Dear members,

I recommend increasing sadaqah/sadaqah jariya/sacrifice and other welfere projects.

Donations too.

You know probably that sahabi often donated even hundrads of camels, sheep, gold etc.

Many muslims and non muslims starve to death from famine and thirst, not to say the quality of life.

Some online sites:

Please help in your local community too.

Just as a reminder, on the sites there is often an option to choose zakah.

There is on some sites an option to give away as a gift, not sadaqah/zakah.

In Islam there us also place for gifts.
Example of Bukhari hadith:

In Turkey for example there is common to give to neighbors cooked food or in Bosnia more common barbeque as a gift, not sadaqah.
Another hadith:

Also, you can give sadaqah/zakah only to ones that fall under, I think 7 categories of zakah.
There are 8:

Gifts can be given to every Muslim and it is maybe more respectful.
Sadly, in Bosnia imams are paid from zakah/sadaqah.