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View Full Version : Are Fireworks Ok?

11-01-2005, 11:48 PM

Can we light/buy fireworks?

Can we watch them at displays?

Why can't we light/buy fireworks?

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11-01-2005, 11:53 PM
no harm in watching
but haram to buy and light them:peace:

11-01-2005, 11:58 PM

Why are they Haraam to buy and light them?

11-01-2005, 11:59 PM
And they are a waste of money.

bonfire night/ 5th nov is about guy fawkes , the man who tryed to blow up parliment and his plan was foiled (drat)
It certainly was a GRAND plot he had in mind, to blow the whole of parliment up, almost on line with the twin towers I'd say.

And yet every year tons of brit celebrate this man, how ?
By lighting fireworks, setting them off (as guy fawkes was going to use gun powder to blow up parliment) I mean lol this is actually glorifying ettroism if you think about it, all those 5th nov celebraters better watch out , what with the new terroism laws.

Really you think tony blair will discourage this event in light of his recent views.

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11-02-2005, 12:02 AM

So celebrating bonfire night, is Haraam. I understand. Sort of. It's a sad thing anyway is bonfire night.

But, how can buying fireworks be a waste of money? It's like all other things.

11-02-2005, 12:02 AM
easter,valentines day,christmas,bonfire night are all kaffir celebrations.not muslim celebrationsthat is why there all all haram.hope this aswers your questions:peace:

11-02-2005, 12:09 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by montoyauk
easter,valentines day,christmas,bonfire night are all kaffir celebrations.not muslim celebrationsthat is why there all all haram.hope this aswers your questions:peace:
Yeh Bonfire Night is haram, but Fireworks are something completely different. There where fireworks before bonfire night, the Chinese had them for centuries beforehand.

If buying/lighting them is haraam, is there any evidence? Remember, in Islam, everything is halal until evidence comes up to proove it's haraam.

11-02-2005, 12:11 AM
it is in one of the islamic books regarding fireworks as haram

11-02-2005, 12:15 AM
350z you cant eat fireworks nor wear them , they are not cheap , actually quite exspensive, and all for what ? to join in with some silly cultural celebration, what have fireworks got to do with Islam ?

I am not being a killjoy , if you really must go see fireworks go to a local event where there will be many fireworks it will be also much safer and wow so much cheaper.

But I ask you please do not spend money in fireworks, when we have brothers and sister around the world dont even have a roof over their heads or simple things like food.
The money u was going to spend on fireworks why dont you send it to Pakistan, they are so desperatley in need of shelter and food there, think of it as an Eid gift for them.
You will be rewarded for your wise choice remember that.

11-02-2005, 12:16 AM
Sorry bro, but you'll have to cite the actual book and reference.

11-02-2005, 12:16 AM

I understand fireworks are said to be Haraam because they are a waste of money. In Islaam, we aren't suppose to waste money, as it is a blessing of Allah given to us. We must use it correctly.

However, if fireworks are said to be Haraam, then why aren't things like perfume for example Haraam to buy? Perfume is a waste of money too. It doesn't bring you any closer to Jannah, and save you from Hell either.

11-02-2005, 12:23 AM

If you buy and use them, then it's like throwing yer money in the air! :rolleyes:

Give that money to charity instead and actually benefit yourself from it.

Not allowed.

11-02-2005, 12:27 AM

Ha, great logic Arwa. I wish you'd apply it to all other things. You'll soon realise how stupid it is.

11-02-2005, 12:30 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by 350z

I understand fireworks are said to be Haraam because they are a waste of money. In Islaam, we aren't suppose to waste money, as it is a blessing of Allah given to us. We must use it correctly.

However, if fireworks are said to be Haraam, then why aren't things like perfume for example Haraam to buy? Perfume is a waste of money too. It doesn't bring you any closer to Jannah, and save you from Hell either.

Whoa, bro what you said about Perfumes is very wrong.

"If a man spends 1/3 of his wealth on perfume, he is not exaggerating."

- Hadith

Wearing perfume is a big reward.

11-02-2005, 12:32 AM

Ah, my error. Thanks for that brother.

Still, let's say footwear. Why buy Shox' when a pair of cheap Puma's would suffice. That is wasting money too right?

11-02-2005, 12:32 AM
I'm not an Islamic scholar but this fireworks have never come up in any question or book I've ever read.

Fireworks are a form of entertainment - which is mubah.

Also, what about using fireworks on Eid? I recall a hadith (I'll find the reference tomorrow inshallah) where the Prophet (pbuh) said: -

"Entertain yourselves. For I would hate for people to think there is harshness in your religion"

Also, I don't know about in the US, but in Britain, fireworks are pretty cheap.
Yes, money could go to better places, but unless you live in a flat, with no wallpaper, wear no brand name clothes, have no uneccessary gadgets or toys, only use a computer when in college (where its free), don't own a TV, haven't bothered buying carpet for your house, then I think it's hyprocritical to say that buying fireworks are haraam.

I brought quite a few to set off on Eid, mainly for my younger brother and a few of his friends. They have no way to enjoy Eid properly - so why is it haraam for me to provide something for them?

11-02-2005, 12:33 AM
better spending that money in good casuse m8
instead of fireworks.
if spent in good cause allah(swt) will reward you for it

11-02-2005, 12:34 AM

"Yes, money could go to better places, but unless you live in a flat, with no wallpaper, wear no brand name clothes, have no uneccessary gadgets or toys, only use a computer when in college (where its free), don't own a TV, haven't bothered buying carpet for your house, then I think it's hyprocritical to say that buying fireworks are haraam."

That's it.

Fireworks for Eid!

11-02-2005, 12:42 AM
Well whilst you guys enjoy your Eids with gifts, loads of yummy food and finally frivalous fireworks, spare a thought for the bros and sisters in places like Nigeria and pakistan, who will still be fasting, thought it wont be through choice.
The kids from the earthquake who lost thier PARENTS, so Eid gifts are something of the past now, sitting there freezing in the snow.
No place to go, Most of the international communitys have ignored their plight, and they only really have US, muslims and non muslims even that care enough to give as much as they can to help them and lessen their suffering.

so what will you do, spend £30 on fireworks when this can buy about 7 blankets ?
Just coz they out of sight , do not put them out of mind.
Allah is watching your every single move and everytihng we do gets recorded remember !

again fireworks or food ?

11-02-2005, 12:49 AM

You've pulled it out way too far, ha! Tell me, did you only open your fast today with water?

I know fireworks will bring huge smiles to all the faces (old and young) on my dead end street. All of them are Muslims too. Bringing a smile to another Muslim's face is great reward too!

11-02-2005, 12:53 AM
eyez_of_mine, I understand your point sister. Charity is so important, especially in ramadan, especially when people are suffering around the world. My argument is simply that I really dislike people saying DON'T DO THIS to one thing, but then doing something similar themselves.

You're argument against fireworks is that the money could go somewhere better, however that doesnt make fireworks haraam, and if you're going to criticise someone for buying fireworks, then you must make sure that every penny you spend is in the sake of Allah and that you don't buy any needlesss purchases. So honestly, ask yourself - have you ever brought a nasheed album? Ever brought a piece of software for your computer? Ever rented a movie? Ever brought a novel or fictional book to read? Ever brought fast food (from a halal place obviously, lol) instead of going home to eat? In fact have you ever eaten out while there was food still in your home? Unless the answer to all of these and similar is NO, then it's not right to criticise someone for buying fireworks using that argument.

Also, the fireworks I brought are going to entertain children on Eid? Are you saying there is no reward for me in that?

Encourage people to give charity, alhamdulillah, thats a really good thing. However, using your argument, why are you online right now? Turn off your PC and send the money saved on electricity to Pakistan.

11-02-2005, 01:03 AM
I opened my fast with orange juice elhamdolelah, but atleast the orange juice is a source of food for the body and needed when you been fasting.

Bringing a smile to the face of a muslim brother or sister who is suffering from hunger and , bringing warmth to them when they have no shelter is far more rewarding and NEEDED than bringing a smile in the form of entertainment.

What you think Allah will smile more at, you kindness to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless of your need for entertainment in the form of fireworks.

I think the answer is pretty obvious. And Im not pulling out anything to far, its a fact , you think these people are not suffereing , the less people do, the more they will suffer.

11-02-2005, 01:03 AM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

were all not perfect m8.if u want to go ahead and do fireworks to entertain the kids you go ahead and do it.

as i said in previous post.but then again am mot a scholar to lecture u


11-02-2005, 01:10 AM

I don't know what Allah will love more, but there's nothing that can be said about which act He'll love more. Allah Himself loves each person differently for the same deed. Go figure.

Why are you still online? Get off the computer, and save some electricity. You could spend that money on those children, than on electricity.

11-02-2005, 01:11 AM
So honestly, ask yourself - have you ever brought a nasheed album? Ever brought a piece of software for your computer? Ever rented a movie? Ever brought a novel or fictional book to read? Ever brought fast food (from a halal place obviously, lol) instead of going home to eat? In fact have you ever eaten out while there was food still in your home? Unless the answer to all of these and similar is NO, then it's not right to criticise someone for buying fireworks using that argument.
Can you swear by Allah that you havent ever engaged in any of these of activities? Don't think I don't care about the suffering ummah, however quoting sad stories and making criticisms like these without being pure of them is very close to being hyprocritical.

I remember reading a story in a book about a father whose child loved sweets, but the father could not always afford to buy them. So he went to the local imam and asked him if he could tell the child to stop eating sweets. The imam refused and told the man to come back in a month. When the man returned he then told the child to give up sweets, and the child obeyed. The reason the imam delayed this was because he himself enjoyed sweets, and used the month to give up sweets himself before asking the child too.

In the same way sis, if you want to tell people to cut out all unneccsary things out of their life, then make sure you are the first to do it.

PS: Which shampoo do you use?

11-02-2005, 01:11 AM
No where did I say fireworks are Haram , as I do not know if they are Haram.

But I would say right now the situation in Pakistan for example is so dire and desperate that really we need everyone to give , give and then give some more.

so yes personally I have given and given and GIVEN and I will keep giving to them, since that has happened I have not brought anything frivolous, and lets keep it in context, Im talking frivolous here , not needed things like food and items like general needed clothing, electricity ect ect, things already in your home , unless u dont use it.

Example I actually brought windows XP upgrade for my pc, I thought after this is mad, I can live without this let me take tihs back to the shop and send the money to pakistn instead, so I did.
I avoided buying anything NOT NEEDED, I cannot justify wasting money on frivulous things like fireworks, pc software ect.

the thing is Imagine u are in their situation and for grace of allah u are not, but if you was , how will you feel to think muslim brothers and sisters rather buy fireworks than feed you ?

I cant see how you can justify wasting money on fireworks .

11-02-2005, 01:13 AM

Ha Azim, quit it already.

I think a little thinking time is needed now. Time to recollect the thoughts and see if what was being said, is making sense.

11-02-2005, 01:16 AM
paid £50 m8 online to muslimhand so i gaining some rewards as we speak:statisfie

Why are you still online? Get off the computer, and save some electricity. You could spend that money on those children, than on electricity

as i have said if u want to entertain the kids at eid.u go ahead and do it...we are not stopping you...

11-02-2005, 01:18 AM
And I guess you think spending £110 on a pair of nikes will be fine now you pledged your £50.

I know jews with bigger pockets than you brothers .

11-02-2005, 01:26 AM
eye_of_mine - I never said you said fireworks were haram :S

Also, please don't be offended, I'm not trying to do that. You're point is valid, brothers and sisters around the world (not just in Pakistan) need our support. Theres no point in quoting examples of buying XP sis, that just gets into the realm of 'holier than thou', the reason I'm even arguing my point is because theres this culture of criticism within Islam among muslims that I believe should stop. If you would rather send your money to Pakistan than buy fireworks, alhamdulillah, go ahead. Yet I think it's not right to criticise someone else for buying fireworks simply because you yourself would not make the same purchase. Also, can you imagine the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) making such criticisms? It's really not within the character of a muslim to act in such a way. Encourage the good and stop the bad - that is the character of a muslim, theres no - criticise the neautral there. Sister, I can also quite safely make the asumption that one day, you will buy something not needed. Can you guarentee you wont? On that day, you'll become a hyprocrite for that action. It's not really the whole firework debate I'm getting into here, but the principal behind it.


11-02-2005, 01:27 AM

Ok, I have searched and searched, and no Scholar (I have found) says buying fireworks is Haraam. They do note that it can lead to wasting of money, nothing else. It is disliked (Mukrooh), only.

Now it's down to the person I guess. If they feel buying fireworks is Haraam, then lo behold. But to back their opinion saying it is a waste of money, is some what silly. A self evaluation at present would be greatly advised.

I guess this sums it up?

11-02-2005, 01:34 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by eyes_of_mine
And I guess you think spending £110 on a pair of nikes will be fine now you pledged your £50.

I know jews with bigger pockets than you brothers .
Sis, this is getting out of control now. First, that brother was on the same side as you. Second, do you know he spent £110 on Nikes? Why throw around accusations, baseless accusations (LIES!!!) like that?

Third, don't make jokes like that about Jews. YOUR actions and YOUR words are the basis a non-muslim has in determining what Islam is - I met someone once who thought hating Jews was a staple belief in Islam - theres no need for that.

Fourth, and finally, do you know how much I gave to charity? Do you know how much montayuk has given to charity (in total)? Do you know how these 'brothers' have given to charity? No, don't make claims and insults like that.

This is really out of hand, irresponsible and has become very unIslamic. A debate is fine, but insults are the trademark of khaffirs, not muslims. I'm not gonna post on this topic anymore. Wish you all the best.


11-02-2005, 01:36 AM
blah blah silly boys.
The thread is called are fireworks ok, I gave my opinions on why its not OK to waste money on them, when you can go see the for free at your local park.

SOMEONE mentioned will you still buy computer software , I told I did not, in the hope it would encourage others to give , not to give the holier than holy preaching.

So, yalla go and buy your fireworks, Im guessing you about 16 anyways so Its futile wasting my breath on kids, coz kids will be kids.

11-02-2005, 01:36 AM
brother 350z u go and entertain your family just enjoy your eid.do some fireworks if it makes you happy

eid mubarak 2 u :smile:

11-02-2005, 01:39 AM

Ha, what a finale. Someone obviously got confused with what they were saying.

Montoya, Eid Mubarak to you too dude.

11-02-2005, 01:39 AM
sister it does not matter if i gave £50 even if i gave £1 its the thought that counts.insallah allah (swt) will reward me for it:statisfie

11-02-2005, 01:43 AM
PHP Code:
QUOTE=azim;103782]Sisthis is getting out of control nowFirstthat brother was on the same side as youSecond, do you know he spent £110 on NikesWhy throw around accusationsbaseless accusations (LIES!!!) like that
I said I bet , yani BET that he would think noting of buying nikes now, it was an example,

PHP Code:
Thirddon't make jokes like that about Jews. YOUR actions a nd YOUR words are the basis a non-muslim has in determining what Islam is - I met someone once who thought hating Jews was a  staple belief in Islam - theres no need for that. 
I do not hate jews, but jews are well known for being stingy, yes abit of a generalisation but an extrmely true one, so I stated a fact, so therefore you are wrong brother.

PHP Code:
Fourth, and finally, do you know how much I gave to charity? Do you know how much montayuk has given to charity (in total)? Do you know how these 'brothers' have given to charityNodon't make claims and insults like that. 
I have no idea , but my feeling tells me you could be giving more by the attitude you have:rolleyes: Have a touched a nerve ? why so defensive ?
why dont you share with us what you have given its encouraged to compete on giving to chairty.

PHP Code:
This is really out of handirresponsible and has become very unIslamicA debate is finebut insults are the trademark of khaffirsnot muslimsI'm not gonna post on this topic anymore. Wish you  all the best. 

Your out of hand, and getting a bit carried away just coz I was pushing you tight lot to give more, and Im where have I insulted you as you insinute to me in your next breath that Im a kaffur lol again ! 4th time now !

well it seems when I point things out some of you get jumped up, and if anyone of you think you can shut me upby using that ohh your talking like a kaffur line , plz think of sometihng new or otherwise learn how to debate.
lol what funny upperty brothers.:eek:

11-02-2005, 01:45 AM
as ramadan is coming to an end.. eid mubarak 2 u all
forgive me if i said anything to anyone to upset them:thankyou:

11-02-2005, 01:46 AM

The only person who's getting a few nerves touched is the one calling all the names. Childish, wouldn't you say?

11-02-2005, 01:46 AM
never be proud of how much you gave sis allah(swt) does not like that

11-02-2005, 01:47 AM
how old are u sis 13 should be your bedtime:phew

11-02-2005, 01:48 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by montoyauk
sister it does not matter if i gave £50 even if i gave £1 its the thought that counts.insallah allah (swt) will reward me for it:statisfie

Absolutly right, its the thought that counts and if you hold back what you have spare i.e money for frivulous fireworks lol then I guess its that thought that counts aswell.

What Im trying to say , without spoiling your fireworks partys is this, you may well of given £50, so does this mean you can waste the rest of what you have spare ?

I certainly dont tell anyone what to do, Its merely a thought I wish you poner on, just imagine yourself in their sitituatiion , they will want you to do ALL you can, so atleast try to do ALL you can.

11-02-2005, 01:49 AM
proudness is one thing allah(swt) hates the most.it does not matter if u gave more.

11-02-2005, 01:52 AM
LOL Im 33 guys !
so listen to words of wisdom huh ?

Im not proud of giving money, I wish allah accept if from me and he is pleased by it thats all.
And as I said before there is nothing wrong in saying or giving an example of givng to chairty or a way in which you gave to chairty if its to encourage others, and Allah knows my intentions , and Im not worried that anyone will percieve my intentions otherwise.

If I said I did a 20 miles walk with a bucket collecting moeny for the needy is this showing off >?

11-02-2005, 01:57 AM

Brothers and sisters please stick to the topic and refrain from posting useless post. JazzakAllah khair

11-02-2005, 01:58 AM
i rest my case sis:happy:
just want to say allah (swt) accepts all the money all(brothers and sisters)have given.and that we will all be rewarded for it in the life here after

11-02-2005, 02:16 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by montoyauk
i rest my case sis:happy:
just want to say allah (swt) accepts all the money all(brothers and sisters)have given.and that we will all be rewarded for it in the life here after
No, you say May ALLAH accept it, do not assume he will .:loving:
And may he reward you for your chairty, again do not assume you will be rewarded, rather hope you will be.
Now you can rest your case:peace:

11-02-2005, 11:20 AM
format_quote Originally Posted by eyes_of_mine
And they are a waste of money.

bonfire night/ 5th nov is about guy fawkes , the man who tryed to blow up parliment and his plan was foiled (drat)
It certainly was a GRAND plot he had in mind, to blow the whole of parliment up, almost on line with the twin towers I'd say.

And yet every year tons of brit celebrate this man, how ?
By lighting fireworks, setting them off (as guy fawkes was going to use gun powder to blow up parliment) I mean lol this is actually glorifying ettroism if you think about it, all those 5th nov celebraters better watch out , what with the new terroism laws.

Really you think tony blair will discourage this event in light of his recent views.

no offence, but what are you talking about????

11-02-2005, 02:58 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by azim
I'm not an Islamic scholar but this fireworks have never come up in any question or book I've ever read.

Fireworks are a form of entertainment - which is mubah.

Also, what about using fireworks on Eid? I recall a hadith (I'll find the reference tomorrow inshallah) where the Prophet (pbuh) said: -

"Entertain yourselves. For I would hate for people to think there is harshness in your religion"
YES! I am so gonna get some sparklers, one of those catherine wheels, and the hugest flippin' rocket you have ever SEEN! Horses will run in fear as booms pierce the night air. Dogs will cower from the righteous thunder. People will look up in the sky and exclaim: 'Now I know what carpet bombing feels like'

(note: this post is on-topic, despite appearances. I've never heard anyone ever call fireworks haraam)

11-02-2005, 09:59 PM
format_quote Originally Posted by Ummah

no offence, but what are you talking about????

Wa Alykum Salam
Talking about the history behind fireworks ,Nov 5th ect.
yes .....no ???????:hmm:

Finally again, I have no idea if fireworks are haram, but for sure they are a waste of money:happy1:

11-02-2005, 10:00 PM
i fink they are iswekl i heard cuz its gumpowder or summon like that

06-25-2017, 09:26 PM
I don't think fireworks are haraam. All this stuff about wasting money and giving charity is annoying me. We spend money on other 'stupid' stuff like nice clothes, gifts and make up on eid- so why are fireworks an exception? Islam isn't that strict is it- to completely ban everything that has a bit of fun in it? I think fireworks are allowed- it's only a bit of fun- that's what Eid is for, celebrating and Ramadan was the month where u had to give charity and all that. Now Ramadan is finished and all ur hard work is done too- u deserve a little bit of fun right?

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