesser Satans.

Of course, local corrupt leadership often takes advantage of such sentiment in order to prop up its own crooked regimes. In fact, the secular leaders of Muslim countries have always tried to manipulate Islamic symbols and images in order to manipulate their populations. Add this also to our soup. Islam is a noble and compassionate religion, but like all good things, Islam may be cynically used and manipulated. Misguided people may also manipulate it in good faith.

The outrageously unstable political situation in the Middle East, the terrible economic situation, the lack of freedoms and lack of a tradition of open inquiry for the past six centuries all contribute to an environment of suspicion and bitterness.

Whom can you trust, if not God? But God has also been manipulated, and this is the saddest aspect of the complex we call the Middle East. God has been hijacked by terrorists. Islam is not the problem. Terrorism is the problem, and terrorists have hijacked both Islam and God.

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11-05-2007, 01:42 AM
It is a great article, some portions of it were rather upsetting. I am not sure whether the author intended to leave a bad taste in our mouths by quoting some hadiths and casting them as true or false, but over all he has a good grip on current events and can relegate some of the problems in the Muslim world today to exactly where they belong.. socio-economic and geopolitical situation in the middle east!

Jazaka Allah khyran


11-15-2007, 03:02 AM
Interesting read, thanks for sharing this.

11-15-2007, 01:58 PM
Sorry brother, I tried to read it all but my ADD kept distracting me! But I did find this to be very moving.....

Whom can you trust, if not God? But God has also been manipulated, and this is the saddest aspect of the complex we call the Middle East. God has been hijacked by terrorists. Islam is not the problem. Terrorism is the problem, and terrorists have hijacked both Islam and God.

That quote is true in so many ways. My question is, how can this be fixed?

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11-15-2007, 02:08 PM
how can this be fixed
by removing uneducated "Ulema" and other corrupting infiltrators from our ranks!

11-15-2007, 02:19 PM

isn't this largely subjective though? from their perspective it is not terrorism, it is self defense. they do have a point that aggressive and selfish us foreign policies, and ignored israeli abuses are unjust and are hurting muslim people. they also have a point that it is difficult to defend themselves or convince the powers that be to stop these things. in their minds it is a matter of self preservation.

i personally think they are completely wrong and are bad people, but i do not believe they think these things because they are inherently drooling thugs. this is different, it is deep principled hatred born out of the fear of extinction.

so how do you define terrorism under such circumstances... you say that islam has been hijacked, they say islam has been attacked... it is one thing to talk about addressing a problem, it is another to actually do something about it. westerners, like me, would like to see action rather than passionate words, but there cannot be action when you cannot identify the problem in language common to everyone involved.

que Dios te bendiga

11-15-2007, 02:25 PM
Oh I forgot to say that we should also avoid 2 faced people who say one thing in one thread and opposite in another i.e http://www.islamicboard.com/islamic-...tml#post859623 (being disruptive and discrediting threads seems to be the motive)

West can also help by not installing anymore proxy rulers i.e either impose direct rule from London and washington or give true home rule all this pretence that middle easten countries are truly independent is a bit of a cheek

11-15-2007, 02:37 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NoName55
Oh I forgot to say that we should also avoid 2 faced people who say one thing in one thread and opposite in another i.e http://www.islamicboard.com/islamic-...tml#post859623 (being disruptive and discrediting threads seems to be the motive)
hola NoName55,

my motivation is to share my opinion that you are concerned about our perceptions of islam instead of the present state of islam itself.

there is nothing opposite about my posts... hamas is a terrorist group, the song is disgraceful, the comments were barbaric. the supporters of hamas are maniacs. i was offended by the language when i clicked on his link, i was offended he thinks hamas is a 'lion of islam.'

thus my point in the previous post:

"i personally think they are completely wrong and are bad people, but i do not believe they think these things because they are inherently drooling thugs. this is different, it is deep principled hatred born out of the fear of extinction."

format_quote Originally Posted by NoName55
West can also help by not installing anymore proxy rulers i.e either impose direct rule from London and washington or give true home rule all this pretence that middle easten countries are truly independent is a bit of a cheek

that goes to my point that:

"they do have a point that aggressive and selfish us foreign policies, and ignored israeli abuses are unjust and are hurting muslim people. they also have a point that it is difficult to defend themselves or convince the powers that be to stop these things. in their minds it is a matter of self preservation."

so from their (terrorists) perspective this is a matter of self preservation and the protection of islam... and is not terrorism and not a hijacking of islam. in my mind that raises a question of how two people can talk to each other when they are not speaking the same language. moderate muslims should not talk to western audiences about hijacking islam or how this is not islam... they should talk to the terrorists, since the terrorists are the ones who (from your perspective) are the ones hijacking islam.

que Dios te bendiga

11-15-2007, 02:52 PM
firstly, I was PMed by Br. Al-Madani, yesterday, telling/asking me not to make posts "against the person" but address the post, which I am unable to do without help from another brother (i.e Br woodrow)

so I'll just say:
  • I was not talking at the western audience
  • there are no varieties of Muslims, either one is follower of path of moderation or is an innovator, Islam is what is taught in Quraan and Sunnah, and not what is taught by some back street mullah who is trying to take advantage of vulnerable people whose families are murdered by kuffaar and their homes taken from them. nor is it what your kind will have us become!
I wish there was a choice to truly ignore you (make you invisible on my screen)

11-15-2007, 02:54 PM
my motivation is to share my opinion that you are concerned about our perceptions of islam instead of the present state of islam itself.

there is nothing opposite about my posts... hamas is a terrorist group, the song is disgraceful, the comments were barbaric. the supporters of hamas are maniacs. i was offended by the language when i clicked on his link, i was offended he thinks hamas is a 'lion of islam.'
why not just report it like I did? instead you paste the entire filthy lyrics here!

11-15-2007, 03:00 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NoName55
firstly, I was PMed by Br. Al-Madani, yesterday, telling/asking me not to make posts "against the person" but address the post, which I am unable to without help from another brother (i.e Br woodrow)

so I'll just say:

  • I was not talking at the western audience
  • there are no varieties of Muslims, either one is follower of path of moderation or is an innovator, Islam is is what is taught in Quraan and Sunnah, and not what is taught by some back street mullah who is trying to take advantage of vulnerable people whose families are murdered by kuffaar and there homes taken away. nor is it what your kind will have us become!

let me show you some parts from your original post that lead me to believe this is address to a western audience:

The queries have come in steadily since the great increase in suicide bombings by Muslim Palestinians during the past year, but since Sept. 11, they have come virtually non-stop. "Does Islam condone suicide? Does Islam condone killing non-combatants? Does Islam teach that a martyr who enters heaven gets the pleasure of 70 virgins? Does Islam really teach the universal doctrine of ‘Islam or the sword?’ Does Islam hate Jews and Judaism?" or, "Does Islam fundamentally hate anyone and anything not Muslim or Islamic?"

Americans know almost nothing about Islam beyond what they pick up from films and novels and news reports (much of it erroneous). Israelis probably know even less, though many have the bad habit of claiming (with some swagger) that they know Muslims because they live with them.
We need to add one more ingredient to an already complex soup, and this is the perception of the West (and the West includes Israel) among many Muslims who live in the Middle East. The West prides itself with having brought many gifts to the civilized world: tolerance, democracy, pluralism, freedom.
that said... i think that the choice between 'moderatism' and 'terrorism' with respect to the islamic world is the result of a fork in the road. muslims on all sides of the table seem to believe islam is under attack... some muslims believe the answer is to fight against the people they percieve to be the attackers, the majority seem to be frustrated in looking for a peaceful alternative. those that fight believe that they need to resort to cruel warfare otherwise they cannot win... and winning (in their minds) means preserving islam, which is the most important thing to them.

who is to say one is a muslim the and other is not? it seems like you should talk to each other instead of each excommunicating each other.

I wish there was a choice to truly ignore you (make you invisible on my screen)
PM me first, i can't seem to send you one...

que Dios te bendiga

11-15-2007, 03:02 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NoName55
why not just report it like I did? instead you paste the entire filthy lyrics here!
it made a stronger impact. i don't doubt the mods will edit the parts i quoted and perhaps even issue a warning on the thread... in doing so they are publicly taking my position which is a better demonstration to the other forum members than just silently deleting the thread with nothing said - that can easily be forgotten.

11-15-2007, 03:06 PM
let me show you some parts from your original post that lead me to believe this is address to a western audience:
off-course that man is an Israeli and he was writing for an Israeli magazine!

I was talking about me!

11-15-2007, 03:09 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NoName55
off-course that man is an Israeli and he was writing for an Israeli magazine!

I was talking about me!
why did you post the article?

11-15-2007, 03:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NoName55
off-course that man is an Israeli and he was writing for an Israeli magazine!

I was talking about me!
That makes no sense. This is a forum of people from all over the world. That is like me starting a thread saying I want every person's opinion unless they are from the UK. It doesn't work that way.
I can't figure it out. The lines between understanding and peace are very blurred with the hate and mistrust. I can never figure out what angle members are coming from.

11-15-2007, 03:10 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tomtomsmom
Sorry brother, I tried to read it all but my ADD kept distracting me! But I did find this to be very moving.....

That quote is true in so many ways. My question is, how can this be fixed?
The problem with west and "terrorism" is that west tends to group everybody who is against western rule and interests as "terrorists". There are people that do commit acts of terrorism and then there are those that do not and yet are labeled terrorists and extremists only because they choose to speak up and stand up against western presence, policies, and interests in the Muslim world. Also those who turn to Islam and God and become religious by default become terrorists and "sleeper cells".

So all though there is terrorism there, not everyone is a terrorist. Not to mention, half the stuff that goes on there is done by CIA and blamed on local group of some sort. We know the long history of CIA starting revolutions, toppling of gov'ts and supporting US friendly parties to power. If you read the reviews and articles of ex-cia or retired CIA ppl they will tell you that they are encouraged to break laws and human rights violations on purpose every single day.

As some of the retired and few still enlisted generals have stated, we get out of M.E. and leave them alone and fix our policies and not only will we end terrorism but may find muslim world to be a great friend ally. Some have also stated to stop blind support of israel and it's human rights violation and collective punishment on palestinians and to stop protecting alone will make 1/2 the difference.

11-15-2007, 03:11 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by tomtomsmom
That makes no sense. This is a forum of people from all over the world. That is like me starting a thread saying I want every person's opinion unless they are from the UK. It doesn't work that way.
I can't figure it out. The lines between understanding and peace are very blurred with the hate and mistrust. I can never figure out what angle members are coming from.
i think he meant that in the sense that he wasn't the person who actually wrote the article in his OP... since i referenced his first post.

11-15-2007, 03:19 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Jayda
i think he meant that in the sense that he wasn't the person who actually wrote the article in his OP... since i referenced his first post.
format_quote Originally Posted by Jayda
why did you post the article?
OP was made in response to a spate of Jew bashing posts to demonstrate that many jews are trying their best for peace and justice too.

PS. my last post in this thread until arrival of a MOD! (as there are 1 or 3 people in this thread that I can not seperate "person from post")

11-15-2007, 03:22 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by islamirama
The problem with west and "terrorism" is that west tends to group everybody who is against western rule and interests as "terrorists". There are people that do commit acts of terrorism and then there are those that do not and yet are labeled terrorists and extremists only because they choose to speak up and stand up against western presence, policies, and interests in the Muslim world. Also those who turn to Islam and God and become religious by default become terrorists and "sleeper cells".

So all though there is terrorism there, not everyone is a terrorist. Not to mention, half the stuff that goes on there is done by CIA and blamed on local group of some sort. We know the long history of CIA starting revolutions, toppling of gov'ts and supporting US friendly parties to power. If you read the reviews and articles of ex-cia or retired CIA ppl they will tell you that they are encouraged to break laws and human rights violations on purpose every single day.

All muslims are not terrorists. All westerns aren't bad people who think all muslims are terrorists.
I think that a big reason why there is so much hate between the cultures is simply because it is easier. It is easier to hate blindly then to take the time to understand and build peace. It is easier to assume you know what "that kaffur" or "that muslim" is thinking and feeling then to take the time and energy to really find out.
It is up to the people to make things better. Our leaders are not going to do it for us. A majority of westerners only know what they see on TV. I know more because I want to know more. What we see on TV is all of the bad and never any good. In the Islamic world there are thousands shouting for peace but no one hears them over the ones who call for hate and war.
This insanity has to stop. The only way I can see that happening is if it starts at home with the people. Generation after generation hate because that is what they were taught. That is the only thing they know to do. The cycle has to stop somewhere if we can ever hope to have any type of peace.

11-15-2007, 03:25 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NoName55
OP was made in response to a spate of Jew bashing posts to demonstrate that many jews are trying their best for peace and justice too.

PS. my last post in this thread until arrival of a MOD! (as there are 1 or 3 people in this thread that I can not seperate "person from post")
Then I will respect that and wait till they show up to ask more questions of you. Seeing as there are only 3 others posting in this thread I will take it that I am one of your "3".

11-15-2007, 03:28 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by NoName55
(as there are 1 or 3 people in this thread that I can not seperate "person from post")

11-15-2007, 05:17 PM
:sl: and Greetings,

Let's stay on topic here about the article that has been posted in the first post. Regarding the other thread about Hamas, it has been deleted and can be forgotten. So I think we are set to continue the discussion peacefully Insha'Allaah.

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