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Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

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    Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

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    Az-Zakah - The Obligatory Charity
    by Shaykh Abû Bakr Jâbir al-Jaza'iry

    Legal Ruling

    Allah has obligated Zakah upon every Muslim who possesses a minimum amount of wealth, according to some conditions. Allah made Zakah obligatory in His Book by His statement;

    Take from their wealth Sadaqah in order to purify them and sanctify them with it. [9:103]
    And His statement: O you who believe! Spend from the good things which you have (legally) earned, and of that which We have produced from the earth for you. (2:267)
    And His statement: And establish the prayer (Salah) and pay the obligatory charity (Zakah). (73:20)

    Zakah was also made obligatory by the statement of the Messenger saws: lslam was built upon five (pillars): The testimony that none has the right to be worshipped hut Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the establishment of the prayer (Salah), paying the obligatory charity (Zakah), pilgrimage to the House (Hajj to the Ka’bah in Makkah) and fasting (the month of) Ramadhan.) (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

    And his statement: I was commanded to fight the people until they testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establish the prayer and pay the obligatory charity (Zakah) If they do that, then they have protected their blood and wealth from me, except according to the right of Islam, and their reckoning is with Allah . (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

    And his statement in advising Mu’adh when he sent him to Yemen: Verily you are going to a people who are People of the Scripture, so invite them to the testimony that there is none worthy of worship but Allah and I (Muhammad saws ) am the Messenger of Allah. If they obey you in that, inform them that Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, has obligated them to (pray) five prayers every day and night. If they obey you, then inform them that He has obligated them to give charity from their wealth that is to be taken from their wealthy and given to their poor. If they obey you in that, then stay away from (taking) the best of their wealth. And beware of the supplication of the oppressed person, for verily there is no veil between it and Allah. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

    It’s Wisdom

    The following are some of the points derived from the wisdom of legislating Zakah:
    Purification of the human soul from the vices of stinginess, greed, covetousness and lustfulness.

    Comforting the poor and fulfilling the needs of the needy, distraught and deprived people.

    Establishing comprehensive benefits that the life of the Muslim community (Ummah) and its happiness depend upon.

    Limiting the inflation of wealth among the wealthy, and at the hands of the businessmen and merchants. This is so that the wealth will not be restricted solely to one limited group of people, nor controlled by only the wealthy.

    The Ruling of One Who Refuses to Pay Zakah

    Whoever refuses to pay Zakah, while denying its obligation, has disbelieved. Whoever refuses to pay Zakah due to stinginess, while affirming its obligation, has committed a sin. In this case Zakah is taken from such a person by force and he is also given some disciplinary punishment. If he fights in refusing to give it, he is fought until he submits to the command of Allah and pays Zakah. This is due to Allah the Almighty’s statement: So if they repent, establish the prayer and give Zakah then they are your brethren in religion. (9:11)

    This is also due to the Prophet’s statement: I was commanded to fight the people until they teshfy that none has right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, establish the prayer and pay Zakah. If they do this, then they have protected their blood and wealth from me, except by the right of Islam, and their reckoning is with Allah. (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

    Likewise, concerning fighting those who refused to pay Zakah, Abu Bakr As-Siddiq said: “By Allah, if they refuse to give me (of Zakah) a young she-goat that they used to give to Allah’s Messenger …. I will fight them for it.” (Al-Bukhari)

    In this situation the Companions agreed with him (Abu Bakr) about this, so there was a consensus among them.

    Taken from the book Minhaj Al-Muslim vol.2, published by Dar-us-Salam Publications
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    Re: Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

    This is a month when Muslims across the world join in unity to perform prayers and fasting. No doubt you will agree that we must also unite to help all the poor and suffering throughout the world. Zakat Al-Maal is the third pillar of Islam and is a mandatory payment required of every Muslim who meets the requirements for paying it. It testifies to the genuineness of a Muslim’s faith. In the Holy Qur’an, Allah (swt) says, "Those who establish prayers and spend from that which we have bestowed upon them, these are the true believers. They will have [lofty] grades of honor with their Lord, and forgiveness, and a generous provision." [8:3-4]

    In addition to helping the weak and downtrodden, Zakat also serves to purify the soul and bless the wealth. It also strives to eliminate envy and greed as well as improve an individual’s social spirit, as the Prophet (PBUH) said, “Charity extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire.” [Ahmed: Muadh 21116]

    Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wa-sallam) said: "Pay the Zakaat so that your Islam becomes complete." [Al-Bazzar]. And Quran says: "Give them something yourselves out of the means which Allah has given you." [Soorah an-Noor (24): 33]

    Bear in mind as well that thousands of needy people have been waiting the whole year for this moment. Your Zakat will truly make a difference.

    helpiy2 - Zakah - The Obligatory Charity
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    Re: Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

    zakahalmaaldg2 - Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

    LIFE for Relief and Development is privileged to be the bridge between the givers and receivers of Zakat. For over 15 years, LIFE has offered the service of accepting and distributing Zakat, and makes sure to distribute it to its lawful and deserving recipients, as described in the Holy Qur’an.

    Ramadan Mubarak!

    24961 - Zakah - The Obligatory Charity
    Call us toll-free to donate or for any questions.

    Zakat calculator here (http://www.islamicity.com/mosque/zak...lculator.shtml)

    Other Islamic Relief organizations:






    Islamic Help has made arrangements that will get your Sadaqah, Zakah and Fitrana to those most in need of help.Islamic Help also has provisions to deal with Kafara (broken fasts), Fidya (if you are unable to fast) and Fitrana (click here for definition).

    Ramadan big banner2 - Zakah - The Obligatory Charity
    Last edited by islamirama; 09-20-2008 at 09:34 PM.
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    Re: Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

    Poor & Needy in Islam

    Charity in Islam is more than merely giving money, food and clothing to the poor and needy. It is a great act of worship.

    When a Muslim gives charity, his or her main reason is to please Allah and seek His reward. A true Muslim would never help the poor so that others can see what a good person he or she is.

    By seeking Allah’s pleasure, a Muslim is taking this act of charity beyond human recognition and humbling himself before Allah.

    There are many aspects to alms-giving in Islam.

    • Zakat – this is the compulsory charity that all Muslims must pay based on the wealth they possess at the time of payment. In Surah At-Tauba, verse 103 of the Quran, Allah says: “Take alms from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it.” The minimum amount to pay is roughly two and a half per cent of the wealth you possess.

    • In secret – it is better to give charity in secret because you can then be sure that your intention is solely for Allah’s pleasure. Giving in public is fine as long as you do not do it to impress people. Abu Hureira reported that the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said that one of the seven types of people who are given shade on the Day of Judgment are those who give charity “so secretly that their left hand do not know what his right hand has given (nobody knows how much he has given in charity).”

    • Clean money – charity should be given with money that is earned in a halal (permissible) manner, i.e. not involving gambling, alcohol etc.

    • Rewards – if you sacrifice some of your wealth for the sake of Allah, you can be sure that Allah will multiply your reward, either in this world or in the afterlife.


    Some Hadith:

    "He who gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will receive the same reward as him except that nothing will be reduced form the fasting person's rewards."

    'Cure your sick people with Sadaqa (i.e. charity)!'

    “Verily, charity appeases the wrath of Allah and eases the suffering of death.”

    “When a person dies, his actions come to an end except in respect to three things that he leaves behind: a continuous charity, beneficial knowledge that helps others, and righteous children who pray for him.”

    A’ishah reported: “Once a man said to the prophet S.A.S,’My mother suddenly died, and I believe that, she lived longer, she would have given something is charity. Would she receive reward if I were to give charity on her behalf?’ At that, the prophet S.A.S replied, “Yes! You should give something in charity on her behalf.”

    Quran says about the righteous:

    "They give food, out of love for Him (Allah), to the poor, the orphan, and the slave, saying: We feed you only for Allah's pleasure - we desire from you neither reward nor thanks." (76:8,9)

    'Who is he that will loan to Allah a beautiful loan which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply it many times?' (2: 245).

    'O ye who believe, spend from what you (lawfully) earned' (2: 267)

    'By no means shall you attain righteousness unless you give (freely as a charity) from that which you love; and whatever you spend Allah knows it well.' (3: 92)


    Which charity organization?

    Following questions were asked from Islamic Charity organizations listed below, Inshallah use the results to help you decided whom to donate to this Ramadan also visit their sites to see what regions they support and help.

    How much of the donation money is used for organization expenses (admin expenses, bills, salary, overhead, etc)?
    How much of the donation money is given to 3rd parties (that move money around for you for a small fee)?
    How much of the donation money actually gets to those in need?


    Life USA - www.lifeusa.org

    Thank you very much for taking the time to contact us. To answer your question Shariaan we are allowed to take up to 12.5%., but our organization takes between 9-10 % only, which includes the third party you mentioned below, and the rest of the 90-91% goes to the those in need.

    Jazak Allahu Khairan and I hope that I have answered your questions

    Noor Abdulla
    Administrative Assistant


    Hidaya Foundation - www.hidaya.org

    How much of the donation money is used for organization expenses (admin expeneses, bills, salary, etc)?
    Kindly review our last years financials for detail Overhead is approximately under 6%.

    How much of the donation money is given to 3rd parties (that move money around for you for a small cut)?
    None what so ever.

    How much of the donation money actually gets to those in need?
    Over 94% as little less than 6% is overhead. Should you have more questions, kindly feel free to write or call at 408 244-3282 or toll free 866 244-3292
    Waseem Baloch


    Helping Hand for Relief & Development - www.helpinghandonline.org

    How much of the donation money is used for organization expenses (admin expeneses, bills, salary, etc)?
    Maximum of 7% adminitrative expenses.
    Maximum 8% on other related expens

    How much of the donation money actually gets to those in need?
    More than 85% goes to the relief program to help the needy
    Nuzhat Jawed


    Islamic Relief - http://www.irw.org/

    Thank you for your email and your interest in Islamic Relief. Our overhead costs for the year 2005 were just under 6%. Our low overhead costs are the reason we have received a four-star rating from Charity Navigator (their highest rating), an organization that independently rates charities based on their financial records and overall health. Please visit them at www.charitynavigator.org and feel free to visit our website: www.irw.org. We will have our 2006 annual report up shortly with the launch of our newly designed website. If you need further assistance you can reach us at our Toll-free number below.

    JazakAllah khair!

    Yousef Ghalib
    Front Desk Administrator
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    Re: Zakah - The Obligatory Charity


    What is the ruling on using zakaah monies to finish building a masjid that is almost completed, and its construction may be halted (due to lack of funding)?


    What is well-known to the scholars, and it is the position of the vast majority of them, so it can be considered like ijmaa' (a scholarly consensus) of the scholars of the early pious predecessors, is that zakaah is not to be used for building masaajid, buying books, or the likes. It may only be distributed to the eight kinds of recipients that are mentioned in the verse in Soorah at-Towbah (Aayah 60), and they are:
    1. the fuqaraa. (those who are extremely poor);
    2. the masaakeen (the poor and needy);
    3. those who work in distributing it (the zakaah);
    4. those whose hearts are inclined towards Islaam;
    5. freeing slaves;
    6. paying debts;
    7. in the way of Allaah; and
    8. the traveler who is in need.

    And the phrase {in the way of Allaah} means jihaad specifically.
    This is what is known to the people of knowledge, and the building of masaajid is not mentioned here, nor is the building of schools or roadways, nor their likes. And Allaah is the One who grants success.

    Shaykh Ibn Baaz -Fataawa al-Mar.aMajmoo' Fataawaa wa Maqaalaat Mutanawwi'ah - Volume 14, Page 294 - source: fatwa-online.com
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    Re: Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

    JazakAllahu Khayran for the beneficial posts bro!
    Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

    s a b r
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    sirajstc's Avatar Full Member
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    Re: Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

    jazakalla kahair brother
    Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

    25u5j13 1 - Zakah - The Obligatory Charity

    سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ - SubhanAllah (Glory be to Allah)
    Whoever recites [the above] one Hundred times, a thousand good deeds are recorded for him or a thousand bad deeds are wiped away.Sahih Muslim; #4:2073.
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